Summon The Magic How To Use Your Mind to be a better Athlete (or anything else you want to be) Tab A: Intro & Overview: compiled and edited by Ed Jewett June 2005 On Possibilities & Practice Tab A Introduction & Overview: Possibilities & Practice A-1 What is Magic? What does "Summon" mean? A-3 What are the limitations? A-4 Using Your Brain (?) to be a Better Athlete? A-4 In the Zone: 4 Characteristics A-5 Hints about the Possibilities A-8 The Embryonic Journey A-8 How and Where We Can Put Our Brains to Work for Us in Athletics; At the Beginning; A-9 Awareness is a Quantum Event A-10 The Five Levels of Sport A-12 Five Basic Ways to Improve Sports Performance A-8 Looking for Your Big Payday?; Have a Quality Experience; Making Your Dreams Come True; The Benefits of Participation in Athletics A-14 From Locker Room to Board Room; The Living Presence Within Us A-16 Five Misconceptions about Mental Training for Athletes On Play A-18 On The Simple Power of Pen and Paper A-19 The Hand Speaks to the Brain A-20 An Amazing Athletic Feat; Playfulness is the Father of Invention A-22 In Lane Two, The Cheetah....; A-23 Determine Your Athletic Success Profile A-24 The Nature of Games: The Experience of Excellence Expressing Itself A-25 When We are Good at the Things We Like A-26 thru A-31 Twenty-Two Tips for Making The Most Out of Practice; Focus, Intensity and Presence A-32 The Warm-Up A-34 Grooves; Self-Talk A-36 What is Real and What is Imagined?; Tools of the Imagination A-38 You Can Visualize Success A-40 Make Something Real Through Action A-42 Create Your Own Engine of Success A-44 Action and the "As If' Principle A-46 Navigating Your Journey; A State of Psychic Balance A-48 thru A-60 On Learning, Attention, Intelligence A-61 Imaginative Play, Passion, Skill Acquisition, Understanding and Realization A-62 Enrolling in the Greatest University on Earth A-64 Attention: The Content and Quality of Our Life A-66 The Power of the Experience of Understanding A-69 Sport's Exploration of Human Limits The Impact of Music on Mind, Body and Spirit [Intensity, Immersion and Immediacy; Optimal Experience A-73 Disappearance of Self in Action; The Zone: States of Absorption and Flow A-75 What Does All This Touchy-Feely Stuff Have to do with Winning? A-77 Three Questions to ask yourself Before Practice A-78 Develop Your Own Unique Scoring System; Proper Technique and Shortcuts A-79 The Five Cornerstones of Movement A-81 Handling Criticism and Feedback Effectively; The Meaning of Competition A-83 Re-Creation; Creating Flow Through Challenge; Our Capacity to See & Hear A-85 Success equals.... What Made Tiger Woods So Great? [And…] A-89 Your Ideal Performance State; Preparation; One at a Time; Break Your Game Down Into Increments A-89 Optimal Readiness; Long-Term Preparation A-90 On Your Quest; Inspiration, Spontaneity, Joy, Intensity and Commitment A-92 Wynton Marsalis on Excellence; Wrestling the Gorilla A-93 The Manifestation Formula A-94 Perseverance; The Task at Hand A-95 Find Yourself a Spotter; Identifications (How You See Yourself) and Belief A-96 Competitive Greatness; Find the Key; Life Force and Energy; Ki A-98 Three Tools; Ripening; Revelation A-1 What do I mean by magic? In this book and its source books, you will find many definitions. These include “in the zone”, “en fuego”, when everything was flowing just right, a state of existence that comes and goes in which you are able to fully do whatever it is that you do at very high levels of ease, enjoyment and competence. Athletes have spoken about this with a bit of skeptic awe, often in poetic, even mystical terms; so have musicians, artists, doctors, gardeners, and people from all walks of life. Dion Fortune says that "Magic is the art of changing consciousness at will." 1 Magic is the art of evoking power from within. Magic is first of all about an inner shift. That, in turn, will produce effects in the outer world. One of the things that you learn when you learn to make magic is to become responsible for your own mind. You learn how to take charge of it, how to concentrate, how to visualize, how to be aware of the energies in and around you, and how to shift them and change them. In the end, magic is going to be defined by you. It is going to be defined by what you are interested in, how it captivates you, and how you approach it. This book has no agenda except the one that you give it. What do I mean by summon? Can we call up a state of being or a top-flight performance at will? At first, no. We can call, but there is no response. When we begin something, we are in a state of existence that is close to confusion, ineptitude, and discombobulation. We are all thumbs, and the brain doesn't seem to want to work right. Things are difficult, and frustrating, no matter how hard we try. After a little practical experience at something, we might want more.., more enjoyment, better performance, more gracefulness. So we continue to call. Once in a while, we think we get an answer, but the voices that answer are unintelligible. We keep at it, and eventually we can get a short conversation going, but the responses we get aren't yet what we had hoped for. What I mean by summon is this: We can enable it (although we can all still have an off day). We can empower ourselves (and each other). We can give ourselves permission to achieve and accomplish. We can do this by understanding some of the "rules", some of the ways things work, especially with regard to the way our body interacts with our mind and spirit, and the way that they affect each other. We can allow it. We can make our own magic. This is true no matter whether we are a 9th grader hoping to make the varsity team, a 10th grader with dreams of going to the world-famous Juilliard School of Music, an 11th grader gearing up for a career in health care, a senior who wants to play football for Notre Dame, a college freshman who wants to become an All-American, a college sophomore with dreams of being in the Olympics, a college junior with his eyes set on being a major league ballplayer, or a college senior who would like to be a leader in business, government or another chosen field. We can make magic in literally anything we do, at any level. You do not have to be a great chef in a Paris restaurant; you can cook with panache in your own kitchen. You do not have to be a professional athlete; you can play well in the park league, or on the golf course on weekends. You do not have to be a Broadway dancer; you can go dancing any night you'd like. You do not have to go to Harvard to learn; there is a great university sitting right there in your chair. But it is entirely possible for you to end up at Harvard, perform on Broadway, or become a pro. A-3 Where are the limitations we seem to run into? Once we get this conversation with ourselves and our world and its energy going really well, once we start to get some clear successes and some satisfying experiences, we learn that we can make things flow more smoothly with increasing regularity. We do seem to find a lot of hurdles, obstacles, and pitfalls. We discover that, yes, this is hard work. But we keep at it because we enjoy it (some days we can barely live without it, we love it so much), and the days when things go pretty well outnumber the days when we don't make any progress. We become absorbed in it. We can become proficient. Having learned how to do that, we might then soon be an All-Star. We learn how to learn, how to explore our world, and eventually how to create a sense of flow in our everyday world. We find that we are beginning to master what it is we do. What is mastery? Mastery is "the mysterious process during which what was at first difficult becomes progressively easier and more pleasurable through practice." 2 Having found that we have this ability, however, why wouldn't we want to get better? Wouldn't we want to get more reward, to have a greater impact, to get some applause and recognition, to be the best that we might be at something we really enjoy and at which we have found a way to excel? We start to have fantasies... visions of what might be. We think "Wouldn't it be great if...?" Where is the limit? There are no limits, except as you define them. Arthur C. Clarke, the famous science fiction writer, says that you can't tell the difference between magic and any sufficiently-developed tool. 3 With mastery of the tools given us, we can summon the magic. Using your brain (?) to be a better athlete? Isn't athletics about muscles? Well, yes... and no. Athletics is about movement. Musicians are called athletes of the small muscle groups; watch a great violinist or pianist; listen to a great guitar riff; watch a premier drummer do a solo. What we have learned through scientific research and study of the human brain in the past 20 years starts with this: "The whole point of the brain is to enable movement. Plants don't have, or need, brains." 4 Why is Larry Bird considered to have been a great athlete? James Worthy said he'd rather guard Michael Jordan than Larry Bird because, when you're up against Bird, you have to play the game as a thinker. 5 Wilt Chamberlain called Bird "the consummate pro". Despite not having the physical attributes of other NBA players, "Bird does everything better. The brain, used in the right way, is also a talent." 6 Being an athlete does not necessarily mean being a dumb jock. 7 Athletes are only people trying to get the most out of themselves. That's a cerebral enterprise if you go at it right, no matter how much muscle it takes. Being “in the zone” has been described as having four characteristics: 8 1) It’s beyond words; language can’t communicate its experience; 2) Important new knowledge about the nature of reality is acquired through that experience; 3) The experience is transient; it comes, and then it goes; 4) While certain preparatory efforts can be made that may (or may not) enable such an experience, when a person is in that experience, they feel as if their own will has been dissolved, replaced by an external and superior power. A-5 A Few Hints About the Possibilities The way in which the brain interacts with the body is a complex subject, one just now beginning to be understood by specialists in cognitive studies. Much research has been done, and much more remains to be done. But a great deal is already known. Here are a few hints about the possibilities for you: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ When you talk to yourself without speaking out loud, the tiny muscles from which the bones in your ears are suspended actually move, exactly as if they were hearing what you were saying; A baseball player experiences hitting a ball long after it is gone. An automobile driver begins a panic stop before he or she is consciously aware of the danger. (The neurological response begins well before the physical response.) Runners have been wired to machines that record electrical impulses received by muscle groups. (Remember the science experiment with the frog leg and the battery? It's the same concept.) The runners were told to lie perfectly still and imagine themselves running up a steep hill. The machines recorded electrical impulses being received by the brain within the muscle groups that would be used to run up a steep hill, and the muscles were activated at a very low level. From the point of view of the brain, the nerves, and the chemical neurotransmitters in the muscle cells, thinking about and using the senses to mentally see an athletic performance in a detailed, simulated way is equal to doing it. Motor neurons in your brain's parietal complex that would activate your arms and fingers to grasp a football become active at the mere sight of the football. Less than 10-15% of the mind's power and activity is conscious; the remaining 85-90% lies below the level of consciousness. Recent research 9 using magnetic resonance imaging (done at UCLA and the National Institute of Mental Health) indicate that the parts of our brains responsible for planning, organization, emotional control and the ways in which we integrate sensory input (like sight and smell) with our memory go through rapid growth in the approximate years of 12-18, and again between the ages of 40 and 50. The brain grows by greatly expanding the number of cells and connections and then winnowing them down again, keeping the cells that are frequently used and letting the unused ones wither away. Only the strongest and healthiest neural connections survive. ■ Scientists at MIT have recently revealed a "plasticity" of the brain. 10 Experiments showed that areas of the brain designed by nature to perform a highly specialized task can adapt to doing another simply by being exposed to different information. In delicate surgery, scientists re-routed nerves in the brains of ferrets, moving the nerves that came from the back of its eyes so that they led to that portion of the brain that processed what the ferret hears. When their juice spout was placed in a different location, testing showed that the ferrets could respond to visual information that was processed by what used to be the hearing-oriented brain structures. Other experiments showed that the auditory brain structures had undergone physical changes so they more closely resembled the visual centers of the brain. The head of the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences at MIT said the research addresses "age-old questions about whether the brain is genetically programmed or whether it is shaped by its environment". Another researcher at UCal/San Francisco said that the experiment offers "compelling evidence for the exquisite sensitivity of higher brain development in reaction to external cues". The buzz phrase used in the world of the cognitive sciences for this concept is this: Neurons that get fired together get wired together. ■ In blind people who learn to read Braille with their fingers, the visual cortex that is designed to process visual information is transformed into one that processes tactile information. 11 ■ Studies at Stanford University by Dr. Marilyn Schlitz 12 have shown, in a continuation of the research that she originated with Dr. William Braud, that we can affect the blood pressure, heart rate or electrical conduction of the skin of another person at a different location through our thoughts. ■ Scientists at Princeton have documented the mental communication of information from one person to another over distances of thousands of miles. 13 Dr. Roger Nelson, of Princeton's Engineering Anomalies Research Laboratory (or PEAR Lab), announced the results of research that showed that subjects in the study were able to communicate complex information such as images of very different types of buildings and sculptures to other subjects thousands of miles away. The proof that such information could be communicated mentally from one person to another was interesting enough, but what really astounded the audience in the Smithsonian seminar in February 1994 where the results were announced was that, in a large number of cases, receivers got the information up to three days before it was sent out. [See also S-11.] Is it true, then, that you can program yourself for success in any endeavor you wish? Perhaps the only limits to the human mind are those that we believe in. 14 It is possible now to gather verified data 15 about our greater capacities from medical research, anthropology, psychology, sociology, psychic research, religious studies, sports, the arts, and other fields. A-8 The Embryonic Journey 16 "All the information needed for learning to read and write, playing the piano, arguing before a senate subcommittee, walking across the street through traffic, or the marvelous human act of putting out one hand and leaning against a tree, is contained in that first cell. No one has a ghost of an idea how this works, and nothing else in life can ever be so puzzling." We are taught from infancy how to talk to other people 17, but most people never receive any instruction on how to talk to themselves. As one athlete said to me, “My ‘inner voice’ and I have never been properly introduced… he thinks my name is #*!*#@#*!” A-8 How and where can we put our brain to work for us in athletics? (or any other mind-body discipline we work in?) We might put our brains to work for us in the areas of attention, preparation, discipline, confidence, goal-setting, belief, breathing, better approaches to practice, handling doubt and anxiety, visualization, mental imagery, handling situations, having better poise, being better at observation, developing more power, avoiding errors, preventing choking, becoming mentally tough, dealing with slumps and injuries, counter-balancing negativity, developing more energy, fighting off fatigue, developing a stronger will, getting the most from our coaches, being a contributing member of a team, and becoming a leader. The method used in Summon The Magic is a series of excerpts from the best sources that will introduce concepts, ideas, theories, guidelines, tools, techniques, exercises and thoughts for reflection. These have been edited and sometimes paraphrased. Although examples and exercises are given, it is up to you to do the work, to figure out how they might apply to you, and then to apply them. (Don't be afraid to ask for help!) At the Beginning 18 Starting anything demands outsized investments of energy. To change rest into motion, to change nothing into something, requires a concentrated initial input. Tulip bulbs, start-up capital, pregnancy, and other occasions of birth demand rich infusions of energy -- nutrients, money, love. Infancy, a stage of rapid growth, is hungry for resources. Often, beginnings mean new physical structures that demand abundant raw material. Starting can also mean setting a new course or simply accelerating, both of which require disproportionately strong doses of energy. A-9 Awareness is a Quantum Event 19 Recent research in how the brain works tells us that simply being exposed to a thought instantaneously begins an internal mind-body process. Like learning to ride a bike, repetition will be necessary for a while, but magic begins immediately: Our thoughts not only interpret but actually can create our physical reality. In the brain and throughout the body, there are wave oscillations, vibrations and subatomic activity that can be explained only by quantum physics. In a groundbreaking 1999 study on perception at the National Center for Scientific Research in Paris, Francisco Varela showed that the instant we are aware of a concept, our whole brain is energized, which is probably a quantum event. The very best way to predict the future is to create it. 20 And so we begin: A-10 There are five levels of sport. 21 The first is the simplest and the purest; it is called recreation, when we play simply for the fun of it. We all did this as kids in the backyard and, as adults, we may continue to do it in many ways and places. The emphasis is on the experience, the enjoyment, the opportunity to get some exercise, or to be on a team and join with friends. And, while we all want to win, the emphasis is not on winning, or statistics. Recreation provides a balance in life, a chance to get away from daily routine of school or work, and to get the benefits of a good workout. Ideally, if and where there is a coach involved, that coaching is focused on creating a positive experience. The second level has to do with educational and personal development. We may discover that we really enjoy a certain sport and that we might have a talent for it, and so we make an effort to participate more, and in a more structured setting. We join a formal team, work with a coach, learn more, and actually practice. We engage in physical development through strenuous effort. We buy a book or watch an instructional video, go to a camp, try out for travel teams or off-season leagues, work out at the gym, or go to indoor practice arenas. We have started down the way to find out how good we can be. Some of us drop out, or move on to other things that have more interest, or seem to be more suitable to who we are. Some of us stay on the path and move onward to higher levels. The third level is the Olympian model. Here, originally, is an even higher level of purity, the concept of having participated, to have brought out the best that we have in us, to see how much better, faster and stronger we might be, and to have shared with others in a deep and meaningful experience as a way of developing peace and harmony among people. Many people think this model has become tainted by over-emphasis on achievement, by money, by various forms of cheating and scandal, by nationalism, and by other influences. It is difficult to make a counter-argument, but the ideal is still there, and there are pockets in which the exemplary summit is approached and achieved, there are moments of shining grace and joy, and there are people within whom the ideal still resonates. The fourth level is the personal-career model. This is where a person decides to find a place in the huge world of sports, perhaps as a player, a coach, an entrepreneur, a lawyer, a sports psychologist, an athletic trainer, a rehabilitation specialist, a referee, or in a dozen other ways. The fifth level is the business model. This is where a few industrial teams out of the Midwest rise to become the national phenomenon that is the NFL, complete with its own national holiday. This is where a couple of coaches get together and formulate a business plan and develop a facility where they can teach youngsters to hit a small ball with a stick. This is where a complex partnership is formed to buy a pro baseball franchise for $700 million. This is where professional athletes sign contracts that enable them to earn more money in a few short months than the rest of us can earn in a lifetime. This is where dynasties like the Celtics and the Yankees get built. This is where the pro athlete leverages success into fame and endorsements, becoming an economic conglomerate in sneakers, sweats and Armani suits. This is where companies that make sneakers exert tremendous influence on a game and a society. This is where, as you can see in the news on an almost-daily basis, there are tremendous failures in personal character. (There are successes, too, but they don't make headlines.) No matter where we are on this ladder, we can find and use skills, knowledge and information, the best that sports has to offer us in the way of personal development, and apply it to our quest, and to the rest of our lives as well. A-12 There are five basic ways to improve sports performance: 22 nutritional aids, physiological aids, pharmacological aids, mechanical or biomechanical aids, and psychological aids. Nutrition is about the food we eat, the fuel for our muscles, and is of significant importance in athletic performance. Water is even more important. The amounts and types of liquid and solid food we consume can make a difference in how well we perform both on and off the fields of athletic competition. Add to this list numerous food supplements, vitamins, caffeine, sports drinks, and so on, and you have a smorgasbord of scientific theory, advice and research, countless books, lots of marketing and advertising, many unproven claims, and lots of controversy. Summon The Magic makes no attempt to discuss nutrition and makes no suggestions regarding nutrition. For most high school or college athletes (assuming a reasonably healthy & balanced diet), there are no concerns, and there can be no dramatically meaningful way to enhance performance aside from proper hydration and some carbo-loading with pasta dinners if and when appropriate. For the advanced athlete, this may be a subject for serious study; there are countless resources, and professional help should be sought. [One example is the Bio-Dynamics Institute at 1-800-828-3343 or] Physiological aids include such benign and useful aids as sports drinks with electrolytes. Proper hydration is a scientifically-proven key to optimal brain/body performance. Physiological aids also include: • the intake of sodium bicarbonate to counteract lactic acid buildup for athletes requiring short bursts of intense physical effort (sprinters, for example) but which is potentially hazardous and injurious; • the use of oxygen before, during or after exercise (the only scientifically-proven benefit comes from the consumption of oxygen during actual exercise, which is usually against the rules, and you have to carry that O2 tank with you); • specialized breathing techniques, such as intense and prolonged deep breathing just prior to a short-distance sprinting-type event; • the intake of substances like creatine and l-carnitine; and • blood doping (a dangerous process outlawed in virtually every sport). Other than the appropriate intake of something like Gatorade, there is likely no need for any young athlete to consider the use of any physiological aid. Ask your coach, athletic trainer, strength and conditioning coach, and personal physician for accurate and up-to-date scientificallybased information as well as appropriate input and guidance. Resources in these topical areas can be found through Human Kinetics (the publisher noted in the bibliography), as well as through some of the other books and resources noted in the bibliography, as well as through these publications: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ The Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance; Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise; The Physician and Sportsmedicine; National Strength and Conditioning Association Journal; Exercise and Sports Science Reviews; International Journal of Sports Medicine; ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ American Journal of Sports Medicine; Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport; Athletic Training; The International Society for Mental Training and Excellence; The Sport Psychologist. Pharmacological aids include the use of such harmful practices as the ingestion of both prescribed and illegal substances such as amphetamines and anabolic steroids as well as the use of something so seemingly benign as caffeine. Virtually all such known practices are outlawed in sport, with good reason, as the short-term and long-term negative effects of such practice on the brain and the body are a very high risk. Summon The Magic suggests that the athlete use no pharmacological substance (unless directed by a reputable personal physician) and generally steer far afield of the intake of anything that wouldn't show up as an unprocessed foodstuff in the local supermarket or be served to the public at a local restaurant or in the school cafeteria. Strict rules regarding the use of physiological and pharmacological aids are established in most sports. The higher the level of competition, the greater the severity of these rules. Even where such rules are not established, you can be assured that the effects are potentially harmful. Positive, non-harmful, long-term shortcuts or benefits don't come in a can, a pill or a needle. Mechanical and biomechanical aids include attention to such things as clothing and equipment. Whether it is wearing a better shoe, getting a better bat or racket, using a lighter bicycle with fancy new tires, or in a host of other ways, the local sporting goods store stands ready to help, and to take your money. Buyer beware. The simple truth about a mechanical or biomechanical aid is that it can add some value, but that that value will be limited and that, once that level of value has been attained, you are left alone again with your training, your technique, and what your mind/body/spirit can achieve. Psychological aids include such things as the use of goalsetting, stress management techniques, various rehearsal strategies, autosuggestion, etc. Summon The Magic is devoted in detail to this subject. These types of techniques have been researched by scientists for over 30 years and are widely used by athletes. [See also G-30.] The research tells us that: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ the theory behind these techniques is sound; the evidence is somewhat supportive if inconclusive; the techniques must be individualized; some techniques work for some athletes and others don't; and the use of these techniques produces results that tend to be improved as measured against no use of any technique at all. In the research done on many aids, it is difficult to determine if the benefit gained was not gained from the placebo effect, which is scientifically proven and far more powerful. "The body is the best pharmacy ever devised." Furthermore, the benefits of mental techniques go with you wherever you go (there's no need for an extra sports bag!); they contain and use nothing more than what is already within your mind and body, and that, once developed, refined and regularly used by you, they are always available to you. Hard work in the mental and physical arena, proper goal-setting, and focused intention will have a longer and better payoff than any other aid. Synapses are the sites of action [and cross-synaptic neurotransmitters are the target] for most drugs [legal or illegal] that affect the nervous system. Many mind/body disorders are the direct result of a disruption of synaptic communication. 23 The most potent fertilizer for human growth is praise. 24 The Ins and Outs of Accomplishment 25 Every extraordinary achievement is the result of thousands of ordinary little achievements that no one ever sees or appreciates. Every great accomplishment is the result of hundreds and perhaps thousands of hours of painstaking effort, preparation, study and practice that very few people are even aware of. What you put in, you will eventually get out. The greatest breakthrough 26 is taking your own sweet time to reach the goal, working all the while with the attitude that any sudden opening comes like Grace, that it is given when the time is ripe and not before. This does not mean that you need to practice less, or aspire less. On the contrary, it means you can work on your game even more because you will work at it in a way that you enjoy. A-12 Looking for Your Big Payday? 27 In 1960, a researcher interviewed 1,500 business-school students and classified them in two categories: those who were in it for the money -- 1,245 of them – and those who were going to use the degree to do something they cared deeply about -- the other 255. Twenty years later, the researcher checked on the graduates and found that 101 of them were millionaires -- and all but one of them came from within the smaller group of 255 people who had pursued what they loved to do! Having a Quality Experience 28 There are plenty of purely recreational athletes who go at their sport with an intensity and seriousness that puts would-be Olympians to shame, just as there are athletes who find in competition a light-hearted escape from seriousness -- and who achieve no less success for their carefree approach. Recreation sometimes gets a bum rap. Recreation is about having a quality experience. Any effortful gross-motor activity, extended over time, is a powerful tool for keeping ourselves in the present tense, and the present tense is always a vacation. Vacations are restorative -- unless, perhaps, we go at them competitively. Making Your Dreams Come True I went to the supermarket for the mid-week extras of milk, bread and cat food. Standing in line at the register, I scanned the magazines and tabloids. McCall's had a cover picture of Tara Lipinsky, the gold medalist in figure skating, appearing in a "touch-every-mother's-heart" red and white Christmas sweater with the headline "Tara reveals her secrets to making dreams come true". Well, for two bucks, I had to find out what it was. The article was full of fluff and blather. In the second to last paragraph, I found her answer, a two-word phrase: mental intensity. As you will see, however, the kind of mental intensity she was talking about involves no straining. The Benefits of Participation in Athletics Aside from the obvious physical benefits of participation in athletics, there are mental and social benefits as well. Find out more about the work being done by the Women's Sports Foundation, which has documented a wide range of benefits that can accrue to young women when they participate in sports. The first major benefit is a higher level of selfesteem. It has also been shown that female athletes perform better academically, are less likely to be victims of abuse, have much lower rates of teen pregnancy, and so on. These people deserve our support. The good work being done is not just with female athletes. The NFL sponsors the Play It Smart program which is supported by Springfield College and is focused on the role that sports can play in improving performance in the classroom, and demonstrating dramatic improvement in grades, test scores and college admissions when sports is combined with effective personal guidance. A-14 From Locker Room to Board Room 29 The lessons learned on the playing field also contribute to later success in business, according to a survey commissioned by MassMutual Financial Group. Businesswomen felt that athletic participation was particularly beneficial. Of the 401 women surveyed: • • • • • • 69 percent of executives said sports helped them develop leadership skills that led to their professional advancement. 86% said participation in a sport helped them be better disciplined. 81% said playing a sport helped them to function better as part of a team. 69% said sports helped develop leadership skills that contributed to their success. 68% said sports helped them deal with failure. 59% said organized sports gave them a competitive edge. See also the article "Title IX Impact: From the Locker Room to the Boardroom" by John Powers in Boston Globe "Sports Plus" (Page E-1), Friday, December 27, 2002. The Living Presence Within Us 30 The athlete that dwells in each of us is a living presence that can change the way we feel and live. The ideal unity of physical and spiritual, lost so long ago in specialization, professionalism and the obsession with winning, may well represent foundations for a workable approach to athletics [and other endeavors] that will make sense for the awkward, the shy, the unfocused, the troubled, the perennial fourth-stringers and the Olympic aspirants. Athletes can be given back their feelings and humanity at no long-term cost to performance. In fact, the programmed development of higher awareness may will result in breakthroughs in performance levels. Athletics can change the way we live and provide the basic guidelines for a lasting transformation of our consciousness. Athletes can return to their rightful place of honor in the arts and humanities. While many think athletics involves only over-muscularized, cognitively-challenged individuals, prizes were offered in the ancient Olympics not only for physical arts, but also for dance, poetic improvisation, speech-making and music. Five Misconceptions About Mental Skills Training for Athletes 31 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. It It It It It is only for problem athletes. is only for elite athletes. provides only a quick-fix solution. produces results immediately. is not useful. Since the force generated by the use of the body as a whole will be greater than that obtainable by employing any of its parts separately (i.e., arms, legs, etc.), so will the force resulting from the use of the mind and body as a totality be greater than that realizable by their separate employment. A-16 On Play 32 Play is a refuge from ordinary life, a sanctuary of the mind, where one is exempt from life's customs, methods and decrees. Play always has a sacred place -- some version of a playground -- in which it happens. The hallowed ground is usually outlined, so that it's clearly set off from the rest of reality. This place may be a classroom, a sports stadium, a stage, a courtroom, a workbench in a garage. Play has a time limit, which may be an intense but fleeting moment, the flexible innings of a baseball game. Sometimes it's pre-arranged; at other times, it's only recognizable in retrospect. The world of play favors exuberance, license, abandon. Shenanigans are allowed, strategies can be tried, selves can be revised. In the self-enclosed world of play, there is no hunger. Play is its own goal, which it reaches in a richly satisfying way. Play has its own etiquette, rituals and ceremonies, its own absolute rules. As Huizinga notes in Homo Ludens, his classic study of play and culture, play "creates order, is order. Into an imperfect world and into the confusion of life it brings a temporary, limited perfection. The least deviation from it spoils the game." But play also has its own distinctive psychology. Above all, play requires freedom. One chooses to play. Make-believe is at the heart of play, and also at the heart of much that passes for work. (Let's make believe we can shoot a rocket at the moon.) Most forms of play involve competition, against oneself or against others, and test one's skills, cunning or courage. One might even argue that all play is a contest of one sort or another. The adversary may be a mountain, or a computer. To play is to risk; to risk is to play. To be on the wire is life; the rest is waiting. Karl Wallenda, aerialist Gap Zap !! 33 Everything you are.., everything you sense, remember, think, say and do is expressed through a complex series of changes in intrasynaptic voltage down chains of neurons. Each individual zap across a gap measures some thousandths of a volt, lasts for a thousandth of a second or so, and occurs within the space of a few thousandths of a millimeter. Writing in a journal 34 to express your bouts of anger, hope, fear, fantasy and dreaming keeps these emotions from getting buried too deep to reach. Using capital letters, exclamation points, lots of adjectives, drawings and colored inks is a way to cheer, yell or scream without waking the neighbors. Get yourself going with one or more of the following paragraph starters: I wish.... My favorite... I love it when ... I hate it when.... The best thing about .... When I grow up.... Tomorrow.... If only… A-18 On the Simple Power of Pen and Paper 35 A daily journal is a powerful tool. It documents the contents of your mind, records your rhythms and subtle patterns. It measures your growth and proves the reality of your growth process to your inner Skeptic. Because this process is a function of the mind becoming one with the body, you must include your body in the learning process. Your body loves physical, sensual, repetitive and ritualistic acts. It loves splashes of color, swooping bold lines, swirling waters, lots of sensory input, and especially movement of any kind. If your body is to trust you and willingly give you the wealth of knowledge it possesses, you must spend companionable time with it, just as you must play with a three-year-old. Give your body/mind a notebook and a colorful and comfortable pen, and give that pen fun things to do. Create a ritual around your notebook. Find time at least once a day to write, doodle, sketch, make lists, pose questions, answer questions, tell a story, create a haiku poem, talk to yourself, talk to others, do exercises found in books like these, or whatever. Feel free to be messy. Feel free to make mistakes. Above all, don't censor it. Don't judge it. When you are doing direct writing exercises, let the question serve as a magnet. Write down whatever pops into your mind. Let words flow forth. Don't second-guess where the process is taking you. Don't jump ahead. Don't stop and read back over what you've written until the writing stops of its own accord. Find a big notebook that's yours and only yours. Put pen to paper and let it go where it wants to go. Stand back and watch what happens. The Hand Speaks to the Brain 36 The hand speaks to the brain as surely as the brain speaks to the hand. The old mind-body separation does not stand up to careful scrutiny, even when one considers the most complex forms of culturally derived behavior. High levels of achievement in purely ‘physical’ skills like juggling and competitive athletics depend on a mastery of both procedural and declarative knowledge, and achievement in those domains follows the same developmental course observed among highly successful mathematicians, sculptors and research scientists. The clear message from biology to educators is this: The most effective methods for cultivating intelligence aim at uniting (not divorcing) mind and body. Where "What You Know” Meets "What You Do Not Know” 37 Play always begins at the spot where what you know meets what you do not know. When play finds its way into work, it is called imagination, invention, improvisation, innovation, getting into a groove, or just good collaboration. Play is one of the universal ways through which we test what we know. As Carl Jung said, "The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect, but by the play instinct acting from inner necessity." A-20 An Amazing Athletic Feat 38 The announcer's voice quivers with excitement as the video replay begins: "Ladies and gentleman: You are about to witness the amazing David Seale perform an athletic feat for the first time, a feat requiring total concentration, daring and coordination, a feat requiring months of preparation!" David looks relaxed and confident as he is about to begin a complex series of movements. He remains poised and balanced, he hesitates a moment and, with eyes focused and looking ahead, his mind concentrated on the task, he begins to move. Suddenly, with a tremor, he begins to fall! Quickly, David catches himself, and without wasting a moment on anger or fear, he stands again and continues toward his goal, his face serene yet concentrated. As he nears his goal, he has another near miss but again regains his balance. He reaches out, his face beaming. After a final moment of suspense, the spectators applaud with delight as the 10-month-old inner athlete reaches out and grasps his mother's outstretched arms. Recorded by his father's camcorder, David has walked his first steps. All of us were inner athletes in our infancy -- our minds were free of concern and anxiety, focused on the present moment; our bodies were relaxed, sensitive, and elastic; our emotions were free-flowing and spontaneous. We begin life with unlimited potential. We lose touch, however, with our childhood aptitudes as we experience a variety of tensions, become burdened by limiting beliefs, and endure denial of our inner joys and dreams. How can we achieve the mastery and mystery that was implied by the rapidly-expansive mental, physical and psychological growth of our childhood? Playfulness is the Father of Invention 39 If necessity is the mother of invention, then surely playfulness is the father. Playfulness is a roving, wandering, wondering "What if?" It's following a flash of insight, getting lost in a stream of consciousness, abandoning yourself with pretending. Through play, we can capture and recapture our sense of wonder and exuberance for life. To play in a childlike way is to let go of all our self-consciousness, to drop the armor of our defenses. Recent discoveries in neuro-anatomy indicate that adult play may actually increase the number of glial cells, the connective tissue that links neurons within the brain. It has long been known that the number of glial, or connective, cells is a much better indicator of brainpower than the number of neurons themselves. By increasing our brain's connective tissue through play, we are enhancing our mental and creative capacities. A long-term study found that children who spent more time playing had better survival skills and were more likely to succeed as adults than those who played less. One of the important habits acquired in play is that of taking risks. Creativity requires the ability to think independently, and the capacity for bold, decisive action -- and both of these demand that we take risks. A-22 In Lane Two, the Cheetah….. 40 We are taught that we are puny and helpless, compared to other animals, but this is not true. Imagine a decathlon competition at the San Diego Zoo; the events include sprinting, long jumping, high jumping, hurdling, an endurance running event, swimming, deep diving, gymnastics, striking, and throwing. You are entered in this event, along with a cheetah, a porpoise, a grizzly bear, a horse, an antelope, a monkey, a whale, a sled dog, and some other of Noah's minions. You think you wouldn't have a chance of winning, and one or another of these animals will win most of the individual events. But a well-trained human would likely win up to three of them, and a well-trained human would clearly have the best overall score. As a human, you have a God-given ability to move skillfully, gracefully and joyfully. A-23 Determine Your Athletic Success Profile 41 In the eyes of "coaches" at any level, your character (what's inside you) as you exhibit it on and off the field, is as important -- and perhaps even more significant -- that your "cosmetic" features of height, weight, strength, speed, etc. or your performance factors of how far you can throw something, how high you can jump, or how good your stats are. Rate yourself conservatively and honestly: 1 2 Drive Aggressiveness Determination Responsibility Leadership Self-Confidence Emotional Control Mental Toughness Coachability Conscientiousness Trust Competitiveness Self-Control 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Then ask someone else (a parent, a coach, a former coach, or an older athlete) to assess you. Ask them for ideas on how you can improve. Read the pertinent sections in this book. Set improvement goals for yourself, and develop a plan. Turn your weaknesses into affirmations. Work on the weak areas first. Re-assess yourself regularly. As evaluated by your peers, coaches and future employers, if you stand out, your chances for success at whatever you do are outstanding. A-24 The Nature of Games: The Experience of Excellence Expressing Itself 42 All games have certain qualities in common. They are limited in time; they have designated beginnings and ends. They are limited in space; they are played within specific physical boundaries. They have goals, and obstacles that must be overcome to reach those goals. They are always limited by a set of rules. Learning occurs most naturally in a setting where mistakes can be made without dire consequences. Yet learning and growth also require the acceptance of challenge, and the motivation to reach a goal is not always attained. Hence the value of a game lies in its ability to create an illusion, a separate reality in which you can experiment and take risks without great penalties for failure. The simulated challenges, obstacles and pressures of competition are for the purpose of enjoyment and learning better how to meet the real challenges of life. In addition, games can be an expression of skill for the sake of excellence. It can be art. So, in the final analysis, we hold to one goal: to express our best in the direction of the game's goal, not for the sake of that goal but for the experience of excellence expressing itself. Our punishment for not doing our best is immediate and simple; we do not feel the excellence. By not making the effort to concentrate and relinquish control, we don't get the pleasure that comes when we do. Our reward and our punishment are immediate and indivisible, and they do not emerge from frustration, thoughts and expectations. A-25 When We are Good At the Things We Like 43 When we say we are good at the things we like, we mean that we are able to make progress if we like the kind of thing we are doing. Conversely, if we do not like what we are doing, we find it difficult to concentrate our mind on it. Though our body may be pointed the right way, our mind will fly off in some other direction. Progress in things we do not like is slow because we cannot achieve a state of mind and body unification. The critical thing to learn if you want to make progress in anything is to first unify your mind and body and then give play to the highest of your own abilities. Assigning the role of Director of Information and Learning to only our mind [and not our body] encourages us to be spectators, and not players. Traditional education encourages us to live society's image and discourages us from awakening to our deeper and more energetic impulses. We learn, but we don't learn how we learn. We are not taught how to use ourselves in the learning process. 44 Wynton Marsalis on Practice The great jazz and classical trumpeter Wynton Marsalis was asked, in an interview by Richard Dyer (Boston Globe, December 12, 2003, E-21), how to stay true to oneself while absorbing influences from learning about and being exposed to the thinking of others. Marsalis replied “Every influence gives you the opportunity to learn something, and that expands your sense of yourself. All of us have originality; not all of us have the courage of our convictions.” Asked if he was ever satisfied with himself, Marsalis said: “You have to know and take the middle road - you have to practice hard enough to improve, but you don’t want to practice so hard that you don’t want to play anymore. Above all, you gotta have a good time.” A-26 Making the Most Out of Practice 45 So you've made the team. Maybe you are a returning player, maybe even a "star"; maybe you just decided to give it a shot. No matter: either way, practice is where your coach gets to see how hard you work, how well you listen and learn. It's where the coach gets to see you in action, and gets to see you apply what you are learning. It's your opportunity to make a long string of positive impressions. Here are five "facts of life" you'll need to understand and remember: 1. Sports teams are rarely democracies. Your opinion will not count for much until you have demonstrated years of hard work. Don't offer one unless it is requested. 2. Practices are not fair. Work hard anyway. 3. If you are an experienced older member of the team, or a star, you will be expected to work even harder. 4. Coaches will play who they want to play. Your job is to make yourself one of the people the coach wants to play. 5. If you've got issues or problems, don't make it public. Talk one-on-one with a teammate, or talk to a brother or sister or parent, or go see the coach. In private. Practice time is essential. It's when you get to know your own strengths and weaknesses, as well as those of your teammates. Look around at the older returning players who are well-regarded by the coach to see what you are supposed to be doing, how you are supposed to act, and what kind of attitude you should have. Here are twenty-two “intangibles" that every coach looks for: 1. Be consistent. Show up every day. Practice hard every day. Don't let runny noses and hangnails get in your way. Be there. Be ready, mentally and physically. Show up pumped up and ready to go. 2. Take care of yourself, your uniform and your equipment. Be well rested. Watch what you eat and drink. Make sure your equipment is in good repair. Make sure your game uniform is clean and looks sharp. 3. Concentrate. Pay attention. Look like you're paying attention. Make eye contact with the coach. Don't be chatting with someone else when the coach is talking. Don't let your eyes wander. 4. Have a winning attitude. Don't whine, roll your eyes, or smirk. You love practice. You live for practice. You will run through a brick wall for your coach. If asked, you will build the wall first. With stones that you dug up. With your bare hands. And carried on your back for miles. In the hot sun. Get it? 5. Hustle. The coach wants that wall built faster, okay? Even if you are only going through the motions, hustle. If you're heart's not in it, then look like a dynamo even if you are not accomplishing anything. 6. Be tough. Practice is not a real game, but pretend it is. There are no fans or coaches from the next level there to watch, but pretend there are. Get dirty. Dive for loose balls. Do whatever it takes to show your coach you are a gamer. 7. Understand teamwork. Support your teammates in word and deed. Cheer them on. Encourage them. Help them stay positive. 8. Know your role. Starter, key substitute, bench player, practice player, spark plug, bench cheerleader -- whatever it is, perform that role to the best of your ability. Don't complain. If you believe you deserve a greater role, talk to your coach privately and then prove it. 9. Master the fundamentals. Most coaches don't have the time, or the inclination, to teach and drill the basics. Ask the coach for drills you can do on your own time. Read books. Watch videos. Watch athletes at the higher levels. Go to camps. Find a mentor who will help, like an older athlete or even the coach from your previous level. 10. Learn quickly. If the coach demonstrates something and you don't get it, you may fall behind. If you do get it, and master it quickly, you'll make a great impression. After practice, make a mental note of the two or three most critical things you worked on, and go home and practice them some more. If you keep making the same mistakes over and over, you won't be playing much. 11. Show advanced and/or refined skills. Learn advanced skills in the off-season. Ask your coach what you should be working on. Practice and develop finesse, timing, strength and speed on your own. 12. Develop a feel for your sport. It is very difficult to teach the intangible elements of rhythm, timing, tempo, and the subtleties of situation and strategy. They are usually acquired only through lots of practice and competition. Watch others play your sport as much as possible. Videotape games. Read books. Ask good questions. 13. Demonstrate big play ability. Determine what skills you have that you can exploit and aggressively show them off in practice. Learn how to make things happen. If you can consistently and successfully execute a critical play at a critical time, you will get noticed. 14. Motivate yourself. You cannot depend on your coach to instill in you the necessary hunger for success and achievement. If you aren't motivated enough to work hard, find something else that does get you fired up and go work hard at that. If you do want to play but don't feel you have the hunger needed to excel, then go ask the coach, an adviser, a parent, someone... Find a mentor. 15. Arrive early and stay late. It makes a good impression. Before practice, use the time to stretch and warm-up properly, to get in the proper frame of mind, to prepare equipment, and to check in with coaches and teammates so you are clear on what's going to happen. After practice, it's time to do cooldown stretching, to reflect on goals, performance and technique, and to get equipment ready for the next time. It's also a great time to catch the coach alone for a moment to review something important. And it's a great time to put in a little extra work. 16. Do more than expected. Ask your coach for extra drills. Offer to help out during team functions. Be ready to step in and lend a hand, or step up when something needs to get done. Don't come across as a brown-noser or a coach's pet; it's not going to get you extra playing time. But showing a commitment to the team will provide unexpected benefits. 17. Exude confidence. Watch your language. Stay positive; keep others positive. Watch your posture and body language. You have to think you are good enough to play, and win; if you keep thinking it, you'll believe it, and so will your coach. 18. Fight through small injuries. Don't miss practices, assignments or games because of assorted nicks, scrapes, aches, colds and headaches. Throw a bottle of Tylenol, some band-aids and so on in your gym bag. Learn to take care of yourself. Go see the trainer when necessary. By all means, get the SITS checked out (any Serious Injury, Twist or Strain), but don't wimp out with the small stuff. 19. Improve your mind, attitude, physique and stamina, if you show up at the beginning of the season with body/mind/spirit that says "I've been working out in the off-season", you are going to get noticed. If you are out there looking fresh as a daisy when your teammates are dropping like flies, you are going to get noticed. If you can perform the required drills, routines, sprints and gut-busters more quickly, sharply and smoothly, and for longer time periods, you are going to play. 20. Demonstrate leadership. Don't be someone who needs to be baby-sat. Be mature and responsible for your actions. 21. Be personable. Practices and competitions are situations in which you are often seen by fans, alumni, boosters, administrators, coaches and evaluators from the next level, members of the press and media, and other important people within your community and your sport. Often, you will not know who these people are, and it is entirely possible they will have an impact on your future. Don't act like a jerk. Smile. Watch your language. Be positive and upbeat. If introduced, chat cordially and briefly, and then go and attend to your business. 22. Get your personal and academic work done. Family and self come before athletics. If you have personal matters that need to be attended to, get them handled ahead of time, or make plans and commitments to do so afterwards. Then you can leave your concerns about them in the locker room so that they don't interfere with your learning, enjoyment and success. If you are in school, you won't play if you are not making the grade in the classroom. Get your homework done. Go to all your classes. Ask for help, if necessary, from teachers, advisers, counselors, parents, coaches, anyone who will listen. Sports can be an integral and supporting part of your educational experience, but it's an extra. The most important athletic arena is the classroom. Solid academic achievement, learning how to learn, will determine the quality of your life and open more doorways to future success (including those in the world of athletics) than anything else. He practiced the assigned technique with a focused, contained intensity... a presence that set him apart from all the other students. 46 A-32 The Warm-up 47 Stretching We train muscles by contracting them: stretching is the uncompleted half of every muscle contraction, critical to the health of muscle's and joints. So don't stretch to the point of pain, or to stretch the unstretchable, or to increase your range of motion. Stretch because it feels good. [Stretching should be done, not just before practices and games, but several times each day.] Getting Loose Serious athletes don't get warm; they get loose. They play around with the moves of their sport until they reach a shambling, tension-free kind of confidence that tells them they're ready for real effort. They don't pursue warmth; they pursue bounciness, elasticity, fluidity. The goal is to get the soft tissue pulled out to length, the joints lubricated through their ranges of motion, the synapses charged, the proprioceptors alert. Getting loose reminds the nerves to remind the muscles just how to do that next demanding thing. Looseness is also a state of mind, much to be desired: tight minds make tight muscles, which make tentative movements, turnovers, booted plays and possibly injury. Tight minds make bad athletes. Send me in, coach; I'm loose. Check-Out I'm always struck by how meticulously top-level athletes warm up. This shouldn't surprise, considering on how much depends on careful maintenance of their physical plants. Still, the thoroughness of their preparation always impresses me. (And the attitude, the very air: it seems to be important to cool out while you’re warming up, doesn't it?) Militaristic drills have given way to introspective stretching, to a floppy-jointed desultory jog. You see bursts of real effort now and then, but most warm-up time seems devoted to a kind of leisurely checking-out -- of hamstrings, groins, throwing arms. Among serious athletes, there are no non-participants in this enterprise. One good reason for a deliberate, careful warm-up is to establish a rhythm to your workout. You want to warm up just enough to get everything not just moving well, but also slightly tired, pushed gently into the first fringe of fatigue. You want to burn off the uppermost layer of nervous energy. Then stop for a brief rest until the surge of recovery begins to set in, and start the hard part of your workout on the crest of that surge. If you attempt to bull your way right on through the first slump of fatigue, your workout gets uncomfortable early on, which is discouraging, and it will take longer to get everything balanced so that you're perking along at a steady state. Always practice in the spirit of joy. 48 A-34 Grooves 49 Close your eyes and imagine an ESPN highlight.... Ken Griffey. Jr. hits another home run..., see his mind at work... and then the utterly smooth explosion of his bat through a graceful arc..., as recognizable a movement as any in the history of sports.... Why? What is that groove he has found? Working a typewriter by touch, like riding a bike, is best done by not giving it a glancing thought. To do things involving practiced skills, you need to turn loose the systems of muscles and nerves responsible for each maneuver, place them on their own, and stay out of it. There is no real loss of authority in this.., you decide to do it or not, and you can alter the technique. This, in its best form, is what athletes call "playing unconsciously". To achieve this level, you must do a lot of work. You must practice the skill, and practice it correctly, and repetitively. In other words, the skill is there, somewhere. It needs only to be summoned up and turned loose, set to work. When we learn a new skill, we put it somewhere. When we call it up, there are difficulties; we acquire the new skill incompletely and inaccurately at first. What it is, how we acquire it, where we put it, and how we bring it back are questions that speak to the most profound mysteries in human understanding: memory and learning theory. One article of faith in our understanding of sports is that the athlete picks up a new skill more quickly and accurately than the non-athlete, that he or she somehow absorbs the physical requirements of the motor task more easily. Occasionally we see athletes exceed our expectations, usually by some marvelous show of "ability" that falls outside their narrow area of athletic specialization. When we do, we speak of such things as "body control" or "coordination". But if you bring ten world-class athletes into a laboratory in search of an answer, the only identifiable across-the-board advantage that good athletes seem to have over the rest of us is the quality of their attention. They pay attention to the task at hand a little better than you and I do. The human brain communicates to the body through words and pictures. Therefore, no voluntary action takes place without a preceding thought. Therefore, a performance of any kind is preceded by self-talk. Why not choose to speak positively to yourself about yourself? A-36 The subconscious mind does not know the difference between what is real and what is imagined. 50 At the University of Chicago, an important study was done in which the effects of the imagined performance of a task were measured against actual practice. In the study, the ability of three different groups at shooting basketball free throws was measured. The first group was told to practice shooting for an hour a day for 20 days. The second group was told to imagine shooting hoops for an hour a day for 20 days. The third group was told not to mentally or physically shoot any baskets for 20 days. The performance of the first group improved 24%. The performance of the second group increased 23%. The performance of the third group remained unchanged. The subconscious mind is the most powerful part of your mind. It can only do what it has been wired to do. It cannot tell the difference between what is real and what is imagined. Does this give you any ideas? The subconscious mind believes what it has seen, heard and felt, but it does not know whether it was real or imagined. [What's that TV show you're watching?] So long as the neuron chain has been established, you can act in a manner consistent with your goals. It does not matter whether that wiring comes by means of actual or imagined experience. The trick is to enter the behavior you want to manifest into your subconscious memory. See it; believe it; receive it; value it. Tools of the Imagination 51 The power of thought allows [us] to create a place, not an imaginary place, but a place that is as real as reality... During the time I'm writing, [a fictional place] is as real to me and as solid as this table top. I have smelled the smell of a campfire with an odor from no wood you'd ever have on earth. There has been quite a reality there. -- Gene Roddenberry The creator of Star Trek describes how mental creativity can be harnessed in the service of expanding perspective, building empathy, and sharpening contextual clarity, certainly a tool that can also be harnessed by athletes, in a vivid mental experience, to boldly go where they had not gone before. In a fictional holosuite located on their starship, trekkers could holographically replicate people, objects, scenes or experiences from any time or environment, and interact with them "for real". Or at least almost for real. How can you know what a camel ride is like if you've never taken one? How can you know what it feels like to dive off a cliff if you've never stood on one? How can you know what it will be like to approach and achieve your dreams? A-38 You Can Already Visualize Success! 52 Note the clarity and detail in your mind as you re-create each image noted below. Visual Images: Can you see a tiger?... a clown..?, your mother's face ....? a cathedral ...? your living room..?, a full moon..?, the place where you play your sport?. Visual Movement Images: Can you capture the motion of a kitten lapping milk from a bowl? a waterfall? a kite flying in the breeze? your best friend walking towards you? an airplane taking off? you in action in your sport? Auditory Images, or Sounds: Can you hear chimes blowing in the wind? Young children giggling? An alarm clock going off? the sound of a basketball going through the net? the fans cheering? Olfactory Images or Smells: Can you smell burning leaves? the scents in the air at the beach? your favorite meal being cooked? Gustatory Images, or Tastes: Can you taste lemon juice? a jalapeno pepper? Tooth paste? your favorite ice cream? the zesty spice of success? Sensory Image, Texture and Touch: Can you recreate the sensation of scritching behind your cat's ears? being wrapped in a warm blanket? jumping into a swimming pool on a hot day? the grip of the baseball bat? the feel of the laces on a football? Kinesthetic Images, or Physical Sensations and Movements: Can you feel the sensation and movement of being hugged? feeling chilly? carrying something heavy? jumping off a low wall? playing your sport? Put all of these types of sensations into your sports visualizations, and see yourself successfully achieving your goals. Remember, though, that your ability to visualize is not the key factor in getting significant results. What matters most is your intention, the power behind the image. "There is no use trying," said Alice; "one can't believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. “When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." - Lewis Carroll A-40 The only way to make something real is through action. 53 A journey of 1,000 miles starts with a single step...and then you take another step, and then another.... Let me tell you a story about Fred and George. I took a flight across the country and, in the airport, I met an old college friend of mine, who turned out to be the pilot of my flight. After we got underway, off the runway and leveled off on our route, he had the stewardess come back to invite me to join him in the cockpit. I sat behind him. He turned around when the co-pilot left, and we started to chat. I was apparently a little agitated, because he asked me "What's wrong?", and I said "No one is flying this plane....". "Oh", he said, "Fred's flying." Fred?" "Fred?", I said, "Where's "You're sitting on him", he replied. "Fred is an autopilot; he talks to George." "George? Who's George?" "George is the computerized navigation system. Actually, it's a marvelous parallel for life and the way our minds work. You see, Fred is like your subconscious brain; he can take orders wonderfully, and he is very good at doing certain things, but he's quite unable to know where he is, so George has to tell him. George is like your conscious brain. It goes like this. At the beginning of the journey, the computer is told where we want to go. We want to go to San Diego, which is about 3,000 miles to the west/southwest, so we program the computer for that location and when we want to get there, and the computer plots a precise course. We roar off down the runway, and climb up into the sky, and set the throttle for 600 miles per hour. George knows what time it is, where we are, and where we want to be, and so he does his calculations and tells Fred what changes to make. He tells Fred to turn two degrees to the right. And Fred answers "Ok, George", and does it. And then Fred recalculates, and says "Fred, you turned too far; turn one degree to the left. And Fred answers "Ok, George", and does it. But Fred turns the nose down a little, and George says "Fred, come up two degrees", and Fred answers "Ok, George", and does it. And a headwind comes up, and so George re-calculates, and says "Fred, speed up 10 miles an hour", and Fred answers "Ok, George", and does it. “Now, the amazing thing about all of this is that, for 98% of the time, we are off-course; we're traveling in the wrong direction, or going too slow, or too fast, or at the wrong altitude. But Fred and George keep talking with each other, and five hours later, 3,000 miles away, we put this 20,000ton aircraft down within three feet of our anticipated destination.” And life is like that…. If you spend too much time fretting about how you are going to get there, or the fact that you are likely to be offcourse a lot of the time, you'll never get off the runway. And, once airborne, you can't exactly stop right there for a while to think about whether this is the right course, or the right altitude, or the right speed. You just have to go. And you have to get your conscious brain and your subconscious brain to work together to get you there." A-42 Create Your Own Engine of Success One of the essential truths underlying the effective use of your mind is that you can give it a roadmap of where you want it to take you. If you provide this roadmap creatively, with energy, care and thought, your mind will take your body and spirit where you tell it you want to go. The simplest way to do this is to find pictures that depict a place very much like the place where (or how) you want to be. Find an appropriate picture or image and hang it up in your bedroom, locker, or somewhere where you will see it on a daily basis. Use a bulletin board or collage technique to collect the things that will remind you of where you want to be. Use quotes if they work for you. Place a list of your current goals there. Keep reminders of how you want to approach your practice, your event, your game... the mental attitudes, disciplines and emotional qualities that work for you. Keep a journal and/or a log of your experience. Practice and experiment with the techniques you are taught, and keep notes as to what works, what doesn't, where you need more effort or practice, what you're revised goal is, etc. Refer back to this material over time; throw out what doesn't work for you, and keep using or practicing whatever it is that produces consistent and positive results. Create your very own private Hall of Masters. Use pictures, quotes, articles, clippings and your own notes about people you admire, the characteristic you admire, and some thoughts about how you can acquire that characteristic. Have imaginary conversations with these people. Visualize yourself in that place you want to go. Visualize yourself succeeding. Visualize yourself performing successfully. Use tape recordings, music and video that will support you in your endeavor. Create a vivid and detailed mental map for your mind of where you want to go, and how you are going to get there. Get creative about how you program your mind with images and messages. And don't forget that you'll need to change and update all of this as you make progress. A task is not done well if not approached well. The challenge is this: 54 55 to find out what beliefs allow us to realize our personal bests.... to discover what behaviors work on our behalf, and which ones don't. A-44 Action and the "As If" Principle 56 You can create success from the inside out with affirmations and visualizations. You can create success from the outside in when you act with positive expectation. Simply put, what you do affects what you think about yourself. As you change what your mind sees and what your mind hears, you change the way you act. Ask yourself this question: If you were to accomplish your goal or realize your dream, how would you act, talk and dress? Check your language, posture and attitudes. When you change the way you act, simply, dramatically and consistently, your mind is forced to change its perception of you. To achieve your goal, live into it. Act as if you were already there. Act like you know it will happen. Act as if it is already happening. Act calmly, with positive expectancy. [This is sometimes expressed as fake it until you make it.] A story from the Old Testament of the Bible provides an illustration. In the middle of a drought, without a rain cloud in sight, a prophet [a leader?] told his people to dig ditches in order to catch rainwater. In essence, what he said was this: Act as though the result you desire will occur. Ask for what you want. Every time you ask or seek, you are acting on the belief that you will get it. When you act into your goals, you demonstrate to your subconscious mind that you are serious about attaining them -- and that you expect you will. Dare to take immediate action toward the results you seek. It is easier to act your way into a new kind of thinking than it is to think yourself into a new way of acting. --William James Go dig your own ditches. Trust that if you are clear in your intention, positive in your expectation, and willing to persevere, the rain will come; the results you seek will manifest. Remember too, as John Dewey said: "Action is always specific, concrete, individual, unique." The essence of talent is not so much the presence of certain qualities but rather the absence of mental, physical and emotional obstructions. 57 [You can learn to get out of your own way.] A-46 Navigating Your Journey 58 Change is all around us, whether we choose to change or not. If you have nothing else, you always have the ability to make a choice. Look for information and data that will orient you. Find maps for the journey ahead. If you choose to undertake a journey of personal growth, you'll want to race out ahead, but the journey will go more smoothly and assuredly if you slow down and do the preparatory groundwork first. Remember, the first phase of any process involves conviction and commitment. As you get out there, you may feel vulnerable, irritable, anxious. You may experience doubt, panic, delusion, inflation and deflation, flushes of success and ruts of boredom. Hold steady and keep going. The second phase of the process is about courage and effort. After you've been underway in your journey of change, you'll start to feel a sense of new skills and new knowledge. You'll want to flex your new capabilities on even bigger projects, in larger arenas, against bigger challenges. At this point, it's important to practice, practice, practice. Be careful about getting caught up in a premature and false sense of competence. The third phase is about honesty, humility and rededication. Return to the basics, to the beginning. Become a rookie all over again, and take the journey anew. It will be different this time because you are different, you have a new level of awareness and skill, and because the playing field will be different, there will be new opponents and new obstacles. Look for the information that will orient you. Find a map for the journey ahead. With a few exceptions, the level of competition at the top is dead even. 59 The winners have little advantage in strength, technique or training; the difference comes in psychology. The winners are better able to achieve a state of psychic balance that allows them to consistently perform at their best. In the language of auto racing, they get all their power down onto the road. If you are thinking of going on to the next level, you had better prepare for it now. You had better start putting your mind to it. When you get there, everyone's an all-star; the kid competing for the same position was the best in his school. In college, the opponent lining up opposite you was probably his league's MVP, and maybe a high school All-American. Two of the older players on your team are All-Region, and expect you to play like one.., soon. If you make the team at your next level, you will find awesome talent, competitive drive and high levels of confidence all around you. If you are playing at the very highest levels, your opponent may be someone with experience in national and international competition. If you are thinking of going on and playing sports at the next level, you had better prepare for it now.... You had better start putting your mind to it. A-48 By learning... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • how to establish goals, and how to adjust your goals; how to make expectations (yours and others) work for you, not against you; how to be committed, avoiding obsessive involvement and its accompanying frustration, and yet still leave room for other important elements of your life; how and why attitude is so very critical to the quality of your life, your experience and your success; how to develop the correct attitudes, and how to develop a form of confidence that works for you without moving you into the self-destructive arena of arrogance; how to believe in yourself; how to have fun at everything you do; how to motivate yourself and others; what visualization is, why it works, and how to do it; how to prepare yourself; how to concentrate, and how to improve awareness and consciousness: how to maintain mental discipline, how to relax, and how to stay relaxed while engaged in mental and physically intense activities; how to enroll others into your goals, and how to motivate people around you to help you achieve your goals; how to coach yourself (and others) by learning to ask the right questions; how to find yourself "in the zone", with increasing frequency. These skills will help you in athletics, but also in learning, in your relationships, and in the world of work and careers. They will help you as an artist (even if you do not yet see yourself as one) as you pursue the everyday enjoyment of life. They will help you improve the quality of your life and of those around you, bringing you many rewards. There are no ordinary moments. The Five Cups of Learning 60 61 Five different types of cup symbolize five different kinds of students. The first cup is upside down; no matter how much learning is poured, nothing gets in the cup. This is the student who pays no attention, whose eyes are glazed while they read, who cannot remember what was presented. The second cup is right-side up, but there is a hole in the bottom. The student takes in what is being presented, but forgets it, does not digest it, or apply it. The third cup is right-side up, but the inside is dirty. When the clear water of instruction is poured in, the dirt makes it cloudy. The student distorts what is taught, interpreting and editing it to reflect preconceived ideas or opinions. Nothing new is actually learned. The fourth cup is already full of water. There can be no new learning because this student already knows it all. The fifth cup is right-side up, has no holes, is clean, and is empty. This student is open to new things, practices what has been taught, looks for ways to apply the learning, comes back to describe results and growth, and is thirsty for more. No matter how good the instruction is… it is only as useful as the student's interest and effort in learning. A-50 Pay Attention !!! 62 From toddlerhood on, soon after we begin to comprehend language, we are told to pay attention. Although no one feels it necessary to explain what this means, we gradually learn [ incorrectly ] that it means being still and focusing on only one thing. Should our focus wander, we call it getting distracted. However, when we are distracted, we are merely paying attention to something else. Being distracted means otherwise attracted. Students who do poorly are told to pay attention, focus or concentrate with the understanding that, if only they did, they would learn the intended lesson. What "paying attention" actually means is not examined. We just assume that if we could fix our mind on the subject and not let it wander, all would be well. We asked several high school teachers what they meant when they asked their students to pay attention, focus or concentrate on something. We asked whether they meant that the students should "hold the picture still" in their mind, or did they mean that the students should "vary the picture" in their minds? Teachers overwhelmingly chose the first alternative. The students gave the same answer. But researchers in perception tell us that when we focus intently on a single image, it actually fades from view. Not only it is nearly impossible to maintain attention by holding an image still, it is also extremely fatiguing. One example or parallel for this involves vigilance, when we must maintain attention against potential danger. Conversely, paying attention to things we enjoy may be energizing and thus possible to sustain for longer periods of time. Successful concentration occurs when the target of our attention varies, when we notice different or interesting things about it. We can enhance our ability to pay attention effectively when we purposefully introduce a change in context or perspective that will lead us to notice something new and interesting. Every seat is the best seat in the house. 63 Is excellence possible with a disengaged heart? 64 A-52 How We Learn 65 We can skillfully manage our lifelong learning in a sustainable pattern in three ways: by instruction, by experience, and by uncovering what we don't know. The basic dynamic of instruction is that someone who "knows" tells or shows someone who "doesn't know", and the not-knower tries to learn it -- which usually means to repeat it on demand. This dynamic applies in classes, personal interaction, books and the other media of instruction. In many circumstances, this is efficient and effective. However, it also has its limitations. It tends toward exchange on the surface of things, requires that the learner apply tremendous energy to turn the lesson into real understanding, and requires the learner to want to learn. We trust people with experience. Learning in the artistic disciplines, apprenticeships and the school of hard knocks relies heavily on this approach. The root of the words "experience" and "experiment" are the same. An expert is good at experiencing a particular situation. What we don't know includes most everything. Uncovering what we don't know is the most powerful learning; it goes deep and resonates for a long time. This critical but often overlooked approach to learning plays havoc with learning systems and institutions. It cannot be programmed; the best we can do is prepare and provoke. Of the three ways of learning, instruction is the easiest to manage, the most orderly. Experience is the most powerful place to enter the three, with the greatest pull toward personal involvement. Uncovering what we don't know leads to the greatest change and forward movement. The best learning does not emphasize one approach over the others but slips fluidly among all three. Yearning is essential to all real learning. Most instructional systems do not develop a hunger to learn; in fact, they seem diabolically designed to squelch the idiosyncratic love of learning. Yearning does evolve to some degree incidentally through interaction with parents, teachers and through hodgepodge experience. But to develop a sustaining lifelong passion for learning we must become our own learning coaches, because institutions rarely provide them. What nurtures a natural desire to learn? Hands-on engagement in an effort to create or accomplish something worthwhile. I knew a man who grabbed a cat by the tail and learned 40% more about cats than the man who didn’t. -- Mark Twain 66 Whatever you want to achieve, think it, see it, feel it and do it. 67 A-54 How Are You Intelligent? 68 In his book Frames of Mind, Howard Gardner proposed the existence of seven separate human intelligences. Linguistic intelligence involves sensitivity to spoken and written language, the ability to learn languages, and the capacity to use language to accommodate certain goals. Lawyers, speakers, writers and poets are among the people with high linguistic intelligence. Logical-mathematical intelligence involves the capacity to analyze problems logically, carry out mathematical operations, and investigate issues scientifically. Linguistic and logical-mathematical intelligence are highly valued in schools; most tests are designed to evaluate abilities in these fields. Musical intelligence entails skill in the appreciation, performance and composition of musical patterns. There is some parallel to linguistic and mathematical intelligence. Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence entails the potential of using one's whole body (or key parts of it) to solve problems or fashion products. Obviously, dancers, actors and athletes have this intelligence in their foreground. However, it is also important for craftspersons, surgeons, bench-top scientists, mechanics and other technically-oriented professionals. Spatial intelligence features the potential to recognize and manipulate the patterns of wide space (those used, for example, by navigators and pilots) as well as the patterns of more confined areas (such as those of importance to sculptors, surgeons, chess players, graphic artists and architects). The wide-ranging ways in which spatial intelligence is deployed in different cultures clearly show how a biopsychological capability can be harnessed. Interpersonal intelligence denotes a capacity to understand the intentions, motivations and desires of other people and, consequently, to work effectively with others. Salespeople, teachers, clinicians, religious leaders, political leaders and actors all need acute interpersonal intelligence. Intrapersonal intelligence is the capacity to understand oneself, to have an effective working model of oneself -including one's own desires, fears and capacities -- and to use such information effectively in regulating one's own life. Later, Gardner added three more: naturalist intelligence (such as in dealing with flora, fauna, ecology, etc.), spiritual intelligence (the conscious recognition of interconnectedness) and existential intelligence (the search for meaning and purpose). Each of us have a unique mix of these many ways of being intelligent. A-56 The brain of each human is unique. 69 Some minds are wired to create symphonies and sonnets, while others are fitted out to build bridges, highways and computers; design airplanes and road systems; drive trucks and taxicabs; or seek cures for breast cancer and hypertension. The growth of our society and the progress of the world are dependent on our commitment to fostering in our children, and in each other, the coexistence and mutual respect of these many different kinds of minds. It's taken for granted in adult society that we cannot all be generalists skilled in every area of learning and mastery. Nevertheless, we apply tremendous pressure on our children to be good at everything. Every day they are expected to shine in math, reading, writing, speaking, spelling, memorization, comprehension, music, artistic expression, problem solving, socialization, following verbal directions, and athletics. Few if any children can master all of these "trades". And none of us adults can. In one way or another, all minds have their specialties, and their frailties. Imaginative play 70 (which frequently springs from boredom) is an important component of intellectual and emotional development. It weaves together logic, aesthetics, narrative fiction, autobiography, emotions and elements of the real world. When we imagine, we integrate all our intelligences to create unique stories Finding Your Passion 71 What puts the biggest grin on your face? What puts the spring in your step? What puts a song in your heart? What puts the sparkle in your eyes? What do you get the biggest kick out of doing, even if you're not great at it? Whatever it is, do these things often. Weave them flexibly into your life. Every single little dose of self-affirmative passion produces positive changes in cardiac rhythms, brain waves, your immune system and your hormonal balance. Pursuing your passion is the antidote to stress and can be a self-renewing call to capability. Move your passions closer to the center of your life and your work. Want to read more about it? See: The Pursuit of Happiness, D.G. Myers, Morrow, 1992. The Biopsychology of Mood and Arousal, R. E. Thayer, Oxford Univ. Press, 1989. The Origin of Everyday Moods, R.E. Thayer, Oxford University Press, 1997. Genius is childhood recaptured. -- Rene Dubos A-58 As you read these words, 72 your brain is monitoring the light, heat, cold, sounds and smells around you. It monitors the functioning of all of your organs, and every touch and pressure on your body. It knows who and what is in the room with you. It knows where every muscle in your body is, and which ones are lengthened, which ones are relaxed, and which ones are contracted. It constantly makes muscle adjustments to keep your body, and especially your eyes, aligned to the page, moving the muscles of your eyes to track across the page, and to adjust for distance and light. It visually takes in the words on the page, integrates them with specific remembered images, sounds and movements in your life to better understand each word and meaning in your special context so that you may evaluate the importance of the text, judge its validity, and consider the ways you might implement its concepts, suggestions and ideas. Magical, isn't it? Skill Acquisition and the Learning Process 73 Learning theorists describe three progressive learning stages or phases. In the cognitive phase, the athlete attempts to "picture" or visualize the performance of newlyintroduced skills or techniques. Athletes will often tell their coaches "I don't see what you mean" after skills are described to them. A variety of teaching techniques are available. The most common is demonstration by a coach, but these may also include demonstration by another highly-skilled athlete (followed by mimicking), or the use of visual or written materials. In the practice phase, the athlete moves toward fixation of the skill to higher levels of maximum efficiency through trial and error. Early on, rapid improvement is made. Progressively less and less change is necessary as the optimum level is approached. Feedback from the coach is important during this phase, when athletes are also developing their own ability to monitor themselves and to detect their own errors. During this phase, coach and athlete should monitor and eliminate any fatigue, frustration and boredom which hinder learning and lead to incorrect learning. It is important to insure proper attitude, behavior and selfdiscipline to ensure consistent development and results. In the autonomic stage of learning, skills have become practiced so much that they have become habits, reflecting the fruits of consciousness and diligence. Motor responses become automatically triggered. Athletes have three learning modes, used alone or in combination, through which they process information relative to the acquisition of motor skills and tasks; these are sight, sound and feel, or visual, auditory and kinesthetic. Some athletes learn best by watching and imitating movement patterns displayed by highlyskilled performers. Others assimilate skills better when they are explained and described to them verbally. Others perform newly-acquired skills best after physical experience of their movement patterns. No proficiency in practical performance of movement or technique is possible without continuous, programmed practice. 74 A-60 The learning curve for skills always involves excitement, discouragement, dismay, misery and, eventually, mastery. 75 On Understanding 76 Understanding something in just one way is a rather fragile approach. Marvin Minsky (author of The Society of Mind, Touchstone, New York, 1985) has said that we need at least two different ways of experiencing something in order to really understand it. Each different way of thinking, studying and experiencing something strengthens and deepens each of the other ways. Understanding something in several different ways produces an overall understanding that is richer, and of a different nature, than any one way of understanding. Understanding versus Realization 77 Said the teacher: You may understand many things, but may not realize them. Understanding is one-dimensional. It is the comprehension of the intellect. It leads to knowledge. Realization, on the other hand, is three-dimensional. It is the simultaneous comprehension of the `whole-body' -- the head, the heart and the physical instincts. It comes only from clear experience. Said the student: What does that mean? I'm not with you. Answered the teacher: Do you remember when you first learned to drive? As a passenger, you watched someone as they drove the car and explained what they were doing. But when you finally got behind the wheel yourself, you gradually came to acquire and perform the skills and understanding that driving requires. On Knowledge, Spirit and Action 78 Use whatever knowledge you have, but also see its limitations. Knowledge alone does not suffice; it has no heart. No amount of knowledge will nourish or sustain your spirit; it can never bring you ultimate happiness or peace. Life requires more than just knowledge; it requires intense feeling and constant energy. Life demands right action if knowledge is to come alive. A player has to pass through three stages: 79 unconsciously incompetent… consciously competent… and unconsciously competent. Learning is experience. Everything else is just information. 80 Curiosity is the best toy in the store. 81 The best learning involves no formal arrangements whatever; 82 the world itself is school enough. A-62 Enrolling in the Greatest University on Earth 83 If learning is so critical to success, where and when is it going to take place? The demands of modern life allow few hours and limited dollars for training and learning. I want to recommend a university that takes very little extra time and no extra money. It is, in my opinion, the best university ever created. It is highly interactive and has incredible 3-D graphics and a sound track too. It is the source of your most valuable knowledge, skill and personal development. Best of all, it is perfectly designed to teach you exactly what you need to learn. You've been enrolled in this university since you were born. It is your life and the experience you derive from it. To create a similar university of such magnitude and complexity would be a daunting and unimaginably expensive undertaking. Think of what it takes to arrange for all of the events and their props. Consider the variations of all of the consequences resulting from your individual choices. Reflect on what it takes to arrange for all of the other participants you interact with, the creation of a situation in which a hundred different people would have a hundred different experiences. While this university is free, there is a requirement for admission into this individually-customized group of colleges, with its perfectly-tailored schedule of courses. In order to learn most effectively and thoroughly, it requires that you be interested in being a student. And you have to be humble. And you have to pay attention to the teacher -- experience itself. If you pay these entry fees, the ball and the racket will teach you how to play tennis, the customer will teach you how to sell, the employee will teach you how to manage, the follower will teach you how to lead, and every task will teach us how to optimize work. This university of experience has an open-door policy. You can enter, and leave, whenever you choose. When you enter and pay attention, the learning process begins. You'll start from your present understanding and move at your own pace. But if you get wrapped up in the drama and trauma of your work and forget that you are a student, the seminar will go on without you. It will wait patiently for your return, always granting you the freedom of choice, to be conscious or not, to pay attention or not. And the variety of available courses is virtually unlimited. There are many reasons to attend this special university. The desire to learn is as fundamental to our being as the desire to survive and the desire to enjoy. We are changed by the way in which we work. We develop qualities as well as skills. Intellectual, emotional, creative and intuitive capacities are developed through our experiences. Determination, courage, commitment, empathy, imagination and a host of communications skills are built. We may not see this learning happen if we focus only on performance but, looking back, we can tell that it has occurred. A-64 The purpose of education is to open your spirit. 84 The entire universe is a huge open book, full of miraculous things, and that is where true learning must be sought. In that spirit, take responsibility, train hard, develop yourselves, bloom in this world, and bear fruit. The young learner must move. That's what keeps him alive, awake, alert. 85 During movement, all the senses are in operation -- visual, auditory, tactile, kinesthetic -- all telling us “ the world is really here, now ”. The Content and Quality of Our Life 86 The nervous system has definite limits on how much information it can process at any given time. There are just so many "events" that can appear in consciousness and be recognized and handled appropriately before they begin to crowd each other out. Walking across a room while chewing gum is not too difficult..., but, in fact, not much more than that can be done concurrently. Thoughts have to follow each other, or they get jumbled. While we are thinking about a problem we cannot truly experience either happiness or sadness. We cannot run, sing and balance the checkbook simultaneously, because each of these activities exhausts most of our capacity for attention. We are on the verge of understanding scientifically how the human brain processes information. How much information can our central nervous system handle simultaneously? It seems we can manage at most seven bits of information (such as differentiated sounds or visual stimuli, or recognizable nuances of emotion or thought) at any one time. The shortest time it takes to distinguish between one set of bits and another is about 1/8th of a second. It is possible, then, to process not more than 126 bits of information per second, or 7,560 per minute, or half a million per hour. In 16 waking hours each day, this amounts to about 185 million bits of information over a lifetime of 70 years. It is out of this total that everything in our life must come -- every thought, memory, feeling or action. The information we allow into our consciousness therefore becomes extremely important; it is, in fact, what determines the content and quality of our life. A-66 The Power of the Experience of Understanding 87 There is a fundamental dimension to learning that has been under-emphasized and often ignored: the motivational power of the experience of understanding that results in subjective pleasure or satisfaction. Understanding takes a person through the process from contextually being part of the problem to being part of the solution. Understanding means that new knowledge is incorporated into the self in such a way that it can be readily applied to a new situation, and the process of personal comprehension feels good when it is completed. Another term for this form of learning is insight. The smile of pleasure and the relaxation associated with an “aha!” or "oh yeah, I get it" moment is the signal of satisfaction of understanding. Understanding that something is basically true and right and solid about yourself, about someone you love, or about the world you live in also feels good. This feeling of pleasure helps us recognize the powerful desire that drives intelligent behavior, a desire that seeks the pleasure of competence and mastery. I believe that this same process of challenge, followed by understanding and a feeling of pleasure, applies to spiritual intelligence. The pleasure that drives spiritual intelligence is described in many forms, often in the sense of oneness with other human beings or all of living creation, or of connection to a larger whole, to a greater and transcendent consciousness. You are the most important coach you will ever have. 88 Your future and success depend on many things, but mostly they depend on you. You have the responsibility to shape your life. You are the person who pushes yourself forward or holds yourself back. Applying the skills and techniques of mental training will not create talent, but they will help you release it. 89 Those who want milk should not sit themselves down on a stool in the middle of the field and hope that the cow will back up to them. -Albert Hubert A sporting event is never complete in the moment in which it takes place. Much of its rewards come afterward, when the participant thinks back on what was accomplished. The flow of sport extends to the feeling of having created flow through hard work. 90 True victory is the victory over self. On Learning 91 92 Something happens to a child when learning is replaced by schooling. Children can't not learn. If they lose their appetite for learning, it's because somebody, orsomething, has turned a natural joyous, life-sustaining activity into a form of drudgery, a theater of the absurd, or -- worse -- a chamber of abuse. Let us, like the ancient doctors, vow first to do no harm, and promise to resist measures that deprive children of their natural enthusiasm and exuberance as learners, their impulse to ask questions, to figure things out, to wonder, to express, to investigate, to construct, to imagine. Children are naturally passionate learners. A profound negative shift in the child's attitude toward learning can show up as the result of distractions, boredom, pressure for grades and scores, a distaste for learning by book and lecture (vs. a taste for learning by doing), a lack of inner motivation (or learning to please elders), perfectionism and an obsession with the competition for grades, lack of challenge, poor academic self-image, cultural hostility, being bullied by adults, negative peer pressure or ostracism, language difficulties or family-based social problems. I believe that passionate learning is mostly a function of relationships. Teachers [and coaches?] say they must spend so much time trying to keep students "on track" with the lesson plan [or the practice plan] they have "no time to waste on nonessentials". But when kids feel unconnected, unappreciated, unmotivated, and unknown, their attention span decreases, their conduct deteriorates, and their teachers have to spend more time haranguing them to do their work. Human learning has, for eons, been largely a social and interactional activity. Relationships among and between teachers, students, family and community members have great power to affect the child's pride, persistence and learning performance. A-69 Sport's Exploration of Human Limits 93 The demands our games make on us take on many forms; each sport has its own set of ideals. Mountaineering and race car driving, for example, require very different sets of capacities. Each stretches its participants in a special way and aligns them with particular dimensions of experience. In no other field of human activity other than sport is there such a proliferation of specialized physiques. As athletics have developed in the modern world, they have required an ever greater variety of skills and bodily structure to support them - - whether it is the muscular frame of a three-hundred pound defensive tackle, the elastic joints of a gymnast, the prodigious cardiopulmonary system of a marathon runner, or the steady hand of an archer. What are the ideals for your sport?…. the position you play in that sport? your vision for your future? A-70 Music and the Mind 94 During the 1980’s and the 1990’s, scientific journals around the world began publishing studies proving: • that music literally alters the structure of the developing brain of the fetus; • that infants recognize and prefer music first heard in their mother's wombs; • that IQ scores increase among young children who receive regular music instruction; • that a single half-hour of music therapy improves children's immune function; and • that music relieves stress, encourages social interaction, stimulates language development, and improves motor skills among young children. Can music make us more intelligent? Certainly it can increase the number of neuronal connections in our brain, thereby stimulating verbal skills. It can teach good study habits, aid in efforts to read and to comprehend mathematical concepts, and help us memorize facts with ease. But intelligence is not measured only by our ability to read, write, memorize and work with numbers. Our success in working with community, in remembering visually and aurally, in moving in creating and interacting with grace and sensitivity, in expressing emotion and relieving stress, and in listening to and trusting our own "inner voice" are equally important -- and all are enhanced by listening to and making music. True, many influences contribute to the molding of a life, and music is only one of them. But unlike our genetic inheritance, which is fixed, our musical inheritance is expandable. We can turn up the volume and make it as positive a force as we wish. Music shapes and stimulates the mind, body and spirit. Our emotional and mental bodies need as much exercise as our physical body. 95 Poetry, music, drama, prayer and love are essential to the game too. There is no end to it once you begin to take your game seriously. A-71 Be Here Now 96 Be at your fullest level. Inhale deeply. Experience every sense. Explore any emotion that presents itself and let it be there, and then let it go. Enjoy whatever it is you are doing fully. Here is where you should be… in other words, wherever you are. Do not be mentally somewhere else; you cannot be there now, and you will miss what is happening here. Now is when you should be attentive. You cannot hope to come back and capture what is going on now at a later date. Don't waste your time looking forward to something that may never happen, or looking back at the past because that will not happen again the same way. When you get to that point or place you were looking forward to, that is the time to experience it fully. When you look back, you need not look back wistfully, longingly, if you were fully alive & experienced it then. In other words, to get vibrancy, impact and fulfillment, do whatever it is that you are doing whenever you are doing it with immediacy, with intensity and with immersion. Optimal Experience 97 We have all experienced times when, instead of being buffeted by anonymous forces, we feel in command of our actions, masters of our own fate. On the rare occasions when it happens, we get a deep sense of enjoyment that is long cherished and that becomes a landmark in memory for what life should be like. This is what we mean by optimal experience. It is what the sailor holding a tight course feels when the wind whips through her hair, when the boat lunges through the waves like a colt -- sails, hull, wind and sea humming a harmony that vibrates in the sailor's veins. It is what a painter feels when the colors on the canvas begin to set up a magnetic tension with each other, and a new thing, a living form, takes shape in front of the astonished creator. Or it is the feeling that a father has when his child for the first time responds to his smile. Such events do not occur only when the external events are favorable, however; people who have survived concentration camps or who have lived through nearfatal physical danger often recall that, in the midst of the ordeal, they experienced extraordinarily rich epiphanies in response to such simple events as hearing the song of a bird in the forest, completing a hard task, or sharing a crust of bread with a friend. Contrary to what we usually believe, moments like these, the best moments of our lives, are not the passive, receptive, relaxing times – although such experiences can also be enjoyable if we worked hard to attain them. The best moments usually occur after a person's body or mind is stretched to its limits in a voluntary effort to accomplish something difficult and worthwhile. Optimal experience is thus something we made happen. For a child, it could be placing with trembling fingers the last block on a tower he has built, higher than any he has built so far. For the swimmer, it could be trying to beat her own record. For a violinist, it is mastering an intricate musical passage. For each person, there are thousands of opportunities, challenges to expand ourselves. Write a short paragraph or more about your optimal experiences. A-73 Disappearance of Self in Action 98 Some years ago I learned to sail small boats in the Charles River Basin. One Sunday afternoon, on a minimalist boat called a Laser, I experienced a satori, a moment of revelation that dissolved the boundary between self & surroundings. The line in my left hand controlled the sail, and it felt as if I held the wind in my hand, of which the sail surface was only an extension. My right hand held the rudder, plunged underwater, where I could feel the water so intimately that the rudder might have been my palm. I simply became a pivot linking wind and water; my task was to sense these two elements and mediate between them. No thinking was needed -- in fact, thinking would have hindered me. Suddenly "I" vanished and instead there was a unified field of water, wind and a translator in their conversation; what is more, this translator was conscious and hence could steer. The rest of the day was ecstasy. That was the afternoon I learned to sail, and also discovered something about steering. To steer does not mean to impose your will on your surroundings, but rather being so fully in touch with the proximate forces that, almost without effort, you enlist them in your chosen course. On the best days, there may be only a trifling difference between steering and being steered, perhaps no more than an inner conviction about where to go. Athletes recognize "the zone" as a special place where their performance is exceptional, consistent, automatic and flowing. When they are "in the zone", there are no parts..., only one whole experience, where nothing else exists except performance. The ability to enter the zone, and stay in it, can be learned. 99 Athletes need to understand that their ability to find and maintain their states of absorption and flow is not just something that happens once in a blue moon, or the seemingly coincidental result that occurs when planets align just right. Athletes can invite flow to occur by preparing for greater challenges, removing distractions and learning to focus on their skills. Though even the greatest athletes cannot achieve it at will, it is an ability that can be nurtured. 100 One of the favored techniques used in learning something is called "fading", 101 or the gradual, programmed withdrawal of behavioral cues. For example, if a student wishes to memorize something, he first reads it through. Then, with each successive reading, he "erases" a few words until, at the end, all he needs is an acronym or a title or some other trigger to set off the behavior. Control Follows Awareness 102 A-75 "What's this "touchy-feely" stuff have to do with winning?” 103 Laurie Fabian was hired to develop a life-skills program in the context of professional sports for the Carlton Club, one of the premiere Australian Rules Football clubs. Founded in 1864, the club's logo has always been "Mens Sana in Corpore Sano", a Latin phrase that means "a sound mind in a sound body". Having won sixteen national titles, Mr. Fabian's boss assured him that, indeed, his mission had everything to do with creating a culture that produced and supported winning on the field. The program operates under the belief that an athlete's balance in life enables a higher level of performance over a longer period of time. Its approach operates under the principles of athlete empowerment and the development of a leadership cluster that moves toward the existence of a team that coaches itself and that, by sharing the program with the community around it, it strengthen its ties with its community. The Carlton Club works together with the Australian Institute of Sport, which is moving away from the past approach of reactive intervention to proactive self-development with its athletes, representing attitudes and beliefs among counselors, coaches, teachers and others that the athlete, through supportive education and empowering relationships over a period of time, can develop the strengths and resources necessary to evolve their own solutions in areas of both personal growth and performance enhancement. One who has mastered the art of living 104 simply pursues his vision of excellence at whatever he does, leaving others to decide whether he is working or playing. -- James Michener What you believe you can do will determine your experience more than your actual abilities. 105 If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you. - - attributed to Jesus in the Gnostic Gospel According to Thomas Can you warm your hands by simply willing it? 106 Most people can, by coaxing their blood vessels to open. Prove this to yourself by taping a thermometer to a fingertip. With 5 to 10 minutes of focusing on the notion of warming, you can probably raise your skin temperature by at least five degrees. This is not magic. This is a proven scientific principle called biofeedback. When you sit and focus on your breath during meditation, you are doing much the same thing. You are triggering the relaxation response. Your blood vessels relax and open, bringing oxygen, energy, hormones and removing carbon dioxide and other waste. You can exercise more control over your nervous system, hormonal system and muscular system. These systems run adequately on autopilot when they need to, but you can influence them with the power and intention of your mind. Meditation has been proven in over 500 medical studies to have significant health benefits. A-77 Three Questions to Ask Yourself Before Practice 107 Before each training session or practice, ask yourself three types of questions: 1. What am I going to do today? What are my physical training and/or skill refinement goals for today's session? 2. How am I going to approach what I'm going to do today? What attitudes will I bring to the process (intensity, positiveness, concentration, etc.)? 3. What am I going to do today to improve my mental capabilities? What are my mind/body training goals? One of the biggest obstacles to excellence is not in deciding where you want to end up, but in specifying what you are going to do today to get there. Don't sacrifice the use and development of proper technique in order to achieve faster results. Any benefit will be short in duration and will create even bigger problems in the future. 108 There are no shortcuts that don't come with a high price. 109 As you practice your game, begin to move away from being focused on results by developing your own unique scoring system. 110 Instead of constantly keeping track of points, assists, RBI's, field goals, or recalculating batting averages, free throw shooting percentages, or some other form of statistic, give yourself points for certain attitudes and behaviors. Develop a scoring system that reflects the way you practice, the ways in which you approach and execute a given athletic task or maneuver, the way you adopt to circumstances, the way you react to outcomes, the way you read situations and people, and so on. Reinforce the positive changes you want by acknowledging your improvements and successes. Create a small list of the important attributes or qualities that you are developing, and recognize and reward their growth and development during practice and competition. Add an extra column for new awareness, focus points, transitions, and the things your coach wants you to work on. With this approach, your sense of dignity, accomplishment and enjoyment will grow, and the results will drop into place when the time is right. A-79 The five cornerstones of physical development for any sport that involves movement: 1) vision 2) balance 3) flexibility 4) speed 111 5) power Handling Criticism and Feedback Effectively 112 Often when we get specific constructive feedback from a coach, teacher, boss, friend or parent, we get defensive. We may interpret what is said as evidence that we are inadequate, incapable or bad. We may feel guilty or embarrassed. We might have negative emotional feelings about the person who has given us this feedback; perhaps, we think, their intention is to make us look foolish. Or we think that "They don't know what they're talking about." So we react emotionally, which blocks the message: we miss the opportunity to gain something of value. When we get specific constructive feedback, we need to take a moment to cool down, to reduce our emotional temperature, to become more detached and step outside of ourselves and the situation by pretending that we are an observer watching ourselves and our coach/teacher/critic. Detaching ourselves emotionally in this way is not easy at first; we have geared up and engaged our emotions in order to participate. Especially in sports, but even in other endeavors, we bring much of ourselves to the attempt. In sports, we are at a high level of physical intensity. We have a lot invested emotionally in taking part, in proving or improving our abilities, in accomplishing difficult things. So, while we pause for a moment to cool down and detach ourselves, we can respectfully and calmly ask some questions (immediately or later). The answers will allow you to see the situation more clearly, and provide you with useful information. They may help defuse the confrontational nature of the situation, and will show your coach/critic/teacher that you are interested in accepting and using the feedback. Ask them for an explanation, a more detailed description, or a demonstration. Ask them to help you design a cue, or a memory device, or a trigger that will help you do better next time. Ask them to describe how it will feel, or look like, when you do it right; ask them to give you a sensory or kinesthetic clue. Ask them to show you a drill or an exercise you can work on. Ask them for an opportunity to do it better. As the last step, ask them to explain what you are doing right. Then thank them for their support, advice, and suggestions. The word competition comes from 2 Latin words, con petire, which mean "to search together". The best way to find out how good your skills are is to match them against the skills of another person, or to merge and blend them with those of your teammates against a mutually-perceived objective. The purpose of competition is not to beat someone else, but instead to search out the best in yourself. 113 The finest gift that you give your opponent is to create the greatest challenge you can muster. This expression of high regard allows him or her to play at the highest possible level. Expect the same in return. 114 A-81 Challenge & the Delicious Uncertainty of Sports 115 Sport provides ample opportunity to free ourselves for short periods to enjoy pleasure and excitement not readily available elsewhere in society. In sport, we can live out our quest for excitement, personal control, or risk by deliberately accepting challenges that we then attempt to meet. The continual process of seeking out and meeting challenges that are within our capacity is the heart of human motivation. Finding challenges that are difficult but potentially within control can provide our own personal arena of "delicious uncertainty", and create personal meaning. Sport can provide opportunities for experience leading to enlightenment and self-discovery, and a quest for self-fulfillment. Experience becomes the goal. The experience may lead to improved performance, personal satisfaction and greater awareness, or it simply may be interesting in its own right. Answering life's challenges in our own way is what provides personal meaning for each of us. Meaning flows most readily when we are striving towards some worthy goal. We can experience meaning by committing ourselves to certain goals or values, by experiencing someone or something of value to us, by creating something, or by choosing to do something for others, with others, or by ourselves that we deem to be worthwhile. Sport can provide a sense of purpose and continuous challenge. It offers numerous opportunities for personal growth, and for stretching the limits of our potential. Personal excellence is a contest within yourself, to draw on the natural reserves within your own mind and body, to develop your capabilities to the utmost. The true challenge lies in personal growth, in enjoying the pursuit of your goals, and in living your life. The Fine Balance Between Challenge and Skill 116 Whenever I take my hunting dog Hussar for a walk, he likes to play a simple game -- a version of escape and pursuit-- running circles around me at top speed, with his tongue hanging out and his eyes warily watching every move I made, daring him to catch me. Occasionally I would take a lunge, and if I was lucky I could just touch him. Whenever I was tired, or moved half-heartedly, Hussar would run in much tighter circles, making it relatively easy for me to catch him. On the other hand, if I was in good shape and willing to extend myself, he would enlarge the diameter of his circle. In this way, the difficulty of the game was kept constant. With an uncanny sense for the fine balance between challenge and skill, he made sure the game would yield the maximum enjoyment for both of us. To enjoy a sport, one doesn't have to win, or even do it well. 117 Many enduring memories of physical activity may refer to disastrous moments when the athlete first understood something important about his or her strengths and limitations, or gained a new appreciation for the elements of the sport A-83 Re-Creation 118 Athletics isn't about swimming, or running, or playing a sport; it's about muscle and nerve endings, it's about physiology, it's about certain extra-ordinary kinds of concentration. Primitive societies know there is considerable power in rhythmic, repetitive physical action -as in nonstop dancing -- to affect the mood, if not to move the consciousness into mysterious regions. After 20 minutes or more steady and rhythmic physical activity, the world begins to dissolve. Physical work does produce a restful effect. That kind of energy expenditure produces its own tranquilizing hormones. It is a particular and pretty good definition of recreation. It is how you can re-create yourself. Creating Challenge for Yourself: The Pathway to Flow 119 People who are good at finding new opportunities for action in whatever they do, and who are prepared to put themselves on the line, are more able to set the stage for flow to occur than those who simply follow routine, play it safe, and refrain from stretching their skills and pushing themselves into unknown territory. Challenge is the guide on the road to flow. By understanding and embracing the opportunities in whatever activities you participate in, you will more likely find that state of being that represents increasing enjoyment and success. Learning how to create challenge in whatever you do is important to continued development in anything you do, will increase your enjoyment level (even in seemingly dull activities), and will enhance the quality of your experience. Our Capacity to See and Hear Sports, the martial arts, acting and dance can be enjoyable disciplines, physical activities through which you can explore almost unlimited capacities for physical and mental unity. However, almost any information that flows through one's nervous system can lend itself to rich and varied flow experiences. Our capacity to see, for example, is used by most of us at a very low level. We use it at various distances to keep us informed of who is doing what, to avoid stepping on the cat, to find our car keys. Occasionally, we stop to "feast our eyes" when a particularly gorgeous sight appears, but we do not systematically cultivate the potential of our vision. Exploring the visual arts and the enjoyable experience of watching nature are flow-producing activities that can work in conjunction with the development of one's mental capacities through focused attention. Similarly, exploring the many realms of listening, and making music, can produce flow experiences, can enable improved mental capacity, and can enable an improved link between the rhythms of athletics and the rhythms of the mind. Sports are widely practiced nowadays, and they are good for physical exercise. In Aikido, too, we train the body but also use the body as a vehicle to train the mind, calm the spirit, and find goodness and beauty, dimensions that sports lack. Training in Aikido fosters valor, sincerity, fidelity, magnanimity, and beauty, as well as making the body strong and healthy. Train not to learn how to win; train to learn to emerge victorious in any situation. 120 A-85 The last of the human freedoms, in any given set of circumstances, is to choose one's attitude. 121 Success = Ability x Preparation x Effort x Will 122 In a competitive environment, only a few will win the contest, but success is available to everyone. Success is not determined by how well one does against another, but rather is measured only against oneself. Success can be understood as a product of four essential factors, each amplifying the other, none capable of standing alone. Everyone has ability. Some have great cognitive abilities, while others have musical or artistic abilities. Others may have great motor or athletic activities. While we each have varying degrees of ability in certain areas, few if any have great abilities in all areas. Having a lot of ability, sometimes called talent, can enhance a person's opportunities to achieve, but it does not guarantee the attainment of success; it is how one develops and uses one's talent that will determine the level of success that is achieved. Thus, the need for preparation is clear. Being able to use one's ability most effectively and efficiently occurs only after the committed investment of oneself in planned and purposeful preparation. Practice leads to the development of natural ability into greater levels of capability. This may be reflected in greater speed and strength, more coordinated skill and movement, acquired knowledge, more insightful understanding or a mutually enhancing blend of both physical and mental application. But having ability, and working hard, will not insure either winning or success. The mental and physical capabilities, and the knowledge and insight, must be brought forth through extensive and wellapplied effort in the competitive arena. Surely it is clear that lesser amounts of preparation and effort will diminish the odds for achievement, and that better practice and proficient exertion will improve those odds. But, even with possession of talent, having worked diligently and persistently, and having given as much of one's self as possible, there is still one ingredient missing: one's own will. At "crunch time", when the outcome of the contest was up for grabs, those who brought their talent to be tested on the field of competition, who worked hard for weeks and months and even years, who exerted all of their physical strength, who exhausted all of their mental intensity, who summoned, again and again, the last drops of their inner mental and physical reserve, those are the ones who succeeded. Who won? It does not matter. The only true winners were those who had put all of themselves on the line, who had made the great effort, who had nothing left to give. A-77 "What made Tiger Woods great?" Five icons of coaching answer the question. 123 Angelo Dundee: "For a young guy to be that cool, that steady, is amazing. You can see how fluid he is physically. Mentally, he's unshakable..., situations do not overwhelm him. He doesn't blow his stack; he evaluates, and then takes care of the situation. I love the way he carries himself. He does this thing that I try to get my fighters to do -- he smiles. Reminds me of Muhammad Ali, the way he carries himself. Muhammad was a pied piper. Tiger's a pied piper." Don Shula: "He has made himself better by making himself stronger; that's what impresses me the most. He's willing to work harder than his competitors. Add that to his natural ability and you've got a combination that's hard to beat. I try to get people to be aware of the positive things around them, and one of the most positive in our world is Tiger Woods -- his work habits, the way he influences young people, and the way he handles himself." Red Auerbach: "Tiger's main attribute is his dedication. He has blocked out everything except what he has to do." Tom Tellez: "Tiger knows what he is doing biomechanically, and not many athletes really do. Carl Lewis was that way when I coached him. Most know what feels right when they're going good, but when they're not going good, they don't know what's gone wrong. If you want to be consistent at a sport, you have to understand technique, the things that Isaac Newton taught us, in detail. Carl understood technique and could make a change from one race to another, from one jump to another, under extreme pressure. Tiger is like that as well. He can duplicate under pressure what he does in practice." John Wooden: "Tiger's work habits and focus are exceptional. Work habits develop the fundamentals that are so necessary, and his focus allows him to put other things out of his mind so that he can concentrate on the job at hand. I was astounded when he stopped his swing at the top on the 15th tee in the 2001 Masters. He has everything in the physical area, but his advantage is above the shoulders, where all the great ones excel." See also the book Think Like Tiger: An Analysis of Tiger Woods' Mental Game, by John Indrisano, G. P. Putnam and Sons, New York, 2002. The mental skills of Tiger Woods are based on Zen Buddhist meditation, staying in the present, maintaining a balanced calmness with intense focusing/intention capability, and autosuggestion through hypnosis.] [Ed.: What happened to Tiger? Injury and change to his spinal cord, which demanded that he re-focus and repurpose and re-learn everything.] A-81 An Ideal Performance State 124 exists for every athlete. It is simply the optimal mix of physiological and mental characteristics for performing at your particular activity. You are most likely to experience your own Ideal Performance State when you feel confident, relaxed and calm, energized with positive emotion, challenged, focused and alert, automatic and instinctive, and ready for fun and enjoyment. The essence of toughness in sports is knowing how to turn your IPS on. Some emotions are empowering and free your talent and skill; others effectively lock your potential out. Empowering emotions are those associated with challenge, drive, confidence, determination, positive fight, energy, spirit, persistence and fun. Disempowering emotions are those associated with feelings of fatigue, helplessness, insecurity, low energy, weakness, fear and confusion. The reason emotion is so important is its connection to your level of arousal. If your body were a computer, emotions would be the operating system that connects your software with your hardware. Emotions are body talk carried by our body's chemical messengers, biochemical events in the brain that can lead to a cascade of powerful changes in the body. These changes either move you closer to, or further away from, your IPS. Fear moves you away, confidence brings you closer; temper and rage jerk you away; fun and enjoyment bring you back. What you think and visualize, how you act, when and what you eat, the quantity and quality of your sleep and rest, and especially your level of fitness, all have profound effects on your emotional state at any given time. Mental toughness in sports is a physical entity. The body is physical; talent and skill are physical; emotions, thought and visualization are electrochemical events and thus physical. Changes in your brain's chemistry, whether through blood sugar levels, the degree of dehydration, the amount of adrenalin, or the concentrations of brain hormones, can profoundly influence coordination and balance, concentration, and muscle-response accuracy. A-83 Abe Lincoln was once asked how he would approach the problem if he were given six hours to chop down a great oak tree. He said that he would spend the first four hours sharpening his axe. 125 Preparation: The Reinforcement of Learning 126 If an athlete has become aware of the fact that there is something to be learned in everything he hears or sees, he is one step away from being a model athlete. He can take that step by putting his awareness into action in a regular, routine, regimented, repetitious way. By developing consistent behavior, a key to confidence and maximum performance, the best players put their learning into form through diligent, conscientious and effective practice routines. The driving force is a mental one, built of desire and discipline. The desire to learn (intellectual) joins with the discipline to work effectively (psychological). The body then makes it a triad. The process can be difficult, demanding, timeconsuming and arduous. It tends to be very boring if one is not paying attention. But when you discover some fascinating new little element, when you have already invested something of yourself, when you understand the interactions among goals, awareness, attention, dedication and commitment, then the process becomes enjoyable. Larry Bird was not a perfect physical specimen but, before and after practices and games, he worked alone. He had a consistent pattern: one day he focused on foul shots and shots from the left side of the court; on another day, he'd concentrate on off-balance fall-away jumpers and three-point shots. Over and over - - with consistent intensity. Raymond Berry had limited physical talents as a Baltimore Colts receiver, but he spent 2-3 nights each week going over game films. He measured precisely how to run each pass route. He observed how he placed his hands to catch the ball. He logged the quality of the spiral on passes in different weather conditions. He found 88 ways to avoid a defender to catch a pass, and practiced them all. He strengthened his hands. He practiced catching off-target passes. He laundered his own uniform to make sure it fit properly. He used different contact lenses for different conditions. He did whatever he could to make himself better. Roberto Clemente checked the conditions in the outfield before every game... the thickness and amount of moisture in the grass, the changing wind direction and speed, the lighting, the contours of the outfield walls. He became aware of these factors, and then he factored them into his preparation through the actions he took in pre-game practice. NFL coaches burn gallons of "midnight oil" reviewing game films in preparation for their next opponent. It is said that if Joe Paterno, the heralded head coach of the Penn. State football team, is given two weeks to develop a game plan, his team is nearly invincible. A-85 Preparation is like the pre-flight check for airplane pilots. Preparation in athletics is an act of control -controlling behavior and environment, in order to be ready to attain a goal. Preparation includes: Time: Every athlete creates his own schedule before and after practices and games, between practices and games. That time can be filled with comfortable, consistent, purposeful behavior that supports the practice experience, the competitive performance and the attainment of goals. Sleeping: A reliable schedule of sleep is important for physical and mental rest. Also, awakening consistently at the same time will allow consistency for the remainder of the countdown prior to competition. Eating: Eating or snacking before competition is generally unwise. Completing your meals the same number of hours before games on a regular basis taps into the physiological reality of your body and enables a consistent approach to normal cycles and rhythms. Traveling: Arrive a little early, whenever possible. Late arrivals mean rushed pre-practice and pre-game routines and higher levels of anxiety. Dress/Equipment: When and how you check & prepare equipment, and put on your uniform, are major opportunities for mental preparation. Location: Find a place that is convenient and sensible for getting emotionally, physically and mentally ready for practice and competition. This may be in front of your locker, behind the bench, or any place that gives you the factors of quiet, space, freedom of movement, etc. that work for you. You may have several places for different components of preparation like warm-ups, personal strategy review, calming, focus, etc. Find something in, or bring something to, that location that will serve you as a trigger for that function. Socializing versus Isolation: Each athlete comes to know when and if she needs the company of others or a time to draw inward. It's a matter of individual preference. The athlete who allows others to interfere with his readying process loses control of the process and himself. Consistent preparation leads to consistent behavior, an improved sense of purpose, and consistent performance. It lessens the interference of confused, irrational, self-conscious or fearful thinking. The best athletes know that they are ready; they have prepared themselves with dedication, purpose and confidence. The keys to preparation are clarity, commitment and composure. 127 Clarity is having a vivid image of both your target and the path to it. Commitment is freeing yourself from second-guessing, doubt or hesitation. Composure is being calm and focused, poised and at ease. A-87 "Failing to prepare is preparing to fail." -- former UCLA coach John Wooden Preparation 128 Today, I have readied myself in large ways over the past months, but have also prepared for the small details that arise on race day (like clothing, equipment, food, timetable and transportation). Handing the small details in advance means that they do not compete for my attention on the day of competition. With fewer things to think about, it becomes easier to focus on the race. Like meditation, preparation empties the mind, and improves my internal signal-to-noise ratio. We quiet the body by first extinguishing mental brushfires. An actor learns his role "cold": the spoken lines, the cues, the stage blocking. Solid preparation frees energy for emotional expression. It allows the actor to focus on the other actors, to relate and respond to them. With the focus off of self, spontaneity arises. The wellprepared oarsman puts his or her attention where it matters, not on self, but on boat, course and water, in order to better relate and respond to them. Ideally, a ritual of preparation should be wellestablished 129 in minor competition so that each item of the countdown is recognized and triggers a further boost to confirm the approaching demand, to get yourself mentally in order. One at a Time Barry Rosen, the former Merrimack College baseball coach, talks about winning the game by winning each inning, one at a time. He thinks in terms of: a) improving each practice, one at a time; b) having a successful at-bat one pitch at a time; c) holding the other team scoreless one out at a time; d) winning each inning one at a time; and e) building a season one win at a time. Break your game and tasks down into increments and smaller parts. * Once each step is done, make a mental note of what went right and what went wrong, put it behind you, re-focus, make the necessary adjustments, and go on. * For an example, check out the baseball players' selfassessments developed by Dorfman and Kuehl. They are in the Appendix. A-89 Optimal Readiness 130 Being in great physical shape gives a mental as well as a physical edge to performance. Knowing you have put in the hard work and trained well increases the chances of performing physically at optimal levels. It also generates confidence which facilitates flow. Getting to the point of optimal physical readiness involves having done the training, being in good physical shape, being well-hydrated, having followed an appropriate diet, being rested, and having tapered or peaked for the performance. In order to do well, you have to know that you deserve to do well. Pay attention to the interconnection between the physical and mental components of your readiness and how they influence each other. Long-Term Preparation 131 Any obstruction you have met, or will meet in the future, is the true result of insufficient or improper preparation. Preparation is the foremost key to success. If you want to build a house, you first create a strong foundation. Every step that follows is important, but without a strong foundation, the structure is weak and will not last. Skills are the visible part of the upper structures of your athletic house. Physical talent makes up the foundation of the house. Mental and emotional talent is the ground on which the house and foundation stand. Without preparation, you run the risk of developing bad habits or behavior that attempts to compensate for failing to master the basics and fundamentals. The best athletes regularly go back to basics and strengthen their foundation; it cures slumps and plateaus. Going straight to physical skills without learning how to learn, without building a foundation based on mental discipline and emotional balance, may produce short-term results and will not produce long-term development or success. Athletes who have developed strength but ignored the need for suppleness will tend to compensate for their lack of flexibility with more strength. This will appear to work temporarily, but the resulting imbalance will, at some point, obstruct or hinder further development, or lead to injury. In the early years, coaches emphasize this preparation, focusing on these fundamentals. It may be boring, but extensive rewards will show up two, three and five years later. The hasty, random, up-and-down learning curve of most athletes creates rapid improvement at first, but as skills become more intense, difficult and complex, and as the quality of the competitors improves dramatically, weaknesses based on poor fundamental development begin to show up, decreasing motivation, suggesting that the athlete's potential has been achieved, and making other pursuits more appealing. A slow and steady emphasis on preparation, foundationbuilding, and the fundamentals is boring, difficult and seemingly without immediate result. But gradually and surely, the learning curve will move upward, accelerating at a rapid, consistent and almost effortless pace. A-90 On Your Quest 132 One of the most basic activities of the learner is to question. A question can merely reflect idle curiosity, but a QUEST is something one pursues in earnest. In our lives, we are likely to entertain millions of questions, but pursue only a few quests. A quest is also an acronym for five different kinds of learning goals, each of which expands one's capabilities in a different way. Learning to develop and access a specific quality, or personal attribute, will expand your possibilities. What qualities do you bring to your quest, and which ones would you like to bring? What is it about your athletic experience would you like to have a better grasp of? Improved understanding of teammates, competition, mission, the dynamics of your "sport", its tactics and strategies, teamwork and leadership skills will help you realize your quest. Know-how and skill can be technical or non-technical. What expertise can you hone that will enable a higher level of performance? What skills can be learned from experience? Which ones require book or classroom learning? What skills are already well-developed? What skills from other arenas or fields of endeavor will be helpful in tackling a wider variety of tasks or assignments? Strategic Thinking is the ability to step back and distinguish between the forest and the trees. How clear are your priorities? Are your current activities in line with your long-term objectives? All work is done in time and related to it. The best efforts and strategies have failed because of an inability to come to terms with this fact. The most valuable learning and development will take place from your interaction with your experience. Most people say "I just don't have the time to learn during my hectic day." But learning from experience is done at the same time as having the experience and requires only a little extra time for reflection about what you observed during the experience. Your progress can be better assured, and even accelerated, with the use of specific mental tools. Inspiration and spontaneity must be given their place if any game is to be mastered and enjoyed. 133 Whatever activity you choose to stimulate and develop body, mind and soul, joy must be at the heart of it. When joy comes first, focused concentration and rigorous effort will follow. 134 Intensity coupled with commitment is magnetic. A-92 Wynton Marsalis On Our Search for Excellence 135 At a place like Juilliard, it's like the New York Yankees or something...: we maintain a very high level of expectation in order to give the very best that we have to offer the world…. Places like Juilliard are very important because we can reach a situation where things of intelligence, refinement and culture can be considered elite, and things that are crass and ignorant can be considered to be real and of the people. When we begin to have the mass of the populace believing that they should strive for something that is not worth striving for, then tremendous amounts of energy goes into the worthless and the maintenance of that which is worthless. It's a battle we all fight, even within ourselves. We have to actively pursue knowledge. It's out there for you, and you gotta go out and get it. You gotta want it, and you gotta keep wanting it. Don't go for the easy solutions; work through it. Go inside yourself; that's going to help you find your own sound. Speak from what you know and who you are. Success is a little like wrestling a gorilla. You don't quit when you're tired -- you quit when the gorilla is tired. -- Robert Strauss Research has shown that music has a powerful effect 136 not only on mood but also on perception and attitude. What we retain from a particular experience can depend on the tone of voice used or on what music was playing in the background. Words are better remembered as being positive if bright, light music is playing and words are considered to be negative when accompanied by slower, heavier sound. Experienced moviegoers know that the mood of the music that happens to be playing affects what people feel at the moment and what they recall later. Music is not just what what's on our radio, in our CD library or what someone else decides we need to hear. It is a key to our minds, bodies and hearts. The Manifestation Formula 137 There is an eight step process or formula through which you can make your thoughts become concrete reality. And it’s a cycle you’ll keep repeating…. The Vision The Focus The Desire The Commitment The Plan The Execution The Feedback The Evaluation A-94 Perseverance is a great element of success. 138 If you knock long enough and loud enough, you are sure to wake somebody up. -- Henry Longfellow Reduce your focus to the lowest common denominator: 139 the action reduced to its simplest terms, the moment, the task at hand. Find Yourself a Spotter 140 If you have ever engaged in serious weight-lifting, you know what a spotter is. That's the person who stands behind the bench, ready to help in the event the weight-lifter can't get the weight back to the bar. Whether you're a weight-lifter trying to reach your personal best, a cheerleader doing a scary new routine, or a gymnast trying a complicated new move, a spotter is essential, or else you risk serious physical harm to yourself. When you are seeking to find your limits and set personal bests in any sport or any other endeavor, you need to find yourself a spotter. This could be a coach, a friend, an older athlete, a parent or a mentor. But the spotter will only act as a support. The spotter is not there to do the job. The spotter's job is to help you feel secure enough to go towards your limits. Talking to someone else who is really listening seems to give us the courage to move toward our intuition. So does remembering someone who believed in us, or believes in us, or a time when we fully trusted ourselves. In the presence of someone who appears to be on our side, our self-doubt is weakened, and our trust in ourselves can emerge. A good caddie helps a player develop confidence in the club choice the player wanted to make all along. 141 Identifications (how one sees oneself) are etched into the subconscious. At the core of each identification is a subjective belief. Beliefs generate attitudes. Attitudes generate feelings. Feelings generate thoughts. Thoughts generate action. Our experience is related to our beliefs. 142 A-96 Competitive Greatness 143 Bill Walton says "Competitive greatness [is] the capstone of The Pyramid.” What pyramid? "John Wooden's Pyramid", says Walton. ( http:// Competitive greatness means to "Do your best when the best is required." Find The Key 144 Few people in this world know what their real strength is. Many see only the part of their power that floats like the visible segment of an iceberg and forget the vastly greater part sunk beneath the surface of the water. Perhaps such people are satisfied with themselves as they are; perhaps, on the contrary, they are pessimistic about their own abilities. We might deride the person who inherits a fortune from parents, locks the money in a safe, forgets the key and, making no attempt to use his own resources, complains of no money and borrows from others. Surely he should find the key and make free use of the fortune that he owns. There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, 145 a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. But if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and it will be lost. The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is, nor how valuable, nor how it compares with other expressions. It is your business to keep it yours, clearly and directly... to keep the channel open. Ki power is the physical manifestation of a thought. Energy [i.e., chi or ki ] is a confusing term. 146 It is not nervous tension and it is not phony wishing. It is subtle and powerful and circulates continuously in one's mental/physical self. It is open, free-moving, unburdened, basically undefinable. It is life-force unforced, which then becomes forceful and powerful. The power that comes from the energy of chi or ki is not brute force; it is the essence of the vastness of your identification with the universal energy. Since energy is a continuous source of being alive, we must learn to be with it, and to release it when necessary, and to regenerate it. A-98 All things are created with three basic tools: Understanding, Ability and Will. 147 There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. -- Albert Einstein Ripening 148 149 Everything is gestation and bringing forth. To let each impression and each germ of a feeling come to completion wholly in itself, in the dark, in the inexpressible, the unconscious, beyond the reach of one's own intelligence, and await with deep humility and patience the birth-hour of a new clarity; that alone is living the artist's life. Being an artist means not reckoning and counting, but ripening like the tree which does not force its sap, and stands confident in the storms of spring without the fear that after them may come no summer. It does come. But it comes only to the patient, who are there as though eternity lay before them, so unconcernedly still and wide. -- Rainer Maria Rilke You cannot force a moment to be something it’s not. You cannot force yourself to be who you are not, but you can be who you are fully…. The bliss of our life is in its moments if we can allow them to be as they are…. 150 The revelation about revelation is that sometimes it finds you when you least expect it. 151 Notes: 1 Starhawk, in Listening to the Land, Derrick Jensen, Context Books, NY 2002. 2 Mastery: The Keys to Success and Long-Term Fulfillment. 3 Heart of the Mind: Engaging Your Inner Power to Change with Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Connirae Andreas, Ph.D. and Steve Andreas, MA, Real People Press, Moab, UT 1989. 4 Music, The Brain and Ecstasy: How Music Captures Our Imagination. 5 ESPN. 6 Quoted by Peter May, Boston Globe, 10/4/98. 7 The Elements of Effort: Reflections on the Art and Science of Running, John Jerome, Breakaway Books, New York 1997. 8 On the Sweet Spot: Stalking the Effortless Present, Dr. Richard Keefe, Simon and Schuster, New York 2003. 9 Boston Sunday Globe, May 28, 2000, p. E1. 10 See the journal Nature 4/20/00, as reported in the Boston Globe, 4/21/00. 11 Liars, Lovers and Heroes: What the New Brain Science Reveals About How We Become Who We Are, Steven R. Quartz, Ph.D. and Terrence J. Sejnowski, Ph.D., HarperCollins/Wm. Morrow, New York 2002. 12 From the Introduction and notes to the book The Emerging Mind, ed. by Karen Nesbitt Shanor, Ph.D., Renaissance Books, Los Angeles, CA 1999. The book by Chip Brown noted in the bibliography called Afterwards, You're a Genius notes that research directly: Schlitz, M. and Braude, W., "Distant Intentionality and Healing: Assessing the Evidence", in Alternative Therapies 3,6 (November 1997). 13 From the Introduction and notes to the book The Emerging Mind, ed. by Karen Nesbitt Shanor, Ph.D., Renaissance Books, Los Angeles, CA 1999. Afterwards, You're a Genius also notes a summary of the work of the PEAR lab in Margins of Reality: The Role of Consciousness in the Physical World, Robert G. Jahn and Brenda Dunne, Harcourt Brace Jovanivich, New York, 1979. 14 Willis Harman, in The Emerging Mind. 15 God and the Evolving Universe: The Next Step in Personal Evolution, by James Redfield, Michael Murphy and Sylvia Timbers, Tarcher/Putnam, New York 2002. 16 From an essay by Lewis Thomas, "On Embryology", in The Elements of Effort: Reflections on the Art and Science of Running, John Jerome, Breakaway Books, New York 1997. 17 On the Sweet Spot: Stalking the Effortless Present. 18 Mind Over Water: Lessons on Life from the Art of Rowing, Craig Lambert, Houghton Mifflin, New York 1998. 19 "The Brain and Consciousness", by Karen Nesbitt Shanor, Ph.D., in The Emerging Mind. 20 Peter Drucker, in Create Your Own Future: How To Master the 12 Critical Factors of Unlimited Success, Brian Tracy, John Wiley and Sons, Hoboken, NJ 2002. 21 Don Peters, M.A., M.S. (Sports Psychology), Academic Counselor, Center for Student Athlete Services, California State University at Long Beach, "Pursuing Victory With Honor", at Enhancing Life Through Sport, the 18th Annual Conference on Counseling Athletes, June 14-17,2001, sponsored by the Springfield College Department of Psychology. 22 Beyond Training: How Athletes Enhance Performance Legally and Illegally, Melvin Williams, Ph.D., Leisure Press, Champaign, IL 1989. 23 Smart Moves: Why Learning is Not All In Your Head, Carla Hannaford, Ph.D., Great Ocean Publishers, Arlington, VA 1995. 24 Seven Times Smarter: 50 Activities, Games and Projects to Develop the Seven Intelligences of Your Child, Laurel Schmidt, Three Rivers Press, New York 2001. 25 Create Your Own Future. 26 Golf in The Kingdom, Michael Murphy, Penguin/Arkana, New York 1972. 27 The research is found in M.S. Albion, Making a Life, Making a Living, Warner Books, 2000 as noted in The Other 90%: How To Unlock Your Vast Untapped Potential for Leadership & Life, Robert K. Cooper, Random House/Crown, New York 2001. 28 The Elements of Effort: Reflections on the Art and Science of Running. 29 "Boston Works", Boston Sunday Globe, February 24, 2002. 30 The Ultimate Athlete: Revisioning Sports, Physical Education and The Body. 31 Penn. State University web site on sports psychology. 32 Deep Play. 33 What Remains To Be Discovered: Mapping the Secrets of the Universe, the Origins of Life, and the Future of the Human Race, John Maddox, Martin Kessler Books/The Free Press, New York 1998. [The author was the editor for 30 years of the pre-eminent science magazine Nature.] 34 Seven Times Smarter. 35 The Intuitive Way: A Guide to Living From Inner Wisdom. 36 From The Hand: How Its Use Shapes the Brain, Language and Human Culture, by neurologist Frank Wilson (Pantheon, New York, 1998), in One Kid at a Time: Big Lessons from a Small School, Eliot Levine, Teachers College Press, Columbia University, New York, 2002. 37 The Everyday Work of Art: How Artistic Experience Can Transform Your Life. 38 The Inner Athlete: Realizing Your Fullest Potential. 39 How To Be, Do, or Have Anything: A Practical Guide to Creative Empowerment. 40 The Way of Aikido: Life Lessons from an American Sensei, George Leonard, Penguin/Plume 2000. 41 From the Institute of Athletic Motivation, as noted in Everything You Need to Know About College Sports Recruiting: A Guide for Players and Parents, Jim Walsh with Richard Trubo, Andrews and McMeel, Kansas City 1997. 42 The Inner Game of Golf. 43 Ki in Daily Life. 44 The Anatomy of Change: East/West Approaches to Body/Mind Therapy. 45 The Student Athlete's Handbook: The Complete Guide for Success. 46 In Search of the Warrior Spirit: Teaching Awareness Disciplines to the Green Berets. 47 The Elements of Effort. 48 The Way of Aikido: Life Lessons from an American Sensei. 49 The Sweet Spot in Time. 50 How To Be, Do, or Have Anything: A Practical Guide to Creative Empowerment. 51 "The Gift of the Arts", by Zephryn Conte, in Schools With Spirit: Nurturing The Inner Lives of Children and Teachers. 52 Your Mind: The Owner's Manual. 53 From an Actualizations seminar. See also the book Psycho-Cybernetics. 54 The Mental ABC's of Pitching: A Handbook for Performance Enhancement. 55 In Search of Excellence. 56 How To Be, Do, or Have Anything. 57 The Inner Athlete: Realizing Your Fullest Potential. 58 The Intuitive Way: A Guide to Living From Inner Wisdom. 59 The Sweet Spot in Time. 60 Way of the Peaceful Warrior, Dan Millman, H. J. Kramer Inc., Tiburon, CA 1984. 61 Zen Golf: Mastering The Mental Game, Joseph Parent, Ph.D., Doubleday, New York 2002. 62 The Power of Mindful Learning, Ellen J. Langer, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA 1997. 63 The Art of Possibility. 64 Getting Employees to Fall in Love With Your Company, Jim Harris, Ph.D., AMACOM, New York 1996. 65 The Everyday Work of Art. 66 12 Secrets of Happiness At Work: Finding Fulfillment. Reaping Rewards. 67 In Pursuit of Excellence: How to Win in Sport and Life Through Mental Training. 68 Intelligence Reframed: Multiple Intelligences for the 21st Century. 69 A Mind at a Time: America's Top Expert Shows How Every Child Can Succeed, Mel Levine, M.D., Simon and Schuster, New York 2002. 70 Seven Times Smarter. 71 The Other 90%: How To Unlock Your Vast Untapped Potential for Leadership & Life, Robert K. Cooper, Random House/Crown, New York 2001. 72 Smart Moves. 73 Fitts, Oxendine and Robb are the researchers and learning theorists noted in this excerpt from Coaching Mental Excellence. 74 Aikido and the Dynamic Sphere. 75 Walking in This World: The Practical Art of Creativity, Julia Cameron, Tarcher/Putnam, Los Angeles, CA 2002. 76 Mitchell Resnick, Turtles, Termites and Traffic Jams: Explorations in Massively Parallel Microworlds, MIT Press, Cambridge, 1999, in Emergence: The Connected Lives of Ants, Brains, Cities and Software. 77 Way of the Peaceful Warrior. 78 Ibid. 79 80 Golf is Not a Game of Perfect, Dr. Bob Rotella (with Bob Cullen), Simon & Schuster, NY 1995. Albert Einstein, in Smart Moves. 81 Seven Times Smarter. 82 Mastery: The Keys To Success and Long-Term Fulfillment. 83 The Inner Game of Work. 84 The Art of Peace, by Morihei Ueshiba, translated and edited by John Stevens, Shambhala Classics, Boston, 2002. 85 Education and Ecstasy, George Leonard, Delacorte Press, New York 1968. 86 Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience. 87 Thinking with Your Soul: Spiritual Intelligence and Why It Matters. 88 The Mental Keys to Hitting: A Handbook of Strategies for Performance Enhancement. 89 Mind Gym: An Athlete's Guide to Inner Excellence. 90 Flow in Sports. 91 In Search of the Warrior Spirit: Teaching Awareness Disciplines to the Green Berets. 92 The Passionate Learner: How Teachers and Parents Can Help Children Reclaim the Joy of Discovery, David Fried, Beacon Press, Boston 2001. 93 In the Zone: Transcendent Experiences in Sports. 94 The Mozart Effect for Children: Awakening Your Child's Mind. Health and Creativity with Music, Don Campbell, HarperCollins, New York 2000. 95 96 Golf in The Kingdom. Be Here Now, Baba Ram Dass (Richard Alpert). 97 Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience. 98 Mind Over Water: Lessons on Life from the Art of Rowing. 99 The Achievement Zone: 8 Skills for Winning All the Time from the Playing Field to the Boardroom. 100 Flow in Sports. 101 Education and Ecstasy. 102 In Search of the Warrior Spirit. 103 from Enhancing Life Through Sport, the 18th Annual Conference on Counseling Athletes, June 14-17, 2001, sponsored by the Springfield College Dept. of Psychology. 104 The Little Book of Coaching. 105 Flow in Sports. 106 The One-Minute Meditator: Relieving Stress and Finding Meaning in Everyday Life. 107 Psyching for Sport: Mental Training for Athletes. 108 Coaching Fastpitch Softball Successfully. 109 The Achievement Zone. 110 Golf in The Kingdom. 111 Everything You Need to Know About College Sports Recruiting. 112 How To Be, Do, or Have Anything: A Practical Guide to Creative Empowerment. 113 Flow in Sports. 114 The Way of Aikido. 115 “In Pursuit of Excellence: How to Win in Sport and Life Through Mental Training” (audiotape). 116 Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience. 117 Flow in Sports. 118 Staying With It: On Becoming an Athlete. 119 Flow in Sports. 120 The Art of Peace. 121 The Mental ABC's of Pitching, by Harvey Dorfman, Diamond Communications, South Bend, IN 2000. 122 Coaching Mental Excellence. 123 Sports Illustrated (4/23/01, pg. G16). 124 See Toughness Training for Life, James E. Loehr, Ed.D., Plume/Penguin, New York 1993, and The New Toughness Training for Sports: Mental, Emotional and Physical Conditioning from One of the World's Premier Sports Psychologists, James E. Loehr, Ed.D., Dutton Books, New York 1994. 125 The Inner Athlete: Realizing Your Fullest Potential. 126 The Mental Game of Baseball. 127 Zen Golf: Mastering The Mental Game. 128 Mind Over Water: Lessons on Life from the Art of Rowing. 129 Guy Ogden, former international runner and sports injury treatment specialist in London, in Competitive Fire. 130 Flow in Sports. 131 The Inner Athlete: Realizing Your Fullest Potential. 132 The Inner Game of Work. 133 Golf in The Kingdom. 134 The Mozart Effect for Children. 135 “Juilliard”, an American Masters production on PBS. 136 The Mozart Effect for Children. 137 How To Be, Do or Have Anything: A Practical Guide to Creative Empowerment. 138 Ibid. 139 The Mental ABC's of Pitching: A Handbook for Performance Enhancement. 140 The Breakthrough Factor: Creating a Life of Value for Success & Happiness. 141 On the Sweet Spot: Stalking the Effortless Present. 142 Your Mind: The Owner's Manual. 143 Bob Ryan, Boston Globe, April 26, 2002. 144 Ki in Daily Life, Koichi Tohei, Ki No Kenkyukai H.Q., Tokyo 2001. 145 Martha Graham, quoted by Agnes DeMille in Martha: The Life and Work of Martha Graham, noted in The Art of Possibility. 146 Embrace Tiger, Return to Mountain: The Essence of Tai Ji. 147 The New Revelations: A Conversation with God, Neale Donald Walsch, Atria Books, New York 2002. 148 The Intuitive Way: A Guide to Living From Inner Wisdom. 149 Hare Brain, Tortoise Mind: How Intelligence Increases When You Think Less. 150 On the Sweet Spot: Stalking the Effortless Present. 151 Afterwards, You're a Genius: Faith. 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