Gilmore Community School Newsletter April 2015 Principal: Mr. D. Taylor - Head Teacher: Mr. J. Dosanjh - Community School Coordinator: Mr. L. Ryan Principal’s Message - Mr. D. Taylor Little Seeds by Else Holmelund Minarik Little seeds we sow in spring growing while the robins sing, give us carrots, peas and beans, tomatoes, pumpkins, squash and greens. And we pick them, one and all, through the summer, through the fall, Winter comes, then spring, and then little seeds we sow again. Dear Parents, As a team, parents and teachers are the ‘sowers’ of seeds in that what we plant in children now determine what they become later in life. Our influence is huge even though it is sometimes difficult to measure on a daily basis. Helping children form their own sense of identity is so crucial. As parents, this is at times a contradictory process. We want to protect and nurture and support our children in every way but we also constantly promote and foster independence and individuality. Kids have a real need to fit in. Peer influence is a very powerful force and it is the underlying factor in almost every positive and negative experience that children have in the social arena of school. The strength of self is something we are constantly fostering as educators and parents alike. It is the most important tool that young people need as they grow and mature in their interactions in the world. The little things we say and do may seem like small seeds that are hard to measure every day but the impact they have is huge. Remember, from acorns do mighty oaks grow. Gilmore Staff were treated to a wonderful appreciation lunch on Friday, March 27. We want to say Thank You So Much to all of our Gilmore Families, especially Kim Ovsenek, Co-Chair of the GCSC, for putting together a wonderful feast for all the staff to enjoy! THINKING OF MOVING ? If you are planning to enroll your children at a different school next year, please let the office know as soon as possible. It makes planning for next year much easier if we have this information early. Gilmore Community School 50 South Gilmore Ave, Burnaby, BC 604-664-8703 School Admin Secretary: Ms. T. Tilgner Community Office Assistant: Mrs. M. Dahl Natalie W. Div 10 Principella for a Day Job Well Done! School News THE BATTLE OF BOOKS HAS BEGUN! TRACK SEASON IS HERE! Gilmore Community School is getting ready to RUN! All Grade 4 – 7 students are invited to participate in Gilmore Community’s Track Team. Practices are every Wednesday morning at 8:15am. Students are to see Mr. Forman if they are interested. The Grade 6 and 7’s have been placed in their reading teams and each student has the first of the ten books that they will be reading. We are strongly encouraging all students to read all 10 of the books. GO GILMORE READERS GO!! Gilmore Community School Council (GCSC) News GILMORE COMMUNITY SCHOOL HONOURS OUR COMMUNITY SENIORS AT THE ANNUAL FRIENDSHIP TEA Friday, May 8, 2015 1:00—3:00 pm One of our most popular events is coming up quickly! If you know of any Gilmore Community Grandparents, neighbours or friends who wish to attend the tea and would like to be on our Friendship Tea Invitation List please phone Mrs. Dahl at 604 664-8707 or e-mail We will need your assistance with decorating, set up and other preparations to make this event a success. GILMORE YEARBOOK COVER CONTEST Gilmore families are invited to enter the first ever Gilmore Yearbook Cover Contest. Cover should be based on the theme "Teamwork Makes the Dream Work" One entry per student. The entry must be on an 8.5`` x 11`` paper (text needs to at least 1/2" in from the edge, this is to prevent cut off during printing). The school name must be included in the design. The cover can be hand drawn or computer generated and in either black & white or color. Please submit all entries to the Community Office. Deadline for entries is: April 10, 2015 NEXT GILMORE COMMUNITY COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, April 21, 2015 6:30pm @ Gilmore Library GILMORE YEARBOOK COMMITTEE WANTS YOUR PHOTOS! Please send any photos of fieldtrips, or fun events you have taken in and around the school since September, to SUNFEST SUMMER CAMP T-SHIRT DESIGN CONTEST Ist Prize is a FREE week at SunFest Summer Camp ($130 value) 2nd Prize is a $25 Chapters gift cart 3rd Prize is a Camp T-Shirt Submit artwork to Gilmore Community Office by FRIDAY, APRIL 17 @ 4PM Single colour artwork on white, letter size paper. Must say “SunFest 2015”. Include artists name and contact information on the back. Gilmore Community School Council (GCSC) News GILMORE COUNTRY CARNIVAL FRIDAY, MAY 22, 2015 4:00 – 9:00 On Friday May 22, 2015, Gilmore Community School will be hosting its 10th Spring Carnival from 4:00-9:00pm. This event is open to the whole community and is widely publicized with an anticipated over 1500 people attending. In the past we were able to raise over $22,000 to purchase new equipment for our school. This year, funds raised will be used to improve the schools Literacy Resources. We hope we can surpass this accomplishment with another successful event. There are lots of fun activities planned such as a petting zoo, pony rides, BBQ, Candy Avenue, Lemonade Stand, bouncy castles, a photo booth, carnival games, face painting, arts and crafts and much, much more! IT’S A RAFFLE!! The Gilmore Country Carnival is looking for raffle prizes. Do you or someone you know own a business that would be interested in donating a prize to the Carnival Raffle? Is your uncle, neighbor or best friend work for a company interested in donating a prize? We are currently looking for electronics, gift certificates (restaurants, coffee shops, retail outlets etc), sporting memorabilia or anything else you can obtain! IMPORTANT!!!!! The Gilmore Country Carnival Needs your HELP!!!! The success of our event and fundraising efforts depends on the generosity of merchants, businesses and individuals. As part of the Carnival we are looking for business or individuals who are interested in sponsoring a carnival station such as a game, bouncy castle or pony rides. We encourage all Gilmore parents to patronize all of our supporters. Please see the school website for a sponsorship request form that lists all advertising options. If you have any further questions or concerns or have something that you can help us with, please contact Suzanne Sachinidis or Donna Sachinidis by email at or 604-790-0301. In anticipation of your positive response, we thank you for your support. Community News Continued BURNABY CAMPING BUREAU The Burnaby Camping Bureau provides subsidies for Burnaby children with low income the opportunity to attend the summer camp of their choice. Along with their maximum subsidy of $175.00, they have partnerships with camps that match their dollars, allowing children the opportunity to attend a camp their families otherwise wouldn’t be able to afford. The Camping Bureau needs following items when people are registering: 1. C-Print ( 1-800-959-8281 Press* to speak with an operator ) 2. Proof of Address 3. Childs care card or birth certificate or child tax benefit statement Registration begins May 5th. Families may phone beginning April 1st to book appointments. Please call either 604-299-5778 or 604-292-3902. To qualify you must be a resident of Burnaby, have children aged between 5 and 16 years, and are low income but are NOT receiving income assistance*. *If you are on income assistance, please apply for the Camp Fees program through the Ministry of Social Development. iGirl. A place where young, modern girls can learn the ropes. Move over, Barbies and Polly Pockets, it’s time for Sexting, Snapchat, low tops and high skirts. Parents, take a minute here and catch your breath. Ready? Good. iGirl is a straight-to-the-point, lighthearted, two day workshop that prepares 9–12 year old girls for the multimedia pressure-cooker they’ll soon encounter. Knowledge is power and this workshop, created by Saleema Noon B.A. M.A., will give your daughter the power to make smart decisions and to successfully navigate the changes galloping into her young life. In a style that’s relevant to preteens, Saleema and her team take the role of big sister, tackling topics like what to expect from puberty, safety on the Internet, understanding what makes a healthy body image, and how to be assertive in even the toughest situations. Join us April 18 and 19, 2015 at Cliff Avenue Clubhouse, 6159 Curtis St. Burnaby. Go to for more information or to register. Forms are also available at the Community Office. VANCOUVER SPORTS CLUB Basketball Skills Academy Sessions @ Gilmore If you are interested in donating to the Burnaby Camping Bureau this summer, $175 will provide a subsidy to Location: Gilmore Elementary help a child attend a summer camp of their choice. Visit Days: Tuesdays Time: 5:30pm-6:30pm Grades 2-4 / for more information. 6:30pm-7:30pm Grades 5-7 Duration: 10 Weeks -- April 20 - June 22, 2015 Cost: $150.00 (includes t-shirt) Register: Community News Continued Red Cross Babysitting! WHERE: Gilmore Community School WHO: Grade 6+ WHEN: Monday, April 27, 2015 (it’s a PRO-D) TIME: 8:30am – 3:30pm COST: $60 + $3GST = $63.00 TOTAL, Register Online and SAVE $5! Mail Fee: $65 + $2.35 GST = $68.25 TOTAL HOW TO SIGN UP: Check babysitting.html under Gilmore to ensure there is space available. If it says Online Registration Form, then a spot is available. You can also register by mail. Details and forms available at the Community Office. For more information contact Marla 778-322-7442 or MAGIC SHOW AT MONTECITO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Friday, May 8th. Performance starts at 6:30 pm. See Canada’s outstanding illusionist JOHN KAPLAN. Tickets on sale now. Visit for more information. NORTH BURNABY MOTHERGOOSE SPRING SESSION Mondays, April 20-June 15, 2015, 1-2pm at Burnaby Pacific Grace Church. Free for parents and children (aged 0-18 months). Enjoy an hour of songs, rhymes, and stories with your child. Learn new ways to cope and meet other parents. Contact or call 604-298-8277 to register. Hudson’s Bay GIVING DAY APRIL 2, 2015 On April 2nd, the Hudson’s Bay is hosting a GIVING DAY. Purchase a $5 ticket from the Burnaby North Neighbourhood House and save 20% off almost all items at Metrotown Center Hudson’s Bay when using your Hudson’s Bay credit card. There will be fashion shows, DJ’s and refreshments. Proceeds from the ticket sales directly benefit the development of the Burnaby North Neighbourhood House. Purchase tickets at the North Burnaby Neighbourhood House, 4463 Hastings Street, Burnaby or by calling 604-294-5444. ALPHA SECONDARY SCHOOL PRESENTS PERSONAL EMERGENCY PREPARDNESS PRESENTATION Monday, April 13 at 7pm in the school library. Join Charmaigne Pflugrath, Emergency Program Coordinator for the City of Burnaby, as she shares information about what you should be prepared for, what you can do to begin becoming more prepared and what you need to be prepared. Presented by the Ecole Alpha PAC. BURNABY NORTH SECONDARY KARING 4 KIDS CLUB PRESENTS A DISNEY-THEMED CARNIVAL Friday, April 24th. This Community event for children aged Kindergarten to Grade 3 will be held in the south gym from 4:30-8:30pm. Entrance is by donation. All proceeds go towards the Make-A-Wish foundation and their goal to Adopt-A-Wish for a child. Community News Continued The District Student Advisory Council cordially invites you to Burnaby’s Got Talent 2015 – our annual district-wide charity event! DSAC is a group of 40 student leaders from across Burnaby who connect with the Board of Education to represent the student voice. Burnaby’s Got Talent, our annual charity event, will be held on Wednesday, April 8th, 2015 at the Michael J. Fox Theatre at 6:30 pm. There’s an endless variety of student talents across our city, ranging from dancing acts, to bands, and much more! There will also be door prizes, a silent auction with generously donated items and concession. Tickets are only $8 for students and $10 for adults and may be purchased at https:// through the School Cash Online system. 100% of your support will go towards fostering the maintenance and growth of Kinbrace. Kinbrace is an incredible local organization dedicated to providing housing, orientation, and education to refugees and new immigrants to Canada. Their work is rooted in building relationships and hospitality and they direct newcomers through the complexities of systems and culture for purposeful integration. They make vastly significant contributions on vulnerable populations around us, and we deeply hope that you will join us in supporting their efforts! To learn more about kinbrace, please visit them at ROYAL SOCCER CLUB SUMMER PROGRAMS The Royal Soccer Club is celebrating its 23rd annual summer soccer day camps. Open to boys and girls aged 5 to 13, we offer 2 locations in Burnaby during July and August. Visit for more details or to register or call 1-800-427-0536. Gilmore Events in Pictures
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