Bulldog Bolt FAQs 1st Annual Briarcliff Elementary WHAT IS THE BULLDOG BOLT? A schoolwide fun run that helps us build spirit and GET FIT while raising funds! On Bulldog Bolt day, students, staff, and interested parents head outdoors to run (and walk) on our school track. BULLDOG BOLT HOW DOES IT RAISE MONEY, AND WHERE DOES THE MONEY GO? We ask family and friends to make tax-deductible donations. All students participate. This is our major PTA fundraiser of the year, and it helps maintain and support all our PTA programming all year long! See front cover for details. Fun Run & Fundraiser Friday, May 1st, 2015 HOW MUCH DO PEOPLE USUALLY PLEDGE? People can pledge any amount of their choice. We’re grateful for every dollar we receive. If every student raises just $40, we’ll exceed our $20,000 goal. HOW CAN FAMILIES GET STARTED? Step 1: Register your child at thegetmovincrew.com Click on “Get Registered” in the red box at the bottom right hand corner & set up their easy to use fundraising page or fill out the student information section on this pledge form. Step 2: Send your child’s unique fundraising webpage to family & friends across the country (& world!) via email or social media. This is a chance for out of state family to help support our school! Step 3: If using this paper form always take a parent with you when asking for donations. Kids, don't talk to strangers! DO NOT go door to door alone. Remember to say “Thank you!” If your family prefers not to solicit pledges, please consider making a family donation. Step 4: Collect donations, make sure your pledge form is complete, and put the money and form into the attached envelope labeled with child’s name/teacher name. Kids, give this to your teacher by May 8. Step 5: JOIN US AT THE BULLDOG BOLT ON MAY 1 AND HAVE A BLAST! Come cheer the kids on! Volunteer to help if you can … you MUST be a registered volunteer with WCPSS. Visit this link to sign up: www.SignUpGenius.com/go/5080D4DA5A78-bulldog/ WHEN WILL MY CHILD RUN? Run times are as follows: Pre-K/Kindergarten 9:00–9:45 a.m., 1st Grade 10:40-11:25 a.m., 2nd Grade 9:50–10:35 a.m., 3rd Grade 11:30 a.m.–12:15 p.m., 4th Grade 2:00-2:45 p.m., 5th Grade 1:10-1:55 p.m. WHAT ABOUT RAFFLE & PRIZES? See the prize levels below PLUS for every $40 in donations, your student’s name is entered into a drawing for prizes like NC State & ECU Football tickets, Marbles Museum passes, Summer Camps and many others. For every $100 in donations, your student’s name will be entered into our Grand Prize Raffle of a Kindle Fire HD7 (e.g., $200 = 5 entries in the regular raffles and 2 entries in the Grand Prize raffle, etc.) Bronze $20-$39 Briarcliff Pencil Pouch, Paw Print Pencil Silver $40-$59 Bronze Prizes + Briarcliff Color Changing Cup Gold $60-$79 Bronze, Silver Prizes + Briarcliff Water Bottle with surprise inside Platinum $80+ Bronze, Silver, Gold prizes + Briarcliff Bulldog stuffed animal, paw tag Questions? Contact Kristen Walker at kbwalker@gmail.com or Kari Moncrief at kmoncrief@hotmail.com GET FIT, HAVE FUN, RAISE MONEY FOR OUR SCHOOL! On May 1st, all Briarcliff students will be running on our school track, joined by teachers and staff and cheered on by families. We need donations — starting with YOU! We have teamed up with The Get Movin’ Crew to help make on-line donations easy. Simply register your child at thegetmovincrew.com then send your child’s unique fundraising link to family & friends all over the world via email or social media & watch as your child meets their fundraising goal! If you do not have access to a computer, feel free to use this form. We’re collecting donations from now through May 8. This is our big Spring fundraiser and last chance to make enough money to support many of our programs this school year. Thanks to our sponsors, all students, teachers & DONATE ONLINE AT volunteers will receive a Bulldog Bolt t-shirt to wear the thegetmovincrew.com day of the run. Register your child today! YOUR DONATIONS KEEP US GOING! Advocacy • Bulldog Bolt Fun Run • Coffee & Grounds • Cultural Arts Programs: Artist in Residence, Writer in Residence, Music, Drama, Dancing & More • Fall & Spring Book Fairs • Fall Festival • Fifth Grade Graduation Reception • Hospitality • Membership • Monthly Teacher Treats • Popsicles & Popcorn with the PTA • PTA Website • Room Parents • Safety Patrol Luncheon • School Improvements • School Store • Spirit Night Family Get-Togethers • Spirit Wear • Square 1 Art • Teacher & Staff Appreciation Luncheon • Teacher & Staff Holiday Luncheon • Teacher Classroom Enhancement Grants • Tutoring & Enrichment 2015 Bulldog Bolt STUDENT’S FULL NAME: GRADE: PLEDGE FORM TEACHER: PHONE NUMBER: Dear Family and Friends, — PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY. DUE BY MAY 8. — I am participating in the Bulldog Bolt Fun Run to raise money for Briarcliff Elementary. Your donation will help us keep the programs — Book Fairs, Cultural Arts, new library books, musical instruments for our Music teacher, technology, and more — listed on the front cover! You can donate any amount. Whatever you give, thanks for supporting me and my school! Writing a check? Make it out to BRIARCLIFF PTA and write child & teacher names on the memo line. Need an extra form? Stop by the office or download from the PTA website: briarcliffpta.weebly.com BRIARCLIFF ELEMENTARY PTA, 1220 POND STREET, CARY, NC 27511 NAME MAILING ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER PLEDGED AMOUNT DATE CASH OR CHECK ? COMPANY MATCH? RECEIPT NEEDED? Example: Jane Smith 123 Cary Road, Cary NC 12345 919-123-4567 $X.XX 10/10/2014 check yes no DJ Collin Y TOTAL AMOUNT COLLECTED: GOLDEN PAW SPONSORS: Dr. Ashley Mann, Family & Cosmetic Dentistry; DJ Collin Y; BEAUREGARD BULLDOG SPONSORS: Aquinas Leadership Group; BLUE SPONSORS: Bovenizer Orthodontics; WHITE SPONSORS: Cary Pediatric Dentistry; Dr. Kelly Ritter, Orthodontics; LPL Financial/RetirementGeeks.com; Publix; The Richards Law Firm PC P
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