The Paisley Advocate November 2011 Page 1 P roud of Our Co mmunity, P ro ud of Our He ritage Paisley & District Chamber Of Commerce November 2011 - Volume 108 Great Pumpkins, Charlie Brown! O n October 23rd, Back Eddies treated a group of Paisley kids to a pumpkin carving workshop, compliments of Jim and Erika MacNamara. In the top row, L to R: Kassidy Gregg words on her Jack-o-lantern while Emily Maus gets some pointers from Jim; the whole class listens intently to Jim’s instructions. In the bottom row: Jim tries out a light in the pumpkin of Tommy Horton, father and son Ted and Wesley Horton work closely on a pumpkin—hope that knife doesn’t slip; and when it was all over, Jim rests his weary pumpkin-head. photos Becky Maus Gifts for Kids Program Returns O nce again the Paisley Library and the Paisley and District Fire Department will be collecting new unwrapped Christmas presents for children aged 1 year to 18 years. These presents will be given to the Immanuel Evangelical Missionary Church for their Christmas Hampers which they provide to families in the Paisley area who need a little help at this festive time of the year. Each Christmas Hamper contains the makings of a Christmas dinner as well as gifts for the children in the family. Last year the Gifts for Kids drive was very successful. Hampers were given out to approximately 48 families. The generosity of the people of our community certainly made a big difference in helping a lot more households celebrate Christmas. I'm sure there were a lot of happy children at the dinner table on Christmas night. There will be a donation box in the Paisley Library for gifts to be dropped off. We will also accept food items for the Food Bank and/or the Christmas Hampers. The donations may also be given to any Paisley firefighter and they will see that the items are delivered to the Library. This year we will also be collecting "Turkey Bucks". These are available at Paisley Foodland. If you spend $50.00 on groceries they will give you one Turkey Buck to put towards a Christmas turkey. If you have any extra Turkey Bucks or know of anyone who would like to donate them, please think of us. We will have donation jars available in the Library for monetary donations to the food bank and/or Gifts For Kids. I hope to have some donation jars at a few of the businesses in town as well. Keep an eye out for them. Your generosity will be appreciated. Paisley Library hours are Monday 12:00 - 6:00, Wednesday 12:00 - 6:00, Friday 10:00 - 4:00, Saturday 9:00 12:00. Marilee Lake Page 2 The Paisley Advocate November 2011 T he Advocate spent time in Northern Ontario in recent months. The left picture shows Lloyd and Shirley Waugh with the paper while enjoying warm temperatures and spectacular scenery on the train ride through the Agawa Canyon near Sault Ste. Marie. On closer examination of the photo, I noted the object they were holding is not a Paisley Advocate. “Oh, we had one,” Lloyd explained, “But it was it was in the suitcase.” Now, Lloyd, this sounds like one of those “dog ate my homework” excuses. In October, Greg and Julie Coon did some moose hunting near Thunder Bay. Here, Julie spends a little time reading the Advocate atop this beautiful specimen, bagged by one of their hunting buddies. ———♦——— Letter to the Editor To the Editor he recent article about Lyme's Disease made me think back to 2007 when we found a tick embedded in my grandson’s arm pit. My daughter gets Mother Earth News and had recently read an article about Lyme’s. She got tweezers and removed the tick put it in a small bottle and we headed off to the hospital. Of course we were told there is no reason to worry, as there was no Lyme’s in Ontario. She insisted that he be treated with antibiotics and we left the hospital. Thank you Mother Earth News for the information on how to remove the tick and how to identify it. Also in the article was how to control the ticks. It appears that Guinea Hens on a property will control ticks. Dianne Garrett T Paisley Concert Choir’s Season of Dreams T he Paisley Concert Choir will present Season of Dreams, a concert of Christmas favourites and seasonal tunes on Sunday, December 4th, 7:30 p.m. at the Immanuel Missionary Church. Tickets, $12 for adults and $5 for children, are available at Allen's Home Building Centre and Nature's Millworks, and from choir members. You can send your Advocates Around the World p h o t o t o, along wi th a brief descripti on, or drop it off to Paisley Pharmacy. 2011 Paisley Open Golf Tournament W ow, what a day for golfing! On September 24th, the Paisley Legion an d the P ais ley F ire Department held their annual Paisley Open Golf Tournament at the Ferns Golf and Country Club in Markdale. We couldn’t have asked for a nicer day, after all the miserable cold and rainy weather the day before. There were 72 golfers who started the day with coffee and Timbits at the Legion, before loading on two buses for the trip to the golf course. All the golfers received a delicious boxed lunch donated once again by Gary and Bev Dillon. The challenging course was in wonderful condition and everyone had a fun day. After golfing, it was back to the Legion for dinner and prizes. We would really like to thank everyone involved for supporting our day, whether you sponsored a hole, or a bus, donated to the prize table or the raffle table, provided money for other expenses, donated time to help out with the set-up or clean up, or you came out to golf. We couldn’t have done it without you. Paisley is Awesome! Both the Legion and the Fire Department will be making donations to the Paisley Central School Breakfast fund. A HUGE thank you to the following list of sponsors: •W Kent Milroy Funeral Home •Coldwell Banker—Mark Davis •Coldwell Banker—Wendy Liddle •Hope & Leader Insurance •Midtown Foodmart •Ed Karcher Construction •Patrick Kelly •Paislely Pharmacy •N E Hagedorn & Sons Ltd •CanPar Transport •McIntee Realty—Joan Stewart •Paisley Kinsmen Club •Paisley Curling Club •Paisley Beef Fest •TransCanada Pipeline •Aldworth Masonic Lodge •Paisley Foodland •Thompson Bros. Furniture •Body Language •Cowan Canoe Livery •E S Fox Ltd •Gerald Patterson Insurance •Municipality of Arran-Elderslie •M R Bookkeeping •G H Consulting •C F J Nuclear Cont. •McCullough Fuels •Bruce Power •George & Vi Campbell •Dan Hettrick •Barbell’s Fitness •Daydream Believers •T N A Clothing •Marty’s Bar & Grill •Elora Soap •Royal Bank •Ken Doucet •Comstock •Crosby Dewar •Paisley Arena Staff •George Teeple •Micky Majury •Brian MacKinnon •Lee Allen •Dennis Stewart •Paisley Sharks •Rick Hodgins Tree Service •Tim Hortons (Port Elgin) •Paisley Legion •Hutton Transport •Nature’s Millworks •Dunkeld Tavern •Michele Doucet •Labatt’s •Joanne's Window Fashions •Big Dipper •Back Eddies •Justin Cumming •Ackert Insurance •Bud Rier Chevrolet •Royal Homes •Paisley Brick and Tile •Suits Us •Top Shop •Piper’s Glen •Jeff and Bonnie Tanner •Dr. Larry Carr •Gary and Bev Dillon •Deanna Tanner •Paisley Legends •Barry Howe Autobody •Ross Young Bus Lines •Paisley Fire Department Thanks again to you all. Laurel Purdy Terry Fox Fundraiser at School Perhaps the Fire Department coul d save money on g as by having ki ds pull the trucks to the next emergency. Faster, ki ds, faster! O n October 4th, the students at Paisley Central School got together to raise money for the annual Terry Fox Run. The Paisley Fire Department brought up their Pumper and participated in a “tug of war with a fire truck”. Stu dents were encouraged to bring in a “toonie” for their chance to help their class pull the fire truck. We raised an amazing $357.00 which is fantastic for a small school!! It shows that we may be small, but we are mighty!! All classes participated in the pull and even the JK/SK class were able to pull the truck down the track. At the end the staff pulled the truck as best as they could but I am fairly certain the younger children had a better effort. A huge thank-you to everyone that participated and you should be proud of the money you raised to carry on the legacy that Terry Fox started. I’m sure he would be so proud of everyone that continues to raise money in his name. Dan Kerr The Paisley Advocate November 2011 Page 3 Page 4 The Paisley Advocate November 2011 Local Youth Wins Dressage Championship T his past September Taylor Flett, 14, from the Paisley area won the Western Ontario Dressage Championship in New Market after competing in a series of qualifying shows. For you who do not know, dressage (accent on the second syllable) is a training process aimed to maximize the horse’s potential as a riding horse. The rider is relaxed and appears effort-free while the horse willingly performs the requested movements with minimal aids. “It’s teamwork”, says Taylor. “I had to make sure my horse was collected, relaxed, and paying attention to me. He had to focus on me and perform his best. We needed to look professional.” Taylor worked hard over the summer to prepare Sir Lancelot, the gelding pony owned by her riding instructor, Anita Whitaker. Anita is a fulltime riding coach at Whitaker Stables who raises horses for her students and takes them to shows. Taylor attributes her passion for riding to her mom who would often share her own stories about riding. To Taylor this seemed like fun, and so at age 9, she decided to go for it. Only instead of going Western, like her mom, Taylor took up English riding. With the summer now past, Taylor goes to the stable less frequently, and focuses on her school work. She is a Grade 9 student at Sacred Heart in Walkerton. Not surprising, she loves gym best. “I like being active,” she said. At home she rides Sugar, her Norwegian Fjord pony – just for fun. “Next year I would like to do vaulting,” said Taylor. This is where the rider stands on a cantering horse and does gymnas tics -type movements. Vaulting requires an outstanding physical condition and also a harmonious relationship with the horse in order to achieve coordination and balance. Taylor also plans to play soccer time next summer for the first. That’s a switch from her past involvement in baseball. We extend congratulations to Taylor for her recent achievement in horse-back riding, and wish her success in her goals for the future. Diane Eaton Tayl or Flett and Sir Lancelot Seven Paisley 4-H Beef Club Members to Show at Royal T wenty 4-H members from Bruce County Beef Clubs will be attending the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair in Toronto, Nov 5 to 7th, at the National Junior Heifer Show. Seven out of the twenty 4-H members are from the Paisley 4-H Beef Club. Congratulations go out to Justin Eby, Ashley Lemont, Bryce Ribey, Kent Ribey, Katelynn Ribey, Kelsey Ribey and Hayden Teeple. Competition starts on Sunday Nov 6 with Showmanship and Monday the Nov 7 is Conformation. Best of luck to our Paisley competitors. Ron Teeple The Paisley Advocate Rotary Youth Exchange Get Involved! A ugust of 1983 marked the beginning of one of the best years of my life! I had been chosen by the Mildmay Rotary C lub to participate in the Youth Exchange Program. After an extensive interview process, I received notice that I would be spending a year in Cordoba, Veracruz, Mexico. My first thoughts were that of sunshine and beaches. It turned out the city I would be living in was located 2 hours from the coast with a population of 150,000. That was going to be quite a switch from growing up in Mildmay, population 1,000. During my year in Mexico, I lived with 3 separate families, all of which had sons also participating in the program at the same time. My first family couldn't have been any better. I left Canada not knowing a word of Spanish. My first host mother tutored English to local kids and made it very easy to learn a new language. Living in the same house was their oldest son along with his wife and 2 young daughters. It was a busy place, but being the youngest in a family of 7, that was okay by me. My second family was little more of a challenge to live with. They were a great family, but neither of the parents spoke English. There was still a lot of Spanish I was unfamiliar with, but being put in a house where nobody spoke English really sped up the learning process. My third family was fabulous! It was nice to have sisters my age to hang out with. I already knew them since we attended the same school. The school in Cordoba was very welcoming. The students study English from the time they start school, so there was no language barrier between myself and my classmates. Some of my teachers, and the nuns that ran the school, however were a different story. Very few of them spoke English at all. Again, it proved to be an interesting learning curve for me. I have been back to Cordoba many times since my exchange to visit family. The most recent visit was a Fun Summer for Kids ‘n Us P aisley Kids ’n Us Daycare would like to thank everyone who opened their doors to us this summer. We took the children on several day trips, including the Royal Bank in Paisley, Marty's restaurant, the Post Off ice, an d t he M use um in Southampton. The kids were full of laughs and smiles, and made memories to last a lifetime. We all had a fantastic summer. The three staff members pictured above, L to R are: Ashley Brouillette, Sandy Strauss, and Jaclyn Parker. Ashley Brouillette November 2011 Page 5 few years ago when I took my daughter, Samantha. We spent a month visiting and travelling aroun d. With all the social media at our disposal nowadays, it is even easier to be kept up to date on what is happening in their lives. For more than 75 yea rs , s t u de n t s (between the ages of 16 and 18) and host f a milie s ha ve participated in this life changing experience. Each year over 8,000 On Tuesday, October 18, the Rotary Club of Paisley students broaden their welcomed their District Governor for 2011-2012, Joe horizons in over 80 Reynol ds of Flint, Michigan, as well as Assistant District countries. The year Governor Nancy Ottewell and her partner George. The abroad includes living di nner took pl ace at the Paisley Legion with 11 members and 6 partners in attendance. Pictured left to right are with several different District Governor, J oe Reynol ds; Presi dent of the Paisley host families, attending Club, Sandra Taylor; and Assistant District Governor, school, attending local Nancy Ottewell. a nd s ur r o u n d in g Rotary meetings, and speaking to and experience a new life for a year. groups about your home country and There are local clubs that sponsor family. Upon returning home, the students every year, but it is becoming more and more difficult to find host speaking engagements continue. Despite any challenges I faced families in our area. If you, or someone you know, during my year in Mexico, I wouldn't may be interested in finding out more trade the experience for anything! The about becoming a host family to a Rotary Youth Exchange Program foreign student, you can contact me at offers teenagers a chance for personal growth as well as an opportunity to be rotary g ir l1@gma m o r any an ambassador, teaching people about member of the Rotary Club. Sandra Taylor their country and culture. It is an President of Paisley Rotary Club excellent chance to spread their wings Page 6 The Paisley Advocate November 2011 Donations for Two Paisley Groups O n October 24th, Larry Alderdice of the Power Worker’s Union at Bruce Power dropped by Paisley to present to much appreciated donations. On the left, Larry (in the centre) presents a $1000.00 cheque to Rob Fullerton and Lloyd Holbrook of the Paisley Agricultural Society. This money will go toward our ever growing Fall Fair. On the right, Larry presents a $1500.00 cheque to Paul Parker of the Paisley Curling.Those funds will be used for renovations to the lounge in the curling club. Thanks to the Power Workers for their generous support of our community. Craig Budreau Brockton and Area Family Health Team Flu Shots and Pneumovax By Kim Biesenthal, RN P ublic Health recommends that all people (over 6 months of age) in Ontario get an annual influenza vaccination. Influenza is often referred to as the “flu”, but is not to be mistaken for nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Influenza is a respiratory illness with symptoms of fever, cough, muscle aches, weakness, sore throat and headache. While these symptoms are unpleasant and should keep you at home from work or school, it is the complications of influenza that are more concerning. Pneumonia, heart and kidney failure are very serious especially for the young, (or the young at heart,) and those living with chronic illness (diabetes, heart disease, COPD, to name a few). And don’t forget, this vaccination is FREE. To compliment the flu shot, good frequent hand washing is vital in limiting the spread. You may also use hand sanitizers, however, they are not recommended to replace hand washing. Avoid groups when there is a flu/respiratory outbreak and be mindful of your personal space – keep your distance. Have a heightened awareness about shopping carts, public phones, door handles, etc. This is also a good time of year to consider pneumococcal vaccination ( p n e u mo n ia s h o t ) . T h is is recommended and FREE for those living with any chronic illness, and those 65 years of age or older. Pneumococcal disease is serious and caused by a strep infection that can cause pneumonia/meningitis and an infection in the blood stream called bacteremia. FACT – invasive pneumococcal disease can be prevented with a safe, effective vaccine. You cannot get pneumococcal disease from the vaccine. Pneumococcal vaccine can be given at any time of year. It can also be given at the same time as the flu shot but in the opposite arm. A single dose of pneumococcal vaccine is recommended for most persons. Some people may require a second dose if they were younger than 65 years of age when they received their first dose and it is now over five years since that dose. The most common side effects experienced with either the flu or pneumonia shot include swelling and tenderness at the injection site. A few people may experience mild fever and muscle aches. As with any medication, there is a small risk that serious problems could occur after getting a vaccine. However, the potential risks assoc ia ted w it h in f luen za or pneumococcal disease are much greater than the potential risk associated with the vaccine. (Adapted from the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases and from the Grey Bruce Public Health Immunization Fact Sheet.) ———♦——— The Brockton and Area Family Health Team (BAFHT) provides many elements of care for a variety of ages and stages of life. Whether you are trying to quit smoking, prevent or manage a chronic medical condition, learn more about a health issue, medications or exercise, or obtain counselling, we can help. You can pick up a copy of our Community Programs Calendar at your local pharmacy, library, or medical clinic, or on the w e b a t www.thehea lt hli, “ hea lth events” section or You can reach the BAFHT head office at: 519-507-2021 or 1-866-507 -2021. You can reach the Paisley Health Clinic at 519-353-6050. Looking for an Area Flu Shot Clinic? Brockton and Area Family Health Team Drop-In Flu Shot Clinics at the Paisley and Area Health Clinic Monday, Nov 7 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm Monday, Nov 21 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm Please bring your Ontario Health Card, and Immunization Record with you. For information call 1-866-507-2021 Public Health Flu Vaccine Clinics For more in for mati on call Pu blic He alth 519-376-9420 or 1-800-263-3456 The Paisley Advocate Tales from Lonefeather Chewy J onathan and Bessie had been married 50 years and Jonathan was turning 70. Bessie was a little younger. She wanted to have a celebration to combine both occasions. A large party at their house was her plan. It was a huge house with two stories and a full basement. An outside swimming pool with all the extras complimented their home. It was decided. They would have a house party. A date was set. All their close friends were invited and nearly all RSVP'd that they would be there. It was going to be the party of a lifetime. A caterer was hired to do food preparations, but it was to be done in their home. There was to be entertainment in the form of a four person band that was to play quietly in the background. A full bar was set up for guests to enjoy. Hors d'oeuvres were prepared. Only the best of foods were to be served by a professional chef and staff. The party got off to a great start. Maybe a little too well for Jonathan. Seems like all his friends were pouring him drinks and wishing him the best. A six course meal was served with a pilgrim butter ball turkey being the main meat dish. It was fabulously prepared and Bessie was delighted. Poor Jonathan was not feeling the best and decided he should take a break. He vanished upstairs to the bedroom and lay down on the bed. His plan was to have a few minutes to himself and then return. However, one of the catering staff saw Jonathan sneak upstairs and figured out what he was up to. She thought she would have some fun. Nobody eats the turkey neck, she thought, so she slipped upstairs and sneaked into the bedroom. Jonathan was fast asleep on his back. She quietly zipped down his fly and put the turkey neck in its “proper” place. She retreated to the kitchen and was not missed. She had no idea of the horrific situation she had created. Bessie soon realized Jonathan was missing and began to quietly do a search for him. It took a while but she found him upstairs. There was a blood curdling scream that would have scared even a Scottish piper, followed by a loud thump. It sounded like a wrecking ball hitting a building. Then, all was quiet. Someone said it sounded Baking is an Art at the Big Dipper D o you ever buy fancy-looking breads and p ies in a supermarket, only to find that they don’t taste as good as they look? That’s because it takes an artist to create a really delicious work of art. Enter the small, artisan bakeries of Grey and Bruce counties. Wha t ma ke s the difference? Artisan breads (and other treats) are baked in small batches (not mass produced on an assembly line) and created with a few high quality ingredients. (They don’t contain the long list of chemical additives found in supermarket products). Glenn Charban is the baker at the Big Dipper Bakery Café in Paisley. The specialized nature of the craft becomes clear as he describes his bread making process. Glenn molds the loaves by hand, then bakes and steams them on a stone hearth. The breads are proofed in a basket made from a type of wicker available exclusively from the Black Forest in Germany. One of his really unique products is called ‘trail bread’. It’s 80 per cent dried fruits with no fats and no added sugar and is said to be “awesome” with cream cheese. The shop also specializes in custom-made breads for kids’ parties in the shapes of animals like alligators and turtles. At Christmas they do a Christollen (Christ bread) and at Easter their sweet bun bunnies sell like hotcakes. There are many family-operated bakeries in the Grey Bruce area, with one located near you. For more in f o r m a t io n g o t o Jennifer Pittet for FoodLink Grey Bruce like it came from upstairs. Everyone rushed up to see what they could see. Half the guests crowded into the large bedroom. What they saw would have made anyone stare in disbelief. There was the pet cat “Chewy” lying on poor Johnnie's trousers eating the turkey neck and smacking his lips. Bessie was lying on the floor passed out at the thought of what Chewy was eating. Poor Chewy was swiftly pulled off and skidded out the door. Several other women fainted and thumped the floor. Bessie had wanted a party that would be remembered. It will be remembered alright, but for all the wrong reasons. As for Jonathan, he was up shortly thereafter and was the life of the party but poor Bessie just could not handle the thoughts of what the cat was up to. She wakes up from nightmarish dreams shouting "NO CHEWY! NO!" Jonathan comforts her by telling her November 2011 Page 7 by Jerrold Beech that he is still all here. To this day she can not even look at a turkey. Their cat has found a new home in the country. You guessed it, Chewy is now on a turkey farm. Page 8 The Paisley Advocate November 2011 Tiffany Caldwell: The Woman of Steel When career and art become one A t 19, Tiffany Caldwell is a certified welder. Her skills range from repairing farm machinery to crafting ornamental steel roses. “I’ve made a hat, shoes, purse from steel. Now I’m working on a 3D steel dress,” she said. She plans to display the dress on a rotating stand – as a work of art. Tiffany’s passion for welding began early in high school. Initially she found school to be a drag; it did not motivate her. Then her mom, Sherry Caldwell persuaded her to take Gr. 10 welding. To her surprise, Tiffany discovered that she loved it. Her average jumped from 63 in Gr. 9 to 97 in her final year. Why? Because she had found a reason to study. Recalling her high school experience, she said, “My first project, a garden arbour standing almost two and a half m e tr e s ta ll, w a s a gr e a t accomplishment. The second was a garden bench in a butterfly shape which I designed. In my last year of welding, I was even more creative: I designed and welded my own graduation rose bouquet. I welded a corsage for myself and a boutonnière for my senior prom date. In school I wasn’t one of the most popular girls, and I spent my days in the welding shop. Imagine my surprise when I was crowned prom queen in 2010!” Tiffany received the Excellence in Manufacturing award in June 2009 and the NAPA Automotive award in June 2010. At this point she has obtained 11 welding tickets in total. Five are pipe welding tickets. She has been featured in the news releases for b o t h t h e O n t a r io Y o u t h Apprenticeship Program and the Ontario Prospects. T if f a n y a t t r ib u t e s h e r achievements to all those who encouraged and taught her – family and friends, foremen and co-workers – including those in her Gr. 12 co-op program at Bruce Power. She said, “I was able to improve my welding to successfu lly ear n my we lder certification and obtain six welding tickets.” Tiffany is especially grateful towards one particular retired welder who coached her one-on-one. For Tiffany, welding has brought a significant amount of happiness and success into her life. She said, “Even on a rainy day, just the thought of welding brings a huge smile to my face.” Tiffany currently works on her family farm, repairing machinery. In her spare time she helps her Dad, Roger Caldwell restore old pickup S teel s tilettos - ouch trucks. Currently she is waiting for a call from the Power Workers’ Union. Tiffany shares an insightful r ef lect io n : “P e op le w h o a re discouraging bring courage to me. I live to prove people wrong. There is no such word as "Can't" in my vocabulary. I was always taught that in order to earn something you have to work hard for it.” Without a doubt, Tiffany has been able to rise above many of the common obstacles to success. Of course, she could not have accomplished this alone. It involved the co-operative efforts of all those who invested in her progress. Diane Eaton That Arc! Thank-you to Kind Bus Drivers E veryone knows that being a bus driver has got to be a difficult job. It is like being the parent of 60 kids and having them all home at the same time. (God planned against that for a reason.) If you are a parent you can appreciate the enormity of this task. Bus drivers spend as much as three hours a da y w it h children. How impor ta nt, then, that the driver is not only proficient at driving the bus safely, but has some people skills too? A child’s morning begins with looking at the bus driver’s face. Is she smiling? Does he nod a friendly hello? Or is there a big grumpy frog sitting at the front of your bus croaking out orders and negative vibes. Good morning world! What a way to begin! Some children may not have a very pleasant home life. Some just don’t thrive in the school environment. It would be good if at least the bus ride could be pleasant, starting with the bus driver. It’s one of those small things that could be very positive. I have recently heard about one of our local drivers who makes a real effort to be friendly to one specific child. The parent expressed deep gratitude because that child was finding school to be a big challenge. "I f it w a s n ’ t f o r t he encouragement of our bus driver giving my child a reason to get on that bus, I don’t know how I would get her to go." It was very evident from the conversation with this parent that the impact a bus driver can have on a child’s day can be immeasurable. "When my child gets home at night, she is happy and ready to play. It is not because school day has been easy, or that we are looking forward to the evening’s homework. It’s just because the closing part of the day is with that driver." N e v er u n d e re s t ima t e t he importance of your school bus driver and if yours is particularly kind, be sure to say, "Thank-you. You make our day easier". Sandra Blodgett The Paisley Advocate November 2011 Page 9 Couple on Their Way Across the Country W hen most people make a trip across Canada, they stick to the traditional modes of transportation: planes, trains, or automobiles, maybe an RV. I guess you could say John Varty and Molly Daley are taking the latter method, thou gh with a slight difference. Their recreational vehicle consists of a small cabin, mounted on a hay trailer, pulled by a tractor. John is a University Professor, in Agriculture and Economic History who has taught at McGill, Yale and McMaster. John and Molly decided to take a year off work and leave their home in Hamilton to travel across Canada, making a documentary film about the current state of agriculture in this country, and the challenges facing Canadian farmers. One particular issue they are interested in is the disparity between what farmers are paid, and what food processors are charg in g the ir customers. “There’s a lot of money being made,” said John, “but it’s not the farmers who are making it.” On July 1, they left Charlottetown, PEI with a new tractor (donated for the project by Massey Ferguson) pulling their homemade cabin on wheels. The cabin itself is spartan at best. It’s made of recycled lumber and barn board. Inside, there is a bed, a few recycled cupboards for storage, and just a little space to move around in. When they are on the road, one drives the tractor while the other is in the cabin, editing the film. The bed doubles as a workbench for film editing. John says that about 50% of the trip has been pre- p lan ned , meeting with politicians and far mers and attending rural events. They hope to complete the jo u r n e y in Vancouver by midDecember. On leaving Paisley, the couple was heading to Owen Sound, then up the peninsula to catch the ferry at Tobermory. In Owen Sound, Molly 514 Queen St. S., Paisley 519-353-5707 Lots of New Christmas Gift Ideas in stock now We will be closed on Saturday, November 19 to attend an educational program Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri - 9am to 6pm Sat - 9am to 4pm Molly D aley an d J oh n Var ty, wi th the hu mble vehicle park ed acr os s from Mar ty's . Whey they s top in a town the y don’t k n ow, they pull u p ou ts ide the loc al res taurant, where they are s ure to meet s ome interes ting loc als . said they were going to cheat and get a hotel room. She said she was looking forward to “a hot shower and a soft bed.” I don’t blame her one bit. You can read more about the Tractor Canada project online at or check out the most recent posts on their Facebook page. Craig Budreau Page 10 The Paisley Advocate November 2011 Secrets of the Treasure Chest The Hanna Family F rom time to time, the Treasure Chest Museum is given or loaned artifacts that relate to the community of Paisley and area.. This summer, a beautiful portrait of James David and Annie (Bower) Hanna came to reside at this Museum. Their son, David Dale Hanna (B. 1835 at Lanark ON) had moved to Paisley with the family in the late 1850's. In 1858, David, his father and his brother bought the Mill property first owned by Samuel Rowe. They built a dam, then cut out the mill race, and erected the grist mill. They erected a saw-mill as well. It was sold to Duncan Fisher in 1869. It was in 1866 that David D. Hanna built his home of hand-made bricks on the north side of that mill property. Bordering the Teeswater River, it offers a fine view. With the railway coming to Paisley, David D. Hanna undertook to build the Hanna House Hotel in 1871. It is said that a better hotel could not be found north of Guelph. It cost approximately $14,000 to build. Twelve years later,1883, David Hanna sold it to Mr. Flood for $8000. Mr. Flood later decided to sell the "Hanna House", and most of the material went to a house-wrecking firm in Toronto. The lower level remained and is now part of Rier's Garage. In1879, he built the Waterwitch, a boat that steamed up to the Fairgrounds and back, giving people a ride to the Palace at the Paisley Fair Grounds for ten cents! On a few occasions he steamed right up to Walkerton which took 13 hours, and only 4 hours to come back! People boarded this boat by the "Tidings Tree" on the Saugeen River. However, being unprofitable, he sold it in 1883.He was certainly one of the more public-spirited citizens of Paisley. The portrait of his parents was passed down in the family. An interesting fact is that many people will remember Alice Weeden, a great granddaughter of James and Annie Hanna. Alice's sons are Jim and Gordon Weeden. The portrait will be treasured at the Museum! Although the Museum is closed for the season, if you wish to come with a group for a tour, call 519-3537176, and leave a message. We would be pleased to open the museum for you. Many historical books are on hand as well, if considering one for a gift. Just call ahead to make arrangements. Volunteer with the Treasure Chest Museum The Hann a por tr ait (the ph otographer forgot to s ay “S mile”), an d the ol d Hann a Hous e hotel, where Rier’s is today. Cargill Corner Paisley 1940-1945 The War Years I am ever so thankful to the late Doris Pennington for her book, Thirty Years On Call, and to handsome Blair Blue for lending it to me. Using Doris’ remarkable book I am able to chronicle some of the major events of WWII, and Paisley during those years. Let us begin, dear readers. In the summer of 1940, Dr. Joseph Grove closed his practice to join the Royal Canadian Medical Corps, leaving Dr. Tucker as the sole doctor in Paisley, which Doris described as “a frightening prospect for a man with an ailing heart.” Advertisements in newspapers of the day urged men to enlist in the Canadian Active Army. The pay was $1.30 per day with board, lodging, clothing and medical and dental care provided. Wives of enlisted men would receive $35.00 per month and $12.00 per child (maximum of $24.00) Beginning in 1940, ladies of Paisley and area gathered in the library to make layettes, blankets, quilts and other items needed in England. They also packed boxes with knitted goods, candy, Christmas goodies and other food for servicemen across the ocean. In April of 1942, gas was added to the list of rationed items that included sugar, butter, coffee and tea. Cars were restricted to a maximum of 40 mph to conserve fuel. In the fall of 1942, a Scarlet Fever outbreak resulted in the closing of the school for two days until it could be thoroughly fumigated. In August the war hit home hard when news arrived of the deaths of Privates W. Bruce Rolston and Roy Leeson in the ill-fated Dieppe invasion. They were part of the Second Canadian Infantry Division that hit the beaches on August 19. Doris relates in Chapter 21, “The raid lasted only nine hours and few objectives were achieved. Of the 5000 Canadian troops involved on that fateful day 900 were killed and 1874 taken prisoner. In 1943 word of more heroes dying reached home. In March, Nelson Howe died from meningitis in England. Gordon Weeden was reported “Missing in Action” in mid December. His mother, already in poor health, died on December 22, her death probably hurried by the news of her dearly beloved son. In 1944 the Canadian Red Cross asked for blood and money. In response, over 50 Paisley residents travelled to a blood donor clinic in Walkerton. Dr. Tucker loaned his car for the drive and helped Dr. O’Toole and Dr. Robertson at the clinic that day. In return these Walkerton medicos helped Dr. Tucker at the Paisley Blood donor clinic in August of that year. In all, 112 residents gave blood at this clinic. The doctors were assisted by Rotarians. The nursing staff on this day included Mrs. Dennis Donnelly of Pinkerton, Mrs. G. Alexander, Miss Ida McAfee, Miss Alma Reed, Miss Marie Pinkerton, Miss Mamie Houston, Mrs. A. McTavish, Miss Irene Waring, Mrs. D.D. Campbell, Mrs. S. Stafford and Mrs. F.A. Gibson. One of the two Paisley drug stores closed when the owner enlisted. More local heroes fell with their faces towards the foe. Paying the greatest sacrifice were Lloyd Dudgeon, Earl Reed, Sherman Ferris, George Nicholl, Bob McFadden, Willard Webb and Bob McGill. The author had a special bond with Bob, who was her classmate in the not long ago past. Bob’s plane went down over the Adriatic Sea on May 13, 1944. Two of his crew were rescued but Bob was lost. The war in Europe ended May 07, 1945 and the news was received with some very mixed emotions. Doris said jubilation was mixed with horror, grief and sadness. “The war was over but the happiness and relief contrasted sadly with the grief of those whose loved ones would never return.” Doris’ book is a wonderful history of a valiant village and a stouthearted doctor and his family. Her book Thirty Years On Call is available through Brucedale Press, Port Elgin. It would make a terrific Christmas gift to a loved one. In closing a quote from Winston Churchill, “Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that if the British Empire and Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, this was their finest hour.” Brian Raper The Paisley Advocate November 2011 Page 11 Knox United Church Celebrates 50 Years in the Present Building K nox United Church was a scene of celebration on Sunday, October 23 as former members and friends joined the congregation for morning worship. People from Burlington, Waterloo, Guelph, London, Port Elgin, Southampton and Dobbinton were present to celebrate 50 years since the building was dedicated. The Rev. Tim Reaburn, minister at Knox, led the service. Terry and Wendy Cormack, former residents and now from Palmerston, provided special music. Members of the Church of the Ascension, Anglican, joined the Knox congregation and participated in the celebration. With the closure of their church building, they have used Knox as their meeting place for their own Sunday morning worship services. A "Family Signature Quilt" was dedicated as part of the anniversary celebration. It contains the names of present members of the congregation, as well as several who have recently died. The quilt includes pictures of other congregations which have amalgamated with Knox during the past 50 years: Ebenezer, Cargill, and Pinkerton, and a photo of the present Knox Church building. Winnie McTeer, who was instrumental in creating and completing this special memorial assisted Rev. Reaburn in the dedication. The Rev. Meg Grieve, who ministered with the congregation from 1981 to 1985, shared a story with the children - along with her pet 'dragon'! Later, Meg reminisced about her experiences during her time with the Paisley Pastoral Charge, and offered thoughts for the congregation in her sermon “Which way is God facing?” Following the service, Dos Rios Catering Paisley Skating Club Halloween Party photo: Desiree Hunt On the left, Re v. Ti m Re abur n an d Re v. Meg Grie ve at the 50th An ni vers ary S er vice of Kn ox Unite d Ch urch, on the right, Irene Patters on , the el des t me mber of Kn ox Unite d C hurch , cu ts the A nni vers ar y c ak e as s is ted by Re v. Ti m Reaburn . pr ovide d a de lic ious hot meal for everyone present at the celebration. The church hall was filled with one hundred enthusiastic individuals who shared their memories of times past in the life of the congregation while enjoying their meal with friends from the past. An anniversary cake bearing the crest of the United Church of Canada, made by Audrey Webb, was cut by Irene P atterson, the eldest member of the congregation, with the minister, Tim Reaburn, assisting. This event was a highlight of the 50th anniversary celebrations organized by the anniversary committee, Winnie McTeer, and Sheryl Steinhoff . Lewis Coffman Page 12 The Paisley Advocate November 2011 Mary MacKay’s Window on the Past John McPhee Part 5 The Family of John McPhee W hen John and Hester McPhee made the long trek from Invermay to their home at the top of the big hill north of Paisley they had four children ranging in age from 15 months to 8 years old. Three more children were born after settling in Saugeen Township. Angus, the oldest, was the only one to remain here. He married Sarah Buchanan and they had 3 children. Malcolm, who was 6 when the family came, died of consumption at the age of 22. Annie, who had difficulty making her little 3 year-old legs walk all the way to Paisley, married Dougald Campbell and they went to Zion City, Illinois. Kate, the baby who was lucky enough to be carried all the way, married Andrew Neelands and moved to Sarnia. The three boys born after the family came to Saugeen, John D, Neil and Alex all left this area as young men to look for adventure in the States. John D. McPhee went to Dakota and finally settled in Crookston, Minnesota where he was very successful. In 1901 Paisley Advocate carried this story. Paisley Advocate (Nov. 15, 1901) Mr. John D McPhee , son of pioneer John McPhee , Elora road north has been elected mayor of Crookston, Minn. by a large majority over his opponent. J D has been in the west a good many years, and attained marked success as a ranch manager and man of general business capacity. Crookston has a population of 8000 at present and the Daily Journal says that with the good council elected and a mayor of the stamp of J D McPhee, the town is bound to make rapid steps forward. He is referred to as a man of high character and noble ideals We’d say he can’t very well be anything else, as he was raised in Bruce. John D. frequently wrote letters to Publisher of the Advocate to renew his subscription. He was married and had one daughter. Neil McPhee was born here in 1858 and had left for Bay City, Michigan before he was twenty. He married Rose Williams and they lived in Grand Rapids Michigan the rest of their lives. Hands Up! Alexander McPhee had the most exciting life and his visits home from time to time were always recorded in the Advocate. He spent 28 years as an investigator with the CPR . “Mac’ as he was generally known from the Pacific to the Atlantic had many colourful experiences, starting with his Yukon adventures in the days of the ’8 9 g o ld r ush , f o llo we d by homesteading in Alpena Township, Michigan and then to Vancouver as an assistant investigator with the C.P.R. On one occasion he was reported drow ned at L on g Beach b ut fortunately this was an error, because he lived to participate in many investigations of train robberies. No doubt you’ve watched Western movies where the bad guys plotted and carried out robberies of stagecoaches and trains in the early days of the settlement of the west. “Mac” McPhee was the one who tried to catch and bring those bad guys to justice. He was an expert shot with a revolver. One of his adventures was in the Bill Miner chase following the hold up at Ashcroft in 1909. Bill Miner was a noted American criminal, originally from Bowling @ Your Library B y the time you read this article October will be over! I've heard that time flies by faster as we get older, well I've been feeling pretty old this past month! During Ontario Public Library Week (Oct. 16 - 22) the Paisley branch library collected non-perishable food donations in place of fine money - we called it "Food for Fines". We started it last year and as it was so popular, continued it this year. The food will be distributed in food hampers in the Paisley area. We will keep the box in the library if you missed our "Food for Fines" and still wish to donate food items. The Paisley branch was at the "Let's Learn Clinic" on October 26 handing books out to the children who were registering for kindergarten. ON October 29 we held our kids craft program - making pumpkin door hangers. The next Friends meeting will be November 7 at 5:00 pm at the library. November 25th is the Paisley Santa Claus Parade and the library has some great books on decorating for Christmas - I know, I said the "C" word! The Paisley Friends' Christmas Story Hour will be held on December 16 at 7:00 pm. Children are invited to come to the library in their jammies and listen to a couple of stories and have a snack. Now that the weather is getting colder, it is the perfect time for walks in the woods, then home for a good book in front of a fire! Check out all our "cosy" mysteries and enjoy the fall weather: • Naughty in Nice by Rhys Bowen • Murder of a Creped Suzette (a Scumble River Mystery) by Denise Swanson • The Sauvignon Secret (a Wine Country Mystery) by Ellen Crosby • Cat in a Vegas Gold Vendetta (a Midnight Louie Mystery) by Carole Douglas Ellen Kerr, Supervisor, Chesley, Paisley & Tara branch libraries Green, Kentucky who served several years for stagecoach robberies. Known for his unusual politeness while committing robberies, he was widely known as the Gentleman Bandit. He is reputed to have been the originator of the phrase “Hands Up!” After his third prison term, Miner moved to British Columbia where he changed his name to George Edwards, and is believed to have staged British Columbia’s first–ever train robbery on September 10, 1904. This is where Alex McPhee enters the action and in 1909 was in the party that gave chase after an aborted train robbery at Ashcroft, B.C. Miner was arrested after an extensive manhunt near Douglas Lake BC and sent to the BC penitentiary where he escaped and returned to the US. Some speculate that Miner left a hidden cache of loot in the forests south of Silverdale after the first robbery. Some believe he used these funds to finance his escape, while others surmise that there is still hidden loot to be found there. A movie “The Grey Fox” was made about the life of William Miner in 1983. I wonder if one of the lawmen in it was supposed to be “Mac” McPhee? New Season for Paisley Skating Club W e are off to a great start at the Paisley Skating Club for the 2011/2012 season, with over 50 members under the very capable and amazing coaching direction of Sarah Hutton and Janine Gregg. Two volunteer coaches are on the ice each night to help the coaches Betty Anne Scheeringa and Jolene Dewar, in addition to the 18 volunteer skaters who assist with our Canskate program each Tuesday and Thursday from 5:15 till 6pm. New members are always welcome - call Jen Speckhard at 519353-7044 for more information! In the photos are , L to R: Lauren Wright & Hannah Maxwell; Margaret Smith rehydrating. Becky Maus Snapshots from the 2011 Bob Atkinson Memorial Cross Country Meet Left ph oto: Ch arlie Ers k ine, Jas on Taylor , Aus tin Mac Ki nn on , Emme tt Myers , N oah Mac Is aac, O we n Elliott, Clayton Fitzs immons , Mars h all Villeneu ve; ce ntre ph oto: Han n a Maxwell, Em ma Hill, Moira R ober ts on, Lauren Maus , Brian na De war, D arcy Fr ook ; right photo: Mar y Gail J ohns ton wi th Alys s a Hag an , Che yann Mc Teer, Kor alee Karcher, A my B arlow, Emil y Bryce , Kaitlin Mac Kenzie, N atalie Patters on The Paisley Advocate All thes e ite ms are from the P ais ley A dvoc ates of N ove mber 1925. As I was look ing thr oug h thes e papers , I foun d s e ver al ar ticles that re min de d me of the CS I-type police s hows on tele vis ion th at are al ways trying to outdo the ms el ves on g ore. The firs t two ar ticles contain graphic, grues ome des criptions . Be warne d. The ne xt ar ticle men tions u pcomi ng Th ank s giving D ay s er vice of re me mbrance. For a period between the firs t an d s econ d worl d wars , C anadi an Th ank s giving was celebrate d on Ar mis tice D ay, which woul d later be ren ame d Re me mbrance D ay. Th ank s giving was move d to Oc tober, though i t was n ’t u ntil 1957 th at the date of Canadian Th ank s giving was finally s et as the s econ d Mon day in October . This article s tates th at “N ow th at the n ations of Eur ope h ave arri ve d at an agreeme nt to aver t future wars …” If only this h ad tur ne d ou t to be true. The fin al ite m is another of thos e be au tiful 1920’s ads , this one for the lates t in au di o e qui pme nt, s ol d at Thomps on Bros . Gar age(?) in Pais ley. CB November 2011 Page 13 Page 14 The Paisley Advocate November 2011 Nov. 5 - Paisley Fire Department is hosting holding a Giggles Comedy Night on Sat Nov 5th at the Community Centre. . We are kicking off fundraising for a new fire hall to be built on a lot on Cty. Rd. 3 east of the County Building. Tickets are $30 for the show only or $50 for dinner and show. Contact any firefighter for tickets or call 353-5340. Nov. 6 - Legion Church Service Sunday Nov. 6th at the Immanuel Evangelical Missionary Church 10 :30 a.m. service. Everyone welcome. (Parade forms up at 10:15) Nov. 6 - Daylight Savings ends Sunday morning 2 am, set clocks back one hour. Nov. 7 & 21 - The Family Health Team is planning to hold a Flu Shot Clinic at the Paisley clinic the afternoons of Nov. 7 & Nov. 21. This will be open to patients rostered to a physician with the Brockton and Area Family Health Team. For info call 1866-507-2021 Community Calendar Nov. 11 - Remembrance Day Services Friday November 11 • 9 am Branch open coffee & donuts • 9 am to10 am members & others gather for parade • 10:20 meet behind hotel to form up, parade to Square • Service at Cenotaph followed by parade to Community Centre, then back to Branch • 1 pm service at Paisley Cemetery • 5:30 - 6:30 members social time at Branch • 6:30 members & guests dinner $15.00 Please contact Branch at 519 353 5444 or Dorothy at 519 353 4155 to reserve dinner Nov. 14 - Scottish Emigration by Alan Scott - Debunking Some Myths: Case studies of several immigrants, circumstances causing them to leave Scotland, the truth about the Clearances, Canada as a destination. Monday, November 14, 2011. Pot Church Directory United Church 399 Goldie St. Paisley 353-5278 Rev. Tim Reaburn Worship Service at 10:45 a.m. with Sunday School during service. Sanctuary is wheelchair accessible. Missionary Church (Immanuel Evangelical) • • • • 307 Balaklava St. Paisley 353-5270 Rev. Tony Geense Service: 10:30 am Sunday School every Sunday morning starting at 9:30 a.m. – classes for all ages Worship Services begin at 10:30 a.m. every Sunday Morning There will be a Junior Church ministry provided for children ages 1 – 5 yrs. during the Worship Service Prayer Meeting 6:30 p.m. Sunday Evenings Baptist Church 288 Church Street, Paisley Rev. George Bell Service: Sunday 10:00 am with Sunday School during service Presbyterian Church (Westminster- St. Paul's Pastoral Charge) Westminster: 260 Queen St. S, Paisley Sunday morning worship 10:00 am with Sunday School & Nursery St. Paul's: CR # 15, Glammis Sunday morning worship 11:30 am with Sunday School Rev. Shelly Butterfield-Kocis 519-353-6020 Anglican Church (The Church of the Ascension) Now gathering at the United Church, 299 Goldie St. in Paisley Rev. Linda Nixon 363-2339 Services at 9:30 am Sister Congregations meet 9:30 am in Chesley and in Tara at 11:30 am The Paisley Advocate is published by The Paisley & District Chamber of Commerce 11 times per year: mid-January, then the start of each month from March to December 1900 copies are distributed Free of Charge to Paisley and its Rural Routes, R.R. 1 & 2 Dobbinton, R.R. 2 & 3 Chesley, R.R. 1 & 2 Cargill, & in stores in the Paisley Area or by Paid Subscription $26.00 (includes GST) per year. Editor: Craig Budreau; Co-editor: Mary Ellen Budreau; Proofreading: Jennifer Speckhard, Writers: Diane Eaton, Sandra Blodgett, Melissa Kanmacher; Advertising: Jen Harris. The Paisley Advocate, P. O. Box 579, Paisley, ON. N0G 2N0, 519-353-5707 (Craig), or email: For Advertising call 519-353-1805 (Jen) or email All Classifieds, Announcements, Births, etc. cost $7.00 (includes GST) - Obituaries and Community Calendar events are free. All s ubmis s ions s houl d be made before the 20th of the prece di ng month. Check out back issues of the Paisley Advocate online at - click on Paisley Advocate luck luncheon at 12 noon. Speaker to follow at 1:00p.m. . Free Admission. At the Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre. Presented by the Bruce County Genealogical Society. Nov. 19 - Christmas Craft Show at the Chesley Community Centre on from 10 am to 4 pm. Sponsored by the Holy Trinity Anglican Church. Lunch booth available. For info call 519-364-6422 N o v . 1 9 - C ro k i n o l e Tournament at First United Church, 435 21st ST. W, Owen Sound, ON. Registration at 10 AM, playing starts at 11 AM. Lu nch pro v ided. Recreational & competitive divisions. Please confirm your attendance by Nov.12 to: Clare @ 519-934-1351 or Elmer @ 519-376-1245 Nov. 25 - Paisley Branch Hospital Auxiliary Christmas Luncheon Hosted Friday, November 25 11:30 am to 1 pm at Westminster Presbyterian Church, Paisley (Corner of Queen Street and Inkerman Street) Soup, Sandwich, Pie, Beverage Adults $ 8.00. SPECIAL DRAW Takeout available contact Winnie, 353-5686 Nov. 25 - Paisley & District Chamber of Commerce presents Santa Claus Parade at 7:00 pm Nov. 25 - Entertainment by Lee Grant and Meat Roll following Santa Claus Parade at Paisley Legion Branch 295 Donations of Nonperishable Food Items will be accepted prior/during/after parade at the Legion. These items will be given to our Local Foodbank. Nov. 26 - The Children's Christmas Sale Santa's elves help children do their Christmas shopping wh ile t he ir paren ts enjo y a refreshment nearby. No items are more than $5 and most items are $1 or $2. For info or to donate merchandise, contact Jen at 353-7044. All proceeds go to charity. Dec. 2 - Christmas Late Night Shop & Social, Paisley businesses open until 10 pm Dec 4 - Paisley Concert Choir presents Season of Dreams, a concert of Christmas favourites and seasonal tunes on Sunday, December 4th, 7:30 p.m. at the Immanuel Missionary Church. Tickets, $12 for adults and $5 for children, are available at Allen's Home Building Centre and Nature's Millworks, and from choir members. Dec. 16 - The Paisley Friends of the Library are holding their annual Christmas Basket Draw will be held at our annual Christmas story hour on December 16th at 7pm to 11:30 am Paisley Rotary Club meets every Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. Paisley Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Tuesday at the United Church at 8:00 p.m. Support Groups for people with Parkinson's are held the 2nd Tuesday of the month in Kincardine, the 3rd Tuesday of the month in Hanover. Everyone welcome. For more information call (519) 652-9437. Friendship Coffee Break – this ministry for ladies runs on the third Tuesday of every month from 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. at Immanuel Missionary Church Senior’s 55+ Luncheon - runs on the last Tuesday of every month starting at 12 noon at Immanuel Missionary Church Paisley Concert Choir meets on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 to 9:00 at Knox United Church. New choristers, women and men from high school age and better, are always welcome. Please call Helen Crysler at 519-353-4017 for more information. Cro k ino le : at the Sco ne Schoolhouse, the 3rd Wed. of each month, at 7:30 PM Every one welcome to join the fun. Contact Clare: 519-934-1351 for more info. Regular Legion Meeting is held on the 3rd Wednesday of the month, 8 pm, (Executive meet at 6:30 pm) Paisley Reader’s Club meetings are held the 3rd Tuesday of the month from 7:00 to 9:00 pm at the Paisley Library. Alzheimer Society of GreyBruce Caregiver Support Group meets 1st Wednesday of every month at 1:30 at Grace United Church, Hanover, and the 2nd Wednesday of every month, at 1:30 at Southampton United Church. 1-800-265-9013. A WAN A K i ds C l u b a t Immanuel Missionary Church starts on Wed. September 28th, 2011 - for more info please contact: Immanuel EM Church (519) 353-5270 or AWANA Commander: Dan McCaw (519) 363-6842Paisley and District Kinsmen meet 1st and 3rd Thursday each month. Legion Ladies Aux. meeting 1st Thursday each month 7 pm. Regularly Scheduled Events: Tanner’s U Pick - Yukon Gold, Red, & White Potatoes, Jack-olantern Pumpkins, Pie Pumpkins, Butternut & Buttercup Squash, Gourds, Call Gord & Reita 519-3662493. Paisley & Dist. Chamber of Commerce meets the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of the month at 7:30 pm in the old Council Chambers at the Legion Starting in October, Seniors play Shuffleboard upstairs at the arena, Monday at 1pm and Carpet Bowling, upstairs at the arena, Tuesday at 1pm Legion Euchre Night - every Monday at 7:30 pm sharp at the Paisley Legion. Everyone welcome.resumes September 7 Seniors Coffee Break at the Legion every Monday from 10:00 am Classified Ads The Royal Canadian Legion Paisley Branch 295 Rental - Auditorium Hall (upstairs) Great for parties of 100 people or less. Bartender provided. For information and bookings please call Dorothy Smibert 519-353-4155. Wanted—Someone to feed beef cattle in your barn for the winter months, with your feed. 519-8813138 Reac h Hous eh ol ds Acros s Our Area For only $7.00 Classified Ads in the Paisley Advocate The Paisley Advocate November 2011 Page 15 Obituaries Muriel Rier Grace Marilyn (Wells) Parker Catherine Christena Craig, (nee McArthur) Harvey Norman Hagedorn P M uriel Laura Rier of Paisley, passed away at Elgin Lodge, Port Elgin on Monday, October 10, 2011 in her 80th year. Beloved wife of the late Bud Rier. Loving mother of Gary and his wife Judi Chambers of Southampton and Ron of Paisley. Cherished grandmother of Bud James and C h a n t a l E l i za b e t h R ie r o f Southampton. Muriel will be sadly missed by her brother-in-law Cliff Rier, sister-in-law Bernice Brown, both of Owen Sound and many nieces and nephews. Predeceased by her brother Ken Pfohl and her parents, Dalton and Gertrude (McCaw) Pfohl. A memorial service celebrating Muriel’s life was held at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, Chesley on Friday, October 14, 2011 at 11 a.m. Interment in Chesley Cemetery. Memorial donations to the Heart and Stroke Foundation or Chesley Hospital Foundation would be appreciated as expressions of sympathy. Funeral arrangements entrusted to Rhody Family Funeral Home, Chesley. In Memoriam BARBARA WONCH P eacefully at home on Friday, October 21st, 2011, in her 72nd year, Grace Parker of Paisley. Dear mother of Brenda and her husband Mike Boudriast, George Parker and his partner Sherry Stade and Les Parker and his partner Kathy Frieburger. Dear grandmother of Crystal, Candice, Mikayla, Deanna, Chantal and Ema. Great-grandmother of Natalie, Zander and Lillian. Grace will be missed by many nieces and nephews. P redeceased by her grandson Jeff Frieburger, parents; Lorne and Lillian Wells, sisters; Gloria Stroeder and Gladys Parker and brothers; Gordon and James. Funeral service was held Saturday, October 29th, 2011, at W. Kent Milroy Paisley with the Rev. Mona Goulette officiating. Inter me n t Do u g las H ill Cemetery. Memorial donations to the Canadian Diabetes Association would be appreciated by the family. Announcements Christmas Craft Show at the Chesley Community Centre on Saturday November 19, 2011 from 10 am to 4 pm. Sponsored by the Holy Trinity Anglican Church. Lunch booth available. For info call 519364-6422 The Children's Christmas Sale will take place at Knox United Church in Paisley on November 26th from 10 am to 3 pm. Bring the kids and let Santa's elves help them do their Christmas shopping. Most items $3 or less. For more information or to donate items contact Jen at 519-3537044. I n loving memory of my dear mother who passed away on October 20, 2008. When thoughts go back as they often do, I treasure the memories I have of you. This day is remembered and quietly kept; no words are needed for I will never forget. For deep in my heart you will always stay, loved and remembered each and every day. The tears in my eyes I can wipe away, the ache in my heart will always stay. I miss you so much and will love you forever. Forever in My Heart Cheryl The Paisley Friends of the Library are holding their annual C h ris t mas B as k e t fundraiser. Step into the library to buy your raffle tickets for one of our two fantastic gift baskets filled with goodies from our local merchants. New this year is a Children's gift box. This is a free raffle for school-aged children. Come to the library to sign up for your chance to win. The draw will be held at our annual Christmas story hour on December 16th at 7pm. B orn in Paisley, Ontario on August 20, 1913, Catherine passed away peacefully in her sleep at Bough Beeches Place Retirement Home, Mississauga on Monday, July 25, 2011 in her 98th year. Predeceased by her beloved husband of 57 years George (1912 - 1999) also of Paisley, Ontario. Cherished mother of Carolyn Hallford and her husband Robert of Mississauga. A woman of great intelligence, significant insight and exceptional humour to the very end, Catherine will be fondly remembered and greatly missed by her granddaughter Heather (Scott Astaphan) of Oakville and grandson Christopher (Jayda Sutton) of Oakville; as well as, her great-granddaughter Calleigh and great-grandson Christian. She will also be fondly remembered by her numerous nieces and nephews and their families. Both Catherine and her late husband George were born in Paisley and lived in town until their marriage in 1942 when they moved to Toronto. The Craig's were a very prominent family in the area with George's brother McLeod Craig (deceased) becoming a judge of the Sup re me Co u rt of O nta r io. Catherine's family (McArthur) were also well-known in the area as were her mother's family, the McKinnons. Private family ceremony and interment held at Sanctuary Park Cemetery, Port Elgin, Ontario on September 24, 2011. Thank You T Woelfle he family of the late Lois Woelfle would like to thank family and friends and neighbours for all their cards, flowers, donations, phone calls, kindness and support at the time of our Mom's death. Thank you to the Pinkerton Women's Institute for their excellent lunch following the funeral and the lovely Institute Memorial Service. Thank you to the staff of the Kent Milroy Funeral Home for their compassion to our family; also to Rev. Jeremy Sanderson for his excellent guidance and service. Your t h o u g h t f u ln e s s w as g r ea t ly appreciated. Pat, Dave, Lorrie, Cory, Elizabeth & Caitlin Woelfle eacefully at Abbotsford, BC on Monday, October 24th, 2011 in his 84th year. He was the son of the late Norman and Ina Hagedorn. He is survived by his wife Elsie Hagedorn of Abbotsford, BC and was the beloved father of Allan(Lynn) Hagedorn of Moosomin Sask. Murray (Simone) Hagedorn of Moosomin, Sask. Eric Hagedorn of Waterdown, Ont. and Marilyn(Claude) Eilers of Hamilton, Ont. He was the beloved grandfather of Jennifer Hagedorn of Winn ipeg , Man. Carr ie Lang of Moose Jaw Sask., Julie Vigfusson of Hudson, Mass., Crystal Hagedorn of Moosomin, Sask., Paul Hagedorn of Moosomin, Sask., and Mark Eilers of Cordoba, Argentina. Harvey also had 7 great grandchildren: Jennifer's Ethan, Lane and Skye; Carrie's Kyla and Kalika ; and Julie's Matthew and Nicole. He is also survived by his siblings, Gladys Cornish, Margaret (Peg) Height, Viola (Ola) Nelson, Irene Thomas, Dorothy Stanley, Robert Hage do rn an d Dav id Hagedorn. A 'Celebration of Life' was held at the W. Kent Milroy Paisley Chapel, 216 Queen St. S., Paisley, (519) 3535133 on Thursday, November 3rd, 2011, at 2:00pm, followed by a luncheon at the Legion Hall in Paisley. Williscroft W. I. M arie Charbonneau was the hostess for the October meeting of the Williscroft Women’s Institute. She served a delicious breakfast of pancakes with blueberry syrup and jam and cheeses plus a bowl of fruit. Judy opened the meeting with the Ode and Mary Stewart Collect. The guest speaker, Linda Gowanlock spoke on Blueberries at Beagle Run Nursery which opened in 1982. She told about 3 types of blueberries : wild ones, bluejoy which yield medium fruit and blueray which produce large sweet berries. She enlightened everyone on how to grow and care for Blueberry plants. Linda was thanked by Marie and she was presented with a gift. The Minutes and Correspondence were reviewed. Recipes handed in will be forwarded to headquarters to be published in the new recipe book. It was decided to buy a quilt batt and backing for a quilt for Goderich relief. The quilt top will be donated by Judy Mac Kinnon. The Area Convention held in Ayton featured afternoon speaker Francesca Dobbyn from United Way. Beth Slumskie announced her plans for the ROSE program to be held November 2. Judy reported on her days at the Museum assisting with scanning the Tweedsmuir Books and Scrapbooks. She thanked Mary Dudgeon for helping. Judy gave a reading “The Last Corn Shock” and the meeting closed with the singing of O Canada. Marilyn Perkins Page 16 The Paisley Advocate November 2011
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