Newsletter 27.3.15 - Bradfield Primary School

Bradfield C of E (Aided) Primary School
Issue 14 27 March 2015
Dear Parents/ Carers,
We are almost at the end of a very busy term and there is much to celebrate and a few reminders for next week.
Firstly the celebrations…We have been involved in a variety of sporting events over the last two weeks including two cross country events, the Year 5 Football
Federation Cup at the Kennet and the small schools regional football final which took place in Bristol last Saturday. It has been great to see how enthusiastically the
pupils have represented the school and the positive values and sportsmanship that they show whilst competing. We are very proud of our commitment to taking part
in these events. I would like to extend a big thank you to Mrs Goodwin for her hard work in organising the events and to all the parents who have helped with
Our Year 6 pupils took part in the Berkshire Maestros concert at the Anvil on Tuesday. They performed a dance choreographed by Mrs Hooke as well as singing Joseph
and the Amazing Technicoloured Dream Coat with other local schools. The concert was a great success and I was extremely proud of how well our pupils performed.
Thank you very much to Mrs Coulam and Mrs Hooke for their hard work in helping to prepare the children.
Learning in the classrooms has also been wonderful to see and I have been delighted to see how enthusiastically pupils are working. The teachers are all working
extremely hard to develop an interesting and engaging curriculum and we have some great new displays evolving in the classrooms. Alasdair Pearson and I have a
written a letter (please see attached) which outlines the school’s continuing progress over the last term in more detail. Thank you as always for your continuing support
in our journey.
One final big thank you must also go to Prof Martin Parsons for his generous donation towards guided reading books. We have used this to invest in 40 sets of guided
reading books for KS1 and 2 to enrich our guided reading sessions in school. Children can look forward to using these after Easter.
A few reminders…Next Wednesday evening, 1st April, at 7.00pm there will be a parent information meeting for the parents of pupils in Year 6 about our forthcoming
residential trip to Avon Tyrrell. This will take place in the Year 6 classroom and will be led by Mrs Coulam and myself.
Immediately following this meeting at 8pm there will be a meeting for all parents and community members who are interested in applying for a post on our Governing
Body which will replace the IEB in July 2015. Members of the IEB, the Diocese and Barbara Hunter will be there to share information about how this process will take
place and provide more detail about the changes to the roles and responsibilities of governors.
Next Monday we welcome back Laura Hooke who will is returning from maternity leave. She will be teaching Year 5 after Easter which means that we will also be
saying a sad farewell to Mrs Dennis at the end of next week. A huge thank you goes to her for all her hard work and dedication this term.
Easter Assemblies… There will be two assemblies for children and parents on Thursday the 2 nd April. The 9am celebration assembly will include the cups and merit
awards and the 2.30pm assembly will be our Easter Service, led by the Rev Jules Gadsby. We look forward to seeing you then.
Very best wishes, Jenny Slade
Mon 30th March
Tues 31st March
Weds 1st April
Thurs 2nd April
Mon 20th April
Tues 21st April
Weds 22nd April
Thurs 23rd April
Fri 24th April
Dates and Events for next week and the first week after Easter
Details of all regular clubs and events can be found on the calendar on our website at
Violin lessons, Cello lessons
Homework Club
3pm Swimming gala practise
PE for Y1 and Y2
12 noon Junior Cross country – Team Kennet
After school - Recorder Club, Y2/3 Football Club with Roger Toms
PE for Y3 and Y4
After school – Netball Club, Gymnastics Club
7pm Information session for Y6 parents/carers re Avon Tyrrell
8pm Information session for potential parent governors
PE for Y5 and Y6
2.30pm Easter worship – parents welcome
Easter holidays – Friday 3rd April to Monday 20th April 2015 (inclusive)
After school - Recorder Club, Athletics Club
After school – Multisports Club Y2
NSPCC giving assemblies
After school – Cricket Club
8pm PTA meeting
Week 1 Junior swimming at Bradfield college
Guitar lessons.
After school - Football Club
Bradfield May Fayre
Monday 4th May 2014
May Queen and attendants
If you would like your Y6 child to be considered for
these roles (and they can attend the May Fayre)
please let us know as soon as possible in writing.
Names will be picked out of a hat on Thursday 2nd
Menu change
As previously advised there is a menu change on the last day
of term – Thursday 2nd April – to the following:
Fish fingers, Vegetarian burger, Jacket potato with cheese,
Chips/baked beans/peas, Easter nest cake
Happy Easter from the school kitchen!
Go Berzerk Drama Club
May Pole Dancing
A separate letter will follow about the May Pole
dancing, this year being organised by Mrs Hooke.
Class photo orders
Please have any orders for class photos in to the
office by Thursday 2nd April (last day of term).
Any received after this date will miss the
collection and you will have to send them off
yourselves, which will incur a postage fee.
Thank you.
Activities over the holidays
Bradfield College are running Tennis camps
over the Easter holidays for junior children. For
more information please ring 01189644600 or
Pro-cision Football coaching Easter holiday
course at Park House School, Newbury. For more
information please see the PE noticeboard or
ring Ashley on 07834774100 or email
Adventure Dolphins invite you to an Open
Day on Sunday 19th April, 10am – 3pm. You can
have a go at canoeing, kayaking and climbing.
For more information please go to
Swimming reminder
Please make sure you return the completed reply
slips for swimming as the first lesson for juniors is
Friday 24th April (the first week back after the
holidays). Don’t forget all children will need to
wear swimming hats.
The Drama club continues after the Easter holidays on
a Monday after school. If your (junior) child would like
to join the club please ask for a form from the school
office. Dates are as follows:
April 27th, May 11th and 18th, June 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd and
29th, July 6th and 13th
Sports Reports
Reports by Mrs Goodwin:
For some great photos of our children taking part in the
Bradfield Cross Country Competition on 11 March please go to
Last Saturday we represented Berkshire in the Small schools
regional final in Bristol. Although we didn’t get through the
league round, the children played a very high standard of
football and it was a great privilege and a pleasure to watch
them. In fact the team only lost by one goal to the eventual
On Tuesday the Y5 football team played in the federation cup at
Kennet. (Y6 were at the Anvil!) We played a total of seven
games and kept smiling whatever the result or the weather,
eventually coming a very respectful fourth.
Well done to all the children who played.
Spanish lessons
Spanish lessons will start on Mondays from 27th April 2015 at
12.30pm. Letters have been given to all those who expressed
an interest. However there are still be spaces so if your child
would like to take lessons please ask in the office for an
information letter.
Clothing collection
The PTA have an arrangement with a new collection
company for recycling clothing called RAGS TO RICHES.
The next collection date is WEDNESDAY 29th APRIL. So
please have a clear out over the holidays. Your child should
receive a flyer and a bag in their book bag today.
They will accept: Clothes, cuddly toys, jewellery, bags,
shoes, umbrellas,bedding and household linen, towels