DEPARTMENT A FARM AND GARDEN Entries Close: Monday, August 11, at 5:00 p.m. Exhibits Received: Monday, August 18, 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. - Farmer’s Hall Exhibits Released: Monday, August 25, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. - Farmer’s Hall ALL ENTRIES MUST BE MOVEABLE BY ALL STAFF & VOLUNTEERS No Limit On Entries Per Class (Must Be Different In Type - Specify Type On Entry Form) Entry Fee: $1.00 Per Entry Premiums Offered per Class: 1st Place - $4.00 2nd Place - $3.00 3rd Place - $2.00 1st Place - $7.50 Sweepstakes 2nd Place - $5.00 3rd Place - $2.50 Rules & Information 1. All state and local rules apply. 2. Farm & Garden (Agriculture and Horticulture) products must have been produced by the exhibitor. 3. Enter exact number of fruits, vegetables, etc., as specified in list. 4. Variety of products must be adequately and correctly labeled. 5. If product is specified in bunches, bunches must be tied. 6 The management will not be responsible for the return of exhibits. 7. Exhibits shall not be more than one (1) year old and shall not have been shown at any previous Butte County Fair. 8. “Any other” classes are for varieties that do not have a listed class. Please state variety on form. 9. Specimens must be free of insects or they will be disqualified. 10. Specimens should be free of bruises and be uniform in size. 11. The quality desired in agriculture and horticulture product exhibits is the quality that brings the best financial return in the commercial market, and such exhibits must be at least equal in maturity at the state of ripeness as that required by Section 42513 of the California Agriculture Code in order to be considered for premium awards. 12. Section 42513: Mature means having reached the state of ripeness which insures the completion of the ripening process to a degree which will ensure palatability, after the removal of product from the tree, plant or vine. Section 42515: Overripe means having an advanced state or a maturity which causes the product to be undesirable for human consumption in a fresh state. TIPS FOR FARM & GARDEN EXHIBITORS When selecting fruits or vegetables for display make sure they are market size, quality, ripeness and free of defects. Refer to seed catalogs, type books and crop bulletins for information on specimen types. For display, they should be trimmed and presented correctly with the correct amount of specimens required in the exhibitors guidebook. Cleaning: Your specimens should be free of soil, dust and spray residue. Harvest and select only clean specimens if you can. This is the only way to get summer squash, for it is easily injured by any method of cleaning. With other crops, a light brushing with a soft brush will often do the trick. This is all you should do to peas, beans, okra, cucumbers and cantaloupes. Fruit with a waxy surface - such as eggplant, peppers, tomatoes, watermelons, - usually can be wiped clean with a soft cloth. For eggplant, nice final polish can be added with a drop of olive oil on a cloth. Washing should be your last resort. Root and leafy crops may often need careful washing, however . Cer tain leafy vegetables cannot safely be washed. Do not wash head lettuce, endive, cauliflower or cabbage. Trim off the spoiled portions of these vegetable. Always use the proper tool, knife or shears for trimming. Whatever method you use, be sure to avoid skinning and bruising your vegetables while you clean them. Almonds: Hand pick; look for size, cracks, skin or bug holes. Beans: Leave a 1/4 inch stem. Arrange biggest to smallest; all cur ved the same way. Beets: Leave a 1 inch top. Cucumbers & Squash: Can be picked one week ear ly, be sure to leave flower on until judging. Trim stem str aight acr oss with knife. Keep in a moi st towel in the refrigerator prior to bringing them to the fair. Garlic: Leave 1/4 inch root and 1 inch top. Tr im off mold. Onions: Leave 1/4 inch root and 1 inch top. Leave dry skins on, pr efer r ed, not pur ple. Zucchinis: Leave stem and hair on. Handle from stem. VEGETABLES DIVISION 100: HERBS (1 bunch = 6 stems) CLASS: 1. Basil - 1 bunch tied 2. Basil, Sweet Dark Purple -2 bunches 3. Dill - 2 bunches tied 4. Mint - 2 bunches tied 5. English Lavender - 2 bunches tied 6. Chives - 2 bunches tied 7. Parsley - 2 bunches tied 8. Rosemary - 1 bunch tied 9. Sage - 2 sprigs 10. Any Other, Specify 11. Oregano - 2 bunches tied 12. Bay Leaves - 25 leaves 13. Catnip - 2 bunches tied 14. Chard, Swiss - 5 leaves DIVISION 101: FRUIT AND POD VEGETABLES (Plate Display) CLASS: 1. Beans, String - 10 5. Peppers, Hot - 4 2. Beans, Stringless -10 6. Peppers, Sweet - 4 3. Beans, Wax - 10 7. Tomatoes, Cherry or Small Pear - 8 4. Peas, Chinese or Sugar - 6 8. Tomatoes, Pear - 6 9. Tomatoes, Round, Green Mature - 4 10. Tomatoes, Round, Red - 4 11. Tomatoes, Round, Yellow - 4 12. Any Other, Specify - 5 DIVISION 102: ROOT, BULB & TUBER VEGETABLES (Plate Display) CLASS: 1. Beets, Garden, Topped - 3 4. Garlic, Any, Specify - 6 2. Carrots, Long, Topped - 4 5. Onions, Any, Specify - 6 3. Carrots, Short, Topped - 4 6. Potatoes, Any, Specify - 4 7. Radish, Any, Specify - 4 8. Turnips - 5 9. Any Other, Specify - 5 1 DIVISION 103: VINE CROPS (Plate Display) CLASS: 1. Cucumber, Any, Specify - 2 2. Gourds, Any, Specify - 3 3. Melon, Any, Specify -1 . 4. Pumpkin, Any, Specify - 1 Standard, 5 Miniatures 7. Squash Winter, Any, Specify -1 lg./3 sm. Variety 5. Watermelon, Any, Specify -1 8. Any Other, Specify 6. Squash Summer, Any, Specify - 1 lg./3 sm. Variety FIELD CROPS DIVISION 104: GRAINS: SPECIFY PURPOSE OF GRAIN. Quantities Required: Bulk-pint in open clear container; sheaves-mature and cured, not less than 4 inches in diameter at bottom, tied. CLASS: 1. Barley, Specify - bulk or sheaves 3. Wheat, Specify - bulk or sheaves 4. Any Other Grain, Specify 2. Corn, Specify - bulk or 3 ears 4. Oats, Specify - bulk or sheaves DIVISION 105: FIELD & GARDEN SEED (1 Pint): SPECIFY PURPOSE OF SEED. CLASS: 1. Any Dry Bean, Specify 3. Small Sunflower (6in. or Less) 2. Any Field Crop, Specify 4. Any Garden Seed, Specify DIVISION 106: DRY BEANS (1 Pint) CLASS: 1. Black Eye 2. Idaho 3. Kidney 4. Lima, Baby 5. Lima, Large 6. Pink 7. Pinto 5. Large Sunflower (6in. or More) 8. White, Small 9. White, Large 10. Any Other, Specify DIVISION 107: HAY (Flake, Not Bale) CLASS: 1. Any, Specify DIVISION 108: HONEY CLASS: 1. Any, Specify - Comb 2. Any, Extracted - 1 pt. FRUITS & NUTS DIVISION 109: FRUITS (Plate Display) CLASS: 1. Apricots, Specify - 5 2. Berries, Specify - 1 Basket 3. Figs, Specify - 8 4. Citrus Fruit, Specify - 5 5. Apples, Specify - 5 6. Nectarines, Specify - 5 7. Peaches, Specify - 5 8. Plums, Specify - 8 9. Pears, Specify - 5 10. Any Other, Specify - 5 DIVISION 110: GRAPES (3 Bunches) CLASS: 1. Concord, Small 2. Concord, White 3. Wine Grape, Any, Specify 4. Muscat 5. Thompson Seedless, Naturals 6. Any Other, Specify DIVISION 111: ALMONDS (1 Pound Commercial Grade) CLASS: 1. Butte 2. Carmel 3. Fritz 4. Price 5. Mission (Texas) 6. Monterey 7. NePlus Ultra 8. Nonpareil 9. Peerless 10. Any Other, Specify DIVISION 112: NUTS (1 Pound Commercial Grade) CLASS: 1. Walnut, Chandler 2. Walnut, Chico 3. Walnut, Franquette 4. Walnut, Hartey 5. Walnut, Vina 6. Walnut, Any, Specify 7. Pecan, Any, Specify 8. Any Other, Specify DIVISION 113: SHELLED NUTS (1 Quart) CLASS: 1. Almonds, Any, Specify 2. Pecans, Any, Specify 3. Walnuts, Any, Specify 4. Any Other, Specify DIVISION 114: NATURE’S UNIQUES: Open to those Farm/Garden Products that are not market size or types which are unusual in size, show or color; those departing from the natural. CLASS: 1. Unusual Size, Specify Variety 2. Unique or Unusual Shape, Specify Variety DIVISION 115: FARMER’S/GARDEN'S CHOICE BASKET: A combination of at least 5 different varieties chosen from the previous classes, attractively arranged in a suitable container. The container must be provided by the exhibitor and must enhance the display. A minimum of 3 different types must be used. Number of specimens per variety is dependent upon the size of the display, judging will be based on total appearance, color, texture, quality of specimens, suitability of container and attractiveness of arrangement. All varieties used must be identified on label. Maximum size: 16” x 32”. Exhibits must have been grown & shown by exhibitor. CLASS: 1. Combination of summer fruits and vegetables 2. Assorted nuts in the shell 3. Herb Basket 2 DEPARTMENT B ADULT FLORICULTURE RULES: 1 Entries are open to amateur flower growers who care for their own garden, with or without occasional help. Flower growers whose chief source of income is flowers are not eligible except in the professional florist divisions in arrangements. 2 Exhibitors are required to file SEPARATE ENTRY FORMS for Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday shows. Cut flowers, container plants and arrangements must be on separate forms. 3 Containers for cut flower specimens will be supplied by the management. Containers owned by exhibitors must be marked for identification. Attendants will take every care possible, but the management will not be responsible for loss or breakage. Management will remove all cut flower specimens after 10:00 p.m. each day except Thursday. Only the wilted specimens will be removed Thursday at 10:00 p.m. 4 The following factors will be considered in judging each class wherever applicable: perfection of bloom, perfection of foliage, size, length of stem, condition and color. 5 No LIMIT on entries per class in cut flower, container plants and arrangement divisions. 6 ALL EXHIBITS MUST BE IN PLACE BY NOON. Arrangements must be picked up by 10:00 a.m. the next day, except Thursday. 7 Flower Bowl will be open Monday, August 25th from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. for removal of exhibits. 8 DEFINITIONS: Arrangements: Designer ’s choice of mater ial, but must be pr edominantly fr esh. Composition: An arr angement utilizing one or mor e accessor ies. Beginner/Novice: Open to exhibitors who have been competing 3 year s or less in the Adult Division. Experienced: Open to exhibitor s who have been competing 4 year s or mor e in the Adult Division. Professional Florist: Open to per sons or or ganizations conducting an established business or allied with a flor ist. Accessory: A component of an ar rangement: anything that aides in the design. Valuable items should not be used. Fr uit and vegetables mus t not be cut open. The base, mat, pebbles or small rocks are not considered accessories. BONSAI Entries Close: Monday, August 11, at 5:00 p.m. Exhibits Received: Wednesday, August 20, 4:00 p.m. to 7p.m.. - Flower Bowl Exhibits Released: Monday, August 25, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. - Flower Bowl ALL ENTRIES MUST BE ABLE TO BE MOVEABLE BY ALL STAFF & VOLUNTEERS Each Entry Must Be Entered Individually No Limit On Entries Per Class. Entry Fee: $1.00 Per Entry. Premiums Offered Per Class: 1st Place - $8.00 2nd Place - $6.00 3rd Place - $4.00 Sweepstakes 1st Place - $15.00 2nd Place - $10.00 3rd Place - $5.00 RULES & INFORMATION: 1 Bonsai is a Japanese word for the art of growing dwarfed trees in a container to suggest in miniature or to create a landscape effect in miniature. 2 Exhibit may be any species, one specimen, and style; shown in a suitable container. 3 Tree and container must be neat, clean, and pest and disease free. 4 No excessive wire permitted. Wiring must be neat and not distract. 5 Measurement of height is from top of soil to furthest point in any direction. DIVISION 200: BONSAI CLASS: 1. Small: up to 9” high or wide, any species, one tree, any style. 2. Medium: 9” to 20” high or wide, any species, one tree, any style. 3. Large: over 20” high or wide, any species, one tree, any style. 4. Miniature Landscape (saikei) of grown trees or plants, more than one species, rock or figurine permitted. 5. Any number of trees, same species. CONTAINER GROWN PLANTS Entries Close: Monday, August 11, at 5:00 p.m. Entries Received: Wednesday, August 20, 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. - Flower Bowl Entries Released: Monday, August 25, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. - Flower Bowl ALL ENTRIES MUST BE MOVEABLE BY ALL STAFF & VOLUNTEERS No Limit On Entries Per Class. Entry Fee: $1.00 Per Entry. Premiums Offered Per Class: 1st Place - $4.00 2nd Place - $3.00 3rd Place - $2.00 Sweepstakes 1st Place - $15.00 2nd Place - $10.00 3rd Place - $5.00 DIVISION 201: FLOWERING PLANTS CLASS: 1. Fancy Leaf, Geranium 2. Ivy, Geranium 3. Martha Washington, Geranium 4. Zonal (Garden), Geranium 5. Scented, Geranium 6. Any Other, Geranium 7. Fuschia, Any 8. Hibiscus, Any 9. Rose, Miniature, Any 10. Bedding Begonia, Any 11. Orchid, Any 12. African Violet, Any 13. Impatiens 14. Hanging, 3 or more same species 15. Hanging, 3 or more different species 16. Container, 3 or more same species 17. Container, 3 or more different species 18. Any Other, Specify 3 DIVISION 202: FOLIAGE PLANTS CLASS: 1. Alocasia (African Mask) 2. Asparagus, Sprengeri 3. Asparagus, Other 4. Begonia, Angel Wing 5. Begonia, Iron Cross 6. Begonia, Rex 7. Begonia, Rhizomatous 8. Begonia, Any Other, Specify 9. Caladium 10. China Doll 11. Chinese Evergreen 12. Coleus 13. Croton 14. Dieffenbachia 15. Dish Garden 16. Dracaena 17. Fern, Birds Nest 18. Fern, Rabbits Foot 19. Fern, Sword, Boston 20. Fern, Any Other, Specify 21. Ficus, Any, Specify 22. Ivy, Grape 23. Ivy, Swedish 24. Ivy, Small Leaf 25. Ivy, Any Other, Specify 26. Lipstick 27. Oxalis (Shamrock) 28. Palms 29. Philodendron 30. Ponytail 31. Prayer Plant 32. Schefflera 33. Spathiphyllum 34. Spider, Any 35. Syngonium 36. Terrarium 37. Wandering Jew, Any 38. Any Other, Foliage 39. 2 or More in Container, Hanging 40. 2 or More in Container, Potted DIVISION 203: CACTUS AND SUCCULENTS CLASS: 1. Aeonium, Container Under 6” 2. Aeonium, Container Over 6” 3. Agave 4. Aloe 5. Aporocatus, Rattail 6. Bromeliad 7. Cephalocereus, Oldman 8. Cereus 9. Crassula, Jade, Container Under 6” 10. Crassula, Jade, Container Over 6” 11. Crassula, Other, Container Under 6 12. Crassula, Other, Container Over 6” 13. Echeveria, Hen & Chicks, Container Under 6” 14. Echeveria, Hen & Chicks, Container Over 6” 15. Echeveria, Other, Specify, Container Under 6” 16. Echeveria, Other, Specify, Container Over 6” 17. Echinocactus, Barrel 18. Euphorbia 19. Haworthia 20. Hoya 21. Kalanchoe 22. Mammillaria 23. Opuntia, Beavertail 24. Sansevieria 25. Schlumbergera, Christmas 26. Sedum, Large Foliage 27. Sedum, Small Foliage 28. Cactus, Any Other, Specify 29. Succulents, Any Other, Specify 30. 3 or More, Cactus, in Container 31. 3 or More, Succulents, in Container 32. Mixed Container, 3 or More, Cactus and Succulents CONTAINER HERBS DIVISION 204: CONTAINER GROWN HERBS CLASS: 1. Basil 2. Chives 3. Lamb’s Ear 4. Lavender 5. Oregano 6. Mint 7. Parsley 8. Rosemary 9. Sage 10. Thyme 11. Any Other, Specify WALL DECORATIONS Entries Close: Monday, August 11, at 5:00 p.m. Exhibits Received: Wednesday, August 20, 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Flower Bowl Exhibits Released: Monday, August 25, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Flower Bowl No Limit On Entries Per Class. Entry Fee: $1.00 Per Entry. Premiums Offered Per Class: 1st Place - $4.00 2nd Place - $3.00 3rd Place - $2.00 Sweepstakes 1st Place - $15.00 2nd Place - $10.00 3rd Place - $5.00 RULES: 1 All arrangements must be ready for hanging. 2 Arrangements must be constructed of natural dried materials ONLY 3 Decorations will remain on display for the duration of the fair. 4 Use a separate entry form from entries in other divisions. 5 Silks are not allowed. DIVISION 206: WALL DECORATIONS CLASS: 1. Within a Basket 2. Within a Frame 3. On a Mat or Board 4. Wreath, Holiday 5. Wreath, Other 6. Any Other, Specify 4 GARDEN BOOTH Flower Bowl Entry Closing Date: Friday, August 8 at 5:00 p.m. (Or Until Full) Limited to the first twelve (12) entries. Entry Fee: $20.00 Premiums Offered Per Class 1st 2nd 3rd $100 $75 $50 RULES: 1 Open to NON-PROFIT GROUPS AND ORGANIZATIONS. 2 Limited to the first twelve (12) entries. Booths will be assigned by first come first choice. 3 Booths must be completed and ready for judging by 8 p.m. Wednesday, August 20; judging will be done Thursday, August 21. Building will be open to work on booths on August 15-16, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and August 18 - 20, from 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. 4 Booths must be maintained for the duration of the fair. Failure to do so may result in forfeit of premium award. 5 Exhibitor must supply a sign not over 7”x24” with name of organization to be placed in the booth after judging has been completed. 6 Flammable paper or other flammable items may not be used. Booths should depict what the organization has to offer to Butte County. 7 Booths must be dismantled by Tuesday, August 26, 2014. 8 Booth Size– Dependent on how many entries. DIVISION 207: GARDEN BOOTH CLASS: 1. Garden Booth FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS THURSDAY SHOW Entries Close: Wednesday, August 20, at 1:00 p.m. Entries Received: Thursday, August 21, 8:00 a.m. to 12 Noon - Flower Bowl Entries Released: Friday, August 22, 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. - Flower Bowl No Limit On Entries Per Class. Entry Fee: $1.00 Per Entry. Premiums Offered Per Class: 1st Place - $4.00 2nd Place - $3.00 3rd Place - $2.00 Miniature Arrangements 1st Place - $4.00 2nd Place - $3.00 3rd Place - $2.00 Sweepstakes EXPERIENCED: 1st Place - $7.50 2nd Place - $5.00 3rd Place - $2.50 BEGINNER/NOVICE: 1st Place - $6.00 2nd Place - $4.00 3rd Place - $2.00 RULES: 1 All arrangements must be in place by 12:00 noon each day. Judging begins at 1:00 p.m. All arrangements must be removed by 10:00 a.m. the day following judging, except on Thursday, the arrangements are held until Friday at 10:00 a.m. Wilted arrangements will be removed. 2 Dry arrangements will stay the duration of the Fair. 3 Flowers for arrangement material need not be grown by the exhibitor, but arrangements must be made by exhibitor. 4 No artificial material or coloring permitted for fresh arrangements. Fresh materials must be in water or wet oasis. Accessories permitted. (See Adult Floriculture rule # 8 page 16 Definition) 5 NO flags allowed DIVISION 208: BEGINNER/NOVICE ARRANGEMENTS CLASS: 1.Autumn Trails 2. Splash Of Green DIVISION 209: EXPERIENCED ARRANGEMENTS CLASS: 1. Chopsticks– In Oriental Manner 2. Forecast Of Fall DIVISION 210: PROFESSIONAL FLORIST CLASS: 1.Perfect Poise– Line & Rhythm DIVISION 211: ARRANGEMENT OVER 3 FEET: CLASS: 1. Garden Harvest Time DIVISION 212: DRY ARRANGEMENTS: No fresh materials may be used, except succulents in a limited amount. CLASS: 1. Life Begins In A Garden DIVISION 214: MASS ARRANGEMENT CLASS: 1. Large arrangement or design of any single type or combination of flower type. Designer’s choice of material. DIVISION 215: MINIATURES: 5” maximum in size including container. May use dry material. CLASS: 1. Petal Power 5 5 FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS FRIDAY SHOW Entries Close: Thursday, August 21, at 1:00 p.m. Entries Received: Friday, August 22, 8:00 a.m. to 12 noon - Flower Bowl Entries Released: Saturday, August 23, 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. - Flower Bowl DIVISION 216: BEGINNER/NOVICE ARRANGEMENTS CLASS: 1. Crown Of Gold—Using Yellow & Orange Flowers 2. Radiant Beauty—Using Candles DIVISION 217: EXPERIENCED ARRANGEMENTS CLASS: 1. Dare To Be Different—Designers Choice 2. Days Of Wine & Roses DIVISION 218: PROFESSIONAL FLORIST CLASS: 1. Primitive—Free Style DIVISION 219: MASS ARRANGEMENT CLASS: 1. Large arrangement or design of any single type or combination of flower types. Designer’s choice of material. DIVISION 220: MINIATURES: 5” maximum in size including container. May use dry material. CLASS: 1. Wild Flowers DIVISION 221: SPECIAL FRESH ARRANGEMENTS CLASS: 1. Wreath 2. Swag FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS SATURDAY SHOW Entries Close: Friday, August 22, at 1:00 p.m. Entries Received: Saturday, August 23, 8:00 a.m. to 12 Noon - Flower Bowl Entries Released: Sunday, August 24, 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. - Flower Bowl DIVISION 222: BEGINNER/NOVICE ARRANGEMENTS CLASS: 1. Long, Long Ago 2. The Old Country Store DIVISION 223: EXPERIENCED ARRANGEMENTS CLASS: 1. Summer’s Gold 2. Yon Blue Yonder DIVISION 224 PROFESSIONAL FLORIST CLASS: 1. High Rise Construction—Voids and Solids DIVISION 225: DRY ARRANGEMENTS CLASS: 1. Love Blooms Here DIVISION 226: MASS ARRANGEMENTS CLASS: 1. Large arrangement or design of any single type or combination of flower types. Designer’s choice of material. DIVISION 227: MINIATURES: 5” maximum in size including container. May use dry material. CLASS: 1. A Meeting Of Mums 6 FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS SUNDAY SHOW Entries Close: Saturday, August 23, at 1:00 p.m. Entries Received: Sunday, August 24, 8:00 a.m to Noon - Flower Bowl Entries Released: Monday, August 25, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. - Flower Bowl DIVISION 228: BEGINNER/NOVICE ARRANGEMENTS CLASS: 1. The Magic Of Circles 2. Always A River—Using Driftwood DIVISION 229: EXPERIENCED ARRANGEMENTS CLASS: 1. Paths Of Light 2. Best Foot Forward DIVISION 230: PROFESSIONAL FLORIST CLASS: 1. Autumn Palette DIVISION 231: MASS ARRANGEMENTS CLASS: 1. Large arrangement or design of any single type or combination of flower types. Designer’s choice of material. DIVISION 232: MINIATURES: 5” maximum in size including container. May use dry material. CLASS: 1. Get Growing FRESH CUT FLOWERS THURSDAY SHOW Entries Close: Wednesday, August 20, at 1:00 p.m. Entries Received: Thursday, August 21, 8:00 a.m. to Noon - Flower Bowl Entries Released: Friday, August 22, by 10:00 a.m. - Flower Bowl ALL ENTRIES MUST BE ABLE TO BE MOVEABLE BY ALL STAFF & VOLUNTEERS Each Entry Must Be Entered Individually No Limit On Entries Per Class. Entry Fee: $1.00 Per Entry. Premiums Offered Per Class: 1st Place - $4.00 2nd Place - $3.00 3rd Place - $2.00 Sweepstakes: 1st Place - $15.00 2nd Place - $10.00 3rd Place - $5.00 RULES: 1 Separate entry forms are required for each day in these divisions. 2 General Display - Container to be provided by exhibitor. 3 Cut stems to a generous length when possible. 4 Cut flowers must have been grown by exhibitor. 5 May use wedging for posing specimens (i.e plant material, styrofoam, plastic wrap). DIVISION 235: DAHLIAS (CACTUS FORM) (1 stem)Must be shown with approximately 6-inches of stems with foliage. One flower per stem size 4” to 8”. DIVISION 236: DAHLIAS (DECORATIVE MEDIUM) (1 stem) Must be shown with approximately 6-inches of stems with foliage. One flower per stem size 4” to 8”. DIVISION 237: DAHLIAS (MINIATURE) 3 stems Must be shown with approximately 6-inches of stems with foliage. One flower per stem size 2” to 4”. CLASS: 1. Autumn Shades 5. Red 9. Yellow 2. Lavender 6. Rose Shades 10. General Display - 3 or more colors 3. Pink 4. Purple 7. Variegated 8. White DIVISION 238: DAISIES (3 STEMS) CLASS: 1. Black Eyed Susan 2. Coneflower 3. Painted Daisy 4. Shasta, Single 5. Shasta, Double 6. Gerbera (1 Stem) 7. Any Other, Specify DIVISION 239: MISCELLANEOUS (3 STEMS) CLASS: 1. Ageratum 2. Canna, Specify Color 3. Chrysanthemum, Specify Color 4. Cosmos, Specify Color 5. Gaillardia, Single 6. Gaillardia, Double 7. Geranium, Single 8. Geranium, Semi-Double 9. Geranium, Double 10. Salvia, Annual 11. Salvia, Perennial 12. Statice, Any, Specify 13. Strawflower 14. Any other, not in book, specify 7 FRESH CUT FLOWERS FRIDAY SHOW Entries Close: Thursday, August 21, at 1:00 p.m. Entries Received: Friday, August 22, 8:00 a.m. to Noon - Flower Bowl Entries Released: Saturday, August 23, by 10:00 a.m. - Flower Bowl DIVISION 240: ASTERS - 3 STEMS - 6” MINIMUM CLASS: 1. Double, Blue 2. Double, Lavender 3. Double, Pink 4. Double, Purple 5. Double, Rose 6. Double, Scarlet 7. Double, White 8. Any Other, Double, Specify 9. Any Other, Single, Specify 10. General Display - 10 Stems DIVISION 241: GLADIOLUS - 1 SPIKE CLASS: 1. Green 2. Lavender 3. Orange 4. Pink 5. Purple 6. Red 7. Rose 8. Salmon 9. White or Cream 10. Yellow 11. Any Other, Color, Specify 12. General Display - 5 Spikes DIVISION 242: MARIGOLDS - 3 STEMS CLASS: 1. Carnation - Type, Orange 2. Carnation - Type, Yellow 3. Orange 4. Yellow 5. Bi-Color 6. General Display, Any Color or Type DIVISION 243: PETUNIAS - 3 STEMS WITH FOLIAGE CLASS: 1. Single, Pink/Red 2. Single, Purple 3. Single, Red 4. Single, White 5. Single, Bi-Color 6. Single, Any Other 7. Double, Pink/Red 8. Double, Purple 9. Double, White 10. Double, Bi-Color 11. Double, Any Other 12. General Display, Any Color, Any Species - 10 stems DIVISION 244: MISCELLANEOUS - 3 STEMS CLASS: 1. Campanula 2. Celosia, Crested 3. Celosia, Plumed, Red 4. Celosia, Plumed, Orange 5. Foxglove 6. Gomphrena 7. Penstemon 8. Scabiosa 9. Sunflower, Light - 1 stem 10. Sunflower, Dark - 1 stem 11. Sunflower, Bi-Color - 1 stem 12. Butterfly Bush - 1 spray 13. Mallow 14. Agapanthus 15. Delphinium 16. Yarrow 17. Any Other, not in book, Specify FRESH CUT FLOWERS SATURDAY SHOW Entries Close: Friday, August 22, at 1:00 p.m. Entries Received: Saturday, August 23, 8:00 a.m. to Noon - Flower Bowl Entries Released: Sunday, August 24, by 10:00 a.m. - Flower Bowl DIVISION 245: MINIATURE ROSES - 1 SPRAY DIVISION 246: ROSES - FLORIBUNDA - 1 BLOOM DIVISION 247: ROSES - HYBRID TEA - 1 BLOOM CLASS: 1. Bi-Color 2. Blend 3. Lavender 4. Orange 5. Pink 6. Red 7. Rose 8. Salmon DIVISION 248: ROSES - GENERAL- 1 BLOOM CLASS: 1. English Type, Any Color 2. Climbing, Any Color DIVISION 249: MISCELLANEOUS CUT FLOWERS - 3 STEMS CLASS: 1. Amaranth 5. Chinese Lantern 2. Daylily - 1 stem 6. Hollyhock 3. Coreopsis 7. Tuberose 4. Lisianthus 8. Snapdragon 9. White/Cream 10. Yellow 11. Any Other, Specify 12. General Display - 3 or more colors, 5 stems 9. Hydrangea 10. Roses, Grandiflora - 1 Bloom 11. Any Other, Specify (not in book) 8 FRESH CUT FLOWERS SUNDAY SHOW Entries Close: Saturday, August 23, at 1:00 p.m. Entries Received: Sunday, August 24, 8:00 a.m. to Noon - Flower Bowl Entries Released: Monday, August 25, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. - Flower Bowl Dahlias must be shown with approximately 6-inches of stem with foliage. One flower per stem. DIVISION 251: DAHLIAS (BALL) - 1 STEM - Size Over 4 inches. DIVISION 252: DAHLIAS (MINIATURE BALL) - 3 STEMS - Size 2 to 4 inches. DIVISION 253: DAHLIAS (CACTUS FORM) - 1 STEM - Size over 8 inches. DIVISION 254: DAHLIAS (POMPON) - 3 STEMS - Size under 2 inches. DIVISION 255: DAHLIAS (DECORATIVE) - 1 STEM - Size over 8 inches. CLASS: 1. Autumn Shades 5. Red 2. Lavender 6. Rose Shades 3. Pink 7. Variegated 4. Purple 8. White DIVISION 256: ZINNIAS - 3 STEMS CLASS: 1. Variegated, Cactus 2. One Color, Cactus 3. Orange/Salmon, Giant 4. Lavender, Giant 5. Pink/Rose, Giant 6. White, Giant 7. Yellow, Giant 8. Red, Giant 9. Purple, Giant 10. Variegated, Giant 11. Lavender, Pompon 12. Orange/Salmon, Pompon 13. Pink/Rose, Pompon 14. Red, Pompon DIVISION 257: MISCELLANEOUS CUT FLOWERS - 3 STEMS CLASS: 1. Amaryllis 7. Dianthus, Carnation - Type 2. Bachelor Button, Pink 8. Dianthus, Other 3. Bachelor Button, Blue 9. Gardenia 4. Bachelor Button, White 10. Goldenrod 5. Carnation 11. Hibiscus - 1 Stem 6. Clematis - 1 Stem 12. Lavender 9. Yellow 10. General Display - 3 or more colors, 5 stems 15. White, Pompon 16. Yellow, Pompon 17. Purple, Pompon 18. Variegated, Pompon 19. General Display - 3 or more colors, 10 stems 20. Any Other, Specify 13. Lilium 14. Love in the Mist 15. Phlox 16. Tithonia 17. Tuberous Begonia, Any 18. Any Other, not in book, Specify 9 DEPARTMENT C ADULT HOME ARTS TEXTILES AND CLOTHING Entries Close: Friday, July 11, at 5:00 p.m. Entries Received: Saturday, August 9, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. - Feather Room Entries Released: Monday, August 25, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. - Feather Room No Limit On Entries Per Class. Entry Fee: $1.00 Per Entry. Premiums Offered Per Class: 1st Place - $4.00 2nd Place - $3.00 3rd Place - $2.00 Sweepstakes: 1st Place - $15.00 2nd Place - $10.00 3rd Place - $5.00 RULES: 1. All exhibits in this department must have been completed after July 12, 2013 and must not have been shown at any previous Butte County Fair. 2. No work will be accepted for display that does not correspond with the guidebook list. 3. All small pieces should be enclosed in a ziploc bag. Sets should be pinned or tacked together. 4. Use separate entry forms for each department you enter. Departments: Clothing and Textiles, Fine Arts, Crafts, Preserved Foods, Baked Goods and Photography. 5. Two or more entries entered in the same class must be different in material, pattern, and style. 6. No signature should be visible on exhibits. 7. If a special dye method or antique material was used, please note it on the entry form. 8. Articles must be clean and pressed. Judges will not consider items that are stained, soiled or show signs of wear for judging or display. 9. The Fair will provide and attach labels at time of entry. 10. Any other classes are for items that do not fit into an existing class, please list the type or style on the entry form. 11. All entry forms and entry fees in the Home Arts Divisions must be in the Fair office by Friday, July 18, 2014. TEXTILES DIVISION 300: BEDROOM FURNISHING: Pictures need to be ready for hanging. CLASS: 1. Pillow Case, Any 3. Soft Boxes, Any 2. Dresser Scarf, Any 4. Picture, Any DIVISION 301: DINING ROOM FURNISHING: Pictures need to be ready for hanging. CLASS: 1. Centerpiece, Crochet - Over 14” 4. Doily, Any Other - Under 14” 2. Centerpiece, Any Other- Over 14” 5. Placemat, Any, Specify 3. Doily, Crocheted - Under 14” 6. Tablecloth, Any - Under 60” 5. Any Other, Specify 7. Tablecloth, Any - Over 60” 8. Picture, Any 9. Any Other, Specify DIVISION 302: KITCHEN ACCESSORIES CLASS: 1. Potholders, Crochet - Set of Two 2. Potholders, Any - Set of Two 3. Tea Towel, Appliqued 4. Tea Towel, Embroidered 5. Tea Towel, Any Other 6. Refrigerator Magnets 7. Any Other, Specify DIVISION 303: BATHROOM ACCESSORIES CLASS: 1. Bath Towel, Any 2. Guest Towel, Appliqued 3. Guest Towel, Cross-Stitched 4. Guest Towel, Any Other 5. Any Other, Specify DIVISION 304: LIVINGROOM FURNISHING: Pictures and wall hangings must be ready for hanging. Picture sizes include the frame and matting. CLASS: 1. Afghan, Crochet, Mile-a-Minute 7. Afghan, Knit, Any 13. Picture, Any - Over 8x12 2. Afghan, Crochet, Afghan Stitch 8. Chair Set, Any 14. Rug, Any 3. Afghan, Crochet, Granny 9. Sofa Pillow, Crochet 15. Wall Panels, Any 4. Afghan, Crochet, Novelty 10. Sofa Pillow, Any Stitch 16. Any Other, Specify 5. Afghan, Crochet, Ripple 11. Sofa Pillow, Any Other 6. Afghan, Crochet, Any Other 12. Picture, Any - Under 8x12 DIVISION 305: NURSERY FURNISHINGS CLASS: 1. Afghan, Crochet 2. Afghan, Knit 3. Any Other, Bedding 4. Doll Clothing, Sewn 5. Doll, Wardrobe - 3 Outfits 6. Doll, Soft Sculptured 7. Dolls, Any Other 8. Toy, Knit or Crochet - Under 12” 9. Toy, Any Other - Under 12” 10. Toy, Knit or Crochet - Over 12” 11. Toy, Teddy Bear - Over 12” 12. Toy, Any Other - Over 12” 13. Toy, Knit or Crochet - Decorative 14. Toy, Any Other - Decorative 10 QUILTS QUILT SIZE MUST BE INDICATED ON ENTRY FORM DIVISION 306: HAND QUILTED DIVISION 307: MACHINE QUILTED (4” sleeve suggested on ALL QUILTS OVER 48”x70” for displaying purposes) CLASS: 1. Appliqued, Hand 6. Lap Size, Any 11. Baby Quilts 2. Traditional Pattern 7. Machine Appliqued 12. Group Quilts 3. Embroidered 8. Holiday Theme 13. Tied, Any, Specify 4. Art Original Pattern (must be exhibitors own design) 9. Wearable Art 14. Any Other, Specify 5. Quilted linens 10. Kids Class Definitions Art - Original Creativity by the maker. Appliqué - All hand or machine appliqué must be done by the maker. Group Quilt - Components (blocks, borders, embellishments, appliqué, ect.) made by more than one person. Wearable Art - These should be fashionable and wearable garments with an emphasis on quilting. This includes jackets, hats, bags, or any other wearable art. Traditional - Comprised of recognizable, historical blocks and patterns. CLOTHING DIVISION 308: CLOTHING - SEWN: Hangable items must be on hangers. CLASS: 1. Infant/Child, Bib 7. Children's, Any Other, Specify 2. Infant/Child, Sunsuit 8. Adult Accessories, Any 3. Infant/Child, Any Other, Specify 9. Men's Shirt, Any 4. Children's, Shirt, Boys 10. Men's Pant, Any 5. Children's, Shirt, Girls 11. Men's, Any Other, Specify 6. Children's, Dress 12. Women's, Shirt, Any DIVISION 309: CLOTHING - KNIT OR CROCHET CLASS: 1. Infant, Booties - Crochet 2. Infant, Booties - Knit 3. Infant, Set, Sweater/Booties 4. Infant, Sweater 5. Infant, Any Other, Specify 6. Child, Slippers 7. Child, Sweater 8. Child, Vest 9. Child, Any Other, Specify 10. Adult, Collar 11. Adult, Purse or Wallet 12. Adult, Scarf/Muffler 13. Adult, Slippers 13. Women's, Pant, Any 14. Women's, Skirt, Any 15. Women's, Dress, Any 16. Women’s, Any Other, Specify 17. Pajamas & Nightgowns 14. Adult, Any Other, Accessory 15. Adult, Sweater 16. Adult, Shawl 17. Adult, Vest 18. Adult, Any Other 19. Pajamas & Nightgowns DIVISION 310: HANDSPUN YARN CATEGORIES: Yarn must have been spun by exhibitor. CLASS: 1. Wool, 2 Ply, Skein - White or Natural Colored 3. Wool, 2 Ply, Skein - Hand Dyed - using natural dyes 5. Alpaca, 2 Ply, Skein - Any Color 2. Wool, 2 Ply, Skein - Hand Dyed - using chemical dyes 4. Alpaca, 2 Ply, Skein - White or Natural Colored 6. Any Hand Spun Yarn, Any Ply, Skein - Any Color The following classes must have been made by the exhibitor and contain at least 80% of handspun yarn spun by the exhibitor. 7. Any Other DIVISION 311: CHRISTMAS & OTHER HOLIDAY CRAFTS CLASS: 1. Ornament, Cross-Stitch 6. Christmas Stocking, Any, Stitchery 2. Ornament, Fabric 7. Christmas Stocking, Any Other 3. Ornament, Any Other 8. Christmas Wreath 4. Christmas Stocking, Knit or Crochet 9. Christmas Angel 5. Christmas Stocking, Sewn/Fabric 10. Christmas Santa DIVISION 312: MISCELLANEOUS HANDCRAFTS: May use ready made garments. CLASS: 1. Any Article, Appliqued, Hand 3. Any Article, Embroidered, Hand 2. Any Article, Appliqued, Machine 4. Any Article, Embroidered, Machine 11. Christmas, Any Other 12. Easter, Any 13. Halloween, Any 14. Any Other Holiday, Specify 5. Any Article, Customized 6. Any Other, Specify 11 BALL® “BRING OUT YOUR BEST™” FOOD PRESERVATION AWARD PROGRAM, PRESENTED BY JARDEN HOME BRANDS 2014 Award Announcement BALL® FOR ADULT LEVEL To promote the art of home canning and to honor adults who excel at the art of home canning, BALL®& KERR® Home canning is offering First Place Award categories. A panel of judges will select the two best entries for Fruit, Vegetable, Pickle, and Soft Spread categories. Entries must be preserved in Ball® Jars sealed with Ball® Lids and Bands, or Ball® Collection Elite® Jars sealed with Collection Elite® Lids and Bands, or preserved in Kerr® Jars sealed with Kerr® Lids and Bands. In addition, soft spread entries must be prepared using Ball® Pectin: Classic, Low or No-Sugar Needed or Liquid. Entries designated First Place from each category will receive: • Two (2) Five-Dollar ($5) Coupons for Ball® or Kerr® Fresh Preserving Products and one (1) Free (up to $5 value) Coupon for Ball® Pectin. Entries designated Second Place from each category will receive: • One (1) Five-Dollar ($5) Coupon for Ball® or Kerr® Fresh Preserving Products and one (1) Free (up to $5 value) Coupon for Ball® Pectin Youth Awards To promote the art of home canning and to honor youths who excel at the art of home canning, In recognition of youth who excel in the art of fresh preserving (canning), Jarden Home Brands, marketers of the Ball® and Kerr® Fresh Preserving Products will present First Place Awards in designated categories. A panel of judges will select the best entry in each category for Fruit, Vegetable, Pickle, and Soft Spread. Entries must be preserved in Ball® Jars sealed with Ball® Lids and Bands or Ball® Collection Elite® Jars sealed with Collection Elite® Lids and Bands, or preserved in Kerr® Jars sealed with Kerr® Lids and Bands. In addition, soft spread entries must be prepared using Ball® Pectin: Classic, Low or No-Sugar Needed or Liquid. The best entry from each category will receive: • One (1) Five-Dollar ($5) Coupon for Ball® or Kerr® Fresh Preserving Products and one (1) Free (up to $5 value) Coupon for Ball® Pectin 12 DEPARTMENT D ADULT PRESERVED FOODS Entries Close: Friday, July 11, at 5:00 p.m. Exhibits Received: Saturday, August 9, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. - Farmer’s Hall Exhibits Released: Monday, August 25, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. - Farmer’s Hall No Limit On Entries Per Class. Entry Fee: $1.00 Per Entry. Premiums Offered Per Class: 1st Place - $4.00 2nd Place - $3.00 3rd Place - $2.00 Sweepstakes 1st Place - $7.00 2nd Place - $5.00 3rd Place - $3.00 RULES: 1. Use separate entry forms for each department you enter. Departments: Clothing and Textiles, Fine Arts, Crafts, Preserved Foods, Baked Goods and Photography. 2. All exhibits in this department must have been created after July 14, 2013 and must not have been shown at any previous Butte County Fair. 3. STANDARD JAR: A container specifically or specially designed for canning purposes. No paraffin seals. All canning must be sealed in jars. Non-Acid food - all vegetables, meats, poultry, and fish must be canned UNDER PRESSURE. Low-acid fruits, such as figs, should be made more acidic by adding lemon juice as directed in the Agriculture Extension Service leaflet. 4. Home Canning: Tomatoes and fruits (not including their juices) must be processed in a boiling water bath. 5. EXHIBITS MUST BE ACCURATELY LABELED with the entrant’s name, name of the product and date preserved. 6. CONTAINERS/AMOUNTS: Fruits and vegetables: clear glass, wide or narrow mouth, pint or quart mason jar. Jellies and jams: clear glass, wide or narrow mouth, 1/2 pint or pint mason jelly jar (sealed lid). Jerky and salami: 6 pieces, on a paper plate in a ziploc bag, plus one piece in a separate small ziploc bag taped to the outside. 7. NO LIMITS on entries per class in these divisions. Any other categories must be different types. Specifiy type on entry form. Number of containers per entry: Each exhibit must include two containers, 1 for judging and 1 for display. Combination classes entries not limited, MUST BE DIFFERENT COMBINATION (EXCEPTION: Dried Herbs, only 1 jar required.) 8. Open jars used for judging can be picked up by Monday, August 25, between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. J ar s not picked up on that date will be destr oyed and no longer available for the exhibitor. 9. All jars must have rings. Rings should be easy to open. 10. “ANY OTHER” classes are for those exhibits that do not fit into an existing class, please specify on entry form. DIVISION 360: BOTTLED JUICES CLASS: 1. Berry 2. Nectar - State Type 3. Tomato 4. Any Other, Specify DIVISION 361: CANNED FRUIT CLASS: 1. Applesauce, Any Type, Specify 2. Apricots, Halved 3. Blackberries 4. Boysenberries 5. Cherries, Black 6. Cherries, White 7. Grapes 8. Fruit Salad/Cocktail 9. Peaches, Yellow Cling, Sliced 10. Peaches, Yellow Free, Halved 11. Pears 12. Plums, Santa Rosa 13. Plums, Satsuma 14. Strawberries 15. Any Other, Specify 16. Fruits Canned with Sugar Substitute, Specify DIVISION 362: CANNED VEGETABLES CLASS: 1. Asparagus 2. Carrots 3. Corn 4. Tomatoes, Whole Pack 5. Tomatoes, Stewed 6. Any Other, Specify DIVISION 363: PICKLED FRUITS / VEGETABLES / OTHER CLASS: 1. Bread & Butter Cucumber Pickles 5. Cucumber Pickles, Any Other, Specify 2. Dill, Whole Cucumber Pickles 6. Beet 3. Dill, Sliced or Chunk Cucumber Pickles 7. Mixed Vegetables 4. Sweet Cucumber Pickles 8. Pepper, Sweet 9. Peppers, Hot 10. Zucchini 11. Green Tomato 12. Any Other, Specify DIVISION 364: RELISHES AND SAUCES AND VINEGAR CLASS: 1. Relish, Chutney 2. Relish, Cucumber 3. Zucchini 4. Any Other, Relish, Specify 5. Sauce, BBQ 6. Salsa 7. Olive Oil 8. Flavored Vinegar 9. Any Other Sauce, Specify 3. Tomato 4. Any Other, Specify 6. Kiwi 7. Kiwi-Combo, State Type 8. Peach 9. Pear 10. Plum 11. Raspberry 12. Strawberry 13. Any Other, Specify 14. Any Other, Combo DIVISION 365: PRESERVES CLASS: 1. Blackberry 2. Kiwi DIVISION 366: JAMS CLASS: 1. Apricot 2. Apricot-Pineapple 3. Blackberry 4. Boysenberry 5. Cherry 13 DIVISION 367: JELLIES CLASS: 1. Apple 2. Blackberry 3. Boysenberry 4. Cherry 5. Combinations - Any, Specify 6. Grape 7. Kiwi 8. Orange 9. Plum 10. Pomegranate DIVISION 368: MARMALADE/BUTTER/MISCELLANEOUS CLASS: 1. Butter, Apple 5. Orange 2. Butter, Apricot 6. Marmalade, Other Citrus, Specify 3. Butter, Peach 7. Marmalade, Any Other, Specify 4. Butter, Pear 8. Conserves, Any, Specify DIVISION 369: NATURAL PRESERVES MADE WITHOUT PECTIN DIVISION 370: LOW SUGAR PRESERVES CLASS: 1. Jams 2. Preserves 11. Raspberry 12. Strawberry 13. Any Other, Specify 9. Fruit Sauces, Specify 10. Fruit Syrups, Specify 3. Jellies DIVISION 371: JERKY CLASS: 1. Venison 2. Any Other, Specify DIVISION 372: DRIED HERBS CLASS: 1. Bay 2. Dill 3. Parsley 4. Sage 5. Blends 6. Any Other, Specify DIVISION 373: DRIED VEGETABLES CLASS: 1. Corn 2. Onions 3. Tomatoes 4. Canned in Oil, Any Other, Specify 5. Any Other, Specify DIVISION 374: DRIED FRUIT CLASS: 1. Apricots, Sulphured 2. Apricots, Unsulphured 3. Figs, Black 4. Figs, White 5. Grapes, Black Monukka 6. Grapes, Muscat 7. Grapes, Thompson Seedless 8. Peaches, Sulphured 9. Peaches, Unsulphured 10. Prunes, French 11. Prunes, Any Other, Specify 12. Fruit Leather, Any other, Specify 13. Any Other, Specify 14 DEPARTMENT E ADULT BAKED FOODS AND CONFECTIONS Entries Close: Friday, July 11, at 5:00 p.m. Exhibits Received: Wednesday, August 20, from 8:00 a.m. to 12 noon - Farmer’s Hall Exhibits Released: Monday, August 25, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. - Farmer’s Hall No Limit On Entries Per Class. Entry Fee: $1.00 Per Entry. Premiums Offered Per Class: 1st Place - $4.00 2nd Place - $3.00 3rd Place - $2.00 Sweepstakes: 1st Place - $15.00 2nd Place - $10.00 3rd Place - $5.00 RULES: 1 2 3 5 7 8 Use separate entry forms for each department you enter. Departments: Clothing and Textiles, Fine Arts, Crafts, Preserved Foods, Baked Goods and Photography. All exhibits in these divisions must be home prepared by exhibitor. Exhibits must be accurately labeled with exhibitors name and name of baked good. The fair will provide labels at time of entry. All entries should have recipe attached to it at time of delivery. NO LIMIT ON number of entries per exhibitor per class. NO PACKAGE MIXES, (except for the Prepared Mix-Up class). Wrapping Instructions: Bread must be exhibited in a plastic bag (ziploc), cut end to the unopened end, no plate or cardboard. Biscuits, rolls, cookies, confections and nuts must be on a small paper plate in a ziploc bag. Loaf, pound or layer cakes must be on a cardboard base, not to extend more than 1” beyond cake. If possible, use a ziploc bag otherwise wrap in clear plastic wrap. Pies should be in a ziploc bag where possible, otherwise, use clear plastic wrap. SAMPLE MUST BE IN ZIPLOC BAG & TAPED TO ENTRY. Entries that spoil during the fair will be removed from display, leaving entry card and any ribbon it was awarded in its place. DIVISION 375: YEAST BREADS (1/2 loaf + 1 slice - No Mini Loaves) CLASS: 1. Cinnamon/Raisin 4. Whole Wheat (not more than 1/2 whole wheat flour) 7. Any Other, Specify 2. French 5. White 3. Rye 6. Holiday DIVISION 376: YEAST ROLLS (3 rolls + 1) CLASS: 1. Cinnamon 2. Coffee Cake 3. Any Other DIVISION 377: QUICK BREADS (1/2 Loaf + 1 slice) (No Mini Loaves) CLASS: 1. Banana 4. Zucchini 2. Persimmon 5. Coffee Cake 3. Cornbread 6. Muffins, Specify DIVISION 378: CAKES (1/2 cake + 1 slice) CLASS: 1. Layer Cake, Any, Specify 2. Sponge Type, Any, Specify 3. Pound 4. Not Frosted, Any, Specify DIVISION 379: COOKIES (3 cookies + 1) CLASS: 1. Bar 2. Brownies 3. Chocolate Chip 4. Drop 5. Sugar 6. Oatmeal DIVISION 380: PIES & PASTRIES: (1 whole pie - maximum size 9” - (PIES WILL BE SAMPLED) CLASS: 1. Two Crust, Apple 3. Two Crust , Any Other 2. Two Crust, Peach DIVISION 381: CONFECTIONS: (1/2 dozen +1 piece) CLASS: 1. Brittle 2. Caramels 3. Cherry Cordials 4. English Toffee 5. 6. 7. 8. Fudge, Any Hard Candies Molded, Filled Suckers 7. Any Other, Specify 7. Peanut Butter 8. Any Other, Specify 4. Single Crust, Any Other 9. Walnuts, Sugared, Spiced 10. Any Other, Confection, Specify DIVISION 382: PREPARED MIX-UP: (3 pieces + 1 piece) Recipes to use a prepared mix as a base and then enhance it. All entries must have recipe and box top or label from mix attached to it at time of delivery. CLASS: 1. Biscuit Mix 2. Cookie Mix 3. Any Other, Mix, Specify DECORATED CAKES AND CONFECTIONS DIVISION 383: DECORATED CAKES & CONFECTIONS: (Whole Cake or 3 pieces of candy or cookies; no sample) Only styrofoam or cardboard form to be used, provided the shape is one which could reasonably be achieved through baking. CLASS: 1. Any Holiday, Birthday, etc. 4. Candy, Molded, Decorated 7. Cupcakes 2. Wedding 5. Cookies, Decorated 8. Any Other, Specify 3. Gingerbread House 6. Egg, Panoramic (1) 9. Fair Theme Baked Goods 15 DEPARTMENT F ADULT FINE ARTS Entries Close: Friday, July 11, at 5:00 p.m. Entries Received: Saturday, August 9, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. - Farmer’s Hall Entries Release: Monday, August 25, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. - Farmer’s Hall ALL ENTRIES MUST BE MOVEABLE BY ALL STAFF & VOLUNTEERS Limit 6 Entries Per Class. Entry Fee: $1.00 Per Entry. Premiums Offered Per Class: 1st Place - $6.00 2nd Place - $4.00 3rd Place - $3.00 Sweepstakes: 1st Place - $15.00 2nd Place - $10.00 3rd Place - $5.00 RULES: 1 Use separate entry forms for each department you enter. Department: Clothing and Textiles, Fine Arts, Crafts, Preserved Foods, Baked Goods and Photography. 2 All exhibits in this department must have been completed after July 11, 2014 and must not have been shown at any previous Butte County Fair. 3 AMATEUR: Those who engage in arts and crafts work as a hobby or for the love of the work, whose return from sales, if any, does not exceed the cost of the materials for the articles sold and who are not otherwise remunerated except cash prizes or premium award. 4 SEMI-PROFESSIONAL: Artists whose sales have exceeded cost of the materials used, are instructors or any person otherwise remunerated on account of engaging in a craft, painting or drawing work. IF THIS DEFINITION IS APPLICABLE TO AN EXHIBITOR IN ANY CRAFT, PAINTING, OR DRAWING CLASS ALL ENTRIES MUST BE IN THE SEMI-PROFESSIONAL DIVISION. 4 All paintings and drawings must be framed and ready for hanging. No string or cord permitted. FRAMES MUST BE IN GOOD CONDITION. 5 List size of painting or drawing on entry form. –2”X4” 6 Fragile or unstable items may be eliminated if difficult to properly display.(Items will be moved by staff. Not responsible for damage.) 7 8 9 10 11 12 Labels will be provided by the fair and will be attached at the time of entry for display purposes; names should still be on the back of entries. Each entry in a class by the same exhibitor must be different in material and pattern. “Any other” classes are for those items that do not fit into existing classes, please specify on entry form. Paint by number art is not permitted. The Butte County Fair reserves the right to not display items which have been deemed vulgar, in poor taste or inappropriate for display at a family fair fine arts show. NO pr ice tags . Names are not per mitted on the front of ar twor k only on the backside of the ar twor k. AMATEUR DIVISIONS SEMI-PROFESSIONAL DIVISIONS DIVISION 400: CHARCOAL DIVISION 402: PENCIL DIVISION 404: PEN & INK DIVISION 406: OIL & ACRYLIC DIVISION 408: WATERCOLOR DIVISION 410: PASTELS DIVISION 401: CHARCOAL DIVISION 403: PENCIL DIVISION 405: PEN & INK DIVISION 407: OIL & ACRYLIC DIVISION 409: WATERCOLOR DIVISION 411: PASTELS CLASS 1. Animal 2. Barns/Buildings 3. Bird/Sea Life 4. Floral 5. Landscape 6. Portrait 7. Seascape 8. Still Life 9. Any Other, Specify DIVISION 412: MISCELLANEOUS - AMATEUR DIVISION 413: MISCELLANEOUS - SEMI-PROFFESIONAL CLASS: 1. Abstract, Any Media 3. Silkscreen 2. Mixed Media 4. Drafting, Any 5. Computer Generated 6. Any Other Medium DIVISION 414: SCULPTURE - AMATEUR DIVISION 415: SCULPTURE - SEMI-PROFFESIONAL CLASS: 1. Clay 2. Stone 3. Any Other Metal, Specify 4. Steel, Metal 5. Any Other, Specify DIVISION 416: FAIR THEME CLASS: 1. Amateur 2. Semi-Professional 16 DEPARTMENT G ADULT PHOTOGRAPHY **NO VELCRO** Entries Close: Friday, July 11, at 5:00 p.m. Entries Received: Saturday, August 9, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. - Farmer’s Hall Entries Released: Monday August 25, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. - Farmer’s Hall No Limit On Entries Per Class. Entry Fee: $1.00 Per Entry. Premiums Offered Per Class: 1st $6.00 1st $15.00 2nd $4.00 Sweepstakes 2nd $10.00 3rd $3.00 3rd $5.00 RULES: 1 Pictures must have been taken and processed after July 11, 2013 and must not have been shown at any previous Butte County Fair. 2 No picture or print of identical subject matter may be entered in more than one class. 3 Both monochrome (Black and White) and color prints may be 5 x 7 in. to a maximum of 16 x 20 in. Mat board should be no larger than 18 x 22 in. Mats should be in proportion to the picture size. Colored mat board is acceptable if suitable to subject matter of the photograph. Only prints matted in the above manner will be accepted. Mats must be securely attached (no velcro). 4 NO FRAMES ACCEPTED. 5 EXHIBITS MUST BE ACCURATELY LABELED WITH NAMES ON BACK. The fair ’s exhibit labels will be attached to the entr ies when br ought to the Fair . 6 No Polaroid pictures accepted. 7 Semi-Professional—Open to those who engage in photography as a hobby or for the love of work, whose return from sales, if any, does not exceed the cost of the materials for the articles sold. 8 In order to provide a more equitable judging, those classes that have sufficient entries will be divided into Beginner and Experienced classes. Indicate on the entry form whether you are a Beginner or Experienced photographer. The decision to divide the class will be determined after entries close by the judge. 9 The Butte County Fair reserves the right to not display items which have been deemed vulgar, in poor taste or inappropriate for display at a family fair photography show. DIVISION 456: BLACK & WHITE PRINTS - AMATEUR DIVISION 457: BLACK & WHITE PRINTS - SEMI-PROFESSIONAL DIVISION 458: COLOR PRINTS - AMATEUR DIVISION 459: COLOR PRINTS - SEMI-PROFESSIONAL CLASS: 1. Big Game 16. Animals, Barn Yard 2. Game Birds 17. Animals, Others 3. Fishing/Hunting 18. Birds/Fowl 4. Any Other, Sportsman Related Specify 19. Landscape, Cultivated 5. Travel, Foreign, Buildings 6. Travel, Foreign, People 7. Travel, Foreign, Plant Life 8. Travel, Foreign, Scenic 9. Travel, Foreign, Wildlife 10. Travel, USA, Scenic 11. Travel, USA, Buildings 12. Travel, USA, People 13. Travel, USA, Plant Life 14. Travel, USA, Wildlife 15. Animals, Pet 20. Landscape, Natural 21. Ruralscape - Includes Buildings 22. Scenic 23. Nature, General 24. Sunrise/Sunset 25. Mountains 26. Water, Any 27. Seascape 28. Reflections 29. Fair Theme 30. Flowers 31. Habitat 32. Plants/Trees 33. Barns 34. Bridges 35. Architecture Pre 20th Century 36. Architecture 20th Century 37. Machines 38. Babies 39. Children/Teens 40. People, Natural 41. Portraits, Posed 42. Sports 43. At the Fair DIVISION 460: SEPIA TONE - AMATEUR DIVISION 461: SEPIA TONE - SEMI-PROFESSIONAL DIVISION 462: DIGITALLY ALTERED - Definition: The application of image editing techniques to photographs in order to create an illusion or deception (in contrast to mere enhancement or correction) through analog or digital means. CLASS: 1. Building 2. People 3. Any Other 17 DEPARTMENT Q ADULT CRAFTS Entries Close: Friday, July 11, at 5:00 p.m. Entries Received: Saturday, August 9, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. - Feather Room Entries Release: Monday, August 25, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. - Feather Room No Limit On Entries Per Class. Entry Fee: $1.00 Per Entry. Premiums Offered Per Class: 1st Place - $4.00 2nd Place - $3.00 3rd Place - $2.00 RULES: 1 Use separate entry forms for each department you enter. Departments: Clothing and Textiles, Fine Arts, Crafts, Preserved Foods, Baked Goods and Photography. 2 All exhibits in this department must have been completed after July 11, 2014 and must not have been shown at any previous Butte County Fair. 3 Fragile or unstable items may be eliminated if difficult to properly display. 4 Labels will be provided by the fair and will be attached at the time of entry for display purposes; names should still be on the back of entries. 5 Each entry in a class by the same exhibitor must be different in material and pattern. 6 “Any other” classes are for those items that do not fit into existing classes, please specify on entry form. 7 The Butte County Fair reserves the right to not display items which have been deemed vulgar, in poor taste or inappropriate for display at a family fair fine arts show. DIVISION 425: CERAMICS CLASS: 1. Any, Handcrafted 2. Mold, Glazed 3. Mold, Special Technique 4. Mold, Stained 5. Mold, Underglazed 6. Any Other, Specify DIVISION 426: STAINED GLASS CLASS: 1. Copper Foil, Any Specify 2. Leaded, Any Specify 3. Any Other, Specify DIVISION 427: HOLIDAY DECORATIONS: (Carved Wood items see Division 430) CLASS: 1. Angel, Any Medium, Specify 3. Ornaments 2. Door Hanging 4. Santa, Any Medium, Specify 5. Any Other, Specify DIVISION 428: BEGINNER TOLE & DECORATIVE PAINTING: (Beginner under 3 years. Specify if pre-cut or original. Backs must be finished.) DIVISION 429: ADVANCED TOLE & DECORATIVE PAINTING: (Advanced over 3 years. Specify if pre-cut or original. Backs must be finished.) CLASS: 1. Decorative 3. Saws 5. Any Other, Specify 2. Folk Art on Wood-2’x4’ 4. Any Holiday, Specify DIVISION 430: WOODCARVING CLASS: 1. Hand - people 2. Hand - Any Other 3. Machine - Any Other 4. Chain Saw - Any Other 5. Driftwood - Any Other 6. Any Not listed - Specify DIVISION 431: WOODWORKING CLASS: 1. Interior (household item) 2. Garden Accessories 3. Toys 4. Wall Accessories 5. Wood Inlay 6. Intarsia - 3-D 7. Birdhouse/Feeders 8. Any Other, Specify DIVISION 432: HOBBIES CLASS: 1. Any From Kit, Specify(Excluding stepping stones) 2. Any Not From Kit, Specify 3. Scrap Booking 12” x 12” (two pages) 4. Scrap Booking 8” x 10” (two pages) 5. Scrap Booking 5” x 7” (two pages) DIVISION 433: DOLLS: Handcrafted/hand finished solely by exhibitor. CLASS: 1. Any Other, Specific DIVISION 434: OTHER CRAFTS CLASS: 1. Basket, Any, Decorated 5. Fabric Painting, Any Other, Specify 2. Basket, Any, Handcrafted 6. Fabric Painting, Holiday 3. Bead Work 7. Jewelry, Metal 4. Fabric Painting, Stencil 8. Jewelry, Stone 9. Leather Craft, Any Other, Specify 10. Jewelry, Any Other, Specify 11. Paper Craft, Any Other , Specify 12. Plastic Canvas, Any Other, Specify 18 4-H AND YOUTH DEPARTMENT RULES RULES: 1 Each entry in these divisions shall have been made by or produced by the exhibitor. 2 Entries shall be made on Youth Department entry forms provided by the fair. The signature of a parent or guardian is required. 4-H members must also have leader’s signatures. Use separate entry forms for Baked Goods, Livestock, Photography Preserved Foods and Farm and Garden. All other departments may be on the same entry form. 3 All 4-H members must be enrolled in the 4-H project in which they enter. 4-H members must meet 4-H eligibility rules for age and meetings requirements. 4 State and local rules apply unless otherwise specified. 5 Open Youth is open to youth at least 9 years of age or in the 4th grade by January 1, 2014. Exhibitors are eligible to compete /exhibit through December 31st of the year in which they turn 19 years of age. Unless otherwise specified. 6 “Any Other” classes are to be used only when the specific class is not offered. 7 No entries will be released early. All entries must remain on display for the duration of the Fair, unless otherwise specified. 8 Exhibitors limited to entries in one level: Beginner , J unior , or Senior or by grade level in each depar tment. 9 Definitions: Beginner: 9-10 years old Junior: 11-12 years old Senior: 13 & Over 10 You are responsible for knowledge of State and Local Rules. 11 All entries in the Youth Department will be judged by the Danish System. The Danish System of judging is based upon established standards of quality for each type of product. In this system each exhibit is judged according to how well it meets that standard rather than how it compares with other exhibits. DEPARTMENT H 4-H DIVISION Please place different division on separate forms All entries in the following divisions must have been made, collected, grown or prepared by the exhibitors who were enrolled in those projects in the Butte County 4-H Youth Program within one year of closing of entries the prior year, except as otherwise noted. Entries must not have been shown at a previous fair. All entries must have been made, collected or prepared by the exhibitor in accordance with the requirements or recommendations of that project program. Entries that require packaging and labeling, such as food preservation and entomology, must be done in accordance with the direction and recipes in project manuals and outlines. Carefully check the recommendations for size and kind of container, and method of labeling. Only standard containers specifically designed for that purpose will be accepted. 4-H FARM & GARDEN Entries Close: Friday, August 11, at 5:00 p.m. Entries Received: Monday, August 18, from 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. - Farmer’s Hall Entries Released: Monday, August 25, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. - Farmer’s Hall No Limit On Entries Per Class. Entry Fee: .50¢ Premiums Offered Per Class: 1st Place - $1.50 2nd Place - $1.25 3rd Place - $1.00 RULES: 1. Use separate entry form for Farm and Garden. 2. For Rules and Quantities see Adult Farm and Garden Department page 15 . DIVISION 500: YOUTH FARM/GARDEN CLASS: 1. Any, List Type and Variety 2. Gift Baskets, Any, List Type - See Adult Department 4-H PRIMARY MEMBERS PROJECTS Entries Close: Friday, July 11, at 5:00 p.m. Entries Received: Non - Food - Saturday, August 9, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. - Feather Room Entries Received Food: Wednesday, August 20, from 8:00 a.m. to Noon - Feather Room Entries Released: Monday, August 25 from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. - Feather Room No Limit On Entries Per Class. Entry Fee: .50¢ NO CASH AWARDS - PARTICIPANT RIBBON ONLY This Division will not be judged. RULES: 1. Primary Members may exhibit in 4-H Beginning Projects. 2. Primary Members must be under 9 years of age as of December 31, 2013. 3. Limited to non-livestock projects. DIVISION 501: 4-H PRIMARY MEMBERS PROJECTS CLASS: 1. Any Food Item, Specify Received Wedesday, August 20, 8:00 a.m. to 12 p.m. (noon) 2. Any Non-Food Item, Specify Received Saturday, August 9, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 19 4-H CLOTHING & TEXTILES Entries Close: Friday, July 11, at 5:00 p.m. Entries Received: Saturday, August 9, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. - Feather Room Entries Released: Monday, August 25, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. - Feather Room No Limit On Entries Per Class. Entry Fee: .50¢ Premiums Offered Per Class: 1st Place - $1.50 2nd Place - $1.25 3rd Place - $1.00 RULES: 1. Exhibits to be listed separately and identified by name on the entry form. 2. An exhibit may consist of 2 or more items not judged elsewhere. A coordinated exhibit is judged as one entry. 3. Exhibits must be cleaned and pressed. All hangable items must be on hangers. DIVISION 502: BEGINNER (9-10 yrs.) CLASS: 1. Apron 2. Blouse or Shirt 3. Dress 4. Jacket or Vest 5. Pants or Shorts DIVISION 503: JUNIOR (11-12 yrs.) DIVISION 504: SENIOR (13 & Over) 6. Skirt 7. Coordinated Outfit - Consists of 2 or more items 8. Quilt, Any, Specify 9. Needlework, Specify 10. Knitting or Crochet 11. Any Other Clothing Item, Specify 12. Any Other Non-Clothing Item, Specify 13. Pajamas and Nightgowns 14. Duct Tape - Clothing 4-H HOME FURNISHINGS Entries Close: Friday, July 11, at 5:00 p.m. Entries Received: Saturday, August 9, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. - Feather Room Entries Released: Monday, August 25, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. - Feather Room No Limit On Entries Per Class. Entry Fee: .50¢ Premiums Offered Per Class: 1st Place - $1.50 2nd Place - $1.25 3rd Place - $1.00 RULES: 1. Each entry to be listed separately on entry form. 2. An exhibit may consist of an item judged individually or a coordinated exhibit consisting of two to five items not entered elsewhere; emphasis to be on the coordination of colors, texture, patterns and shapes. DIVISION 511: BEGINNER (9-10 yrs.) CLASS: 1. Single Item: (Example: Table Cloth or Door Mat) DIVISION 512: JUNIOR (11-12 yrs.) DIVISION 513: SENIOR (13 & Over) 2. Coordinated Exhibit: (Example: Towel Set - 2 or more items) 4-H BAKED GOODS Entries Close: Friday, July 11, at 5:00 p.m. Exhibits Received: Wednesday, August 20, from 8:00 a.m. to 12 noon - Farmer’s Hall Exhibits Released: Monday, August 25, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. - Farmer’s Hall No Limit On Entries Per Class. Entry Fee: .50¢ Premiums Offered Per Class: 1st Place - $1.50 2nd Place - $1.25 3rd Place - $1.00 RULES: 1. Use separate entry form for Baked Goods. 2. Foods that require refrigeration may not be entered. 3. See Adult Baking and Confections for wrapping instructions 5. In decorated cakes a styrofoam form must be used, provided the shape is one which could be reasonably achieved through baking. 6. Decorated cakes to be judged on eye appeal, neatness, hand decorating technique, intricate work, creativity and practicality. 7. Breads - No mini loaves. DIVISION 505: BEGINNER (9-10 yrs.) CLASS: 1. Candies (3 pieces + 1 piece) 2. Cake (1/2 cake + 1 slice) 3. Cookies (3 pieces + 1 pieces) DIVISION 506: JUNIOR (11-12 yrs.) DIVISION 507: SENIOR (13 & Over) 4. Muffins or Biscuits (3 pieces + 1 piece) 5. Quick Breads (1/2 loaf + 1 slice) 6. Yeast Breads (1/2 loaf + 1 slice) 7. Any Other, Specify (Cake Will Be Tested 8. Any Decorated Cake, Specify (Cake Will Be Tested) 20 4-H FOOD PRESERVATION Entries Close: Friday, July 11 at 5:00 p.m. Entries Received: Saturday, August 9, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. - Farmer’s Hall Entries Released: Monday, August 25, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. - Farmer’s Hall PICK UP ALL JARS THE MONDAY AFTER FAIR No Limit On Entries Per Class. Entry Fee: .50¢ Premiums Offered Per Class: 1st Place - $1.50 2nd Place - $1.25 3rd Place - $1.00 RULES: 1. Use separate entry form for Preserved Foods 2. Entry forms must list type of product (fruit, vegetable, preserves, etc.) and method or process used (canning, freezing, or drying). 3. Low acid foods must be canned under pressure. 4. All jars must have rings to be entered. No paraffin seals. 5. Dried products should be in ziploc bags or sealed jars. Samples should be taped to the outside. 6. All canning exhibits must consist of two identical entries and must be in containers specifically designed for canning purposes. 7. Jar labels should include the name of exhibitor, type of product and process used and date it was processed. 8. Ball® “Bring out your Best ™ “ Food Preservation Award Program, presented by Jarden Home Brands (See Page 23) DIVISION 508: BEGINNER (9-10 yrs.) CLASS: 1. Dried Foods, Specify 2. Fruits, Specify DIVISION 509: JUNIOR (11-12 yrs.) DIVISION 510: SENIOR (13 & Over) 3. Jams, Jellies or Preserves, Specify 4. Vegetables, Specify 5. Pickles or Relishes, Specify 4-H ARTS & CRAFTS Entries Close: Friday, July 12, at 5:00 p.m. Entries Received: Saturday, August 10, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. - Feather Room Entries Released: Monday, August 26, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. - Feather Room No Limit On Entries Per Class. Entry Fee: .50¢ Premiums Offered Per Class: 1st Place - $1.50 2nd Place - $1.25 3rd Place - $1.00 RULES: 1. If a member is entering an item that is pre-cut or pre-stamped, the member should attach a note stating which portion of the item they completed. 2. All art work must be matted with matte board, heavy weight paper stock or two pieces of construction paper. DIVISION 517: BEGINNER (9-10 yrs.) CLASS: 1. Ceramics, Specify 2. Candles 3. Christmas Decoration 4. Basket 5. Beadwork, Specify DIVISION 518: JUNIOR (11-12 yrs.) 6. Holiday, Specify 7. Leathercraft, Any Specify 8. Painting or Drawing 9. Recycle Project Made, Specify 10. Duct Tape Craft DIVISION 519: SENIOR (13 & Over) 11. Scrap Booking (two pages) 12. Tole Painting 13. Computer Generated 14. Any Other Art or Craft, Specify 4-H PHOTOGRAPHY Entries Close: Friday, July 11, at 5:00 p.m. Entries Received: Saturday, August 10, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. - Farmer’s Hall Entries Released: Monday, August 26, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. - Farmer’s Hall **NO VELCRO** No Limit On Entries Per Class. Entry Fee: .50¢ Premiums Offered Per Class: 1st Place - $1.50 2nd Place - $1.25 3rd Place - $1.00 RULES: 1. Use separate entry form for Photography. 2. Any print exhibited at this fair in previous years is not eligible. Photos must have been taken and processed after July 11, 2014, and must not have been shown in any previous fair. 3. Loose photos will not be accepted. Mat board should be no larger than 18 x 22 in. 4. Photographic works include black & white, color and mixed media. Mixed media could be hand tinted, appliqued, retouched or computer enhanced images on silver based photographic paper. 5. Digitally Altered Definition: The application of image editing techniques to photographs in order to create an illusion or deception (in contrast to mere enhancement or correction) through analog or digital means. 6. For all other photography rules see Adult Photography page 27. 21 DIVISION 520: BEGINNER (9-10 yrs.) DIVISION 521: JUNIOR (11-12 yrs.) CLASS: 1. Black & White Enlargement - 5 x 7, 8 x 10 or 11 x 14 inches 8. People, Black & White 2. Color Enlargement - 5 x 7, 8 x 10 or 11 x 14 inches 9. People, Color 3. Mixed Media - 5 x 7, 8 x 10 or 11 x 14 inches 10. Sports, Black and White 4. Animals, Black & White 11. Sports, Color 5. Animals, Color 12. Scenic, Black & White 6. General, Black & White 13. Scenic, Color 7. General, Color DIVISION 522: SENIOR (13 & Over) 14. Flowers, Black and White 15. Flowers, Color 16. Any Other Black & White, Specify 17. Any Other Color, Specify 18. Digitally Altered Photographs (Before and After Pictures Required) 19. Sepia Tone, Specify 4-H MECHANICAL PROJECTS Entries Close: Friday, July 11, at 5:00 p.m. Entries Received: Saturday, August 9, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. - Feather Room Entries Released: Monday, August 25, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. - Feather Room No Limit On Entries Per Class. Entry Fee: .50¢ Premiums Offered Per Class: 1st Place - $1.50 2nd Place - $1.25 3rd Place - $1.00 DIVISION 526: BEGINNER (9-10 yrs.) CLASS: 1. Archery 2. Welding, Small DIVISION 527: JUNIOR (11-12 yrs.) DIVISION 528: SENIOR (13 & Over) 3. Welding, Large 4. Woodworking, small project 5. Woodworking, large project 6. Any Other 22 DEPARTMENT I OPEN YOUTH OPEN YOUTH FARM & GARDEN Entries Close: Friday, August 11, at 5:00 p.m. Entries Received: Monday, August 18, from 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. - Farmer’s Hall Entries Released: Monday, August 25, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. - Farmer’s Hall No Limit On Entries Per Class. Entry Fee: .50¢ Premiums Offered Per Class: 1st Place - $1.50 2nd Place - $1.25 3rd Place - $1.00 RULES: 1. Use separate entry form for Farm and Garden. 2. For Rules and Quantities see Adult Farm and Garden Department page 14. DIVISION 575: YOUTH FARM/GARDEN CLASS: 1. Any - List Type and Variety 2. Gift Baskets - Any - List Type - See Adult Department. OPEN YOUTH CLOTHING & TEXTILES Entries Close: Friday, July 11, at 5:00 p.m. Entries Received: Saturday, August 9, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. - Feather Room Entries Released: Monday, August 25, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. - Feather Room No Limit On Entries Per Class. Entry Fee: .50¢ Premiums Offered Per Class: 1st Place - $1.50 2nd Place - $1.25 3rd Place - $1.00 Two $25.00 awards will be awarded by the Oroville Piecemakers Quilt Guild RULES: 1. All exhibits must be original and the work of the exhibitor. Exhibitors limited to entries in one level: Grade: K - 5th, Grade: 6th - 8th and Grade: 9th - 12th 2. Exhibits must have been completed after July 12, 2013 and not shown at a previous Butte County Fair to be eligible for awards. 3. Exhibits to be listed separately and identified by name on the entry form. 4. An exhibit may consist of 2 or more items not judged elsewhere. A coordinate exhibit is judged as one entry. 5. Exhibits must be cleaned and pressed. All hangable items must be on hangers. DIVISION 529: GRADE K - 5th CLASS: 1. Apron 2. Blouse or Shirt 3. Dress 4. Jacket or Vest 5. Pants or Shorts DIVISION 530: GRADE 6th - 8th DIVISION 531: GRADE 9th - 12th 6. Skirt 7. Coordinated Outfit - Consists of 2 or more items 8. Quilt, Any, Specify 9. Needlework, Specify 10. Knitting or Crochet 11. Any Other Clothing Item, Specify 12. Any Other Non-Clothing Item, Specify 13. Pajamas and Nightgowns 14. Duct Tape Clothing OPEN YOUTH BAKED GOODS Entries Close: Friday, July 11, at 5:00 p.m. Exhibits Received: Wednesday, August 20, from 8:00 a.m. to 12 noon - Farmer’s Hall Exhibits Released: Monday, August 25, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. - Farmer’s Hall No Limit On Entries Per Class. Entry Fee: .50¢ Premiums Offered Per Class: 1st Place - $1.50 2nd Place - $1.25 3rd Place - $1.00 RULES: 1. Use separate entry form for Baked Goods. 2. Foods that require refrigeration may not be entered. 3. Entries that spoil during the fair will be removed. 4. See Adult Baking & Confections Department for wrapping instructions page 26. 5. A styrofoam or cardboard form must be used, provided the shape is one which could be reasonably achieved through baking. 6. Decorated cakes to be judged on eye appeal, neatness, hand decorating technique, intricate work, creativity and practicality. 7. Breads: no mini loaves. 8. Any other quantity - Either 3 pieces or 1/2 of item + 1 DIVISION 532: Pre Kindergarten CLASS: 1. Candies (3 pieces + 1 piece) 2. Cake (1/2 cake + 1 slice) 3. Cookies (3 cookies + 1 cookie) DIVISION 533: GRADE K - 5th DIVISION 534: GRADE 6th - 8th 4. Muffins or Biscuits (3 pieces + 1 piece) 5. Quick Breads (1/2 loaf + 1 slice) 6. Yeast Breads (1/2 loaf + 1 slice) DIVISION 535: GRADE 9th - 12th 7. Any Other, Specify 8. Any Decorated Cake, Specify (Cake Form) 23 OPEN YOUTH FOOD PRESERVATION ENTRIES CLOSE: FRIDAY, JULY 11, AT 5:00 P.M. Entries Received: Saturday, August 9, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. - Farmer’s Hall Entries Released: Monday, August 25, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. - Farmer’s Hall PICK UP ALL JARS MONDAY AFTER FAIR No Limit On Entries Per Class. Entry Fee: .50¢ Premiums Offered Per Class: 1st Place - $1.50 2nd Place - $1.25 3rd Place - $1.00 RULES: 1. Use separate entry form for Preserved Foods. 2. Entry forms must list type of product fruit, vegetable, preserves, etc. and method or process used (canning, freezing, or drying). 3. Low acid foods must be canned under pressure. 4. All jars must have rings to be entered. No paraffin seals. 5. Dried products should be in ziploc bags or sealed jars. Samples should be taped to the outside. 6. All canning exhibits must consist of two identical entries and must be in containers specifically designed for canning purposes. 7. Jar labels should include the name of exhibitor, type of product and process used and date it was processed. 8. Ball® “Bring out your Best ™ “ Food Preservation Award Program, presented by Jarden Home Brands (See Page 24) DIVISION 536: GRADE K - 5th CLASS: 1. Dried Foods, Specify 2. Fruits, Specify DIVISION 537: GRADE 6th - 8th DIVISION 538: GRADE 9th - 12th 3. Jams, Jellies or Preserves, Specify 4. Vegetables, Specify 5. Pickles or Relishes, Specify OPEN YOUTH FINE ARTS Entries Close: Friday, July 11, at 5:00 p.m. Entries Received: Saturday, August 9, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. - Feather Room Entries Released: Monday, August 25, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. - Feather Room Limit 6 Entries Per Class. Entry Fee: .50¢ Premiums Offered Per Class: 1st Place - $1.50 2nd Place - $1.25 3rd Place - $1.00 RULES: 1. All exhibits must be original and the work of the exhibitor. Paint by number NOT permited. 2. Limit 6 entries per exhibitor per class. 3. Each entry to be listed separately on entry form. 4. All art work must be mounted/matted on mat board, heavy paper stock or two pieces of construction paper. Work that is flimsy or hard to display, will not be accepted. 5. Exhibits must have been completed after July 11 2014 and not shown at a previous Butte County Fair to be eligible for awards. DIVISION 539: Pre Kindergarten CLASS: 1. Acrylic 2. Color Crayon 3. Felt Tip DIVISION 540: GRADE K - 5th 4. Pen 5. Pencil 6. Oil DIVISION 541: GRADE 6th - 8th DIVISION 542: GRADE 9th -12th 7. Watercolor 8. Any Other Medium, Specify OPEN YOUTH ARTS, CRAFTS & HOBBIES Entries Close: Friday, July 11, at 5:00 p.m. Entries Received: Saturday, August 9, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. - Feather Room Entries Released: Monday, August 25, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. - Feather Room Limit 6 Entries Per Class. Entry Fee: .50¢ Premiums Offered Per Class: 1st Place - $1.50 2nd Place - $1.25 3rd Place - $1.00 RULES: 1. All exhibits must be original and the work of the exhibitor. Paint by number NOT permited. 2. Each entry to be listed separately on entry form. 3. All art work must be mounted/matted on matte board, heavy paper stock or two pieces of construction paper. Work that is flimsy or hard to display and will not be accepted. 4. Exhibits must have been completed after July 11, 2014 and not shown at a previous Butte County Fair to be eligible for awards. DIVISION 543: Pre Kindergarten CLASS: 1. Candles 2. Ceramics, Specify 3. Computer Generated Art 4. Christmas Decoration 5. Collections, Any, Specify 6. Dough Art DIVISION 544: GRADE K - 5th DIVISION 545: GRADE 6th - 8th 7. Leathercraft, Any, Specify 8. Lego Construction must be mounted on wood 9. Lego Models, from a kit 10. Lego Original Design 11. Photo Albums (not judged on pictures) 12. Scrap Booking (two pages) DIVISION 546: GRADE 9th - 12th 13. Tole Painting 14. Woodworking/Carving 15. Any Other Art, Craft or Hobby, Specify 16. Mission 17. Models, from a kit 18. Duct Tape Craft 24 OPEN YOUTH PHOTOGRAPHY Entries Close: Friday, July 11, at 5:00 p.m. Entries Received: Saturday, August 9, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. - Farmer’s Hall Entries Released: Monday, August 25, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. - Farmer’s Hall **NO VELCRO** Limit 6 Entries Per Class. Entry Fee: .50¢ Premiums Offered Per Class: 1st Place - $1.50 2nd Place - $1.25 3rd Place - $1.00 RULES: 1. Use separate form for Photography. 2. Exhibits must have been taken/processed after July 12, 2013 and must not have been shown at any previous fair to be eligible for awards. Loose photos will not be accepted. Mat board should be no larger than 18 x 22 in. 3. Photographic works include black & white, color, and mixed media. Mixed media: Can be hand tinted, appliquéd, retouched or computer enhanced images on silver based photographic paper. 4. Limit 6 entries per class. 5. Definition: The application of image editing techniques to photographs in order to create an illusion or deception (in contrast to mere enhancement or correction) through analog or digital means. 6. For all other Photography Rules see Adult Photography Page 27 DIVISION 548: Pre Kindergarten DIVISION 549: GRADE K - 5th DIVISION 550: GRADE 6th - 8th DIVISION 551: GRADE 9th - 12th CLASS: 1. Black & White Enlargement - 5 x 7, 8 x 10 or 11 x 14 inches 8. People, Black & White 14. Flowers, Black and White 2. Color Enlargement - 5 x 7, 8 x 10 or 11 x 14 inches 9. People, Color 15. Flowers, Color 3. Mixed Media - 5 x 7, 8 x 10 or 11 x 14 inches 10. Sports, Black and White 16. Any Other Black & White, Specify 4. Animals, Black & White 11. Sports, Color 17. Any Other Color, Specify 5. Animals, Color 12. Scenic, Black & White 18. Digitally Altered Photographs (Before and After Pictures Required) 6. General, Black & White 13. Scenic, Color 19. Sepia Tone, Specify 7. General, Color OPEN YOUTH MISCELLANEOUS PROJECTS Entries Close: Friday, July 11 at 5:00 p.m. Entries Received: Saturday, August 9, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. - Feather Room Entries Released: Monday, August 25, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. - Feather Room Limit 6 Entries Per Class. Entry Fee: .50¢ Premiums Offered Per Class: 1st Place - $1.50 2nd Place - $1.25 3rd Place - $1.00 DIVISION 552: YOUTH WELDING CLASS: 1. Welding—Large Projects 2. Welding—Small Projects OPEN YOUTH CLASS/GROUP PROJECT Entries Close: Friday, July 11, at 5:00 p.m. Entries Received: Saturday, August 10, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. - Feather Room Entries Released: Monday, August 26, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. - Feather Room No Limit On Entries Per Class. No Entry Fee. - RIBBON ONLY RULES: 1 Entries must have been made by the entire class or a group within a class. No individual entry - see open youth sections for individual entries. 2 Teacher signature required on the entry form. 3 If large item please specify size of exhibit on entry form. DIVISION 553: Pre Kindergarten CLASS: 1. Yearbook (Limit 1 per School) 2. Murals DIVISION 554: GRADE K - 5th 3. Newspaper/Paper 4. Quilt DIVISION 555: GRADE 6th - 8th DIVISION 556: GRADE 9th - 12th 5. Class Art Projects 6. Any Other, Specify 25 OPEN YOUTH CONTAINER GROWN PLANTS Entries Close: Monday August 11, at 5:00 p.m. Entries Received: Wednesday, August 20, 4:00pm to 7:00pm- Flower Bowl Entries Released: Monday, August 25, 8:00 a.m to 6:00 p.m. - Flower Bowl Limit 6 Entries Per Class. Entry Fee $1.00 Per Entry. Premiums Offered Per Class: 1st Place- $4.00 2nd Place- $3.00 3rd Place- $2.00 Sweepstakes 1st Place- $15.00 2nd Place- $10.00 3rd Place- $5.00 DIVISION 201: FLOWEING PLANTS CLASS: 1. Any Other, Specific DIVISION 202: FOLIAGE PLANTS CLASS: 1. Any Other, Specific DIVISION 203: CACTUS AND SUCCULENTS CLASS: 1. Any Other, Specific THURSDAY FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS Entries Close: Wednesday, August 20, at 1:00 p.m. Entries Received: Thursday, August 21, 8:00 a.m to Noon - Flower Bowl Entries Released: Friday, August 22, 8:00 a.m to 10:00 a.m. - Flower Bowl No Limit On Entries Per Class. Entry Fee: .50¢ Premiums Offered Per Class: 1st 2nd 3rd $2.00 $1.50 $1.00 Sweepstakes 1st Place -$4.00 2nd Place - $3.00 3rd Place - $2.00 RULES: 1 See Adult Floral Arrangement Department for complete rules page 18. 2 Use Youth Department entry forms. Signature of a parent or guardian is required. Age of exhibitor must be included on the entry form. Use separate entry form for each day. All arrangements must be in place by 12:00 (noon) each day. Judging begins at 1:00 p.m. All arrangements must be removed by 10:00 a.m. the day following judging, except on Thursday, the arrangements are held until Friday at 10:00 a.m. Wilted arrangements will be removed. 3 Dry arrangements will stay the duration of the Fair. 4 Flowers for arrangements materials need not be grown by the exhibitor, but arrangements must be made by exhibitor. 5 No artificial material or coloring permitted for fresh arrangements. Fresh materials must be in water or wet oasis. Accessories permitted. (see Adult Floriculture Show Rule # 8 Definitions Page 16) DIVISION 576: K - 5th GRADE ARRANGEMENTS CLASS: 1. Our Little Gardener 2. My Lil’ Sunflower DIVISION 577: 6th - 8th GRADE ARRANGEMENTS CLASS: 1. Crazy Daisy 2. Growing Like A Weed DIVISION 578: 9th - 12th GRADE ARRANGEMENTS CLASS: 1. Seize The Daises 2. A Day In The Garden DIVISION 579: MINIATURES: 5” in size including container . May use dr y mater ial. 1. Basketful Of Love FRIDAY FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS Entries Close: Thursday, August 21, at 1:00 p.m. Entries Received: Friday, August 22, 8:00 a.m to Noon - Flower Bowl Entries Released: Saturday, August 23, 8:00 a.m to 10:00 a.m. Flower Bowl DIVISION 580: K - 5th GRADE ARRANGEMENTS CLASS: 1. Garden Bug 2. Flower Child DIVISION 581: 6th - 8th GRADE ARRANGEMENTS CLASS 1. Mowin’ The Lawn 2. Love Bugs & Crazy Daises DIVISION 582: 9th - 12th GRADE ARRANGEMENTS CLASS: 1. Take Time To Smell The Flowers 2. April Showers Bring May Flowers DIVISION 583: MINIATURES: 5” in size including container . May use dr y mater ial. 1. Something wonderful Has Sprouted 26 SATURDAY FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS Entries Close: Friday, August 22, at 1:00 p.m. Entries Received: Saturday, August 23 8:00 a.m to Noon - Flower Bowl Entries Released: Sunday, August 24, 8:00 a.m to 6:00 p.m. - Flower Bowl DIVISION 584: K - 5th GRADE ARRANGEMENTS CLASS: 1. Love Blooms 2. Litte Girls Are Heavens Flowers DIVISION 585: 6th - 8th GRADE ARRANGEMENTS CLASS: 1. Tiptoe Thru The Tulips 2. Dandylion Dude DIVISION 586: 9th - 12th GRADE ARRANGEMENTS CLASS: 1. Tall Oaks From Little Acorns Grow 2. Nothing Bugs Me When I’m Gardening DIVISION 587: MINIATURES: 5” in size including container . May use dr y mater ial. 1. Daughter’s Are The Flowers Of Life SUNDAY FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS Entries Close: Saturday, August 24, at 1:00 p.m. Entries Received: Sunday, August 25, 8:00 a.m to Noon - Flower Bowl Entries Released: Monday, August 26, 8:00 a.m to 10:00 a.m. - Flower Bowl DIVISION 588: K - 5th GRADE ARRANGEMENTS CLASS: 1. Flowers Bring Smiles 2. Learning To Mow DIVISION 589: 6th - 8th GRADE ARRANGEMENTS CLASS: 1. How Does Your Garden Grow 2. All Things Grow With Love DIVISION 590: 9th - 12th GRADE ARRANGEMENTS CLASS: 1. Don’t Let The Grass Grow Under Your Feet 2.”Son” Flowers DIVISION 591: MINIATURES: 5” in size including container . May use dr y mater ial. 1. Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue, Flowers Are Sweet, But Not As Sweet As You! OPEN YOUTH COLORING CONTEST Entries Close/Received: Saturday, August 9, at 5:00 p.m. Entries Released: Monday, August 25, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. No Entry Fee. Winners: 1st through 3rd in each age group will receive a Family Fun Pack of 2 Adult tickets and 2 Youth tickets to the fair. COLORING PAGE WILL BE AVAILABLE AT THE OFFICE OR ONLINE. *Mail or drop off coloring page to the Butte County Fairgrounds located at 199 East Hazel Street in Gridley or Mail to P.O. Box 308, Gridley, CA 95948. DIVISION 596: UP TO 3 YEARS OLD DIVISION 598: 7 - 9 YEARS OLD DIVISION 597: 4 - 6 YEARS OLD DIVISION 599: 10 - 12 YEARS OLD OPEN YOUTH STEPPING STONE DECORATION CONTEST Entries Close/Received: Monday, August 18, between 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon at The Flower Bowl Entries Released: Monday, August 25, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. One Entry Per Child. No Entry Fee. Winners: 1st through 3rd in each age group will receive a Family Fun Pack of 2 Adult tickets and 2 Youth tickets to the fair. DIVISION 601: 6 AND UNDER DIVISION 602: 7 - 9 YEARS OLD DIVISION 603: 10 - 12 YEARS OLD RULES: 1. Stones must be between 2” to 3” thick. 2. No stones need to be between 12”x12” to 18”x18”. Stones may be in any shape as long as they are in the size range. 3. Child’s name and phone number must be on the back of each entry. 4. Pre-fabricated stones may used (as base for decorations). 27 DEPARTMENT J FFA DEPARTMENT Entries Close: Friday, July 11, at 5:00 p.m. Entries Received: Saturday, August 10, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. - Feather Room Entries Released: Monday, August 26, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. - Feather Room Limit 6 Entries Per Class. Entry Fee: .50¢ Premiums Offered Per Class: Large Projects: 1st Place - $10.00 2nd Place - $7.50 3rd Place - $5.00 Small Projects: 1st Place - $3.50 2nd Place - $2.50 3rd Place - $1.50 Science Projects: 1st Place - $1.50 2nd Place - $1.25 3rd Place - $1.00 RULES: 1. Exhibits must have been completed after July 11, 2014 and not shown at a previous fair to be eligible for awards. 2. PLANT SCIENCE— Any subject are relating to the production, health or propagation of plants. Exhibit shall not exceed 2’x2 1/2’ in size. Parts labeling and description steps/stages shall be completed where they are applicable. 3. VETERINARY SCIENCE— Any subject are relating to the production, health or propagation of small or large animals. Exhibit shall not exceed 2’x2 1/2’ in size. Parts labeling and description steps/stages shall be completed where they are applicable. 4. ANY OTHER FFA AGRICULTURE SCIENCE PROJECT—Could include other projects such as Landscape Design, Floriculture, or Mechanics. Exhibit shall not to ex-ceed 2’x2 1/2’. Parts labeling and description steps/stages shall be completed where they are applicable. DIVISION 592: FFA AG MECHANICS CLASS: 1. Ag Mechanics - Large Projects 2. Ag Mechanics - Small Projects DIVISION 593: FFA AG Science Visual Presentations CLASS: 1. Plant Science 2. Veterinary Science 3. Any Other FFA Agriculture Science Project 28 BUTTE COUNTY FAIR STILL EXHIBITS LAST NAME 199 EAST HAZEL STREET PO BOX 308 GRIDLEY, CA 95948 (530) 846-3626 WWW.BUTTECOUNTYFAIR.ORG ADDRESS CITY (Use separate form for each Department) Age as of Jan. 1: _________ Open/Adult Grade Completed : _________ Youth/Junior ZIP PHONE ORGANIZATION ALL DIVISIONS EXCPET LIVESTOCK Youth Only FIRST NAME EMAIL ADDRESS I certify that this entry is the project of the exhibitor and is eligible to be exhibited in accordance with the rules of the show. LEADER/ADVISOR SIGNATURE Date of Birth: _________ Adult Entries $1 x ___ Carnival Passes $29.50 ____(1 MAX) Youth Entries $.50 x ___ Total Fees Paid:________ Leave Blank Dept. Letter Division Number Class Number Describe Entry (include color, size, number of items or title) AND any additional information you would like printed on the tag. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Please accept the entries (property) described herein. I am the owner of the property specified herein or the supervisor of the project with authorization to bind. The owner (s) of the property in all matters herein. I have read, understand and agree to abide by all the rules and regulations governing the fair entries as published In the official exhibitor guidebook. I agree to indemnify, defend and save harmless the fair, the county of Butte, State of California, its officers, agents and employees from any and all claims and losses occurring or resulting to any and all persons in connection with my participation in the Fair and from any and all claims and losses occurring or resulting to any person, firm or corporation who may be injured or damaged as a result of my participation. Exhibitor Signature:_____________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: (Youth Only): _____________________________ 29
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