Safeguarding children and young people in Bolton

April 2015– March 2016
Getting the most out of your course
BSCB Training and Development Agreement
Levels of training – which training should I attend?
List of all courses
Core Safeguarding Courses
Keeping Children Safe and the Framework for Action – Level 1
Keeping Children Safe and the Framework for Action – E-learning
Early Help and Child Action at Level 2
Keeping Children Safe: Child Protection Processes (Level 3/4 on FFA)
Keeping Children Safe: Core Groups and SMART Action Planning
The Lead Professional Role
Managing Early Help in your Service
Schools Designated Safeguarding Lead Level 3
Specific Safeguarding Courses
Step Down Process from Social Care to Early Help
Assessment Skills
Recognising Domestic Abuse
Teenage Domestic Abuse
Domestic Abuse the effects on children and families
Safeguarding young people at risk of Sexual Exploitation
Safeguarding young people who may be subject to a Forced Marriage
Safeguarding and Communicating within our Changing Community
Working with Resistant Families (2 days)
Managing Allegations
Professional Abuse: ‘Could it happen here’?
Roles and Responsibilities of the Designated Person – (Multi Agency)
Identifying Child Sexual Abuse
Serious Case Reviews: lessons learned
Safe Sleeping
STORM (2 days)
Responding to the death of a child
Safeguarding the Disabled Child
What to do when a child dies - E-learning
Train the Trainer
Courses for Bolton Safeguarding Multi Agency Training
If you would like to book on one of the Multi Agency Training courses please complete a
booking form and return the form to or to
discuss any of the courses ring the Multi Agency Training Co-ordinator on 01204 337861
Courses on young people and substance misuse
These courses are being delivered as a package of workforce development. They are
delivered and supported by 360˚ Young People & Families Substance Misuse Service.
If you would like to book on a course, complete and return the booking form to or to discuss any of the courses ring Ceri Blackmore on
Please see the 360˚ training programme for dates, venues and booking form on
Pages 44 - 47
Welcome to the Bolton Safeguarding Children Board (BSCB)
Multi-agency training programme for 2015-2016
The BSCB consists of senior representatives from all statutory organisations and key
members of the voluntary, community and faith sectors. Its key function is to agree how all
organisations will cooperate to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young
people in Bolton. BSCB is responsible for ensuring the effectiveness of that work and to
ensure all children in Bolton have the opportunity to achieve the following five outcomes:
To stay healthy
To be safe
To achieve economic well-being
To enjoy and achieve
To make positive contributions
Working Together to Safeguard Children (2015) states “Everyone who works with children –
including teachers. GPs, nurses, midwives, health visitors, early years professionals, youth
workers, police, Accident and Emergency staff, paediatricians, voluntary and community
workers and social workers – has a responsibility for keeping them safe”
It also requires all agencies working with children and young people, either directly or
indirectly, to provide training in order to carry out their roles and responsibilities, in relation to
safeguarding children; this includes being able to recognise and respond to child protection
concerns. The BSCB training programme builds on this single agency training by promoting
inter-agency working which is recognised as essential to protect and promote the welfare of
This programme has been developed by the Staff Development Working Group which
contributes to the overall aims of BSCB to safeguard and promote the welfare of children
and young people in Bolton. The Staff Development Working Group is committed to
delivering a high quality Multi-Agency Training Programme which supports workers,
volunteers and the independent sector in their responsibilities to safeguard children and
young people. All the courses on offer are informed by local practice developments, the
latest legislation, national guidance, local policies and procedures.
The programme is only possible due to the support and commitment of the multi-agency
training pool which consists of a range of experienced practitioners who prioritise their time
to contribute to the planning, delivery and development of the programme. Bolton
Safeguarding Children Board would like to acknowledge and extend its sincere thanks to
those agencies and colleagues who have supported the delivery of our training by providing
their resources, time and expertise. We could not offer this rich and diverse training
programme without this support, and it is greatly appreciated.
We are always seeking additional trainers who may wish to contribute to the training pool.
Further information about this professional development opportunity can be found on the
BSCB website:
Multi-agency training
The Multi-Agency Safeguarding Children Programme offers a range of courses at all levels
from basic awareness to specialised courses for workers dealing with more complex or
particular issues. All the multi-agency courses are free to those statutory organisations and
members of the voluntary, community and faith sectors whose representatives come in to
contact with children, young people and their families in Bolton.
Single agency training
BSCB Multi-Agency Training Service is able to offer bespoke training courses to meet any
additional safeguarding needs identified by individual organisations. For an informal
discussion or to request further details of our single agency charging policy please contact
the Multi-Agency Training Coordinator on 01204 337861.
Booking on a course
Information about all the multi-agency training courses is circulated to managers and
organisations throughout the borough. The training programme is also available to download
on the safeguarding children website at
If you are interested in attending any of the courses listed, please discuss this with your
manager as their approval is required. For most courses you and your manager should then
complete a booking request form which is available on the website and return it to:
Training Shared Service Centre
Castle Hill Centre, Castleton Street
Bolton BL2 2JW
Tel: 01204 337600
**Please note that some courses are administered separately – information about
where to apply for these is given at the beginning of the relevant section.
Allocation of places
All applications for multi-agency courses are considered in line with BSCB selection criteria
to ensure an optimum mix of agency and practitioner representation from statutory and
voluntary organisations on each course. It is unlikely that any one organisation will be
offered multiple places on any course unless the course is under subscribed or where urgent
safeguarding training needs have been identified. Therefore places are not allocated on a
first come basis.
If we are unable to offer a place on a course, applicants will be notified of the next available
date for that course and offered a placed on a waiting list.
Applicants should not attend a course unless they have received written confirmation.
Please bring this confirmation with you when attending the session.
Once you have received confirmation of your place, applicants must confirm their
attendance, otherwise their place will be offered to someone else.
Failure to notify the Training Shared Service Centre or the Multi Agency Trainer Coordinator of cancellations, within five working days of the course date, may result in
charges to the applicant’s organisation.
Applicants will be contacted by e-mail, approximately ten days previous to the
training session, by the Multi-Agency Training Co-ordinator to confirm they are still
attending the session.
Evaluation of training
As part of our ongoing evaluation of the impact the Safeguarding Board Training has on
children and families, you will be contacted on behalf of the Board approximately 3 months
after training to complete an online follow-up evaluation.
The evaluation will involve an e-mail questionnaire, which will take no more than 5 minutes,
to complete. Please complete the evaluation as this will enable us to review our programme
and deliver quality training to the workforce.
You will be asked to provide feedback on: Your views on the quality and relevance of the training delivered
 The impact completing the training has had on you and your setting – for example
what has improved, what is different in your practice, any actions or changes you
have implemented as a result of the training
 Are there any issues or challenges you face in transferring what you have learned
into practice
This is an anonymous evaluation but, if you would like to speak to the multi agency training
co-ordinator please contact them at
All Multi-Agency courses, unless stated otherwise, are delivered from the Castle Hill Centre,
Castleton Street, Bolton, BL2 2JW. A map of the building and directions are provided with
the allocation of a place.
PLEASE NOTE:All session will commence at 9:30, unless otherwise stated. Half day sessions will finish at
12:30, unless otherwise stated, and full day sessions will finish at 4:30.
All delegates are expected to stay for the duration of the session they are attending
unless an emergency arises. Any delegate that does ask to leave before the end of the
training session will not receive their certificate and will be asked to attend another
Special Requests
If you have any special request regarding training resources please let us know what you
require as soon as possible in advance of the session. However it would be beneficial if you
contact the Multi Agency Trainer at to discuss
personally how we can ensure your time with us is both as positive and beneficial as
Getting the most out of your course
In order to get the most out of the multi-agency courses you and your
Manager should spend some time considering the following:
Before the course:
 Why do I want to go on the course?
 What do I want to get out of it?
 What aspects of my work will be relevant?
 Self-care - are there any personal issues which might cause me difficulties during the
 Why am I sending this member of staff on this course?
 What do I want them to get out of it?
 What do I want them to bring back to the team?
 What do I need to do to prepare them for the content of the course (relevant work,
personal issues, etc.)?
After the course:
Fill in and complete your personal development record (there is a form on the back of your
certificate to help you do this)
 In what way will the learning contribute to my work?
 How will I utilise and share the skills I have learned? Do I need to create
opportunities to practise new skills?
 Do I need to consider further courses?
 Review learning achieved by member of staff in supervision
 Provide opportunities for them to practise new skills and review them in supervision
 Will they benefit from further training?
 Provide opportunities for member of staff to share new skills with other staff
 Complete feedback forms regarding training
Important note on self-care
Many of the courses touch on emotive subjects. If you feel uncomfortable please discuss this
with the trainer. You will not be expected to remain on a course if you are finding the content
personally stressful.
BSCB Training and Development Agreement
Bolton Safeguarding Children’s Board will:
Email you handouts to print off and bring to the training course where
Provide you with up to date training in accordance with learning objectives set
Ensure you are kept informed about your place and any changes which may
Ensure that special needs are met where possible and where we are informed
before the session
Listen to your comments made through evaluation with a view to making
changes to the course where appropriate.
Create a safe learning environment where confidentiality will be maintained
unless this impacts on the welfare if a child
Will raise concerns which may arise during training with regards to practice
Will provide evidence of attendance and contribution to the session
Will evaluate and review courses on an annual basis
Will carry out 3 monthly post training evaluation on courses to determine the
impact of training.
We expect delegates to:
Print off and bring handouts to training where necessary
Notify Training Shared Services or the Multi Agency
Trainer by email to if they are unable to
attend a course five working days prior to the course date
Notify Multi Agency Training on 01204 337861 or 07967525754 if you are
going to be late
Be prompt and ready to learn. To share experiences and take an active part in
the session
Complete evaluation forms after the course
Complete three month follow up evaluation when requested
We expect managers to:
Discuss and agree to the delegates booking form
Ensure the staff member or volunteer is released from their day to day work to
attend pre-arranged training
Spend time with the staff member or volunteer after the course to facilitate
learning into practice
Ensure the delegate completes a 3 month follow-up evaluation when
Levels of training - which training should I be attending?
BSCB training courses are available at a number of levels to address the learning
needs of practitioners who have different levels of contact and responsibility with
children, young people and parent/carers.
PLEASE NOTE: Your own professional organisation may have different levels than
the ones listed below (please check your relevant documentation)
Level one
Target audience: those in contact with children, young people and their parents/carers, who
are in a position to identify concerns about the maltreatment of children, including those that
may arise from the use of the Early help Assessment. As a minimum they need introductory
training on how to work together to safeguard and promote the welfare of children
Examples of roles: housing and hospital staff, GP/dental receptionists, dental nurses, youth
workers, child minders, residential and day care staff and those working in sport and leisure
settings in both a paid and unpaid capacity. This list is not exhaustive.
Recommended training: this level of training is relevant to all people new to working in the
Bolton area, and those whose basic knowledge of safeguarding children needs updating. It
is a requirement in Bolton that Level 1 basic awareness knowledge needs to be refreshed
every three years. Practitioners who are refreshing their basic awareness knowledge or have
infrequent contact with children and young people can access the e-learning package
through the safeguarding board website at
Level two:
Target audience: those people in regular contact and who work predominantly with
children, young people and their parents/carers, who need a fuller understanding of how to
work together to identify and assess concerns, also understand the integrated working
processes, undertake and review interventions when using the Early Help Assessment.
Examples of roles: practice nurses, hospital and community health staff, family and
children centre workers, teachers and teaching staff, early intervention services, social
workers, mental health and learning disability staff, probation officers, police officers, police
staff and police community support officers. This list is not exhaustive.
Recommended training: it is a requirement that all staff wishing to access any of the multiagency courses at level two or above must have undertaken a level one course within the
last three years which is compliant with the standard set out by Bolton Safeguarding
Children Board.
Level three:
Target audience: those people with a specific responsibility for safeguarding children and
young people who need to have a thorough understanding of working together to safeguard
and promote the welfare of children, including those who work with complex and/or serious
Examples of roles: designated or named health and education professionals, police and
police staff, social workers and other professionals involved in multi-agency investigations.
This list is not exhaustive
Recommended training: people with ‘Designated’ or ‘Named’ responsibilities for ‘Child
Protection’ or ‘Safeguarding Children’ should receive refresher training every two years.
These courses would also be applicable for workers with a lead or nominated role for child
Level four:
Target audience: Operational and Strategic Managers, at all levels within organisations
employing staff to work with children and families, or with responsibility for commissioning or
delivering services, who would benefit from specific training on multi-agency practice to
safeguard and promote the welfare of children.
Examples of roles: Practice Supervisors, Professional Advisers, Designated Child
Protection Specialists and Service Managers. This also includes those people in agencies
listed in Section 11 of the Children’s Act 2004 and any other members of BSCB, School
Governors and Trustees. This list is not exhaustive.
Key Learning:
On completion of the course you will have also developed:
Your knowledge of local and national guidance, policy and procedures
The Common Core of Skills and Knowledge:
o Effective communication with children, young people and families
o Child and young person development
o Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of the child or young person
o Supporting Transitions
o Multi agency and integrated working
o Information sharing
Evidence towards you CPD
Please check relevant page for further course details
APRIL 2015
Keeping Children Safe and the Framework for Action (Level 1)
Safeguarding Young People at risk of Sexual Exploitation
Schools Designated Safeguarding Lead (Level 3)
½ day
1 day
1 day
15th April 2015
23rd April 2015
30th April 2015
MAY 2015
Professional Abuse: “Could it happen here”?
Keeping Children Safe – Child Protection Processes (Level 3)
Early Help and Child Action at Level 2
SMART Action planning and Core Groups
1 day
1 day
1 day
½ day
6th May 2015
12th May 2015
20th May 2015
21st May 2015
1 day
½ day
½ day
5th June 2015
11th June 2015
16th June 2015
½ day
½ day
½ day
18th June 2015
25th June 2015
30th June 2015
1 day
2 days
2nd July 2015
8 & 9th July 2015
1 day
1 day
½ day
½ day
1 day
16th September 2015
17th September 2015
22nd September 2015
23rd September 2015
24th September 2015
½ day
½ day
½ day
28th September 2015
29th September 2015
30th September 2015
2 days
1 day
1 day
1 day
1 day
1 day
7th & 8th October 2015
9th October 2015
13th October 2015
14th October 2015
15th October 2015
20th October 2015
2 days
½ day
½ day
1 day
4th& 5th November 2015
11th November 2015
12th November 2015
18th November 2015
JUNE 2015
The Lead Professional Role
Safe Sleeping Workshop
Roles and Responsibilities of the Designated Person (multi –
agency) Session 1
Managing Allegations
Recognising Domestic Abuse
Roles and Responsibilities of the Designated Person (multi –
agency) Session 2
JULY 2015
Early Help and Child Action at Level 2
Keeping Children Safe – Child Protection Process (Level 3)
Safeguarding Young People at risk of Sexual Exploitation
SMART Action planning and Core Groups
Managing Early Help in your Service
Safeguarding Young People who may be subject to a Forced
Step Down Processes from Social Care to Early Help
Serious Case Reviews
Working with Resistant Families
Assessment Skills
Early Help and Child Action Level 2
Identifying Child Sexual Abuse
Professional Abuse: “Could it happen here”?
Schools Designated Safeguarding Lead
Managing Allegations
Safe Sleeping Workshop
Safeguarding and Communicating within our Changing
Please check relevant page for further course details
NOVEMBER 2015 cont.
Keeping Children Safe and the Framework for Action (Level 1)
Roles and Responsibilities of the Designated Person –
(multi agency) Session 1
The Lead Professional Role
½ day
½ day
24th November 2015
26th November 2015
1 day
27th November 2015
½ day
10th December 2015
Managing Allegations
Keeping Children Safe – Child Protection Processes (Level 3)
Safeguarding Young People at risk of Sexual Exploitation
SMART Action planning and Core Groups
Early Help and Child Action at Level 2
Responding to the Death of a Child (Rapid Response)
Raising Awareness of Teenage Domestic Abuse
½ day
1 day
1 day
½ day
1 day
1 day
½ day
12th January 2016
14th January 2016
20th January 2016
21st January 2016
26th January 2016
27th January 2016
28th January 2016
Professional Abuse – Could it happen here?
Keeping Children Safe and the Framework for Action (Level 1)
Serous Case Review
Identifying child sexual abuse
Assessments Skills
Step Down Processes from Social Care to Early Help
1 day
½ day
½ day
½ day
1 day
½ day
2nd February 2016
10th February 2016
11th February 2016
12th February 2016
24th February 2016
26th February 2016
29th February 2016
MARCH 2016
Keeping Children Safe – Child Protection Processes (Level 3)
Domestic Abuse: the effects on children and families
Safe Sleeping
SMART Action planning and Core Groups
The Lead Professional Role
Early Help and Child Action at Level 2
Working with Resistant Families
1 day
2 days
1 day
½ day
½ day
1 day
1 day
2 days
1st March 2016
2 & 3rd March 2016
8th March 2016
9th March 2016
10th March 2016
11th March 2016
15th March 2016
16 & 17th March 2016
APRIL 2016
Keeping Children Safe & Framework for Action (Level 1)
Safeguarding young people at risk of sexual exploitation
Schools Designated Safeguarding Lead
½ day
1 day
14th April 2016
21st April 2016
28th April 2016
Roles and Responsibilities of the Designated Person (multi –
agency) Session 2
E-learning – Keeping children safe and the Framework for Action
E-Learning – What to do when a child dies
Train the Trainer
360˚ Training Programme
See Page 15 for further information
See page 41 for further information
Available throughout the year, see
page 42 for further information
Dates, venues and booking form for
all 360˚ training sessions can be
found on page 44
Core Safeguarding Courses
Keeping Children Safe and the Framework for Action
Target group: all staff that come into contact with children, young people, parents or carers
during the course of their work, including staff from the voluntary, independent and private
Please note: You will need to refresh your knowledge every three years. Staff that do
need to refresh their knowledge and understanding at Level 1 can access the ELearning session – please see page 15 for details.
Course duration: Half day
15th April 2015
24th November 2015
11th February 2016
14th April 2016
9:30 – 1:00
9:30 – 1:00
9:30 – 1:00
9:30 – 1:00
Castle Hill
Castle Hill
Castle Hill
Castle Hill
Course objectives:
On completion of this course you will be able to:
Identify some of the main signs and indicators of child abuse,
Recognise your responsibility to respond to these appropriately
Access Bolton’s Framework for Action procedures and implement these in an antidiscriminatory manner
Identify further safeguarding training needs
Key Learning:
On completion of this course you will have also developed:
Your knowledge of local and national guidance
The Common Core of Skills and Knowledge
Evidence towards your CPD
E-learning – Keeping Children Safe and the Framework for Action
Level 1
Target group: All staff that may come into contact with children, young people, parents or
carers during the course of their work, including staff from the voluntary, independent and
private sectors.
This session is ideal for staff that are not in regular direct contact with children and
young people and staff that need to refresh their knowledge and understanding at
Level 1.
The E-learning session mirrors the 3 hour face to face Keeping Children Safe and the
Framework for Action Level 1 and will need to be refreshed every three years.
Course duration: Approximately 1Hour
**If you have completed this session you will not be required to attend the face to face
3 hour course**
Dates: Accessible throughout the year.
Course objectives:
On completion of this course you will be able to:
Identify some of the main signs and indicators of child abuse, and recognise your
responsibility to respond to these appropriately
Access Bolton’s Framework for Action procedures and implement these in an antidiscriminatory manner
Identify further safeguarding training needs
The e-learning package can be accessed online at
Early Help and Child Action at Level 2
Level 2
Target group: staff who work regularly with children, young people and their families at the
Early Help Level 1 and 2 of the Framework for Action, who will have to complete an Early
Help Assessment and call or attend Action Meetings.
Please note: This session has now been combined with the Early Help for Practitioners
Course duration: Full Day
20th May 2015
2nd July 2015
13th October 2015
26th January 2016
15th March 2016
9:30 – 4:30
9:30 – 4:30
9:30 – 4:30
9:30 – 4:30
9:30 – 4:30
Castle Hill
Castle Hill
Castle Hill
Castle Hill
Castle Hill
Course objectives:
On completion of this course you will:
Identify what safeguarding and Early Help is at Level 2 on the Framework for Action
Know how Early Help safeguards and benefits children and families
Apply the Early Help and Child Action process in your practice
Understand what your role and responsibilities are at Level 2
Key Learning On completion of this course you will have also developed:
Your knowledge of local and national guidance
The Common Core of Skills and Knowledge
Evidence towards your CPD
Pre-course requirements:
It is a requirement that people will already have undertaken the Keeping Children Safe
and Framework for Action Level 1 in the last 3 years.
Keeping Children Safe: Child Protection Processes
(Level 3/4 on the Framework for Action)
Level 3
Target group: all staff who work directly with children and young people with a specific lead
responsibility for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children within their organisation
or setting.
The session is aimed at practitioners who have designated named/lead responsibilities for
safeguarding children and young people and who may have to attend a Child Protection
Conference and Core Group meetings.
Delegates will be expected to have a basic knowledge of safeguarding issues including the
Early Help Processes at Level 2 on the Framework for Action
The Keeping Children Safe – Child Protection Processes course will have a half day
follow up session, within two/three weeks of the initial course which will consist of
two workshops SMART Action planning and Core Groups.
Delegates will be automatically registered on this session when they book on the
Child Protection Processes session. Please see further details on page 18
Delegates will receive their certificates AFTER attending the second session
Course duration: Full Day
12th May 2015
16th September 2015
14th January 2016
1st March 2016
9:30 – 4:30
9:30 – 4:30
9:30 – 4:30
9:30 – 4:30
Castle Hill
Castle Hill
Castle Hill
Castle Hill
Course objectives:
On completion of this course you will:
Know about the Child Protection Process – Section 47 investigation and Strategy
Understand your role and responsibilities within the Child Protection process.
Have an awareness of your role within the Initial Child Protection conferences.
Recognise your role and contribution within a Core Group meetings and Review
Child Protection conference
Child Protection - Core Groups & SMART Action planning
Level 3
Target group: all staff who work directly with children and young people with a specific lead
responsibility for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children within their organisation
or setting.
This session is a half day follow up session to the Keeping Children Safe – Child Protection
Processes and will consist of two workshops;
SMART Action planning
Core Groups
Delegates will be automatically registered on this session when they book on the
Keeping Children Safe - Child Protection Processes session.
Course Objectives:
On completion of the course you will:
Explain why Child Protection Plans are an integral part of keeping a child safe
Describe how to develop SMART Action Plans
Develop child focused Child Protection Plans and ensure the child’s view is included
Fully understand the importance of Core Groups in keeping children subject to a child
protection plan safe from further harm
Have considered your role and responsibility in Core Group meetings,
Know how you contribute to Core Groups and Child Protection Plans
Delegates will receive their certificates AFTER attending this second session
Course duration: Half Day
21st May 2015
22nd September 2015
21st January 2016
10th March 2016
9:00 – 1:00
9:00 – 1:00
9:00 – 1:00
9:00 – 1:00
Castle Hill
Castle Hill
Castle Hill
Castle Hill
The Role of the Lead Professional
Level 2
Target group: those people who may undertake the Lead Professional role and have an
understanding of the Early Help Process regarding the Early Help Assessment.
Pre course requirements:
It is a requirement that people will already have undertaken the Early Help and Child
Action at Level 2 training.
Course duration: Full Day
5th June 2015
27th November 2015
11th March 2016
9:30 – 4:30
9:30 – 4:30
9:30 – 4:30
Castle Hill
Castle Hill
Castle Hill
Course objectives:
On completion of this course you will:
Understand the Lead Professional role
Recognise roles and responsibilities of Lead Professionals
Understand issues relating to communicating with parents and a wide range of
Develop strategies to deal with barriers to the Lead Professional role process
Recognise when to ask for additional support
Be able to identify what support is available for Lead Professionals
Key Learning:
On completion of this course you will have also developed:
Your knowledge of local and national guidance
The Common Core of Skills and Knowledge
Evidence towards your CPD
Managing Early Help in your Service
Level 3
Target Group: Service Managers, Team Leaders, Pastoral Leaders in schools
This course will inform and support managers to ensure that Early Help processes are
established and delivered in their services to enable staff teams to deliver early help to
children, young people and families.
Course duration: Half Day
23 September 2015
9:30 – 12:30
Castle Hill
Course objectives:
On completion of this course you will:
Understand what Early Help processes are
Understand the relevance and benefits of using these processes to deliver Early Help
to children, young people and families
Be able to identify Manager/Team Leader responsibilities to manage and be able to
monitor these processes
Be aware of Quality Assurance materials and how they can be used to improve
Integrated Working
Key Learning:
On completion of this course you will have also developed:
Your knowledge of local and national guidance
The Common Core of Skills and Knowledge
Evidence towards your CPD
Schools Designated Safeguarding Lead
Level 3
Target Group: School staff who have safeguarding lead responsibilities for safeguarding
and promoting the welfare of children and young people.
Course duration: Full day
30th April 2015
20th October 2015
28th April 2016
9:30 – 4:30
9:30 – 4:30
9:30 – 4:30
Castle Hill
Castle Hill
Castle Hill
Objectives: On completion of this course you will:
Gained knowledge of Child Protection Section 47 investigation and Strategy
Know what your role and responsibilities are for safeguarding children including Early
Help and Child Protection
Understand the role and responsibilities of the Designated Safeguarding Lead in
Know what to do and where to get support
Key Learning:
On completion of this course you will have also developed:
Your knowledge of local and national guidance
The Common Core of Skills and Knowledge
Evidence towards your CPD
Specific Safeguarding Courses
Step Down Processes from Social Care to Early Help
Level 2/3
Target Group: This session is aimed at those practitioners who are working with children,
young people and families at Levels 2 & 3 of Bolton’s Framework for Action (FFA)
Course duration: Half Day
28th September 2015
29th February 2016
9:30 – 12:30
9:30 – 12:30
Castle Hill
Castle Hill
Objectives: On completion of this course you will have:
Considered the families’ perspective and understand the need to support a ‘seamless
Gain an understanding of the ‘Step down’ process as outlined in the FFA document
Understand the responsibilities of agencies in relation to the step down process
Know how to record information in relation to the ‘step down’ process
Assessment Skills
Level 2
Target group: those people working on a regular basis with children and young people who
may be involved in undertaking holistic and child centred assessments. This is a skill-based
course designed to enhance and develop workers existing practice.
Course duration: Full Day
9th October 2015
26th February 2016
9:30 – 4:30
9:30 – 4:30
Castle Hill
Castle Hill
Course objectives: On completion of this course you will be able to:
Recognise the key principles of assessment.
Discuss and develop assessment skills including observation and analysis.
Consider what communication skills are needed to work effectively with families.
Identify factors affecting assessments.
Record assessments and share information in line with guidance and legislation.
Key Learning:
On completion of this course you will have also developed:
Your knowledge of local and national guidance
The Common Core of Skills and Knowledge
Evidence towards your CPD
Recognising Domestic Abuse
Level 2
Target Group: practitioners/volunteers who may be working with children and young people
were domestic abuse is an issue
Course Duration: Half Day
25th June 2015
9:30 –12:30
Castle Hill
Objectives: On completion of this course you will be able to:
Describe the impact of domestic abuse on victims in all cultures
Identify the effects of abuse on children and young people
Identify the range of services offered to women, children and young people from the
various agencies
Key Learning:
On completion of this course you will have also developed:
Your knowledge of local and national guidance
The Common Core of Skills and Knowledge
Evidence towards your CPD
Teenage Domestic Abuse: Raising Awareness
Level 2
Target Group: Practitioners/volunteers who would like to feel more confident working with
groups/families where Teenage Domestic Abuse is an issue
Course Duration: Half Day
28 January 2016
9:30 – 12:30
Castle Hill
Learning Objectives:
On completion of this course you will have:
Raise your awareness of Teenage Domestic Abuse
Identify reasons and causes of Teenage Domestic Abuse
Understand your role and responsibilities to responding to Teenage Domestic Abuse
Identify the services/agencies who can give additional support
Key Learning:
On completion of this course you will have also developed:
Your knowledge of local and national guidance
The Common Core of Skills and Knowledge
Evidence towards your CPD
Domestic Abuse: the effects on children and families
Level 2/3
Target group: this course is intended for practitioners and managers who have contact with
children and families where there is Domestic Abuse and Child Protection issues and require
more in-depth knowledge of Domestic Abuse. It is expected that participants will already
have attended the half day awareness session.
Course duration: Full Day
8th March 2016
9:30 – 4:30
Castle Hill
Course objectives:
On completion of this course you will have:
Describe the impact of domestic abuse on all victims in wide range of cultures
Describe some of the barriers to seeking help
List reason why women stay/go back to abusive relationships
Identify issues to consider when making decisions about contact between the
perpetrator and any children in the family
Identify tools available to support the assessment and safeguarding of children and
young people where domestic abuse is occurring
Understand the importance of safety planning for children and young people
Key Learning:
On completion of this course you will have also developed:
Your knowledge of local and national guidance
The Common Core of Skills and Knowledge
Evidence towards your CPD
Safeguarding young people who are at risk of Sexual
Level 2
Target group: those people working regularly with young people and their families who may
be vulnerable to Sexual Exploitation.
Course duration: Full Day
23rd April 2015
17th September 2015
20th January 2016
21st April 2016
9:30 – 4:30
9:30 – 4:30
9:30 – 4:30
9:30 – 4:30
Castle Hill
Castle Hill
Castle Hill
Castle Hill
Course objectives:
On completion of this course you will be able to:
Develop an understanding of the issues relevant to Sexual Exploitation
Recognise what makes some Young People more vulnerable to Sexual Exploitation
Describe the risk indicators around Sexual Exploitation
Follow Bolton’s Safeguarding procedure and guidance for young people when they
are at risk of Sexual Exploitation
Key Learning:
On completion of this course you will have also developed:
Your knowledge of local and national guidance
The Common Core of Skills and Knowledge
Evidence towards your CPD
Safeguarding young people who are at risk of a Forced
Level 2
Target group: those people working regularly with young people who may be subject to a
Forced Marriage.
Course duration: Full Day
24th September 2015
9:30 – 4:30
Castle Hill
Course objectives:
On completion of this course you will have:
Raised your awareness of the cultural context of forced marriages and explore some
of the myths.
Increased knowledge of Local and National guidance & Legislation.
Recognised the signs of Forced Marriage and know how to respond.
Be aware of what services exist to help victims of Forced Marriage.
Understand the role of other professionals.
Understand your Roles and Responsibilities in responding to Forced Marriages
On completion of this course you will have also developed:
Your knowledge of local and national guidance
The Common Core of Skills and Knowledge
Evidence towards your CPD
Safeguarding and Communicating within our Changing
Level 2
Target group: those people working regularly with children and their families from abroad or
diverse communities who require an understanding of how cultural factors may impact on
Course duration: Full Day
18 November 2015
9:30 – 4:30
Castle Hill
Course objectives:
On completion of this course participants will have:
Consider individual and family identities in the context of safeguarding children
Developed communication skills in relation our changing community
Identified solutions to safeguarding children from different backgrounds
Key Learning:
On completion of this course you will have also developed:
Your knowledge of local and national guidance
The Common Core of Skills and Knowledge
Evidence towards your CPD
Working with Resistant Families
Level 2/3
Target group: this is a skills based course for staff and managers who work directly with
children and families who are resistant or difficult to engage. This course aims to develop
knowledge and skills around working with resistant families.
Course duration: 2 Full Days
7th & 8th October 2015
16th & 17th March 2016
9:30 – 4:30
9:30 – 4:30
Castle Hill
Castle Hill
Course objectives:
On completion of this course you will be able to:
Describe the concepts of engagement and resistance
Practice a range of skills to help improve family engagement
Identify ‘what works’ with Resistant Families
Key Learning:
On completion of this course you will have also developed:
Your knowledge of local and national guidance
The Common Core of Skills and Knowledge
Evidence towards your CPD
Level 2
Target group: this course is for all staff that are working with children and young people
who are in a position to recognise and work with families where neglect is a concern.
This is a skills based session to introduce assessment tools to support your work with
children and families where neglect is a concern.
Course duration: Half day
30th September 2015
10th February 2016
9:15 – 12:30
1:15 – 4:30
9:15 – 12:30
1:15 – 4:30
Castle Hill
Castle Hill
Course objectives:
On completion of this course you will be able to:
Understand the impact of neglect on the development of children and young people
Identify tools and skills to support your work with children and families around neglect
Explain positive intervention with neglectful families
Pre Course Reading:
There will be pre course reading sent out to delegates before the session
Key Learning:
On completion of this course you will have also developed:
Your knowledge of local and national guidance
The Common Core of Skills and Knowledge
Evidence towards your CPD
Managing Allegations
Level 3
Target group: This course is suitable for managers, designated/safeguarding leads across
the children’s workforce who work directly with children, including staff from the voluntary,
independent and private sectors.
Course duration: Half Day
18th June 2015
11th November 2015
12th January 2016
1:30 – 4:30
9:30 –12:30
9:30 –12:30
Castle Hill
Castle Hill
Castle Hill
Course objectives:
On completion of this course you will:
Understand why allegations occur
Understand how to deal with an allegation made against a member of staff – know
what to do and what not to do.
Understand how to access appropriate support and guidance
Understand how this links to safeguarding, safer recruitment and your policies
Key Learning:
On completion of this course you will have also developed:
Your knowledge of local and national guidance
The Common Core of Skills and Knowledge
Evidence towards your CPD
Professional Abuse –Could it happen here?
Level 3
Target Group: Managers, designated/safeguarding leads from across the Children’s
workforce including schools, Early Years and staff from the voluntary, independent and
private sectors.
This training has been developed in response to Serious Case Reviews in relation to
Professional Abuse and lessons learned from across the country and in a range of settings.
Pre Course requirements:
It is anticipated that delegates would already have attended the Managing Allegations
training or will attend the session following this course at the next available session, please
see page 32 for further details
Course Duration: Full Day
6th May 2015
15th October 2015
2nd February 2016
9:30 – 4:30
9:30 – 4:30
9:30 – 4:30
Castle Hill
Castle Hill
Castle Hill
Course Objectives:
On completion of this course you will:
Understand additional requirements in order to embed a safeguarding culture and
guard against professional abuse
Have a raised awareness if what a safe setting looks like
Be in a position to self – audit your setting against this bench mark
Understand barriers to safe working
Understand potentiators for possible offenders
Have an understanding of how to deal with an allegation made against a member of
staff – know what to do not what to do
Have an understanding of how to access appropriate support and guidance
Pre course reading:
Please note that this session includes some pre course reading and a brief self-audit
of policies and procedures in relation to professional abuse and will inform next steps
beyond this
Key Learning:
On completion of this course you will have also developed:
Your knowledge of local and national guidance
The Common Core of Skills and Knowledge
Evidence towards your CPD
Roles and Responsibilities of the Designated
Person/Safeguarding Lead
(Multi Agency)
Level 3
Target group: those staff with a specific lead responsibility for safeguarding and promoting
the welfare of children and young people within their organisation or setting. It is aimed at
those practitioners with Designated Named/Safeguarding Lead responsibilities for
safeguarding children and young people.
There is an expectation that you have completed BSCB Level 1, 2 and 3 Keeping Children
Safe Courses
Please note: This training will be held over 2 days; delegates are expected to attend
both sessions.
Certificates will be issued after the 2nd session
Course Duration: Half Day
16th June 2015
9:30 – 12:30
Castle Hill
9:30 – 12:30
Castle Hill
9:30 – 12:30
Castle Hill
9:30 – 12:30
Castle Hill
(Session 1)
30th June 2015
(Session 2)
26th November 2015
(Session 1)
10th December 2015
(Session 2)
Course Objectives:
On completion of this course you will:
Describe the role of the Designated/Safeguarding Lead
Enhance your understanding of the role and responsibilities as the Designated
Person /Safeguarding Lead
Identify ways the Designated Person/Safeguarding Lead can support staff
Know how to access appropriate support and guidance
Key Learning:
On completion of this course you will have also developed:
Your knowledge of local and national guidance
The Common Core of Skills and Knowledge
Evidence towards your CPD
Identifying Child Sexual Abuse
Level 2/3
Target Group: all staff in a variety of settings who may be working directly or indirectly with
children who have been or are at risk of sexual abuse.
Course Duration: Full Day
14th October 2015
24th February 2016
9:30 – 4:30
9:30 – 4:30
Castle Hill
Castle Hill
Course Objectives:
By the end of the session you will have:
Considered and described age appropriate sexual behaviour
Identified the signs and indicators of sexual abuse and identify those children at
Recognise the actions and behaviour of the perpetrator
Recognise the impact of sexual abuse on a child
Understand the role and responsibilities of the professionals involved with the
Key Learning
On completion of this course you will have also developed:
Your knowledge of local and national guidance
The Common Core of Skills and Knowledge
Evidence towards your CPD
Serious Case Reviews: Lessons Learned
Level 3
Target group: Those people who work regularly with children and young people and require
a higher level of expertise; a fuller understanding of working together requirements to identify
and assess concerns and to plan, undertake and review interventions. It is expected that
staff will have previously completed the Keeping Children Safe – Child Protection Processes
Level 3 or the Schools Designated Person course within the last two years.
Course duration: Half Day
29th September 2015
12th February 2016
9:30 – 12:30
9:30 – 12:30
Castle Hill
Castle Hill
Course objectives:
On completion of this course you will be able to:
Know the relevant functions of the Bolton Safeguarding Children Board in relation to
Serious Case Reviews
Describe the criteria and purpose of a Serious Case Review as outlined in Working
Together 2013
Understand the themes from national and local Serious Case Reviews
Identify how the lessons learned from Serious Case Reviews impact on your practice
NB this course will be considering some of the worst cases of child abuse
Key Learning:
On completion of this course you will have also developed:
Your knowledge of local and national guidance
The Common Core of Skills and Knowledge
Evidence towards your CPD
Sleep Safe
Target group: all staff, including staff from the voluntary, independent and private sectors,
who are working with parents before and after birth.
Course duration: Half day
11th June 2015
12th November 2015
9th March 2016
9:30 – 12:00
9:30 – 12:00
9:30 – 12:00
Castle Hill
Castle Hill
Castle Hill
Course Outcomes:
By the end of the session you will:
Raise your awareness of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
Understand the importance of passing on key safe sleeping messages to parents
Increased your knowledge of the Sleep Safe risk and protective factors
Understand your responsibility in delivering the sleep safe message
Pre course reading: Sleep Safe Guidance
Level 2
Target group: All professionals working on an on-going basis with children and young
people who may be at risk of self-harm or suicidal behaviour
Course duration: 2 Full Days
8th & 9th July 2015
4th & 5th November 2015
2nd & 3rd March 2016
9:30 – 4:30
9:30 – 4:30
9:30 – 4:30
Castle Hill
Castle Hill
Castle Hill
Course objectives:
By the end of the course, participants will
Be able to identify signs and symptoms of suicidal intent and assess degree of risk
Understand basic crisis management and problem solving techniques and how to
apply them
Employ interview techniques which you will practice on the course
Responding to the Death of a Child
Bolton, Salford and Wigan Child Death Overview Panel (CDOP)
This training is delivered across Bolton, Salford and Wigan
Target group: Front line practitioners who will be involved in the Child Death processes.
This will include Police at DS or DI level, Paediatricians, Specialist Nurses and Health
Visitors, G.Ps, Paramedics, A and E staff (medical and nursing); Social Workers, School
Nurses, Midwives, Designated People in Schools and Nurseries.
Course duration: Full Day - 9.30 am to 4.00pm
To provide participants with the basic skills to contribute to inter-agency
investigations into the unexpected death of a child or a young person under the age
of 18 years in response to statutory guidance
To Increase knowledge of national and local child deaths data
By the end of the course participants will be able to:
Describe the different components of the Multi Agency response to the unexpected
death of a child or young person.
Understand their role and that of other practitioners involved in the process.
Collect and share relevant information for the investigation through the taking of a
thorough history, review of background information from their own or other agencies,
and possible evaluation of the scene and circumstances of a child’s death.
Explain to families the purpose of the child death procedure, including what will
happen to their child.
Understand how practitioners contribute to the child death process
Recognise and respond appropriately where there are suspicious circumstances
surrounding a child death.
27TH January 2016
9:30 – 4:00
Castle Hill Bolton
For further information contact:
Safeguarding the disabled child
Level 2
Target group: those people who have contact or work regularly with disabled children and
their families.
Course duration: Full day
To be confirmed
9:30 – 4:30
Castle Hill
Course objectives:
On completion of this course you will be able to:
Identify factors which make disabled children especially vulnerable to abuse
Recognise ways of making disabled children safe
Link government legislation and guidance to practice
Carry out Bolton's Framework for Action procedures and recognise your role and
responsibilities in the safeguarding process
Key Learning:
On completion of this course you will have also developed:
Your knowledge of local and national guidance
The Common Core of Skills and Knowledge
Evidence towards your CPD
E-learning course
What to do when child dies
Target Group:
This e-learning course is suitable for practitioners, volunteers and their
managers who may be involved in the child death overview processes.
For some people this course may be sufficient but for others it may lead
in to more in depth training.
Course Objectives:
On completion of this course you will be able to:
Recognise the causes and patterns of childhood deaths including unexpected
childhood deaths
Explain the purposes of the rapid response and child death review processes and
describe how they fit with other processes
Identify key components of the rapid response to an unexpected child death
Discuss your role and that of others involved in the process
Respond appropriately if you have to notify your local team of a child’s death and
contribute to the rapid response process or child death review when requested
For information on how to access this course please contact:
Telephone: 01204 337861
Train the Trainer
Train the Trainer
Participants must be BSCB approved and able to contribute to the multi-agency training
pool, your manager’s full support is required to deliver training within the training pool.
Further details are available on request please see contact details below.
Target group: this course is only available to practitioners who have considerable
experience of safeguarding children within their own agency and who meet the multi-agency
trainer criteria as stated in the Bolton Safeguarding Children Board (BSCB) Trainer Person
Specification and Job Description.
Venue: this course is delivered at a range of venues across the North West region and is
delivered by trainers who are members of the North West Inter-Agency Trainer (NWIAT)
Aim: to help participants to develop their presentation skills in order to deliver effective multiagency training. This course includes individual learning styles; managing and supporting
groups; planning and delivering training activities and evaluation of the learning experience.
Course objectives:
On completion of this course you will be able to:
Identify own and others preferred style of learning and explain how these different
learning styles influence the training process
Recognise the potential impact of safeguarding children training on own and
participant’s emotions
Identify strategies to ensure issues of anti-discriminatory practice are integrated in to
safeguarding training
Demonstrate and share skills in relation to presentation and facilitation
Additional information:
If you would like to express an interest in joining the Bolton Safeguarding Children Board
Multi-Agency Training Pool and you are interested in attending this course, please contact
the Multi-Agency Training Officer on 01204 337861 for an informal discussion
TSSC3 Training Request Form
Bolton Safeguarding Children Multi-Agency Training Programme
Course Title:
Course Code:
ORGANISATION INFORMATION no abbreviations please
Organisation Name:
Line 2
Line 3
Post Code
First Name:
Course Date:
Job Title:
Contact Number:
Contact Email:
How would you like to
receive the joining
First Name:
Course Date:
Job Title:
Contact Number:
Contact Email:
How would you like to
receive the joining
Job Title:
Contact Number:
Contact Email:
Please return form to the Training Shared Service Centre (TSSC):
Email: Tel: 01204 337600
Address: Castle Hill Centre, Castleton Street, Bolton BL2 2JW
What happens next?
All applications are considered in line with BSCB selection criteria to ensure an adequate
mix of agencies. It is unlikely that any organisation will be offered multiple places unless
the course is under subscribed or there are urgent safeguarding training needs.
You will be advised if you have been allocated a place approximately one month before
the course date.
Please confirm your attendance by contacting multi agency training
360˚ Substance Misuse Service for Young People & Families
Drug & Alcohol Training Programme
These courses are being delivered as a package of workforce development, delivered and
supported by 360˚ Substance Misuse Service for Young People & Families; they aimed at
children’s and young people’s workers in Bolton.
If you would like to book on a course send the booking form to or to
discuss any of the courses ring Ceri Blackmore on 337330
Drug & Alcohol Awareness
360˚ is delivering this course which focuses on the ins and outs of different drugs; you will
learn about the effects of substances & be able to recognise drugs and the paraphernalia
associated. We will also look at trends and policy relating to substances.
October 6th 2015
9.30 – 4.00
Castle Hill Centre
Ceri Blackmore
February 12th 2016
9.30 – 4.00
Castle Hill Centre
Ceri Blackmore
Alcohol & Young People
This 360˚ course looks in detail at the impact of alcohol upon young people; we will look at
the effects of alcohol misuse & trends in alcohol use amongst young people. We will also
focus on risk taking, harm reduction and look at appropriate interventions for working with
young people misusing alcohol.
October 27th 2015
9.30 – 4.00
Castle Hill Centre
Ceri Blackmore
March 3rd 2016
9.30 – 4.00
Castle Hill Centre
Ceri Blackmore
Cannabis & Young People
Cannabis is one of the most popular illegal substances; this course looks at the different
types of cannabis, how cannabis is used and the varying effects and risks. We will look at
harm reduction and identify appropriate interventions for young people using and misusing
November 24th 2015
9.30 – 4.00
Castle Hill Centre
Ceri Blackmore
March 17th 2016
9.30 -4.00
Castle Hill Centre
Ceri Blackmore
New drugs & Legal Highs
The face of drug use and accessing drugs is changing with the internet and increased use of
legal highs. This course looks at the range of new drugs being used and the concerns about
legal highs, we will look at effects, risks and approaches to working with young people.
December 3rd 2015
9.30- 12.30
Castle Hill Centre
Ceri Blackmore
January 29th 2016
9.30 – 12.30
Castle Hill Centre
Ceri Blackmore
Parental Substance Misuse for Children’s & Young People’s Workers (2 day course)
This course focuses on the impact of parental substance misuse on the child and young
person; we will discuss the issues in families where there is significant substance misuse
and explore approaches to working with these families.
November 10th & 11th
January 20th & 21st
9.30 – 4.00
Castle Hill Centre
9.30 – 4.00
Castle Hill Centre
Ceri Blackmore&
Denise Jones
Ceri Blackmore&
Denise Jones
Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Maternal drinking can have significant impact on a child from birth to adulthood; this course
looks at foetal exposure to alcohol, physical, mental and emotional effects, impact on the
child and family, and strategies for working with children with FASD.
October 15th 2015
9.30 -12.30
February 18th 2016
Tonge Children’s
Castle Hill Centre
Ceri Blackmore &
Denise Jones
Ceri Blackmore &
Denise Jones
360˚ Substance Misuse Service for Young People & Families
Training Booking Form
Job title:
Agency address:
Contact Number:
Email address:
Manager’s name
& email:
Course title
Course date:
Manager agreed
Return this booking form to ; please ensure that you have manager’s
permission to attend the course.
You will receive confirmation of your booking and details about the venue with joining
instructions when you are placed on the course.
If you need any further information or to discuss the training please contact Ceri Blackmore on
01204 337330 or email .
Fortalice Training Calendar - 2015
Name of Training Event
Recognising and Responding to
Domestic Abuse - Level 2
Recognising and Responding to
Domestic Abuse – Level 3
Women’s Support
Centre, Fortalice Ltd
43 Bradford Street
Bolton,BL2 1HT
Women’s Support
Centre, Fortalice Ltd
43 Bradford Street
Bolton,BL2 1HT
Duration of
4pm to 8pm
Anyone who works with or
has an interest in domestic
Anyone who has completed
the Level 2 and who requires
specialist interventions when
working with victims of
domestic abuse.
Freedom Programme
Women’s Support
10.00am -2.00pm
Anyone who refers their
awareness training for
Centre, Fortalice Ltd
clients to the programme or
15.10.15 43 Bradford Street
works with victims of
Bolton,BL2 1HT
domestic abuse
Working with Children who
Women’s Support
10.00am -2.00pm
Anyone who works with or
are affected by domestic
Centre, Fortalice Ltd
has an interest in domestic
abuse level 1 and Safeguarding 22.10.15 43 Bradford Street
abuse and its effects on
Bolton,BL2 1HT
Working with Children who
Women’s Support
10.00am -2.00pm
Anyone who requires
are affected by domestic
29.10.15 Centre, Fortalice Ltd
specialist knowledge on the
abuse level 2
43 Bradford Street
effects on children who have
Bolton,BL2 1HT
or who are suffering domestic
Volunteer skills training
Women’s Support
10.00am -2.00pm
Anyone who is volunteering
Centre, Fortalice Ltd
and would like to further
5.11.15 43 Bradford Street
develop their confidentiality,
Bolton,BL2 1HT
boundaries, diversity and
communication skills.
Teacher training – raising
Women’s Support
One and a half
Anyone who is working in
awareness of how to work
request Centre, Fortalice Ltd
education either as a teacher
with domestic abuse in
43 Bradford Street
or support staff. The course
Bolton,BL2 1HT or
delivery will enable staff to
Community based
work effectively with children
and young people staff.
Course fees on application – discounts given for group bookings. / We can accommodate any other courses
tailored to meet your individual needs on request.
All our staff who deliver the training have a diverse range of experience in domestic abuse and working with
children, the also have a teaching certificate.
For further information please ring 01204 -365677 - We can provide informal information sessions on request
10.00am -2.00pm
Who should attend
If you have any comments or feedback for next years
BSCB Training programme please email:
If you need any further information or to discuss the training please contact:
Ceri Blackmore on 01204 337330 or email .
Bolton Safeguarding Children Board
Training Programme 2015/2016