THINGS TO REMEMBER Boston Stake Youth Conference 2015 July 9-11 2015 Lunch for first day CLOTHES Pajamas Underwear Socks 2 pair long pants 1 long sleeve shirt Sweatshirt or jacket Sneakers 2 Shorts--minimum inseam of 8” 2 Short sleeved shirts Rain coat LINENS Sheets OR Sleeping Bag Pillow Towel PERSONAL ITEMS Comb or brush Toothbrush and toothpaste Personal toiletries Soap and shampoo OTHER Scriptures and pen or pencil Camera (optional) Small, lightweight back pack (optional) Bug Spray Sunscreen Water Bottle RULES OF CONDUCT FOR BOSTON STAKE YOUTH CONFERENCE 1) I will maintain the standards of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in my manner of dress, language and behavior while at Youth Conference. 2) I will respect the rights of others and treat them with consideration at all times. This includes being in my room at lights out and not disturbing the personal belongings of other youth or leaders. 3) I will participate in and contribute to making this year’s Youth Conference experience an enjoyable one, both for myself and for others. 4) I will respect the property and grounds of the sites I visit, and will not deface or harm them in any way. I will abide by the standards encompassed in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and will: • Be honest • Be chaste and virtuous • Obey the law • Use clean language • Respect others • Abstain from alcoholic beverages, tobacco, tea, coffee and substance abuse • Observe dress and grooming standards • Encourage others in their commitment to comply with these standards As a member of the Boston Massachusetts Stake, I acknowledge the standards of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints as vital in providing an environment of trust, order and unity. I freely abide by these standards in all aspects of my conduct. _____________________________________ Signature of Young Woman or Young Man Date Parental or Guardian Permission and Medical Release Date Activity Ward Stake Participant Date of birth Participant’s parent or guardian Home telephone number Business telephone number Address City State/Province Medical Information Does the participant have any of the following: ! Special diet ! Allergies ! Medication ! Chronic/Recurring illness ! Surgery or a serious illness in the past year ! Physical conditions that limit activity If yes, explain below. Use back if more space is needed. I give permission for my child/youth to participate in the activity listed above and authorize the adult leaders supervising this activity to administer emergency treatment to the above-named participant for any accident or illness and to act in my stead in approving necessary medical care. This authorization shall cover this activity and travel to and from this activity. Parent or guardian’s signature Date 6/98. Printed in the USA. 33810 GENERAL INFORMATION FOR PARENTS 1) Parental or Guardian Permission and Medical Release Date Youth are responsibleActivity for completing Youth Conference Registration online by June 1, 2015. Ward 2) Stake Youth Code of Conduct form must be signed and returned to the Stake Young Men’s Secretary, Derek Hable, by July 1, 2015. Participant Date of birth Home telephone number parent or guardian Business telephone number 3)Participant’s Parental Consent/Medical Release form must be signed and returned to the Stake Young Men’s Secretary, Derek Hable, by July 1, 2015. Address City State/Province 4)MedicalIfInformation my child is found to be unable to comply with the rules of conduct or is found to be a Does the participant have any of the following: disruptive influence to!the purpose of Youth Conference, I understand that I will! be obligated to come ! Special diet ! Allergies Medication ! Chronic/Recurring illness ! Surgery or a serious illness in the past year Physical conditions that limit activity and get him/her from Palmyra at the time of my notification. If yes, explain below. Use back if more space is needed. ___________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian I give permission for my child/youth to participate in the activity Date for any accident or illness and to act in my stead in approving nec- Bylisted signing this paper, we the signify we supervising understand the information and will support the Youth above and authorize adultthat leaders this activity essarypresented medical care. This authorization shall coverConference this activity and Leaders' decisions concerning consequences for failure to comply with them. to administer emergency treatment to the above-named participant travel to and from this activity. Parent or guardian’s signature Date 6/98. Printed in the USA. 33810 PERSONAL INFORMATION FORM Part A: Personal Information (Parent must complete) Name _____________________________Date of Birth ______________________Age__________ Name of Parent or Guardian #1__________________________________________ Phone (W)____________ Phone (H)____________ Cell/Other phone ____________________ Home Address______________________________City_______________ State_____ Zip ______________ If the above named person is not available in the event of an emergency, notify: Name ________________________________Relationship:______________Phone___________________ Name ________________________________Relationship:______________Phone___________________ Name of Personal Physician _________________________________ Phone__________________________ Physician’s Address __________________________City________________State______Zip _____________ Personal Health/Accident Insurance Carrier______________________ Policy #________________________ Check all items that apply, past or present to your health history. Explain any “Yes” answers Allergies: Yes No List and type of reaction: ____________________________________ List any physical or behavioral conditions that may affect or limit full participation in swimming, hiking, or playing strenuous physical games: ________________________________________________________________________________ Boston Stake Youth Conference Nurse’s Form - 2015 List equipment needed such as glasses, contact lenses, crutches, knee braces, etc. ________________________________________________________________________________ Any additional physical or emotional information that will assist us in caring for your child: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Part B: Permission to treat/ Over the Counter Medications: (Parent must complete) I _____________________ (parent) give □ do not give □ the Youth Conference health officer permission to administer over the counter medications. These would include but may not be limited to Tylenol, Advil, or Benadryl. Medications indicated under the allergies section of this form will not be administered. In case of emergency, I understand every effort will be made to contact me. In the event I cannot be reached, I hereby give my permission to the physician selected by the adult leader in charge to secure proper treatment, including hospitalization, anesthesia, surgery, or injections of medication for my child. Date_______________ Signature of Parent or Guardian ___________________________ THE FOLLOWING PAGE (Part C), NEED ONLY BE COMPLETED IF YOUR CHILD NEEDS PRESCRIPTION MEDICATIONS WHILE AT YOUTH CONFERENCE. IF YOU DO NOT NEED TO USE THE LAST PAGE, PLEASE DISCARD. Boston Stake Youth Conference Nurse's Form - 2015 Part C: Prescription Medications: (Parent and Physician must complete) This section must be completed by the physician ONLY if prescription medications will be administered during Youth Conference. Please copy this page if more space is needed. Medication must be in the original container. Medication #1: _________________________ Prescription Number: _______________ Dosage: ____________________ Frequency: _______________ Time: _____________ Condition requiring medication: _____________________________________________ Common side effects of medication:__________________________________________ Medication #2: _________________________ Prescription Number: _______________ Dosage: ____________________ Frequency: _______________ Time: _____________ Condition requiring medication: _____________________________________________ Common side effects of medication:__________________________________________ Medication #3: _________________________ Prescription Number: _______________ Dosage: ____________________ Frequency: _______________ Time: _____________ Condition requiring medication: _____________________________________________ Common side effects of medication:__________________________________________ I authorize the health officer to administer the medication as indicated above by the physician. Date: ________ Signature of parent or guardian:_________________________________ Date: ____________________ Signature of Physician: ___________________________
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