FOOD SECTION BOONAH SHOW 15-16 MAY 2015 SECTION 14 FOODS CHIEF STEWARD: Mrs. Val. Rayner 5463 8056 or 0427 655 676 Stewards: Gaylene Gray, Angela Harris, Lyn MacLean, Maree Ruhland, June Schossow, & Karlene Stephan ENTRY FEE:-:$1-00 ENTRIES CLOSE:- No Later than 12 noon Wednesday 13h MAY 2015 DEFINATELY NO LATE ENTRIES PRIZE MONEY:-First $5-00, Second $3.00,Third Card only, unless otherwise stated All exhibits to be in by 9 am on Friday, 15th May, 2015 Hall will be open on Friday between 7 a.m & 9 a.m. to receive exhibits. Judging commences at 10.15 Friday. Judges decision will be final. Any entry that does not comply with the schedule will not be judged. Please read your schedule carefully. All cooking exhibits to be on white paper plates – large for cakes, small for classes 1-10 except class 7. All bottles to be standard 375ml with a screw top lid, except for sauces (NO CLOTH COVERS PLEASE) All Exhibits & Prize Money can be collected between 8-10 am on Sunday 17/5/15 Entries not collected by 10am will be disposed of if no prior arrangement. All Exhibitors must pay Admission Fees The Boonah Show Society thank all Trophy Donors, Sponsors & Stewards OPEN SECTION Class 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 8 9. 10 11 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. PLAIN SCONES (4) Size 5.5cm PUMPKIN SCONES (4) Size 5.5cm PIKELETS (4) MUFFINS ANY VARIETY (4). No Papers CORNFLAKE & FRUIT BISCUITS (4) SPECIAL CLASS. “REMEMBERING THE ANZAC’s” ANZAC BISCUITS (4) First $7-00 Second $5-00, Third $3-00 . Prize Money donated by Thyrlene Devin Entry Fee $1-50 PLATE OF SHORTBREAD (Wedges) PLATE OF SLICE (4) any variety (To be named) 5cm square SMALL CAKES, (4) iced on top, baked in tins, not papers LAMINGTONS (4) 4 - 5cm square APPLE TART, DOUBLE CRUST on alfoil plate GLUTEN FREE BANANA BREAD (Must use recipe in Schedule) First Prize Trophy donated by Gaylene Gray, Second $5-00, Third $3-00. Entry Fee $1,50 DATE ROLL Made in a Roll Tin. KENTISH BAR, iced on top (To contain Sultanas/Cherries/Nuts) PEACH BLOSSOM BAR, iced all over with pale pink icing APRICOT & LEMON BAR ( Must use recipe in schedule) ORANGE BAR, iced on top. First $7, Second $5, Third $3. Prize Money donated by Una Westphal. Entry fee $1.50 TEA CAKE (Plain, (Cinnamon Sugar Top) RAINBOW CAKE, iced all over. First $7, Second $5, Third $3. Entry fee $1.50 MARBLE CAKE, iced on top. First $7, Second $5, Third $3. Prize Money donated by Marlyn Rasmussen. Entry fee $1.50 CHOCOLATE RING CAKE, iced all over. First $7, Second $5, Third $3. Prize Money donated by Thyrlene Devin Entry fee $1.50 SPONGE SANDWICH (with butter) Iced and joined with icing.. First $7, Second $5, Third $3 Prize Money donated by Marlyn Rasmussen Entry fee $1.50 CARROT & WALNUT CAKE, iced on top with Lemon icing, round tin. First $7, Second $5, Third $3 . Prize Money donated by Thyrlene Devin Entry fee $1.50 SULTANA CAKE (375g fruit). (8” - 20cm round tin) First $7, Second $5, Third $3. Prize Money donated by Mary Rasmussen. Entry fee $1.50, PUMPKIN FRUIT CAKE (375 gm Mixed Fruit , 8” - 20cm round tin) First $7, Second $5, Third $3. Prize Money donated by Una Westphal Entry Fee $1.50 1 FOOD SECTION 26. 27 28, 29. BOONAH SHOW 15-16 MAY 2015 ANY OTHER VARIETY CAKE ( To be named LIGHT FRUIT CAKE (8”- 20cm round tin) First $7, Second $5. Third $3 Entry Fee $1.50 BOILED FRUIT CAKE (375g fruit) 8”- 20cm round tin) First $7-00, Second $5, Third $3 Entry fee $1.50 DARK RICH FRUIT CAKE, A ½ pound (250 gram) cake mixture with 1 1/2kg of dried fruit, using cur rants (whole), sultanas and raisins (cut), mixed peel, with cherries & nuts optional. Cake to be baked in square 20 cm tin. Winner is eligible to represent Boonah Show Society in Regional Finals for Dark Rich Fruit Cake competition. First Trophy donated by Boonah BI- Rite Electrical, Second $15, Third $10 . Entry fee $2-00 PERSON EXHIBITING MOST ENTRIES Open Section Trophy donated by June Schossow MOST SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITOR in Open Section. Velmer Staines Memorial Trophy, & Rosette BEST EXHIBIT in Classes 1-29 Trophy donated by Fassifern Lighting & Electrical & Rosette 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. SWEETS To be on small paper plates PLATE TOFFEE (4) (Plain, no papers) Round or Shapes PLATE BUTTERSCOTCH (6) 3cm square PLATE CHOCOTLATE FUDGE (6) 3 cm square PLATE DATE CREAMS (6) PLATE SWEET ANY VARIETY NOT MENTIONED (6) PLATE MARSHMALLOWS (6) 3 cm square PLATE RUSSIAN CARAMEL (6) 3 cm square PLATE PEPPERMINT (6) PLATE COCONUT ICE (boiled) (6) 3 cm square COLLECTION OF SWEETS (Not less than 6, no more than 12 varieties – To be arranged on tray) MOST SUCESSFUL EXHIBITOR in Classes 30 to 39. Marj Hahn Memorial Trophy donated by Marlyn Rasmussen NOVICE SECTION Classes 40 – 49 Exhibitors may enter in any class in which they have not 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. previously won a first prize at the Boonah Show LAMINGTONS (4) DATE LOAF. TEA CAKE (Plain – Cinnamon Sugar Topping) SPONGE SANDWICH, (with butter), iced on top and joined with icing BOILED FRUIT CAKE (375 gr Fruit) 8”- 20cm round tin) First Trophy donated by Fassifern Lighting & Electrical & Rosette Second $5.00, Third $3.00. Entry fee $1-50 ANY OTHER VARIETY OF CAKE, own choice. To be named. First Trophy donated by Gaylene Gray, Second $5.00 Third $3.00 Entry Fee $1-50 LEMON BUTTER ROSELLA JAM MARMALADE MUSTARD PICKLES MOST SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITOR IN NOVICE SECTION. Trophy donated by Boonah Bi-Rite Electrical & Rosette 2 FOOD SECTION BOONAH SHOW 15-16 MAY 2015 ICED CAKES RULES:- Boards are defined as a common base on which the Exhibit rests, and may be covered as a matter of choice. ( Maximum size to be 36cm square, and to have cleats.) Pins & glue must not be used. Unless specifically mentioned, all ornaments are to be made by the Exhibitor using a sugar medium. The use of a cutter and/or moulds is optional. Wire of any kind must not penetrate the surface of the exhibit. Manufactured pillars, including wine glasses, tulle, ribbon streamers and fine wire are permitted. Other manufactured items are not allowed. A minimum amount of gold or silver paint is allowed. No cake is to be cut, but Judges have full power to test by piercing any cake for foreign matter. Lace and extension work is not mandatory.. However, a number of piping skills within the bounds of good taste must be executed. All entries to be the bona fide handiwork of the Exhibitor. 50 . 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. OPEN SECTION BEST PRESENTED DECORATED CUP CAKES. (4) First Trophy. Second $5.00, Third $3.00. donated by Sasha Stevens. Entry Fee $1.50 SPECIAL OCCASION DECORATED CAKE, single tier, plastic icing, (own choice, Dummies may be used) First $30-00, Second $20-00, Third $15-00. Prize money donated by Fassifern Lighting & Electrical & Rosette Entry Fee $2.00 ICED WEDDING CAKE, 2 tier (dummies may be used) First Trophy donated by Glenys Humphreys, Second $30-00 Third $20-00 Prize Money donated by Fassifern Lighting & Electrical & Rosette Entry Fee $2-00 NOVICE SECTION BEST PRESENTED DECORATED CUP CAKES. (4) First Trophy , Second $5,.00 , Third $3.00 donated by Sasha Stevens. Entry Fee $1.50 SPECIAL OCCASION DECORATED CAKE, Butter cream icing. First $12-00, Second $8-00, Third $5-00 Prize money donated by Glenys Humphreys, Entry Fee $2-00 SPECIAL OCCASION DECORATED CAKE, single tier, own choice, (Dummy may be used) First, Trophy donated by Glenys Humphreys, Second $20-00, Third $15-00 Entry Fee $2-00 ICED WEDDING CAKE, 2 tier (dummies may be used) First Trophy donated by Glenys Humphreys, Second $30-00, Third $20-00 Prize money donated by Boonah Bi-Rite Electrical, Entry Fee $2-00 JUNIOR SECTION, 17 YEARS & UNDER ENTRY FREE SPECIAL OCCASION DECORATED CAKE, Butter cream Icing or fondant. First $12-00, Second $8-00,Third $5-00, donated by Glenys Humphreys DECORATED CUP CAKES (4) First $5-00, Second $3-00 , Third $2-00 ,Prize money donated by Dorothy Bloxham BEST EXHIBIT IN ICED CAKES, Trophy donated by Beth Hern & Rosette JUNIOR CLASSES - SCHOOL STUDENTS. ENTRY FREE First Prize $5 , Second $3, Third $2 All Exhibitors will receive an Encouragement Certificate 59. 60 61 62. 63. 64. 65. 66 67. 68. 69. SCONES, (4) Prize money donated by Una Westphal PIKELETS (4) Prize money donated by Karlene Stephan ANZAC BISCUITS (4) Prize money donated by Una Westphal JAM DROPS (4) Prize money Donated by Dorothy Bloxham SMALL CAKES (4) (Plain white icing) Prize money donated by Mary Rasmussen CHOCOLATE BAR, iced all over Prize money donated by Karlene Stephan WHITE CHRISTMAS (6) Prize money donated by Una Westphal PLATE OF MARSHMALLOWS (6) Prize Money donated by Val Rayner PLATE TOFFEE. (4) Prize money donated by Karlene Stephan PLATE CHOCOLATES, (6) Moulded . Prize Money donated by Val Rayner DECORATED CUP CAKES (4) Prize Money donated by Val Rayner MOST SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITOR IN JUNIOR SECTION. Coral Ballin Memorial Trophy donated by Marlyn Rasmussen & Rosette BEST EXHIBIT IN JUNIOR SECTION, Trophy donated by Jeanette Wilson & Rosette 3 FOOD SECTION BOONAH SHOW 15-16 MAY 2015 PRESCHOOL AND UP TO 7 YEARS OLD First Prize, Louise Stephan Memorial Trophy. Second & Third Trophies. Donated by Karlene Stephan. Entry forms must be delivered to the office before Wednesday 13/5/15 Definitely no late entries. 70. 71. 72. DECORATED ARROWROOT BISCUITS (4) PATTY CAKES DECORATED (4) EDIBLE NECKLACE JAMS AND PICKLES OPEN CLASS One 375 ml Bottle except where otherwise stated. Bottles must be labelled. No Cloth Covers. 73. 74 75. 76. 77 78 79 80. 81. 82 83 84 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. ROSELLA JAM TOMATO JAM MELON AND LEMON JAM CAPE GOOSEBERRY JAM FIG JAM PLUM JAM APRICOT JAM GRAPE JAM STRAWBERRY JAM MARMALADE (3 bottles assorted) First $7, Second $5, Third $3. .Entry fee $1-50 A.O.V. JAM COLLECTIION OF JAMS, (6 bottles Assorted) First $7.00., Second $5, Third $3 Entry fee $1-50 ROSELLA JELLY APPLE JELLY LEMON BUTTER TOMATO RELISH MUSTARD PICKLES PICKLED ONIONS CLEAR MIXED VINEGAR PICKLES CHUTNEY TOMATO SAUCE (In a small sauce bottle) MOST SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITOR in Classes 73—93 Trophy donated by Boonah Bi-Rite Electri cal & Rosette BEST EXHIBIT IN CLASSES 73—93 Trophy donated by Una Westphal & Rosette RECIPES Class 12. GLUTEN FREE BANANA BREAD Ingredients. 1/2 cup unsalted butter or margarine, 1 cup sugar, 2 eggs, 1 cup mashed banana, (about 2 large) , 1 teaspoon lemon juice, few drops vanilla essence, 2 small cups gluten free self raising flour, 1/2 teaspoon bicarbonate soda, 1/2 teaspoon gluten free baking powder, pinch salt, 1 1/2 tablespoons sour cream, 1/2 cup walnuts. Method . Preheat oven to 175%c, (160% Fan Forced.) Cream butter & sugar in large bowl. Beat in eggs. Blend in bananas, lemon juice & Vanilla, Resift flour with bicarbonate soda, baking powder & salt, Gradually add dry ingredients to creamed mixture alternatively with sour cream, beating well after each addition. Stir in nuts. Turn into 9” x 5” loaf pan (23cm x 13 cm). Bake about 45 minutes. Cool in pan for 10 minutes before turning out . Class 16. APRICOT & LEMON BAR Method. ¾ cup chopped Apricots, cover with ¾ cup boiling water and leave to cool. Beat 112gm butter and 112g sugar to a cream. Add 1 large or 2 small eggs Stir in drained apricots. Lastly fold in 187g SR Flour and a pinch salt & 1 tablesp milk. Bake in a bar tin in a moderate oven for 30-35 minutes. Top with lemon icing. 4
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