New Account Application About You First Name Last Name Telephone Number Email Job Title About Your Company Registered Company Name Trading as (if different) Registered Address Entity Type LTD LLP PLC Partnership Sole Trader Annual Turnover Number of Employees Registration Number Website Facebook Page (so we can like you) Twitter Handle (so we can follow you) About the Company Directors We need the details of at least one Company Director DIRECTOR 1 First Name Last Name Home Address Email DIRECTOR 2 First Name Last Name Home Address Email Trade Referees By filling this out, you're giving us permission to contact them. Without 2 referees, we cannot progress your application REFEREE 1 Company Name Contact Name Telephone Email Job Title REFEREE 2 Company Name Contact Name Telephone Email Job Title Contacts This is so we know who to contact, where and for what DELIVERIES Contact Name Telephone Number Job Title Email Delivery Address Notes (EG, deliver to basement) ACCOUNTS Contact Name Telephone Number Job Title Email Accounts Address Notes (EG, must have PO number) Credit Terms Requested Credit Limit Anticipated Monthly Spend Terms & Conditions In this Agreement, the 'Customer' [named in the section above entitled 'About Your Company'] means any person who places an order with Brighton Catering Supplies (either as a private consumer or as a business) who represents the Customer in any capacity; the 'Goods' means any items sold or supplied by Brighton Catering Supplies; 'Brighton Catering Supplies means Brighton Catering Supplies Ltd, a company incorporated in England with company number 07753647 and a registered address at 4-5 Nicholsons Wharf, Portslade, BN41 1DT; 'Order' means any request or order to purchase the Goods, and; the 'Parties' refers to the Customer and Brighton Catering Supplies. 1. Validity 1.1 This Agreement is the only form of contract between the Parties and any Customer terms and conditions will not apply unless expressly agreed in writing. By submitting an Order, the Customer agrees to apply the terms and conditions of this Agreement in priority over any other agreement between the Parties except previously agreed Brighton Catering Supplies Credit Account terms and conditions which, where conflict arises, take precedence over this Agreement. 1.2 Any Order is subject to acceptance by Brighton Catering Supplies. Brighton Catering Supplies is not obliged to accept any Order or to justify refusal of the same. Receipt of payment for Goods by the Customer does not in itself constitute acceptance by Brighton Catering Supplies of the Order. 1.3 Brighton Catering Supplies may vary the terms and conditions of this Agreement from time to time by publishing new terms and conditions on the Brighton Catering Supplies website or catalogue. 2. Goods being Sold 2.1 Descriptions and specifications for the Goods are set out on the Brighton Catering Supplies website at the time of the Order or the Brighton Catering Supplies catalogue from which the Order is placed provided the catalogue is current at the time of the Order. Brighton Catering Supplies reserves the right to substitute the Goods with newer versions or items of comparable or better quality. 2.2 Goods ordered in a specific colour, pattern or design are sold subject to stock availability and Brighton Catering Supplies may substitute the Goods with items of alternative colour, pattern or design with the Customer's approval. 2.3 If any Goods are unavailable or out of stock then Brighton Catering Supplies may cancel the Order in whole or in part and refund any monies paid, issue a credit note or otherwise vary the Order with the Customer's approval. 2.4 Customers placing Orders for age-restricted goods such as solvents and knives confirm that they are over 18 years of age and that delivery will be accepted by a person over 18 years of age. 3. Terms of Payment and Payment Methods 3.1 The Goods shall be payable at the prices listed on the Brighton Catering Supplies website at the time of the Order or the Brighton Catering Supplies catalogue from which the Order is placed provided the catalogue is current. Brighton Supplies reserves the right to update prices on the Brighton Catering Supplies website or in future Brighton Catering Supplies catalogues from time to time. Occasionally, prices advertised on the Brighton Catering Supplies website may differ from prices advertised in the Brighton Catering Supplies catalogue and Brighton Catering Supplies is under no obligation to honour the price in the website if the Order is placed through the catalogue. A delivery and/or insurance charge may be payable in addition to the price of the Goods. All prices are quoted in British Pound Sterling. 3.2 Unless otherwise stated, all prices quoted exclude Value Added Tax ('VAT'). Any such VAT shall be charged in accordance with the relevant regulations in force at the time of the Order. 3.3 Occasionally an error may cause the price published or advertised for Goods to be incorrect, in which case Brighton Catering Supplies shall be under no obligation to honour the incorrect price. 3.4 Payment for Goods and Delivery may be made by any of the options listed on the Brighton Catering Supplies website or catalogue. 3.5 Brighton Catering Supplies reserves the right to charge interest on late or overdue payments by the Customer. 3.6 All Orders may be subject to further credit or security checks. 3.7 Brighton Catering Supplies' Price Match applies to any lower published price for a like-for-like product offered on the same terms in the UK. Like-for-like means Goods should be the same brand and specification. The goods must be offered with the same delivery service and warranty as Brighton Catering Supplies' and the competitor must have stock availability at the time of ordering. The price will not be matched where there are 'hidden extras' such as delivery charges. In order to qualify, the price must be published in writing. Brighton Catering Supplies' Price Match excludes comparing like-for-like products from companies within the Brighton Catering Supplies group of companies. 3.8 All directors listed above personally guarantee any debt owed to Brighton Catering Supplies in the event of the company being dissolved, sold or changed in any other way that brings about payment delays of over 90 days. 3.9 All debts accrued as part of this agreement are not assignable to new entities unless specifically allowed by Brighton Catering Supplies in writing. 3.10 In the event the company is sold all Directors above personally guarantee any debts accrued by the new company unless assignment of the debts was previously agreed in writing by Brighton Catering Supplies. 3.11 In the event a Director has not signed this form and any debts owed are being withheld, disputed, avoided or the Customers' company is being wound up, the signatoree below assumes the responsibility of the Guarantor and agrees to pay the outstanding debt owed as part of this agreement. 3.12 All goods delivered remain the property of Brighton Catering Supplies until paid for in full by the Customer. 4. Delivery 4.1 Full delivery prices and options are listed on the Brighton Catering Supplies website or catalogue and subject to change from time to time. 4.2 Standard Delivery and Premium Delivery Orders will be sent for 'next day delivery' within the UK mainland subject to an Order (with the relevant delivery charge) being accepted by Brighton Catering Supplies before 5.00pm on a working day (a working day is a day other than weekends and bank/public holidays) and provided no additional security checks are required and the Goods are available. If the Order cannot be delivered 'next day' then delivery will usually be completed within 5 days. 4.3 Offshore/Remote deliveries will usually be despatched as soon as possible however the actual delivery time will vary depending on the delivery location. 4.4 Brighton Catering Supplies will use reasonable endeavours to meet delivery estimates in all cases however Brighton Catering Supplies cannot be held liable for any delay in delivery. 4.5 Risk in the Goods transfers to the Customer at the time of delivery but title shall not pass until payment has been made in full for the Goods in question. 4.6 Goods delivered are used, stored and installed at the Customer's own risk and Brighton Catering Supplies shall not be liable for any damage, loss or disruption caused by the same. Where installation/disconnection services have been ordered by the Customer, further charges, terms and conditions may apply as communicated by Brighton Catering Supplies to the Customer from time to time. 4.7 All large machinery, refrigeration and flat packed Goods are delivered to the front door of ground floor locations only. The delivery person/driver may at his/her discretion assist with delivering the Goods to a location within the premises nominated by the Customer, at Customer's sole risk. 5. Warranties and Returns 5.1 Goods sold in the UK mainland may be returned for a refund, exchange or replacement within 30 days provided they are returned unused, in a saleable condition and in their original packaging. Certain large or bulky items may be subject to a restocking fee. Certain Goods cannot be returned for hygiene purposes. Certain Goods such as knives must be returned in adequate postal packaging for health and safety reasons. Certain last-in-line or special-to-order Goods may also be non-returnable and will be flagged accordingly on the Brighton Catering Supplies website or catalogue. The cost of returns may be refunded in whole or in part to the Customer at Brighton Catering Supplies' discretion. 5.2 Goods that are damaged on delivery must be reported to Brighton Catering Supplies within 24 hours. Large Goods such as fridges must be visually inspected by the Customer on delivery for damage and an acceptance of delivery docket completed noting any damage that resulted from delivery. Goods that are missing, delivered faulty or defective by Brighton Catering Supplies may be replaced, repaired, refunded or exchanged at Brighton Catering Supplies' discretion provided Brighton Catering Supplies is informed in writing within 28 days. Certain Goods may be disposed of in accordance with Brighton Catering Supplies safety instructions for replacement, refund or exchange with Brighton Catering Supplies' prior approval. 5.3 The warranties in clauses 5.1 and 5.2 above do not apply to any defect in the Goods caused by the fault, negligence or failure of the Customer to adhere to manufacturer instructions. Engineer call-outs and repairs carried out on non-warranty faults or defects may be subject to further charges. No Goods will be sold on a 'sale or return' basis without prior express approval by Brighton Catering Supplies. 5.4 Old electrical & electronic equipment may be disposed of by prior arrangement in compliance with WEE regulations. Full details of Brighton Catering Supplies' WEE compliance policy are available on the Brighton Catering Supplies website. 5.4 Statutory rights for Customers placing Orders as private consumers (as defined by law) are not affected. 6. Termination 6.1 Brighton Catering Supplies reserves the right, by notice to the Customer, to cancel or suspend any Order where payment has not been received in accordance with Clause 3 of this Agreement. 6.2 Brighton Catering Supplies reserves the right to terminate this Agreement in the event of the Customer being unable to pay its debts or becoming bankrupt or having a winding-up order made or appointing an Administrator, Liquidator, Receiver or similar. 6.3 Brighton Catering Supplies reserves the right to suspend or terminate performance of this Agreement where delivery or supply of the Goods and/or performance of this Agreement is affected by reasons out of Brighton Catering Supplies' reasonable control such as force majeure, act of God, adverse weather and government intervention, sanction or legislation. 6.4 Brighton Catering Supplies reserves the right to cancel any Order where it is reasonably suspected that the Customer is not legally permitted to purchase any Goods specified in the Order (such as solvents and knives). 7. Limitation of Liability 7.1 The Customer agrees that Brighton Catering Supplies shall not be liable for any losses or damage suffered by the Customer including but not limited to loss of business, business interruption or loss of time, due to the use or purchase of the Goods by the Customer. Nothing in this Agreement shall exclude Brighton Catering Supplies's statutory liability for injury or death. 7.2 Goods sold are not insured for delivery unless confirmed as insured by Brighton Catering Supplies on acceptance of the Order. 8. Intellectual Property Rights and Confidentiality 8.1 Goods sold or supplied by Brighton Catering Supplies may be subject to copyright (whether owned by Brighton Catering Supplies or a third party) and the Customer covenants not to breach, infringe or prejudice any intellectual property and copyright associated with the Goods without approval. The Customer agrees to indemnify and hold Brighton Catering Supplies harmless for any breach of said covenant. 8.2 The Customer's data protection and privacy rights under this Agreement are set out in Brighton Catering Supplies' privacy policy (available on the Brighton Catering Supplies website). 9. Jurisdiction 9.1 This Agreement is governed by English law and the Parties shall be subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts. 9.2 Any right or obligation contained in this Agreement shall be distinct and severable and if one or more of the same are declared invalid, illegal, void or unenforceable then the remainder shall continue in force and effect to the fullest extent permissible by law. 10. Discounts 10.1 Discounts are given on the basis that the Customer purchases the volumes set out within 12 months. 10.2 The Customer agrees to repay all discounts upon failure to meet annual volumes. 10.3 The Company reserves the right to change discounts as purchase prices increase. The Customer will be informed with a minimum 30 days notice. 11. Volumes 11.1 The Customer agrees to purchase a minimum of 85% of the volumes set out in this agreement 11.2 Failure to do so will result in payment being made to the Company for all discounts that have been applied over the period 11.2.1 This can be avoided by the overall contract value as agreed being made up with different products 11.2.2 This can also be avoided by signing up for another year at prices to make up the shortfall. 12. Credit Accounts 12.1 All invoices must be paid in full by the end of the month immediately after the month of invoice 12.2 The Company reserves the right to apply 8% APR interest to all late invoices 12.3 The Company reserves the right to terminate this agreement if payment deadlines are not kept to 12.3.1 Upon termination in the manner of 12.3 all discounts will also be invoiced for. 13. Initial Term 13.1 The Initial term for this supply contract is twelve months 13.2 Either party may terminate this agreement after the initial term by giving 3 full calendar months notice. 13.3 The company reserves the right to cancel this agreement at any time with no notice should there be a breach of contract. 14. Agreement 14.1 By using this site you agreeing in full to the above terms and Conditions. 14.2 Any disagreement on the terms must be registered immediately. 14.3 Orders placed before a disagreement is lodged will not be modified. Attestation I the undersigned, sign and assume responsibility for this contract on behalf of the Company detailed above for which I have explicit consent to do so. I have read and understand the Terms & Conditions within and agree to be bound by its terms. Your Name Job Title Signature Date Welcome to the BCS Family Thanks for getting together with us, to create a strong professional relationship Why use BCS? • • • • • We care, genuinely care, about you and your business. We’re a family owned firm, giving personal attention Next day delivery when you’re in a squeeze We know Hospitality; Former Hotel, Restaurant, Pub and Café Owner/Managers Access to over 25,000 products at short notice What happens now? • • • • Attached is your bespoke price list, tailored for your business. Your personal account manager is Matt Wood,he’s all yours! Once you’re happy with the above, we’re away On the next page are a few essentials. How will it happen? • • • Matt will get in touch with you, to assist your transition / implementation He’ll take your opening order personally He’ll give you a tutorial on using your online portal So what are the benefits? • • • • • We’ll keep a close eye on your business and take notice This means we make sure you’re products are right for you, all the time We take every step possible to take care of our environment. You will keep costs down, not quality and get the best service We have a Win-Win attitude. If we’re not both winning, we’re both losing Getting In Touch | Your Portal | Sales / Enquiries | Accounts 01273 35 85 35 4-5 Nicholsons Wharf, Portslade, BN41 1DT | Our Retail Site Our People General Manager | Matt Wood | Products | Rhys Trussler | Accounts | Tom Austen | | Fax 01273 35 85 36 Brighton Catering Supplies Ltd, 4-5 Nicholsons Wharf, Portslade, BN41 1DT VAT Reg. No: 121 1566 56 | Company Reg. No: 07753647 (England)
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