May 2015 - Branch`s Baptist Church

Heartfelt Hospitality
One Core Value that Branch’s Baptist Church shares with
other healthy churches is Heartfelt Hospitality. In Acts 2 we find
this statement about the early Christians:
Every day they continued to meet together in the
temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and
ate together with glad and sincere hearts, 47 praising
God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the
Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.
And the Apostle Paul told the church at Rome to “practice hospitality.” (Romans 12:13)
Hospitality in the ancient world was primarily about welcoming strangers. The Greek word translated “hospitality” is literally
“love of strangers.” In Leviticus, God specifically commands
hospitality to the foreigner - “When an alien lives with you in
your land, do not mistreat him. The alien living with you must be
treated as one of your native-born. Love him as yourself, for
you were aliens in Egypt.” (Leviticus 19:33-34) This carried
over to the New Testament with the emphasis on welcoming
people with love and joy as a means of sharing the Gospel.
What does hospitality look like in our day? Welcoming
strangers – yes! All strangers – yes! Welcoming people who
come into our church – yes! All people – yes! I heard a distressing story recently – a stranger came in to a church; he was
grieving the loss of his wife; he was looking for some solace
from people who claim to love others. What he got was –
“You’re in my seat.” He went away and didn’t come back. Why
would he?
cont., p.2
Branch’s Office hours are
9am—12pm and
1:00pm to 4:00pm,
Monday —Friday.
Please time your phone
calls and visits during
office hours
so as not to miss us.
Sunday bulletins: Tuesday.
“Columns”: 20th of the month.
Send your articles to
Sunday Schedule
9:15am Prayer Time ~ C216
9:30am Sunday School/
Bible Study
10:30am Announcements
& Fellowship~KH
10:30am Puppet Ministry ~
11:00am Worship Service
Wednesday Schedule
5:30pm Wed. Night Supper
6:00pm Cub Scouts
6:30pm Praise Team
6:30pm Broad Rock Café
6:30pm Prayer Time &
Bible Study
7:00pm Youth & Kids Activities
7:30pm Chancel Choir
Pastor’s article, cont. from p. 1
Hospitality is also practiced among the believers – 1 Peter 4: “8 Above all, love each other deeply, because
love covers over a multitude of sins.9 Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling.” Can it be called
hospitality if it is accompanied by grumbling? Hospitality and hospital have the same root - sharing the early
entomology of being concerned with the welfare of guests. Hospital later became a place for the homeless
to be welcomed and then to our current understanding – a place for the care of the sick. In a sense, the
church should see itself as a “spiritual hospital” – welcoming and caring for those in need of the source of all
healing – Jesus!
So, how are we doing on this Core Value? I would welcome your comments at
– Grace and peace,
Pastor Mat
Letter from the Associate Pastor
In conversations over the last few weeks I have had several questions asked about how to become a
member of Branch’s Baptist Church. I would like to take this opportunity to answer these questions. There
are several possibilities open for participating in the life of the church.
They are:
Permanent visitors – Many people may attend a church for a long time, but have no interest in taking the
steps to become a member. These people can participate in all areas of the church, but cannot hold an
elected position, i.e. chair of a committee.
A member by transfer of letter- A person must present himself to the Pastor on a Sunday service and ask
the congregation to request from his former church a letter stating his level of membership.
A member by statement – A person from another denomination or church that cannot provide a letter,
may join by presenting himself to the Pastor at a Sunday service and make a statement that he has been
baptized at an earlier time by immersion, and request membership at Branch’s Baptist Church.
A member by baptism – A person on presenting himself to the Pastor at a Sunday service, by making a
profession of faith in Jesus Christ as his Savior, may request to be baptized by immersion. Membership
in Branch’s Baptist Church follows.
A member under the watch care of the church: a person who will be in the area for a temporary period of
time and wants to be recognized by the congregation, may request to come under the church’s watch
care. The person does not remove his membership from the former church, but can participate in the
activities of the church, except for elected offices.
Any person that requests any of these methods of membership is not an official member until his name is
presented at a Quarterly Business Meeting and is voted on by the Congregation. It is the responsibility of
the Membership Committee to present all names for membership or the removal from membership at these
meetings. After an affirmative vote, their names are placed on the official roll of the church. (People may be
on the membership roll of a Sunday School Class or other group without being an official member.)
If you have any further questions, feel free to talk to Pastor Mat, Dorryce Ann, any of the members of the
Deacon Board or Membership Committee.
Visitors and Attendees are always welcome! We just want to be sure you understand the process of official membership.
— Dorryce Ann Rudd
Editor’s note: For ease of reading, in this article, the pronouns ‘he’ “him” and “himself” are used to represent persons of either gender, as is traditional.
Music Beats
Music is a universal language that speaks to everyone. How glorious all of our singers, ringers and instrumentalists work diligently weekly preparing worshipful music to present to our Lord and congregation as we
seek to praise and glorify Him in our services! As we work together we do so with a spirit of love for our Lord
to worship Him and Him alone daily as He calls us all to do. That is our desire weekly as worship leaders
for our Lord. Please pray for us as we all seek to glorify God, our Father.
Administratively a small team of folks from the Chancel Choir has undertaken the massive work of purging the music library, We seek to completely re-organize our music collections and record all of it on our recently acquired new Worship Planner computer program to assist in the keeping of all music and personnel
records. The new program also provides opportunities to maintain attendance records, several different
ways to communicate with the various choirs and their members as well as assisting in the preparation of
weekly worship outlines. I very much appreciate the willingness of the choir members to give of their time
freely to provide a more organized music program.
As you know we have purchased two used Yamaha pianos for use in the choir room at the price of
$3,700.00. We sought to raise $4,000.00 in donations, as I was advised we could find a good used Yamaha
on line for about $2,000.00. After having received $3,000.00 in anonymous gifts I had been directed to
Rhapsody Piano/Guitar, Inc., by a reputable contact, who deals in Yamaha pianos. I had been told that, for
a church, this company normally would give a good deal on the purchase of pianos. (And they did) After my
initial contact, I discovered they had two good used Yamaha’s and offered us a $1,500 reduction in price. I
followed up the next day with a visit and liked what I saw. Consequently, I decided on the spot to step out
on faith with God and purchased the two instruments because I felt God was revealing to me that He is in
control and that He had provided over three fourths of our request. Because one piano came with an already installed humidifier, I made a request for an additional $600.00 (for a total of $4,300) to allow us to fit
the other piano with a new humidifier. ALL PRAISE and GLORY be to our God as he has provided a total of
$5,075! We have instructions from the donor to apply anything leftover from the completion of this transaction to our ongoing costs of updating the sound system.
Our Reflections Choir has been preparing a Community Program for the last several months to share
with one of the local care givers in our area. The Praise Team has been preparing for our next Communion
service; Chancel Choir has been steadily preparing for every week; and the Festival Ringers will be heard
again very soon.
We are blessed at Branch’s with good, committed, strong singers. Thank you, church, for your continued
prayer support.
As always, blessings, and let us be found forever PraiSing Him!
K. Wayne Windle, Jr.
Director of Music Ministries
We are pleased to report that K. Wayne Windle has been asked to assume the position of Director of
Music Ministries, and has accepted. The word “interim” no longer applies to his title.
Louise Smith
Sybil Turner
Juanita Mallory
Bob Bruce
Raymond Lowman
Josephine Shifflette
Oscar Contreras
Beth Kahl
Ken Smith
Hernan Espinoza
Ron Markin
Steve Stahl
Katherine Utley
Audrey Yanez
Nathan Kish
B.J. Colyer
Rick Savage
Jacob Corbin
Margie McGee
May 4
May 6
May 8
May 9
May 10
May 11
May 12
May 12
May 13
May 13
May 16
May 16
May 16
May 18
May 23
May 27
May 27
May 29
May 31
If your birthday has not been
listed in the Columns, please
call or email us with your
birthdate. We promise not to
publish the year!
Karen Collins WMU meets
Tuesday, May 19
@ 10:30am
In Kincheloe Hall. All
are invited.
Friday, May 1
11:00am AA Meeting
7:30pm Latino Band Practice
Sunday, May 3
Regular Sunday Schedule
Monday, May 4
9:30am Music Theory Class
10:30am Reflections Choir
7:00pm Deacons’ Meeting
Tuesday, May 5
2:30pm Coffee & Prayers
6:00pm Hand Bells Rehearsal
Wednesday, May 6
Regular Wednesday Schedule
6:30pm Walk to distribute
Flyers for the Festival
Friday, May 8
11:00am AA Meeting
7:00pm Latino Band Practice
Saturday, May 9
10:00am Organizing for
the Give-Away
Sunday, May 10
Regular Sunday Schedule
Monday, May 11
9:30am Music Theory Class
10:30am Reflections Choir
Tuesday, May 12
10:00am Prayer Shawl Ministry
2:30pm Coffee & Prayers
6:00pm Hand Bells Rehearsal
7:00pm Meadowbrook Women’s
Wednesday, May 13
Regular Wednesday Schedule
Friday, May 15
11:00am AA
7:30pm Latino Band Practice
Saturday, May 16
11:00am Community Festival
with Give-Away
Sunday, May 17
Regular Sunday Schedule
Monday May 18
9:30am Music Theory Class
10:30am Reflections Choir
Tuesday, May 19
10:00am Bus leaves Branch’s
for Salisbury Pres. Concert
10:30am Karen Collins WMU
2:30pm Coffee & Prayers
6:00pm Hand Bells Rehearsal
Wednesday, May 20
8:00am Bon-Secours Care-A-Van
Regular Wednesday schedule
DEADLINE for the June Columns
Thursday, May 21
10:30am MDBA Ministers’
Friday, May 22
11:00am AA
7:30pm Latino Band Practice
Sunday, May 24
Regular Sunday Schedule
Monday, May 25
Memorial Day—No activities
Office Closed
Tuesday, May 26
10:00am Prayer Shawl Ministry
2:30pm Coffee & Prayers
6:00pm Hand Bells Rehearsal
6:00pm CrossOver Workshop
Wednesday, May 27
Regular Wednesday Schedule
Thursday, May 28
10:30am Young-at-Hearts
Friday, May 29
11:00am AA Meeting
7:30pm Latino Band Practice
Sunday, May 31
Regular Sunday Schedule
Pray for the Churches and the Religious Institutions of Metropolitan Richmond.
For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though
many, are one body, so it is with Christ. For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body: Jews or
Greeks, slaves or free, and all were made to drink of one Spirit. For the body does not consist of one
member but of many.
- (I Corinthians 12:12-14)
May 3, 2015. We pray that the true light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ may awaken and heal
every heart in every corner of Richmond, Chesterfield, Hanover, Henrico, and the surrounding counties and towns.
May 10, 2015. We pray for all pastors, ministers, missionaries, and servants of Christ.
May 17, 2015. We pray for all religious communities, abbeys, orders, brotherhoods, sisterhoods, religious societies, and para-church organizations.
May 24, 2015. We pray for all religious institutions of Metropolitan Richmond: For seminaries,
bible colleges, and schools training persons for vocations in ministry; for the
students, faculty, and staff of these institutions.
May 31, 2015. We pray for a spirit of unity, mutuality, cooperation, reconciliation,
reforms, and common ministry among the Christian community.
May’s Big Event:
COMMUNITY festival
Saturday, May 16th 11am-3:30pm.
Events include; community give away, live music, food trucks, children's activities, and info booths
set up from local businesses. We will need A LOT
of volunteers. If you can help in any way, please
see Amy Eberhard. A sign up sheet of various jobs
will be posted on the bulletin board near the sanctuary.
Join us in Kincheloe Hall on May 28th
@10:30am for food, fun, and fellowship.
Please bring a dish to share. Call Barry
Grantier if you have any questions.
Besides help with the festival itself, we need help
1. Walking to distribute flyers around the
community on Wednesday, May 6th, right after
2. Organizing give- away items on Saturday May
9th, at 10am.
And, of course, you may contribute items for the
give-away! It’s a great way to do spring cleaning.
I would like to thank everyone who helped make the MDBA
Senior Adult Mission Event such a success. Everyone
seemed to have a great time, and John Upton’s Keynote
Address was superb. A big thank you also to the people who
stepped in to help with the Pizza and a Movie. My gratitude
goes to the Builders Sunday School Class for serving the wonderful pancakes for the Pancake and a Movie night. Mark
Mallory’s daughter, Samantha, whipped up, blueberry, banana
cinnamon, chocolate chip and plain pancakes that were enjoyed by everyone. Thank you, thank you and thank you.
Rev. Mat Brown—Pastor
Rev. Dorryce Ann Rudd —
Minister of Visitation & Senior Adults
Rev. Arlene Guzman —
Pastor of Casa Refugio de Amor
K. Wayne Windle, Jr. —
Director of Music MinistriesEmail:
-Dorryce Ann Rudd
Amy Eberhard —
Director of Children’s Ministries
Branch's Baptist Church
Condensed Financial Report
Year-to-Date as of March 2015
Account Description
Regular Offering
Jordan Dillard—
Director of Youth Ministries
Budget YTD
World Programs
Educational Ministries
Service Ministries
Building & Equipment
Debt Retirement
Total Expenditures
Net Surplus/(Deficit)
Keith Wilmoth —Organist/Pianist
Lorena Markowski —Office Manager
Ernie Moore —Treasurer
Joshua Zalesky—
Sunday School Superintendant
Staff Changes
K. Wayne Windle , Jr. has accepted the post of Director of Music
Ministries on a permanent basis.
Kathy Ramos has resigned her
position as Office Assistant for personal reasons.
3400 Broad Rock Blvd.
Richmond, VA 23234
Office: 276-5000
Fax: 675-0759
Office Hours:
(staff breaks for lunch)
and 1:00-4:00pm