Tonga Confetti–Rainbow Connection Quilt designed by Osie Lebowitz Photo: D. James Dee Finished quilt: 60" x 72" • Finished block: 131⁄2" 4A 3A 4B 2A 22 3B 21 20 2B 1A 19 2B 18 17 16 B 1B 15 14 13 12 fig. 2 13 13 12 1 2 11 11 10 10 9 8 7 6 4 3 2 1 4 5B 3 2 5 1 14 14 5 4B 14“ 3B 14“ 1B 2B fig. 3 1A 15 15 6A 16 16 6B 7A 7B 8A 11 Quilt Top Assembly 7. Refer to the quilt photo and lay out the quilt center with four blocks across and five rows down, alternating block direction as shown. Continue Continue adding ccolor olor shap shapes. es. 5A 23 Block Construction 1. Arrange the Tonga Confetti shapes in a pleasing color order, referring to the quilt photo for guidance. Number the color stacks from 1 to 30 to keep them in order as you work. 2. Following figure 1, sew the short edge of a color 1 shape to the long edge 2A of another color 1 shape. Add color 2 to the upper edge, followed by another 1A color 2 perpendicular to the first shape, forming a braided pattern. Press the 1B SSeam eam 1 seam allowances in one direction after each addition. fig. 1 3. Continue adding colors in numerical order. When you reach color 30, begin again with color 1. Repeat the color braiding process until you’ve used all the colored shapes to make four color repeats. 4. Trim the beginning of the braid at right angles to the long edges at the inside angle. (figure 2) 5. Sew five 21⁄2" Tonga-B7800 Grape strips together end to end. Starting at the trimmed braid end, sew a sashing strip to each braid long edge. To help prevent stretching, sew with the sashing strip up. Press the seam allowances toward the sashing. Trim the original end to square if needed. 6. Measure the width of the sashed braid to double-check the 14" width. If that’s not the size, note the new number as your cut block size. Beginning at the square end, cut the sashed braid strip into twenty equal blocks. (figure 3) 5A Cutting Trace the template shape onto the template material and cut out. From each 1/6 yard of Tonga Confetti prints: Cut two 21⁄2" x width-of-fabric (WOF) strips. Sub-cut eight shapes of each color using the template. From the Tonga-B7800 Grape: Cut sixteen 21⁄2" strips along the fabric length. Finishing 11. Layer the quilt top, batting and backing and quilt as desired. 12. Sew the remaining 21⁄2" Tonga-B7800 Grape strips together end to end using diagonal seams. Fold and press the strip in half lengthwise with wrong sides together. Stitch to the quilt front, matching raw edges and mitering the corners. 13. Fold the binding to the quilt underside and hand-stitch the folded edge to the quilt back. 4A Helpful Hints • To control bias seams in this project, press the fabric with sizing or spray-starch before cutting. • Tonga Batiks can be used with either side of the fabric as the right side, so no need to cut any pieces reversed for this quilt design. If you substitute another type of fabric, you’ll need to cut half the shapes in reverse for braided piecing. 3A Other Supplies Template material 3" x 9" 8. Sew the blocks together in rows. Sew the rows together. 9. Measure the quilt center width and cut two 21⁄2" TongaB7800 Grape strips that length. Sew one border to the top and one to the bottom of the quilt center. 10. Measure the quilt center length and cut two 21⁄2" TongaB7800 Grape strips that length. Sew one border to each side of the quilt center. 2A Fabric Requirements 1/6 yard each of thirty Tonga Confetti prints 21⁄8 yards of Tonga-B7800 Grape (sashing, border, binding) 2 yards of XTonga-B7856 Lagoon (backing) as bi Rainbow Connection Template ©2012 Osie Lebowitz Permission is granted to shop owners and teachers to make copies for promotional or educational purposes only. This pattern may not be reproduced for commercial purposes (i.e., may not be sold). This pattern may not be reproduced for ANY PURPOSE after February 15, 2013. Tonga–B9392 Plum Tonga–B2178 Eggplant Tonga–B9121 Grape Tonga–B9391 Ruby Tonga–B9388 Peony Tonga–B9389 Chili Tonga–B9388 Fire Tonga–B9387 Punch Tonga–B6907 Orange Tonga–B9102 Pink Tonga–B8405 Lipstick Tonga–B9390 Red Tonga–B2178 Tangerine Tonga–B9386 Flame Tonga–B8780 Goldfish Tonga–B9379 Sun Tonga–B9386 Neon Tonga–B9385 Citron Tonga–B8402 Lime Tonga–B9383 Parakeet Tonga–B9378 Green Tonga–B9382 Grass Tonga–B7796 Kelly Tonga–B9376 Tropical Tonga–B4797 Teal Tonga–B9380 Ocean Tonga–B9384 Sour Apple Tonga–B9381 Jade Tonga–B9379 Sapphire Tonga–B9378 Cobalt All Fabrics Shown 25% of Actual Size. Tonga–B7800 Grape 483-485 Broadway, New York, NY 10013 • Phone: 212-226-1400 • Fax: 212-925-4180 • •
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