Brandon Valley School District Assam Anchor May Foster’s Focus: 2015 Staff Appreciation Week May 4—8, 2015 Fred Assam Elementary Staff is Awesome! People in the United States started celebrating National Teacher Day in 1953 when Eleanor Roosevelt persuaded Congress to set aside a day to recognize educators. The origins of the idea for a day are unclear. They date to the early 1940s. It didn’t become a national day until March 7, 1980. People continued to celebrate the day in March until 1984, when the National Parent Teacher Association designated the first full week of May as Staff Appreciation Week. The following year, the NEA voted to make the Tuesday of that week National Teacher Day. We are entering the last weeks of school and there are many wonderful learning activities planned for all students. Please look for the calendar inside this newsletter with the hopes of helping parents be able to plan their schedules for end of the year activities. With the change in the weather and the increase in student activities after-school we are seeing some overall changes in the students. Behavior is a little looser, homework is being missed and overall students appear to be ready for a summer break. The teachers and I have talked with students reminding them that we are looking for their best behavior in the classrooms, playground, bus, and all areas of their school day. We expect all students to behave in a respectful and safe manner. We are proud of them and their accomplishments and encourage students to finish out their school year doing their best! Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to seeing you at one of the upcoming events as the school year comes to a close. Susan Foster – proud principal The National Association of School Nurses, Inc. (NASN) has chosen May 6, 2015 as National School Nurse Day. National School Nurse Day was established in 1972 to foster a better understanding of the role of school nurses in the educational setting. Today, school nursing is recognized as a specialized practice that advances the wellbeing, academic success, and life-long achievement of students. To this end, over 66,000 school nurses across the country promote health and safety; intervene with actual and potential health problems; provide case management services; and actively collaborate with others to build student/family capacity for adaptation, self management, self advocacy, and learning. At Fred Assam Elementary, we honor Margie Hanson and Ardis Moeller on National School Nurses’ Day. Thank You, Margie and Ardis, for all you do for the students and staff. Moving over the summer??? Don’t forget to let us know at the Fred Assam Elementary office if you have a new address. 582-1500 Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!! We would like to Thank all of our friends, family, the staff from Brandon Valley Schools, the PTA, and PTO. We are getting excited about going to the World Finals Competition in Michigan . Thank you for enjoying root beer floats, buying raffle tickets and supporting our fundraising efforts. We are still working on our fundraising goals until we leave in May. We appreciate the wonderful community support and will proudly represent Brandon Valley School. Go Lynx! I appreciate your help! Brenda Waterbury 3-8 Gifted Ed Coordinator/Instructor Odyssey of the Mind Coordinator Located at Brandon Elementary/BVMS Speech-Language News May 2015 May is Better Speech Language and Hearing Month!! B:asic concepts E:arly intervention T:urn taking T:eamwork E:motions R:eceptive S:tuttering P:honology E:valuation E:xpressive C:ochlear implants H:omework L:istening A:uditory processing N:on-literal language G:oals U:tterances A:ntonyms G:ames E:xpand vocabulary H:earing aids E:ye contact A:rticulation R:equesting I:dioms N:arratives G:rammar Helping People Communicate The Reading Corner A Camping Spree with Mr. Magee by Chris Van Dusen How I Became a Pirate by Melinda Long The Night Before Summer Vacation by Natasha Wing The Pout-Pout Fish by Deborah Diesen The Napping House by Audrey Wood Summer Idioms I have a green thumb really means….. She has a heart of gold really means… He was green with envy really means…. It’s the luck of the draw really means… It’s raining cats and dogs really means…. Peep Projects Making Movies 3-5 grade computer classes are making stop motion animation movies. Students are working collaboratively to write the storyline, create backgrounds and shoot their own movies. These photos show the creativity of materials used and imagination. Movies will be posted on Mrs. Gile’s website soon. The 4th and 5th grade orchestra will present their Spring Concert on May 18 at the Performing Arts Center. The concert begins at 6:45 and is open to the public. See you at the concert! Patti Nelson Brandon Valley District Elementary Orchestra March & April Fun in Mrs. Rist’s Class Paleontologists excavating chocolate chips Making Oobleck First Grade Earth Day The first grade students have been busy with Earth Day activities. They have been working on crafts, growing plants, and journaling about how to make Earth a cleaner, better place. I wish I could make a lawnmower that could clean up everything and it was an electric lawnmower. -Isaac A plane that has a magnet that brings garbage off the land. I am going to invent a robot that goes around the ocean and cleans a trash and food so the ocean is a better place to be in and to live in. -Dylan -Anika I would invent a special boat that has holes in it. When it went into the water it would suck up all the garbage. I want to invent a magnet in the bottom of the ocean and it would be like a garbage can. -Grace -Everett I would invent a tube to suck up all the bad air and leave the good air. IT would give us good air in return -Lillian Geometry Fun In Second Grade! It was SO exciting when we solved the shapes riddles with our partners! News from 2P Students have been reading about rocks. Time for some exploring! During our study of geometry, students did a lab to sort real objects into the related solid shapes. They also created 3-D shapes with straws. Earth Day Fun—playing with toys made from reused materials and painting posters to encourage others to care for our earth! Mark your calendars….. Open House Monday, August 24, 2015 5:30—7:00 Mrs. Hunsaid, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. VanLeur, and Mr. Ganschow SPRING 2015 SPECIAL POINTS OF INTEREST: 3rd Grade field trip is on Thursday, May 14th. We will be going swimming and attending the movie Home in Luverne. Please see letters regarding field trip information. 3rd Grade Historical Wax Museum will be on Thursday, May 7th at 8:20 in the FAE gym. Parents are invited to come in and see all the hard work the students have done. Please see letter that was sent home. Book Battles will be on Friday, May 15. Keep reading. FAE Talent show is on last day of school. The students can perform individually, pairs or in groups. Reminder: Last Day of School is on May 20 with 2:00 dismissal 3rd Grade Review Fred Assam Elementary—Brandon Valley School District Third grade students at Fred Assam Elementary will have a visit from Sioux Valley Electric and East River Electric. The students will have a chance to experiment with static electricity on the Van de Graaff generator . In Science we are hatching baby chicks. The students are logging the daily events and development of the chicks in a journal. We have 60 eggs that range in different sizes, color and breed. We are excited to see how many chicks will hatch after 21 days! In Grammar we are starting a unit on poetry. We will be studying and writing different forms of poems. Some of the poems we will be writing are: Acrostic, Haiku, Monster, Concrete, Autobiography, Cinquain, Color and Diamante poem. Congratulations to all 3rd grade students for completing the Smarter Balance Test the week of April 13th to April 17th. They worked hard. The students did a lot of preparing for this week. We are so proud of them! Our field trip into the past The 4th graders are in the process of preparing for their field trip to DeSmet. We will be visiting the Ingalls Homestead on May 5th. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the Ingalls homestead in DeSmet, here is a little history on it from the Ingalls Homestead website. “Free land lured the Ingalls family and a rush of settlers to Dakota Territory to claim a homestead. School, church, and a part-time job were important to Charles Ingalls and his family. Ingalls Homestead met their wishes for it is only a mile from DeSmet. This land was perfect in many ways. It had good water and they could easily dig a well. He filed on this homestead at the land office in Brookings in February of 1880. In 1886 Charles filed final papers and put the declaration in the DeSmet News. This 157.25 acre homestead cost Charles and Caroline $16.00 in filing fees. For three months, during the winter of 1879-1880, the Ingalls family lived in the Surveyor's house along Silver Lake. After filing his claim in 1880, Pa built a little house on the homestead. The family lived and worked on the homestead except for the bitter winter months when they moved into town in the room above Pa's store. August 25, 1885 was the day Almanzo Wilder and Laura Ingalls were married. Laura had lived on the homestead for five years. The rest of the family lived on the homestead for another three years, until they moved into the house that Pa built in town.” While at the Homestead we will ride in covered wagons, attend a pioneer school session, visit a sod home and a shanty, twist hay, and make ropes, butter, corn cob dolls, and grind wheat. It is an old-fashioned fun filled day! 5th Grade Science Happenings! *We recently finished up the Dakota Step Standardized Test in science. After all their hard work we decided to have some fun! We have been doing STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) labs in science. We completed a “Save Fred” gummy lab and a pom pom launcher challenge! Students have to create a device completely on their own to complete these challenges using engineering, science, and math concepts. We will be having STEM lab Fridays until the end of the year. Pom Pom Launcher Challenge! Save Fred Challenge! *Fred the worm was stuck on top of his boat after it capsized, his life preserver was under the boat. They had to get Fred into the life preserver without touching anything with their hands, they could only use paper clips! Good Luck at the Intermediate School! What is a FITNESSGRAM? Paula Gordon Fred Assam Elementary PE In the next few weeks, your 3rd through 5th grade child will complete a series of fitness assessments as part of the FITNESSGRAM. The primary objective of fitness testing and the FITNESSGRAM is to provide the student, teacher, and parents with personal information regarding the student’s current level of fitness. The FITNESSGRAM assessment measures three components of physical fitness which have been identified as being important because of their relationship to overall health and optimal function. The three components are aerobic capacity; body composition; and muscular strength, endurance, and flexibility. Students in third, fourth and fifth grade completed the Pacer, which measures aerobic capacity; curl-ups, push-ups, trunk lift and back-saver sit and reach is used to measure muscle strength, endurance and flexibility. Combined with age, gender, height and weight, these scores give an individual message called a FITNESSGRAM. The 5th grade students will receive a printed copy of the FITNESSGRAM in their last report card. 3rd and 4th grade students will complete the assessments as practice. Please take the time to review your child’s FITNESSGRAM with them and let them explain the assessments to you. You will also see their height, weight and Body Mass Index (BMI) listed on the FITNESSGRAM. The BMI, or Body Mass Index, “provides a simple numeric measure of a person's thickness or thinness, allowing health professionals to discuss weight problems more objectively with their patients. BMI was designed to be used as a simple means of classifying average sedentary (physically inactive) populations, with an average body composition.” “BMI is used differently for children. It is calculated in the same way as for adults, but then compared to typical values for other children of the same age. Instead of comparison against fixed thresholds for underweight and overweight, the BMI is compared against the percentile for children of the same gender and age.[14] A BMI that is less than the 5th percentile is considered underweight and above the 95th percentile is considered obese. Children with a BMI between the 85th and 95th percentile are considered to be overweight. Recent studies in Britain have indicated that females between the ages 12 and 16 have a higher BMI than males of the same age by 1.0 kg/m2 on average.[15]” If you have concerns about your child’s BMI, contact your health care provider. 10 "Physical Status: The Use and Interpretation of Anthropometry" (PDF). WHO Technical Report Series(Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization) 854: 9. 1995. PMID 8594834. 14"Body Mass Index: BMI for Children and Teens". Center for Disease Control. Retrieved 201312-16. 15"Health Survey for England: The Health of Children and Young People". Retrieved 16 December 2013. Gifted Ed Info The RBE/FAE 5th Grade Gifted Ed Showcase (for parents, grandparents, siblings) will be on May 12th from 1:30-2:45 The 4th Grade All Schools Showcase (for parents, grandparents, siblings) will be on May 13th from 1:30-2:45 The 3rd Grade VSE/RBE/FAE Showcase (for parents, grandparents, siblings) will be on May 11th from 1:30-2:45 Summer Reading Options from Title I Ms. Francis, Mrs. Glammeier, and Ms. Rauk May 2015 Here are some summer reading opportunities to check out during the summer break to maintain school reading levels and grow your child’s love of reading: The Siouxland Libraries have summer reading programs mentioned on their website that promotes summer reading by keeping track of books read and turning in the log for cool prizes. They also have many programs and events for different grade levels all summer long. Go to any library or to to find more information. Read! South Dakota has a wonderful program that matches reading abilities and student interests with a good selection of books your child might enjoy reading that is at his or her level. Log on to and start a free account. You can retrieve a list of books for your child based on his or her reading level and interests. Most of the suggested books are available on a Kindle or Nook, to purchase at Barnes and Noble, or are free to check out from your local library. Have a wonderful summer. Happy Reading! Important Information Regarding Student's Medication at School: All medications (prescription and non-prescription) must be picked up by a parent. Medications will not be sent home with students. If medications are not picked up by the last day of school, the medication will be discarded properly. This policy is for the safety of our students. Thanks for your cooperation. Margie Hanson RN School Nurse Fred Assam Elementary School Brandon Valley School District Medication Renewal for 2015-16 School Year If your child will require medication to be given at school next year, appropriate forms should be completed and returned to the office before the first day of school which is August 26th. You may also bring them to the school nurse during open house which is Monday, August 24 th from 5:30-7:00. These forms are available in the school office or can be downloaded from the school website, . Select Parents from the menu on the top, and then click on School Nurses. All medication that is to be taken on a daily basis or prescription medication available for student use year round requires a Medication Consent Form. This includes Epi-pens, seizure medications, inhalers and all daily medications. A physician’s signature is required; we cannot give any daily medication without a doctor's order and parent signature. Return the form with the medication before the first day of school. Any over the counter medications must be accompanied by a Medication Consent Form, signed by a parent. This is required for medications to be taken on an as needed basis or for prescription medications that will be taken for two weeks or less such as antibiotics, eye drops, etc. Feel free to call the school nurse at 582-1500 if you have questions or concerns. Enjoy your summer and we look forward to seeing you again this fall. Thanks for a great year. Summer is almost here but remember to bring a sweatshirt or light jacket for those chilly mornings. Please check the lost and found for any items you may be missing. It is full of everything from water bottles to winter boots. You may need them for next year! We want to thank all of the students, parents, and staff for helping make this another AMAZING year at FAE. We also want to wish the 4th and 5th grade students the best of luck next year at the Intermediate School. We are so proud of you! You will be missed. Please stop in anytime to visit and let us know how you are doing. We hope everyone has a wonderful and safe summer!! We are looking forward to seeing you next fall. FAE E.A.s Notes From The Band Room 5th GRADE BAND RECRUITMENT INFORMATION!! It is time to begin planning for the new group of 5th grade band members next year. Our 5th grade band is made up of flutes, clarinets, alto saxes, tenor saxes, French horns, trumpets, euphoniums, trombones, tubas and percussionists. There is something for everyone – no matter what you are interested in playing. Our current 5th grade band members will be performing assemblies for the 4th graders at each campus during the upcoming weeks. These assemblies will help introduce our 4th graders to the different instruments found in the band, as well as supplement what the general music teachers have already done in the music classrooms. The 4th graders will then receive an information sheet in which they will be asked to list their top 3 choices of instruments. Parents/guardians, please discuss this with your child, sign the form and return it to their homeroom teacher. During the week of April 27-May 1, the students will have an opportunity to try to produce a good tone on their different choices of instruments. Those that are interested in playing percussion will be given a theory test as well as some rhythm tests to perform. This is necessary as many of our young 4th graders choose ‘percussion’ as their first or second choice. Due to the necessity for a balanced band, the number of flute, sax and percussion players are limited in each band. Every effort is made to insure that each child is placed on an instrument that they will enjoy and have the most success on, while insuring a proper balance of instruments in each band. There will be an informational open house for prospective band students on Monday, May 11, from 3:00-5:00 in the RBE band room. Three music stores from Sioux Falls will be on hand to answer any questions you may have regarding renting/purchasing an instrument for your child. The band/orchestra directors will also be available to answer any other questions that you may have. Stop in whenever it is convenient for you during the 3:00-5:00 open house. If you are not able to attend, please do not hesitate to contact me via school email ( Students will need to have their instruments by the beginning of August as a Summer Band Camp for the Beginners will be scheduled. Please visit with your child regarding band for next year. We have an outstanding program in our school district and look forward to having your child be part of it!! District Elementary Band Spring Concert Our District Elementary Band Spring Concert will be held on Monday, May 18, 7:30pm, in the Performing Arts Center. The 5th grade band students have been working very hard on a variety of music to present for your listening enjoyment. The band students are asked to assemble in the high school band room at 7:00pm that evening and are expected to wear ‘nice dress clothes’ for this performance. We are looking forward to performing our selections for you! Thank you! I would like to thank the 5 grade band members and parents/guardians for all of your hard work and dedication to our beginning band program. I am so pleased with their efforts this school year. I have really enjoyed working with your children as they began their journey into instrumental music. Please encourage your child to continue to practice over the summer and I look forward to seeing them at the new Intermediate building! th Mr. Hubers It is the final stretch and the school year is coming to a close. It has been a great first year for me and your students. I have made new friends and met some outstanding young artists. I have challenged your children with difficult art projects that push them to try their best and create wonderful art. I have introduced new artists such as Goerges Seraut (the father of pointillism) Jackson Pollock, and Claude Monet as well as Wayne Thiebauld, a contemporary artist who creates colorful paintings of pastries. The 5th grade has completed their community art project and the garbage cans look great. You should be able to spot them in the Brandon area parks. Have a great summer and we will see you in the fall. A R T LYNX GIRLS BASKETBALL CAMPS & WORKOUTS 2015 Camp Dates - June 1st – 4th Grades 3 - 5(in the Fall of 2015) Grades 6 - 8 Grades 9 – 12 @ HS Act. Center @ HS Act. Center @ HS Act. Center Camp Fee - $60.00 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM Workouts/League (June 8 – July 17) Grades 9-12 – 11:00am-Noon Grades 6-8 – Noon-1:00pm Grades 3-5 – 1:00pm-2:00pm (We will hand out the summer calendar the 1st day of workouts) Workout Fee - $60.00 Combination Deal: If you sign your daughter up for both the camp and the workouts, the total cost will be $100.00 (a savings of $20.00). Camp Director: Mark Stadem, Head Girl’s Basketball Coach To Enroll: Please return the camp and/or workout fee and the bottom portion by May 22nd to Mark Stadem, Brandon Valley High School, 301 S. Splitrock Blvd., Brandon, SD 57005. Late registrations will be accepted, but we cannot guarantee late registrants a T-shirt. Please make checks payable to Brandon Valley Booster Club. If you have any questions, call Mark Stadem at school at 582-3211 or at home at 529-5994. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LYNX Girls Basketball Camp and Workouts 2015 Name_______________________ Grade (next Fall)__________ School_______________________________ Address_____________________________ City___________________ State______ Zip_________________ Phone____________________________ Guardian’s Name__________________________________________ T-shirt: (adult sizes)___________ Parent/Guardian Signature________________________________________ Email address _______________________________________________________________________________ Check one: _____ Camp only _____ Workout only _____ Both Camp and Workout Disclaimer I hereby authorize the Directors of the Lady Lynx Basketball Camps to act for me according to their best judgment in any or all emergencies requiring medical attention and hereby release the camp and the Brandon Valley School District from any and all liability for any injuries incurred while at camp. I also acknowledge the student is physically ready for the camp activities. 3RD QTR PRINCIPAL’S CLUB FUN WITH COWBOYOLOGY Brandon Valley Future Lynx Flicker Flag Football 2015 LET’S GET LYNX FOOTBALL BACK TO THE DOME! DATES: Six Sunday afternoons — May 31; June 14, 28; July 12, 26; August 2 TIME: 4:00-5:00 school players. Learn and execute high school plays and strategies with high LOCATION: Brandon Valley High School Football Practice Field DIRECTOR: Matt Christensen, Varsity Defensive Coordinator AGES: Open to boys going into grades 4 — 7 COST: $30.00 ball. Please make checks payable to Matt Christensen. Future Lynx T-shirt will be given to all participants. We’ll play flickerball along with footNFL youth flag football rules will be followed. Each week new teams will be formed. Flags and scrimmage vests will be provided; cleats are permitted. Fun will be mandatory. TO ENROLL: Please return the enrollment fee of $30.00 and the bottom portion by Wednesday, May 13 to Matt Christensen, Brandon Valley High School, 301 S. Splitrock Blvd., Brandon, SD, 57005. Late enrollments will be accepted, but we cannot guarantee t-shirts for late registrants. Please make checks payable to Matt Christensen. If you have any questions, call Coach Christensen at the high school at 582-3211 or at cell number 351-6234. Form is also available at Christensen’s website Text @BVflag2015 to 81010 for Remind 101 up- dates. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BRANDON VALLEY “FUTURE LYNX” FLICKER FLAG FOOTBALL 2014 Name____________________________________________________________ Grade (next fall) ________ Email ________________________________________________________ Phone_______________________ Parent/Guardian’s Name___________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian’s Signature______________________________________________________________ Shirt Size (YOUTH & ADULT SIZES—Circle One): Disclaimer YM YL S M L XL XXL I hereby authorize the Directors of the Brandon Valley Football Camps to act for me according to their best judgment in any or all emergencies requiring medical attention and hereby release the camp and the Brandon Valley School District from any and all liability for any injuries incurred while at camp. I also acknowledge the student is physically ready for the camp activities. May 2014 Sun 3 Mon 4 Teacher Appreciation Week Tue 5 TOY Banquet PTA Meeting @ 6:30 Wed 6 11 12 Fri SCHOOL NURSE’S DAY 13 Sat 1 2 7 Muffins for 8 9 Moms 4th Gr Field Trip 10 Thu 5th Gr Field Trip 3rd Grade Wax Museum 14 15 16 2:00 Kdg District Elem. Band Open House at RBE 1st Gr Field Trip Kdg Field Trip 3-5 17 18 19 Band/Orchestra Commencement @ 2:00 24 31 Concert @ 7:00 Field/Fun Day 5th Gr Rummage 25 20 5th Grade Graduation Awards @ 2:00 3rd Gr Field Trip 5th Grade Field Day 2nd Gr Field Trip 21 22 23 28 29 30 Last Day of School!! Dismiss at 2:00 26 27 Final Report Cards will be mailed home after the last day of school. Classroom assignments for next year will be available on Family Access. You will receive an e-mail letting you know when the info is available. School supply list will be available on our website and at area stores. Last Day of School Wednesday May 20, 2014 Early Dismissal at 2:00
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