Pack Produced By Girlguiding Ulster Trainers 2013 Welcome to Share the Fun! The aim of this challenge badge is to promote all the fun activities that Guiding has to offer in your area. We hope that you and your girls will enjoy trying out all the various activities in the resource. How to use this Pack The activities in this pack have been set out in the 4 section groups i.e. Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Senior Section. Most of the activities can be completed in one meeting, although a few of them may take a little longer. In order to obtain the badge each group needs to complete 4 of the 6 activities contained in their section, plus two activities from the “Continue to Share” section. When you have done this the badge is available from the Lorne shop - Girlguiding Ulster members receive this FREE! The badge will cost £1.00 each for members outside of Girlguiding Ulster Please see badge order at the end of the resource for more details. Complete 4 of the activities in this section having fun and friendship along the way Animal Pairs Game Object of game:Match the baby animal with the correct adult animal. Materials needed:Printout of animals Card Glue Scissors Leaders:Print out the two sheets of animals provided and glue to card. Once dry use scissors to cut along solid lines to produce individual cards. Write names of animals on blank side of card. Instructions on how to play game:Place all the adult cards on the floor with the animals facing up. Hold up a baby card and ask the Rainbows if they know what the baby is called. i.e. puppy. Tell the Rainbows that the puppy has grown up and is now a WHAT? (See if they can identify the name of the adult animal and find it in the pile on the floor). Do this with all the baby cards. Animal Pairs Game Baby Adult Puppy Dog Piglet Pig Foal Horse Calf Cow Joey Kangaroo Kitten Cat Cub Bear Lamb Sheep Duckling Duck Calf Elephant Kitten Rabbit Calf Giraffe Watch something Grow! How to watch something grow:Take the label off the yogurt pot and paint or colour the pot Draw a face onto the yogurt pot or use stickers Put some wet kitchen roll in the bottom and put some damp cotton wool on top of the Kitchen roll. Make sure you don’t fill it right to the top Evenly spread some cress seeds on top of the cotton wool and press them down gently (you can add some food colouring to the cotton wool if you want the cress ‘hair’ to be a different colour) Put the pot in a warm place that gets some sunlight like a windowsill Watch the cress grow! This should happen after about 7 days A variation on the pot is to grow a cress caterpillar Cut egg box in half-length ways Paint the box green Glue on some eyes, nose, mouth and two pipe cleaners as antennae Line the base with a strip of plastic (to prevent the carton from going soggy) Kitchen roll, damp cotton wool and spread cress seeds. Watch the cress grow before your eyes. Button Bracelets These are so simple, pretty and easy for Rainbows to make. Materials needed:Buttons Pipe cleaners How to make a Button Bracelet:Weave buttons onto a pipe cleaner and twist to secure This activity would be good for Rainbows to learn weaving and they could also make one for a friend to show what ‘FUN’ Rainbows have. Flower cupcakes All you need is to buy cupcakes or make your own. Store-bought vanilla icing works fine on these flower cupcakes. The best part about these cupcakes is that they are so simple to decorate. Use bought sweets for decoration. Green sweet lace for a stem or green icing pen can also be used for this. Then it is time to enjoy. Always make at least two one for you and one to share to show that Girlguiding is Fun! In and out of the Dusty Bluebells A dancing game which has a follow-my-leader theme Verse In and out of the dusty bluebells In and out of the dusty bluebells In and out of the dusty bluebells My fair lady Chorus Tip a rip a rapper on her shoulder Tip a rip a rapper on her shoulder Tip a rip a rapper on her shoulder My fair lady. Actions 1. One Rainbow is the leader. 2. The rest of the Rainbows form a ring with hands joined and arms raised to form arches. 3. The leader then weaves in and out of the arches. 4. At the end of the first verse, the leader stops behind the next Rainbow she comes to and taps her on her on shoulder. 5. That rainbow then becomes the leader 6. The two Rainbows on either side of her join hands and close the circle again. 7. The first Rainbow holds onto her waist and they weave in and out of the arches again. 8. Repeat from 4 until circle is too small to weave in and out. Name Chase This is a particularly good game if you have a few new members joining the Unit. Based on the old favourite Duck, Duck, Goose, it helps everyone learn the Rainbows’ names. Suitable for Age: 4+ Instructions:The Rainbows sit around in a circle, facing each other. One Rainbow is chosen to be "it" first. The Rainbow who is "it" stands up and walks around the outside of the circle tapping each Rainbow on the head and saying their name, with prompting if necessary. At some point the Rainbow taps a Rainbow on the head and will say the name RAINBOW instead. The chosen Rainbow must now jump up and chase the first Rainbow around the circle, trying to tag "it" before she can sit down in her place. If she succeeds, "it" has another go. If she fails, she takes over as "it". This game is similar to Chase The Rabbit and Duck, Duck, Goose. Complete 4 of the activities in this section to help girls make new friends and share the fun of Brownies Friendly Book Marks Materials needed:Large Lolly stick Picture of an owl Foam toppers Pencils, Glue, scissors Items to decorate bookmark How to make your book mark:Stick your foam topper or Owl picture onto the lolly stick Write the Brownie Motto on the stick and give to a friend who isn’t a Brownie in your Unit – make one for yourself too!!! Be as colourful and imaginative as you can!!! Felt Bracelets Materials needed:Felt Velcro tape Buttons Templates of shapes (see end of this section) Strong glue How to make your felt bracelet:Cut a piece of felt 2cm wide that will go around the wrist. Cut out the shapes you wish to have on the bracelet. Now start to arrange the items in the middle of the bracelet and glue them into place. Once dry, place a small amount of Velcro on either end of the bracelet, Be careful here to make sure that the Velcro joins together. One piece on the top of the bracelet and at the other end of the bracelet the Velcro goes underneath. Friendly Flowers Make two flowers and then give them friendly faces (using, card, paper or any other type of material) then give one to your friend asking them to come and join us in Brownies To make These Friendly Flowers You need: 2 Emery Boards (as stems) Coloured foam for flower faces Foam for leaves Googly eyes And draw on a happy face The nail files can be removed and used and the flower face can be kept – use sticky dots to allow files to be removed Friendship Games I'm Your Friend Brownies sit together on the floor. One Brownie sits in the chair with her back to the group, with eyes closed and hands covering eyes. Someone from the group tiptoes up to the chair, taps the Brownie sitting on the chair on the back, and in a disguised or funny voice says, "Do you know me? I'm your friend." The mystery Brownie then re-joins the group and the guessing begins! The Brownie in the chair uncovers her eyes, turns around, and tries to guess the Beanbag Hellos Play the Beanbag Hello Game! name of the friend who tapped and It is nice to say hello to a friend. It talked. shows them that you are thinking After three guesses, a new Brownie takes the chair and gets a turn. about them. The leader throws a beanbag to a Brownie. This Brownie says hello to another Brownie in the circle. After the first Brownie says hello, she thinks of something nice to say to the other Brownie. The first Brownie then throws the beanbag to another Brownie. Continue until each Brownie has caught the beanbag and said hello and something nice to each other. Make a poster and invite girls to come and join Brownies Display it in a place where people who are not in Brownies will see it – get your Leader to ask at a Library for example You can make a handprint and write a message on it Or you can make Holly the handy hedgehog by putting all the hand print messages together as Holly’s body and then sticking it to a nice shiny background Or write what you think your friends would like about Brownies See how many ideas your Brownies can come up with for your poster!!! Pencil Toppers Materials needed:Pencils Pipe Cleaners Foam Scissors, colouring pens, glue Sticky Jewels How to make the pipe cleaner toppers:Decide on a design to make as your topper Twist your pipe cleaner into the chosen shape leaving enough at each end of the pipe cleaner to twist into a loop big enough to fit round the top of a pencil. Add a sticky jewel to the centre of your design to give some sparkle! How to make the foam toppers. Cut out the desired shape. Cut 2 small slits into the centre of the foam shape. Feed the pencil through the slits. Add another smaller foam shape to the front of the topper to cover the slits. Foam shapes are just cut out and decorated – be as imaginative as you like!!! Keep one and give one to a friend telling her how much fun you have at Brownies!!! Templates Complete 4 of the activities in this section to help grow Guiding making new friends along the way Choose a Challenge As a Patrol organise a “bring a friend” evening to take part in either an event or an activity Make a miniature cake in a pot (see instructions) Design a poster advertising your Unit and display somewhere in your Community e.g. a school, shop, hall Grow a Guide Grass Head (see instructions) Spot the Guiding object (can be a Phone Photo Quiz) Arrange with shops/library etc. to display a Guiding object e.g. poster, badge, picture, pencil etc. Organise a quiz where the aim is to provide evidence (could be a photo on your phone or a signature from someone in the premises) that you have found as many of the objects as you can. Make a felt brooch for a friend (see instructions) Grow a plant and give to a family member or friend and ask then to let you know when it flowers. Make a friendship bracelet, using the colours of the different sections. Give it to a friend as a sign of friendship and invite her along to a meeting. Make a miniature cake in a flower pot Materials Needed:Miniature terracotta pots Washing up liquid Soft brush Towel Favourite cake recipe Rimmed Baking Sheet Vegetable Oil Oven Baking Parchment Items for Decorating To clean the pots:Scrub the inside and outside of the pot with hot water, washing up liquid and a soft brush to remove any clay powder and residue. Rinse the pot with clean water and set it on a towel to dry for two to three hours. To season the pots:Rub vegetable oil on the inside and rim of the terracotta pot to season the clay and lower the risk of the dough sticking. Rub the oil in until it is no longer absorbed by the clay. Season the oiled pot before baking with it by placing it on a cookie sheet set into a cold oven. Turn the oven's temperature up to 4000F and let the oven heat up. Turn off the oven once it reaches 4000F and allow the pot to cool completely. Repeat the seasoning process by rubbing more oil into the pot and reheating the oven to 4000F. Let the terra cotta pot cool completely before using. You may omit the seasoning steps To fill & bake:Prepare your favourite cake recipe according to the recipe's instructions. Grease the inside surface and rim of the pot. Line the base of the pot with baking parchment and grease. Fill each pot 2/3 full with the cake mixture. Put the pots on a rimmed baking tray in the oven and bake at the temperature listed in the recipe. Check on the cakes during the baking process because the time may alter from that listed in the recipe, depending on the pot's size and thickness. Decorate your cake and give to a friend Tips and Warnings Cake is finished baking if you poke a toothpick or skewer into the top's centre and it comes out clean. Purchase a new unglazed and unpainted pot for baking, instead of attempting to wash one used for planting to prevent chemical or residue entering the baked item. Similar ideas can be found Grow a Guide (Grass Head) Materials Needed:Old tights or pop socks (make sure they are clean). Grass seeds (herb seeds if you wish) Sawdust or compost or just some soil from your garden for stuffing. Goggly eyes Saucer or plastic cup Water-proof glue. To make:Cut off a long piece of tights that includes the toe or use a pop sock Fill full of grass or herb seeds. Tie a knot to close the end. You can make a nose or ears by grabbing a bit of stocking and twisting. Fasten base of the nose with some thread or a small rubber band. Stick on goggly eyes Dunk the ball in a bowl of water to moisten well Put on saucer/cup and place on a window still for the seeds to sprout Keep the ball moist Leave 2-3 weeks and bring in to compare with all the others. Similar ideas can be found Felt Flower Brooch Materials Needed:Large flower shaped template Smaller flower shaped template Button. Felt – 2 different colours 2/ 3 strands thick of contrasting embroidery thread Embroidery needle Glue if liked Safety pin or brooch pin. To Make:Use the large flower shape and cut out 2 flower shapes from one of the colours of felt Cut out one of the small flower shapes using the other colour of felt Using the embroidery thread sew the two large pieces of felt flower shapes together using a large running stitch. Place the small flower shape on top of the large flower shape Place the button in the centre and sew on to the shapes (this will hold them all together. Turnover and sew or glue the safety pin or brooch pin to the back of your brooch. Felt Flower Brooch Template Friendship Bracelet Project WAGGGS are inviting Girl Guides and Girl Scouts from all over the world to make friendship bracelets and send them to Sangam. They will then sell them in Yahdei, the name of the Sangam shop, for just 10 rupees each (this is approximately 20 US cents or 13 British pence!) Why not have a bracelet-making meeting with your unit. Make a bracelet for a friend, and then make another one to send to Sangam. When you pass on your bracelet, you can share the Sangam Spirit by explaining why you made the bracelet. You can share what you have learned about Sangam or your favourite Guiding experience. Guiding is Fun to Share Send your completed friendship bracelets to: Sangam World Centre c/o Friendship Project Alandi Road Yerwada Pune 411 006 INDIA Friendship Bracelet The Woven Bracelet You can weave thicker bracelets using patterns such as Indian patterns. The basic one starts with 6 strands of embroidery thread each 24" inches (60 cm) long. An easy way to think of this woven pattern is to imagine that each strand represents a letter in the word F R I E N D. (You may choose any colours you like.) Step 1 Gather the 6 ends and tie an overhand know leaving a 8” – 9”(21-23cm) tail. Arrange them in the order you would like for your bracelet. Tape knotted end to a table or tie to a chair. Step 2 Take the first string on the left F and wrap it over and around the next string R to make a knot. Tighten by holding R and pulling up on string F. Step 3 Make a second knot the same way with string F over and around string R. Pull up on F to tighten. Step 4 Now drop string R and pick up string I. Make two knots with string F over and around string I. Step 5 Repeat on strings E, N, and the last string D making two knots on each with string F. Now F will be on the right. This makes one complete row. Step 6 Continue the next row by taking the first string on the left, now string R, and making two knots over and around each of the other strings I, E, N, D and F. With each row the string on the left is worked over to the right side. Step 7 When you have woven enough to fit around your wrist, tie another overhand knot to complete. To wear the bracelet, tie the two ends together in a square knot and trim the extra strings. Complete 4 of the activities in this section to share the fun of being a Senior Section member Share the Fun Plan a “bring a friend” night where they can learn about all the opportunities available within Senior Section Display “Grow Guiding” information in at least 3 new venues – i.e., library, shops, church, leisure centre, college. Create a short film to promote the Senior Section to a wider audience i.e. through You Tube. Or contact the local radio and talk about what Guiding means to you. Or contact the local newspapers to promote guiding in your area. Note: Use the guideline sheet provided and make sure you inform your County PR Advisor about your plans) Plan an event for your local Guide unit to encourage them to “Move On” to your unit. (Use the Moving On resource) Write a role description for a new leader for your unit. List all the qualities and skills you think she will need and what her role will include Make the “Grow Guiding” gift pot and give it to a friend. (See instruction sheet) Grow Guiding Gift Pot To Make:Make a chocolate lollipop and decorate. Cover the edible part with cellophane. Secure the end of the lollipop stick to the inside of the base of a small flower pot using blue tack or plastercine. Fill the flower pot with shredded paper. Place a “grow guiding” Ulster band around the flower pot. Give your present to a friend. Guideline Sheet Promoting Senior Section to a Wider Audience Decide which area of Senior Section you want to promote and what sort of audience you want to reach. This will determine the right media outlet to use. If you are producing an article for the local newspaper, talk to them about what you would like to achieve. Try to have an interesting story to tell as they are more likely to print it. Include lots of action pictures for the editor to choose from. Ensure these are good quality and high resolution images. If you aim to use a radio station to get your message across, make contact first. See what kind of programme they could feature you on and for how long they would expect you to speak. Ensure you have it clearly written out before going on air. Be clear about the message you are trying to get across. If you are making a video to upload to You Tube, ensure you plan it carefully as this will lead to a more professional look. To help try and follow this plan: Write out your script with details, considering the following points: Story-board each shot in the film. Decide what each shot in the movie is going to be - for example, wide shot, over the shoulder, tracking shot, close up, extreme close up, medium wide shot, crane shot, dolly shot, etc. Determine the setting of the scene (internal/external) and what is required in the scene. Determine the equipment you need and who the actors and crew will be. Determine what props, make-up, costumes, etc., will be used. Be careful to check each setting on your recording device as you operate it or you might miss the best shot. It's a good idea to review your footage after each "take". Always check your camera before shooting just in case you have forgotten to press play. This is to avoid losing precious footage! NB: There are laws against using videos of people and certain places without permission. Always ask the subject or the owner/operator of a building if it is OK to record them. Be sure to tell them what it's for. Whatever media outlet you use, ensure you talk to your County PR Advisor first to ensure you keep within Girlguiding PR Guidelines Continue to Share Have you completed your section? Now try two activities from some of the ideas in Continue to Share to build on the fun you have already had. Let’s help to Grow Guiding!! "Make New Friends But Keep The Old; One Is Silver And The Other Gold." - The Pocket Songbook 10 Ways To Make New Friends And Keep The Old Invite new girls to join your unit. Develop a” Welcome Kit” for new girls. Cut out pictures that represent friendship. Make a collage. Play games to develop cooperation and friendship skills. Make and share friendship gifts. Plan a special meeting and invite another unit. Join with another unit in your district to do a service project. Write a friendship slogan. Make up a recipe to show the ingredients of friendship. Make the WAGGGS Friendship Knot. Friendship Knot Instructions Grow Guiding Jigsaw Purpose of the jigsaw is to show how all the sections move up through Guiding as they grow and get older. Jigsaw preparation by Leader:Printout all four sheet (Rainbows, Brownies, Guide, Senior Section) and glue to thick card. Use scissors to cut around the thick black lines. Materials Needed:4 x Printouts Glue Scissors Instructions:Divide the girls into four groups and give each group a jigsaw puzzle. (Give assistance when required) Note for Rainbow leaders keep a copy of the printouts handy to show Rainbows what finished jigsaw should look like, if required. When all four jigsaws are completed bring them together in the following order horizontally. Rainbows - Brownies - Guides - Senior Section. Note: All four jigsaws puzzles need to be touching to produce one long jigsaw. Starting with the Rainbow Jigsaw talk about what they see in the picture and give them a brief overview of what is involved in that section paying particular attention to the age range in the section and the transition between the sections. i.e. as they grow and get older they move up through the sections. Growing in Guiding is so much Fun! Badge Order Form Name of Unit___________________________________________________________ Unit Contact Name: ____________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Postcode: ______________________________ Tel: _________________________________________________________________ Mobile: ________________________________________________________________ Email: __________________________________________________________________ Quantity Item Cost Each Badge £1.00 Postage & Packing (per Order) £1.00 Subtotal £1.00 Total Please make cheques payable to: Girlguiding Ulster Send order forms and payment to: Girlguiding Ulster, Lorne House, 30 Station Road, Craigavad, Holywood, BT18 OBP Thank You!
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