May 2015 - Prairie Spirit Blogs

Where Everyone Succeeds
403 4th Street West, Warman, SK. S0K 4S0
School Phone (306) 933-2066 Fax: (306) 933-4714
School Website:
From Your Administrative Team…
If April showers bring May flowers then what does 30 centimeters of snow bring? Wow! A
surprise indeed but it didn’t take long for students to embrace this wet wonder and enjoy the
interesting mix of snow on the ground and summer temperatures in the air. Deep down I think we
all felt that spring had come just a bit too early. We are into the month of May and already talking
about many yearend activities.
This last Wednesday we were treated to the talents of many of our students at our annual
Fine Arts Night. Many students shared talents in many areas such as music, singing, dance, playing
instruments and also displaying their artwork. It is always such a treat to see the students perform
at this evening. Thanks to all who make this an enjoyable evening through planning, practicing
and participating.
We are looking forward to a Bike Safety Rodeo that will be run by the Warman Fire
Department for all grade 1 to 3 students on Tuesday, May 12. We will send home more
information regarding the time students will spend refreshing their bike knowledge and skills on
that day. If you are able to help out for the day with running one of the bike safety stations please
give Jason Coutts an email at and he will contact you with all the details that
you require.
We want to remind you that we work hard to keep our Warman Elementary School website
up to date so that many of your school related questions can be answered by accessing this
valuable resource. One piece of information currently found on the front page is the information
regarding our upcoming yearbook. If you follow the instructions it is very easy to order your
yearbook online. We will also be sending home a paper order form in the next few days as you
have until May 15 to get your order in. Yearbooks can be personalized with your student’s name
and picture and we are excited to offer these to students and families of Warman Elementary once
again. These will be distributed early in September of next school year.
Our May virtue is Patience and we strive to help all students see how to
live this virtue out in their daily lives and also how this helps contribute to being
a better person.
We look forward to the remainder of the school year and know that
much still needs to be accomplished in the short time we have left. The time
does indeed fly. Hang on!
Your Administrative Team,
Scott Dyck and Orlando Pauls
Dates to Remember
Monday, May 4
Tuesday, May 5
Tuesday, May 12
Monday, May 18
Friday, May 22
Wednesday, May 27
Monday, June 1
Tuesday, June 2
Wednesday, June 3
Friday, June 5
Wednesday, June 24
Friday, June 26
Friday, June 26
Tuesday, September 1
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
9:30 – noon
9:30 – noon
9:00 a.m.
S.C.C. Elections & Annual Meeting
Grade 3 Parent Info Night at W.C.M.S.
Grade 1-3 Bike Rodeo
Victoria Day Holiday. NO SCHOOL
Twin Day. Dress up as twins!
2015/16 Pre-K Information Night
Warman Elementary S.C.C. Meeting
Kindergarten/Grade One Track Morning
Grade 2 and 3 Track Morning
Rodeo/Western Day
Awards Assembly, Family Picnic
Last Day of Classes for Students
Report Cards Handed out to Students
First Day of School Day in the 2015/16 Year
Our school has a website that is updated each school day morning, and during the
day if required. Everyone is encouraged to bookmark and check out the Warman
Elementary School Website regularly. All the information you will need is available there,
such as basic school information, daily WES activities, school hours, policies, milk program,
the link to Prairie Spirit School Division Urban and Rural Busing, newsletters, information
about S.C.C. activities as well as links to classroom blogs.
The school website is not to be confused with the WES School Community Council
Facebook page. Visit their page for the latest School Community Council news at WES
S.C.C Facebook page. Their Facebook page has information on S.C.C. activities, and they
occasionally post notifications taken directly from our school website.
School Community Council Elections
Are you interested in being a part of the School Community Council at Warman
Elementary? Nomination forms are still available at the W.E.S. office as well as on our
school website. Forms must be dropped off before the Monday, May 4th elections
being held at Warman Elementary School at 7:00 p.m. Contact the school principal at
306-933-2066 if you require more information.
Children born in 2011 and 2012 are eligible to apply for a spot in the school’s Pre-Kindergarten
Program for 2015/16. Application forms will be available at the Parent Information Night,
which will be held on Wednesday, May 27th, at 6:00 p.m. Information and forms are now
available on the school website.
It is important for parents to know that children are not chosen on a first come, first serve
basis. After the Monday, June 8th deadline for submitting applications, a committee will
evaluate all of them. Based on a wide range of criteria, the committee will make their choices
for the 32 spots in the program and notify parents as soon as possible of the status of their
The start date for Pre-Kindergarten is Monday, September 14, 2015.
We are having a fantastic year in grade 3! We have grown into such a supportive classroom of learners.
Each student in our class has a blog that all the students share their learning on. You can find our blogs
at or by going to the school’s website. We hope you enjoy reading
each student’s personal blog about their learning in grade 3. April is poetry month. We have been
reading and writing different forms of poems. Many students have posted their poems on their blogs. In
science we have been learning about plants. The students have been noticing buds on the trees as
spring is definitely in the air! In math we are learning about multiplication and division. We like to share
our strategies and try to learn 3 differet ways to solve problems. This week we started practicing for our
assembly. We are looking forward to performing a musical called “Spaced Out” with Mr. Cox’s class on
Friday, May 15th at 2:15pm. We hope to see you there!
What’s Happening in Prekindergarten
Our year in Prekindergarten
has flown by and it is hard to
believe that we only have
two more months of school
left before summer holidays
begin! This past month, we
talked about the signs of
spring and, despite the snow
storm last weekend, are
thrilled that the weather has
warmed up! In the weeks to
come, we look forward to
venturing outside to watch
for birds, examine the new
green grass and buds on
trees, as well as discover
insects such as butterflies,
ladybugs, and ants. In May,
we will talk about our
community of Warman and
have a few surprises planned
for the students! We have a
lot of fun activities to look
forward to!
We Work and We Play in 1 Mansuy
It has been a fantastic year so far in Mansuy
Grade 1! We have grown in so many ways and
the learning growth that each student has
demonstrated has been amazing! There are
24 great kids in our class this year, and we are
lucky to have Ms. Mooney and Ms. Kirkland
help out in our classroom.
We have spent a lot of time this year building our reading skills through our Reader’s Work
Shop time. We have talked about choosing just right books and what our classroom should
look/sound/feel like during workshop time. We have also spent a lot of time this year making
connections to what we are reading, visualizing and how to make good questions to deepen our
understanding of what we are reading.
We have been learning so much in our math too. We spent a lot of time working on building a
very solid understanding of our numbers and how they work together. Each little one in our
room has demonstrated that they are growing in their understanding! Very exciting stuff!
As the weather gets warmer, we will be finishing up our year on a very fast and strong beat!
From our classroom community to your family home, have an amazing spring and enjoy the
beautiful weather!
With the end of the school year only 8 weeks away, we are starting to think about
preparations for the 2015/16 school year. To help us in that planning, we are asking parents or
guardians to contact the school if their children will not be attending Warman Elementary in the
It is important to have an adult contact the school directly as children often do not have adequate
information that is needed for a student’s transition between schools. The information, including
the school that they will be transferring to, can be emailed to or by calling the
school office at 306-933-2066.
It isn’t necessary to contact us if your child is moving on to Grade 4 at Warman Community
Middle School.
Your Child & Cycling
Cycling, for both recreation and
transportation purposes, is a great way to
increase your child’s physical activity!
Getting to ‘bike to school’ is an exciting
time for your child to interact with their
environment and to help grow their
Your child isn’t just a small adult so help
them to have safe cycling practices:
Rules of the Road
 Ride in single file - do not weave
in and out of parked cars
 Ride one to a bike
 Always ride with traffic
 Have a bell on your bike to use
and alert pedestrians that you are
 At busy corners, stop and walk
your bike
 Keep your eyes on the road and
traffic at all times
 Use hand signals to tell others
what you are doing
 Wear brightly coloured clothes
 If you must ride after dark, use a
headlight and red rear reflector
Always wear an approved helmet
Wear your helmet squarely on top
of your head (no more than 2
finger- widths above your
Your helmet should fit snug
You should not be able to take
your helmet off when the chin
strap is done up
You should only be able to put one
finger between your chin and chin
Experience riding on the road together so
the safe cycling behavior is modelled to
them before they venture out on their
own. Have fun!
Be Alert. Be Seen. Be Predictable