26 March 2015 UPCOMING EVENTS Bottles – every Sunday – 5pm ABS Boot Camp – gold coin donation to the club, open to members – Saturday 11.30am - meet in main hall State Election 28 March – Main Hall will be used as voting station. StanMac Relay -29 March at 2pm Bondi Hosting Bronze presentation 29 March 2015 (moved from the 21st March) Have you ever wondered about the history of the Stan Mac Relay? Here's a brief overview of what The Great Race is all about. The 1942/43 Surf season marked the inaugural running of The Stan McDonald Relay, a twenty person-a-side surf relay between Bondi and North Bondi surf clubs. The race is now in its seventy-third consecutive year and is one of Australian sports most revered rivalries. The current head to head tallies see North Bondi at 39 wins to Bondi's 33. It was in the 1942/43 surf season that Stan McDonald, head lifeguard on Bondi Beach and also commonly regarded as 'The King of Bondi,' initiated the relay between the two clubs in an attempt to enhance camaraderie between North and South. Stan was a member of both clubs and devoted 47 years of his life to the service of visitors to Bondi Beach. In 1933, Stan retired as a beach inspector and began the family business. Mac's Beach Hire provided deck chairs, umbrellas, surf-oplanes, surf boards, and oil spraying to swimmers and sunbathers. Stan McDonald passed away in 1959 at age 77. Stan's son Basil took over the family business. Basil McDonald soon became known as 'Mr. Bondi' and was a legend in his own right. Basil joined Bondi Surf Bathers' Life Saving Club at age fifteen and would eventually become a President, Patron and Life member. He was also a life member of the Bondi Amateur Men's Swimming Club, The Union of Old Swimmers, Bondi Icebergs Club, and the Bondi Junior S.L.S.C of which he was founding President. The Sydney Morning Herald also noted Basil as one of the "men who have been mentioned officially for acts of bravery in risking their lives in raging surf to save drowning people" on the infamous Black Sunday in 1938 where five people drowned. In the 1986/87 season, upon Basil's passing, The Great Race was renamed The Stan and Basil McDonald Memorial Relay. For those reading this and have never been present at The Great Race, you may not understand where the magic lies. For those who have watched or swum The Great Race, you understand what words cannot describe. So, on March 29th 2015 at 2:00 pm, we do it all again, exactly the way Stan and Baz planned it! Four more sleeps. See you there. Nick Nezval Stan and Basil McDonald Relay Captain Page | 1 NSW State Gold Medal winning champion U15 R&R team, together with SLSA President Mr. Graham Ford, launching the 100 years of Surf Lifesaving competition up at Kirra Beach, the location for this year’s Australian Surf Lifesaving Championships. EDUCATION APPLIED FIRST AID & ARTC Any members wishing to complete their Applied First Aid Certificate or ARTC, please contact the office to make payment and reserve your position. Upcoming dates are: APPLIED FIRST AID ARTC Saturday 28th of March Saturday 18th of April Sunday 29th of March GREEN CAPS All Bronzies who have completed their course; we need your green training caps back urgently for the next groups! Please drop these in to the office when you are next at the club (if the office is closed please put it through the post box on the door). FREE Jurlique sunscreen for each cap returned Thanks! For all Education enquiries, please contact: Greg Charles Director of Education education@bondisurfclub.com Chiefinstructor@bondisurfclub.com To keep up to date on other courses offered in the Sydney area click here for the Surf Lifesaving Sydney Edaction Calendar –REFER VERSION 8: http://www.surflifesavingsydney.com.au/calendar COMPETITION All current and prospective ski paddlers Club training sessions have now commenced at Bondi. Tuesday and Thursday at 5:45am and Saturday at 6:30am. GREG BYRNES Ski Captain Rob Harvey Director of Surf Sports competition@bondisurfclub.com SURF RACE (week )th March 2015 Page | 2 LIFESAVING Please make sure you know when your patrols are by checking on the Bondi Patrols Roster 2014/15. To view the Patrol Roster, Please click here. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ajmp_MiyLZtadE51MnNwaGpsa3RmWlliUDJrWXl0 R1E&usp=drive_web#gid=0 If you are away for any reason we expect you to do all that you can to swap with another patrolling member on the below Swap doc. We have a commitment to keeping the beach safe as well as not letting your patrol members down. To view the Patrol Subs, Please click here. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ajmp_MiyLZtadDJ6YXNqbTdCWnhFQnRpVmx0R U9jNFE&usp=sharing "Bondi Surf Club" Google calendar ID: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ajmp_MiyLZtadE51MnNwaGpsa3RmWlliUDJrWXl0 R1E&usp=sharing James Rogers clubcaptain@bondisurfclub.com Paul Burkett lifesaving@bondisurfclub.com GENERAL Congratulations! Bruce Wynne, our wonderful Gear Steward, claimed 3rd place at the NSW State Hang Gliding Titles in Manilla, NSW Page | 3 WORKING WITH CHILDREN CHECKS Over the next 5 years SLSNSW will be phasing in a new Working with Children Check for all members. This especially applies to those who have regular face-to-face contact with children. (Coaches, mentors, managers, patrol captains, trainers)There is no cost for volunteers. This lasts for 5 years and you need to go to https://wwccheck.ccyp.nsw.gov.au/Applicants/Application and make the application yourself. You then need to submit your number, (WWC….) date obtained and date expire to the office please. LOST AND FOUND For all lost and found goods picked up on the beach head to this Facebook page and upload a picture or details. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Lost-and-Found-Bondi-Beach/1394041517562347?fref=ts ARTICLES FOR THE SURFER If you have an interesting article concerning a member, past or present, please direct them to bondisurfer@bondisurfclub.com To unsubscribe from the Bondi Surfer weekly newsletter please email bondisurfer@bondisurfclub.com with UNSUBSCRIBE in the email subject line. Page | 4 AWARDS AND CERTIFICATES Did you do a Bronze, Silver, Gold or other award this year or in the last 3 years? Did you receive a prize at the Club Presentation evening? If the answer is yes and you have never received the certificate or relevant prize, please call in at the office and collect them. YOGA AT BSBLSC Hi All, As always, bring a friend for FREE (for their first visit only), and if you wish to purchase a 10 class pass ($150) you get your 11th class FREE! Yoga is on every Tuesday 6:30pm and Friday 6:00am, would love to see you Always in Health Danielle For more information contact: Danielle 0449 252 881 | danielle@tlfpt.com NIPPERS Page | 5 Scott Ryan nippers@bondisurfclub.com Page | 6
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