Bay of Plenty Sun Club Newsletter April 2015 Presidents Report Bay of Plenty Sun Club Inc This will be my last newsletter report as president of the Bay of Plenty Sun Club. I can say in the past two years we have brought the club back on the level where it belongs. The member numbers are no longer in a steady decline anymore. We have made major improvements with our finances. There has been a lot of work done in promoting our club. Visitors know where to find us now and let’s not forget all the improvements on the club grounds. This has been the achievement of the whole committee, and I want to thank them and all the people whole helped us. Is this were it ends? I can clearly say no. We are just back on track yet there is still heaps of work to be done if we want to keep this club. Sitting still and just doing the day to day business is going backwards very fast. Growing a club is a constant battle and you have to grow it to sustain it. This is not only a role of a committee, in a club every member has a role in this, that is what a club is about. On the agenda of the AGM you will see an agenda point “future”. Before you go to the AGM think carefully about this, how do you want the club to grow, where do you see the club in the near and distant future. How are we reaching those goals and what is your role in that. This May it will be 10 years since the floods destroyed our club. A lot of our members worked very hard to bring the club grounds back to its full glory. Let’s not forget that! We are still alive as club and let’s celebrate that the evening before the AGM. PO Box 22, Matata 3194 430 Manawahe Road, Awakaponga Bookings/Enquiries 027 440 5157 As last I want to thank our oldest member Patrick, he has been always very supportive of the committee I was president of. Without him we couldn’t have done all the promotion we needed to do. I wish the coming committee(s) lot of success. Yours naturally, President Page |1 Web Page: Facebook Page: Bay of Plenty Sun Club Newsletter April 2015 Editors News Well hi everyone the club’s AGM is only three weeks away, it has been quiet at the club as the last event was on the 21st March and 22 March and we had Rapere Club visit for Volleyball, Rapere consisted of Fiona and Nigel as the rest of the crew couldn't make it in the end, however we had a fun time, and we let them win a game... we had to help them make up a team, thanks to Barry and Pat and some of the others who came. We had enjoyable time and of course we won... and we kept the games short as the pool temp had dropped to a rather brisk 22 degrees. Easter weekend went along quietly with no visitors to the club….although we have had a steady stream of visitors over the past couple of months, some international some from around New Zealand. Our caretaker Wayne returned from his yachting and fishing trip to Great Barrier Island, and is back on site looking after the grounds. Thanks to those of you who helped with keeping the lawns done and the weed eating, and cleaning the club house and accommodation too. I hope that we have a good turnout at the AGM on the 17th May, the Committee will put on afternoon tea for everyone, I may also bring a big pot of soup for those who would like some, otherwise BYO lunch and the meeting starts at 1pm sharp. MY LAST NEWSLETTER This is the last time for my contribution as Editor of the Newsletter, I wish to thank Hans and the Committee for their help and input and photos and we did well in winning 2nd prize for the Newsletter Nationally and then third prize this year from NZNF. I hope this trend will continue and someone will take over with writing this. I am busy with other work and business commitments nationally as Chairperson of a National Board which has been flying around the country at times and hence the reason I am unable to continue. However I know the club will continue on, there are some members who have the passion and drive to do this. I wish you all well, and hope the club grows in its member numbers. Editor Page |2 Web Page: Facebook Page: Bay of Plenty Sun Club Newsletter April 2015 Events Calendar Saturday 16th May, 6PM 10 YEARS AFTER THE FLOODS On the Saturday evening before the AGM we are holding a pot luck dinner to mark the 10 years since the Matata floods and the devastation that was left at the club. Please remember to remind your friends who were passed members that you keep in touch with if they want to join us. If you have your own photograph albums of around that time (club has its own copies), please bring your albums along for everyone to see. It is going to be an informal dinner and get together and as I said if you keep in contact with past members who were there then please invite them to join us. Some of you may wish to bring your campers/caravans that weekend and stay over for the AGM on the Sunday lunchtime. Sunday 17th May, 1PM AGM This is an important time of the future of the club, it is time to have your say on the clubs future development, and also to put your name forward to stand on the committee. I look forward to handing over to another Secretary and someone who will write the newsletter for the club. Hans is going to help with the transition of the all the files and data to the new committee which will help get you started. Committee meetings, 10.30am at the club 17 MAY, AFTER THE AGM Birthday’s in April, May & June 3 April 6 April 20 April 14 May 18 June 21 June Page |3 Erina Roy C Gael Graeme Barry Sue Web Page: Facebook Page:
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