Creative industries branding shortlist

PO Box 538 Katoomba NSW 2780
Economic Hub 2 Civic Place Katoomba
T +61 (0) 2 4782 6555 F +61 (0) 2 4782 5211,au
Media release
23 March 2015
BMEE announces shortlist for creative industries brand
Blue Mountains Economic Enterprise (BMEE) is delighted to announce the shortlist of applicants to undertake the
creative industries branding and positioning project. BMEE received a high number of quality, thoughtful, creative
expressions of interest, with two thirds coming from applicants who either live or work in the Blue Mountains.
BMEE CEO Jacqueline Brinkman said “it is heartening to see how enthusiastically creative teams from the Blue
Mountains and beyond have embraced this project. I feel confident that the winning team will deliver an innovative,
exciting brand and strategy to put the Blue Mountains on the map as an internationally competitive creative
industries hub.”
Creative Industries Cluster Manager Kelly Blainey said “the quality of the applications we received from creative
teams in the Blue Mountains demonstrates what we’ve been saying all along – that the Blue Mountains is home to
some of the best creative talent in the world.”
The shortlist is made up of creative teams from the Blue Mountains and Sydney. They are:
Full Kit Collective
O & Co Creative
Stuart Buchanan and team
Ms Blainey said of the shortlist “these applicants demonstrated not only experience producing high quality creative
work but a deep understanding of this project’s aims. This project is not just about creating a visual identity, but a
whole strategy to position the Blue Mountains as a world leader in the creative industries.
“Shortlisted applicants showed that they understand the economic imperative behind the project – to attract new
clients and investment to the region in order to stimulate job and economic growth. I look forward to seeing what
creative concepts the teams will present to the industry judging panel in April,” said Ms Blainey.
Further information:
Jacqueline Brinkman
Chief Executive Officer
0419 130 699
Kelly Blainey
Creative Industries Cluster Manager
0409 884 570