event highlights - Guide to Black Boston

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Free Financial Confidence & Coaching Program
What: If you're a Massachusetts resident interested in better managing your debt, dealing with creditors,
realizing savings, creating a workable budget, understanding and improving your credit score or
accessing vetted resources, then this will help you. The program will match you with an on-staff
professional Financial Coach who will work with you "one-on-one" by phone or Skype for up to three onehour sessions. Sessions are designed to help you on a wide range of issues. Coaching services are fully
confidential and currently offered in English, Spanish, Somali and Armenian.
When/Where: On your own time, at your convenience.
More Info: Call at 1-855-721-7575 or sign up online at www.MassSaves.org.
See the CITY OF BOSTON sponsored SUMMER PROGRAMS LIST for ages 4-22 and
disabled persons. http://www.cityofboston.gov/BCYF/programs/summer.asp
CORI - View this list of companies hiring people with a negative CORI.
GO TO our Housing Cost page at
For affordable housing living space
Sponsord by ArtsEmerson and Emercon College
AboutBlackBoston is asking for help promoting Festival of Praise Spiritual Music concert at WANG
Learn more, Click here to join our promotions team. Lots of fun ahead this summer !!!
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See our new shirts with historic statements! Say No to
Boston and Harvard logos, say YES to “Black Boston”
historically accurate shirts and buttons.
< -- click
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VIEW Our Advertised Career and Job Opportunities
page: http://AboutBlackBoston.com/careers/index.htm
View more Big Black Boston EVENTS LIST in the
Boston Banner – a major Boston African American
owned newspaper just click
What follows is a collaborative sharing insert from an organization at Boston
Medical that have partnered with for over two years to redistribute Community
Activities and Events like these:
Community Resource & Violence Prevention Weekly Email – June 30, 2015
The weekly email includes events, trainings, jobs, meetings, and resources specific to
violence prevention and more generally of interest to the Boston community. The email is a
collation of items submitted by you and aims to inform each other of Boston resources and
promote collaboration without ‘reinventing the wheel.’
Intimate Partner Violence and Child Well-Being: Building Resiliency
What: More than 1 in 3 women experience intimate partner violence (IPV) and more
than 1 in 4 children witness IPV. The consequences of trauma are far reaching and
include increased incidence of physical and mental health issues. In addition to the longterm health implications, children exposed to IPV are more likely to act out aggressively and
may become offenders themselves. By increasing connection and fostering resiliency
among these children, we can interrupt the cycle of violence and help them live healthy,
fulfilling lives. This is a FREE panel discussion followed by a reception with light
When: Tuesday, June 30, 2015, 7:00pm
Where: Lesley University Amphitheater, 1815 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA
More Info: Registration is required. RSVP to ljoseph@center4si.com
Poder Latino: Tardes de Verano
What: Poder Latino invites you to enjoy Boston’s Summer evenings with them for more
information on their organization, food, activities, and entertainment. As always their
objective is that the community has a safe and fun evening. Their goal is to organize events
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Friday’s as they have done in past years, but their success depends on you. Together, we
can create a better community for our families.
When: July 10, 17, 24, and 31st from 6-8pm
Where: Codman Square (corner of Washington Street and Talbot Avenue)
More Info: poderlatinocodmansquare Facebook page
Silence the Violence Community Peace Weekend
What: Enjoy a full weekend of complimentary community cookout with family and children
activities, music and entertainment, raffles and giveaways and speakers and awards.
When: July 10-12, 2015 10:00am-8:00pm each day
Where: Jeep Jones Park, 205 Roxbury St, Roxbury, MA 02119
More Info: Visit www.score4more.org
U.S. Attorney’s Lecture Series - Emergency Medical Services: Opportunities to
Reduce the Reoccurrence of Violence and Trauma to Promote Community Healing
What: This lecture series will feature special guest speaker Dr. Thea L. James, Associate
Professor of Emergency Medicine, Boston University School of Medicine and the Director of
Boston Medical Center’s Violence Intervention Advocacy Program. Since the Boston
Medical Center’s emergency department is the busiest in New England with about 130,000
patients per year, the hospital was the logical choice for the Violence Intervention Advocacy
Program (VIAP). VIAP takes victims of gunshot or stab wounds between the ages of 15
and 30, stabilizes them medically, then has a violence intervention advocate come to their
bedside during the greatest window of opportunity to make an intervention. VIAP provides
the individuals with counseling, job training and safety education, connects them with
resources and provides intensive case management by the advocates. The program
intervenes in about 500 cases each year, has been replicated in the emergency
departments of Massachusetts General Hospital and Baystate Medical Center in
Springfield, and has become a blueprint for similar programs nationwide.
When: July 1, 2015 from 1:00pm-2:00pm
Where: John Joseph Moakley United States Courthouse, Jury Assembly Room, One
Courthouse Way, Boston, MA 02210
More Info: Contact Martha Wyatt with questions atmartha.wyatt@usdoj.gov
STEPS: Defining Our Success
What: Come meet other young parents, attend workshops, learn about resources, and
celebrate young parent success. There will be free food and prizes as well as resource
When: July 8, 2015 from 10:00am-3:00pm
Where: Northeastern University, Curry Student Center, 360 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA
More Info: Please contact Ariel if you would like assistance with childcare
at alchilds@partners.org
Summer Block Party
What: Join the DSNI Youth Leadership Program as they host their second annual
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Community Playway’s Block Party. There will be free food, yoga, bike rides, sack races, and
double-dutch. It’s a family fun, community event for all ages!
When: July 25, 2015 from 11:00am-2:00pm
Where: Dennis St Park at Moreland St & Winthrop St, Roxbury, MA
More Info: If you are interested in having an interactive info table for your youth group,
community organization, or local museum, please contact Derrikka Gillenwater
at dgillenwater@dsni.org
Fair Foods $2 Bags of Fruits and Vegetables
What: Fair Foods will be selling $2 bags of fresh fruits and vegetables. Each bag contains at
least 10 pounds of healthy food. Purchase as many bags as you would like with no ID
required. All are welcome. Please bring extra bags.
When: Every other Wednesday, starting June 24, 2015 from 11:00am-12:00pm
Where: Thomas I. Atkins Apartments, 215 Blue Hill Ave, Roxbury, MA
Earthseed Yoga Summer Outdoor Classes
What: Experience the healing energy of reconnecting with yourself and the Earth during our
free summer outdoor yoga classes.
When & Where: Wednesdays, 10:00 - 11:15 AM at Harambee Park/Franklin Field, Talbot
Ave., Dorchester AND Thursdays, 6:30 - 7:45 PM at Orchard Community Garden, Dearborn
& Eustis Sts., Roxbury
More Info: Call/Text Kendra at 857.312.9941, email earthseedyogi@gmail.com, or
Critical Breakdown
What: An all ages open mic night where there is testing for HIV, resource information, and
tables of jobs. Come share your talent, network with artists, build community, and support
youth workers and organizations.
When: Last Sunday of every month from 6:00pm-9:00pm (open mic at 5:30pm)
Where: Hibernian Hall, 184 Dudley Street, Boston, MA 02119
More Info: Contact criticalbreakdownboston@gmail.com for questions
Franklin Park Pee-Wee Basketball
What: This FREE basketball league is for boys and girls aged 6-10. This is a great
experience for coaching, t-shirts, tournaments, and fun!
When: Games are Tuesdays & Thursdays from 6:00-8:00pm
Where: White Stadium/Playstead basketball courts
More Info: Register https://leagues.bluesombrero.com/bnbl or call 617-442-4141
Franklin Park Line Dancing
What: Get fit with Mz. Rhythm & the Boston Rhythm Riders. Novices, experts, and all ages
welcome, you’ll be taught the steps to all the latest dances.
When: Wednesdays from 6:30pm-8:00pm until Labor Day
Where: Park at William Devine Gold Clubhouse and walk up the hill, looking over Blue Hill
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More Info: Call 617-442-4141 or visit www.franklinparkcoalition.org
Franklin Park Summer Salsa
What: For all levels! Beginners will learn the steps and experienced dancers get to show off!
Demonstrations by youth dancers. Co-sponsored by MetaMovements Latin Dance
Company and Franklin Park Coalition.
When: July 25th and August 29th from 5:00pm-7:00pm
Where: Main gate at White Stadium near School Street and Walnut Ave, Roxbury, MA
More Info: Call 617-442-4141 or visit www.franklinparkcoalition.org
Codman Square Farmer’s Market
What: This summer, get your fresh food from Codman’s Square Farmers market along with
entertainment, jewelry, and more. EBT, WIC, and debit/credit cards are all accepted.
When: Saturdays 10:00am-3:00pm from June 20th-October 24th
Where: Codman Square Park (corner of Washington Street and Talbot Avenue)
Career Collaborative Job-Search Course: Get a Job. Keep a Job. Make Career
What: Career Collaborative offers a free program that helps unemployed and underemployed men and women get full-time, permanent jobs with benefits in a variety of fields.
Career Collaborative also helps you keep them.
When: To apply for the program, come to an Information Session any Thursday at 1:00.
Where: 77 Summer Street, 11th floor
More Info: Call (617) 424-6616 or contact mary@careercollaborative.org
Kroc Center Open Volleyball
What: If you are 18 or older and want a different way to work out and have fun, stop by the
Kroc Center for free open volleyball.
When: Tuesdays from 6:00-8:00pm
Where: The Salvation Army Kroc Center, 650 Dudley Street, Dorchester, MA 02125
More Info: Contact yhinny.matos@use.salvationarmy.org
The Serving Survivors of Homicide Victims Providers Network Breakfast
What: The Serving Survivors of Homicide Victims Providers Network is a professional
homicide response network for service providers serving families and communities
impacted by violence. The network was established 2009 to build trust and foster
collaboration among services providers, to develop and maintain a clear, consistent, and
timely homicide response process for all families and communities, to avoid duplication of
services, re-traumatization, miscommunication, gaps in services, lack of trust with systems
and services, etc., to provide a space for service providers to practice self-care and receive
guidance and support from their peers.
When: The third Tuesday of every month from 10:00am-12:00pm
Where: Louis D. Brown Peace Institute, 15 Christopher St, Dorchester, MA 02122
More Info: Visit www.ldbpeaceinstitute.org
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Self-Advocacy Training and Support
What: How do you advocate for yourself? What do you need to better advocate for
yourself? What goals are you working towards? Join members from Rosie’s Place for this
weekly, drop-in meeting to help build community, share resources, and learn problemsolving and self-advocacy skills. Light refreshments will be provided
When: Mondays from 9:00am-11:00am
Where: Rosie’s Place Dining Room, 889 Harrison Ave, Boston, MA 02118
More Info: Contact Adrianna at 617-318-0223 orarosembert@rosiesplace.org
Teen Voices Rising
What: WriteBoston’s all-girls teen program acts as a safe platform for girls to express their
views on social justice and women’s issues. Earn community service hours and have your
work published! Free food will be provided
When: Mondays 3:30pm-5:30pm
Where: Dorchester Academy, 11 Charles Street, Boston, MA 02122
More Info: Contact Prema Bangera at prema.bangera@boston.gov
Sister 2 Sister Sexual Health and Wellness Conversations
What: Young women ages 15-25 in Boston are encouraged to participate in a 60-90 minute,
confidential, judgment free, one-on-one conversation about sexual health and wellness.
Learn ways to protect yourself and your goals, learn knowledge and confidence about
HIV/STI/Birth Control, and have the opportunity to receive free HIV Rapid Test. Those who
attend will receive a $20 gift card for participating.
When: By appointment
Where: Exact ABCD Health center varies by appointment
More Info: Contact Jessica Charles for appointment at 617-348-6415 or
Boston Medical Center Baby Café
What: Pregnant and interested in breastfeeding? Already breastfeeding and want to meet
other moms? Need answers to breastfeeding questions? Join this free breastfeeding dropin group for pregnant and breastfeeding moms. Snacks, support, and help from
professionals will be provided.
When: Every Monday from 5:00pm-6:30pm and every Wednesday from 2:00pm-4:00pm
Where: Codman Square Health Center, Room 265, 637 Washington Street, Dorchester, MA
More Info: Call 617-414-4370
Moving Forward: Our Journey
What: Moving Forward: Our Journey is a support group for empowering families through
transition planning.
When: First and third Wednesday of the month from 6-8pm
Where: Carney Hospital, 2100 Dorchester Ave. 2nd floor, Conference Room #2211,
Dorchester, MA 02124
More Info: Visit www.ppal.net or email Rosa P. Nunez atRnunez@ppal.net
Volley Against Violence (VAV)
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What: Sportsmen's Tennis & Enrichment Center invites youth ages 4-17 are to play tennis
for FREE and enjoy two hours of community fitness, food, and fun. VAV was designed and
offered by Sportsmen's as an effort to decrease violence among Boston youth by promoting
positive decision-making, socials skill development, and an opportunity to connect with adult
role models. Sportsmen's has also enlisted the help of the Boston Police Department whose
officers serve as coaches during VAV to foster positive relationships with youth and families
in the community.
When: Every Friday from 6-8 p.m.
Where: 950 Blue Hill Avenue, Dorchester, MA 02124 (near Franklin Field/Harambee Park)
More Info: Contact Jelani Haynes at jhaynes@sportsmenstennis.org or 617-429-3876
Hyde Park Community Service Agency System of Care Meetings
What: A system of care is a coordinated network of community based services and supports
that is organized to meet the challenges of children and youth with mental health needs and
their families. The group is comprised of providers, state agencies, and community
members of Hyde Park, Roslindale, West Roxbury, Mattapan, and Dorchester communities.
They meet to discuss ways in which we integrate work more effectively to benefit the
families needing help and support in our community.
When: The third Tuesday of every month from 10:00-11:30
Where: 780 American Legion Highway, Roslindale, MA 02131
More Info: Email rjoyner@thehome.org
Hispanic Black Gay Coalition
What: Black and Latina women who are ready to be inspired are invited to come together,
share stories, and learn from each other with HUES SISTER CIRCLE.
When: First Wednesday of every month, 6:45-9pm
Where: Union United Methodist Church, 485 Columbus Ave. Boston
More Info: Visit www.hbgc-boston.org
Housing Search Workshop
What: This workshop offers information and answers your questions on how to conduct a
successful housing search. This includes learning how to communicate with housing
authorities, agencies, and landlords.
When: First and third Wednesdays of each month from 10am-12pm
Where: 60 Temple Place, Floor 5, Boston MA 02111
More Info: Call 617-338-6665
Community Preparedness Basics: Get Ready. Be Safe. Stay Healthy.
What: This online course provides the best practices, tips, and resources for community
preparedness basics. Engage in interactive preparedness activities and learn about City of
Boston programs that will help you and your loved ones to get ready, be safe, and stay
healthy before, during, and after an emergency.
Where/When: Ongoing classes available to take anytime from your computer.
More Info: Visit https://delvalle.bphc.org/course/view.php?id=251
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Partnering for Peace
What: VISIONS Inc., the Peace Institute, Span Inc. and UMass Boston have partnered to
develop the Intergenerational Justice Program (IJP) to help bridge the divide between all
individuals affected by homicide: victims' families, inmates convicted of homicide, and
inmates' families. Come learn more about this groundbreaking program and learn how you
can become involved.
When: July 28, 2015 from 10:00am-12:00pm
Where: UMass Boston, Campus Center Ballroom, 10 Morrissey Blvd, Boston, MA 02125
More Info: To RSVP,
visithttps://docs.google.com/a/culturalsurvival.org/forms/d/1nOur0PBs0D4DZajsVRYX5blTKy5-KrCGSkkSSu2EDY/viewform or contact Britta Chidester
at britta@ldbpeaceinstitute.org for more information.
Participants Needed for Research with Haitian Youth
What: The Interuniversity Institute for Research and Development (INURED) is conducting
an online survey titled, "Youth of Haitian Descent and their Engagement in the US and/or
Haiti since the January 2010 Earthquake." Any young person of Haitian origin which
includes those born in U.S., living in the US who is between 18 to 30 years of age may
participate. The survey is anonymous and should take about 10 minutes to complete.
More Info: For those interested in participating in the survey, please access the following
Partners in Career and Workforce Development (PCWD)
What: This is a free 8-week employment and training program designed for individuals
interested in entry-level employment within one of the Partners hospitals. It includes 4
weeks of classroom instruction and a 4-week unpaid internship in a basic clerical or support
staff position.
Graduates receive job search support in Career Club until employment goals are reached.
When: First, candidates must attend an open house offered the first and third Friday of
every month from 9:30am sharp - 1:00pm.
Where: Open houses are at 550 Dudley Street in Roxbury. The training program takes
place on the Massachusetts General Campus.
More Info: Visit http://www.prohope.org/openhouse.htm. For additional questions, call (617)
442-1880 ext.218 to leave a message. A staff member will return your call.
Make a Difference in a Student’s Life: Free upcoming trainings to become a Special
Education Surrogate Parent
What: Attend a Free Orientation Training to become a Special Education Surrogate Parent
(SESP). SESPs are volunteers throughout the state willing to be educational decisionmakers for students in DCF care whose parents are unavailable or unknown. In
Massachusetts, those children depend on SESPs to protect their legal right to a free and
appropriate education. Once appointed these volunteers have the full legal authority of a
parent or legal guardian to attend Team meetings, approve or reject IEPs, and, if
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necessary, file a complaint or appeal. Please contact us for additional information or to
register for one of the Free Orientation Training listed below. For additional training dates
throughout the state or more information visit our website atwww.fcsn.org/rtsc/
When/Where: (3 hour training)
Wednesday 7/15/15 5:30pm- Federation for Children with Special Needs, Boston
More Info: Registration is required. Contact Renee at rwillams@fcsn.orgor online
at www.fcsn.org/rtsc/events
Leadership Academy for Family Members of Homicide Victims
What: This program is designed for people who have lost a loved one to homicide. We
welcome mothers, fathers, children, siblings, and extended family members. You can
participate at any point of your healing process, whether you have lost someone recently or
many years ago. We offer age-appropriate space and content, and encourage you to bring
your children.
This program is a chance to connect and build community with other survivors. You will
receive lots of support, knowledge, resources, and skills to navigate the complexities of life
after murder. There will be time to process grief together and learn some healing practices.
This program is free and a meal will be served.
When: The next session will be held in July.
More Info: To register or find out more, please emailAlexandra@ldbpeaceinstitute.org or
call 617-825-1917.
Boys & Girls Club of Dorchester Partnering with Network for Teaching
What: The Boys & Girls Club of Dorchester is partnering with the Network for Teaching
Entrepreneurship to offer a 2-week intensive Business Academy this coming summer as a
part of their Make Your Job program! NFTE’s Business Academy is designed to unlock the
entrepreneurial mindset in youth as each participant builds a full plan for an original
business idea of their own.
When: The program will run from July 6-July 17, 2015
Where: Boston College High School, 150 William T Morrissey Blvd, Boston, MA 02125
More Info: To apply, contact Santi Dewa Ayu at sayu@bgcdorchester.orgor 617-288-7120
Stay Strong, Break Up Summit
What: This day-long summit will explore the ins, outs, ups, and downs of dating situations
that can arise when figuring out relationships. Learn how to reflect on your needs and end
relationships respectfully.
When: July 30, 2015
Where: Simmons College, 300 Fenway, Boston, MA 02115
More Info: If you or your program would like to attend, email Nicole Daley
at ndaley@bphc.org or call 617-534-2269
The HELP Program
What: The Human Services Employment Ladder Program (HELP) is an eight week Human
Services training program that prepares participants to become entry-level Direct Support
Professionals in the field of Human Services. Students learn the essentials of the field while
gaining a significant amount of experience in personal interaction with disadvantaged
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populations. Students learn the nuts and bolts of direct care including terminology and
methods, motivating and managing client behaviors, maintaining boundaries and identifying
career paths. Students are challenged and encouraged to apply themselves on a daily basis
through individual and group assignments. Through the HELP program graduates become
qualified to fill the increasing need for caring, professional workers in community
residences, shelters, day programs and other Human Services settings.
When: The HELP class runs Monday-Friday, from 9:00am-3:00pm, from July 8 to August
Where: Morgan Memorial Goodwill Industries, 1010 Harrison Ave, Boston, MA 02119
More Info: Contact Diane Clarke Delehanty atddelehanty@goodwillmass.org or 617-5411243
Boston Youth Sanctuary - Accepting Referrals
What: BYS is an innovative therapeutic after school program, offered at no cost to the
families, that serves children ages 6-11 who have experienced trauma and live in
Dorchester, Roxbury, and Mattapan. BYS’s after school program runs five days a week
during the academic year, and its integrative services include transportation from school
and to home every day, individual therapy, family services, and trauma-informed groups
including yoga, dance, cooking, art therapy and more.
When: Accepting referrals now for 2015-2016 school year, ongoing. Daily programming to
start in September.
Where: 2216 Dorchester Ave. in Lower Mills, Dorchester
More info: Visit www.bostonyouthsanctuary.org/about/referral-form to fill out a referral or
contact 617 322 3380 orcontact@bostonyouthsanctuary.org with any questions.
YEAR UP is recruiting for its September 2015 class
What: Know a young adult who is looking for a next step in their journey towards a career &
higher education. Year Up’s mission is to close the opportunity divide through a one-year
intensive program. This free program serves youth ages 18-24 who receive an educational
stipend and earn 24 FREE college credits while taking classes and completing an internship
at top companies in Boston to prepare them for a professional career.
When: There are Information Sessions on most Mondays, Wednesdays & Thursdays at
Where: Year Up, 93 Summer Street, Boston, MA 02110
More Info: To learn more, contact Sabrina at santoine@yearup.org or call 617-5421533 and follow the prompts to Admissions to RSVP for an upcoming information session.
. Interested applicants should fill out an online Student Interest Form
at http://www.yearup.org/for-students/
Free English Communication Classes
What: The First Holistic Christian Experience is offering free English communication
The main focus of these classes is to provide basic English skills to help communicate your
needs. You will learn how to express yourself in the event of an emergency and
communicate using basic every day English terms. These classes are offered to anyone
who may need help with communication. Everyone is welcome to attend!
When: Mondays from 4:00pm-6:00pm
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Where: Second Church Enrichment Center, 44 Moultrie Street, Dorchester, MA 02124
More Info: Please contact Anne Saint Juste at stjusteanne@yahoo.comor 339-237-8616 or
contact secondchnaz@gmail.com or 617-825-2797 if you are interested in signing up for
these classes.
Second Church in Dorchester Enrichment Programs
What: The Second Church in will be hosting two free math tutoring sessions for students in
grades 1-12 and free sewing and design classes this spring.
When: Math tutoring – Fridays from 6:00pm-7:00pm; Sewing & Design Classes –
Wednesdays from 5:30pm-7:00pm
Where: 44 Moultrie Street, Dorchester, MA
More Info: Call 617-825-2797 or visit www.secondchurchdorchester.org
Our Health Matters – Youth Interview Project
What: This opportunity is a one-time research interview for 13 to 17 year old LGBTQ youth
of color in the Boston area. This project strives to learn more about why younger LGBTQ
youth of color do not go to community-based LGBTQ youth programs. Participants will
receive a $35 gift card for their time of 1 hour
More Info: Please call 617-804-5436 or email youth@fenwayhealth.org
Survivors Leadership Academy: Information, Advocacy and Support
What: The Louis D. Brown Peace Institute’s Survivors Leadership Academy increases
survivors’ readiness, knowledge and skills to transform pain and anger into peace, power,
and action; to navigate complexities of the criminal justice system, social service system; to
rebuild community by reaching out to more recent survivors; Promotes a deeper
understanding of survivor issues among law enforcement and service providers; Builds
bridges between survivors & providers, providers & providers, survivors & survivors, and all
stakeholders. Groups for children run by the Children’s Room will be available during the
adult meeting. Three session modules will be presented throughout the year.
More Info: Contact Alexandra at 617-825-1917 or emailAlexandra@ldbpeaceinstitute.org
Codman Square Neighborhood Council
What: The Codman Square Neighborhood council discusses community events,
announcements, and hosts guest speakers. Please attend these very important meetings to
understand what is happening in the neighborhood in which you live, work, and learn.
When: First Wednesday of every month from 6:45pm-8:30pm
Where: The Great Hall, 6 Norfolk Street, Boston, MA 02124
More Info: Visit https://codmancouncil.wordpress.com/
Roxbury Multi-Service Center (RMSC) Education Center Programs
What: RMSC’s Open Access Computer Lab, Homework Help Program, and Math Program
Saturdays are all accepting new applicants. All programs are free.
Open Access Computer Lab - Monday-Friday from 9:30am-12:30pm
Homework Help Program - Monday-Friday from 2-6pm for students in grades 4-8
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Math Program - Saturday from 10am-12pm for students in grades 5 and 6
Where: Roxbury Multi-Service Center, 434 Warren St, Dorchester MA
More Info: Contact Carmen Santos at (617) 989-0292
HiSET Preparation Classes
What: Are you in need of your High School Equivalency Diploma? These HiSET prep
classes will strengthen writing, reading, math, social studies, and science skills. HiSET
practice tests will also be provided.
When: Classes offered Monday-Wednesday from 5:00pm-8:00pm
Where: Revere Community School 101 School Street, Revere, MA 02151
More Info: Call Fatou at 781-333-2061 x51424
Operation ABLE Information Sessions
What: Operation A.B.L.E has job training programs and resources for individuals age 45
and older. At the info session, you will learn about the computer and medical office training
programs, meet the Job Navigator who can help you with your job search, and talk with
A.B.L.E. Program Managers to plan your next steps!
When: Every Wednesday at 10:00am
Where: 174 Portland Street, 5 Floor, Boston, MA 02114
More Info: Please RSVP at 617-542-4180 if you are planning to attend
Survivor to Survivor Support
What: This service is for individuals who have lost a loved one to homicide. The program
provides assistance with preparation for court proceedings, building relationships with victim
service advocates, emotional support, and peace and healing circles. Make a time to go
in for tea, coffee, conversation and survivor to survivor support with Janet Connors.
When: Call to schedule a time.
Where: Louis D. Brown Peace Institute, 15 Christopher St., Dorchester MA
More Info: Call (617) 825-1917
ABCD Career Explorations Program is Seeking Applicants
What: ABCD Career Explorations provides year round programming to Boston residents,
ages 16-21, through job placement, career development, and comprehensive job readiness
services through one-on-one case management. Career Explorations offers in school and
out of school youth the opportunity to receive basic skills and advanced training in highdemand career fields including building trades, culinary arts, early child care, and health
and biotechnology. Through the program youth meet professionals from an array of
occupations within each pathway, participate in workshops and field trips throughout Boston
to enhance their career development. The Career Exploration staff also provide individual
job counseling and assistance with the job search and application process in order to help
link youth to jobs that match their interests.
The program includes a 14-week paid internship during the year’s curriculum and free
certification for First Aid and CPR training.
To Apply: Stop by the office to fill out an application in person
When/Where: 200 Tremont St., Boston MA; hours are Monday-Friday from 9am – 5pm
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More Info: Contact Mikayla at (617) 348-6654
Columbia University Adolescent Drug-Prevention Program
What: The Vamos Project is testing the effectiveness of an interactive cell-phone program in
preventing drug use amongst Latino/Hispanic youth. They are seeking community
organizations to assist them in recruiting Latino/Hispanic youths, ages 12-15, with access to
a smartphone or tablet to participate.
When: Recruitment is ongoing. Participating youth will complete 5 surveys over 3 years and
receive gift cards for completing each survey. Half of the participants will also interact with
the mobile app for the first 10 weeks of participation.
Where: The program is delivered via a mobile app, so participating youth can live anywhere
in the United States.
More Info: Parents and youth can register at their websitewww.vamoscolumbia.com. For
additional information, contact Gloria Vidal at gav2111@columbia.edu or 1-855-326-1313.
Free Financial Confidence & Coaching Program
What: If you're a Massachusetts resident interested in better managing your debt, dealing
with creditors, realizing savings, creating a workable budget, understanding and improving
your credit score or accessing vetted resources, then this will help you. The program will
match you with an on-staff professional Financial Coach who will work with you "one-onone" by phone or Skype for up to three one-hour sessions. Sessions are designed to help
you on a wide range of issues. Coaching services are fully confidential and currently offered
in English, Spanish, Somali and Armenian.
When/Where: On your own time, at your convenience.
More Info: Call at 1-855-721-7575 or sign up online atwww.MassSaves.org
Court Service Centers Opening
What: The Court Service Center (CSC) offers numerous services, including general
information regarding court rules, procedures and practices, work space and assistance in
preparing forms and documents, neutral self-help information in multiple languages, public
access computers, and access to interpreter services. Court Information Desks at both
locations will continue to assist the public with directions and other very basic services,
while directing members of the public to the CSC for additional information and assistance.
When & here: Brooke Courthouse in Boston. Open 8:30am-4:30pm Monday-Friday
More Info: Walk-ins only.
Codman Square NDC Foreclosure Prevention Program
What: New tools and resources are available to help homeowners at risk of foreclosure.
When: Ongoing services available to homeowners across Massachusetts. Offices are open
Monday through Friday 8:30am to 5:00pm.
Where: Codman Square Neighborhood Development Corporation. 587 Washington St.
Dorchester, MA 02124
More Info: Contact Bárbara Carrera at (617) 825-4224 ext.137 orBarbara@csndc.com
Rosie’s Place Weekly E-mail
What: Sign up for the Rosie’s Place Weekly E-mail. The e-mail includes updates about
events and programs happening at Rosie’s Place and in the wider community, and reaches
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both consumers and providers, so feel free to share with whomever you think would find it
More Info: Please e-mail Adrianna at arosembert@rosiesplace.org if you would like to
sign up or if you have an event or program you would like to advertise.
Project Coordinator – Center for Multicultural & Global Mental Health
What: The Center for Multicultural & Global Mental Health at William James College
seeks a VISTA Volunteer to provide capacity-building support in implementing the
Center’s goals and objectives. The Project Coordinator's responsibilities will include
the following: (1) assist in establishing partnerships with local colleges and
universities to identify and help recruit qualified candidates; (2) identify communitybased organizations that serve immigrants and refugees, which can serve as training
sites for students enrolled in the program; (3) provide assistance with funding and
grant-writing initiatives; (4) coordinate training, workshops, and other professional
development activities; and (5) develop marketing tools.
More Info: Interested applicants should submit an application via the following
Project Coordinator – Freedman Center for Child and Family Development
What: The Freedman Center for Child and Family Development seeks a
VISTA/AmeriCorps Volunteer to provide capacity-building support in meeting the
social and emotional needs of homeless children and families. The Project
Coordinator will (1) assist in the design and dissemination of educational,
psychosocial and recreational programs for homeless individuals and families; (2)
establish partnerships with community-based organizations that provide services to
individuals and families who are living in transitional shelters; (3) secure funding to
support programs for children and families who are in transitional shelters; and (4)
design marketing tools to promote the mission of the Freedman Center, and raise
awareness about the needs of homeless children and families.
More Info: Candidates who are interested in the position must submit an application
via the following
Educational Programs Coordinator – theMOVE
What: The right candidate will be organizing and leading our farm workdays this
season. S/he should be energetic, self-directed, have experience in social justice
and sustainability education, and have the ability to relate to volunteers from across
the urban communities of Metro Boston, especially youth. This year we'll be working
primarily on urban farms inside the city of Boston, partnering closely with the Urban
Farming Institute. The program coordinator position is part-time (20 hours/week),
pays $20/hour, and will run until the end of the growing season (November 15).
More Info: Visit https://getoutma.files.wordpress.com/2015/05/themove-educationalprogram-coordinator.pdf
Community Organizer/Legislative Advocate – Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless
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What: The Community Organizer/Legislative Advocate will have lead responsibility
for engaging the Coalition's existing statewide membership network of concerned
citizens, providers, families/adults/youth who are experiencing homelessness, and
families/adults/youth who are living in poverty. This person also will take the lead on
expanding and deepening the Coalition's membership base. In addition, the
Community Organizer/Legislative Advocate will lead the execution of outreach plans
to further the advocacy goals of the Coalition's public policy initiatives. Major
responsibilities include Assisting in developing and implementing Coalition's
statewide public policy initiatives and campaigns; Engaging in various public policy
advocacy activities, including determining advocacy priorities, positions, and
strategies; Implementing organizational outreach plans for public policy campaigns;
Developing and executing organizing strategies to further the statewide public policy
campaigns of the organization; overseeing two monthly membership meetings, and
assisting the Executive Director and Director of Legislative Advocacy in creating and
directing opportunities for the Coalition's members to participate in the
organization's public policy activities, including the Coalition's annual Legislative
Action Day at the State House.
Requirements: Valid driver’s license and access to a car and flexibility to work
limited nights and weekends when needed
More Info: To apply, please submit your resume and a cover letter to the Coalition via
email at kelly@mahomeless.org or mail to: Massachusetts Coalition for the
Homeless, Attn: Hiring Committee, 15 Bubier Street, Lynn, MA 01901
Family Specialist – RESPECT-Plus
What: Project RESPECT-Plus, a research study at Boston Medical Center involving
postpartum women in treatment for opioid use disorder, has an immediate opening for a
part-time (20 hours/week) Family Specialist. The person in this position will work with
pediatric primary care team to support women, infants (up to 12 months) and their families.
The person will also provide child development services such as teaching infant soothing
techniques and conducting developmental screenings. The person will also provide an array
of family support services such as conducting home visits, making referrals to community
resources, and facilitate parent groups.
Qualifications: Bachelor’s Degree in child development, early childhood, early intervention,
social work, counseling, human services, nursing or psychology required; graduate degree
preferred; Bachelor’s degree and 3 years’ experience in an early childhood education,
human service, home visiting and/or early intervention program OR graduate degree and 1
year experience in the field; Knowledge of child development and substance abuse; Access
to a car to conduct home visits
More Info: Please email resumes/CVs to kymberly.byrd@bmc.org
Call for Applicants for Workforce Innovation Fund Grants
What: The U.S. Department of Labor is now accepting applications for Workforce Innovation
Fund grants to promote system reforms and innovations that facilitate cooperation across
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programs to improve employment outcomes, cost effectiveness, and delivery of customercentered services to job seekers, youth, and employers. The focus of this opportunity will be
to promote job-driven alignment and the implementation of a fully integrated workforce
Deadline: July 23, 2015
More Info: http://www.doleta.gov/workforce_innovation.
Responsible Fatherhood Opportunities for Reentry and Mobility Grants
What: These grants will provide funding to community-based, pre- and post-release
programs and services that serve fathers who are transitioning from incarceration to their
Deadline: July 7, 2015
More Info: Visit http://www.acf.hhs.gov/grants/open/foa/view/HHS-2015-ACF-OFA-FO-0992
New Pathways for Fathers and Families
What: This grant will help at-risk young fathers strengthen their relationship skills and their
employability as they transition to adulthood.
Deadline: July 7, 2015
More Info: Visit http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=276480
Healthy Marriage and Relationship Education
What: Grants awarded under this solicitation will support programs that provide
marriage and relationship skills training to help individuals and families change their
behavior as they move toward economic self-sufficiency.
Deadline: July 7, 2015
More Info: Visit http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=276477
YoungArts Foundation Invites Applications for 2016 Young Artists Prize
What: Up to seven hundred young artists will receive grants of up to $10,000 each
and have the opportunity to attend workshops, interdisciplinary activities,
performances, and master classes with internationally renowned artists.
More Info: Visit http://www.youngarts.org/apply
MassMentoring, Capacity-Building Projects
What: The Technical Assistance Project (TAP) was developed to provide limited no
co-cost technical assistance to qualifying programs to continue this important
service. In 2015, MassMentoring is committed to providing more than 150 hours of
technical assistance through TAP. The hours will be spread over as many
organizations as possible with an intended focus on organizations that are unable to
afford the fee- for- service rate.
Deadline: Rolling through December 2015
More Info: Visit http://massmentors.org/content/technical-assistance-project-tap
Finish Line Youth Foundation Invites Applications for Youth Athletic Programs and Camps
What: Grants of up to $5,000 will be awarded to nonprofit organizations for
community-based athletic programs and to established camps that teach active
lifestyle and team building skills.
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More Info: See website for eligibility
Demonstration Grants for Domestic Victims of Human Trafficking
What: The Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Administration on Children,
Youth, and Families (ACYF), Family and Youth Services Bureau (FYSB) will award
approximately 4 cooperative agreements to implement projects that will build and sustain in
partnership with allied professionals in community-based organizations such as runaway
and homeless youth, domestic violence, sexual assault and human trafficking victim service
programs. FYSB is particularly interested in applicants with experience in serving victims of
human trafficking in communities with evidence of high rates of human trafficking. This
project will support a comprehensive victim-centered services model, which includes case
management and direct victim services for United States citizens and lawful permanent
resident victims of severe forms of trafficking regardless of age.
Deadline: August 19, 2015
More Info: http://www.acf.hhs.gov/grants/open/foa/view/HHS-2015-ACF-ACYF-TV-0959
Family Self-Sufficiency Program Grant
What: The purpose of the FSS program is to promote the development of local strategies to
coordinate the use of assistance under the HCV and PH programs with public and private
resources to enable participating families to increase earned income and financial literacy,
reduce or eliminate the need for welfare assistance, and make progress toward economic
independence and self-sufficiency. PHAs ortribes/Tribally Designated Housing Entities
(TDHEs) that administer FSS programs enter into five-year contracts with new families on
an ongoing basis. The FSS contract spells out the terms and conditionsgoverning
participation and the responsibilities of both the PHA (or tribe/TDHE) and the family. As
required by the FSS statute and regulations, each FSS program reflects local needs and
resources. PHAsare not permitted to limit FSS participation to those families most likely to
succeed because of current education level or job history.
Deadline: July 27 , 2015
Info: http://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/HUD?src=/program_offices/administration/grants/funds