BRAINS Express
BRAINS presents
A summer group to learn social skills and
through drama
Mondays 9am-11am
June 8th-August 24th
Final Performance will be on
August 24th
Any child 6-12 years old who has
difficulties in social situations
It will be run by 2-3 occupational
therapists skilled in enhancing
social interactions between children
Roles of child: On stage or backstage, either in the
spotlight or part of the team to put
on the show!
$80.00 a week, must attend all
sessions with this being a
collaborative group activity
BRAINS, PLC 3292 N Evergreen Dr NE, Grand Rapids MI, 49525 616-365-8920 1
BRAINS Express
SENSE‐SATIONAL SUMMER explore your senses Discover your 7 senses through play
Touch Taste Smell Sight Hearing Vestibular (balance) Proprioception (sense of self) Explore your senses, interact with occupational therapists trained in sensory motor play, and come home with a craft for each sense.
Wednesdays: 9:00‐11:00am Ages 6‐12 Wednesday, June 10 through Wednesday, July 15 Ages 2‐5 Wednesday, July 22 through Wednesday, August 26 $80.00 a week— some insurances may cover group work on motor skills, balance, vestibular BRAINS, PLC 3292 N Evergreen Dr NE, Grand Rapids MI, 49525 616-365-8920 2
BRAINS Express
Play With a Purpose
Does your child struggle with any of the following?
Staying and participating with a group
Managing strong feelings
Observing personal space
Engaging in reciprocal conversation
Seeking attention appropriately
Sharing and cooperating with peers
If your 3 to 5- year- old child is experiencing difficulties with any of the above skills, he/she is a good candidate for the Play
With a Purpose play group. Through small group instruction and a ton of fun, your child will be supported in learning the
above skills.
I know summer can be hectic with vacations and such. For your child to get the most benefit, please be committed to at
least 7 of the 10 weeks.
Day: Fridays
Length: 10 Weeks
Time: 11:30 AM– 12:30 PM
Class Size: Minimum of 3, maximum of 6
Classes will begin: June 19 and end on August 28 - No Group 7-3-15
$40 per session
Carrie Zinser, LMSW – Early Childhood Specialist
For more information or to register:
Please e-mail me at
BRAINS, PLC 3292 N Evergreen Dr NE, Grand Rapids MI, 49525 616-365-8920 3
BRAINS Express
A program just for brothers and sisters of kids with special needs!
At Sibshops, we will:
Provide an opportunity to meet other siblings in a relaxed, recreational setting
Provide opportunities to discuss common joys and concerns
An opportunity to learn how to handle tough situations with siblings
An opportunity to learn more about special needs
Sibshops meet every Wednesday starting June 10-July 22*
*No Sibshop on July 15
Ages 7-10: 10:30-11:30AM
Ages 11-14: 12:30-1:30PM
Can’t wait to see you there!
Sarah Gordon, LMSW
For more information or to register: Call 616-365-8920
$40.00 a session
BRAINS, PLC 3292 N Evergreen Dr NE, Grand Rapids MI, 49525 616-365-8920 4
BRAINS Express
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
DBT for Teenage Females
Characteristics of DBT
Support-oriented: It helps a person identify their strengths and builds on them so that the person can feel better
about herself and life.
Cognitive-based: DBT helps identify thoughts, beliefs, and assumptions that make life harder: “I have to be perfect
at everything.” “If I get angry, I’m a terrible person” & helps people to learn different ways of thinking that will
make life more bearable: “I don’t need to be perfect at things for people to care about me”, “Everyone gets angry,
it’s a normal emotion.
Collaborative: It requires constant attention to relationships. In DBT people are encouraged to work out problems
in their relationships with their therapist and the therapists to do the same with them. DBT asks people to complete
homework assignments, to role-play new ways of interacting with others, and to practice skills such as soothing
yourself when upset. These skills, a crucial part of DBT, are taught in weekly lectures, reviewed in weekly homework groups, and referred to in nearly every group. The individual therapist helps the person to learn, apply and
master the DBT skills.
Girls 14-16 years old (Maximum of 6 girls)
Wednesday Mornings 9:00-10:00a
8-week program beginning June 10th, 2015
Sarah Gordon, LMSW
For more information or to register: Call 616-365-8920
$40.00 a session (may be covered by insurance plan)
BRAINS, PLC 3292 N Evergreen Dr NE, Grand Rapids MI, 49525 616-365-8920 5
BRAINS Express
BRAINS/Summer 2015 Social Skills Groups
Hello all, I hope you had a wonderful school year and are ready for some summer social fun and learning. Social Groups will
start on the dates noted below. Below are the topics for the groups. Please call the front desk at BRAINS to sign up and email your
questions to me, Ben Padron.—Here is a tentative schedule
Session 1) Begins Tuesday, 6/16/15 at 3:30 pm- 4:45 pm, targeted ages, 11-14
Week 1- 6/16/15: Introduction/goals and objectives of summer social group
Week 2- 6/23/15: How to initiate peers, and adults in social communication.
Week 3- 6/30/15: The Art of Listening and mirroring in social communication.
Week 4- 7/07/15: What are you communicating with your body language?
Week 5- 7/14/15: A time for Charades
Week 6- 7/21/15: Identifying feelings/emotions
Week 7- 7/28/15: Teasing/Bulling: How to handle these types of situations.
Week 8- 8/04/15: Managing your Anger.
Week 9- 8/11/15: Recording and evaluation of each other on video in social situations.
Week 10- 8/18/15: Closing/Review
Session 2) Begins Thursday, 6/15/15 at 4:00 pm- 5:15 pm, targeted ages, 7-10.
Week 1- 6/18/15: Introduction/goals and objectives of summer group
Week 2- 6/25/15: How to initiate peers, and adults in social communication.
Week 3- 7/02/15: The Art of Listening and mirroring in social communication.
Week 4- 7/09/15: What are you communicating with your body language?
Week 5- 7/16/15: A time for Charades
Week 6- 7/23/15: Identifying feelings/emotions
Week 7- 7/30/15: Teasing/bulling: How to handle these types of situations.
Week 8- 8/06/15: Managing your Anger.
Week 9- 8/13/15: Recording and evaluation of each other on video in social situations.
Week 10- 8/20/15: Closing
BRAINS, PLC 3292 N Evergreen Dr NE, Grand Rapids MI, 49525 616-365-8920 6