Weekly Bulletin BOSTON ARTS ACADEMY June 1 - June 5, 2015 | Week 37 Upcoming @ BAA: Announcements for Students: •Tuesday, June 2: Investment Club Meeting during lunch in rm. 312 | MCAS Engineering Intensive; 3-4pm in rm. 216 •Wednesday, June 3: Circle Keepers Meeting during Tutorial •Thursday, June 4: VA Day, all-day pullout | Theatre 1 Expo | Jazz Concert @ Berklee’s David Friend Hall, 6pm •Saturday, June 6: MCAS Engineering Intensive; 9am-12pm •Monday, June 8: 2015 Graduation Ceremony; 2-4pm @ the Shubert Theatre •Monday, June 8-Wednesday, June 10: Science MCAS and make-up •Tuesday, June 9: Theatre 3 Expo •Tuesday, June 9-Friday, June 12: VA Sophomore Reviews (in class) •Wednesday, June 10: Dance Share | Theatre Banquet for Families Message from Ms. Clark: There’s nothing like a good book... especially in the summer! Students will be receiving their summer reading lists this week in advisory. Each grade level has a slightly different assignment; all assignments will be due Tuesday, September 15 in Seminar. We all, adults and students at all grade levels, share a common list of summer reading books. In the third week of September we will have literature discussion circles based on the books we choose to read from the list. I am proud of the students who have taken leadership roles as Lit Circle Leaders. They helped to choose the books on the list and will be leading discussion circles in the fall. I am also proud of the students who are doing our Summer Reading program at BAA. Not only will these students get their summer reading assignment done, they will be improving their reading skills. Many upperclassmen have told me Summer Reading is one of the best experiences they’ve had at BAA. Have a great week everyone and happy reading! Announcements for Families: •There are two final Family Council meetings for the 20142015 school year: Tuesday, June 9th, @ BAA, 5:30-7:30pm Tuesday, June 16th @ Zumix, 260 Summer St, East Boston, 5:30-7:30pm •Save the dates: 6/8 - Graduation, 2-4pm @ The Shubert Theatre -Seniors have received their graduation tickets -Doors will open at 1:30pm -Please no food, drinks, or balloons 6/29 - Junior StepUp Ceremony, 1:30-3:30pm @ The MFA, Remis Auditorium •Congratulations to the newly elected Student Government Executive Board for the 2015-2016 School Year!: Issel Solano (President), Kamiya Parkin (Vice President), Shaynia Jean (Secretary), Colette Chien (Treasurer), and Danilo Martinez (Public Relations Manager). •Green Things Grow! Garden Club: Rabbit proofing, weeding and dreaming of fresh summer veggies are what Mr. Bobrow and a team of students are doing in the garden. If you would like to join, meet Mr. Bobrow in the lobby on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 3pm. If you have any questions, ask him or Ms. Froggatt. Hope to see you there. •SPEAK! The last spoken word is planned for Monday, June 1 during advisory. Advisories are encouraged to sign up for this powerful time of sharing. May’s SPEAK! was incredible. •Did you take Arabic in the fall semester? If so, we’re holding a make-up computer testing session for you this week on Friday, June 5 at 1:15pm in the MacLab (317). The test should take around an hour or less, and any student who completes it will receive a Dunkin Donuts gift card as a thank you for your time. Contact Ms. Socol with any questions! •Across The Ages Dance Project: Come support BAA faculty/staff members, BAA students, and BAA alumni in Across the Ages Dance Project! Show dates and times are Friday, June 5 and Saturday, June 6 at 8pm, and Sunday, June 7 at 5:30pm. $20 for students, $25 for adults. All performances will take place at Green Street Studios, 185 Green St., Cambridge. •The library will be open on Saturday, June 6 from 9am1pm. •Library News: Lit Circle Book Choices: Make an informed decision. Your advisors will pass out brief descriptions so you can choose. Also, there is still time to sign up for leading a 2015 Lit Circle Leaders! Please consider co-leading a lit circle with a teacher. See or email Ms. Froggatt to sign up or ask questions. •Please be advised that Wednesday, June 17 is now a regular school day, due to snow day makeups. •Library Book Returns: Please return all library books as early as you can. The library will be closed for packing June 17-23. •The Gordon Gallery on the first floor is hosting a new exhibition of a MassArt Grad Student, Joanna Sokolowska in a show entitled “The Shape of Beauty”, which is an installation of both two- and three-dimensional figurative works. It won’t be up long, so stop in and take a look around! www.bostonartsacademy.org Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/bostonartsacademy Follow us on Twitter: @bostonartsacad
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