OLSO ROOM 10:00am-11:30am teslacon 4 — FRIDAY, November 1st, 2013 11:30am-1:00pm Where Has Innovation Gone? Amy Lionheart (April Shaw) “Lars Christoph” (Chris Shaw) Antiquarians Rory James Silverstein 2:30pm-4:00pm How to Train Your Cosplay 4:00pm-5:30pm Junkology 101 5:30pm-7:00pm Memento Mori: Remember You Shall Die Michelle Boice and Stephanie Kramer of the Intrigue Factory Professor Waldo (Walter LeTendre, Jr.), Juliet Pagel, Christopher Pagel Dr. Insidious Taphophile VIKING HALL 10:00am-11:30am 11:30am-1:00pm The world needs Steampunk now more than ever. Will you heed the call? This presentation will address the global innovation crisis, and the increasing demand for certain types of talent that are prevalent within the Steampunk fandom. The panelists will describe the nature of the crisis and how Steampunk fans can further combat the trend. How the Victorians viewed the ancient world and the concept of travelling shows involving artifacts. Figuring out your cosplay is more than making a costume. You are creating a persona that will endure hours of walking, mingling, dancing, eating, and having fun at various events. We will start from the idea phase and cover the basics of designing, building, evolving, and maintaining your cosplay. Join three friends as they discuss the topic of recycled objects in Steampunk art, or, as they lovingly refer it, “junkology.” On display will be musical instruments by Professor Waldo. Dr. Insidious Taphophile will take you on a journey of the practices of high Victorians before, during and after a loved one has passed away. Learn the Stages of Mourning Dress, how your dearly departed was prepared for the afterlife, and what when on during the entire death process. Vindus Steamworks and Shadows, Episode 4 Premiere A special showing of the first three episodes of Steamworks and Shadows, plus the world premiere of Episode 4, bonus footage, and a special Q&A session with the creators. Bluebeard The Bluebeard show starring Bluebeard himself ! Join him for fun and crazy adventures only Thee Bluebeard can bring to TeslaCon. A whole new show from Thursday! Airship Vindus Thee Bluebeard Victorian Medicine: Historical and Literary 1:00pm-2:30pm Medical Practices of the 1800’s Brittney Benjamin 2:30pm-4:00pm Cause of Death Julianne Hunter, Phil Jurasinski. 4:00pm-5:30pm Spirit Evocation in Victorian England I 5:30pm-7:00pm Bustles on a Budget I Jeffrey S. Kupperman as Sir Seitheach MacGregor Amy (Lady A. Leather bustle) DesChenes What do grave robbing, humours, snake oil, and ether all have in common? They’re all part of the tumultuous history of medicine during the Victorian era. This panel will teach you about warring medical theories, insane medical inventions (that sometimes worked!), and what the changing face of medicine meant for society in general during the late 1800’s. We know something of how the Victorians lived, but how did they die? We’ll examine illness and accident in 1880’s America, with an emphasis on the medical and social issues surrounding contagious disease. This is a general interest presentation; information will be shared in a frank manner however the use of gruesome language and images will be avoided. Authors and game designers in particular may find the content worthwhile. This Theodore Talk discusses the practice of spirit evocation in Victorian England. While focusing on ceremonial magic and the re-popularized grimoire tradition it will also cover séances, popular with people like Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Ouija board and pendulum use. This panel discusses where to find the perfect fabrics & yardage to make period appropriate bustles, with a brief history of the garments and examples of the most popular styles of the 1800’s with a handout of the formula for making custom patterns to use at home. ARCHON AERODROME Boiled Leaves: An Introduction to Tea and Its Culture People love tea, but if you’re new to tea culture how do you know what is what? This introductory lesson covers all the basics. Charm, Swagger and Bravado: A Guide to Convention Confidence Do you have trouble talking to people at conventions? Do you feel like an outsider amongst other convention goers? This panel will provide you with some great hints, tips and tricks to building your self esteem, confidence and how to play of of your strengths and weaknesses. 1:00pm-2:30pm Victorian Grooming for Men and Women In a double-header of grooming demonstration, learn how dapper gents and dainty ladies looked so spiffing and span as the Imperial Anti-Piracy Squadron demonstrates proper straight razor shaving, hairstyles, and makeup. 2:30pm-4:00pm Steampunk is Everywhere: More than Guns and Costuming 10:00am-11:30am 11:30am-1:00pm Tony Ballard-Smoot, The Tea Lady Tony Ballard-Smoot and Ozzy Jade Luiz, Jeni Hellum, and Matt Oztalay Gloria Zender and Sarah Hans Get a run down on where you can see steampunk in books, comics, movies, TV shows, music, theatre, video games, table top games, RPG’s and MORE. 4:00pm-5:30pm History of Hysteria: Women’s Health & Sexuality in the Victorian Era Gloria Zender 5:30pm-7:00pm High Times in the Victorian Era Sarah Hans teslacon 4 — FRIDAY, November 1st, 2103 THOR AMPHITHEATER BY TOR BOOKS An historical look at the attitudes and ideas about women’s sexuality and health. From the sexualization of the female form in fashion and advertising to the diagnosis and treatment of hysteria and pregnancy, were Victorian women really as repressed as history has led us to believe? The Victorians were not the prudish upright citizens the history books would have us believe! Explore the forbidden world of Victorian drug use from opium to cannabis. Alas, samples and instructions will NOT be provided. Restricted to 18+ “From Gas Jets to Stratajets” the Grand Adventures You Missed in the Mid-Twentieth Century Nuclear powered cities under ice caps, giant polar rovers, and odd echoes in the Moon Landing speech. Welcome to the events that fiction forgot; the bridges between the gaslight era and now. Also learn which of these gas-punk era bridges are still intact and waiting for you. Steampunk Book Cover Art Kevin discusses cover art from various Steampunk themed books. A different kind of panel for those more artistically inclined. The Literary Steampunk: Where, Why, What Was and What Now? Join authors, readers, and bloggers in a round-table, audience-participation discussion about steampunk: the foundation we love, the tropes we are changing, the concepts we would like to see, and even the ones we would like to never see again. Come and be heard. 1:00pm-2:30pm Muse Angioplasty: Breaking Creative Blocks Whether you are a writer, artist, or tinkerer, everyone encounters creative blocks. Some people have blocks that last for days or even years! Learn methods to break through creative blocks and give life to your muse once again. 2:30pm-4:00pm Queer Cogs Caucus I: LGBTQ Issues & Steampunk Panel discussion with an emphasis on how LGBTQ issues intersect with other identity categories in steampunk culture, Cosplay, creative objects 4:00pm-5:30pm Grim Realities: Writing for the Market 5:30pm-7:00pm Talking Steampunk on the Internet 9:00am-10:00am Kent Nebergall 10:00am-11:30am 11:30am-1:00pm Kevin Steil Karina Cooper, Austin Sirkin, Joe Alfano, Kevin Steil Amy Lionheart (April Shaw) Lisa Hager Karina Cooper, Austin Sirkin, Diana Pho Austin Sirkin, Megan Maude CONNECTED ROOMS 9:00pm-10:30pm 10:30pm-12:00am Gotten into or seen an argument about steampunk online? If not, you just won a free airship! For the rest of us, we’ll cover how to effectively discuss steampunk online. This will include topics such as how to avoid triggering defensiveness, whether there’s a point to online discussions, and more. Fashion Show Get a bustle on! Or your wool trousers and top hat! Join us as some of the most innovative designs in Steampunk fashion go on full display. Forbidden Images III: The Presented This year we will explore Brothels, Devices, and Bears (oh my!), as well as a selection of the more interesting and humorous images from previous years. TeslaCon Karen and William Dezoma and Robert Schug DANCE HALL 10:00am-11:30am Is steampunk dead? Join traditionally published authors, an indie author, and a steampunk scholar in a wake-up panel designed to teach writers the grim truths of writing for market. If you walk out still hungry to write, you’ve got what it takes to make it. Country Dance/Reel Abbie Carr, Katelyn Power 1:00pm-2:30pm Waltz 2:30pm-4:00pm Salo-Me: Beginner Veil Dancing 4:00pm-5:30pm Polka Abbie Carr, Katelyn Power Holly Bonser of the Intrigue Factory Abbie Carr, Katelyn Power Intoductory class to country dances from the British Isles. Introduction to the basic Waltz Beginners Veil is an intro to alternative veil dancing. This is not belly dancing. We cover the basic moves and how to put them together. Any and all people are welcome, men included. Join the fun. No experience needed. Anyone can Polka! GREAT HALL 1:00pm-2:30pm 7:00pm-9:00pm Steampunk as SUPER-Culture: A Symbiosis Between Various Fandom’s & Subcultures Veronique Chevalier, Moderator, Cindy McLeod, Co-Chair of AnachroCon, Kevin Steil, Airship Ambassador,THE Austin Sirkin, Steampunk Scholar,Karina Cooper, Steampunk Author Opening Ceremony TeslaCon Steampunk is showing signs of becoming a multicultural/multidimensional fandom. What’s unique about it is that it has drawn from a unique array of genres. This diversity has contributed to making Steampunk something greater than the sum total of its parts. Panelists from various disciplines come together to describe how and why Steampunk captured their imaginations and drew them in from other sub-cultures. 10:30pm 3rd Annual Midnight Gala TeslaCon Dance until the dirigibles come to dock! Bergen teslacon 4 — FRIDAY, November 1st, 2013 10:00am-11:30am 11:30am-1:00pm Under the Umbrella: The Subgenres of Steampunk Annemarie Windhorst, John R White, Nichole Klatt, Austin Sirkin, Megan Maude McHugh and LadyJade The Magic of Zalikir Michael Milan(Zalikir) 1:00pm-2:30pm Victorian Trade Cards Juliet Pagel and Christopher Pagel A round table discussion on the subgenres in Steampunk, covering the genres of Diesel, Rococo, Steamfunk, Post Apocalyptic and others found in and around the steampunk community. How are each of the genres are different? How are they the same and how do they mesh with the Steampunk community as a whole? After the discussion, we will open up the floor for questions and observations. Come let Zalikir entertain you and your friends during this kid friendly magic show fun for all ages. Is it magic or is it a trick? Come find out for yourself. Come learn about Victorian trade cards, produced during that era to advertise stock-in-trade of all varieties, and which are widely collectible. A number of richly illustrated books on the subject will be available to peruse. As a souvenir of this incredibly easy workshop, you will take away a genuine reproduction trade card. It will be laminated for durability and you choose from a number of colorful images and equally “colorful” advertising claims. 2:30pm-4:00pm Ask a Villain Have you ever wanted to to ask a villain a question without the possibility of being disintegrated or mind controlled? Well here is your chance. 4:00pm-5:30pm Official SWARM Meeting For those who support evil, dastardly deeds and odd magical cults that use cats, this is for you. This also kicks off the story for the weekend! 5:30pm-7:00pm Invisible Man: Dr. Grimm Anna Dearling Founder of the Society of Deadly Darlings SWARM Dr. Grimm Nothing else needs to be said...it’s Dr. GRIMM! Trondheim SWARM Faction Recruitment 11:00am-11:30am Prussian Rally Meet The Pirate Crew of the Dead 11:30am-1:00pm Rabbit, Keeping Steampunk Punk 10:00am-11:00am Dead Rabbits Will you choose to join a faction? Join the evil ranks of Proctocus’ lead Generals. Meet the Crew has featured such things as temporal steam-fish, audience-cannibalism, and Nerf-empowered bounty hunters. 1:00pm-2:30pm Why Piracy? You Can’t Take The Sky From Me A round-circle discussion about the themes and motifs suggested by the prevalence of airship pirates within the Steampunk genre. 2:30pm-4:00pm Dances Belly On Exhibition and lesson for the beginning level belly dancer. Basic Egyptian Raqs Sharqi movements will be covered, as well as the historical perception of Egyptian entertainers through the lens of 19th century Europeans. 4:00pm-5:30pm Interview with Lord Bobbins 5:30pm-7:00pm Introduction to Airship Physics Dead Rabbits Peri al-Gazala Kevin Steil Paul Haynie Narvik 9:00pm-10:30pm Victorians After Dark: Hysteria, Flirting, Sex, and Other Naughty Things Jade Luiz, Jeni Hellum, and Matt Oztalay Kevin Interviews Lord Bobbins in an open forum, join in and ask the questions you have always wanted. Buoyancy and wind resistance that they didn’t teach you in high school physics. For writers and other storytellers, with a digression into ornithopters. (Yes, there is math involved.) Join the Imperial Anti-Piracy Squadron in a discussion of how all the naughty parts of Victorian lifestyle have affected modern life. Lutefisk Lounge 10:00am-11:30am Doll’s Tea Party Anna Dearling Founder of the Society of Deadly Darlings. Eli August 3:00pm-5:00pm Veronique 1:00pm-3:00pm 10:30pm-12:00pm IAPS Presents An Evening of Respite & Reflection Jade Luiz, Jeni Hellum, and Matt Oztalay All dolls and doll lovers are invited to come and join us for tea. There will be a brief panel on ball jointed dolls, a show and tell to introduce dolls and the things you have made for them and a large photo set up for picture taking. You do not need to own a doll to come. Join him in The Lutefisk Lounge. Join her in The Lutefisk Lounge, for fun and frolic in the world only Mad Val can create! As part of their on-going mission to combat piracy, the Imperial Anti-Piracy Squadron will host a delightful soiree featuring non-alcoholic beverages of Victorian origin, parlor games, naughty readings. OLSO ROOM 10:00am-11:30am Table Setting & Etiquette With Lord Bobbins Lord Bobbins But He Said He Was a Scientist: A Look at Victorian Pseudo-science If a scientist discovered it it must be so! Join us and take a look at how the scientific advancements of the Victorian area were co-opted and corrupted by the purveyors of such popular pseudo-sciences of the era as emitter theory, crypto zoology, thought recording, and of course death rays. 4:00pm-5:30pm Bustle on a Budget II: Bloomers & Spats A Panel on where to find the perfect fabrics and yardage to make period appropriate bustles, with a brief history of the garments and examples of the most popular styles of the 1800’s, with a handout of the formula for making custom patterns to use at home. 5:30pm-7:00pm Happy Día de los Muertos Dr. Insidious Taphophile will once again take you on a journey into the realm of mourning and burial practices. We will explore Día de los Muertos, and delve deeply into that topic: how it was started, and its modern interpretations of Victorian and ancient practices. In addition, we will also explore other societies’ death practices and how the Victorians go to their more interesting mourning practices. 2:30pm-4:00pm Barbara Marie of the Intrigue Factory teslacon 4 — Saturday, November 2nd, 2013 Learn how to set a table properly and compete in the Table Setting Championship. Amy (Lady A. Leatherbustle) DesChenes Dr. Insidious VIKING HALL 9:00am-10:00am 10:00am-11:30am 11:30am-1:00pm 1:00pm-2:30pm Tea Leavings Tea has been described as the second most popular drink in the world, yet most people know quite little about it. Where did it originate? How old is it? How many kinds are there? When and how did it end up a commodity traded around the world? Come find out the answers to questions you never thought to ask! Crime and Punishment in Victorian England Victorians considered their age one of civility, and this extended to their penal code. But while hangings for minor thefts were being eliminated, a variety of bizarre alternatives developed within a fledgling prison system. Spirit Evocation: The Ritual This follows Spirit Evocation in Victorian England I and is a performance of a ritual of the evocation of the Olympic spirit Ophiel, a spirit of Mercury and communication. This ritual will follow, with much explanation, the general outline of evocation as performed by members of various Victorian magical orders. Victorian Slang Come on down to test your skill in this educational and entertaining event filled with prizes. The wonderfully insidious Lars Christoph and the talented Captain of the Babble Crew will perform scenes using Victorian slang for everyone to guess the meanings from. So, primp your “baccapipes” and straighten your “bend” as we take a “cool” at the slang used in Victorian Britain. Leave your “chavies” at home and enjoy a fun time! Mildred Flemyng-Middleton Catherine Beyer (Lucretia Strange) Jeffrey S. Kupperman (Sir Seitheach MacGregor) Amy Lionheart (April Shaw), Lars Christoph (Chris Shaw), and Captain of the Babble Crew (Angie Olson) 2:30pm-4:00pm Signs, Ciphers and Secret Languages of the Victorian Era Sarah Faltesek 4:00pm-5:30pm Mike Zawacki Director Mike Zawacki Preservation and Permanence: American Women 5:30pm-7:00pm and Nature Fancywork in the Nineteenth Century Andrea Michelle Kolasinski Marcinkus, Ph.D. Before girls could secret-text each other at parties, there was fan language. Just how did telegraph operators keep themselves entertained during their down-time? What cipher machines were in common use? Your best friend’s elder brother just sent you a birthday bouquet-WHAT DOES IT MEAN?! This panel is intended as an overview of some of the coded communication methods of the late 1800s, including fan and flower language, telegraph codes, and cryptography. The Wars of Other Men: a Steampunk film. Nature fancywork was crafted with elements found in nature. The process of making nature fancywork required the maker to accurately observe the natural world, often using science texts and field guides as additional resources. The feminine focus on these leisure activities tended to emphasize the process of making rather than the final product. This panel will explore these objects as art and as a way to establish permanence of memory. ARCHON AERODROME 9:00am-10:00am 10:00am-11:30am No Sewing Needed Brittney Benjamin, Laura Wheaton Props & Costume Alchemy: Making One Thing Look Like Another Sally Van Eycke, Aaron Ijams, and Terry Grinner 11:30am-1:00pm Steam Lolita Sally Van Eycke and Sarah Hans 1:00pm-2:30pm Put Your Glamour On 2:30pm-4:00pm From Disaster to Dashing: Dressing for Men Sally Van Eycke Tony Ballard-Smoot and Aaron Ijams You’ve planned the perfect steampunk ensemble, but with just one problem – you can’t sew! Never fear, this panel will show all of the amazing costumes you can make without ever stepping near a sewing machine. After teaching you how to find the best raw materials, we’ll demonstrate how to rip, glue, grommet, tape, staple, shred, heat press, knot, and bind readily found thrift store items into the steampunk outfit of your dreams. There will be live demonstrations and before-and-after photos as we turn thrift store rejects into one-of-a-kind costumes. The methods of distressing fabric, metal & plastic. Learn dying, painting, gluing, a dash of sewing & how to open your mind to using weird thrift store finds to make fantastic costumes and props Review the essentials of the Japanese fashion and how it can be incorporated into your steampunk look. A fun, fresh look for ladies who don’t always want to wear floor length gowns. A skincare & makeup panel for woman and men who are just starting out or who want to know trade secrets on looking “HOT”. We will discuss clothing and accessory options for the overlooked male gender, as well as discovering your personal style and places to look for inspiration and pieces. 4:00pm-5:30pm Attractive Victorian Men 5:30pm-7:00pm Groups, Gatherings & Galas: Social Steampunk Jade Luiz and Jeni Hellum Airship Archon, Gloria Zender, Tony Ballard-Smoot, and Sally Van Eycke The ladies of the Imperial Anti-Piracy Squadron open the floor for the appreciation of attractive men of the Victorian era. Photographs abound. All dressed up and no place to go? Discuss how to find groups and gatherings in your area or how to create your own. THOR AMPHITHEATER BY TOR BOOKS teslacon 4 — Saturday, November 2nd, 2013 9:00am-10:00am 10:00am-11:30am 11:30am-1:00pm Writing About Steampunk Austin Sirkin, Lisa Hager We love to write about steampunk, either informally online or formally for academic articles. We’ll discuss how to do both, including topics such as how to explain steampunk to a non-steampunk audience, what topics have already been covered and where, how to cite your fellow steampunk’s work, etc. Queer Cogs Caucus: LGBTQ Steampunk Literature Lisa Hager Journalism in Steampunk Moderator Emilie Bush 1:00pm-2:30pm World Building in a Steampunk Setting Lost? Navigation charts leading you astray? Not to worry! Join steampunk authors in a discussion about effective world-building in a steampunk setting. Come with questions or eavesdrop to your heart’s content; leave inspired and prepared to work. 2:30pm-4:00pm The Airship Ambassador Presents Author Interviews Join the distinguished Airship Ambassador as he collects authors from across the steampunk world and graciously sits down to an informal interview. Audience Q&A welcome, with our host’s most cordial moderation. 4:00pm-5:30pm Write to Win: Getting Through the Slush Pile With steampunk falling through the industry’s cracks, it’s more important than ever to pitch your best work. In this panel you’ll learn how to polish your manuscript so brightly, it’ll stand out from the rest in the slush pile. 5:30pm-7:00pm Found in Translation: International Steampunk Literature Where has steampunk literature been and where is it going? We’ll discuss steampunk writers worldwide and whether themes in these books translate between different languages and cultures of their readers. There will also be a sneak-peek of the upcoming Steampunk World Anthology. Kevin Steil, Karina Cooper, Emilie Bush, Diana Pho Kevin Steil, Karina Cooper, Emilie Bush Sarah Hans, Diana Pho Diana Pho, Sarah Hans, Lisa Hager CONNECTED ROOMS 10:30pm-2:00am Steerage Dance DANCE HALL 10:00am-11:30am 11:30am-1:00pm Waltz Abbie Carr and Katelyn Power Vindus Gentlemen & Ladies Dueling Airship Vindus 1:00pm-2:30pm Polka 2:30pm-4:00pm Bellydance in the Steampunk World 4:00pm-5:30pm Country Dance/Reel Abbie Carr and Katelyn Power Ayperi Bellydancer Abbie Carr and Katelyn Power Did you miss Friday’s class or would you like a refresher. Come on in. We will take you through a historical perspective of duels, and then open the floor to challenges for Ladies and Gentlemen to settle their differences in a civilized contest. Your second chance at joining in the polka fun. The worlds of steampunk and bellydance collide when professional belly dancer Ayperi shares her vision and stokes participants’ creativity for the ways that bellydance can be incorporated into a steampunk character. The panel will include a structured discussion, bellydance lesson, and a dance performance by Ayperi. Don’t miss your last chance to join us in the dance room. GREAT HALL 10:00am-11:30am 11:30am-1:00pm State of Steampunk Kevin Steil Tea Dueling Hosted by Gretchen Jacobsen 1:00pm-2:30pm Defining Steampunk 2:30pm-3:00pm Airship Meet Up 7:00pm-10:30pm Join a discussion of where steampunk has been and where it’s going. Lord Hastings Robert Bobbins Lord Hastings Robert Bobbins Grand Ball & Bands Lord Hastings Robert Bobbins Lord Bobbins invites all to this very open and encouraging speech and discussion. This is the highlight of this years theme. Meet the other ships and start the communicating on all frequencies. A TeslaCon evening of dancing and fun! Bergen teslacon 4 — Saturday, November 2nd, 2013 10:00am-1:00pm Congress of Games Victorian Gaming Alliance An event of open gaming, where multiple types of games are available to all participants. participants are welcome to join us anytime throughout our presentation. Participants will have a wide variety of board games to choose from, all designed for small groups of 2-6 players. Come one, come all... FUN and EXCITEMENT are the order of the day. 2:30pm-4:00pm The Trial & Execution of Seamus O’Heaney 4:00pm-5:30pm Cons, Swindles and Bokum of the 19th Century We will be exposing the secrets of cheaters, con-people, carnies and other hucksters of the 19th century. We do this with hands-on demonstrations of various cheats, gaffs, short cons, and swindles, and explore the history of these forgotten “arts”. Come and learn to swindle your friends and loved ones. 5:30pm-7:00pm Saberage: The Real Reason Steampunks Need Goggles When the champagne comes out, you know it is a celebration. But with a little practice, a simple tool and a measure of courage, you can turn popping a cork into an historic, dazzling event. Dead Rabbit professor Calamity and Screaming Mathilda of Combustion Books Peter B. Slayer Trondheim Steampunk Papercraft Workshop Join us as we explore the world of Victorian paper craft with a steampunk twist! Artists Laurie Rossbach and Mary Prince will lead workshop participants in creating their own steampunk paper craft ornaments using “scrap” and decorations such as sequins, glitter and fabrics. Basic supplies will be provided. Bring your own additional craft items to use or share. Steampunk Gaming and Character Creation Role-playing and creating a character is a big part of Steampunk. Learn more about various role-playing games featuring Steampunk themes, and the skills one can learn from playing; from creating your own character/persona, to generating background stories, to creating your own Victorian history. 1:00pm-2:30pm Mad Science Tailoring A crash course in using unusual materials to make amazing costuming. We will cover wearable stained glass, the art of dyeing synthetic fabric, from plastic packaging to flexible metal substitute, the wonders of Sharpies, and articulated wings from an umbrella. 2:30pm-4:00pm The Newcastle Sisters Murder Panel 4:00pm-5:00pm The Science of TeslaCon 5:30pm-7:00pm It Gets Better A discussion of how not to let the bullies win, this panel covers LGBT issues in and around our community. People can share stories and experiences in an open and honest way as well as really start getting to know one another. Storytime With Lovelock Join Captain Lovelock for this end-of-the-night collection of stories and adventures, ranging from those written by the Rabbits themselves to the works of such authors as Poe and Lovecraft. These dramatic readings are sure to ensure nothing but dreams of madness and the wyrd all night long! Finding & Caring For Your Steampunk Wardrobe Tailored for those who don’t sew and using visual examples, the panelists help you make informed choices when selecting the elements for your outfit. 1:00pm-2:30pm Live Tea with Madeline Foxtrot The most knowledgeable Steampunk Scholar and YouTube sensation Madeline Foxtrot shares with you what is and isn’t Steampunk, and tells you why, if Steampunk is supposed to be apolitical, you never should have come to Teslacon this year. She will also be interviewing two Steam personalities on stage. 2:30pm-4:00pm The Art of Rope: Marlinspike, Rope Clothing, and Armor – A Workshop Marlinspike is the mariner’s and explorers’ art and craft of making useful and pretty things out of the one thing they had in abundance, rope. This will be a hands on workshop appropriate for all ages. The attendee will even be shown how to make arm bracers and shin guards. Those who bring their own rope will be able to do a take away. 10:00am-11:30am 11:30am-1:00pm 9:30pm-11:00pm Laurie Rossbach and Mary Prince Nick Seidler, Greg Gosdeck, Sandy Kay, Paul Buss Anna Dearling Founder of the Society of Deadly Darlings The Newcastle Sisters Dr. Klaus Diesalot, Commodore James McKaffery Jason Bush (Alias H.M. of The Gin Rebellion) Capt. Lovelock The story progresses as the Newcastle Sisters continue their update! Learn more about the story and the science behind the adventure! Narvik 10:00am-11:30am Nora Mai, Bruce Mai Madeline Foxtrot David W. Crawford (Dayton Stormhawk) 4:00pm-5:30pm Steampunk Museum 5:30pm-7:00pm A Mostly Untrue History Kevin Steil Jeffery S. Kupperman and Catherine Beyer (Sir MacGregor and the Lady Lucretia Strange) Airship Ambassador presents the Steampunk Museum and what it has in store for you! Sir MacGregor and the Lady Lucretia Strange recount the exploits of the Ordo Rubeus Crux Ansata and the Promethean Society throughout history in a verbal duel of one-upsmanship. Lutefisk Lounge Gin Rebellion 1:00pm-2:30pm Eli August 2:30pm-4:00pm Sons of Temperance 5:00pm-7:00pm Bobbins’ and Villain’s Dinner 11:30am-1:00pm 10:30pm Veronique Chevalier Evening Show Sit, eat, and watch the story become even more serious over dinner! OSLO ROOM 9:00am-9:30am teslacon 4 — Sunday, November 3rd, 2013 10:00am-11:30am 11:30am-1:00pm Worship Service Rev. Jim Best Finding Inspiration From Historical References Brittney Benjamin, Laura Wheaton Hack Your Makeup Bag Stephanie Kramer of the Intrigue Factory A worship service and discussion using materials from the period. While most influences will be drawn from the Methodist church, all worshipers of any denomination and religion are welcome and encouraged to attend. While the rest of the service will be drawn from vintage resources, the message will be one tailored for the modern steampunk community. Have you ever wanted to dig a little deeper for some cool new ideas? This panel will discuss the different ways to find historical reference and how to incorporate those elements into your character and costume. Achieve unique character makeup looks with items you already own. Audience members are encouraged to bring their own makeup and mirrors. After the demonstration, there will be a workshop portion in which participants can practice new techniques and receive assistance from our experts. VIKING HALL 9:00am-10:00am 10:00am-11:30am 11:30am-1:00pm Dropped Once Never Fired According to the unforgiving mathematics of combat, not a single man of Pickett’s Division should have survived the march across the field at Gettysburg. And yet, they closed to melee with sabers, bayonets and fists. How is this even possible? Zero Budget Filmmaking Brass Engine Productions, the crew behind the web series, Steamworks and Shadows, will show you how they create entertaining shows and films without spending money. Zebulon Vitruvius Pike Airship Vindus Adventures in the Arctic With Gustaf Danielsson Brett King World-renowned arctic explorer and troll hunter Gustaf Danielsson takes you on a journey through his adventures in Scandinavia and the Arctic Circle. Through an interactive seminar, you will learn to combat Norwegian trolls and survive other perils of the north. ARCHON AERODOME 9:00am-10:00am Steampunk to the Stars: How 19th Century Engineering Enables 21st Century Space Settlement Kent Nebergall 10:00am-11:30am 11:30am-1:00pm Using Leather in Steampunk Gadgets & Accessories Calvin Patten Jr. Steampunk vs. Neo-Victorian Sally Van Eycke and Tabitha Braglin The Victorian era was launched in an environment of vast exploration and the first industrial revolution. Learn why that future bases on the Moon and Mars may contain much that is recognizable by Victorian engineers. Is Steampunk only a nostalgic dream, or future fact? This panel will cover the basics of leather working, what supplies you need and where to get them, and how leather can be used to create Steampunk gadgets and accessories. The panel will finish with step-by-step instruction on how to create wax-hardened leather goods. Come discuss the two different movements and how they relate. THOR AMPHITHEATER BY TOR BOOKS 10:00am-11:30am 11:30am-1:00pm Anatomy of a Book Emilie P. Book Queer Cogs Caucus: Steampunk NonConforming People, Characters & Cosplay Lisa Hager A Writer’s Track guide to making a book. Whether you are looking to commercially publish or fly solo, knowing the terms of how a book goes together is key. This talk shares insight and tips on formatting, layout and common parts of every printed book. Panel discussion on trans* and gender non-conforming people in the steampunk community, as well as literary characters and cosplay personae. DANCE HALL teslacon 4 — Sunday, November 3rd, 2013 9:30am-10:00am 9:30am-1:00pm 1:00pm Science Fair Registration Please be prompt and ready to display. Cassie Noble Beyer Promethean Society Science Fair Cassie Noble Beyer Discover the odd, weird and downright unbelievable! Promethean Society Science Fair awaits you! Pick Up Items from the Science Fair GREAT HALL 2:00pm Closing Ceremony TeslaCon Bergen 10:00am-11:30am 11:30am-1:00pm The science and science fiction of space travel in the 19th Century. See Jules Verne’s moon gun, H.G. Wells’ Cavorite sphere, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky’s space elevator, Erasmus Darwin’s rocket, Thomas Edison’s aether propeller, and Tesla’s Venusian X-12. Where they got it right, where they got it wrong, and how you can incorporate it into your steampunk narrative. Victorian Spacecraft Zebulon Vitruvius Pike A Steampunk’s Guide to Death Screaming Mathilda, Professor Calamity of Combustion Books This presentation will unearth morbid curiosities from the Victorian period in a light-hearted but informative exploration of 19th century death. Join our intrepid historians as they blow the coffin lid off the Victorians’ obsession with death. Trondheim 10:00am-11:30am 11:30am-1:00pm Newcastle Sisters’ Murder Wrap-Up Newcastle Sisters The story progresses as the Newcastle Sisters wrap up the weekend story! A frank discussion of the potent drinks of the age, how they were made, their social importance, and how many an adventure was begun or ended over a good stiff drink. This will also be a discussion of the importance of the meeting for drink, how it brought people together, and in some cases, how it separated people and set them apart. Potent Potables David W. Crawford (Dayton Stormhawk) Narvik 10:00am-11:30am Multiculturalism 11:30am-1:00pm Language of War A panel discussion on how multiculturalism is represented in steampunk Diana Pho, Jenni Hellum Thomas Boice, Michelle Boice, Pete Diederichs of the Intrigue Factory Dealers’ Rooms Hours Thursday 4:00pm-8:00pm Friday 10:00am-6:00pm Saturday 11:00am-6:00pm Sunday 10:00am-3:00pm Open to the public War and battle speaks to us all. We will follow the history of violence, military psychology, and sociology from biblical times to the modern great wars and vivisect in open panel discussion what has made effective soldiers and military campaigns successful over the millennia. From the exalted to the reviled, all aspects will be covered and discussed.
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