Macromolecules Smaller organic molecules join together to form larger molecules macromolecules 4 major classes of macromolecules: carbohydrates lipids proteins MACROMOLECULES nucleic acids All about Carbohydrates! Polymers Macromolecules Long molecules built by linking repeating building g blocks in a chain monomers building blocks small units repeated covalent H2O bonds HO H HO Macromolecule Carbohydrates Lipids Proteins Nucleic Acids Subunit simple sugars glycerol & fatty acids Amino acids Nucleotides H Dehydration synthesis HO H 1 Carbohydrates Produced through plants and algae through the process of photosysnthesis Carbohydrates are used for energy, building materials and for cell identification and communication. Carbohydrates contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen in a 1:2:1 ratio. General formula – (CH2O)n, n represents the # of C atoms. Monosaccharides Simple sugars, ex. glucose, galactose, fructose 5 or more carbons – linear in dry state, form ring structure when dissolved in water. Carbohydrates Carbohydrates are classified into 3 groups: 1. Monosaccharides 2. Oligosaccharides 3. Polysaccharides Monosaccharides α – glucose, 50% chance OH group of C 1 will b below be b l plane l off ring. i β – glucose, 50% chance OH group of C 1 will be above plane of ring. 2 Glucose Found in fruits and vegetables Basic structure in dry form is straight chain, and ring structure in solution Numbered carbons C 6' 5' C O 4' C C 1' energy stored in C-C bonds C 3' C 2' 3 Fructose Fructose Commonly found in fruits Fructose is an isomer of glucose (meaning it has same # and types of atoms, but different arrangement of these atoms) Because they are isomers, glucose and fructose have different chemical properties (e.g. (e g Different sweetness) Galactose 4 Linkage Bonds Organic macromolecules are composed of many tiny subunits that are linked together Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids are all assembled in the same way To link subunits a covalent bond is formed between two subunits in which: 1. 2. One molecule O l l contains t i a hhydroxyl d l group (OH) One molecule contains a hydrogen (H) Macromolecules Linkage bonds The hydroxyl group combines with the hydrogen in a process called a dehydration reaction where water is removed. Energy is required to position the two subunits and to apply enough stress on the bonds to break them. This process is called catalysis. When Wh macromolecules l l are b broken, k water is i added to separate the linkage groups hydrolysis reaction. Example Dehydration Synthesis (Condensation Reaction) Two subunits link together through the removal of a water molecule. Dehydration synthesis is an anabolic reaction that absorbs energy. 5 Macromolecules Hydrolysis Reaction Two subunits break apart through the addition of a water molecule. Non-example Hydration synthesis is a catabolic reaction that releases energy. Oligosaccharides Commonly known as disaccharides 2 or 3 simple sugars attached by covalent glycosidic linkages, formed by condensations (dehydration synthesis) reactions. Ex. Maltose, Sucrose 6 Properties of Mono- and Disaccharides Oligosaccharides White crystalline compounds that are solid at room temperature and d di dissolve l readily dil iin water Are all sweet to our taste but each sugar has its own level of sweetness Polysaccharides Polysaccharides 100s – 1000s of monosaccharides held together by glycosidic l idi linkages. li k Used for energy storage and structural support. Starch and Glycogen – storage Cellulose and Chitin – structure 7 Types of Polysaccharides: Starch Condensation and Hydrolysis Condensation/Hydrolysis Major food reserve of plants Actually a mixture of two types of polysaccharides Amylose Dehydration Synthesis-Hydrolysis Small, (about 20%) not branching, all glucose Amylopectin y p Large, ((about 80%)) branched, also all glucose Starch vs Sugar Starch White and powdery Not very soluble in water Does not taste sweet Sugar White crystals Readily dissolves in water Usually tastes sweet 8 Glycogen Pectin Produced by animals Polymer of glucose Stores excess glucose in muscle and liver cells Hydrolyzed when glucose levels are low in blood Linear vs. branched polysaccharides Complex mixture of polysaccharides Usually mostly in foods as a gelling agent (e.g. Jams and jelly) When pectin is mixed with water, it swells and the various polysaccharides interlock to form a meshwork which traps water To work it needs a pH of less than 3.5 and a sugar content of about 50% Cellulose Also called dietary fibre Found mainly in the cell walls of plant cells Is one linear chain of beta-glucose, which most organisms find difficult to break Enzyme CELLULASE can digest it (found only in termite guts and ruminant guts) starch (plant) energy storage What does branching do? glycogen (animal) 9 Polysaccharide diversity Molecular structure determines function i starch in t h i cellulose in ll l isomers of glucose structure determines function… Digesting starch vs. cellulose Cellulose starch easy to digest enzyme Most abundant organic compound on Earth herbivores most can digest cellulose carnivores cannot digest cellulose that’s cellulose hard to digest why they eat meat to get their energy & nutrients cellulose = roughage enzyme 10 Cow can digest cellulose well; no need to eat other sugars Gorilla can’t digest cellulose well; must add another sugar source, like fruit to diet Gums Complex polysaccharides which are HYDROPHILIC and d which hi h combine bi with i h water to form thick solutions 12 natural gums are commonly used by humans 1. Plant seeds (guar gum) 2. Plant secretions (some tree saps) 3. Seaweed ( agar) 4. Microorganisms (dextrans) Chitin Polymer of special glucose molecules that have nitrogen i groups attached h d to C2 Makes up arthropod exoskeletons (e.g. Insects, spiders, crustaceans) and mushrooms 2nd most abundant organic compound naturally occurring The Bread-Vengers Any Questions?? Review 11
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