PARTICIPANT INFORMATION GUIDE BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING UNIT 3, 5-7 CHANDLER ROAD, BORONIA VIC 3155 PARTICIPANT INFORMATION GUIDE V1.0 1 Copyright This document and its contents remain the intellectual property of Breakthrough Performance Consulting PTY LTD, and the permission to use or reproduce this document or part thereof requires prior written authorisation of an authorised representative of Breakthrough Performance Consulting PTY LTD. Version Control Date Alterations Made Version No. 24/03/2015 Original document created V1.0 For all enquiries related to this training resource, please email: BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING PTY LTD ADDRESS: Unit 3, 5-7 Chandler Road BORONIA, VIC 3155 PHONE: 03 9762 0043 EMAIL: WEB: BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING UNIT 3, 5-7 CHANDLER ROAD, BORONIA VIC 3155 PARTICIPANT INFORMATION GUIDE V1.0 2 Contents Breakthrough Performance Consulting ................................................................................................................4 Who are we?.................................................................................................................................................4 What do we do? ...........................................................................................................................................4 Training and Assessment Overview..................................................................................................................5 Who is this guide for? ...................................................................................................................................5 What is a Training and Assessment Program? .............................................................................................5 What can I get from undertaking this program? ..........................................................................................5 What are the benefits of a Nationally Recognised Qualification? ...............................................................5 What about the jargon? ...............................................................................................................................6 Understanding Assessment ..........................................................................................................................7 Who is involved in the Training Program? ...................................................................................................8 What do you need to do? .............................................................................................................................9 How can we help with your assessments? .................................................................................................... 10 Which delivery method is best suited to me? ............................................................................................... 11 What information should you expect? ...................................................................................................... 13 Steps in the process ................................................................................................................................... 14 How can I prove competency? .................................................................................................................. 15 Types of Evidence ...................................................................................................................................... 16 Ask yourself ............................................................................................................................................... 17 What happens after the evidence is gathered? ........................................................................................ 18 Assessment Decision ................................................................................................................................. 19 Complaints and Appeals Policy .................................................................................................................. 22 Complaints and Appeals Procedures ......................................................................................................... 22 Refunds Policy ........................................................................................................................................... 29 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................. 30 Where to go for more information............................................................................................................ 31 BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING UNIT 3, 5-7 CHANDLER ROAD, BORONIA VIC 3155 PARTICIPANT INFORMATION GUIDE V1.0 3 Breakthrough Performance Consulting Who are we? Breakthrough Performance Consulting (BPC) is an Australian-based Registered Training Organisation that partners with industry and corporate clients to deliver nationally recognised qualifications from Certificate III to Diploma. We are a team of vibrant and experienced training and assessment experts, who are dedicated to continued learning. Our passion is to see people's lives change through our training and/or assessment pathways. Breakthrough Performance Consulting Unit 3, 5-7 Chandler Road, BORONIA VIC 3155 PHONE: 03 9762 0043 EMAIL: WEB: ABN: 78 120 071 669 What do we do? We: offer personalised advice, explaining the potential career outcomes for every course; discuss candidates’ career goals, education experience and lifestyle to help them decide on the best qualification and pathway; guide candidates on balancing assessment pathway commitment, work and family; find flexible pathway options for all our candidates; and advise candidates on their potential eligibility for government funding BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING UNIT 3, 5-7 CHANDLER ROAD, BORONIA VIC 3155 PARTICIPANT INFORMATION GUIDE V1.0 4 Training and Assessment Overview Who is this guide for? This guide has been produced to assist people seeking to undertake training and assessment in a Nationally Recognised Qualification through Breakthrough Performance Consulting. What is a Training and Assessment Program? A Training and Assessment Program incorporates a combination of; - Delivery of formal training through instruction and demonstration using convenient methods such as workshops. - Assessment of skills and knowledge against National Qualification benchmarks What can I get from undertaking this program? Undertaking a Training Program can result in the awarding of a Qualification that is nationally recognised under the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF), or issuance of a Statement of Attainment for part of a Qualification rather than a whole Qualification. You may not need a whole Qualification depending on your job role, so a Statement of Attainment may be more relevant to you. What are the benefits of a Nationally Recognised Qualification? The Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) is the national policy for regulated Qualifications in Australian education and training. It incorporates the qualifications from each education and training sector into a single comprehensive national qualifications framework. For students: the AQF encourages lifelong learning and assists students to plan their careers and learning at whatever stage they are within their lives and wherever they live AQF qualifications allow students to start at the level that suits them and then build up their qualifications as their needs and interests develop and change over time the AQF supports national standards in education and training AQF qualifications are recognised across Australia the AQF ensures understanding of what each qualification name and level means the registers of registered education and training providers and accredited courses provide assurance that courses and providers are approved by government For employers: the AQF supports national standards in education and training AQF qualifications are recognised across Australia the AQF ensures understanding of what each qualification name and level means In short, attaining a Nationally Recognised Qualification can assist you with; Gaining new employment Continued employment in industry sectors where licences or specific skills are required Developing upon existing skills to increase productivity or workmanship Developing new skills to expand into further education BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING UNIT 3, 5-7 CHANDLER ROAD, BORONIA VIC 3155 PARTICIPANT INFORMATION GUIDE V1.0 5 What about the jargon? You will hear a number of terms being used throughout your Training Program. Below are the most commonlyused of those terms. Registered Training Organisation (RTO) •An RTO is an organisation registered to issue Nationally Recognised Qualifications or Statements of Attainment for units of competency from training packages or accredited courses. There are a variety of RTOs you can choose from, some may specialise in your industry area. RTOs consist of private providers (who vary in size), Community Colleges, Enterprise RTOs and TAFE Nationally Recognised Qualification •A formal certification that is recognised nationally and awarded under the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) for the achievement of competencies Statement of Attainment •A nationally recognised statement awarded for attainment of units of competency which partially contribute to completion of a qualification Competency •Competency is a mix of knowledge, technical skills, understanding, problem solving and attitudes that can be demonstrated in the workplace. To be deemed competent you are assessed against the relevant Units of Competency Unit of competency •This is a description of the job or work function that you need to perform such as Operate a Bar, Drive a Forklift, Communicate in the Workplace, and the standard of performance and knowledge required Assessment •Assessment is a process in which the candidate and the assessor work together to gather evidence to enable the assessor to make a decision on the candidate’s competence BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING UNIT 3, 5-7 CHANDLER ROAD, BORONIA VIC 3155 PARTICIPANT INFORMATION GUIDE V1.0 6 Understanding Assessment Assessment is conducted against a set of requirements or benchmarks as determined within each Unit of Competency, within these benchmarks Units contain a set of production standards which specify exactly what and how many times a participant needs to demonstrate a task satisfactorily before they can be deemed competent. These benchmarks are determined by Industry Skills Councils who develop these in consultation with industry bodies; this way participants and employers can be assured that any participants who achieve competency in a Unit have been able to demonstrate their skills to at least a minimum industry standard. Assessment can take place in a variety of methods and locations and may include methods such as; Direct observation of participant performing tasks in the workplace Assessment of existing workplace documents presented by the participant Assessment workbooks with written questions Co-assessment with workplace supervisors Completion of tasks, activities or projects relevant to the Qualification Discussions or interviews to determine levels of knowledge Where possible, assessment is flexible and is conducted in a way to maximise the outcomes for the participant and ensure that their specific needs are met BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING UNIT 3, 5-7 CHANDLER ROAD, BORONIA VIC 3155 PARTICIPANT INFORMATION GUIDE V1.0 7 Who is involved in the Training Program? Breakthrough Performance Consulting Consulting Representative Breakthrough Performance Consulting Consulting Assessors Others who can assist with guidance, mentoring and support You Employers Sporting Groups Volunteer Groups BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING Administration and Support Staff within an RTO UNIT 3, 5-7 CHANDLER ROAD, BORONIA VIC 3155 PARTICIPANT INFORMATION GUIDE V1.0 8 What do you need to do? You will be required to participate in workshops, complete workbooks and perform a range of practical tasks on the worksite. You will also be guided to organise an Evidence Portfolio. This portfolio consists of a range of activities and projects which form the supplementary evidence to support your assessment. What are my rights? Be treated fairly and courteously. Be fully informed about all training and assessment processes. Have access to required support services. Receive clear contact details. Be provided with feedback on the assessment decisions. Have access to complaints and appeals processes in regards to assessment decisions. Have your privacy and personal information protected. Access the information collected about you. What are my responsibilities? Follow all reasonable requests from BPC staff. Notify the assessor in advance of any changes to arrangements. Give true and accurate information at all times. Provide feedback about the training and assessment process. Be diplomatic and respectful at all times. Make submissions timely. Facilitate workplace visits. Complete all assessment activities and provide requested documents in your Evidence Portfolio. Submit current and authentic documents. BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING UNIT 3, 5-7 CHANDLER ROAD, BORONIA VIC 3155 PARTICIPANT INFORMATION GUIDE V1.0 9 How can we help with your assessments? Breakthrough Performance Consulting aims to provide participants with an engaging learning experience that is designed to deliver industry relevant skills and knowledge that can be transferred across multiple job roles and industries, we achieve this by; - Providing participants with a complete suite of qualification specific learning resources and assessment activities that are designed to embed and reinforce what participants learn o These resources and assessment tasks are provided either online or in hard copy workbooks to ensure participants have access to their preferred study mode - Providing participants access to non-mandatory training support workshops o Whilst attendance at these workshops is not mandatory, you may find it very useful to attend these workshops to have face to face access to your Trainer/Assessor for extra assistance - Providing participants with access to modern facilities and additional training resources which assist in building an engaging learning experience, these facilities and resources consist of; o Training room with full access to broadband internet, laptops and modern software relevant to the requirements of the qualification o Simulated training workshops which represent multiple workplace scenarios and environments allowing participants the opportunity to develop their skills and knowledge and transfer these over a range of different industry settings providing a greater experiential learning environment BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING UNIT 3, 5-7 CHANDLER ROAD, BORONIA VIC 3155 PARTICIPANT INFORMATION GUIDE V1.0 10 Which delivery method is best suited to me? Breakthrough Performance Consulting offers participants multiple delivery options when undertaking our training programs to cater for individual preferences, these include; - Online learning and assessment resources - Hard copy learning and assessment resources - Face to face training support workshops - Simulated workplace environments - Workplace based assessment Whilst these options are available to all participants, there are some things you need to consider before deciding on which options is best suited to you. The table below provides additional information that may help you make your selection; Online Delivery To undertake the online delivery method, participants would need to be familiar with and experienced at using a range of different IT equipment and software, including; - Intermediate experience with one or more of the following hardware; o Personal Computer (PC) o MAC o Laptop o Tablet PC o Smart Phone (Mobile) o iPad - Intermediate experience with one or more of the following Operating Systems; o Windows 8 o Windows 7 o Windows XP o Linux o Mac OS X o Android Platforms - Intermediate experience with one or more of the following Internet Browser software; o Internet Explorer o Mozilla Firefox o Safari - Basic experience with desktop or document creation software such as Microsoft Office Definitions Basic experience means a small amount of familiarity with the product; - Requires assistance to perform a range of activities Being able to open, close, save and create new documents Making changes to the document within the current style and format Working to a simple layout or template such as a letter Intermediate experience means average familiarity with the product; - Able to operate and work independently with little or no instruction Able to turn on the machine, navigate to and open a range of different programs Able to use a range of functions such as; Search; Network Connections Able to use the browser to perform a range of tasks such as; Navigate to websites; Use Web Mail; Store favourite websites; Log in to secure websites; Search via Google or similar; Uploading documents to websites BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING UNIT 3, 5-7 CHANDLER ROAD, BORONIA VIC 3155 PARTICIPANT INFORMATION GUIDE V1.0 11 A Breakthrough Performance Consulting Representative will assist you to identify relevant units of competency and explain the training and assessment process. Think about: 1. What industry area do you work in? 2. What Qualifications and Units are applicable to your expected outcomes? 3. Can your employer or supervisor tell you about relevant qualifications required in your industry? 4. Who can assist you in gathering the supplementary evidence required? You should be supplied with enough information to make an informed decision about whether to enrol into the Training Program. There are a number of things you should consider when reviewing the information provided: 1. Have you received the information you need? 2. What else do you need to know? 3. Is it relevant to you? When deciding about whether you wish to proceed with the Training Program you should ask yourself: 1. Am I currently working in a job relevant to Qualification? 2. What tasks do I perform in my job or have performed recently in jobs? 3. Am I up to date on any specific legislation and regulations relevant to my industry? BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING UNIT 3, 5-7 CHANDLER ROAD, BORONIA VIC 3155 PARTICIPANT INFORMATION GUIDE V1.0 12 What information should you expect? There will be two stages where information will be provided to you by Breakthrough Performance Consulting. General information will be provided to you before enrolment and then you should receive more detailed information when you have enrolled. The table below provides a list of typical information you should expect. What to ask for What information you should expect Information regarding the Qualification An information pack which contains: Is the Training Program applicable to you? Information and advice including support available to you What it means to you in practical terms Steps in the Training Programincluding what happens if you think the process was unfair The costs involved and what the cost covers Roles and responsibilities of the RTO, Assessors and you The support available Expectations of the Assessor and RTO Typical timelines for the process Guidelines on how training and assessment will be occur A process flow chart showing how it works Guidelines on how to present your evidence Pathways specific to the course/s Information to help you in making an accurate decision in enrolling into the Training Program Individual interviews or course advisory sessions Information about what happens if you are successful/unsuccessful How to get started How feedback on your assessment will happen BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING UNIT 3, 5-7 CHANDLER ROAD, BORONIA VIC 3155 PARTICIPANT INFORMATION GUIDE V1.0 13 Steps in the process Step 1: Expression of Interest A Breakthrough Performance Consulting representative will contact you and invite you to express interest in undertaking one of our Training Programs. Step 2: Pre-Training Review A Breakthrough Performance Consulting Representative will give you a call to arrange for a site visit and conduct a Pre-Training Review to provide more information. Step 3: Enrolment and Induction During the Pre-Training Review you will be provided with information to assist you in making an informed decision on whether to undertake a Training Program with BPC or not. If you wish to proceed, you will be provided with Enrolment Forms and additional documentation related to the Training Program. Step 4: Commencement of Training and Assessment You will be provided with a range of Learning Resources to assist with your progression through the Training Program and an initial assessment of core skills and knowledge will commence. A Breakthrough Performance Consulting Assessor will contact you to schedule a convenient time to conduct on sight assessments and facilitate your progression. Step 5: On-Site Observation & Practical Demonstration A Breakthrough Performance Consulting Assessor will observe you working on-site in the industry field you are undertaking training and assessment in, throughout these on-site visits you will be required to perform a range of specified tasks as instructed by your Assessor. Throughout the Practical Demonstration, your Assessor will ask a range of Qualification specific questions to identify your level of knowledge relating to the selected industry field. Step 6: Assessment Outcomes Throughout the Training Program, your Assessor will conduct assessment against Units of Competency and will notify you of these outcomes. It may be determined at this stage that you may be required to undertake additional training before you are able to be deemed competent, your Assessor will advise you accordingly and reschedule training and assessment dates. Depending on the outcomes of the assessment, you will be posted your Qualification or Statement of Attainment. BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING UNIT 3, 5-7 CHANDLER ROAD, BORONIA VIC 3155 PARTICIPANT INFORMATION GUIDE V1.0 14 How can I prove competency? Breakthrough Performance Consulting will support you in gathering a portfolio of supplementary evidence to demonstrate your competency and an Evidence Portfolio will be provided with information, activities and projects relevant to the Qualification. Breakthrough Performance Consulting will help you understand what evidence is and what specific types of evidence might be suitable to gain the qualification you are pursuing. Your Assessor will discuss the following as part of your Evidence Portfolio: Evidence you may already have e.g. work documents, testimonials from previous employers/volunteer organisations, samples of your work Evidence that needs to be collected by the Assessor e.g. the Assessor may observe you completing a task and/or ask you questions to confirm your knowledge Evidence for assessment is not limited to existing documents you already have. Evidence can take a number of forms and might include any combination of: Questioning – the assessor may give you written questions, or interview you and ask questions verbally Observation of practical tasks - the assessor may observe you performing tasks in the workplace, in a simulated environment, in the classroom or any combination of locations Finished products – items you have produced in your work, which could vary from food you have cooked to reports you have written Presentations – the assessor observing presentations made by you Video and/or audio taped evidence – showing you completing tasks Third party reports – references or answers given by third parties to questions from the assessor, providing examples of your work ability relating to the standards – this can be verbal or in writing Documents – such as relevant qualifications/transcripts, project plans and reports, minutes of meetings, correspondence, resources developed Anything else that you or your Assessor can think of that is relevant to the Unit of Competency and assists in demonstrating your competence You should decide with your Assessor the specific types of evidence to be collected, the timelines for submission of evidence and what form the submission should take. BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING UNIT 3, 5-7 CHANDLER ROAD, BORONIA VIC 3155 PARTICIPANT INFORMATION GUIDE V1.0 15 Types of Evidence Evidence that may be requested by your Assessor could be but is not limited to: Photocopies of any work related licenses Brief CV or work history Photographs of work undertaken Certificates/results of assessment/statement of attendance References/letters from previous employers/supervisors with contact details Diaries/task sheets/job sheets/log books Indentures/trade papers Invoices with job description to customers Membership of relevant professional associations Industry awards Any other documentation that may demonstrate industry experience. Be prepared to discuss with your Assessor how this documentation fits with the requirements of the Qualification. To effectively demonstrate competency in a Unit, your Assessor will be seeking several different forms of evidence to be presented against each Unit of Competence. BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING UNIT 3, 5-7 CHANDLER ROAD, BORONIA VIC 3155 PARTICIPANT INFORMATION GUIDE V1.0 16 Ask yourself What evidence could my Assessor gather through, for example, observation or questioning? What evidence can I collect - such as testimonials? What evidence do I already have such as work records, certificates or sample of work? The assessment process throughout your training program is a participative process which engages many people who can assist you along the way to achieve completion outcomes. Ask yourself the above questions and have a think about who or what can assist you in gathering evidence to support your assessment process. Ask your Assessor also as they may be able to provide specific information related to the occupation and what workplace documents or evidence can be used to support the process. The more relevant evidence that you gather ensures a more seamless process overall for yourself and your Assessor, remember that more evidence is not always the best approach as the evidence may not be relevant to the outcomes you need. BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING UNIT 3, 5-7 CHANDLER ROAD, BORONIA VIC 3155 PARTICIPANT INFORMATION GUIDE V1.0 17 What happens after the evidence is gathered? Once you have submitted your evidence the assessor reviews it against the Units of Competency. The evidence is reviewed together as a whole and recorded by the assessor using documents developed by the assessor and the RTO. The assessor needs to ensure that your evidence: Is valid: does your evidence relate directly to the unit of competency; demonstrate relevant skills & knowledge; and is it appropriate to the relevant level required by the competency? Is sufficient: does your evidence include all the critical tasks and knowledge in the unit of competency; prove you have performed these over a period of time and in different situations; and have you submitted enough different forms of evidence? Is authentic: can each piece of evidence be clearly identified as your own work and is it dated and referenced; where your evidence is part of teamwork, is your specific role clearly defined; are qualifications, references, licences etc. presented by you certified documents; are your verbal or written accounts about what you can do verified by a credible third party and/or supported by documented evidence? Is current: does evidence demonstrate you have the skills and knowledge required to meet current performance requirements? An interview, whether face-to-face, by telephone or other means is a common part of any assessment process. This will allow your assessor to Ask questions to explore the extent of your knowledge and guide your training Seek clarification about items of evidence Ensure the whole competency is demonstrated BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING UNIT 3, 5-7 CHANDLER ROAD, BORONIA VIC 3155 PARTICIPANT INFORMATION GUIDE V1.0 18 Assessment Decision The assessor will make a decision about your competence and will discuss this with you – in a face-to-face interview or by telephone. Receiving constructive feedback from your assessor is very important at this point. The assessor will make one of the following decisions: You are competent (C) in a unit (or units) of competency You are not yet competent (NYC) Further evidence is required What does this mean? Competent - you will be issued with the qualification or statement of attainment and the process for issuing of the official credential will be explained. Not yet competent - options are explored which could include: You being issued with a statement of attainment in units achieved if the whole qualification is not achieved You undertaking further training in the areas deemed Not Yet Competent You undertaking further training by enrolment in online or distance education You being asked to complete work-based projects to further develop skills and/or knowledge (Costs apply for re-assessment of Not Yet Competent outcomes, please refer to the Additional Services and Fees table on page 21 of this handbook) Further evidence required – really means that for some reason the assessor could not make a decision based on the evidence submitted so far. This could have been for a number of reasons: Evidence did not relate clearly to the units Insufficient evidence Evidence was not current There were inconsistencies in the evidence submitted During demonstration certain key elements may have been missed which are critical to the task being performed Completion of workbooks and activities did not sufficiently meet the levels of knowledge required to be deemed Competent This is where the assessor will discuss with you options for undertaking further training and assessment, gathering more evidence or gaining the qualification/units of competency in another way. BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING UNIT 3, 5-7 CHANDLER ROAD, BORONIA VIC 3155 PARTICIPANT INFORMATION GUIDE V1.0 19 You should be provided with enough feedback to ensure you understand what the next step may be and why you were assessed as either Not Yet Competent (NYC) or are required to undertake further training and assessment. This should be an open, transparent process which includes twoway communication so that you can ask questions. What next? Your Assessor will be required to complete all relevant records of your assessment, which is then forwarded for processing. There are clear principles that underpin this to ensure: Your privacy and confidentiality is maintained RTO legislative requirements are met Any licensing requirements are met Any contract requirements are met Your personal records must be kept securely by Breakthrough Performance Consulting for the required period of time. You have access to these records and if for some reason you lose your qualification or statement of attainment you can approach BPC for a copy, though this may involve a cost. What if I already have the skills but don’t have a Certificate? The process of assessing existing skills and knowledge of participants in the program they are undertaking is called Recognition of Prior Learning or commonly known as RPL. What is Recognition of Prior Learning? Recognition of Prior Learning is the process by which your existing skills, knowledge and experience gained throughout your life, regardless of how they have been acquired, are recognised towards the achievement of a nationally recognised qualification or statement of attainment. How do I access Recognition of Prior Learning? Contact any one of our staff members to express your interest in seeking RPL, your request will then be forwarded to an administrative assistance who will provide you with an RPL application form. Once your application has been lodged, you will be contacted by a BPC representative who will provide you with a complete RPL information pack and explain the following; - The RPL overview - Your rights and responsibilities - Types of evidence and our expectations Accessing your records BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING UNIT 3, 5-7 CHANDLER ROAD, BORONIA VIC 3155 PARTICIPANT INFORMATION GUIDE V1.0 20 Should you wish to access your records at any time, please contact one of our administration team members who can assist you in accessing this information. If you need to change your details, please notify one of our administration team members in writing either by email with the required changes included or by using the Change of Personal Details Form. Should you wish to permit access for a third party to access your records, we will require consent in writing either by email with the details of the third party or by using the Consent to Access Personal Information Form. Additional Services and Fees The table below indicates additional services available and the fees associated with these services; - Replacement Certificate/Qualification Replacement Statement of Attainment NYC Re-Assessment Fee (per unit) BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING $ $ $ 50.00 50.00 100.00 UNIT 3, 5-7 CHANDLER ROAD, BORONIA VIC 3155 PARTICIPANT INFORMATION GUIDE V1.0 21 Complaints and Appeals Policy BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING PTY LTD will take all complaints and appeals seriously. They will be resolved quickly and equitably, using the principles of natural justice. The procedures for complaints and appeals will be fair, objective and accessible. The internal complaints and appeals processes will take place at no cost to the participant who lodges the complaint or appeal. Any decision to be implemented as an outcome of a complaint or appeal (internal and/or external) which is in favour of the participant who lodged it will be immediately implemented along with any preventative or corrective action required. The participant will be advised immediately of a favourable outcome. The complaints and appeals process is an important part of BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING PTY LTD’s continuous improvement process. The register of issues subject to complaints and appeals and the complaints and appeals quarterly summary report will be considered at each management meeting of BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING PTY LTD. Complaints and Appeals Procedures Information about the complaints and appeals process The BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING PTY LTD representative will inform participants about the complaints and appeals policy and procedures during the orientation program on the first day of enrolment. The participant handbook, supplied to participants during the Pre-Training Review, prior to enrolment, contains details of the complaints and appeals process. The CEO is responsible for ensuring that all management staff, administrative staff, marketing staff and trainers and assessors at BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING PTY LTD are aware of the policies and procedures for complaints and appeals. Provision of information about the BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING PTY LTD complaints and appeals process is part is an important aspect of the induction process for new members of staff. Informal resolution Participants who wish to make a complaint about an aspect of BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING PTY LTD’s service or appeal against a decision made by BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING PTY LTD are encouraged to initially engage in informal discussion about the matter with the staff member or staff members involved. Participants can, additionally or alternatively, discuss the matter with the Training and Compliance Manager, or the CEO. All staff involved in the discussion of an informal complaint or appeal are required to do their best to resolve the matter effectively and quickly in this way. Lodging a complaint If an issue about which a participant has complained informally cannot be resolved informally, participants who wish to lodge a formal complaint should do so using the BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING PTY LTD complaint or appeal lodgement form, available from BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING PTY LTD reception. Participants should submit the form at the office, properly signed and dated, and accompanied by all relevant supporting documentation. BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING UNIT 3, 5-7 CHANDLER ROAD, BORONIA VIC 3155 PARTICIPANT INFORMATION GUIDE V1.0 22 The BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING PTY LTD Complaints Register Details of all complaints are recorded in the BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING PTY LTD complaints register and signed and dated by the staff member who accepted the complaint lodgement form. At this time a copy will be made of the complaint lodgement form and filed in the participant’s file. The original will be forwarded to the CEO. The CEO is responsible for ensuring that all of these actions are completed within one working day of the lodgement of the complaint. Acting on a complaint The CEO will schedule a meeting with the relevant staff adhering to the nature of the complaint. The matter will be considered within 5 working days of the lodgement of the complaint. Consideration of a complaint All complaints will be considered and reviewed by the CEO. The right to be accompanied by a support person during the complaints process At any meeting to discuss a complaint, each involved party may be accompanied and assisted by a support person. What can a complaint be about? A complaint can be about: - Any aspect of the service provided, or not provided by BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING PTY LTD The behaviour or decisions of staff, or Policies and/or procedures of BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING PTY LTD Lodging an appeal If a participant disagrees with a decision made by BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING PTY LTD, the participant may lodge a formal appeal. The appeal should be submitted in the BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING PTY LTD office using the BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING PTY LTD complaint or appeal lodgement form. It must be lodged within twenty (20) working days of notification of the decision which is being appealed against. Notifications of decisions which are provided to participants in writing will include a date from which the twenty (20) working days available to lodge an appeal applies. The date specified will allow for time for delivery to the participant of the notification. The BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING PTY LTD Participant Appeals Register Details of an appeal are recorded in the BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING PTY LTD appeals register and signed and dated by the staff member who accepted the lodgement form. At this time a copy will be made of the completed lodgement form and filed in the participant’s file. The original will be forwarded to the CEO. The CEO is responsible for ensuring that all of these actions are completed within one working day of the lodgement of the appeal. Acting on an appeal BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING UNIT 3, 5-7 CHANDLER ROAD, BORONIA VIC 3155 PARTICIPANT INFORMATION GUIDE V1.0 23 The CEO will schedule a meeting with the relevant staff adhering to the nature of the complaint. The matter will be considered within 5 working days of the lodgement of the appeal. Consideration of an appeal by the BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING PTY LTD Board of Governance All appeals will be considered and reviewed by the CEO. The right to be accompanied by a support person during the appeals process At any meeting to discuss an appeal, each involved party may be accompanied and assisted by a support person. Corrective action in the case of an appeal which finds in the participant’s favour The notification of the outcome of the appeal will include the reasons for the decision. If an appeal finds in the participant’s favour, corrective action may include restoration of the participant’s academic record. What can an appeal be about? An appeal can be about any decision made by BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING PTY LTD which has an impact on a participant. Processing a complaint or appeal BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING PTY LTD management is committed to processing complaints and appeals effectively and efficiently, according to the following procedures. Process begins within five working days of the formal lodgement of a complaint or appeal The process of formal consideration of a complaint or appeal commences within five working days of the formal lodgement of the complaint or appeal. The formal lodgement of a complaint or appeal must be accompanied by all relevant documentation. All reasonable measures will be taken to finalise the process as soon as practicable. Meeting of the parties involved in the complaint The CEO will schedule a meeting with the relevant staff adhering to the nature of the complaint. Any other parties involved in the complaint or appeal and their support persons will also be invited to the meeting. Provision of relevant documentation All parties involved in the complaint or appeal will be invited to provide relevant documentation as evidence to be considered by BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING PTY LTD’s CEO or delegated personnel. Opportunity to formally present the case The participant making the complaint or appeal will be provided with the opportunity to formally present his or her case to BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING PTY LTD’s CEO or delegated personnel. Questioning BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING UNIT 3, 5-7 CHANDLER ROAD, BORONIA VIC 3155 PARTICIPANT INFORMATION GUIDE V1.0 24 The participant and all other parties in the complaint or appeal will be provided with the opportunity to ask questions and will be requested to provide answers to questions which are asked by BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING PTY LTD’s CEO or delegated personnel. Consideration by the BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING PTY LTD delegate After the participant has presented his or her case, and questioning of and by the participant and other parties involved is complete, the participant and the participant’s support person, and all other parties involved in the complaint or appeal, along with their support persons, will be asked to leave the meeting and wait while BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING PTY LTD’s CEO or delegated personnel considers the evidence. Verbal notification of the outcome The participant and the participant’s support person and all other parties involved in the complaint or appeal, along with their support persons, will be invited back to the meeting for verbal notification of the interim outcome. If the participant accepts the verbal notification of the interim outcome, it will be formalised with a written statement of the outcome (described below). Opportunity to request a second meeting After verbal notification of the interim outcome of the complaint or appeal, the participant making the complaint or appeal may request the opportunity for a second meeting at which additional evidence may be presented. The participant should make this request as soon as practicable, but no later than five (5) working days after the initial meeting. The participant should make the request in person to the CEO. If an additional meeting is requested, it will be agreed to, and scheduled for a date and time suitable for the participant, all other parties involved, and BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING PTY LTD’s CEO or delegated personnel. The date for which the additional meeting is scheduled must be such that the complaints/appeal process can be finalised as soon as practicable. Procedure for a second meeting The procedure for the conduct of the second meeting of BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING PTY LTD’s CEO or delegated personnel to consider the additional evidence will be the same as that for the initial meeting, except that the participant will not have the opportunity to request an additional meeting following the second meeting. The participant will, however, be able to invoke an external complaint or appeal handling process (see below). Notification of the outcome of a complaint or appeal Each participant making a complaint or appeal is given a written statement of the outcome, including details of the reasons for the outcome. The form entitled “complaint or appeal resolution form" is used for this purpose. Notification of the outcome of an appeal In the case of an appeal, the document notifying the participant of the outcome will summarise the information provided by the participant during appeal process, why particular information was or was not taken into consideration, how much weight was given to the supporting documents and why it did or did not meet the grounds of appeal. Complaint or appeal resolution form BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING UNIT 3, 5-7 CHANDLER ROAD, BORONIA VIC 3155 PARTICIPANT INFORMATION GUIDE V1.0 25 The complaint or appeal resolution form will be mailed to the participant at the address supplied on the complaint or appeal lodgement form. The form will be accompanied by a letter which provides a date after which the participant has twenty days to appeal the outcome of the complaint or appeal. The letter informs the participant that an appeal against a decision made regarding an appeal can only be made if new or additional evidence is supplied. Appealing against BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING PTY LTD’s intention to defer, suspend or cancel enrolment A notice of intention to defer, suspend or cancel enrolment will clearly identify that the participant receiving the notice will be given 20 working days to access BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING PTY LTD’s internal complaints and appeals process. The 20 working days begins from a date specified in the letter which allows for reasonable time for delivery of the letter. Notices of intention to defer, suspend, or cancel enrolment are sent by registered mail to the address on the participant’s file and by email to the email address on the participant’s file. Registered post delivery confirmation and email read delivery is requested. If no appeal is received, then the Training and Compliance Manager is responsible for contacting the participant on the 19th working day following the date specified in the letter in order to provide the participant with a final opportunity to lodge an internal appeal. Contact will be made by telephone and email. For more information, please refer to the BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING PTY LTD Deferment, suspension and cancellation policy. Appealing an appeal An appeal of a decision about an appeal can be made only if the participant is able to provide new evidence in relation to the original decision which was appealed. Making external complaints After following all of BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING PTY LTD’s internal complaints and appeals procedures, Participants who still believe BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING PTY LTD is breaching or has breached its legal requirements can lodge an external complaint with Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) by visiting Information provided by BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING PTY LTD in the complaint or appeal resolution form The response provided to complainants and/or appellants will include information regarding; - Reasons for any decisions made Any changes that have resulted from the complaint or appeal An apology where appropriate Information on where to seek an independent review Acknowledgement of thanks to the complainant for their feedback Maintaining enrolment during the complaints and appeals process While any internal complaint or appeal is ongoing, BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING PTY LTD will maintain the enrolment of the participant. BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING UNIT 3, 5-7 CHANDLER ROAD, BORONIA VIC 3155 PARTICIPANT INFORMATION GUIDE V1.0 26 BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING PTY LTD will maintain the participant’s enrolment during an external appeals process. If the external appeal is against BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING PTY LTD’s decision to defer or suspend a participant’s enrolment due to misbehaviour, or to cancel the participant’s enrolment, BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING PTY LTD will await only the outcome of the internal appeals process (if it is in support of BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING PTY LTD’s decision). Collection of data about complaints and appeals A systematic record of complaints and appeals and their outcomes is maintained to enable BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING PTY LTD to monitor the progress of complaints and appeals and to identify issues about which there are repeated complaints or appeals. BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING PTY LTD will ensure that enough detail about each complaint or appeal is captured to allow an appropriate level of analysis. Information about complaints is recorded in the participant complaints register and information about appeals is recorded in the participant appeals register. Register of issues subject to complaints and appeals Information about each issue subject to complaints and appeals is recorded in the register of issues subject to complaints and appeals. This register will contain information about the issue, the parties involved, and the resolution. There is provision in the register for multiple entries for each issue. Ensuring the currency of the complaints, appeals and issues registers The Training and Compliance Manager is responsible for ensuring that the complaints, appeals and issues registers are current. All three registers are considered at each management meeting of BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING PTY LTD and form an important part of BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING PTY LTD’s continuous improvement program. Improving policies and procedures in response to complaints or appeals Recommendations of actions to be taken in response to complaints or appeals are recorded in the minutes of the BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING PTY LTD management meetings. The CEO will issue instructions for actions to be taken to improve policies and procedures in response to the recommendations of the BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING PTY LTD management meetings. Policies and procedures improvement register Information about all improvements to policies and procedures is recorded in the policies and procedures improvement register. Improvements resulting from responses to complaints or appeals are identified as such. Please refer to the Policy Development and Review policy for details. Systemic and recurring problems Systemic problems are defined as being caused by failures in the course structure, delivery and assessment systems or organisational policies or procedures. Complaints or appeals will be categorised so that systemic and recurring problems can be identified and rectified. This information is available from the register of issues subject to complaints and appeals. BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING UNIT 3, 5-7 CHANDLER ROAD, BORONIA VIC 3155 PARTICIPANT INFORMATION GUIDE V1.0 27 Complaints and appeals monthly summary report The Training and Compliance Manager is responsible for producing a monthly summary report of complaints and appeals for consideration at the BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING PTY LTD management meetings. - Information about complaint or appeals management will include: Number of complaint or appeals received Amount of time taken to resolve the complaint or appeals Service improvements made as a result of the complaint or appeals received BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING UNIT 3, 5-7 CHANDLER ROAD, BORONIA VIC 3155 PARTICIPANT INFORMATION GUIDE V1.0 28 Refunds Policy BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING PTY LTD has a policy of refunding student fees prior to the commencement of a training course. BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING PTY LTD will issue refunds when: - A course has been cancelled by BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING PTY LTD; A students provides written notice prior to the Training material and first online unit being sent out to the student A student accepts a similar course offer from a different educational institution within the first month of that course; A student is unable to attend a programmed training course due to extended hospitalisation / illness, and /or pregnancy / childbirth. A medical certificate must support refund claims on these grounds. BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING PTY LTD will not issue refunds for: - A change in a students working hours; Moving interstate or overseas; Change of employment; Students who leave before finishing a course or module; Training fees paid to BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING PTY LTD for workshop training are held in a special purpose account until such time as that training commences. For the purpose of this refund policy, training is deemed to have commenced once the training material and first module has been forwarded to the student. Should the workshop not proceed, students are entitled to a full refund of any money paid. Once the training course has commenced the money paid for training is transferred to BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING PTY LTD’s general account. Refunds that meet the above criteria and which are paid for on line training courses are paid less $100 administration fee. BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING PTY LTD’s Managing Director considers all applications for refund. All decisions made regarding refund applications are in writing. All refunds and information concerning refunds which are made are recorded in the Refund Log of BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING PTY LTD. BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING UNIT 3, 5-7 CHANDLER ROAD, BORONIA VIC 3155 PARTICIPANT INFORMATION GUIDE V1.0 29 Conclusion This concludes this Information Guide and we trust that you now have sufficient information to assist you throughout your journey. Breakthrough Performance Consulting hopes that you enjoy your experience whilst undertaking your Training Program; please assist us to ensure that we continually provide high quality training services by providing feedback via the forms provided at the end of this program. The following pages provide links to some Vocational Education and Training bodies which can provide additional information should you require, always remember that we are here to assist and should you have any questions please use us as your first point of support. Thank you for choosing Breakthrough Performance Consulting to assist with your life-long learning experience. We look forward to assisting you achieve your goals. BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING UNIT 3, 5-7 CHANDLER ROAD, BORONIA VIC 3155 PARTICIPANT INFORMATION GUIDE V1.0 30 Where to go for more information Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) The Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) is the Australian Government department responsible for national policies and programs that enable all Australians to access quality and affordable childcare; early childhood and school education; jobs; and fair, safe and productive workplaces. National Skills Standards Council (NSSC) The NSSC is responsible for developing and maintaining the national standards that regulate the vocational education and training sector for approval by SCOTESE, and for advising SCOTESE of any issues relating to the standards and their implementation. Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) The Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) is the national policy for regulated qualifications in Australian education and training. It incorporates the qualifications from each education and training sector into a single comprehensive national qualifications framework. Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) is the national regulator for Australia’s vocational education and training sector. ASQA regulates courses and training providers to ensure nationally approved quality standards are met. (TGA) TGA is the official National Register of information on Training Packages, Qualifications, Courses, Units of Competency and Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) and has been developed for experienced training sector users. Higher Education and Skills Group (Victoria) The Higher Education and Skills Group facilitates participation and achievement in senior secondary and tertiary education and training in Victoria by supporting partnerships between providers, employers and the community and advising on public funding and regulation. It manages the Government-funded training market, public provider governance and accountability, and the apprenticeship system. BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING UNIT 3, 5-7 CHANDLER ROAD, BORONIA VIC 3155 PARTICIPANT INFORMATION GUIDE V1.0 31 Skills for All (South Australia) Skills for All is a South Australian government initiative that is changing the way vocational education and training is funded in South Australia. Department of Education (Tasmania) The Department of Education Tasmania provides educational services through our child and family centres, through primary and high schools and, at the tertiary and vocational level, through our colleges and the Tasmanian Polytechnic. Department of Education and Communities (New South Wales) The NSW Department of Education and Communities connects all stages of education, from early childhood through to tertiary education. It also incorporates agencies, facilities and programs that provide support to targeted groups in the community. Department of Education, Training and Employment (Queensland) The Department of Education, Training and Employment is committed to ensuring Queenslanders have the education and skills they need to contribute to the economic and social development of Queensland. Department of Education and Children’s Services (Northern Territory) The role of the Department of Education and Children's Services is to provide educational and training options for Territorians from the early years to adulthood. In fulfilling this role, the department has a range of strategic policy, regulatory, delivery and support responsibilities Department of Training and Workforce Development (Western Australia) BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE CONSULTING UNIT 3, 5-7 CHANDLER ROAD, BORONIA VIC 3155 PARTICIPANT INFORMATION GUIDE V1.0 32
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