Colors Typefaces Pantone 7533 C Process C:0 M:22 Y:85 K:85 RGB R:75 G:57 B:0 HEX 4B3900 Verlag Verlag - Bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890$%&()““‘‘ Pantone 174 C Verlag - Book Process C:0 M:70 Y:100 K:35 RGB R:168 G:77 B:16 HEX A84D10 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890$%&()““‘‘ Pantone 5777 C Verlag - Condensed Book Pantone 174 C Verlag Compressed - Book ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890$%&()““‘‘ Process C:10 M:0 Y:49 K:28 RGB R:176 G:181 B:121 HEX B0B579 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890$%&()““‘‘ Process C:2 M:0 Y:0 K:18 RGB R:207 G:212 B:216 HEX CFD4D8 Our Logo Symthe ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890$%&()““‘‘ MINIMUM SIZE Pantone 174 C 1.031” DETAILS BLOOMERY Verlag Bold 0.293” 21px 74px Symthe SAFE AREA Pantone 7533 C brown Pantone 5777 C green Pantone 428 C gray Provide proper spacing around the logo. The “x” represents the buffer surrounding the logo and no content should impede on this buffer area. x x BLOOMERY is always in uppercase. The “S’s” in SweetShine are also in uppercase. SweetShine is written as one word. Branding Guidelines x x x BLOOMERY SweetShine’s visual identity consists of two distinct type treatments. It is the most fundamental element of our brand identity, our identifying mark. The type treatment should not be separated or distorted under any circumstance. This includes keeping the proportions the same at all times, proper use of the logo on solid backgrounds, and making sure to follow all the remaining do’s and don’ts to maintain brand integrity. 1 Do’s Don’ts a. Use the appropriate source file to ensure proper resolution and legibility. b. Adhere to the minimum size standard. c. Provide proper spacing around the logo. d. Place the logo on all materials that bear the company name, including but not limited to brochures, posters, banners, signs, fliers, all marketing and promotional applications, and all outreach materials. The logo should be clearly visible in an area that does not compete with the specific marketing or promotional message. a. b. c. d. e. EXAMPLE DON’TS! BLOOMERY BLOOMERY BLOOMERY Never re-arrange, re-build or distort the logo. Never change the proportions of the logo. Never change the logo colors. Never insert additional text. Never pull apart or re-size individual components. Use the entire logo at all times. f. Never place at an angle. g. Never place stroke around logo. h. Never add a drop shadow around the logo. BLOOME RY BLOOMERY All Natural Flavors! Our Logo Variations PROPER USAGE The logo has been carefully designed to convey both the company’s image and for maximum legibility. Proper usage is key to maintaining clarity of the design. Knockouts (Solid Backgrounds) The logo can only be used as a knockout on a orange, brown or green logo color background in the following ways: Application on photo The logo may be applied over a photographic image or artwork with preference given to the version allowing for the greatest legibility. When placing over an image, sufficient contrast is needed. BLOOMERY knock-out usage Logo File Formats full-color usage EPS - Vector file format. The artwork is fully scalable. Suitable for commercial print and for use on a solid brown, green, or orange logo color background. TIFF - Raster file format. Can be in several classes of color, including grayscale, CMYK or RGB. Suitable for commercial print. Files provided will have a white background. This format should NOT be used on solid backgrounds. JPEG - Raster file format. Suitable for web and lower resolution print publishing. Files provided will have a white background. This format should NOT be used on solid backgrounds. PNG - Raster file format. Suitable for web and for use on a solid brown, green, or orange logo color background. PNG files have a transparent background and will not show a white box around the logo. Lower resolution file. 2
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