The Department of Biomedical Engineering >> 2013-2014 department of biomedical engineering Biomedical Engineering at Washington University Established in 1997, the Department of Biomedical Engineering seeks to provide a first-class engineering education that prepares students for a variety of careers and a cutting-edge graduate program that advances basic science with the hope of improving the diagnoses and treatment of human diseases. Since the Department of Biomedical Engineering (BME) was founded at Washington University in St. Louis in 1997, our full-time faculty has grown from two to 19, and our student population to about 400 undergraduate students and more than 120 graduate students, becoming the largest in the School of Engineering & Applied Science. Consistently ranked among the top 15 U.S. biomedical engineering departments, the graduate program tied for No. 12 in the 2013 U.S. News & World Report rankings. Our faculty had more than $10 million in research funding in fiscal year 2013, or about 50 percent of the school’s total research expenditures. This tremendous success and exponential growth of our department can be attributed to the extraordinary efforts of our talented faculty, outstanding students and diligent staff, backed by the generous support of friends and Tenured/tenure-track faculty teaching and research. Particularly in partnership with the world-renowned 408 School of Medicine, our research seeks to bring innovative, interdisciplinary Undergraduate students colleagues. Our department builds upon a long tradition of commitment to first-class approaches to advancing basic science and to allow us to better understand, diagnose and treat human diseases. We are also committed to providing outstanding training to the next generation of biomedical engineers that will lead to successful, productive careers. Our research focuses on five intersecting research programs: biomaterials geoff story 19 and tissue engineering; cardiovascular engineering; imaging technologies; molecular, cellular and systems engineering; and neural engineering. While we are primarily based in two state-of-the-art research and teaching facilities — the Uncas A. Whitaker Hall for Biomedical Engineering and Stephen F. & Camilla T. Brauer Hall — many of our faculty also conduct research at the medical school. Our core faculty team, with affiliated faculty in a variety of interdisciplinary 121 Doctoral students 1,219 Alumni research initiatives, brings a rich diversity to research and a solid curriculum, leading our faculty and more than 1,000 alumni to make a meaningful impact in many of the premier academic, medical, legal and industrial organizations worldwide. Thank you for your interest in the Department of Biomedical Engineering. Mark Anastasio, PhD ron klein ii >> s c h o o l o f e n g i n e e r i n g & applied science Interim Department Chair and Professor >> 1 department of biomedical engineering Research Health-care problems posed by complex diseases present the most daunting challenges for modern society. These diseases include cancer, injuries to physiological systems and disorders associated with embryonic development, aging and the adaptive immune system. Our vision is that advances in the diagnosis and treatment of complex diseases will require integrative and multiscale engineering approaches to biology and biomedical sciences. The BME department faculty will produce advances in basic science, enabling technologies and multiscale systems science approaches that will provide a more holistic understanding of the spatiotemporal responses of biomolecular and cellular networks that give rise to the onset and progression of such diseases and the propagation of injuries. This will involve an integrative approach with a synergistic focus on development, regeneration and degeneration of cells and tissues, and will be leveraged to transform the development of novel biomaterials, drugs and biomedical devices for diagnosis and treatment. Solving Global Challenges: Medicine & Health Diagnosing and treating complex diseases are among the world’s most significant long-term multiscale & multimode imaging mechanobiology challenges. Yet, these present some of the greatest possibilities regeneration cancer, tissue repair for improving global quality of life. Historically, physicians have approached diseases with standardized treatments, but biomaterials development differentiation, morphogenesis biological processes & networks recently, through a convergence of disciplines, physicians, scientists synthetic biology and engineers are beginning to understand the medical and medical devices, and new drugs and $10.15 m delivery methods. Research expenditures (FY13) health potential of cutting-edge biomedical & biological computing biomimetics 2 >> s c h o o l o f e n g i n e e r i n g research in areas such as genome and imaging sciences, novel molecular & cellular systems engineering & degeneration systemic aging, neurodegeneration applied science ron klein Research areas »» Biomaterials & Tissue Engineering »» Cardiovascular Engineering »» Imaging Technologies »» Molecular, Cellular & Systems Engineering »» Neural Engineering >> 3 department of biomedical engineering Groundbreaking Research & Innovation Research Centers & Collaboration Cardiac Bioelectricity & Arrhythmia Center (CBAC) Recent major research awards An interdisciplinary center housed within the engineering school, CBAC works to develop new tools for diagnosis and treatment of cardiac arrhythmias — a major »» Igor Efimov, 4 yrs, $2,025,868, NIH, Title: “Arrhythmogenic Remodeling in Human Heart Failure.” cause of death and disability. Through an interdisciplinary effort, CBAC investigators apply molecular biology, ion-channel and cell electrophysiology, optical mapping of membrane potential and cell calcium, multi-electrode cardiac electrophysiological mapping, electrocardiographic imaging (ECGI) and other noninvasive imaging »» Vitaly Klyachko, 5 yrs, $1,690,595, NINDS, Title: “Multiple Roles of RMRP in Synaptic Function and Plasticity.” modalities, and computational biology (mathematical modeling) to study mechanisms of arrhythmias at all levels of the cardiac system. Center for Biological Systems Engineering (CBSE) The engineering school launched an innovative, multidisciplinary center to revolutionize the way human diseases are diagnosed and treated. Building on the strengths in the from different backgrounds are working together to study the basic sciences of protein Washington University School of Medicine structure, models of complex living systems and genetic regulatory networks. By Collaborations between the School leveraging systems science approaches to understand and control biomolecular and of Medicine and the School of cellular networks, the researchers in the center focus on novel approaches that will Engineering & Applied Science enable a new understanding of how cellular processes and decisions are controlled by have led to major advances in schools of Engineering & Applied Science and Medicine, faculty and student researchers structures and dynamics of biomolecular networks. Interdisciplinary research centers and pathways: »» Cognitive, Computation and Systems Neuroscience (CCSN) Pathway: »» Center for Translational Research in Advanced Imaging and Nanomedicine (C-TRAIN): »» Imaging Sciences Pathway (ISP): »» Center for Innovation in Neuroscience and Technology (CINT): »» Center for the Investigation of Membrane Excitability Diseases (CIMED): »» Hope Center for Neurological Disorders: »» Institute for Materials Science & Engineering (IMSE): areas including positron emission tomography, medical applications of ultrasound, application of computers to hearing research and development of heart valve flow simulators. This atmosphere of collaboration and collegiality between the two schools has been further strengthened and expanded, leading to an exceptional degree of synergy that is one of the department’s hallmarks. Genes provide clues to gender disparity in human hearts Healthy men and women show little difference in their hearts, except for small electrocardiographic disparities. But new genetic differences found by Igor Efimov, PhD, the Lucy and Stanley Lopata Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering, in hearts with disease could ultimately lead to personalized treatment of various heart ailments. While prior studies have clearly established differences in the development of heart disease between men and women, very few studies had looked at the molecular mechanisms behind those differences in human hearts. Efimov and a former doctoral student, Christina Ambrosi, PhD, analyzed 34 human hearts. They expected very large gender differences in expression of genes in the ventricles, but did not find them. Unexpectedly, they found huge gender differences in the atria. g g 4 >> s c h o o l o f e n g i n e e r i n g & applied science Team LumaCure takes top prize in Engineering World Health Design Competition Team LumaCure, which includes biomedical engineering majors Charles Wu, junior; Huy Lam, sophomore; John Prewitt, senior; Yoga Shentu, sophomore; Matt Speizman, sophomore; and Fangzhou Xiao, sophomore, won the $3,000 first-place prize in the 2013 competition. They received their award at the Biomedical Engineering Society meeting in September 2013. The team received the award for its Electroluminescence Biliblanket, a low-cost alternative to treating jaundice in newborns. The device is a small, glowing mat placed next to the infant’s skin, with much less power intensive requirements and less costly than those currently used. The team built a prototype that uses electroluminescent materials to transmit light, eliminating the need for expensive fiber optics, and to supply a lowcost, reliable and safe treatment for jaundice in newborns, particularly in the developing world. »» Yoram Rudy, 4 yrs, $1,520,000, NIH, Title: “Inverse and Forward Problems in Electrocardiography.” »» Shelly Sakiyama-Elbert (with Richard Gelberman and Stavros Thomopoulos), $2,673,845, NIH, Title: “Enhanced Tendon Healing Through Growth Factor and Cell Therapies.” »» Igor Efimov, 2 yrs, $437,330, NIH, Title: “Opto-electric Mapping of Action Potentials.” »» Dan Moran, 4 yrs, $1,992,456, NSF, Title: “Development of New Algorithmic Models and Tools to Enhance Neural Adaptation in Brain Computer Interface Systems.” »» Rohit Pappu, 4 yrs, $847,075, NSF, Title: “Phase Behavior of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins.” »» Barani Raman, 3 yrs, $732,084, ONR, Title: “Neuromorphic Chemical Sensing Using Miniaturized Microsensor Arrays.” »» Lihong Wang, 5 years, $3,800,000, NIH Director’s Pioneer Award to explore novel imaging techniques using light that promise significant improvements in biomedical imaging and light therapy. g >> 5 department of biomedical engineering Faculty Biomaterials & Tissue Engineering Our core and more than 60 affiliated faculty partner in a number of This program seeks to determine the fundamental principles regulating interdisciplinary research institutes, centers and pathways. Together, these growth and remodeling in natural and engineered tissues. The result will be a provide an extremely broad spectrum of teaching and research expertise. better understanding of normal growth processes and the responses of cells, This rich diversity, integrating length scales from molecules to the whole tissues and organisms to disease and trauma. This knowledge will be applied organism, together with a solid curriculum grounded in biomedical engineering, to the development of materials that promote healing and the regeneration has enabled our faculty to make a meaningful impact in many of the premier of functional tissues. academic, medical, legal and industrial organizations around the world. No. 1 U.S. News & World Report’s per capita core faculty citations from 2001 to 2011 6 >> s c h o o l o f e n g i n e e r i n g & applied science Donald L. Elbert Shelly E. Sakiyama-Elbert Larry A. Taber Frank Yin Associate Professor Professor and Associate Chair PhD, Chemical Engineering, University of Texas-Austin, 1997 PhD, Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, 2000 The Dennis and Barbara Kessler Professor of Biomedical Engineering Stephen F. and Camilla T. Brauer Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering BS, University of Notre Dame, 1990 MS, California Institute of Technology, 1998 Professor Elbert’s research interests are in cell and tissue engineering, protein adsorption, and drug delivery. His laboratory is developing new hydrogel scaffolds that self-assemble in the presence of living cells, applying “bottom-up” design principles. The materials are bioactive and designed to resist protein adsorption. “Modules’” are formed by a phase separation process and are designed to carry out unique functions, for example, to deliver proteins or drugs, or to degrade to form pores. Assembly of the modules around the cells allows for the formation of multiple compartments that contain different cell types. He believes that these strategies hold great promise to produce synthetic scaffolds that are better mimics of natural extracellular matrix. PhD, Aeronautics and Astronautics, Stanford University, 1979 MD, University of California, San Diego, 1973 BS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1996 MS, Stanford University, 1975 PhD, University of California, San Diego, 1970 Professor Sakiyama-Elbert’s research is highly interdisciplinary, combining an understanding of biology, chemistry and biomedical engineering to develop new bioactive materials that can enhance wound healing and tissue regeneration. Her research focuses on developing biomaterials scaffolds for drug delivery and stem cell transplantation to treat peripheral nerve and spinal cord injuries. BS, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1974 Professor Taber’s research focuses on the biomechanics of cardiovascular, brain and eye development in the embryo. Using a combination of experimental and theoretical techniques, he is studying cardiac looping, folding of the cerebral cortex and retinal morphogenesis. Looping abnormalities cause numerous cardiac malformations, abnormal folding of the brain is associated with several neurological disorders, and perturbed development of the eye can cause severe visual impairment. This research provides insight into the mechanical causes of congenital heart, brain and eye defects. MS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1967 BS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1965 Professor Yin’s research expertise is biomechanics of both fluids and solids. The bulk of his research entailed elucidating the mechanical properties of myocardial and pericardial tissue, heart valves and, most recently, the actin cytoskeleton of cells. He has also studied the effects of hypertension and various therapeutic drugs on arterial hemodynamics. His work has applications to cancer, tissue healing and remodeling, as well as treatment of high blood pressure. From 1997 to 2013 he served as chairman of the Department of Biomedical Engineering. >> 7 department of biomedical engineering Cardiovascular Engineering Imaging Technologies This program seeks to create better understanding of the cardiovascular This program seeks to bring the most innovative technology — whether system, as well as innovative ways to diagnose and treat cardiovascular it be the next generation hardware, multiple modalities, advanced image diseases. Examples include understanding the mechanisms underlying ion reconstruction or signal processing methods, new contrast agents or novel channel function and developing new paradigms for treating fibrillation and applications — to bear on important basic science and clinical issues. Our other heart rhythm disturbances. goal is to develop new technologies to complement the already strong research and clinical imaging activities in our community. Wang to study oxygen consumption in cells In an engineering breakthrough, a Washington University biomedical researcher has discovered a way to use light and color to measure oxygen in individual red blood cells in real time. Igor R. Efimov Yoram Rudy Jonathan R. Silva Mark A. Anastasio Lihong Wang The Lucy and Stanley Lopata Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering The Fred Saigh Distinguished Professor of Engineering Assistant Professor Professor and Interim Department Chair The Gene K. Beare Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering PhD, Medical Physics, The University of Chicago, 2001 PhD, Electrical Engineering, Rice University, 1992 MS, University of Illinois at Chicago, 1995 MS, Huazhong University of Science & Technology, 1987 The research was published March 25 in PNAS Online Early Edition. BS, Huazhong University of Science & Technology, 1984 The new technology that Wang developed, called photoacoustic flowoxigraphy, uses light in a novel way that allows researchers to watch red blood cells flowing through tiny capillaries, the smallest of the body’s blood vessels at about the width of one red blood cell. PhD, Biophysics & Biomedical Engineering, Moscow Institute of Physics & Technology, 1992 MSc, Moscow Institute of Physics & Technology, 1986 BSc, Moscow Institute of Physics & Technology, 1983 Professor Efimov’s research focuses on cardiovascular engineering and physiology with the hope of improving therapies for cardiovascular diseases. His research uses novel biophotonic imaging modalities, bioelectronics and molecular biology techniques to investigate the relationship between tissue remodeling and human heart disease and to develop novel cardiac engineering approaches to therapy. PhD, Biomedical Engineering, Case Western Reserve University, 1978 MSc, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, 1973 BSc, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, 1971 Using computational models, Professor Rudy researches the mechanisms at the molecular, cellular and multicellular levels that underlie normal and abnormal cardiac rhythms, particularly those that lead to sudden cardiac death. He has also developed a novel, noninvasive imaging modality for mapping cardiac activation called electrocardiographic imaging (ECGI) that is used to study arrhythmias in patients and for clinical diagnosis and guidance of therapy. Professor Rudy is currently the director of the Cardiac Bioelectricity and Arrhythmia Center (CBAC). 8 The technology, developed by Lihong Wang, PhD, the Gene K. Beare Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering, could eventually be used to determine how oxygen is delivered to normal and diseased tissues or how various disease therapies impact oxygen delivery throughout the body. >> s c h o o l o f e n g i n e e r i n g & applied science PhD, Biomedical Engineering, Washington University in St. Louis, 2008 MSc, Case Western Reserve University, 2004 BSc, Johns Hopkins University, 2000 Combining experiment with theory, Professor Silva studies how perturbations to molecular motions propagate across time and length scales to affect the excitable tissues of the heart, brain and pancreas. His team is currently focused on the sodium channel, which initiates excitation and is a target for neurotoxins, bioweapons, insecticides, anesthetics and antiarrhythmics. By using fluorescence to measure changes in conformation and ionic currents to assess function, the effects of small molecules, genetic mutation and post-translational modification can be understood at the nano-scale. These results are then incorporated into detailed computational models to understand their consequences on the cell and organ physiology. MSE, University of Pennsylvania, 1993 BS, Illinois Institute of Technology, 1992 Professor Anastasio’s research activities broadly address the engineering and scientific principles of biomedical imaging. Almost all modern biomedical imaging systems, including advanced microscopy methods, X-ray computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and photoacoustic computed tomography, to name only a few, utilize computational methods for image formation. The development of image reconstruction methods for novel computed imaging systems is a theme that underlies much of his work. His current research projects include the development of photoacoustic and X-ray phase-contrast imaging methods. Professor Wang’s research interest is in biophotonic imaging. His laboratory invented or discovered functional photoacoustic tomography, 3D photoacoustic microscopy (PAM), the photoacoustic Doppler effect, photoacoustic reporter gene imaging, focused scanning microwave-induced thermoacoustic tomography, the universal photoacoustic or thermoacoustic reconstruction algorithm, frequency-swept ultrasound-modulated optical tomography, time-reversed ultrasonically encoded (TRUE) optical focusing, sonoluminescence tomography, Mueller-matrix optical coherence tomography, optical coherence computed tomography and oblique-incidence reflectometry. Professor Wang’s Monte Carlo model of photon transport in scattering media has been used worldwide. The technology could help researchers and physicians to determine how cancer or diabetes change oxygen metabolism. g >> 9 department of biomedical engineering Molecular, Cellular & Systems Engineering This program seeks to develop innovative approaches for treating disease by manipulating molecules, cells or systems. For example, diseases associated with misfolded proteins, such as Alzheimer’s and Huntington’s, could be treated by understanding and eventually modifying how proteins fold into their complex three-dimensional, functional configurations. Better understanding of most biological processes is likely to depend upon systems-wide approaches at all levels. Revolutionizing diagnosis Jan Bieschke Jianmin Cui Kristen M. Naegle Rohit V. Pappu Jin-Yu Shao Assistant Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor PhD, Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Germany, 2000 PhD, Physiology & Biophysics, State University of New York, 1992 PhD, Theoretical and Biological Physics, Tufts University, 1996 PhD, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Duke University, 1997 Chemistry Diploma, University Goettingen, Germany, 1996 MS, Peking University, 1986 PhD, Biological Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2010 MS, Tufts University, 1993 MS, Peking University, 1991 BSc, Bangalore University, 1990 BS, Peking University, 1988 Eukaryotic proteomes are enriched in intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) that fail to fold autonomously into welldefined three-dimensional structures. These proteins are often hubs in protein interaction networks and serve as central players in transcriptional regulation and in controlling cellular responses to signals. Professor Pappu’s group uses multiscale modeling and biophysical experiments to study three major aspects of IDPs: (i) their sequence-ensemble relationships and mechanisms of molecular recognition; (ii) de novo sequence design to reverse-engineer protein interaction networks by targeting IDP hubs as a model strategy for treatment of cardiovascular disorders; and (iii) mechanisms of self-assembly as it relates to neurodegeneration in Huntington’s and related diseases. Professor Pappu is the director of the Center for Biological Systems Engineering (CBSE). With research interests in cellular and molecular biomechanics, Professor Shao works to provide new insights into a variety of diseases (atherosclerosis, leukocyte adhesion deficiency syndrome, cancer metastasis, von Willebrand disease and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura) by imposing femtonewton- to nanonewtonlevel forces to single proteins and single cells. His engineering approach will allow for unique contributions to understanding these diseases. He also works to further understand cell adhesion and molecular interactions, as well as cell and tissue development, by combining theoretical modeling and biophysical techniques. Professor Bieschke’s research interests focus on the processes of protein folding and misfolding and how these processes can lead to widespread aging-related diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Self-assembly of proteins in insoluble fibrillar structures can be toxic to the cell but can also have unique material properties. Professor Bieschke aims to dissect and influence these self-assembly processes using biophysical tools such as single-molecule fluorescence, atomic force microscopy and subdiffraction microscopy, in order to develop new strategies to counteract protein misfolding diseases. 10 >> s c h o o l o f e n g i n e e r i n g & BS, Peking University, 1983 Professor Cui investigates the molecular basis of bioelectricity and related diseases in nervous and cardiovascular systems, including ion channel function and modulation and discovery of drugs that target ion channels. He is also interested in ultrasound-mediated drug and gene delivery. applied science SM, Biological Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2006 MS, Electrical Engineering, University of Washington, 2004 BS, Electrical Engineering, University of Washington, 2001 Professor Naegle’s research interests include computational molecular systems biology, post-translational modifications, signal transduction and proteomics. She combines computational mining and modeling techniques with experimental molecular biology approaches to understand the function of post-translational modifications in regulatory networks of the cell. The specific focus of her work is on those regulatory events that are involved in the complex development and propagation of human disease with the possibility of discovering new therapeutic interventions in diseases such as cancer, diabetes and neurodegenerative disorders. Rohit Pappu, PhD, director of the new Center for Biological Systems Engineering (CBSE), studies proteins involved in the development of Huntington’s disease and related neurodegenerative motor control disorders. All involve an ensemble of recently recognized eccentric proteins, known as intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs), and share the common theme of protein aggregation, or clumping, leading to neuronal death and disease. Perhaps the best-known example of protein aggregation is the beta amyloid plaques seen in the brains of Alzheimer’s disease patients. Organizing a network himself, Pappu in the past year has helped assemble a group of seven researchers. Each is devoted to an area of biomedical science with the common goal of understanding the essence of biomolecular and cellular networks. Dean Ralph Quatrano says, “We anticipate the work from this center to revolutionize the way human diseases are diagnosed and treated, using the basic tools of systems and computational science. This approach symbolizes the vision for our future, one of ‘convergence’ of disciplines.” g >> 11 department of biomedical engineering Neural Engineering This program involves fundamental and applied studies related to neurons, neural systems, behavior and neurological disease encompassing a spectrum of activities, including mathematical modeling; exploring novel approaches to sensory (vision, hearing, smell and touch) and motor processing; exploring fundamentals of neural plasticity; and designing neuroprosthetics. The approaches involve information processing at the molecular, cellular, systems and behavioral levels. Chemical detection Barani Raman, PhD, has spent nearly a decade trying to determine how the human brain and olfactory system operate to process various scent and odor signals. His research, funded by the DOD, seeks to recreate this olfactory system. Dennis L. Barbour Vitaly A. Klyachko Daniel W. Moran Baranidharan Raman Kurt A. Thoroughman Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor MD, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, 2003 PhD, Biophysics. University of WisconsinMadison, 2002 PhD, Bioengineering, Arizona State University, 1994 PhD, Computer Science, Texas A&M University, 2005 PhD, Johns Hopkins University, 1999 PhD, Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, 2003 MS, BS, Moscow State University, 1998 BS, Milwaukee School of Engineering, 1989 MS, Computer Science, Texas A&M University, 2003 BEE, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1995 Professor Klyachko’s research is focused on synaptic function and plasticity with the goal of understanding how neural circuits analyze information in the brain. His work has important implications to neurodevelopmental disorders such as Fragile X syndrome and autism spectrum disorders. Professor Moran’s research interests are in motor control and neuroprostheses. His research group works to understand how the brain controls voluntary upper arm movements. He also works to identify alternative control signals for braincomputer interfaces, which can restore function in patients who have paralysis or neuromuscular disorders. Professor Barbour’s research interests include sensory neurophysiology, computational neuroscience, braincomputer interfaces and neural plasticity. He also designs software intended to train listening ability following hearing loss. His research has the potential to contribute toward improved devices to interface with humans (including hearing aids, auditory prostheses and linguistic brain-computer interfaces) and to functionally replace damaged brain tissue following a stroke or other injury. 12 >> s c h o o l o f e n g i n e e r i n g & applied science B Eng, Computer Engineering, University of Madras, 2000 Professor Raman’s research interests include computational and systems neuroscience, pattern recognition, sensor-based machine olfaction and bioinspired intelligent systems. He combines theoretical and electrophysiological approaches to study how the brain processes complex sensory signals (especially the olfactory cues), and to identify the fundamental principles of neural computation. In parallel, he is also working on developing novel, neuromorphic algorithms and devices (such as an “electronic nose”) that have potential applications in the biomedical, homeland security, robotics and human-computer interaction domains. BA, University of Chicago, 1993 Professor Thoroughman studies human learning and motor control. His lab characterizes motor learning processes in healthy human adults and identifies the specific signals used to plan movements and build motor predictions, which will in turn predict the neuronal activities required for motor learning. Comparing these predictions to physiological recordings from nonhuman primates indicates brain areas that likely underlie these computations. Emerging research projects include how experience changes not just what is learned but the learning process itself; learning via observation of others; ability of people to learn with explicit reward feedback; and theories of movement, biomechanics, reflex and brain. Professor Thoroughman also studies innovations in undergraduate education in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). His work aims to improve motivation, achievement, and understanding across courses and semesters, especially for undergraduates. “The olfactory environment is complex,” Raman says. “Someone wearing perfume, someone drinking coffee — all of these things give off volatile chemicals. So how do you design a sensing system that desensitizes itself to its background and picks up what you’re looking for? This is what we call the ‘chemical needle in a haystack’ problem.” Raman is taking clues from biology to develop an artificial or electronic nose that would be able to detect volatile chemicals without threat to humans. Raman is working on this project through a three-year, $735,000 grant from the Office of Naval Research. His ultimate goal is to create a handheld device that could sense explosives or hazardous chemicals noninvasively, saving humans or scent-detection dogs from potential harm. >> 13 department of biomedical engineering Undergraduate Students Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering Washington University offers a four-year curriculum leading to a baccalaureate degree, which is designed to prepare students for graduate school, medical school or industry. Biomedical engineers have a tremendous impact on the lives of people around the world, developing lifesaving cures and improving quality of life. Studying biomedical engineering allows students the opportunity to learn the principles of engineering and biology to solve problems at molecular to whole-body levels. Undergraduate students work with engineering and medical faculty on projects ranging from surgical devices and imaging techniques to bioactive materials and drug delivery systems. wustl photo wustl photo The curriculum is structured around a basic core of 103 units. A complementary No. 14 Undergraduate program in U.S. News ranking (2014) 29% of 2012 BME graduates went on to attend medical school program of at least 17 units completes the degree requirements. Students in BME may also receive up to six units of academic credit for a research or design project. devon hill 14 >> s c h o o l o f e n g i n e e r i n g & applied science geoff story Research & independent study International Experience Undergraduates are encouraged to pursue laboratory In addition to the study-abroad programs available through or industrial research during the school year or summer the College of Arts and Sciences, there are Biomedical break. Many Washington University faculty have research Engineering-specific exchange programs available to students openings for students. during the semester or summer. >> 15 department of biomedical engineering Graduate Students Our vision is that future leaders and lasting impact will arise from successfully integrating engineering concepts and approaches across molecular to whole body levels. Moreover, those also trained to integrate the analytical, modeling and systems approaches of engineering to the complex, and sometimes overwhelming, descriptive details of biology will be uniquely positioned to address new and exciting opportunities. We are committed to educating and training the next generation of biomedical engineers with this vision in mind. Consequently, we have leveraged our existing strengths to build our department around the five research programs representing some of the most exciting frontiers. ron klein We focus on five overlapping research programs that represent frontier areas of Biomedical Engineering and leverage the existing strengths of our current faculty and resources. These areas provide exciting training opportunities for students with a variety of backgrounds and interests. There is ample support for students to pursue their research training. The core faculty’s annual per capita research expenditures currently exceed $675,000, putting us in the top tier of research departments nationwide. Founder, President and Chief Scientific Officer of NanoMed LLC and Retectix LLC NanoMed/Retectix is a medical device company focused on the development WUSTL School of Medicine consistently ranks in the top five of the 125 U.S. and production of nanofabricated medical schools and third in funding from the National Institutes of Health novel platform technology developed for research and training. “The cross-disciplinary relationships, especially with the acclaimed School of Medicine, seamlessly integrate the principles of engineering design with clinical needs to strive for advancements in both basic science and translational innovations.” Sarah Gutbrod Biomedical Engineering PhD student 16 Matthew MacEwan >> s c h o o l o f e n g i n e e r i n g & applied science surgical meshes and biomaterials utilizing at Washington University in St. Louis. Matthew is responsible for product development, preclinical/clinical testing, regulatory compliance and corporate strategy. Matthew is a member of the Medical Scientist Training Program at ron klein Washington University in St. Louis and is pursuing a doctorate in biomedical engineering and an MD with clinical specialization in neurosurgery. No. 12 Graduate program in U.S. News ranking (2013) Degrees offered »» Master of Science (MS) »» Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Biomedical Engineering »» Combined MS/MBA (given jointly with the Olin Business School) »» Combined MD/PhD (given jointly with the School of Medicine) >> 17 department of biomedical engineering Biomedical Engineering Alumni Select companies where our alumni work: “My engineering background has equipped me with skills and technical knowledge that I now use every day as a future physician, in both the hospital and the classroom.” Zoë Julian Current medical student, previously a Biocompatibility Specialist at Boston Scientific, Class of 2009 Abbott Laboratories Loreal Philips Accenture Massachusetts General Hospital Philips Healthcare Amgen Analogic Corp. MD Anderson Cancer Center bioMérieux Inc. Medtronic Roche Diagnostics Boston Scientific Corp. Microsoft Shell Covidien Micro Systems Engineering Inc. Siemens Epic Mike Lynch Elizabeth Phillips Abigail Cohen Co-Founder and CSO, OPX Biotechnologies 2012 NCAA Woman of the Year, current medical student Co-Founder, Sparo Labs, Pipeline Entrepreneurial Fellow The race is on to develop greener fuels and chemicals from renewable resources, and Boulder, Colo.–based OPX Biotechnologies Inc. — with two Washington University alumni at the helm — is in the race to win. The 2012 finalists were selected based on academic achievement, athletics excellence and dedication to community service and leadership. Cohen was part of a student-led team that founded Sparo Labs, which stemmed from an award-winning project to develop a lowcost spirometer, a device that measures lung function. The team had spent about a year and a half developing the product and a prototype that conquers the historical issues of high cost and difficulty of use. Most spirometers cost between $1,000$2,000, making them unaffordable for hospitals and clinics in the developing world. However, the device the student team designed costs about $8. The low cost could allow health-care providers in developing countries to purchase the spirometers, which are specially designed for accuracy and durability despite their price. Mike Lynch, MD/PhD, AB ’00, BSBME ’00, MSBME ’00, the driving force behind the company’s platform technologies, cofounded OPX Biotechnologies (OPXBIO) in 2007 and serves as chief scientific officer. Chas Eggert, BSChE ’75, MBA ’85, came on board as president and CEO in 2008, bringing a wealth of chemical industry experience. Together, these innovators are rapidly propelling OPXBIO toward the lead in the emerging bioproducts industry. Phillips, who graduated in 2012 with a degree in biomedical engineering and a 4.0 GPA, completed her career as one of the most decorated student-athletes in school history. She became the first-ever threetime NCAA Elite 88/89 Award winner in any NCAA division. In 2012, Phillips was named the Capital One Academic All-America of the Year Division III award winner for women’s track & field/crosscountry, making her the first track & field/ cross country Academic All-America of the Year winner in Washington U. history. She also earned first-team Academic AllAmerica honors in 2011 and 2012. >> s c h o o l o f e n g i n e e r i n g & applied science Procter & Gamble Sigma-Aldrich FDA Millennium Pharmaceuticals St. Jude Medical GE Monsanto Stryker GE Healthcare Neutrogena Teach For America Genentech Owens Corning Texas Instruments Google Peace Corps VA Medical Center Kimberly-Clark Pfizer Inc. Wyle $66,500 Reported starting salaries for 2012 WUSTL Biomedical Engineering Bachelor of Science graduates 18 Princeton University $41,800 National average * National Association of Colleges and Employers “Salary Survey” April 2012. >> 19 department of biomedical engineering Facilities School of Engineering & Applied Science Realizing the need for new research laboratories and specialized facilities that would support the school’s intellectual vision and plans, Chancellor Mark As an engineering school, we aspire to discover the unknown, educate Wrighton committed the site at the northeast corner of WUSTL’s Danforth students and serve society. Our strategy focuses intellectual efforts through Campus for the School of Engineering & Applied Science. In 2007, the a new convergence paradigm and builds on strengths, particularly as applied school developed a master plan for a new engineering complex that would complement and connect to the existing Uncas A. Whitaker Hall for Biomedical Engineering. The proposed approximately 700,000-square-foot complex would provide modern research and instructional facilities equipped with state-of-the-art technology needed to enable collaboration across disciplines. The Uncas A. Whitaker Hall for Biomedical Engineering and Stephen F. & Camilla T. Brauer Hall of Engineering are the home of Biomedical Engineering. Each of these state-of-the-art teaching and research facilities contains modular office, laboratory and teaching complexes of various sizes. The flexible design of each building also easily accommodates different types of research and the requisite infrastructure, such as specialized imaging equipment, scanning and transmission electron microscopes and high-speed, high-capacity computing clusters. LEED: The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System™ is a third-party certification program and the nationally accepted benchmark for the design, construction and operation of high-performance green buildings. to medicine and health, energy and environment, and security. Through innovative partnerships with academic and industry partners — across disciplines and across the world — we will contribute to solving the greatest 82 Tenured and tenure-track faculty 1,175 global challenges of the 21st century. Undergraduate students $150 m 369 Invested since 2001 in engineering space Master’s students 335 Doctoral students 19K Alumni $22.4 m Uncas A. Whitaker Hall Stephen F. & Camilla T. Brauer Hall Whitaker Hall opened in December 2002 with approximately Brauer Hall opened in June 2010 with approximately 151,000 110,000 square feet of space for the Department of square feet of space for the Department of Biomedical Biomedical Engineering. Engineering and the Department of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering. 20 >> s c h o o l o f e n g i n e e r i n g & applied science Total research expenditures (FY13) dan gill g >> 21 Department of Biomedical Engineering Campus Box 1097 • One Brookings Drive St. Louis, MO 63130 (314) 935-7208 >>
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