You will be directed to the Demat holding page and from here you

After logging in you will firstly have to
create a Market Watch. For doing so,
click on Market in the menu bar and
select the option Market Watch
Profile or simply press F4 on your
Now, enter your desired
name for the market
watch in the Group Name
field and click on Add
Select the Exchange, Inst
Name and symbol from
this drop down you can
select any stock to be
added. Click on Add.
The stock will appear in
the market watch and you
can save it by clicking on
Save Groups.
After saving your market
watch, in order to view it
again visit the option
Market watch Profile in
the Market option in the
menu bar or press F4
button on the keyboard.
For adding additional stocks
in your created market
watch, select the exchange
from this drop down.
Instrument name from the
series drop down followed by
the name of the stock and
then press ENTER key on
your keyboard.
You can right click on the
column headers of the
market watch and click
on Reposition Columns
to change the layout of
columns in the market
A dialogue box will appear in front of you with the entire list of
columns available. You can add, remove as well as reposition the
order of various columns and click on save to save the changes.
You can even change the look of
your market watch. To do so, right
click in the market watch area and
select the option Customize or press
a combination of Ctrl+Shift+C on
your keyboard.
From this dialogue box you
can select various attributes
and give your desired colour
to them for giving a
personalized effect.
For viewing various Indices, right click
on the free market watch area and select
Show Index Value Bar in the Dialog Bars
option. Or press a combination of Ctrl +
I on your keyboard.
The Indices Value Bar will
appear on the screen. Right
click over here and click on
Show Indices Dialog.
A dialogue box will appear
displaying various indices, right
click on the index that you want
to add in index value bar and
click on Add to DlgBar and
close this dialogue box.
The added indices
will be displayed
To move funds from SBI
savings account to trading
account or vice versa, click
on Fund Lien option from
the Secure URLs option in
the menu bar.
A new page will open, Select
the Bank Name as SBI, enter
the amount in the field and
select Lien (allocate) or
Unlien (unallocate) as per
your preference.
For viewing the available fund
lien marked in your account,
click on View Order/Trade
Repots followed by View RMS
Limits. Also you can press a
combination of Ctrl+Shift+V on
your keyboard.
From this window you have to
click on the SELECT dropdown
and select Show All Clients.
Your client code will be
displayed and you have to
select your client code and
click on refresh.
The details of your fund will now
be shown here.
To view the exact fund available
for trading, right click on the
column headers and select Add
Custom Columns.
Here, you have to firstly
mention the Column Name
and enter the displayed
formula in the Column
Expression and click on Add.
Your newly added column will
appear with your specified
column name displaying the
exact fund available for placing
unallocating (releasing) your shares
you have to click on Dp Lien option
from the Secure URLs option in the
menu bar.
You will be directed to the Demat holding
page and from here you have to follow the
same steps as in the web version.
To view the allocated shares in
your demat account, click on
View Order/Trade Reports in
the Menu bar followed by View
Holdings/ Collateral Values or
simply press Alt+F9 key on your
A new window opens. Click
on Get Holdings to view
your holdings.
You can even customize your Holdings
screen. For doing so, Right click in the
empty space provided and click on
Customize. Alternatively you can press a
combination of Ctrl+Shift+C on your
Click here to change the background
colour and select any colour of your
choice. Then click on Apply Settings.
Your allocated shares will be displayed over here
and you can sell its entire quantity at market
price by Right clicking and selecting NSE
Holdings Square Off or BSE Holdings Square
You can also place a limit order for a specific number of
shares, by selecting that stock and simply pressing F2
which will open a sell order form. Now you can place
your desired order from here. Also you can press F6 to
view the rates of the scrip.
To start placing trades, right click on the
preferred scrip and click on Buy Order
Entry or Sell Oder Entry in order to place
buy or sell transaction. You can do the
same by selecting the stock and pressing
the F1 key or ‘ + ’ key and F2 key or ‘ – ’
key on your keyboard for placing buy and
sell orders respectively.
Alternatively you can place orders by
clicking on Order Entry in Order and
Trades option from Menu bar and
selecting from the options available for
placing buy or sell orders.
This is how the order entry panel
will appear to you.
You can select the order type –
Limit, Market, etc. as per your
preference for e.g. LIMIT.
Put the desired quantity you
wish to buy in the field
Since you are placing a Limit order, enter the
price at which you wish to place your order.
Incase the order type is Market, the price field
will automatically be disabled and take your
order at Market price.
Select CNC to place orders
in Delivery and MIS to
place orders in Intraday.
Click on Submit to submit
your order.
Click on Enter to give
final confirmation.
To view the order book click on View Order/Trade
Reports in the Menu bar and then click on Order
Book. You can view the same by pressing F3 key on
your keyboard.
You can view your
pending orders here.
You can modify or cancel your open
orders by clicking on the respective
button after selecting the order.
You can view your
completed, cancelled and
rejected orders here.
Click on Trade Book in Order and Trades
To view the trade book click on View Order/Trade
option from the Menu bar to view your
Reports in the Menu bar and then click on Trade
Trade Book. You can view the same by
Book. You can view the same by pressing F8 key on
pressing F8 key on your keyboard.
your keyboard.
A window will appear
displaying your executed
trades for the day.
You can click on Position
Conversion to convert your
position from Intraday to
Delivery and vice-versa.
In the product type select
CNC to convert position to
Delivery from Intraday.
Then click on Convert
to confirm.
To view your positions for
the day, click on Admin
Positions in the Masters
option from Menu bar. You
can alternatively press F11
key on your keyboard to view
the same.
A new window will appear,
here you have to click on
Show All Clients and then
select your client code.
After selecting your client
code, click on Get Positions
to view all your positions.
Your positions will appear here.
To customize your Net
Positions screen, right click
on the column headers and
click on Reposition Columns.
A dialogue box will appear in front of you with the
entire list of columns available. You can add, remove as
well as reposition the order of various columns and click
on save to save the changes.
This window allows you to
Convert as well as Square off
your positions. To convert
your position click on the
radio button of Detail.
Next, select Daywise from
this drop down and click on
Get Positions.
Now select the scrip and
click on Position Conv.
Select CNC/MIS from the
Product Type drop down for
converting your position to
Delivery/Intraday and then
click on convert.
This window also assists you in
squaring off your position. If
you wish to square off the
entire quantity then click on
this check box.
If you want to square off your position
partially, Select the position you want to
square off and put the desired quantity %
in the box available.
If you wish to square off your position at a
specific price then specify the same in the
field provided and click on Square Off. In
case if you want to square off your
position at market level then you can leave
the price field blank and directly click on
square off.
Click on Yes to confirm
your order.
Click here to logout from
your trading platform.
Alternatively you can click on
Logout from File option in
Menu bar. Or simply press F10
button on your keyboard.
Click on Yes to save your
market settings on exit.
For more information kindly write to us on or call us on 1800-209-9345.