Gateway Glances - Borden

March 2015 - A BordenBorden-Carleton Publication
Gateway Arena
-Family skates Saturdays from 1:303:00pm.
-After school skates Mondays and
Thursdays from 3:15-4:15pm.
-Pre-school skates Mondays and
Thursdays, 1-2pm.
-Adult skates Mondays and Thursdays
from 2-3pm.
-Shinny on Monday for kids 13 and up,
Thursdays for 12 and under; 4:15-5pm.
Gateway Canteen is open for lunches
from 11am- 1pm every Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday until the end of
Call ahead for
pick up at 902437-2410.
Johnny Doull Fitness Center
Starting March 1st, gym memberships
will be going up to $15/month. The
increase in price will help us to either
purchase new equipment or fix existing
If you have any gently used fitness
equipment that is just taking up space in
your house and you want to get rid of it
please call Holly at 437-2410. Thank
Winter Carnival
Thank you to everyone who helped or
participated with the winter carnival
The Fancy Dress Skate winners were:
Best overall-William Keough, Most
Unique-Jeanna Pickering and FanciestWill Pickering.
The Snow Sculpturing Contest winner
was Jack Pickering.
The Hockey Skills Competition winners
were: targets - William Keough, Fastest
Skater-Ryder Howatt and the obstacle
course winner was Cole DesRoche.
Thank you to the Esso for once again
donating the popcorn for our “Frozen”
movie night. We appreciate it greatly!
Royal Canadian Legion
Come out and show your support!
Friends of Hal MacWilliams will host a
benefit auction and dance at the BordenCarleton Branch on March 14th. Hal has
been diagnosed with a rare disease that
prevents him from ever working again;
he has been hospitalized for the past few
months. Doors will open at 6pm for
viewing items; auction begins at 7pm
followed by a dance. Please come and
show your support for this very worthy
Branch 10 general membership meeting
is scheduled for 7pm Wednesday,
March 25, 2015 weather permitting. All
members in good standing invited to
Branch Happy Hour is every Friday
from 6-10pm.
Branch free pool is every Friday from
6pm to close.
Branch Meat Bingo each Friday at 7pm,
weather permitting.
The Legion hall is available for
weddings, rentals, etc. we also cater.
Call the Branch 855-2660 for more info.
Spring Fling Lounge Party is on Friday
April 10th with Tyler’s DJ service.
Indoor yard sale/flea market - Saturday
April 25. Book your table(s) now, only
$10 each.
New members always welcome! Pick up
your application at the Branch. Why not
become a member of Canada’s largest
Veterans organization.
T.O.P.S. – Make time to come to a
TOPS meeting! (Take Off Pounds
Sensibly). When: Wed nights at 5:15pm,
where: Borden-Carleton Industrial Mall
Board Room. For more info call Carol at
437-6028 or Sandra at 437-2548.
Join us on Saturday March 28 from 1-4
at the Borden Legion for a SPRING
FLING. Several vendors will be there
to show off their products!!
The Free Church of Scotland in
Desable has changed its service times
to 11am and 6pm. Cape Traverse is
now 9:30am. All welcome. Borden
Bible study meets every Wednesday
at 1pm at the Borden-Carleton
Industrial Mall Board Room.
Studies in Matthew's Gospel; Bibles
provided if needed. Call 658 2759
Walking at Amherst Cove School is
on Tuesday and Thursday nights from 78pm; all welcome, hope to see you
Free Knitting group; all welcome,
Tuesdays 3-4pm at the Library
Talent Show/Silent Auction at South
Shore United Church (#85 Route 10 in
Tryon) on Saturday, March 28th. Doors
open at 6:30 p.m. with Silent Auction
items available for bidding. Talent
show begins at 7:30 p.m., with desserts,
tea & coffee following. Cost $10
Borden-Carleton Seniors will hold
their winter cards tournament March
2nd at 1 pm with 30 tables available.
Door prizes drawn throughout the day, a
candy sale, grocery draw and a bed
comforter set will be raffled off. A
delicious lunch will top-off the
tournament. Play will be held
regardless of weather. Call 902-4372012 to reserve a table with partner.
February 26th the seniors went to the
PEI 55+ Winter Games in
Town Public Notices
Regular council meetings
are held on the second
Tuesday of each month.
The next meeting will be
held on Tuesday March 10
at 7:00pm in the Town Boardroom.
Those unable to attend can request a
copy of the minutes from the Town
Office after they are approved.
Both History Books are available to
purchase at the Town office.
Firefighters Wanted –
The Borden-Carleton
Fire Department is
looking for new
members. All applicants
must be at least 18 years
old. Applications can be found on the
Town website under the forms
section, as well as at the Fire Hall.
No Street Parking - From the 1st day
of December to April 30th, no motor
vehicle shall be parked, stopped or left
on any street within the Town of
Borden-Carleton between the hours
of 12:01 am and 8:00 am.
Thank You
The Town of
would like to
thank residents
for their patience
with snow
removal during the recent storms, and
would like to send special thanks to
MacDougall Steel for assisting some
residents with driveway clearing, Strait
Crossing for the help with their snow
blower, Shawn Jessome for assisting the
seniors with their generator and to
Dennis Bernard for all the extra effort he
put in during these storms.
Gateway Glances
To have your local news or event
published here, send information, by the
25th of the previous month you wish it
to appear (first come first served) to our
Recreation Director, Holly Bernard at