Bushy Park Elementary School 14601 Carrs Mill Road | Glenwood, MD 21738 | phone - 410.313.5500 |fax - 410.313.5505 | http://bpes.hcpss.org Mr. Edward Cosentino, Principal March 27, 2015 Dr. Teresa Via, Assistant Principal Upcoming Dates to Remember 3/30 – 4/6 Schools Closed for Spring Break 4/7 – Schools Reopen for Students 4/7 – PTA Meeting 7 PM 4/13 – 4/17 – Scholastic Book Fair 4/14 – Report Cards Issued 4/16 – PTA Ice Cream Social 6:30 – 8:00 PM A MESSAGE FROM MR. COSENTINO AND DR. VIA PARCC Information for Parents/Guardians The Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) Assessment is an online assessment that will be given to all third, fourth, and fifth graders in Maryland schools this year. All students have completed the first part of PARCC (PBA) and we will begin the End-of-Year (EOY) PARCC on Monday, April 20. Fifth graders will take the PARCC English language arts/literacy units (ELA) for approximately two hours during their regular Language Arts Blocks on Monday 4/20. Fifth graders will take the PARCC Mathematics units for approximately two hours each day during their regular Math Blocks on Tuesday, 4/21 and Wednesday 4/22. Block 1 begins at 10:30 a.m. each day. Block 2 begins at 1:30 p.m. each day. There are 3 days of EOY PARCC testing: 4/20, 4/21, and 4/22. Grade 4 students will take PARCC ELA at 9:30 a.m. on Friday 4/24. Fourth graders will take Math Day 1 on Monday 4/27 and Math Day 2 on Tuesday 4/28. Grade 3 students will take PARCC ELA starting at 11:40 a.m. on Monday, 3/27. Third graders will take Math Day 1 on Tuesday 4/28 and Math Day 2 on Wednesday 4/29. On testing days, please make sure your child gets a good night’s sleep and a healthy breakfast. It is important for students to arrive on time for school. If at all possible, please do not schedule appointments or trips for your students on the days on which they will be taking PARCC. Parents can find more information about PARCC by going to http://www.hcpss.org/academics/testing/parcc/. Fifth Grade Closing Ceremony Save the date for the fifth grade closing ceremony – June 18th at 9:45 AM in our cafeteria. PTA NEWS Save the Date! The Scholastic Book Fair is Coming! Please mark your calendars for our fantastic Scholastic Book Fair, April 13 – 17th. Volunteers are needed and much appreciated. Please take a second and sign-up on Volunteer Spot – http://vols.pt/zi1dd4. Bushy Park PTA Science Fair News The PTA Annual Science Fair was a great success last Tuesday (March 24, 2015), and all who participated are to be congratulated for a job WELL DONE! The young scientists of Bushy Park Elementary School really exceeded all expectations this year in their enthusiasm for SCIENCE. To recap the level of participation this year, 143 students submitted projects for the Science Fair and GRADE 3 won the week of FREE SEATING at Lunch with 43 students participating. There were a few projects from each grade that really stood out, and these Outstanding Projects will be on display in the Media Center, for all to review. Again, thank you to all students (and their parents) who participated, and CONGRATULATIONS! The Outstanding Projects were: Kindergarten – Kaitlyn Carr, Caleb Lease, Jack Zenkewicz, 1st Grade – Jacob Hwu, Vishnu Almli, 2nd Grade – Grace Rasch, Andrew Szakmeister, 3rd Grade – Conner Spink, Elena Scourtis, Mary Michelle, Michael Richman, 4th Grade – Taran Toot, Susie Park, 5th Grade – Reghis Kuhlenbeck, Jake Noorani. Additional Excellent Projects noted by participants were: PreK – Soha Adeel, Kindergarten – Maddie Kirkpatrick, Mariyah Mehmood, 1st Grade – William Westhoff, Joshua Choi, 2nd Grade – Hope Christy, Isaac Choi, Kennedy Richman, 3rd Grade – Ella Westhoff, Charlotte Connolly, Zachary Cook, Kenneth Barnes, Ainsley Pursel, Emily Altshuler, Liam Cooke, 4th Grade – Lily Welsh, Catherine Taylor, Adam Conley, 5th Grade – Madison Smyth, Sydney Spiegel. Walking Wednesdays Welcome Spring! Welcome back Walking Wednesdays! After Spring Break, Bushy Park's popular recess walking program will kick off again on Wednesdays starting on April 8th, and continue through early June. Calling volunteers for all grades. Come out and support your walkers & runners. Any recess time you can come is appreciated! Please contact Pam Williams at pam@nowtechs.com to sign up. COMMUNITY NEWS Columbia Association Columbia Art Center School's Out Spring Break program for grades 1-8. Mar. 30- Apr. 3 and Apr. 6, 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m., $50 per child drop-off begins at 7:30; art activities beginning at 9 a.m. To register, please call Columbia Art Center at 410730-0075 or email art.staff@columbiaassociation.org Columbia Association School’s Out Youth Visiting Artist Series, Mosaics, grades 6-8. Come create your own mosaic with Korey Rosenbaum on Mar. 31, $50 per child, drop-off begins at 7:30 a.m.; art activities begin at 9 a.m. To register, please call Columbia Art Center at 410-730-0075 or email art.staff@columbiaassociation.org Robinson Nature Center Anne Robinson’s Centennial Spring Break Activities All ages, Wed., April 1-Sat., April 4, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Free with Robinson daily admission or annual pass. www.howardcountymd.gov/RNCegacy.htm 410-313-0400. Dear Parent/Guardian: Our annual Field Day is just around the corner on Friday, May 22 (rain date May 29). During Field Day, we emphasize teamwork and good sportsmanship. All students in kindergarten through fifth grade will participate in Field Day. To build a sense of team spirit in each grade level, your child will be assigned a team color to wear. This also helps us identify the grade level groups of students as they rotate through their activities. We will assign the grade-specific team colors soon. We will ask students to wear a solid colored t-shirt with their assigned color on field day. In order to have a successful Field Day, we need the help of parent volunteers. Please indicate your availability for Field Day by completing the tear-off form below. If you haven’t taken the online parent volunteer training this year, please visit bpes.hcpss.org and complete that training under the “Get Involved” tab. Parent volunteer training is required. Your will receive a confirmation letter and assignment when we receive your tear-off form and once you complete the online training. Sincerely, Mr. Cruz and Mr. Rosenthal ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_______ Yes, I am available to volunteer for Field Day ____ 10:10-12:10 for grades K-2 ____ 1:10-3:25 for grades 3-5 _______ Yes, I am available to volunteer on the rain date, Friday, May 29 Parent/Guardian Name: ____________________________________________ Phone Number: __________________________________________________ Student name(s): Homeroom: 1. _________________________________ _______________________ 2. _________________________________ _______________________ 3. _________________________________ _______________________ Our 12 Field Day events this year are: Pillow Polo dribble, Foxtail throw, Soccer kick, Lacrosse toss, Softball throw, Sprint 100 yd. dash, Sack race, Buddy walkers, Hippity hops, 4-way Tug-O-War, Obstacle course, Basketball shoot and recess games. My 1st choice event ________________________ My 2nd choice event ________________________ I have been team captain before, and would agree to do it again. I am interested in being a team captain if needed. Yes Yes No No Please place me where you need me __________ **Remember to take the volunteer training located under Parent Resources on the Bushy Park website.**
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