Bylaws and covenants are available on the
Branderwood website. Visit us at to review the documents.
A special thank you goes out to Mike
Kolnok and Mike Fradette for their recent
help with pool house painting and
playground maintenance. Thanks, guys!
May 2011
Branderwood Egg Hunt
At our rain-delayed hunt on April 17th, dozens
of children collected candy-filled eggs. The
Easter Bunny made an appearance, and fun
and chocolate were had by all!
*Pet Reminder
As you are walking your dogs, please remember to clean up any
messes your dogs may leave behind. This applies to any
neighbor’s yard as well as the common areas throughout the
neighborhood. Also, barking dogs can be reported to Roanoke
County animal control. Please be considerate of your neighbors
when leaving your dog outside.
*Tennis Court Reminder
Wheeled vehicles are prohibited on the tennis court. This
includes bicycles, skateboards, and skates. Please help us keep
our court surface in good shape.
The board of directors has adopted a new complaint form to
use so that all complaints are in writing and of record for the
Association. The $25 fee is required by the state of Virginia
and applies only if there is a complaint to the state level.
Complaining owners must give the Association the
opportunity to go through the complaint process first before
they can complain at the state level. A copy of the form is
available on the R&A and Branderwood websites.
Roanoke County brush and bulk item
pick up dates: 5/31, 6/13, 6/27, 7/11,
and 7/25. Please remember to check
the calendar before putting items at
the curb.
Visit the updated Roanoke County website
Kristin Matthews, President
Denise Proctor, Vice President
**The Architectural Review Committee will conduct its
annual neighborhood drive-through in early summer.**
David Bailey, Treasurer
2011 Neighborhood Events
Lisa Conroy, Secretary
Reminder…your board has scheduled the following events
for 2011:
Mike Kolnok, Director
Pool Party
Saturday, June 25, 5:00-9:00 PM
Fall Yard Sale (October, Date TBA)
Halloween Parade
Monday, October 31, 5:30 PM
Christmas Party (December, Date TBA)
Memorial Day
is Monday,
May 30th.
Our Management Company is R&A
Management, 2772 Electric Road Suite
2, Roanoke VA 24018. 540-527-0002.
Director of Association Management is
Treena Gibson. Visit them online at
Branderwood Pool Rules – Updated 5/2011
All persons using the pool or pool area do so at their own risk and are sole responsibility. Your Homeowners Association
assumes no responsibility for any accident or injury in connection with such use. Persons using the pool covenant agree
with the owners and management for and in consideration of the use of the pool as an added facility, to make no claim
against the Homeowners Association and management for loss of personal property. Further, such persons agree to save
harmless the Homeowners Association and management from any and all liabilities and actions of whatsoever nature by
any homeowner, tenant, or guest growing out of the use of the swimming pool or pool area
Guests- All guests must be accompanied by a resident. Residents will be allowed to entertain two guests on any one day
and are subject to the rules that apply to residents.
Property Damage- The cost of any property damage will be charged to the responsible party. Management will not be
responsible for loss or damage of any kind.
Closing of Pool- The pool may be closed at any time due to weather, breakdown or other operational difficulties.
*Swimming is not permitted when there is thunder or lightning observed or within 15 minutes afterwards.*
Pool Hours- The pool is open Sunday–Thursday from 9:00 AM to 10:00 PM; Friday & Saturday from 9:00 AM—11:00 PM.
There will be security for the pool and tennis courts on a random basis.
Rules Concerning Children- All children under 14 years of age must be accompanied by an adult. An adult is
defined as a person 18 years of age or older. All babies must wear a bathing suit. All diapered babies must wear swim
diapers. All children who are non-swimmers must wear a flotation device in the pool area.
Pool Parties-There will be a charge of $25.00 to use the pool facilities, and an additional charge of $25.00 for security
deposit against damage and cleanup, which will be refundable if the pool is in reasonable condition after the party. If
damage and cleanup is more than the $25.00 security deposit, the homeowner is responsible for additional charges.
Homeowners are welcome to use the pool during pool parties. Parties scheduled to end before 6PM will be limited to 3
hours’ duration.
All parties must be approved by contacting Dave Bailey at,, or 540.293.0752 two weeks prior to the date of the party. Fee and security deposit must be
provided to Dave Bailey in order to secure your party.
General Rules-
No Smoking is permitted in the pool area or the tennis court area by residents or guests.
Running, punching, wrestling, ball playing or causing undue disturbance in or about the pool area will not be
Admission will be denied to anyone with shin abrasions, cold, coughs, inflamed eyes, infection, or anyone wearing
No intoxicant may be brought into the pool area. No food and drink will be consumed in the immediate apron
portions of the pool area. Trash and refuse must be placed in the receptacles provided. No glass or other breakable
objects will be allowed.
No cut-off shorts are to be worn into the pool.
No pets are allowed in the pool or pool area.
Wheeled vehicles will not be allowed in the pool area.
Swimming is permitted only when the pool is open.
No one shall be allowed to be in the pool alone.
Loss of Amenity Privileges-Members who are delinquent in dues will be denied amenity privileges.
Violation of the Rules May Result in Forfeiture of Pool Privileges- Use of foul of profane, loud, or boisterous language will
be cause to require a person to leave the pool area. Continued misbehavior or disregard for pool rules will be grounds
for denial of pool privileges.
10. There will be a $15 charge to replace lost pool fobs.
The next Branderwood Board meeting will be on Wednesday, July 20th, 6:00 PM at Radford
and Associates. We encourage all of our neighbors to attend to learn more about what is
going on in the neighborhood.
Minutes of the Branderwood Homeowners Association Board Meeting
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Attending: (Directors in bold) Kristen Matthews, Denise Proctor, David Bailey, Mike Kolnok; R&A Management, Meredith Malloy
Quorum: A quorum was established, and Kristen called the meeting to order at 6:07 PM.
Owners’ Forum: No owners were present. Comments about barking dogs in the neighborhood were brought up. Reminder to
residents will be mentioned in the next newsletter. Letters have been sent to owners. Electrical work around the Branderwood
sign and pool has been repaired.
III. Approval of Minutes: No corrections were made, and minutes were approved from the March 2011 board meeting. David Bailey
made the motion, and Mike Kolnok seconded.
IV. Financial Report: Dave Bailey questioned a few fees: pool contract which included supplies. Total fee last year was $1,600.00.
Currently at $1,152.00. Meredith is contacting pool contractor to ask and monitor charges. Dave Bailey questioned $100 curb
fee. Meredith will check on charge. Also fee for copies and packages was questioned. Meredith is pulling Detail General Ledger
and will supply information.
V. Management Report:
A. Bids were obtained from Virginia Pools, Henderson Pools and Barry Pruett for pressure cleaning and painting.
Contract and work was completed by Barry Pruett.
B. Pool:
1. Mirror in women’s bathroom has been replaced.
2. Urinal in men’s bathroom has been fixed.
3. Key fobs are working for the season. Meredith has key fobs at R & A for residents that need them.
4. Tim Myers has a permit and approved to work on pool.
5. Telephone at pool is up and working.
6. JC Pool has obtained workman’s comp. insurance, and a new contract has been approved for this pool season.
C. Lighting and electrical work has been completed by Steve Burtis Contracting.
D. Have received bids for curbing repair.
E. Ken Bennett from Nationwide Insurance suggests that HOA should have a sign displayed at playground to read age
requirements for use and that adult supervision is required. Also that a fence or self closing gate around playground
would help with liability.
Lowell’s Lawn has suggested that 2 to 3 tons of pea gravel be used for the playground area.
G. Quote for playground tightening was received: $150.
H. Received quote for playground staining.
Dave Bailey questioned treatment and fertilizing of lawn. Meredith will check into.
IV. Committee Report:
A. Architectural Review Committee: Lisa Wacholz was present. Discussion was held about selected homes and issues. Annual
committee drive-through will be early summer.
VII. Unfinished Business:
A. Curbing: At this time board has come to the agreement that curb repair is too costly this year.
B. Mulching: Kristen Matthews is reviewing areas that need to be mulched in the front of the community. List of areas will be given to
Meredith. Meredith will get quote for Lowell’s to mulch front of community.
C. Pea Gravel for playground: Denise Proctor is contacting Mulch ‘N More to have pea gravel delivered for playground area. Playground
area will get 3 tons of new pea gravel.
D. Kristen Matthews is contacting Greenbrier Nurseries to suggest landscape plan for areas around island and front sign. This work is to
be completed in the fall.
E. Neighborhood watch sign needs to be straightened.
VIII. New Business: No new business.
IX. Executive Session: Not needed.
Our next board meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 20 , 6:00pm at the offices of R&A. With no other business, the
meeting was adjourned at 7:32pm.