CLIN. CHEM. 30/2, 238-242 (1984) Determination of Creatine Kinase MB Activity with the Du Pont aca: Interferences from the Sample Matrix Wolfgang Stein and JUrgen Bohner During the last three years we and others have observed discrepancies between results for creatine kinase isoenzyme MB as measured with the mechanized ion-exchange chromatographicmethod in the Du Pont aca and those by other techniques.These observationsprompted us to investigate the influence of the matrix on the Du Pont CK-MB assay. We conclude that, apart from possible interferences by CK-MM, CK-BB, and both types of macro CK, the aca will give apparent CK-MB activities that are directly related to protein concentration and inversely related to sodium chloride concentration. Practical consequences for the routine and emergency laboratories are: no diluted samples are allowed; application is restricted to samples from patients suspected of acute myocardial infarction which show upper-normal total CK activity; and multiple timed samples are run, in order to recognize the typical change in enzyme pattern with time. AddItIonal Keyphrases: isoenzymes macro creatine kinase myocardial infarction ion-exchange chromatography immunoinhibition CK-MB’ activity is widely determined, to help confirm or rule out acute myocardial infarction. During recent years different methods have been developed, several modifications of which are now commercially available, the suppliers claiming sensitive and specific measurement of the MB isoenzyme. However, none of these methods can be regarded as ideal with respect to specificity, sensitivity, handling, and low test cost. Our first evaluation of the Du Pont procedure for the aca discrete analyzer (1) revealed that the coefficient of correlation (r) between the results from the aca and the immunoinhibition method was only 0.89, even if sera containing CKBB or macro CK (2, 3) are excluded. Similar results have recently been reported (4,5). In further studies the diagnostic performance of the aca assay was most often evaluated in comparison with isoenzyme electrophoresis (6-12). In four of these studies (6, 8-10) electrophoresis yielded better results with respect to diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction. In the remaining three studies the aca assay proved to be quite equivalent to (7, 12) or better than (11) electrophoresis. A more detailed analysis of the reported results shows that, depending on the prevalence of myocardial infarction in the population studied and on the mode of sampling (multiple timed samples or not), the values for the diagnostic efficiency varied markedly: pp ranged from 0.85 (7) to 0.95 (11), Medizinische Universitatsklinik TUbingen, Abteilung IV, D-7400 Tubingen, F.R.G. ‘Nonstandard abbreviations: CK, creatine kinase (EC, ATP:creatine N-phosphotransferase); CK-MM, CK-MB, and CKBB; skeletal muscle, heart, and brain types of cytoplasmic CK isoenzymes; INH, immunoinhibition method for CK-MB; URL, upper reference !imit; pp,,,, and pp,,, posterior probability of the positive and negative results, respectively. Received April 25, 1983; accepted October 25, 1983. Ed. note: See pp 34 1-342 for a response from a spokesman for Du Pont. 238 CLINICAL CHEMISTRY,Vol. 30, No. 2, 1984 PPneg from 0.88 (8) to 0.98 (11), whereas ity ranged between 0.82 (8) and 0.98 between 0.50 (10) and 0.96 (11). diagnostic sensitiv(11) and specificity The occurrence of discrepancies between the aca and other methods for CK-MB prompted us to start a new and more detailed evaluation. In this series of experiments we primarily focused on analytical recovery of CK-MB from the aca column as a function of ionic strength, pH, and total protein concentration of the samples. We also studied the effect on the aca CK-MB assay of CK-MM and its post-synthetic variants (13-15) as well as of the macro creatine kinases (2,3). Unfortunately, there is no general agreement on a reference method for CK-MB. As comparison methods we therefore used isoenzyme electrophoresis to qualitatively check the isoenzyme composition or purity of the samples, a commercially available immunoinhibition method (16) and, as far as possible, the total CK assay to quantitatively determine enzyme activities. Our aim was to explain some of the discrepancies described in the earlier studies and to show why the sensitivity and specificity of the aca assay are sample dependent. To minimize interferences and problems with the interpretation of the results we recommend a stepwise strategy for use of the aca CK-MB method in the routine and emergency laboratory. This strategy accords with the recommendations (17, 18) for verification and ruling out of the diagnosis “acute myocardial infarction” by the immunoinhibition method. Materials and Methods Samples: Serum samples were either analyzed on the same day or stored at 4 #{176}C for not more than 24 h or at -20 #{176}C without any additives until the day of the assay. Macro creatine kinase was detected and differentiated into both types as described elsewhere (2,3). CK-MM and CKMB were prepared from human tissues as previously described (19). Contamination of the CK-MB preparation with CK-MM was <5%, as checked by electrophoresis (3). CKMM showed no (<2%) CK-MB contamination detectable by electrophoresis, and it was inhibited by anti-CK-M antibodies by >99%. Furthermore, we checked the purity of the isoenzyzne preparations and the distribution of the postsynthetic CK-MM variants in human serum by isoelectric focusing in agarose gel (pH range: 5-8) according to the manufacturer’s instructions (LKB Produkter, Bromma, Sweden). At the end of each run, CK activity was made visible by overlaying the agarose plates with filter paper (soaked with CK reagent) for 1 h at 37 #{176}C. The presence of adenylate kinase (EC was excluded in additional runs by observing the results of overlaying the plates with reagents lacking the creatine phosphate substrate. Enzyme assays: Total CK activity of 100-L samples was determined at 37 #{176}C in the aca II and aca ifi (Du Pont, Wilmington, DE) (20) and also by using reagents containing N-acetylcysteine (21) (E. Merck, Darmstadt, F.R.G.) in an ACP 5040 instrument (Eppendorf Ger#{228}tebau,Hamburg, F.R.G.). CK-MB was determined at 37#{176}C in both the aca (20) and by the immunoinhibitionmethod (INH).The reagents were suppliedby E. Merck, Darmstadt, and BoehringerMannheim, Mannheim, F.R.G. For the assays run in the ACP 5040 instrument (2), the results were corrected for blanks and adenylatekinase. Calibration of the aca:We checked the calibration ofboth instruments with Du Pont CK-MB verifiers (lots 1979 N, 0JD125, 9GD106, 2AD102, and 1JD155) accordingto the supplier’s instructions. Our values for scale factor and the linearterm C1,as wellas for the starting point and offset term c0 were at or very near the assigned values for both instruments. This was the case not only forthe original version of calibration (20a)-scale factor: 0.6068; c1 term: 12.14;starting point and c0offset: 0-but alsoforthe revised procedure-scale factor: 0.8422;c1 term: 16.84;starting pointand c0 offset: 0 (20b, 22). The revisedprocedurefor calibrating was introduced to us by Du Pont in September 1982,accordingtowhich the scalefactorofthe instrument and the assignedvaluesforthe CK-MB verifiers level2 had to be increasedby a factorof 1.388.Re-evaluationof the recovery of CK-MB in the aca assay made this modification necessary; the method itself remained unchanged (22). For the sake of clarity, all results reported here were either directly determined according to the revised procedure or were transformed by linear regression to correspond to this revised procedure. The lot numbers of the CK-MB .CK 0’ 0’2 UN HOE GRU ow 006 #{176}0 TPI9/1j 2 3 05 67 03 07 05 05 07 03 0 0) 06 Fig. 1. Effect of dilution on the 05 03 0 CK-MB activity in 07 27 0 05 05 07 03 SERI. 0t06N’ 0 samples of patients with acute myocardial infarction Sera of patients LIN. (total CK: 1056 U/L), HOF. (total CK: 320 U/L), and GRU. (total CK: 444 U/L) were diluted withsodium chloride solution (154 mmot/L). #{149} #{149} #{149}: rel.CK = CK-MB(aca)/total CK. x-x-x: rel.CK = CK-MB(INH)/total CK. If there were no matrix effect, a horizontal linewould be expected material.In some casesthe sera were concentratedin an Amicon A 25 or B 15 concentrator(Amicon GmbH, Witten, F.R.G.)to increase protein concentration by twofold. Total protein was determined in the aca, sodium concen- MB are dilutedsimultaneously and to the same degree.In contrast to immunoinhibition,the aca reports a decreasing fraction ofCK-MB, which isdirectly relatedtothedegreeof dilutionof the serum. This decreasein apparent CK-MB activityisthe resultofsome interacting effects on the aca method: 1. Sodium chloride concentration: dilution of the matrix with sodium chloride solution not only dilutes the analytes, it also changes the concentrations of anions and cations that may influencethe analytical recoveryofCK-MB. 2. CK-MM and CK variants: CK-MB activityas measured in the aca is biased by the activity of CK-MM (20) and macro CK (1, 4) in the sample.Dilutionofthe sample may alterthe ratesof interference ofthesecreatinekinases. 3. Protein concentration: Serum proteins,which may compete with CK-MB and CK-MM forbindingplaceson the column, may influencethe retentionratesof both isoenzymes ifthe totalproteinconcentrationof the serum is altered. To evaluatethe relativeimportance of these individual tration factors, packs used were: B 9248 A, B 9138 B, B 0283 A, B 1281 A, and C 1313 A. Dilution of isoenzymes: The isoenzyme stock solutions were appropriately diluted with imidazolebuffer(E.Merck, no.14109,pH 6.7,100 mmolfL), bovineserum albumin (Du Pont Enzyme Diluent, 66 gIL), normal serum, heat-inactivated serum (1 h at 56#{176}C), sodium chloride solution (1 molI L, 154 mmol/L), or Du Pont CK-MB verifier level 1. This “verifier” is a serum-based material (total CK 0 U/L, Na <5 mmol/L, K <0.3 mmol/L, total protein 60 g/L, pH 6.9-7.1, Pco, 1-2 mmHg), was which measured is to serve in a Nova as a quality-control 1 instrument (Nova Bio- medical GmbH, Darmstadt, F.R.G.), and the pH was controlled in every sample with an AVL blood-gas analyzer (Model 937; AVL GmbH, Schafihausen, Switzerland) at 37 #{176}C. Accuracy and precisionof the enzyme assays were checked with commercial control sera: Monitrol I and II (AHS Deutschland,Munchen, F.R.G.),Precinorm U (Boehringer Mannheim), and Seronorm CK-MB (E.Merck). which together cause the observed decrease we undertook the following series In these studies we tried to keep as of the samples constant as possible, to CK-MB activity, periments. constituents in the of exmany avoid interferences by CK-MM, and we adjustedthe CK-MB activity to such a high levelthat imprecisionofthe assays became a negligible consideration. Sodium ChlorideConcentration Results and Discussion Dilution of Serum Samples Spectrophotometric determinations of enzyme activity are sometimes disturbed by lipemia, gross hemolysis, very high enzyme activity, or shortage of sample in cases when the requiredsample volume is rather high (340 ML, e.g.,is needed forthe aca CK-MB determination). Although often not recommended, samples thus are often dilutedwith variousdiluentsbeforevarious assays, because the accuracy ofmost assaysisonlyveryslightly affected and theobserved deviations are far from clinical significance. In contrast, we can demonstrate a remarkable influence of dilution on the aca CK-MB assay.Figure 1 shows the effect of dilution with 154 mmolJL sodium chloride solution on the apparent CKMB activityin the sera of threepatientswho had had an acute myocardial infarction. The quotient CK-MB/total CK shouldnotbe affected by dilution, because total CK and CK- Figure 2 illustrates the concentration in the sample influence of sodium on CK-MB activity chloride as deter- mined by each assay. It shows relativeCK activities, corrected for the different analytical recovery for each assay. With ion-exchangers, protein elution usually increases with increasing ionic strength of samples and buffers. Here we also find a distinct influence of the sodium chloride concentration on the CK-MB activity but, in contrast to common experience, the values decrease with increasing ionic strength of the sample. In our hospital,sodium chloride concentration ofemergency samples rangesfrom 123 to 156 mmol/L (95% percentile, n = 3606). Such variations in sodium chloride concentration in a human serum significantly (± 10%) affect the accuracy of the aca C K-MB method but not of the INH assay. At low CK-MB activities and at CK-MB activities near the decision limit (2.2% of total CK) this influence of sodium chloride may diminish the diagnostic efficiency of the aca method. CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 30, No. 2, 1984 239 rel.CK A + 1.4- iooo lu/LI CK-I#{128} 1000 13.1/LI 3.2 31 500I URLIIM.q.” 200 ‘ 500 200 00 soy 50 20 S 1,2- 073 S 2357020 SOW iCKIU/LI .E 071 2357020 SOW ICKIUILI -2 Fig. 3. Effectof CK-MM on the CK-MB methods 1: Fresh normal serum (total CK: 77 U/L total protein: 76 g/L, pH: 8.0) was supplementedwith human CK-MM. 2: Fresh serum from a patient suffenng from myositis(total CK: 10800 UIL, totalprotein:7.2 g/L, PH: 7.9, CK-MB: positive in electrophoresis and about 2% of total CK in INH) was diluted with a fresh normal serum (total CK: 37 UIL, no CK- 1.0 MBdetectable). #{149} #{149} #{149}: CK-MB(aca).x-x-x: CK-MB(INH).URL:aca: 0610U/L or 062.2% of total CK, if total Ct( >450 U/L. INH: 0624 U/I or a6% of total CK, if total CK >400 U/I. 0.8’ S 0.6 S NaCIfrnmoI/L) 50 100 150 200 Fig. 2. Dependence of CK-MB actMties on the sodium chloride concentrations of the matrix CK-MB stock solution, diluted with inactivated human or CK-MB verifier level 2 were supplemented with 1 mol/L sodium chloride to give appropriate concentrationsof NaCI but to hold CK activity,total protein, and pH constant. yaxis: relative CK activity (CK activityat 140mmol/Lsodiumchloridewas set 1.0). #{149} #{149} #{149}: CK-MB activity(aca): serum, total CK: 330 U/L, total protein:70 g/L, pH: 7.9. +-+-+: CK-MBactivity(aca): verifier level2. x-x-x: CK-MB activity (INH): serum, total CK: 330 U/L, totalprotein:70 gIl, PH: 7.9. Dashed lines: 95% range of sodiumconcentrationin the emergency samples of our laboratory serum Hemolysis,Bilirubin, and pH Neither sample pH values between 6.9 and 8.5, hemoglo- bin concentrations up to 17.5 gIL, nor bilirubin concentrations up to 350 Mmol/L affected either the aca CK-MB assay or the INH, if performed as described (2) (results not shown). CreatineKinase MM Figure 3.1 shows results obtained for a normal serum with increasing amounts of human CK-MM. In contrastto INH, the apparent CK-MB activityby aca increases and exceeds its URL (20) at CK-MM activities of about 300 U/L. Though no CK activity otherthan CK-MM was detectable during electrophoresis and <0.7% by INH [Figure 3.1: 67 (UIL INH)/10 000 (U/L total CK) = 0.0067] the aca reported about 4% apparent CK-MB. Itis rather unlikely that these unexpected aca results are caused by postsynthetic variants of CK-MM-CK-MM1, CK-MM2, CK-MM3 (13-15)---because isoelectric focusing of the concentrated eluatesobtainedfrom the aca columns showed the passage of allthree variants.However, we cannot totally excludethe possibility thatpostsynthetically modifiedCKMM may differslightlyin itsdegree of retentionon the column. If the modification of CK-MM in the serum results in decreased retention on the column used in the aca then the apparent CK-MB activities will increase. Even if total CK concentration is still normal, the CK-MM interference is supplemented 240 CLINICAL CHEMISTRY,Vol. 30, No. 2, 1984 already observable. Figure 3.2 demonstrates that after dilution of serum from a patient with myositis, containing about 2% CK-MB by INH and electrophoresis, with normal serum containing no detectable CK-MB, the fraction of apparent CK-MB by aca changes from 6% to 2%, indicating that the matrix of this particular serum is influencing the rate of retention of CK-MM. Recovery of CK-MB inPatients’ Samples During our first evaluationofthe aca CK-MB method (1) we tried to recalibrate the aca to make values agree with thoseby the INH method at 25 #{176}C. Regressionanalysisfor 94 sera yielded the following results: y(aca, 37 #{176}C) = 3.3 + 1.4x(INH, 25 #{176}C), r = 0.89. Recently the energy of activation of CK-MB was determined to be 58 kjlmol (23) in the backward reaction. This value isequivalentto a temperature conversion factor of 2.5 for CK-MB and a temperature interval from 25 #{176}C to 37 #{176}C. The theoretical slope of the regression line showing the correlation between the aca (37 #{176}C) and the INH (25 #{176}C) results should be equal in value to the temperature conversion factor. The results obtained in this split-sample study, however, indicated that the recovery of CK-MB (aca) is 1.412.5, or 0.56, if the aca is calibrated accordingtotheoriginalversionand is0.78ifthe aca is calibrated according to the revised procedure. Inciden- tally,similarcorrelation studieswith samples containing CK-MM and total CK as measured in the aca and the method accordingto ref. 21 showed no such differencestheoretical and experimental scale factors are almost identical.Furthermore,the slopesof correlation curvesrelating the INH and manual chromatographic systems did not deviateby more than 10% from 1.0(5, 24), indicating good agreement. Recovery and Linearity of CK-MB and CK-MM VariousMatrices in We investigated the effects of sodium chloride, bovine serum albumin, normal serum (fresh and inactivated), and CK-MB verifier level 1 on assay results. lithe CK-MB stock solution is diluted with sodium chloride (154 mmolIL, protein free) or bovine serum albumin (Enzyme Diluent) CKMB activityistotallyretainedby the column and the aca therefore reports 0 U/L of CK-MB activity (Figures 4.1, 4.2). Dilutionwith normal human serum yielded better results St 012 ‘S ‘S 030 ‘0 ‘0 05 0 OL 0 TPI5/tj U/L Fig. 5. Analytical 330 / ) recovery “U’ 50 SO 0 4.0 SO TP3gJLI 160 IPIg/LI of CK-MB and CM-MM as a function of the protein concentration of the matrix Equal amountsof CK-MB (Fig. 5.1 and 5.2) and CK-MM (Fig. 5.3) were added to the appropriatelydiluted (with NaCI solution 154 mmol/L,pH 7.0) matrices. CKMB activity (Fig. 5.1 and5.2) was 550 U/L. CK-MM activity (Fig. 5.3)was 5500 U’ L Matrices:inactivatedserum (pH 8.2): Fig. 5.1. CK-MB verifier level1 (pH 6.9): Fig. 5.2. normal serum (fresh, concentrated, pH 8.2): Fig.5.3. x-axis: total proteinconcentrationsof the samples. y-axis: relative CK activity = 264 198 132 apparent CK-MB/total CI< #{149} S 5: relativeCK(aca). x-x-x-: relative CK(INH). Dashed lines: 95% range for total protein for our hospitalizedpatients 0 66 132 198 264 330 U/L the protein concentration, because the applied CK-MB ac- tivitywas kept constant.Though bothmatrices(inactivated serum and CK-MB verifier level1)differso much in their ratesofrecovery of the applied CK-MB activity (Figures 4.3 and 4.5),the relativeincreaseofthe CK-MB activity with increasing protein concentration is almost coincident (Figures 5.1 and 5.2) and agrees well with the results presented in Figure 1. In our hospital, total protein concentrations for 95% of all patientsfallbetween 50 and 85 g/L. Such fluctuations 52 104 156 207 260 ti/L Fig. 4. Unearity and recovery of CK-MB in different matrices x-axis: CK-MB (U/I) added to the matrix. y-axis: CK activity, recovered as total CK or CK-MB(U/I). - S 5: CK-MB (aca) activity. x-x-x: CK-MB (INH) activity. A-A-A: total CK activity. Slopesb were calculatedby regression analysis. 1: Matrix: sodium chloride (154 mmoLfL). Recovery: aca: b&bA = 0.0 2: Matrix: bovine serum albumin (total protein 66 g/L, pH 6.9). Recovery: aca: be/bA = 0.0 3: Matrix:inactivatedserum (totalprotein 82 g/L, pH8.3).Aecovety:ace: be/ bA 0.42 4: Matrix: fresh normal serum (totalCK 135 U/I, total protein 74 g/L). Notice: total CK is the sum of endogenousCK-MM and added CK-MB.Recovery: ace: bbA = 0.63 Recovery:ace: b./b4.= 0.67. 5: Matrix: CK-MBverifier level 1 (total protein 60 gIL pH 7.0). Recovery:ace: b/b1, = 1.32. Unearity was excellent in all cases with a recovery >0 (Figures 4.3,4.4), but the recoveryforCK-MB inthesecases obviously was still too low. Furthermore, we observed differences between freshand inactivated human serum, which apparently are a sign of a special matrix effectof unknown cause.After dilutionofthe CK-MB stock solution withtheCK-MB verifier, which contains no CK activity and shows extremely low concentrations of sodium and C02, the results for linearity the CK-MB assays demonstrated good agreement between (Figure 4.5), but we found paradoxically high values (132%) for recovery.The reason for these differences in recovery rates between serum and verifier is not fully understood. Itisat leastpartly ascribable to the different sodium chloride concentrations in the two matrices. Additionalexperiments (Figure 5) showed that not only the type of matrix but also theconcentration oftotalprotein is important for recovery of CK-MB from the column. During this series we mainly investigated the influenceof in serum protein concentration may alone be responsible for twofold differences in apparent CK-MB (aca) activities. The overall effect observed in patients’ sera is still more complex, because the retentionof CK-MM on the column shows an additionaland distinct dependence on the proteinconcentrationofthe sample (Figure5.3). These resultsclearlyshow thatthe activity ofCK-MB as measured with the aca is highly influenced by protein concentration, by CK-MM activity, and, to a lesser degree, by sodium concentration. With increasingNaCl and decreasingprotein and CK-MM concentrations the aca results decrease more and more and finally reachzero.Even ifonly physiological concentrations forproteinand NaCl are taken intoconsideration, theCK-MB activities reported by the aca still may differ widely. Characteristic Enzyme-Time Patterns Acute myocardial infarction: Figure 6 (upperpart)demonstrates characteristic enzyme-time curves forboth CK-MB assays for a female patient. The patterns are very similar butdiffer inthe absolutevaluesforCK-MB activity, indicating thatthe analytical recovery from the column is somewhat low. The quotient CK-MB(aca)ICK-MB(INH) ranges from 0.67 to 0.75,in good agreement with our resultsfor pure CK-MB diluted with freshnormal serum (0.67)(Figure 4.4) and the correlation study (0.78). Resuscitation: Results forserafrom a patientwho didnot suffer a myocardial infarction but underwent resuscitation are shown in the lower part of Figure 6. Again, aca gave pathologically high values for CK-MB when total CK ex- ceeded the upper limitof normal. Similarobservationsin patients with myositis have been reported recently (4). Activities of totalCK and the quotientCK-MB(aca)/CKMB(INH) increaseconcomitantly,indicatingthe interference by CK-MM and causing problems if the aca is to be recalibrated togiveresultsthatagreewith thoseby alternative methodologies. CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 30, No. 2, 1984 241 We thank Ms. I. Riedlinger for her skillful technical assistance. References 1. Stein W, Bohner J. Vergleich von chromatographischer (aca) und immunologischer (Immuninhibitionstestl Bestimmung der Kreatinkinase-MB. Fresenius Z Anal C/oem 301, 151-152 (1980). 2. Stein W, Bohner J, Steinhart R, Eggstein M. Macro creatine kinase: Determination and differentiation of two types by their activation energies. Clin C/oem 28, 19-24 (1982). 3. Bohner J, Stein W, Steinhart R, et al. Macro creatine kinases: Results of isoenzyme electrophoresis and differentiation of the immunoglobulin-bound type by radioassay. Clin C/oem 28, 618-623 (1982). 4. Bayer PM, Boehm M, Hajdusich P, et at. Immunoinhibition and automated column chromatography compared for assay of creatine kinase isoenzyme MB in serum. C/in C/oem 28, 166-169 (1982). = 1 1 5. Hinsch W, Stickel A. Saulenchromatographische und immunologische CK-MB-Bestimmungen. Arztl Lab 27, 325-330 (1981). Fig. 6. 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Kim Wochenschr 54, 357-360 (1976). racy:interferences from CK-MM, CK-BB, and macro cre17. Gerhardt W, Waldenstram J. Creatine kinase B-subunit activiatinekinases are possible. Furthermore,the aca methodty in serum after imonunoinhibition of the M-subunit activity. Clin C/oem 25, 1274-1280 (1979). in contrastto other methodologies-ischaracterized by a 18. Gerhardt W, WaldenstrOm J, HOrder M, et al. Creatine kinase distinct dependence of analytical recovery of CK-MB on the and creatine kinase B-subunit activity in serum in cases of suspectmatrix. The influence oftotalprotein, and toa lesserdegree ed myocardial infarction. C/in C/oem 28, 277-283 (1982). of sodium chlorideconcentration, isparticularly important. 19. Stein W, Bohner J, Krais J, et al. Macro creatine kinase BB: Accordingly, we concludethat: Evidence for specific binding between creatine kinase BB and 1. The aca CK-MB method is not suited for use with immunoglobulin G. 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