Bloomington-Normal ACADEMIC, CULTURAL, TECHNOLOGICAL & SCIENTIFIC OLYMPICS Founder Bloomington-Normal ACT-SO Valerie Wyatt C ha irpe rson Carol M. de la Cruz C o-Chair Jade Hursey Treasurer Ben Ryburn F i n a n c ia l S e c r e t a ry Nikki Gibson S te erin g Com m itte e Quincy Cummings Rhonda Davidson-White John Elliott Linda Foster Capri Gonzalez Jay Groves Pamela Hart Meta Mickens-Baker Jennifer Palmer C o mm itte e At Larg e Wilma Bates Delphine Browns Erica Jones Carter Duane Farrington Collette Fung Jason Gibson Willie Holton Halbert Sheila Harris Regina Johnson Virginia Jordan-Benson Brenda Joyner Verdonna Lagrone Lorraine Loving Nicki Millan Gayle Miller Angela Palmer Torea Phillips Gloria Rayborn DeLisa Rodney Takesha Stokes Harolyn M. Watts Rick Watts Ruth Welch Paige White Sharon Whooten Lottie Williams Veronica Woods NAACP ACT-SO P.O. Box 925 Normal, IL 61761, Dear Friend of ACT-SO, The Academic, Cultural, Technological, and Scientific Olympics (ACT-SO) program was developed to enhance and showcase the academic and artistic achievement of African-American high school students just as we do their athletic achievements. Since 1978, the NAACP ACT-SO has: • • • • Challenged students to excel and consistently put a spotlight on their efforts and successes; Raised the standard of excellence and expectation among our youth; Promoted a climate of academic and artistic development; and Mobilized the adult community to serve as mentors and coaches for students in the areas of the humanities, performing arts, visual arts, business, and STEM. ACT-SO is a yearlong enrichment program that culminates in a local and national competition where students compete for awards and scholarships totaling over $100,000. ACT-SO, the “Olympics of the Mind”, seeks to promote positive selfesteem, academic and artistic excellence, and positive interaction between our youth and the adult professional community. Furthermore, ACT-SO encourages more African-American youths to pursue higher education. The Bloomington-Normal ACT-SO program is in its fifth year and has experienced success at both the local and national levels. We have had 13 local gold medalist, two national bronze medalists, and a national silver medalist. Our 5th Annual Bloomington-Normal ACT-SO Competition and Awards Ceremony is April 18 & 19, 2015 at University High School and Illinois State University Hancock Stadium Club. The 2015 National NAACP ACT-SO competition will be held in Philadelphia, PA. The Bloomington-Normal ACT-SO chapter pays for all expenses associated with sending our local gold medalists to the national competition. To assist in our fund development efforts, we have created an awards souvenir book that highlights our Olympians and sponsors. The souvenir book is a great opportunity to show support for our community youth in among the 200+ expected attendees. As a valued community leader, we request your support to enable the ACT-SO program in Bloomington-Normal to continue to grow and thrive by becoming an ACT-SO contributor today. In recognition of your contribution at the platinum, diamond, gold, and silver sponsorship levels, we include you on all promotional material as well a full-page ad in the awards souvenir book. Please help us make our outreach efforts to our youth a success. Complete the enclosed form and return it with your payment to NAACP ACT-SO, P.O. Box 925, Normal, IL 61761. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration. We appreciate your willingness to partner with us in our endevors to encourage and support our community youth. Sincerely, Carol M. de la Cruz Chairperson Bloomington-Normal ACT-SO Jade Hursay Co-Chair Bloomington-Normal ACT-SO Bloomington-Normal NAACP ACT-SO P . O . B ox 9 2 5 Normal, IL 61761, AFRO-ACADEMIC, CULTURAL, TECHNOLOGICAL & SCIENTIFIC OLYMPIC Awards Ceremony Souvenir Book Ad & Banquet Tickets Form ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name of individual, business, or organization ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ Contact Person Phone ___________________________________________________________ E-mail PRICE LISTING Business card size/Patron $10 _____ Number of banquet tickets: $35 each Quarter page $25 _____ Table of eight (8): $280 Half page $50 _____ Two (2) tables: $560 Full page $100 (Please show your support for our community youth by purchasing a table for your organization and/or eight (8) future leaders to attend the 2015 Bloomington-Normal NAACP ACT-SO Awards Ceremony.) * You may also reserve banquet tickets and tables online at* Please email your print-ready ad or the components of your ad (i.e. photos and/or graphics and verbiage) to Ads may be submitted in hardcopy. All ads and payments must be received no later than 11:59 p.m. on April 9, 2015. Make checks payable to: NAACP ACT-SO (Include the student’s name on the memo line.) Send payments and ads submitted in hardcopy to: NAACP ACT-SO Souvenir Awards Book P.O. Box 925, Normal, IL 61761 For more information, please contact: Carol M. de la Cruz, Chairperson at Jade Hursey, Co-Chairperson at Name: ___________________________________________________ Date: ___________________ Company Name: ________________________________ Sponsorship Level: __________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________ Phone Number: __________________________ E-mail: ___________________________________ PLATINUM LEVEL $10,000 A $10,000 contribution will enable winners from our local competition to travel to the national competition, this year located in Philadelphia, PA. You will be recognized with name placement on ACT-SO apparel, acknowledgement in all print and media materials as an ACT-SO sponsor, signage at the local competition, placement in the program book, and dinner for 8 at the award ceremony. Full-page color ad in the awards souvenir book. DIAMOND LEVEL $5,000+ A $5,000 contribution will enable participants to receive scholarships and awards at our local competition, and support the production of the ACT-SO program. You will be recognized with signage at the local competition, placement in the program book, dinner for 8 at the award ceremony, and acknowledgement in all print and media materials as an event sponsor. Full-page color ad in the awards souvenir book. GOLD LEVEL $2,500+ A $2,500 contribution will enable participants to receive scholarships and awards at our local competition and support the production of the ACT-SO program. You will be recognized with signage at the local competition and placement in the program book, dinner for 6 at the award ceremony, and acknowledgement in all print and media materials as an event sponsor. Full-page black and white ad in the awards souvenir book. SILVER LEVEL $1,000+ A $1,000 contribution will support the production of the ACT-SO program. You will be recognized with signage at the local competition, dinner for 4 at the award ceremony, and inclusion in the program book as an event contributor. Half-page black and white ad in the awards souvenir book. CRYSTAL LEVEL $500+ A $500 contribution will support the production of the ACT-SO program. You will be recognized with signage at the local competition, dinner for 2 at the award ceremony, and inclusion in the awards souvenir book as an event contributor. PATRON LEVEL UP TO $500 Any contribution will support the production of the ACT-SO program. You will be recognized in the awards souvenir book as an event contributor. If tax deduction is required: Please send your donations made payable to: FCRC/NAACP ACT-SO and mail to: FCRC, 509 West Washington Street, Bloomington, Illinois 61701. FISCAL SPONSOR AGREEMENT This is an agreement between the Family Community Resource Center (FCRC) and the Academic, cultural, Technological, and scientific olympics (AcT-So) program of Bloomington-Normal November 25, 2014 n Date The Family Community Resource Center (FCRC) is a nonprofit organization, exempt from federal tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The FCRC is willing to receive tax deductible charitable contributions for the benefit of the ACT-SO program. FCRC helps families in crisis develop and maintain a safe environment in which to raise their children, ultimately producing self-sufficient, productive citizens who contribute positively to the community. ln addition, FCRC works to promote healthy relationships, advocate positive parenting techniques, and teach life skills to children, teens, and adults. The goal of Family Community Resource Center is to help improve the quality of life for families. ACT-SO is a yearlong enrichment program of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) that is designed to recruit, stimulate, improve and encourage high academic and cultural achievement among African-American high school students. The Local ACT-SO chapter receives support from schools, community, organizations, churches, foundations, private corporations and individuals. By entering into this agreement, the parties agree to the fotlowing terms and conditions: FCRC agrees to receive grants, contributions and gifts to be used for the ACT-SO Program. Funds will be disbursed within 10 business days of receipt. FCRC will be responsible for the processing and acknowledgment of all monies received for ACT-SO, which shall be reported as income of FCRC for both tax purposes and financial statements. FCRC will furnish evidence of its status as an exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) to the donor upon request. 509 \X/est Washington Street Bloomington, Illinois 617 01 p:309.821.1616 f: 309 .821.1717 Ðt FCRC willreceive a3o/o administrative fee of allmonies received. ACT-SOwill submit monthly activity and financial reports to FCRC. ACT-SO agrees not to use funds received from FCRC in any way which would jeopardizethe taxexempt status of FCRC.Any changes in the purpose forwhich grant funds are spent must be approved in writing before implementation. ACT-SO agreesto use any and allfunds received from the FCRC solely for Iegitimate expenses and to account fully to FCRC for the disbursement of funds. ACT-SO may solicitgifts, contributions, and grants on behalf of FCRC that are earmarked for the activities of the ACT-SO Program. FCRC's CEO must co-sign all originalletters of inquiry, grant proposals, and grant agreements. Grants involving government or public agency monies have substantial reporting and auditing requirements. Therefore, if ACT-SO desires to apply forgovernment or public agency grants, it must get advance approval to do so from FCRC. Either party mayterminatethis agreement by giving a 30 day written noticeto the other party. :3a1- Bæt-(b rþ Phone Number ACT-SO President SAVE THE DATE! 5th Annual Bloomington-Normal NAACP Academic, Cultural, Technological and Scientific Olympics AWARDS COMPETITION Hosted by Bloomington-Normal NAACP and Illinois State University Saturday, April 18, 2015 9:00AM – Noon University High School, Stroud Auditorium ★ Awards Competition Admission Free and Open to the Public ★ AWARDS CEREMONY DINNER Sunday, April 19, 2015 3:00PM – 5:00PM Illinois State University Hancock Stadium Club Tickets: $35, may be purchased on the Bloomington-Normal ACT-SO Web site: “Olympics of the Mind” Celebrating Today’s Youth…Tomorrow’s LEADERS The Bloomington-Normal ACT-SO is a year-long enrichment program designed to encourage high academic and cultural achievement among African American high school students. ACT-SO provides students the opportunity to explore their interests, showcase their talents, and compete for prizes and scholarships in five main categories: Science, Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Humanities and Business. Local gold medalists advance to the National Competition. For more information on becoming an ACT-SO JUDGE, COACH, MENTOR, or please visit: Like us on Facebook! PARTICIPANT Sponsored by Bloomington-Normal NAACP, State Farm®, and Illinois State University Bloomington-Normal Academic, Cultural, Technological, and Scientific Olympics National NAACP ACT-SO Competition “Olympics of the Mind” Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Thursday JULY 9, 2015 – Sunday, JULY 12, 2015 Today’s Youth…Tomorrow’s LEADER!
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