JuniorBowling.com Youth Shootout With every entry, GET THE NEW BALL RELEASED BY DV8 RELEASED TO THE PUBLIC JULY 15th … YOU’LL GET YOURS FIRST AT THIS EVENT! $3,000 FIRST PLACE SCHOLARSHIP! Based on 250 divisional entries July 9-10-11, 2015 @ Parkside Lanes Montgomery Road at Hill Avenue, Aurora IL BOYS & GIRLS DIVISIONS! ’14 Champs: Andrew Diley & Taylor Nguyen THE BEST PREP FOR JUNIOR GOLD! QUALIFYING OFFERED FOR BOWL SIX GAMES $25 Qualifying Fee For All Divisions TWO GAMES ON THREE DIFFERENT PATTERNS – 1:6 EARN SCHOLARSHIPS ADVANCE ENTRY $99 cash/check 2016 JUNIOR GOLD OPTIONAL BRACKETS & HIGH GAME SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE FOR ALL SQUADS Meet DV8 & Vise Staff During Each Squad… (due 6/25/2015) SAVE $20 ON WALK-IN PRICE! RE-ENTRY INFO WILL BE DISPLAYED AT CHECK-IN. NO UNPAID RESERVATIONS ACCEPTED. CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED ON-SITE ONLY. ADDITIONAL FLYERS AT bowlersconnect.com GET YOUR DV8 BALL DRILLED ON SITE! Standard drilling, slug, and grips… just $45! Courtesy of Players Corner Pro Shop Promotional Consideration Provided By: DV8, VISE, BowlersConnect.com, pjbtbowlingseries.com Printers: Weaver Associates of Lancaster PA - weaverassociatesinc.com SQUAD DATE CHECK-IN TIME ANNOUNCEMENTS TIME ENTRY LIMIT THU, JULY 9th EVENING FRI, JULY 10th MORNING FRI, JULY 10th EVENING SAT, JULY 11th MORNING SAT, JULY 11th EVENING 6:00 PM-7:10 PM 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 5:30 PM-7:10 PM 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 5:30 PM-7:10 PM 7:15 PM 11:00 AM 7:15 PM 11:00 AM 7:15 PM 168 72 168 72 168 Walk-ins & re-entries will be accepted only if room allows. DV8 balls available on-site to first 400 entries. All bowlers must be USBC-sanctioned and youth-eligible for 2014-15. Bowling: This event is USBC certified. All squads will have fresh oil, using a short, medium, and long pattern. All contestants bowl six games, moving pairs each game. Contestants roll two games on each of the three patterns. Lanes assigned at check-in. After announcements, bowlers get 15 minutes of practice, with the first half of practice conducted on any pair used for competition. Procedures: All scholarship fees returned 100%. Re-entry permitted if room allows; only highest score will be considered for prizes. Any inappropriate behavior that violates the Youth Bowling Code will result in a warning first, then disqualification. Squads close if/when entry limit is reached. Bowlers arriving after third frame of first game must forfeit missed frames. Problems with scoring, wrong lane, foul line malfunctions, etc. MUST be brought to the tournament directors’ attention immediately. If bowlers must be moved to a different pair of lanes during a game, the bowlers are allowed one ball of practice on each lane. One lane courtesy is required, no more, no less. Abrasive material may not be used on a bowling ball once practice has completed. Only bowlers, tournament officials and volunteers, and center officials permitted in bowling areas during bowling. No flash photography and tobacco usage. Tournament directors’ decisions are final. Behave. Have fun. Junior Gold Qualifying: JG qualifying cost is $25. Based on 2015 entry fee rates, one in eight U20 advance, one in six U15 advance, and one in four U12 advance. Per JG rules, you may only attempt to qualify during your first squad. Ties broken by higher last game. To speed up check-in, please purchase your 2015-16 JG membership prior to event (renewal info at bowl.com). Wardrobe: All shirts must have sleeves; collared or mock-collar bowling shirts or jerseys suggested. Please, no ripped, torn, or revealing clothing or cut-offs. Neatness counts. Management may deny participation to bowlers inappropriately dressed. Scholarships: Scholarships will be awarded separately to boys and girls. U12 and U15 bowlers will compete for bonus scholarships. Scholarships are awarded on at least a 1:6 basis, based on total entries in each division, and are held with SMART #8717. For more info, e-mail classicseries@yahoo.com. ADVANCE ENTRIES MUST BE POSTMARKED BY 6/25/2015. Mail entry to Travis Sparks, PO Box 62354, Harrisburg PA 17106. BOWLER’S NAME: _______________________________________ ID#: ______________________ Find it on bowl.com Circle Weight For Your New Ball From DV8’s Advance Performance Line: 12 13 14 15 16 Address: __________________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip Code: _________________________________________________________________ BIRTHDAY: ___________________ JR GOLD SQUAD: _______________ PHONE: ____________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS: _______________________________________________________________________________ CIRCLE SQUAD CHOICE(S): Thurs – Fri AM – Fri PM - Sat AM – Sat PM CIRCLE ONE: BOYS GIRLS List any youth tournament series that you participated in at least THREE times in 2013-2014: MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO TRAVIS SPARKS… PLEASE ONLY PRE-PAY $99 PER ENTRY. PAY FOR SIDE POTS & JUNIOR GOLD WHEN CHECKING IN. CHECKS CASHED UPON RECEIPT.
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