Making Headway Newsletter – February 2015

Making Headway
Summer 2015
Our Mission
To ensure a quality of life that
maximizes potential, choice
and independence for people
with Acquired Brain Injury,
their families/whanau and
Welcome to 2015
A word from our Chairman—Ian Walton
Our Details
Headway House
605 Willowpark Road South
Hawke's Bay
06 878 6875
027 536 6345
Facebook: braininjuryhb/
Hi and welcome from the Board of BIA HB, for the first newsletter for
The board held its first meeting last Wednesday, February 18th and
good attendance was attained within our ranks. We hope all our staff
and clients enjoyed their breaks and are motivated and
enthused for this years activities.
Thanks to those staff, volunteers and board members who attended
the fundraiser opportunity held on January 18th for Hawke’s Bay
United FC’s match against Auckland City FC at Park Island.
The funds raised contribute greatly to helping fund our activities.
The boards commitment to BIA HB is unyielding in its endeavours to
ensure all services continue as has been throughout previous years
which also includes researching into the possibility of realigning
ourselves with the soon to be formed Brain Injury New Zealand.
Herora Brown is to be our elected representative to attend the formation meeting being held at Auckland in late February. Herora will no
doubt inform the board in her usual
efficient manner as to what benefits this may reward us with.
We the board look forward to welcoming new staff member Sharon
Bailey and again thank all staff and volunteers for the super effort each
and every one gives up for this association.
As always may I implore everyone to think safety first and to do unto
others as you may wish done unto yourselves.
My best to all,
Ian Walton
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Activity Day & Programmes
Community Contacts
Napier Police
831 0700
Hastings Police
873 0500
HB Hospital
878 8109
Work & Income
0800559 009
0800 101 996
878 6875
0800 112334
0800 543 354
Alcohol Helpline
0800 543 354
Hastings Health Centre
873 8585
Napier City Medical 24-Hour
Presbyterian Support
876 2156
The Doctors Hastings
876 8445
The Doctors Napier
835 4696
Mental Health & Addiction
878 8109
Advocacy Network Services Trust
Benefits Advocacy
Citizens Advice Bureau (Hastings)
Citizens Advice Bureau
(Napier ) 8359664
Information 4 Disability
Totara Health Hastings
Totara Health Flaxmere
Peoples Advocacy Society Inc.
Above: A few pics taken from our 2014 Kiwiana Christmas Party at Headway House. It was a
day of over indulging, dressing up and having loads of fun!!
We ended 2014 at Headway House with a bang after spending our
Christmas party eating, drinking (fruit punch), playing games, more eating all
while dressed in Kiwiana regalia.
Our fantastic clients came dressed to impress with many costumes created
by hand. Every person who walked in the door were greeted with a loud
“Wow, look at you!!”. Our DIY photo booth was a lot of fun, where the dress
up box encouraged even more silly and outrageous behaviour!!!
After easing back into the new year, we have made the most of the lovely hot
weather. We enjoyed a day at Ocean Spa and BBQ at Marine Parade beach,
lunching at Hastings RSA and of course our yearly tradition of a grand Art
Deco soiree. This year we held our “Art Deco do” at Headway House, with a
combined “Great Long Art Deco Lunch” in our front entrance. The umbrellas
were up, we ate with pleasure to refined dining and listened to swing music
while soaking up the atmosphere. Once again, the excuse to dress up was
taken seriously with so many clients looking dapper. The decorations made
the week before added a touch of glamour to our day.
We welcome to the Activity Day team—Sharon Bailey. Sharon is a welcome
addition to our team and I hope you all get to meet her during the year.
The Swimming Group has started for 2015 with funding for more clients to
attend. Our Friday aqua aerobics session is at Clive Memorial Pool with new
instructor, Dan. The group are enjoying the new style of class already and
look forward to the year ahead.
For more information on any of our social programmes, please contact me at
878 6875 or 022 3717825,, LIKE us on
Angela Mentzer
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Brain Injury HB Inc - Who Manager/Liaison
are we?
Hi all
Our Board
Ian Walton
Vice Chairperson
Brett Morris
Herora Brown
Bill Craig
Errol Mitchell
Coral Aitkins
Colin Wilson
Cathy Buddo
Tom Hartley
Dave Cowman
Our Staff
Manager/Liaison Officer
Dairne Withers
We are well into the New Year now and everything is back into
full swing. Please read further into the newsletter to find out more
information on our services and programs running this year. I
was fortunate to have an extended holiday over January so a big
thank you to the staff and volunteers who kept the service ticking
We have Wheels on Windsor coming up on March 8th. This is a
great day out so come along to Windsor Park and view some
amazing cars and make sure to purchase a ticket for our annual
grocery raffle!
Haven’t found us on Facebook? Read on for more details and be
sure to “like” us so you are kept up to date with what is
happening at BIA (H.B).
We have a busy year ahead of us and I look forward to catching
up with everyone and welcoming new members, clients and
families. If you would like to know more about BIA (H.B) please
get in touch or call in for a coffee and a chat.
Take Care
Margaret Perreau
Programme &
Angela Mentzer
Activity Day Assistants
Sharon Blake
Sharon Bailey
Swimming Programme
Sharon Blake
With your support and time we raised $510.60!!!! at the
Hawke’s Bay United Soccer game on January 18.
All the funds raised stay in Hawkes Bay to support those
in our community with Brain Injury
and their families and whanau
Thank you for your support it was most appreciated
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Family Support and Education Group
Headway House
Programmes & Services
Liaison Service
Mon—Fri at Headway House
9-2.30 pm
Activity Day
Thursday 9.30am - 2.30pm
Headway House
Swimming Group
Fridays 9.30am @ Clive Pool
Transport provided
RSA Dinner Group
1st Wednesday of every month
CHB Services
First Wednesday of the month
2015 Dates
First Tuesday of the month
605 Willowpark Road South, Hastings
March 3rd
April 14th
May 5th
June 2nd
July 7th
September 1st
October 6th
November 3ed
December 1st
Morning tea is provided
Wheels on Windsor Grocery Raffle
$2.00 per ticket
Value of Prize $120 of Groceries
All funds go to support our Activity Day expenses
Please support this fundraiser
Call the office on 878 6875 to collect raffle books to sell or
Raffle to be drawn at Wheels of Windsor Car Show,
Sunday March 8th
Volunteers Workshop
Get involved in BIA HB—volunteering is strong and a
necessary part of our organisation. Without our fantastic
volunteers we would not be able to function or provide our
core services.
We are looking at hosting a Volunteers Workshop.
If you have volunteered for BIA HB in the past or would like
to, then the workshops aim is to provide support and
Our volunteers help in so many ways from collection appeals,
fundraising and events, to supporting our programmes &
To register your interest, please contact Angela Mentzer,
on 878 6875 or email
For more information on BIA HB check out our website, or Facebook page
Making Headway
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Upcoming Events
Family Support & Education Support Group
Tuesday March 3rd, 10am
605 Willowpark Road South, Hastings
Wheels on Windsor
Hosted by HB British & European Car Club
Sunday March 8th, 9—3pm
We are looking for new
Windsor Park, Hastings
volunteers to support our
programmes. You might be a Public entry by gold coin donation—BIA HB receives coldriver, handyman, arts and
lection proceeds, plus our Grocery Raffle
crafts enthusiast, cook or
Volunteer Register
gardener with some spare
time to share with our clients.
If this sounds like you then
we'd love to add you to our
volunteer register.
Volunteers are a crucial part
of our organisation and we
would like to thank all of our
volunteers for their valuable
time and energy they share
with us.
Please contact Headway
House on 8786875 or email
Stewart Centre @ EIT Boccia Tournament
Tuesday March 17, 10-2pm
Taradale RSA
BIA HB 2015 Wish list
*An outdoor gazebo
*Outdoor portable chairs
*Puzzles and board games
*Sewing machine
*Rash shirts for our swimming group
*Ipad or tablet
*Baking mixer/processor
*Pottery kiln
Help us to raise funds so we can make some of these
wishes come true!!
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Keeping in touch with BIA HB
“Like” us on Facebook, search braininjuryhb. Share with your friends and
Donate to us direct online through Give A Little—all donations are 100%
passed on to us. Look for us as braininjuryhb
Radio Kidnappers—1431 AM or 104.7 FM
Our own show The Brain Injury Association Show was a great success and
we look forward to a new series next year beginning in March. If you are keen to speak about your brain
injury journey with our organisation or independently then please contact Angela on 8786875.
Our website——check out our blog, key contacts, volunteering, donations
plus all the essential information you might need
Supporting BIA (HB) with Bequests, Legacies and Donations
A bequest in your Will is a fantastic way for you to express your concern and show your support
of the Brain Injury Association (HB) Inc. fulfilling its mission
"To ensure a quality of life that maximises potential, choice and independence for people with Acquired Brain Injury, their families/whanau and carers".
Bequests are a donation that can continue to provide ongoing support to our service and the
community long after the donation has been given.
If you would like to know more about how your bequest or legacy could help us in our work,
contact our office. Phone 878 6875 or email
Donations also play an important role in funding the Brain Injury Association (HB) allowing us to
provide essential services. You can make a donation at any time by filling out the form below,
calling in and seeing us or via online banking.
HBS Bank – Brain Injury Association – 03 1369 0103346 00
Please use your name as reference for online banking.
I wish to make a donation of $…………………….to support the Brain Injury Association (HB).
Name ...........................................................................................................................
Address .......................................................................................................................
… …..............................................................................................................................
Making Headway
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Welcome to BIA HB—Sharon Bailey
Our Activity Day programme welcomes Sharon Bailey to our
team. We have three staff to support our clients during
Activity Day and Sharon has fitted in nicely to our Thursday group.
The only trouble we have is pointing out which Sharon is who,
because we now have two Sharon’s—Bailey and Blake.
So next time you drop in for a visit, meet our two Sharon’s and
coordinator Angela!!!
Alex Stewart Visits BIA HB
We were honoured to meet the original founder of the Brain Injury
Association, Auckland, and the New Zealand branches and of the
Stewart Centres, Alex Stewart.
Alex visted Colin and Carol Wilson during February and popped in
to look at our premises, Headway House and met Dairne and
Alex was impressed with our headquarters and loved seeing our
progress as an organisation. He was also gracious in giving an
impromptu interview with Angela, for an upcoming segment on
Radio Kidnappers. During the interview Alex spoke about his and
his wife, Mary’s journey in creating a support programme back in the early 1980’s for families who had a
loved one suffer a brain injury. He then elaborated on the creation of specialist rehabilitation the Stewart
Centres, after realising his son required a different type of dedicated programme.
After our meeting, Alex visited the Stewart Centre @ EIT and Silky Oaks Chocolate Factory-a supportive
business to BIA HB.
It was an honour to listen to Alex describe his, and his families journey. We, as an organisation continue
to support Alex and Mary Stewarts original idea of support, friendship, compassion and advocacy for
people who have had a brain injury, their families, whanau and carers of our community.
Tune in to Radio Kidnappers to hear Alex yourself, on Wednesday March 22nd at 12.30, or download a
copy of the interview by visiting
Collectors Needed for 2015
We have fundraising events during the year in 2015. Our next event is Wheels on Windsor,
Sunday March 8th.
If you are available for collecting at this event or would like to be put on the list for future
events please call or email your contact details to : or
878 6875
Thank you to all our generous funders, sponsors, members and
other contributors towards our organisation. Our major sponsors are:
Free Community
Lions Club of
Hastings Host
Hastings RSA
Lioness Club of
Havelock North Inc
Napier City Council
We greatly appreciate support from the following:
Colin & Carol
John Wise
Lesley Macdonald
Bruce & Sharon
Alex Stewart
The Walton Family Trust
Alma Nepia
Neuro Rehab NZ
Ian Walton
Kay Ward Electrical