International Journal of Solids and Structures 60–61 (2015) 66–74 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect International Journal of Solids and Structures journal homepage: Static deformation of a spherically anisotropic and multilayered magneto-electro-elastic hollow sphere J.Y. Chen a, E. Pan b,⇑, P.R. Heyliger c a School of Mechanical Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, PR China Department of Civil Engineering, University of Akron, OH 44325, USA c Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Colorado State University, CO 80523, USA b a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 2 December 2014 Received in revised form 3 February 2015 Available online 13 February 2015 Keywords: Spherical system of vector functions Propagation matrix method Multiferroics composite Multilayered MEE sphere a b s t r a c t In this paper, we present an analytical solution on the general static deformation of a spherically anisotropic and multilayered magneto-electro-elastic (MEE) hollow sphere. We first express the general solution in each layer in terms of the spherical system of vector functions where two transformations of variables are also proposed to achieve the analytical results. The spherical system of vector functions can be applied to expand any vector as well as scalar function, and it further automatically separates the static deformation into two independent sub-problems: The LM-type and N-type. The LM-type is associated with the spheroidal deformation and is coupled further with the electric and magnetic fields. The N-type is associated with the torsional deformation and is purely elastic and independent of the electric and magnetic fields. To solve the multilayered spherical problem, the propagation matrix method is introduced with the propagation matrix being simply the exponential matrix for each layer. By assuming the continuity conditions on the interface between the adjacent spherical shells, the solution can be simply propagated from the inner surface to the outer surface of the layered and hollow MEE sphere so that specific boundary value problems can be solved. As numerical examples, a three-layered sandwich hollow sphere with different stacking sequences under different boundary conditions is studied. Our results illustrate the influence of the stacking sequences while showing the effectiveness of the proposed method. Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Magneto-electro-elastic (MEE) materials and structures attract many researchers because of their excellent ability of converting energy among the electric, mechanical, and magnetic fields. As such, they have huge potential applications in smart sensors, actuators, filters among others, as reviewed in material community as multiferroics and multiferroic composites (Eerenstein et al., 2006; Nan et al., 2008). In the past two decades, studies of these solids were concentrated primarily on MEE layered plates under both static and dynamic deformation. Pan (2001) and Wang and co-workers (2003) analyzed multilayered MEE rectangular plates under static loadings with the propagation matrix method. In constructing the propagation matrix, they employed the Stroh formalism and the state-space method. Pan and Heyliger (2002) and Chen and co-workers (2007a) investigated the corresponding free vibration ⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 330 972 6739 (O); fax: +1 330 972 6020. E-mail address: (E. Pan). 0020-7683/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. problem in the layered rectangular and multilayered MEE plates. The dispersion relation of wave propagation in multilayered MEE plates with infinite dimensions in the horizontal plane was derived and analyzed by Chen and co-workers (2007b) and Yu and coworkers (2012). More recent studies include guided waves in layered MEE bars with rectangular cross-sections (Yu et al., 2014) and free vibrations in layered plates under more complicated lateral boundary conditions (Chen et al., 2014). Compared to the horizontally layered structure, a layered sphere poses more of a challenge. Ding and Chen (1996) calculated the natural frequencies of an elastic spherically isotropic hollow sphere submerged in a compressible fluid medium. Based on the state-space method and variables separation techniques, Chen and Ding (2001) and Chen and co-workers (2001) investigated, respectively, the free vibration of hollow elastic sphere and the static deformation of multilayered piezoelectric hollow spheres. Heyliger and Wu (1999) derived an analytical solution for the radial deformation of a layered piezoelectric sphere. However, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, the general static deformation of a multilayered MEE hollow sphere with spherical anisotropy has 67 J.Y. Chen et al. / International Journal of Solids and Structures 60–61 (2015) 66–74 not been analyzed so far. Furthermore, our recent studies indicate that a spherical and layered shell structure could be more efficient and powerful than a cylindrical and layered shell in terms of the produced coupling effect between the magnetic and electric fields (under preparation). This absence motivates the present study. This paper is organized as follows: After the introduction, in Section 2, we describe the problem to be solved and present the basic equations in spherical coordinates for the spherically anisotropic MEE material. In Section 3, we introduce the spherical system of vector functions along with its properties. In Section 4, the general solutions in the analytical form for each layer and the propagation matrix in terms of the exponential matrix are derived. Numerical examples are presented in Section 5 and conclusions are drawn in Section 6. where rij, Di and Bi are the stress, electric displacement and magnetic induction, respectively; cij, Ei and Hi are the strain, electric field and magnetic field, respectively; cik, eik and lik are the elastic, dielectric, and magnetic permeability coefficients, respectively; eik and qik are the piezoelectric and piezomagnetic coefficients, respectively; aij are the electromagnetic coefficients. It is noted that an additional relationship c11 = c12 + 2c66 holds for the spherically anisotropic material with the r-axis being the axis of symmetry. In Eq. (1), the strains, electric and magnetic fields are related to the elastic displacement and electric and magnetic potentials by crr ¼ @u@rr ; chh ¼ 1r @u@hh þ urr ; cuu ¼ r sin1 h @u@uu þ urh cot h þ urr h 2crh ¼ @u urh þ 1r @r 2chu ¼ 1r @uu @h Er ¼ @/ ; @r 2. Problem description and basic equations We assume, as shown in Fig. 1, a spherically anisotropic and playered MEE hollow sphere. The ith layer has a radius of ri on its interior interface and ri+1 on its exterior interface. Thus, the inner and outer surface of the layered sphere has, respectively, a radius of r1 and rp+1, and is under suitable boundary conditions which will be presented later. The interface between the adjacent layers is assumed to be perfectly connected. In other words the extended displacements and tractions in r-direction are continuous. Spherical anisotropy means that in the spherical coordinates (r, h, /), the center of the spherical isotropy is coincident with the origin and the symmetry axis of the material is along r-direction. We further mention that only under this assumption of spherical anisotropy, we can derive the analytical solutions as presented in this paper; the general anisotropic case has to be solved numerically. For this general problem, the following equations must be satisfied at every point inside each of the individual layers in terms of the spherical coordinates. The general constitutive relations of the MEE structure with spherical anisotropy are given as follows: rhh ¼ c11 chh þ c12 cuu þ c13 crr e31 Er q31 Hr ; rrh ¼ 2c44 crh e15 Eh q15 Hh ruu ¼ c12 chh þ c11 cuu þ c13 crr e31 Er q31 Hr ; rru ¼ 2c44 cru e15 Eu q15 Hu rrr ¼ c13 chh þ c13 cuu þ c33 crr e33 Er q33 Hr ; rhu ¼ 2c66 chu Dh ¼ 2e15 chr þ e11 Eh þ a11 Hh ; Du ¼ 2e15 cur þ e11 Eu þ a11 Hu Dr ¼ e31 ðchh þ cuu Þ þ e33 crr þ e33 Er þ a33 Hr Bh ¼ 2q15 chr þ a11 Eh þ l11 Hh ; Bu ¼ 2q15 cur þ a11 Eu þ l11 Hu Br ¼ q31 ðchh þ cuu Þ þ q33 crr þ a33 Er þ l33 Hr ð1Þ Hr ¼ uu r @ur @h 1 cot h þ r sin h Eh ¼ 1r @w ; @r 1 2cru ¼ r sin h ; Hh ¼ @/ ; @h @ur @u @uu @r uu r @uh @u ð2Þ 1 Eu ¼ r sin h 1r @w ; @h þ Hu ¼ @/ @u @w 1 r sin h @u where ui (i = r, h, u) are components of elastic displacement, / and w are electric and magnetic potentials. Under static deformation and in the absence of external forces, the equations of equilibrium are written in the following form: @ rrr @r @ rr u rrh 1 þ 1r @@h þ r sin þ 1r ð2rrr rhh ruu þ rrh cot hÞ ¼ 0 h @u @ rrh @r @ rhu rhh 1 þ 1r @@h þ r sin þ 1r ½ðrhh ruu Þ cot h þ 3rrh ¼ 0 h @u @ rr u @r þ 1 @ rhu r @h þ @ ruu 1 r sin h @ u þ 1 ð3 r ð3Þ rru þ 2rhu cot hÞ ¼ 0 Similarly, the static Maxwell equations of the electric and magnetic fields without electric and magnetic sources are given as @Dr 1 @Dh 1 @Du 1 þ þ þ ð2Dr þ Dh cot hÞ ¼ 0 r @h r sin h @ u r @r @Br 1 @Bh 1 @Bu 1 þ þ þ ð2Br þ Bh cot hÞ ¼ 0 r @h r sin h @ u r @r ð4Þ 3. Spherical system of vector functions To solve the problem described in Section 2, we introduce the following spherical system of vector functions (Ulitko, 1979): Lðh; u; n; mÞ ¼ er Sðh; u; n; mÞ @ Mðh; u; n; mÞ ¼ r rS ¼ eh @ h þ eu sinuh Sðh; u; n; mÞ Nðh; u; n; mÞ ¼ r r ðer SÞ ¼ @ ðeh sinuh ð5Þ eu @ h ÞSðh; u; n; mÞ where er, eh, and eu are the unit vectors, respectively, along r-, hand u-directions, and S is a scalar function defined by sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð2n þ 1Þðn mÞ! m Pn ðcos hÞeimu ; Sðh; u; n; mÞ ¼ 4pðn þ mÞ! jmj 6 n and n ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . . ð6Þ Pm n with being the associated Legendre function (Abramovitz and Stegun, 1972). It is noted that the scalar function S satisfies the following Helmholtz equation 1 @ @S 1 @2S þ sin h þ k2 S ¼ 0 2 sin h @h @h sin h @ u2 ð7aÞ or @S2 2 @h Fig. 1. A hollow MEE sphere made of p layers with its inner surface at r1 and outer surface at rp+1. Both surfaces are subjected to suitable extended displacement and traction boundary conditions. þ cot h @S 1 @2S þ þ k2 S ¼ 0 @h sin2 h @ u2 ð7bÞ where k2 = n(n + 1). The following identity for any f(h, u) is also very useful when deriving our solutions 68 J.Y. Chen et al. / International Journal of Solids and Structures 60–61 (2015) 66–74 @ 1 @f cot h @f 1 @2f ¼0 þ @h sin h @ u sin h @ u sin h @h@ u ð8Þ 2chu It is easy to show that the spherical system of vector functions (5) is complete and orthogonal in the following sense. R 2p 0 R 2p 0 R 2p 0 du du du Rp 0 u; n0 ; m0 Þ sin hdh ¼ dnn0 dmm0 Lðh; u; n; mÞ Lðh; Mðh; u; n; mÞ Mðh; u; n0 ; m0 Þ sin hdh ¼ k2 dnn0 dmm0 0 u; n0 ; m0 Þ sin hdh ¼ k2 dnn0 dmm0 Nðh; u; n; mÞ Nðh; 0 Rp Rp ð9Þ where dij are the components of the Kronecker delta and an overbar indicates complex conjugate. 4.1. Expansions of physical quantities in each spherical layer Owing to the orthogonal properties (9), we can expand any vector, such as the elastic displacement u, electric potential / and magnetic potential w, as 1 X n X ½U L ðrÞLðh; uÞ þ U M ðrÞMðh; uÞ þ U N ðrÞNðh; uÞ n¼0 m¼n ( ) # 1 X n X @u @u þ eu U M ðrÞ eh U M ðrÞ@ h þ U N ðrÞ U N ðrÞ@ h þ er U L ðrÞ Sðh; uÞ ¼ sinh sinh n¼0 m¼n /ðr;h; uÞ ¼ 1 X n X UðrÞSðh; uÞ n¼0 m¼n wðr;h; uÞ ¼ 1 X n X ð10Þ For easy presentation, the scalar function S(h, u; n, m) is written as S(h, u) or S later on. For the same reason, the dependence of the expansion coefficients UL, UM, UN, U and W on (n, m) is also omitted. Similarly, the traction vector t, the electric displacement vector D and magnetic induction vector B can be expressed as tðr; h; uÞ rrr er þ rrh eh þ rru eu 1 X n X @S T N @S T M @S @S ¼ er T L S þ eh T M þ TN þ eu @h @ @ @h sin h u sin h u n¼0 m¼n 1 X n X @S DN @S DM @S @S e r DL S þ e h DM þ DN Dðr; h; uÞ ¼ þ eu @h sin h @ u @h sin h @ u n¼0 m¼n 1 X n X @S BN @S BM @S @S Bðr; h; uÞ ¼ er BL S þ eh BM þ BN þ eu @h sin h @ u @h sin h @ u n¼0 m¼n ð11Þ Also in terms of the spherical system of vector functions, the strains, the electric and magnetic fields can be expressed by the coefficients of the elastic displacements and the electric and magnetic potentials cuu ¼ ! UL 1 @2S @ @S UM 2 þ UN Sþ r @h sin h@ u r @h ð12aÞ ! UL 1 UM @2 S @S2 cot h @S U N @S UM Sþ U þ þ N 2 r sin h sin h @ u r @h sin h @ u r @h@ u ð12bÞ 2crh ¼ U L @S @S U 0 @S 1 @S U N @S UM þ U 0M þ N þ @h sin h @ u r @h r sin h @ u r @h Hr ¼ W0 S; 2cru ¼ U 0M U @S r @h Hh ¼ Eu ¼ ; W @S r @h ; U @S r sin h @ u Hu ¼ ð12fÞ W @S r sin h @ u ð12gÞ UL UM T L ¼ 2c13 k2 c13 þ c33 U 0L þ e33 U0 þ q33 W0 r r UL UM U W þ e15 þ q15 T M ¼ c44 þ U 0M r r r r UN 0 T N ¼ c44 U N r UL UM k2 e31 þ e33 U 0L e33 U0 a33 W0 DL ¼ 2e31 r r UL UM BL ¼ 2q31 k2 q31 þ q33 U 0L a33 U0 l33 W0 r r ð13Þ T M 2T L 1 2U L 1 þ ð2c13 U 0L 2e31 U0 2q31 W0 Þ 2 C þ 2 Ck2 U M ¼ 0 r r r r r 3 1 1 UM T 0M þ T M þ ðc13 U 0L þ e31 U0 þ q31 W0 Þ þ 2 CU L þ 2 2c66 ð1 k2 Þ k2 c12 ¼ 0 r r r r 3 1 T 0N þ T N þ 2 U N c66 ð2 k2 Þ ¼ 0 r r e15 1 U M e11 1 a 1 2 D0L k2 U 11 W þ DL ¼ 0 U L þ U 0M r r r e15 r e15 r r U M a11 1 l11 1 2 0 0 2 q15 1 BL k U W þ BL ¼ 0 UL þ UM r r r q15 r q15 r r T 0L k2 ð14Þ where C = c11 + c12. It is obvious from Eqs. (13) and (14) that TN and UN are uncoupled form other variables and that they are purely elastic, meaning that they are independent of the electric and magnetic fields. We call this the N-type problem, which is also associated with the torsional deformation only. The N-type problem satisfies the following set of first-order differential equations " U 0N T 0N # " ¼ 1=r cr662 1=c44 2 ð2 k Þ # UN 3=r ð15Þ TN The remaining part is called LM-type problem, which couples the elastic, electric and magnetic fields together. The deformation in this case is associated with the spheroidal deformation. It is governed by the following set of first-order differential equations R11 0 R21 rI U0 T 0 ¼ H 11 =r I H21 =r H 22 U ð16Þ T in which each sub-matrix is given by U ¼ ½ UL ð12cÞ Eh ¼ Furthermore, making use of Eqs. (1)–(4) and (11), we obtain WðrÞSðh; uÞ: n¼0 m¼n crr ¼ U 0L S; chh ¼ Er ¼ U0 S; in which the superscript prime ‘‘0 ’’ indicates the derivative with respect to the radial coordinate r. Substituting Eqs. (11) and (12) into Eq. (1) and comparing the coefficients on both sides of the resulting equations, we find 4. Solutions in terms of spherical system of vector functions uðr;h; uÞ ¼ ! 1 @ 1 @S @2S cot h U M @S @S UN 2 UM ¼ UN r @h sin h @ u r @h sin h @ u @h ! 1 @2S UN @2 S UM þ þ ð12eÞ r sin h @h@ u sin h @ u2 1 @S @S @S U M @S 1 @S UL þ U 0N UN r sin h @ u @h r @h sin h @ u r sin h @ u ð12dÞ 2 R11 UM U W t ; T ¼ ½ TL c33 6 0 6 ¼6 4 e33 0 c44 e33 0 0 e33 3 q33 0 7 7 7; a33 5 q33 0 a33 l33 TM 2 R21 DL 2c13 6 c 6 13 ¼6 4 0 0 BL t ð17aÞ 0 0 2e31 e31 k2 e15 k2 q15 0 0 3 2q31 q31 7 7 7 0 5 0 ð17bÞ 69 J.Y. Chen et al. / International Journal of Solids and Structures 60–61 (2015) 66–74 2 H 11 2c13 6 c 6 44 ¼6 4 2e31 2q31 2 H 21 H 22 k2 c13 0 c44 e15 k2 e31 0 k2 q31 0 3 0 U ¼ ½U L ; U; Wt ; q15 7 7 7 0 5 ð17cÞ 0 k2 C 2C 0 6 6 C 2c ½1 k2 þ k2 c 66 12 6 ¼6 2 2 6 k e15 k e 15 4 k2 q15 k2 q15 2 3 0 0 2 k2 6 7 6 0 3 0 0 7 7 ¼6 6 7 0 2 0 5 4 0 0 0 0 0 k2 e11 k2 a11 0 3 c33 e33 6 R11 ¼ 4 e33 e33 q33 a33 2 H 11 ð17dÞ H 22 2 rU 0N # ¼ r 2 T 0N R11 0 R21 I 1 1=c44 c66 ð2 k2 Þ H 11 rU 0 ¼ H 21 r2 T 0 3 rT N U I UN ð18Þ rT H 22 n To solve Eq. (18), we let r ¼ r i e , with 0 6 n 6 ni and ni ¼ lnðriþ1 =r i Þ to change Eq. (18) to (derivative is now with respect to n) " U 0N rT 0N # 1 1=c44 c66 ð2 k2 Þ H 11 U0 ¼ 0 H 21 rT 3 ¼ R11 0 R21 I I H 22 UN rT N U ð19Þ rT Introducing T N ¼ rT N ; T ¼ rT ð23Þ This is equivalent to removing the second row and second column in the involved matrices while also letting n = 0 in other elements. Thus, the size of the matrices defined in Eq. (17) will all be reduced to 3 3, with the following new elements 2 7 0 7 7 7; k2 a11 7 5 k2 l11 Both Eq. (15) for the N-type and (16) for the LM-type are first-order differential equations with variable coefficients. In other words, their coefficients are functions of the variable r. To find the general solutions to these equations, we first recast Eqs. (15) and (16) into " T ¼ ½T L ; DL ; BL t 2c13 0 6 ¼ 4 2e31 0 2q31 0 2 2 0 6 ¼ 4 0 2 0 0 3 2 3 q33 2c13 2e31 2q31 7 6 7 a33 5; R21 ¼ 4 0 0 0 5 l33 0 0 0 0 3 7 0 5; 2 H 21 0 3 0 7 0 5 2 2C 6 ¼4 0 0 0 0 ð24aÞ 3 7 0 0 5; 0 0 ð24bÞ Therefore, instead of a 4 4 system, for the special case of n = 0, all the involved intermediate matrices are 3 3. We also point out that since n = 1 involves rigid-body motion (Watson and Singh, 1972), its solution will not be discussed in this paper. 4.2.2. Solution matrices and propagation matrices We present the solutions and propagation matrices for both the N-type and LM-type. For the LM-type the solution corresponding to n = 0 will be formally the same as for the case of n P 2, but with the involved vector and matrix sizes being reduced, and with the intermediate matrices for n = 0 being those given by Eq. (24). For each given layer with constant material properties, the solutions of Eq. (21) can be assumed as U N ðnÞ U N ð0Þ N ¼ expðB nÞ T N ðnÞ T N ð0Þ UðnÞ Uð0Þ ¼ expðBnÞ TðnÞ Tð0Þ ð25Þ ð20Þ we obtain the following first-order differential equations with constant coefficients " # U 0N N UN ¼ B T N T 0N 0 U U ¼B 0 T T ð21Þ In Eq. (21), 1 1=c44 BN ¼ 2 c66 ð2 k Þ 2 " # I R1 0 H 11 11 B¼ H 21 H 22 þ I R21 R1 I 11 ð22Þ 4.2. Solution and propagation matrices of N- and LM-type deformations 4.2.1. Spherically symmetric deformation Before we present the solutions to Eq. (21) and the corresponding propagation matrices, we first discuss the special and simple deformation corresponding to n = 0 and m = 0 in our spherical system of vector functions. It is obvious that for this case we do not have the N-type solution, and that the LM-type solution is reduced to the solution associated with L component only. More specifically, when n = 0, we find that Eq. (16) needs to be reorganized by introducing the extended displacements and tractions as Fig. 2. Variation of the dimensionless elastic displacement component ur c44 =ðqr 2 Þ in (a) and the dimensionless stress component rrr/(qc44) in (b) along the radial direction (r/r2) in a spherically anisotropic piezoelectric hollow sphere made of BaTiO3 under a uniform external pressure q on its outer surface r2. The electric shorted circuit is applied on both the inner (r = r1) and outer (r = r2) surfaces. 70 J.Y. Chen et al. / International Journal of Solids and Structures 60–61 (2015) 66–74 Table 1 Material properties of piezoelectric BaTiO3, magnetic CoFe2O4, and MEE materials MEE which is made of 50% BaTiO3 and 50% CoFe2O4 (cij in 109 N/m2, eij in C/m2, qij in N/Am, eij in 109 C2/(Nm2), lij in 106 Ns2/C2, aij in 1012 Ns/VC). Properties BaTiO3 CoFe2O4 MEE Properties BaTiO3 CoFe2O4 MEE c11 c22 c12 c13 c23 c33 c44 c55 c66 166 166 77 78 78 162 43 43 44.5 0 0 286 286 173 170.5 170.5 269.5 45.3 45.3 56.5 0 0 213 213 113 113 113 207 49.9 49.9 50 5.23 2750 e31 = e32 e33 e24 = e15 q31 = q32 q33 q24 = q15 e11 = e22 4.4 18.6 11.6 0 0 0 11.2 12.6 5 10 – 0 0 0 580.3 699.7 550 0.08 0.093 590 157 – 2.71 8.86 0.15 222 292 185 0.24 6.37 201 83.9 – a11 a33 For ith layer, with its inner and outer interfaces at r = ri and ri+1, which corresponds 0 and ni, the extended displacement and traction components at its interfaces are connected by U N ðni Þ U N ð0Þ U N ðni1 Þ N N ¼ expðB ¼ expðB n Þ n Þ i i i i T N ðni Þ T N ð0Þ T N ðni1 Þ Uð0Þ Uðni1 Þ Uðni Þ ¼ expðB ¼ expðB n Þ n Þ i i i i iÞ i1 Þ Tðn Tð0Þ Tðn ð26Þ We point out that there is no summation over the repeated index i on the right-hand side of Eq. (26). With the relation (26), we can propagate the solution from the inner surface (r1, n = 0) to the outer surface (rp+1, np ¼ lnðr pþ1 =rp Þ) of the layered MEE hollow sphere to arrive at # U N ðnp Þ U N ð0Þ N ¼ p T N ð0Þ T N ðnp Þ " # Uðnp Þ Uð0Þ ¼ p pÞ Tð0Þ Tðn e33 l11 = l22 l33 – With the solved coefficients at the inner surface, a propagating relation similar to Eq. (26) can be applied to find the expansion coefficients at any r-level in any given layer. For instance, to obtain the coefficients of the extended displacement and traction vectors at r, with rj1 < r < rj in layer j, we propagate the solution from the inner surface to find UðnÞ Uð0Þ ¼ expðB nÞ expðB n Þ . . . expðB n Þ j j1 1 j1 1 TðnÞ Tð0Þ ð32Þ Substituting the expansion coefficients from Eq. (32) into Eqs. (10) and (11), we can then obtain the extended displacements and tractions at any r-level in any layer as functions of spherical coordinates (r, h, u). Thus, the boundary value problem is finally solved. " 5. Numerical examples ð27Þ where pN ¼ expðBNp np Þ expðBNp1 np1 Þ . . . expðBN1 n1 Þ p ¼ expðBp np Þ expðBp1 np1 Þ . . . expðB1 n1 Þ ð28Þ Eq. (27) is a simple relation and, for given boundary conditions on both the inner and outer surfaces, can be solved for the involved unknowns. We present the following example for the LM-type to illustrate. We assume that, at the outer surface r = rp+1, the radial traction in its dimensionless form is applied, as rrr ¼ r0 Pn ðcos hÞ=cmax ð29Þ where cmax is the maximum value of all elastic coefficients among all layers and Pn represents the n-order Legendre function. In addition, we assume that all other elastic traction components on both the inner and outer surfaces are zero and the electric and magnetic fields are short circuited at those locations (i.e., U(r1) = U(rp+1) = W(r1) = W(rp+1) = 0). Then, Eq. (27) for the LM-type can be written as 2 U 1 ðnp Þ 3 2 p11 6 0 7 6p 7 6 21 6 7¼6 6 rr 5 4 p31 4 r pþ1 r T 2 ðnp Þ p 41 p12 p22 p13 p23 p32 p33 p42 p43 32 3 p14 U 1 ð0Þ 7 6 p24 7 76 0 7 76 7 5 4 0 5 p34 T 2 ð0Þ p ð30Þ 44 2 ¼ ½ rDL rBL t . From Eq. rr ¼ r0 =cmax , U 1 ¼ ½ U L U M t , T in which r (30), one can determine the unknowns at the inner surface r = r1 as U 1 ð0Þ p21 ¼ T 2 ð0Þ p31 p24 p34 1 0 rr r pþ1 r ð31Þ 5.1. Verification of the analytical solution Before presenting the numerical results, we have first compared our solution to existing solutions for the reduced cases. We apply our formulation to the reduced piezoelectric case where a piezoelectric hollow sphere is made of BaTiO3 with its inner radius, r1, being half of its outer radius r2. It is assumed that the short-circuited electric boundary condition is applied to both the inner and outer surfaces and that a uniform external pressure q (i.e., rrr = q) is applied on the outer surface of the sphere while other elastic traction components are zero on both the inner and outer surfaces. The material coefficients of the piezoelectric BaTiO3 are the same as those in Chen and co-workers (2001). Fig. 2a and b show the distribution of the dimensionless stress rrr/(qc44) and the dimensionless displacement ur c44 =ðqr2 Þ. These distributions are identical to those of Chen and co-workers (2001). 5.2. A hollow sandwich sphere under uniform external pressure Having validated our solutions, we now apply them to a threelayered sandwich hollow sphere made of magneto-electro-elastic materials. We first consider the spherically symmetric deformation corresponding to n = 0. The following three different stacking sequences are studied (from inner layer to the outer layer): (1) B/F/B, (2) F/B/F, (3) MEE/MEE/MEE (simply MEE), where ‘‘B’’ denotes BaTiO3, ‘‘F’’ denotes CoFe2O4, and ‘‘MEE’’ denotes the MEE material made of 50% BaTiO3 and 50% CoFe2O4. The third case actually corresponds to a homogeneous spherical shell made of the coupled MEE material. We denote the outer radius of the layered hollow sphere by r4 = R, and let the inner radius of the hollow sphere be located at r1 = 0.4R with each of the three layers having equal thickness of 0.2R. The material constants are listed in Table.1 and are taken from Chen and co-workers (2007a,b) and Xue and Pan (2013) with the MEE material properties being predicted based J.Y. Chen et al. / International Journal of Solids and Structures 60–61 (2015) 66–74 71 Fig. 3. Variation of the extended displacements and stresses along the radial direction of the hollow sandwich sphere made of magneto-electro-elastic materials with its outer surface being under uniform pressure p = r0/cmax. The dimensionless elastic displacement component urcmax/(Rr0) in (a), electric potential /emax/r0 in (b), magnetic potential wqmax/r0 in (c), radial stress rrr/r0 in (d), circumferential stress rhh/r0 in (e), radial electric displacement Drcmax/(r0emax) in (f), and radial magnetic induction Brcmax/ (r0qmax) in (g). The dashed thin vertical lines denote the two interfaces in the sandwich sphere. on the micromechanics of Kuo and Pan (2011). As for boundary conditions, we assume that the outer surface of the sphere is under a uniform external pressure, i.e., rrr = r0 and that the other elastic traction components are zero on both the inner and outer surfaces of the layered sphere. Furthermore, electric and magnetic shortcircuit is assumed on both the inner and outer surfaces. For easy presentation, all quantities are normalized by following the same approach used in Chen and co-workers (2007a,b). Fig. 3 show the variation of the induced extended displacements and stresses in dimensionless form with respect to the normalized radius r/R. The elastic displacement component urcmax/ (Rr0) is presented in Fig. 3a, the electric potential /emax/r0 in Fig. 3b, the magnetic potential wqmax/r0 in Fig. 3c, the radial traction rrr/r0 in Fig. 3d, the circumferential traction rhh/r0 in Fig. 3e, the radial electric displacement Drcmax/(r0emax) in Fig. 3f, and the radial magnetic induction Brcmax/(r0qmax) in Fig. 3g. While cmax is the maximum elastic coefficients among all materials, emax and qmax are, respectively, the maximum absolute values of the piezoelectric and magnetostrictive coefficients of the given materials. From Fig. 3a–c, by comparing to the homogeneous MEE results, 72 J.Y. Chen et al. / International Journal of Solids and Structures 60–61 (2015) 66–74 Fig. 4. Variation of the extended displacements and stresses along the radial direction at fixed h = 0° of the hollow sandwich sphere made of magneto-electro-elastic materials with its outer surface being under an axisymmetric external pressure rrr = r0P2(cosh)/cmax. The dimensionless elastic displacement component urcmax/(Rr0) in (a), electric potential /emax/r0 in (b), magnetic potential wqmax/r0 in (c), radial stress rrr/r0 in (d), circumferential stress rhh/r0 in (e), radial electric displacement Drcmax/(r0emax) in (f), and radial magnetic induction Brcmax/(r0qmax) in (g). The dashed thin vertical lines denote the two interfaces in the sandwich sphere. the elastic displacement and electric and magnetic potentials are clearly affected by the layering. From Fig. 3d, we can observe that the radial stress is only slightly influenced by the layering and that the traction boundary condition is satisfied which verifies again our solution. The circumferential stress, however, shows obvious dependence on layering as can be observed from Fig. 3e, along with its expected jump across the interfaces. It is particularly interesting that, while the magnetostrictive layer F corresponds to a large increase in the stress magnitude in the middle layer of the sandwich B/F/B, the piezoelectric layer B helps to reduce it substantially in the middle layer of the sandwich F/B/F. From Fig. 3f and g, we observe that, compared to the semi-coupled B/F/B or F/B/F cases, the truly coupled MEE layer would induce much large magnitude of the electric displacement and magnetic induction, which is particular true in the inner layer. 5.3. A hollowed sandwich sphere under an axisymmetric external pressure Here we assume the same sandwich structure as in Section 5.2, but under an axisymmetric external pressure rrr = r0P2(cosh)/cmax on its outer surface. The response of the layered sphere is plotted along the radial direction for fixed angle h = 0°. Fig. 4 shows that distribution of the extended displacements and stresses along J.Y. Chen et al. / International Journal of Solids and Structures 60–61 (2015) 66–74 73 6. Conclusions In this paper, we have derived the analytical solutions for a layered hollow sphere made of spherically anisotropic magneto-electro-elastic materials. The spherical system of vector functions is introduced to express the solutions and variable transformation is carried out twice in order to reduce the system of differential equations to a standard one with constant coefficients. For the multilayered case, the propagator matrix method is employed with the propagating matrix in each layer being simply the exponential matrix. We further point out that under the spherical system of vector functions, the spheroidal and torsional deformations can be easily separated with the multiphase coupling being involved in the spheroidal deformation only. The special case of uniform deformation corresponding to order 0 is also discussed. As numerical examples, we have presented the results for both orders 0 and 2 for three layered hollow spheres made of piezoelectric BaTiO3, magnetostrictive CoFe2O4, and the coupled MEE material under external pressures of orders 0 and 2. The stacking sequences studied are B/F/B, F/B/F, and the homogenous MEE spheres. The influence of layering, multiphase coupling, as well as different orders of loading, on the elastic, electric and magnetic quantities is illustrated clearly. Specifically, we find that: 1. The presence of the magnetostrictive layer causes relatively large stress in the B/F/B sphere while the piezoelectric layer reduces the corresponding stress. 2. The fully coupled MEE sphere induces large values of electric displacement and magnetic induction in the innermost layer. 3. Unlike the majority of the MEE field variables, the components of radial stress have little dependence on stacking sequence. Fig. 5. Distribution of dimensionless displacement component uhcmax/(R/r0) in (a) and stress component rrh/r0 in (b) as functions of (r, h) in the homogeneous MEE hollow sphere under an axisymmetric external pressure rrr = r0P2(cosh)/cmax applied on its outer surface r = R. radial direction in the same sandwich hollow spheres as in Fig. 3 discussed in Section 5.2. Similar to Fig. 3, the extended displacements (i.e., radial elastic displacement in Fig. 4a, electric potential in Fig. 4b, and magnetic potential in Fig. 4c) depend significantly upon layering of the sphere, but the radial stress component is nearly independent of layering and MEE coupling. Furthermore, for the order 2 case, material layering has only slight effect on the circumferential stress, even though one can still observe its discontinuities across the interface of different layers (Fig. 4e). Comparing the electric displacement and magnetic induction for orders 0 and 2 (i.e., Figs. 3f and g vs. 4f and g), one can clearly notice the difference. While for the case of order 0, the largest magnitude of these electric and magnetic quantities is reached on the inner surface (r/R = 0.4) by the fully coupled homogeneous MEE hollow sphere (Fig. 3f and g), for the case of order 2, the B/F/B sandwich sphere has the largest magnitude of the electric displacement on the inner surface (Fig. 4f) and the F/B/F sandwich sphere has the largest magnitude of the magnetic induction on the inner surface (Fig. 4g). Shown in Fig. 5a and b are the variations of the elastic displacement component uh and the stress component rrh in both the radial and circumferential directions when the upper surface of the homogeneous hollow MEE sphere is under the same axisymmetric external pressure of order 2 as in Fig. 4. These two figures illustrate how the elastic displacement and stress vary as functions of (r, h). 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