Breaking the Barriers Bible College & School of Ministry E d u c a t i n g - E q u i p p i n g - R e l e a s i n g Fully accredited program partnered with Earn a college Degree through . And you shall teach them the statutes and the laws, and show them they way in which they must walk and the work they must do. Exodus 18:20 Breaking The Barrier Ministries, USA President/Founder Pastor Russ Bowen Facebook:breakingthebarrierministries US Phone: 011-618-398-8127 Breaking The Barrier Bible of Colleges Vice-President of Colleges Keith Franks Email: The Lost, Hurt & Forgotten Pakistan-Director Pastor Edward Qasar Phone#923008437639 Email: Making disciples according to Jesus mandate to go, “and make disciples of all men”, and training the next generation of believers to fulfill their God given purpose. La Ceiba, Honduras Central America Director- Jaida Tablada Phone #50499877259 Email:, The trained believer as an instrument in the hands of God to change lives from generation to generation….. Breaking The Barrier Ministries USA 53 Circle Drive Fairview Heights, Illinois 62208 Studies required to receive an Associate and Bachelor in Theology BTH-106 Bible Doctrines BNT-100 New Testament Survey BPA-111 Foundations of Faith/Studies in Learning BPA-131 Prayer I CED-111 Life Management BOT-111 Old Testament Survey I BTH-241 Intro Bible Theology I BTH-252 Intro Bible Theology II BOT-122 Old Testament Survey II BPA-120 Praise Life BTH-260 Fruit &Gifts of the Spirit BNT-110 Between the Testaments BOT-121 Old Testament Studies I (Pentateuch) BNT-214 New Testament Studies I (Gospels) BPA-232 God’s Authority in the Believer BPA-260 Awareness of Church Government BTH-341 Spiritual Warfare I BPA-222 Faith II BPA-240 Preparation for Ministry I BTH-470 Holy Spirit BNT-215 General Epistles BTH-121 Systematic Theology I BTH-221 Systematic Theology II BPA-342 Prayer II BTH-343 Systematic Theology III BTH-101 Obedience BTH-442 Spiritual Warfare II BNT-321 Romans I BPA-350 Integrity BTH-351 New Testament Church History (2 Trimesters) BPA-333 Nature of Faith BPA-360 Ethics and Excellence ADM-311 Leadership in Ministry I BPR-333 Bible Prophecy BTH-331 The Believer’s Anointing BNT-311 BOT-444 BTH-460 BNT-332 BNT-422 BOT-455 Pauline Epistles I Old Testament IV (Major Prophets) Biblical Hermeneutics Romans II Pauline Epistles II Old Testament V (Minor Prophets) BTH-454 BTH-492 BTH-490 MIS-340 Systematic Theology IV (new release to soon be finished) Christ Our Healer Blood Covenant Comparative Religions Courses Overview Old Testament Survey I - A survey through the Book of II Samuel Old Testament Studies I - Study of the first five Books, looking at the origin of the earth, the development of humanity, and the nation of Israel. Old Testament Survey II - Survey from I Kings through Malachi. Old Testament Men and Women of Faith-Study of those with outstanding faith. Old Testament Studies II - The background and structure of Historical Books of the Old Testament from the Book of Joshua through Esther. Old Testament Studies III - Study covering the background and content of of the Books of Poetry from Job through Songs o f Solomon. Proverbs - Study that brings understanding to the wisdom of the wisest men of their time. Old Testament Studies IV Study of the Major Prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, and Daniel. Survey of the History of Israel - Study of Israel under God’s Theocratic rule and Man’s rule. Old Testament Studies V - Study of the Minor Prophets; Hosea through Malachi A Survey of the History of Israel New Testament Survey - Survey of the silent years through the Book of Revelation. Between the Testaments - Study of the background for the New Testament’s political and cultural settings. Emphasis on how they impacted the New Testament peoples. New Testament Studies I - The Gospels - Study of the four Gospels, special attention to the style and approach of each writer. General Epistles - Basic study of James,;I & II Peter; I, II & III John and Jude. Acts - Overview of the Book of Acts, its key purpose, subjects and characters. Pauline Epistles I - Study of the Book of Galatians through II Thessalonians. Romans I - Study of Paul’s letter to the Romans, chapters 1 - 8. Romans II - Study of Paul’s letter to the Romans, chapters 9 - 16. Ephesians - Study of chapters 1 - 3 with an emphasis on practical and spiritual application. Pauline Epistles II - Study of I & II Corinthians, I & II Timothy, Titus and Philemon. Hebrews - Study looking at the Hall of Faith and the role of Christ as Prophet, Priest and King. Obedience - A detailed look at obedience and obedient characters throughout the Bible. Bible Doctrines - An introduction and overview of basic Biblical Doctrine. Systematic Theology I - An introduction to Systematic Theology, starting with Bibliology and Basic Theology. Systematic Theology II - A continuation of Systematic Theology I, studying Angelology, Demonology, Anthropology and Christology. Introduction to Bible Theology I - An introduction to Biblical Theology and Bible Doctrine. Introduction to Bible Theology II - A continued study of Bible Theology. Fruit and Gifts of the Spirit - An investigation of the Fruit of the Spirit and their impact upon the believer. God’s Kingdom Principles - An explanation of the Kingdom Principles as given in the Sermon on the Mount. Spiritual Warfare I - A study of the dimensions of Spiritual warfare and how to break the strongholds of the enemy. Also, covering the value of living the Spirit-filled and controlled life. Systematic Theology III - A study of Ecclesiology, Eschatology, Hamartiology and Soteriology. New Testament Church History - A study of Early New Testament history and its impact on modern civilization. This course is to be taught 2 trimesters. The Early Church - A historical view of the Church from the time of the Resurrection through the fall of Rome, with an emphasis on the working of the Holy Spirit. 421 The Medieval Church - A historical view of the Church from the fall of Rome to the Fall of Constantinople, including the beginning of religious reform and the martyrs of the age. The Reformed Church - This course explores the condition ahead of and during the Reformation period, up to the end of the 30 Years War and the Peace of Westphalia, securing legal existence for the Protestant faith in Germany. The Post-Reformation Church - This course covers the Church events of Europe and the New World, including the movements and mission work that was begun, up to the 20th Century Spiritual Warfare II - A continued study of Spiritual Warfare I with a focus on understanding the enemy and his tactics. Also, the power inherent within the New Testament believer. Systematic Theology IV - A study of Pneumatology and Divine Healing. Biblical Hermeneutics-An introduction to interpretation of Biblical text. The Holy Spirit - A Biblical examination of the Person, works, Gifts and Ministry of the Holy Spirit Degree Credit Programs Degrees offered are in Religious areas only. ASSOCIATE The Associate program is designed to provide an introduction in the fields of Biblical studies and theology. The program is foundational and provides insight for both laity and those who wish to become involved in active ministry. A total of seventy-two trimester credits/units is required with a minimum of twenty-one credits/units earned through ICBT. A 2.5 GPA is required on a scale of 4.0. BACHELOR The Bachelor program is designed to provide enrichment in the areas of Biblical truths and effective ministry. Both the laity and those pursuing active ministry will benefit from the Bachelor program. A total of 144 trimester units is required (This includes seventy-two credits/units from the Associate program.)
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