JULY/AUGUST, 2015 A WORD ABOUT THE BRIDGE The BRIDGE is a fellowship of Christians who believe in taking God at His Word; so, we place a high value on the teaching of His Word which clearly directs us to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the life-changing work of His Holy Spirit. The Bible tells us Jesus is both God & Savior (Titus 2:13, 2 Peter 1:1, Romans 9:5); that He literally came to the world as God-in-the-flesh (John 1:14) and lived a sinless life. (Hebrews 4:15); that He was crucified on a cross as the perfect sacrifice for our sins (Romans 3:23-25); that three days later, He rose to life from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:3-4), offering the promise of eternal life for all who believe in Him and call on His name (Romans 10:13, John 3:16). We also look forward to Jesus’ imminent return, in what the Bible calls, “The blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus” (Titus 2:13). We recognize JESUS CHRIST as the only true BRIDGE between mankind and God, and the Bridge Christian Fellowship is here to worship Him, and share this life-saving truth. BRIDGE FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP & ACCOUNTABILITY “(We are) taking precaution so that no one will discredit us in our administration of this generous gift; for we have regard for what is honorable, not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in the sight of men.” (2 Corinthians 8:20-21) The Bridge Christian Fellowship desires to maintain the highest standards of Biblical integrity and ethics in the area of financial stewardship and accounting. The Senior Pastor and Shepherds (elders) make it a policy not to know what anyone gives, however, the management of funds received is prayerfully overseen by our Shepherds and Board of Directors (made up of 5 Shepherds). *In addition, all staff and volunteers handling church funds adhere to written standards as outlined in our Accounting Policy Manual. As part of our financial stewardship, we’ve committed the first 20% of all tithes & offerings received to Missions/Outreach. We do not typically accept “designated” giving to certain ministry areas, as we encourage all giving to be a matter of faith. (The one exception to this standard is to special offerings given to our building fund: this is currently an immediate and important aspect of our mission as a church, therefore, all offerings given directly to this fund will be honored for that purpose.) For a listing of our currently supported Missions & Kingdom efforts, please visit our website @ www.bridgechristianfellowship.org GIVING ~ All tithes & offerings can be placed in the box in our sanctuary, or mailed to: The Bridge Christian Fellowship, 552 West Troxell Road, Oak Harbor, WA 98277. *NOTE: Financial Reports can be made available as requested; please direct financial questions to Glenn Mouw, Home: 279-2626, Cell: 929-0645. May the Lord bless all your efforts, financially or otherwise, to impact this world to the glory of Jesus Christ and His coming Kingdom THE BRIDGE CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP NORTH WHIDBEY ISLAND 552W West Troxell Road, Oak Harbor, WA 98277 360/544-3193 * Office Hours/ Monday-Friday, 8-4 www.bridgechristianfellowship.org Please note: Important messages are posted at our website, such as, Postponement or Cancellation of Church Services, and Event Date Changes PASTOR RICK’S BLOG: pastorrcrawford@wordpress.com THE BRIDGE CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP PASTORS/SHEPHERDS Senior/Teaching Pastor: Rick Crawford Associate Pastor, Prayer/Care: Les Dams Associate Pastor, Small Groups/Discipleship: Bryan Martin Minister at Large, Ray Rempt Steve Armitage: Missions Steve Berentson: Men’s Ministry Don Coughlin: Finance Jim Crouch: Connect Ministry Clark Donnell: Finance Josh Gates: Children’s Ministry Mark Harris: Discipleship/Small Group Mike Hoffman: Missions Glenn Mouw: Finance/Discipleship Doug Otte: Finance/Connect Ministry Joe Phillips: Welcome/Hospitality Russ Pittis: Adoptions/Foster Care Benjamin Shook: Finance/Missions 914-1108 720-6539 320-5476 299-2736 632-9964 293-4852 391-0695 679-3977 929-5029 293-7141 865/300-4587 393-0713 929-0645 703/989-8962 299-0673 840-3620 632-9269 MINISTRY STAFF Student Ministries, Jacob Barksdale Women’s Ministries, Lori Beth Hestmark Children’s Ministries, Leslie Kramer Office Administrator, Ijeva Zandofsky Pastoral Assistant, Sharon Morgan Bookkeeper, Mindy Walton 708-3169 720-3383 202-3097 941-5835 279-0968 929-5509 *If you need to schedule an event in the church for ministry and/or fellowship purposes, please contact Ijeva by emailing her at: izandofsky@tbcfwa.org STUDENT MINISTRY SUMMER CAMP OUT – IGNITE (MS) What? An unforgettable camping trip in the North Cascades. When? Monday, the 13th, - Thursday, the 16th. Where? Upper Goodell Group Campsite Cost? $50 takes care of food, water, transportation, and materials for daily events and trips. Camper must bring own tent. Deadline for registration & payment is Wednesday, July 1st, so don’t delay! “24/5” ON SUCIA ISLAND - Manifest (HS) What? A spiritual workshop and camping experience in the San Juan Islands with other Calvary Chapel High School groups. There’ll be incredible worship, teaching, and good times to be had with friends on this unique island experience. When? Monday, the 17th, - Friday, the 21st. Where? Sucia Island, just North of Orcas Island. Cost? $160 takes care of all the fixn’s of camp on the island: food, water, transportation to and from, and group tents. $50 deposit due Wednesday, July 1st. Attention! All students planning to go summer camping must have a completeld “Medical Registration and Consent Forms” located at the bottom of our Student Ministry webpage. http://bridgechristianfellowship.org/ministries_students.php Keep a lookout for our webpage this summer!! We're planning to have some fun this summer and there isn’t enough room to put it all in our bulletin! For all questions and other information, please contact Jacob Barksdale, 360/544-3193 Ext. 104, Jacob.barksdale@gmail.com Operation Christmas Child Prayer Team Who? Anyone with a heart for OCC who would like to receive email updates on our current prayer needs. When? You can start by praying now!! We hope to have the OCC local prayer team set up by the end of July. What to do? Sign up in the foyer to begin receiving prayer updates. Where? Pray for OCC on your own. We will meet for group prayer in November, February, May and August, 2016 (one daytwo hours). Questions? Contact Laureen Mendelsohn 360-675-8518 0r lljmende@gmail,com New Believers Class Okay, I’ve accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior…now what? This question, among others, will be answered as you spend time learning and understanding your faith in Jesus Christ and the process of growing to become all God desires you to be. Sunday’s - 3pm Beginning September 13, 2015 At the Church (Child care provided) **Five Session Bible Study Questions? Please contact Eric or Maureen Esker @ 360-299-9911 Children’s Ministry, Fall 2015 VOLUNTEER TRAINING AND APPRECIATION August 15TH, 9:00am-12:00pm Multipurpose Room/Family Room For ALL Volunteers in Children’s Ministry Lunch will be served MOVING – UP! Sunday, September 6th, Second Service All students advance, to the next grade level, for the school year. FAMILY HARVEST FESTIVAL October 31st, 4:00pm – 7:00pm Costume Party, Potluck Dinner, Games, and Prizes!! For Information, email: lkramer@tbcfwa.org CHILDREN’S MINISTRY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! If you are interested in helping in Children’s, please contact Leslie Kramer at lkramer@tbcfwa.org Crawlers and Walkers Toddlers - Preschool Kindergarten 1st & 2nd Grade 3rd & 4th Grade BRIDGE PRAYER NETWORK We have a prayer network at The Bridge; if you have a prayer need, please call or email Jackie Shorthouse, @279-8979, jshortstop@comcast.net. Prayer requests are held in strict confidence and are not shared outside the prayer network. If you are interested in joining the prayer group (those who pray for our prayer needs), please see Pastor Les after our service or contact him at 360/720-6539. JULY CALENDAR SUNDAYS ~ SUNDAY SERVICES - 8:00am & 10:45am *Discoveryland Kids* Sunday School offered at 10:45 service. TUESDAYS ~ Men’s Morning Prayer Group: 6am @ Anacortes, McDonald’s (Benjamin Shook/632-9269) Student Ministry: HS (Manifest), 6:30-9:00pm (Jacob Barksdale/708-3169) WEDNESDAYS ~ Men’s Morning Prayer Group: 6:30-8am, Whidbey Coffee Café/Oak Harbor (Pastor Les/720-6539) Prayer Time with the Shepherds: 5:30pm MIDWEEK SERVICE – 6:30pm: Worship & thru-the-Bible Teachings with Pastor Rick , (Book of John) Student Ministry: MS (Ignite), 6:30-9:00pm (Jacob Barksdale/708-3169) THURSDAYS ~ July 2nd: Shepherd’s Meeting, 6:30 pm FRIDAYS ~ Connect Ministry: A Cross Church Ministry for 18-28 year olds, 6:00pm, Dinner/Bridge Family Room, followed with worship & teaching. (Jim Crouch/679-3977) SATURDAYS ~ Promise Receivers: 9-11am, meet in 3rd/4th grade classroom (Pastor Les/720-6539) July 11th, Road Clean-up: 12:30-3pm. Need a ride? Meet at the church at 12:30pm. (Chuck Bond/720-4401) July 18th, Women’s Prayer Time: 10:00am, Cry Room (Jackie Shorthouse/279-8979) AUGUST CALENDAR SUNDAYS ~ SUNDAY SERVICES: 8:00am & 10:45am *Discoveryland Kids* Sunday School offered at 10:45 service. August 16th: Bridge Annual Picnic, Anacortes Storvik Park, 2-5pm (Pastor Bryan/544-3193) TUESDAYS ~ Men’s Morning Prayer Group: 6am @ Anacortes McDonald’s (Benjamin Shook/632-9269) Student Ministry: H/S (Manifest), 6:30-9:00pm (Jacob Barksdale/708-3169) WEDNESDAYS ~ Men’s Morning Prayer Group: 6:30-8am, Whidbey Coffee Café/Oak Harbor (Pastor Les/720-6539) Prayer Time with the Shepherds, 5:30pm MIDWEEK SERVICE – 6:30pm: Worship & thru-the-Bible Teachings with Pastor Rick , (Book of Acts). Student Ministry: MS (Ignite), 6:30-9:00pm (Jacob Barksdale/708-3169) THURSDAYS ~ August 6th: Shepherd’s Meeting, 6:30 pm, Fireside Room FRIDAYS ~ Connect Ministries : A Cross Church Ministry for 18-28 year olds, 6:00pm, Dinner/Bridge Family Room, followed with worship & teaching. (Jim Crouch/679-3977) SATURDAYS ~ Promise Receivers: 9-11am, meet in 3rd/4th grade classroom (Pastor Les/720-6539) August 8th: Road Clean-up, 12:30-3pm. Need a ride? Meet at the church at 12:30pm. (Chuck Bond/720-4401) August 15th: Women’s Prayer Time, 10:00am, Cry Room (Jackie Shorthouse/279-8979) August 22nd Children’s Ministry ‘Volunteer Training & Appreciation’, 8:30am-12noon, Multi-Purpose Room (Leslie Kramer/202-3097) BRIDGE ANNUAL PICNIC SUNDAY, AUGUST 16th 2:00-5:00pm Anacortes Storvik Park 32nd Street FOOD, FUN, FELLOWSHIP FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY! HOT DOGS, HAMBURGERS, DRINKS WILL BE PROVIDED A-L: Bring a Salad or Side Dish M-Z: Bring a Dessert Questions? Contact Pastor Bryan, 544-3193 b.martin@tbcfwa.org PIE BAKERS Our contest is limited to 13 entries! PIE JUDGES Our panel is limited to 7 judges! Email Lori Beth Hestmark at his.handmaiden@icloud.com to get on either list and receive our guidelines. WOMEN’S PRAYER TIME 3rd SATURDAY EACH MONTH Bridge Cry Room ~ 10:00am This is simply a time to come together and share our needs or the needs of others and take them prayerfully to The Father. Prayer is our lifeline and we have been granted access to The Throne Room of the Most High through the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ out of His great love for us. Isaiah 6:1 says: “I saw the Lord seated on a throne, high and exalted, and the train of his robe filled the temple.” I love that word picture of the train of His robe totally consuming the temple! Father our desire is to be totally consumed by You, may the train of your robe come and fill our hearts and minds as we come together in Your Presence. So ask The Father if this time is for you to come either to receive or to share with others in need what He has given you. Thank you, Jackie Shorthouse (279-8979) WOMEN’S MINISTRY Upcoming Women’s Ministry Events! SAVE THE DATES! Ladies Fellowship & Sweets Saturday, August 8th 6:30-8:30pm Come have an evening with your sisters in Christ! Bring your favorite sweet to share (fruit or dessert). Fellowship, connect, and learn more about the upcoming fall events. Fall Women’s Event! September 25th & 26th This year we’ll have our ‘retreat’ right here at The Bridge Christian Fellowship! Sign-ups begin Sunday, August 16th and run through Sunday, September 20th Fall Bible Study Dates & Times: Tuesday Mornings 9-11:45am (childcare available) 10 weeks beginning October 6th – December 8th Thursday Evenings 6-8:45pm 10 weeks beginning October 1st - December 10th For more information contact: Lori Beth Hestmark his.handmaiden@icloud.co SALVATION ARMY FOOD BIN ”….BLESSED IS HE WHO IS KIND TO THE NEEDY.” Proverbs 14:21 Our Salvation Army food bin is made available for food donations year round, not just during the holidays. Here are a few suggestions! Canned Foods: creamed and regular soups, a variety of beans, fruit, vegetables, yams, chicken broth, canned meat, and pie filling. Boxed Dessert Mixes: Jell-O, pudding; cake, pie, cookie, bread. Boxed: potatoes, stuffing, macaroni, pasta, rice, dried milk, cornmeal. *Packaged: sugar, flour, rice, dried beans, macaroni, noodles, pasta. *Bagged: potatoes, yams, apples, oranges. *(COSTCO HAS GREAT PRICING ON LARGE BAGS!) Please call Benjamin or Joanna Shook for more info @ 293-3861. Thank you for caring! BRIDGE CARE MINISTRY It’s never too late to join our Bridge Care Ministry! Just pick up your phone and call or email Denice; we would be happy to add your name to the list so you can receive requests as they come in. The more help we have, the fewer times each person will need to consider signing up to prepare a meal. In serving one another, we serve our Great King. “Therefore, since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us show gratitude, by which we may offer to God an acceptable service with reverence and awe.” If you have any questions concerning this ministry, or know of someone who may have a need for meals, please contact Denice Walton at 929-0770 (cell) or 675-1371 (work) or email at walton4ptl@frontier.com Thank you to ALL who serve in this vital ministry! STUDENT MINISTRY SUMMER CAMP OUT – IGNITE (MS) What? An unforgettable camping trip in the North Cascades. When? Monday, the 13th, - Thursday, the 16th. Where? Upper Goodell Group Campsite Cost? $50 takes care of food, water, transportation, and materials for daily events and trips. Camper must bring own tent. Deadline for registration & payment is Wednesday, July 1st, so don’t delay! “24/5” ON SUCIA ISLAND - Manifest (HS) What? A spiritual workshop and camping experience in the San Juan Islands with other Calvary Chapel High School groups. There’ll be incredible worship, teaching, and good times to be had with friends on this unique island experience. When? Monday, the 17th, - Friday, the 21st. Where? Sucia Island, just North of Orcas Island. Cost? $160 takes care of all the fixn’s of camp on the island: food, water, transportation to and from, and group tents. $50 deposit due Wednesday, July 1st. Attention! All students planning to go summer camping must have a completeld “Medical Registration and Consent Forms” located at the bottom of our Student Ministry webpage. http://bridgechristianfellowship.org/ministries_students.php Keep a lookout for our webpage this summer!! We're planning to have some fun this summer and there isn’t enough room to put it all in our bulletin! For all questions and other information, please contact Jacob Barksdale, 360/544-3193 Ext. 104, Jacob.barksdale@gmail.com Operation Christmas Child Prayer Team Who? Anyone with a heart for OCC who would like to receive email updates on our current prayer needs. When? You can start by praying now!! We hope to have the OCC local prayer team set up by the end of July. What to do? Sign up in the foyer to begin receiving prayer updates. Where? Pray for OCC on your own. We will meet for group prayer in November, February, May and August, 2016 (one daytwo hours). Questions? Contact Laureen Mendelsohn 360-675-8518 0r lljmende@gmail,com New Believers Class Okay, I’ve accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior…now what? This question, among others, will be answered as you spend time learning and understanding your faith in Jesus Christ and the process of growing to become all God desires you to be. Sunday’s - 3pm Beginning September 13, 2015 At the Church (Child care provided) **Five Session Bible Study Questions? Please contact Eric or Maureen Esker @ 360-299-9911 BRIDGE ANNUAL PICNIC SUNDAY, AUGUST 16th 2:00-5:00pm Anacortes Storvik Park 32nd Street FOOD, FUN, FELLOWSHIP FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY! HOT DOGS, HAMBURGERS, DRINKS WILL BE PROVIDED A-L: Bring a Salad or Side Dish M-Z: Bring a Dessert Questions? Contact Pastor Bryan, 544-3193 b.martin@tbcfwa.org PIE BAKERS Our contest is limited to 13 entries! PIE JUDGES Our panel is limited to 7 judges! Email Lori Beth Hestmark at his.handmaiden@icloud.com to get on either list and receive our guidelines. WOMEN’S MINISTRY Upcoming Women’s Ministry Events! SAVE THE DATES! Ladies Fellowship & Sweets Saturday, August 8th 6:30-8:30pm Come have an evening with your sisters in Christ! Bring your favorite sweet to share (fruit or dessert). Fellowship, connect, and learn more about the upcoming fall events. Fall Women’s Event! September 25th & 26th This year we’ll have our ‘retreat’ right here at The Bridge Christian Fellowship! Sign-ups begin Sunday, August 16th and run through Sunday, September 20th Fall Bible Study Dates & Times: Tuesday Mornings 9-11:45am (childcare available) 10 weeks beginning October 6th – December 8th Thursday Evenings 6-8:45pm 10 weeks beginning October 1st - December 10th For more information contact: Lori Beth Hestmark his.handmaiden@icloud.co ~ Please take one of our NASB Bibles home, they’re located on our bookshelf at the back of our sanctuary! Pass one along! ~ Pastor Rick’s teachings through the Bible, (plus Prophecy Updates, Holiday & Guest Teachings) are available for listening or download at www.bridgechristianfellowship.org; click on Sermons/Media. ~ Bi-Monthly publication – Contact: Sharon Morgan strawberryshortcake922@comcast.net ~ Do you know of a need for meals, would you like to become a meal provider, or would you like info on this ministry? Denice Walton 929-0770 or walton4ptl@frontier.com . ~ A Cross Church Ministry for 18-28 year olds. 6:00pm, dinner/Bridge Family Room, followed with worship & teaching. Contact: Jim Crouch 679-3977 ~ If you are new to The Bridge, or any of your current info has changed, please fill out a directory update form Contact: Sharon Morgan strawberryshortcake922@comcast.net ~ If you would like to join a group, look for info and flyers in our foyer. Contact: Pastor Bryan 320-5476 ~ For prayer requests, please call or email Jackie Shorthouse 279-8979, jshortstop@comcast.net. If you would like to join our prayer team (those who pray for prayer requests), please contact Pastor Les 720-6539. ~ Our food donation barrel is available year round in our foyer. For more information – call Benjamin Shook @ 293-3861. Titus 1:4 “Grace and peace from God the Father”
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