the complete sponsorship package.

May 28-30, 2015
Crowne Plaza Riverfront, St. Paul, MN
Sex trafficking is one of the most heinous human rights violations of our time. The United Nations
estimates that 27 million people are enslaved around the world today, more than any other time in
Breaking Free’s Profile of Sex Trafficking Victims
60-90% are without safe housing
71% have Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
85% were victims of child sexual abuse, rape, or incest
83% were victims of assault with a deadly weapon
75% were victims of physical abuse as a child
57% were victims of kidnapping
91% are chemically dependent
Over 90% have criminal records
100% are somebody’s daughter
Since 1996 Breaking Free has provided groundbreaking programs and services to women and girls who
have been victims of abuse and sexual exploitation in the form of prostitution and sex trafficking and
who need assistance escaping the violence in their lives. Each year, Breaking Free serves over 500
women and girls, providing them with support from our Sisters of Survival (SOS) program, as well as education
and housing. Led by CNN Hero Vednita Carter, Breaking Free is changing the culture of Minnesota and the
world. One of the most important ways they do this transformative work is by hosting the Demand Change
MAY 28-30, 2015
The Breaking Free Demand Change Project brings together
local, national, and international leaders and experts in the
anti-human trafficking movement for an interactive
Political leaders, law enforcement officials, public health
representatives, faith community leaders, survivors, and
service providers will present keynotes and workshops on
topics across a wide spectrum that will appeal to
professionals and community members alike.
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Title Sponsorship Available
One of the first opportunities for conference attendees to
come together as a community, the Plenary Lunch is a
cornerstone of the Demand Change Project. This year’s
lunch will feature a keynote talk on the Nordic Model from
internationally renowned advocate Rachel Moran.
Friday, May 29, 2015
Title Sponsorship Available
Each year Breaking Free recognizes individuals across the
nation who have played a significant part in the fight against
sex trafficking. This year’s awards will include the Innovation
in Abolition Award, the Lifelong Achievement Award, the
Youth Engagement Award, the Excellence in Volunteering
Award, and the Survivor Leadership Award.
Saturday, May 30, 2015
This two-mile route through downtown Minneapolis will
highlight locations where sexual exploitation takes place and
work is being done to stop it right in the Twin Cities. This free
event invites attendees and other advocates for change to
send a message to Minneapolis that women and girls are not
for sale!
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Title Sponsorship Available
By far one of the most exciting and well-attended events of the
conference, the Victory Concert features performances by the
Breaking Free Survivor Choir, R&B artist Tiffany Carter, and
other to-be-announced artists. Fair trade companies, antihuman trafficking organizations, and sponsors will be featured
before and after the concert.
“I was awestruck at the bravery I saw at every turn. The unity. Seeing the
catastrophic cruelty that these women are recuperating from. Feeling humble
when watching the women speak, sing, or dance to spite those that controlled
and manipulated them. Seeing the loving embraces of new acquaintances and
old friends.”
—2013 Demand Change Participant
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
The goal of a John School is simple: to reduce the demand that
fuels sex trafficking by combining arrest and prosecution with
treatment. John Schools around America address the underlying
attitudes and assumptions that enable and encourage offenders to
participate in prostitution. They are designed to hold offenders
accountable, while raising awareness about sex trafficking and
providing resources to the women and children victimized by
For thirteen years Breaking Free’s Offenders Prostitution Program
has operated to educate the primary consumers of prostitution and
stop the demand for exploitation of Minnesota’s women and girls.
This year for the first time, the Demand Change Conference will gather leaders from around the country to
examine best practices and form a truly united front.
This ground-breaking pre-conference will gather law enforcement officials and policymakers from across the nation
to discuss the most effective policies and practices to prevent, respond to, and ultimately end sex trafficking in the
United States and the world.
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Our world doesn’t pay attention to problems that
affect youth until they hit a crisis, and we don’t want
[sex trafficking] to reach a crisis because after that
it’s harder to bring down.
—Franceska Moua, St. Paul Youth Commission
Some of the most valuable assets we have in the fight against sex trafficking are the energy and compassion of our
youth. This year the Demand Change Project will honor the dedication and commitment of local youth by inviting their
full participation in the conference, including a day of special programming for young abolitionists ages 14-23.
On Saturday, May 30, Breaking Free will partner with Gustavus Adolphus College’s social justice theatre troupe, I Am
We Are, to creatively engage youth in learning about the signs of sex trafficking and how they can intervene safely
and effectively.
Breaking Free will also present a Youth Engagement Award at the VIP Award Ceremony on Friday, May 29. This
award will be given to a student who has shown outstanding commitment and ingenuity in the fight against sex
When you partner with Breaking Free, you are partnering with an internationally respected and renowned
organization. Founder and Executive Director Vednita Carter has advised the United Nations, the United
States Congress, and the White House. She has traveled throughout the United States and the world—to
Cuba, Israel, Thailand, Cambodia, France, and Haiti—to participate in conversations that are changing the
way we think about sex trafficking on a global scale.
This year the Demand Change Project will feature speakers from Ireland, Denmark, and Thailand as we
address the “Nordic Model”—how it can be improved and adjusted to reach and serve a broader and more
diverse audience of abolitionists and survivors.
In March 2014, Vednita Carter was named a CNN Hero. Breaking Free has frequently appeared in the media
across the United States, including:
Minneapolis Star-Tribune and St. Paul Pioneer Press
New York Times, USA Today, Associated Press, Chicago Sun-Times, North Dakota Forum, Duluth News
Tribune, Indianapolis Recorder
Twin Cities TV news affiliates KARE-11, KMSP, KSTP, and WCCO
Twin Cities radio: KFAI, KMOJ, KTIS and Minnesota Public Radio
Exposure opportunities for sponsors will include:
E-mail exposure to a list of approximately 7,000 subscribers
Online advertising on Breaking Free web site
Twin Cities radio advertising
250 posters distributed locally
500 flyers distributed throughout the Twin Cities
Invitations, approx. 2,000 sent
Event signage, including banners, digital displays, and other signage for specific events
Sponsoring Breaking Free’s Demand Change Project will assist us in presenting a three-day interactive
conference that mobilizes professionals and community members to end the demand for sex trafficking.
Private donations, corporate sponsors, and exhibitor/vendor opportunities are funding this entire event. Your
partnership with Breaking Free and investment in Demand Change will allow us to reach individuals with the
passion, drive, and knowledge to join us in our work to end sex trafficking and prostitution.
Breaking Free offers exciting opportunities for sponsors to get involved at a number of different levels. We
are committed to working with our sponsors to make sure that the package of benefits you receive in
exchange for their partnership meets all of your marketing needs. All packages listed on the following pages
are open to negotiation.
The deadline for sponsorship registration is May 8, 2015.
Questions? Please contact Julia Tindell, Breaking Free Volunteer and Event Specialist, by e-mail at, or by phone at (952) 217-7155.
End Demand Now Sponsor …………………………..………… $20,000 or more
Prominent sponsor recognition and logo placement on public event-related materials, including:
invitations, flyers, e-mails, large screen at event, and website (up to one year)
Verbal recognition at all Demand Change related events, including detailed description of business or
organization delivered by the Emcee
Full color premium full-page advertisement space in event program
Complimentary booth and priority location pick at Plenary Lunch and Victory Concert
Special event accommodations, including 6 all-access passes, 6 complimentary parking vouchers,
and access to VIP hospitality suite
Award for your business/organization at the Plenary Lunch.
Ambassador of Change ………………………………………… $10,000 or more
Prominent sponsor recognition and logo placement on public event-related materials, including:
invitations, flyers, e-mails, large screen at event, and website (up to one year)
Verbal recognition at all Demand Change related events
Full color premium full-page advertisement space in event program
Complimentary booth and priority location pick at Plenary Lunch and Victory Concert
Special event accommodations, including 4 all-access passes, 4 complimentary parking vouchers,
and access to VIP hospitality suite
Plenary Title Sponsorship……………...…………………….. $7,500 or more
Available for the Plenary Lunch, the VIP Party, and/or the Victory Concert
Title sponsorship listed in the program and included on promotional materials
Prominent logo placement on public event-related materials, including program, large screen at
event, and website (up to one year)
Full color premium half-page advertisement space in event program
Complimentary booth and priority location pick at Plenary Lunch or Victory Concert
Special event accommodations, including 10 VIP tickets reserved for sponsored event, 2 all access
passes, 2 complimentary parking vouchers, and access to VIP hospitality suite
Sponsor of Hope …………………………………………….. $5,000 or more
Logo placement on public event-related materials, including program, large screen at event, and
website (up to one year)
Verbal recognition at all Demand Change related events
Full color half-page advertisement space in event program
Complimentary booth at Victory Concert or Plenary Lunch
Special event accommodations, including 2 all access passes, 2 complimentary parking vouchers,
and access to VIP hospitality suite
Sponsor of Healing ………………………………………….. $2,500 or more
Logo placement on public event-related materials, including program, large screen at event, and
website (up to one year)
Full color quarter-page advertisement space in event program
2 all access passes, 2 complimentary parking vouchers, and access to VIP hospitality suite
Compassion Benefactor..... $1,000 or more
Logo placement on public event-related materials,
including program, large screen at event, and
website (up to one year)
2 all access passes, 2 complimentary parking
Abolitionist Partners …….. $500 or more
Reserved for fellow service providers and abolitionist
Logo placement in event program and on website
(up to one year)
1 all access pass, complimentary parking voucher
Please fill out the following form and return it to Grace Sell at
or by fax at (651)645-7073. You may also mail the completed form to:
Breaking Free, Attn. Grace Sell, P.O. Box 4366, St. Paul, MN 55104, United States
The deadline for sponsorship registration is May 8, 2015.
Contact Name:
Name of Business:
Postal Code:
Phone: (
Sponsorship Packages
Payment Information
____ $500
Abolitionist Partner
____ Please send me an invoice.
____ $1,000
Compassion Benefactor
____ I have enclosed a check made out to
Breaking Free.
____ $2,500
Sponsor of Healing
____ Please charge my credit card.
____ $5,000
Sponsor of Hope
____ $7,500
Plenary Lunch Title Sponsor
____ $10,000 Ambassador of Change
____ $20,000 End Demand Now Sponsor
Card Type: Visa / MC / AmEx / Discover
Card Number
_____________________ _____________________
Expiration Date
Security Code
Signature __________________________________________________________ Date ____________________
P.O. Box 4366
St. Paul, MN 55104
Voice: (651) 645-6557
Fax: (651) 645-7073
Mission: To educate and provide services to women and girls who have been victims of abuse and sexual
exploitation and need assistance escaping violence in their lives.