Week 10 Newsletter Term 1 2015 This is the final week of term and I’d like to take this opportunity to acknowledge everyone’s hard work in our first term. Much has been achieved and the changes which have been made will harvest strong educational dividends in the future. I’d also like to thank the P&C for the efforts in value adding to our school. I’d also want to cite the café ladies for their provision of quality food for the students. All of your efforts are greatly appreciated. Professional Development This week we are introducing the work of Archer and Hughes which will assist us with improving our practice around explicit teaching. Next term as part of findings of the curriculum review we will work on constructing our paedagogical framework. In laymen’s term this is about how we teach and researching how your children learn most effectively. The intent of this work is to create strong alignment across our school. A number of our staff have provided quality professional development for our staff and I thank them for their efforts. Recruitment and Selection Mr Dan Isele has taken up an opportunity to work in the private sector for the remainder of the year. Today I will be selecting a relieving person to act as Deputy Principal in Dan’s absence for the remainder of the year. I wish to acknowledge Dan’s contribution to our school and wish him well in his venture. We are creating two Acting Head of Curriculum positions in our school to assist in driving the curriculum and creating alignment across our school. One of the teachers will service the junior school P-‐2 and the other will service the Y3-‐6. These positions will also be filled today. Skilled Volunteers in our School Parents, I just wanted to inform you of how thrilled the teachers & I were when we recently ran parent workshops for literacy. The second workshop had 25 parents and we nearly had to find a new venue. This indicated the commitment from you as parents. We have already received very positive feedback from parents. Special thanks to our facilitators Mrs Noelinda Lawlor & Ms Lee Griffith for your presentations. I have encouraged parents not only to assist at home with their own children but also support other children at school in the literacy blocks. We will require all parents /grandparents & carers to hold a Positive Notice Blue Card. Blue card applications are available from the front office. School Student Leadership Conference The school student leadership team participated in a conference on Friday 20 March. Ms Male accompanied our newly inducted school leaders. I meet with the student leadership team once a month and we will next meet on Friday 1st May. This is what they had to say after returning from the conference -‐ On Friday the 20th March, 15 student leaders went to the Halogen National Young Leaders Day Conference. We were among 3000 leaders from across the state that participated in the conference. The theme of the day was “Get Started” and that “nothing significant, enduring or amazing ever started out that way”. We had the opportunity to listen to many great inspirational speakers who talked about being a leader, trusting yourself and never giving up. The speakers we found most inspiring were the world famous Bindi Irwin and Coen Ashton. Bindi spoke about the importance of following your passion. Coen is a 16 year old who is an ambassador for organ donation and has Cystic Fibrosis. He is also the winner of the state, national and people’s choice award for The Pride of Australia and the first person to win all 3 medals. Coen’s determination to overcome many challenges in his life inspired us all. It was a great day and we walked away feeling very inspired and motivated to become influential leaders. We, as the 2015 student leaders, are now even more motivated to “GET STARTED!” Student Leaders, 2015 New Class Formation As our school enrolment has continued to grow it has necessitated the formation of a 47th class. The growth has been significant in the upper school. This will effectively mean that the 5/6 Ms Nadine Male’s class will be reconfigured. We will form a straight Year 5 and Year 6 class and reduce the oversized classes. A letter is going home this week to inform parents of the reconfiguration of these classes. I’d like to encourage all parents to manage this change process in a positive fashion which will support the children and staff. Staff Changes Miss Natalie McKay has been appointed to Maryborough West State School for the start of Term 2, congratulations Natalie. A letter will be going home to 5M before the conclusion of Term 1 to announce the new teacher. Amy English, our Defence School Transition Aid is leaving us at the end of Term 1. Amy’s position will be temporally fulfilled until she returns from maternity leave. Support and Management of Students Prior to school Commencing Parents, before school could you all please adhere to the following guides which were established last year. These are for the good order and management of our school: 1. Before school areas: Students must stay in the designated areas before school. Students shouldn’t be left unattended before this duty time. Parents the children are in your care during this time if you arrive early. 2. Please discourage students from playing in out of bounds areas – playgrounds before and after school, drain areas. The optimum time for children to arrive is around 8.40am which allows children time to go to the toilet prior to the commencement of lessons at 8.55am. If your child arrives after 8.55am this is considered late. Your child will be required to collect a late slip from the front office before entering the classroom. Medical & Phone details Parents, we are currently updating our records and the student acute medical register must be current. Should your child have developed or changed medical conditions please contact the office and update this information. A medical plan may also be necessary; please obtain one from you family doctor and provide this to the school. Parents, many parents change their phone numbers. It is imperative that we be able to contact you, should your child be ill. I invite you to please update your phone numbers and ensure we have a few authorised alternate people to contact in the event that you are unable to be contacted. Free Dress Day There is a free dress day on Thursday, the last day of Term. The funds from the gold coin day will go to The Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital, ICU Ward. Theme: What I Want To Be When I Grow Up! On the days that we have free dress it is important that the students wear sun-‐safe and respectable school-‐ appropriate clothing – i.e. • shirts/tops with sleeves • covered-‐in shoes • full length shirts/tops – no midriffs showing Dress Code Thank you for complying with our dress code. Our students look very smart and it’s obvious that they take pride in their appearance. Please be mindful of our ‘black’ shoe policy – from time to time we get an influx of brightly coloured shoes. Easter Hat Parade (Prep & Yr 1) On Thursday the Prep and Year 1 classes will hold their Easter Hat Parade. Parents/grandparents are most welcome to attend. The Preps will be wearing their special hats, parading down the walkway and performing at 10:00am. The Year 1’s will follow at 12:00pm. School Banking Remember, School Banking Day is Tuesday. Please use the School Banking drop box located on the front counter in the front office between 8.30am – 8.50am. Your child’s Youthsaver account will be delivered back to the classroom teacher by Thursday of that week. Scholastic Book Club – Issue 2 The books have arrived at the school and will be given to the class teacher for distribution on Wednesday 1st April. Parent Workshops There will be more follow-‐up workshops for parents centred on literacy & numeracy next term. We will post these in the first newsletter out in Week 2 Term 2. Proactive Parents -‐ Eighteen parents/grandparents registered interest for the recent literacy digital resource scheme workshop. Here’s what some had to say: “Fantastic information! Even though we’ve had these digital resources for several years on our computers I’ve really learnt a lot. All the Ziptales info was fabulous.” “This has been a great insight into what’s available. I actually didn’t know Ziptales and Reading Eggs had so much available. Look forward to future info sessions….” “That was really enlightening. Gave me more respect for technology (as a tool for learning)” Several parents registered interest but due to other commitments were unable to attend. With this in mind, I would like to commend the Resources for Parents link on the right hand side of the school website home page. Click on it and it will take you to a page with further links. Click on the Reading box and you’ll find a link to a Reading Eggs/Eggspress brochure outlining what is available in these programs. If you would like to find out more about Ziptales go to www.ziptales.com and the home page has a link for parents. This will give you an insight into the digital library of quality literature available for use by students who have paid their home/school digital resource scheme levy. Finally whilst you are in the Resources for Parents/ Reading section settle back with a cuppa and watch one of the 4 part series on assisting your child with early reading. These videoed sessions cover introducing home reading books to your child, prompts to support active problem solving and letter and word work. Keep checking the Resources for Parents as new resources to support your child’s learning will be added as they come to hand. Leanne Youitt Literacy Coach NAPLAN: 12 -‐ 14 May (Yrs 3 & 5) Teachers teach literacy and numeracy capabilities in all subject areas. NAPLAN does not assess content but is a test of literacy and numeracy skill. If you would like to know more, click on the Resources for Parents link on the school website and go to the NAPLAN box. If you have further questions please make a time to discuss these with your child’s class teacher. ANZAC Celebrations ANZAC CEREMONY We will be holding an ANZAC ceremony to commemorate 100 years of the Anzac tradition on the first week back, Friday 24 April at 9.30am. Parents and friends are most welcome to attend. ANZAC MARCH The Pine Rivers Anzac ceremony is anticipated to be bigger this year given that it is the 100 year commemoration. We invite all students to attend the walk along Anzac Avenue to where the ceremony will be held in the ANZAC Memorial Park in front of the North’s Leagues Club. The students will assemble in the zoned area by Red Rooster, Kallangur Fair at 7.30am. Missing IPad A Year 1 student has lost an iPad. It may have gone missing from the classroom or Helping Hands. iPads are expensive items as you would know and if you find an iPad with the serial number Serial No is DMQMWATBFK14 it would be appreciated if would hand it into the office. Finance Update UPCOMING EVENTS ACTIVITY ACTIVITY DATE Home and School Digital All year Resource Scheme Canberra Trip -‐ second 16/08/15 – 21/08/15 instalment Swimming Lessons – Year 4 23/04/15 -‐22/05/15 and 6 Bunyaville 1DS, 1ND, 2/1H – 27/04/15 1B & 1I – 29/04/15 1F & 1L -‐30/04/15 Canberra Trip-‐ third 16/08/15 – 21/08/15 instalment Nudgee Beach Excursion Prep CL & Prep D – 11/05/15 Prep C & Prep T – 12/05/15 Prep R & Prep S – 13/05/15 Prep H & Prep B – 14/05/15 Voluntary Levy COST $10 – Prep $22 – Year 1 to 4 $14 – Year 5 & 6 DUE DATE FOR PAYMENT 25/02/2015 – extended to end of term as it is a whole year subscription $200 -‐ mandatory 28/03/2015 $75 31/03/2015 $16 02/04/2015 $200 29/04/2015 $25 04/05/2015 $120 or $240 for 2 or more students We strongly encourage payments to be made by direct deposit and paying in instalments is also encouraged. Invoices must be paid in full by the due date for your child to participate. Payments can be made over the school holidays via direct deposit if the payment is due next term. PAYMENT BY INTERNET BANKING: Direct Deposit – Payment must be made 2 days prior to ensure payment arrives by due date. • • • • • School Bank Account Name: Bounty Boulevard State School General A/C BSB Number: 064-185 (CBA Branch North Lakes) Account Number: 10095351 Payment Reference: Must have student EQ ID or student name and the activity name. Please ensure permission notes are returned. School Watch & School Security (Phone 131788) Over the holidays please keep an eye on our school in relation to security. Please ring the school watch number, phone 131788, if you have any concerns. I’d like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a peaceful Easter and staff & students a relaxing holiday. Regards Paul McSwiney What’s on Week 10 / Week 1 & 2 Term 2 Mar 30 Mar 31 Apr 1 Apr 2 Apr 2 Apr 2 Apr 2 Apr 2 Apr 3 – Apr 19 Apr 20 Apr 21 Apr 22 Apr 23 Apr 24 Apr 25 Apr 27 Apr 28 Apr 29 Apr 30 May 1 May 1 BBSS Cross Country Carnival Footsteps Parent Presentation 4pm – 7pm Wicked (Musical) Excursion – QPAC 1pm Free Dress Day: What I Want To Be When I Grow Up (gold coin donation) Prep Easter Hat Parade @ 10.00am MYCA Yr 1 Easter Hat Parade @ 12.00pm MYCA Footsteps Dance Last day Term 1 (School finishes at 3pm) Holidays Day 1, Term 2 Yr 6 Swimming x 8 lessons (Apr 21, 22, 28, 29, May 5, 6, 19, 20) P&C Meeting @ 7pm staffroom Yr 4 Swimming x 8 lessons (Apr 23, 24, 30, May 1, 7, 8, 21, 22) ANZAC Day Assembly @ 9.30am (Hall) ANZAC Day march @ 7.30am – meeting place to be confirmed Yr 1 Excursion Bunyaville (1DS / 1ND / 2/1H – 1H only) Pine Rivers Girls & Boys Touch Football Trials Yr 1 Excursion Bunyaville (1B / 1D / 1I) Yr 1 Excursion Bunyaville (1F / 1L) Pine Rivers Cross Country Trials Yr 2 Disco: 5.30pm – 6.45pm / Yr 5 & Yr 6 Disco: 7.15pm – 8.45pm Chappy Spot Term 1 We had a great time in Bounty celebrating Harmony, the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence a few weeks ago. Here at Bounty Boulevard we are passionate about creating a positive and safe environment for the school community to grow and learn. As a chaplain this is one area that I am particularly involved in, helping kids learn how to overcome these challenges, creating resilience, learning effective skills to communicate, gain a positive self-‐esteem and developing healthy relationships, and much more. In 2014 SU QLD (Scripture Union Queensland) annual research project found that in secondary schools and P-‐12 schools, bullying is the #1 issue for which students seek support from their school chaplain. In primary schools in general, it is the #3 issue. The survey showed that in 2014, our chaplains supported students facing bullying issues though more than 22,000 pastoral conversations. For more information about this you can look up on SU Qld web page: http://www.suqld.org.au/weblog/2015/something-‐you-‐should-‐know-‐about-‐ bullying/ There are many ways we can help our children to be prepared with social skills to deal with confrontation and develop healthy friendships. One is modelling this in your family by developing a family deal/agreement of how to treat each other and to work together. Setting up a group family deal of respecting each other so that all know and agree, to enforce this. At school we have our school 4 R’s of respect, ask your children if they know what they are? Respect for self, respect for learning, respect for environment and respect for others. We also have our school High Five strategies that we encourage the students to use to help deal with conflict or bullying. Having a set of standards in behaviour and respect for self and others helps children to know the expectations. Also if they have clear boundaries and clear consequences it is amazing how they can develop healthy ways to deal with tough situations of conflict or bullying behaviour. I’d encourage you to have a chat with your children about the school 4R’s and the High Five and see if you can adopt any of these for your own family, to have a better family environment and be part of developing these healthy life skills in your children. Have a safe and enriching holiday, Christina Wolter – School Chaplain.
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