Class: VIII 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Subject: Social Studies Write history of your village / your native place with the help of your parents. Make a survey of water harvesting methods in your native place. Find out the personal profile and their work of ex sarpanchs / chairman of your panchayat / Municipal corporation and evaluate them.(Name, Father’s Name, Age, Education, Tenure(Duration of time), Achievements, Awards ) Collect data about schools in your locality regarding the number of boys and girls enrolled, their family background and are there any drop outs. Find out the reasons for leaving the school. What is the literacy rate in your area? You are a social reformer, living in the 19th century, how will you start a campaign for the upliftment of girls in the society? Visit a few families where girls are not sent to schools and convince the parents to send their daughter to school. Make a comparative study between educational institutions andHospitals (Health facilities) run by the government and private institutions. Map work History Chapter 2: From trade to territory Delhi, Bombay, Madras, Calcutta & Mysore Chapter 4: Tribals, dikus& vision of golden age Khonds, Baigas, Mundas, Banjars Chapter 5: When people rebel – 1857 & after Jhansi, Awadh, Kanpur, Lucknow ,Meerat, Barrackpore, RaiBarelly Chapter 11: The making of National Movement (1870 – 1947) Amritsar, Dandi, Surat, Poona, Bombay, Calcutta Chapter 12: India after independence Princely states (Junagadh, J & K, Hyderabad) Portuguese colony (Goa, Diu, Daman, Dadra & Nagar Haveli) French colonies (Pondichery, Karaikal, Yanam, Mahe, Chandranagore) Geography Chapter 3: Mineral & Power resources World Map Major coal field, mineral oil deposits, iron, bauxite & copper deposits Chapter 4: Agriculture World Map Distribution of rice, wheat, cotton, jute, coffee, tea Chapter 5: Industries Iron & steel plants, cotton textile manufacturing regions. CLASS VIII Chemistry 1. Collect different samples of synthetic fibres and tabulate the difference between them. 2. Make a project report on the topic harmful effect of plastics. Suggest some ways to reduce its harmful effects. 3. Make a chart from chapter synthetic fibres and plastics. 4. Learn chapter synthetic fibbers and plastics. Physics Related to any topic of your choice of Physics (preferably from chapters of Physics in NCERT) make any one of the following(a) Working/ non working model (b) Chart Some recommended topics are (a) Force and pressure (b) Friction (c) Light (d) Some natural phenomena (Static charge, electric lightening, earthquake) (e) Light (f) Sound (g) Chemical effect of electric current A. Electricity In a project file, draw an electric circuit showing the working of electrical appliances in your house and answer the following questions: 1. Differentiate between conventional and non conventional sources of energy. 2. Which is a better source of energy and why? 3. List a few measures to conserve electricity in your house and in your school. 4. Enquire about MCBs used in a house. Where are they installed and what is their role in an electric circuit? 5. Is it advisable to use CFL over an electric bulb now-a-days? Justify your answer. 6. What is the significance of red, black and green wire in an electric circuit? 7. Name the various sources of energy used in power generation in your city. 8. Write effective slogans on rectangular sheets to conserve electricity and put these on your class board. 9. Collect some facts related to invention of electric bulb. Name the scientist who invented it. Write about 150 words and give a life sketch of the scientist. Biology You could prepare a small herbarium of food crops yourself. Due to this collect leaves (attached to stem) root seed, and flowers (if possible) dry the collected specimen by pressing them between several layers of newspaper under heavy weight about 2 weeks. Glue the specimens on a/4 size white page and write details like(a) Name of the plants (b) Place and date of collection (c) Nature of the soil these specimens can put in plastic sleeves and arranged in a file. Visit a library or a nearest cyber café for book or collect a information on cloning its application advantage and disadvantage. Write a report on an activity file. Make a chart or model on nitrogen cycle. In an activity file write information and uses of all steps of agricultural practices. Maths 1) Do all assignments of chapter 1 and 2 . 2) Do all solved examples of chapter 1 and 2. 3) Do all properties of addition , subtraction , division and multiplication of rational number. 4) Do MCQ , Fill in the blanks , match the following , short and long answer type question , mental mathematics from chapter end exercise of chapter 1 and 2. 5) Do HOTS , value based question from chapter end exercise of chapter 1 and 2. Class 8 (Holiday Homework) English Grammar Activity Q1- Divide the part of the noun with definition and example. Q2- Write five questions and answer from lesson 1 and 2 from the book Honeydew. Q3- Write five questions and answer from the book ‘On it happened’ and also write about of poets sum lines. English 1.-Write 15 pages handwriting in cursive pattern. 2.Paste the picture of any one of the following authors( in A4 size colored paper as green ,yellow or light blue colour) – John milton ,H. G. Wells, Ruskin Bond and William Wodsworth. Below it provide the following information about the authorDate of Birth Popular works Awards received 3. Read the novel “ Time Machine” by H.G.Wells(Chapters 1- 5) Choose any 20 words from the chapters write their meaning and use them in sentences. Choose any 10 adjective words. 4. Learn all taught chapters Question answer and word meanings. 5.Write a letter to your friend describing about school schedule ,activities and facilities. 6. you are Kiran/Karan ,the head girl/boy of your school. Your school is organizing a tour to Dehradun.Write a notice inviting students who want to join the tour. Computer 1.Do your FA1 question papers in home work not book 2.Read chapter IIIrd 3. Mack a chart “Parts of computers” Sanskrit iz”u 1- fuEufyf[kr laLd`r “kCnksa ds vFkZ fyf[k, & d- fo"kk.kghu% [k- lglk x- dqBkfjdk ?k- lqLoknqrks;k% iz”u 2- 'yksdka'ks"kq fjDrLFkkukfu iwj;r & d- leqnzeklk| ------------------------------ A [k- -------------------- op% e/kqjlwDrjla l`tfUrA x- rn~Hkkx/ks;a -------------------------------- i'kwuke~A ?k- fo|kiQya -------------------- Ni.kL; lkS[;e~A ³- fL=k;ka ----------------- lo} rn~ ----------------- oqQye~A iz”u 3-,dinsu mÙkja fy[kr & d- flagL; uke fde~\ [k- xqgk;k% Lokeh d% vklhr~\ x- falga % dfLeu~ le;s xqgk;k% lehis vkxr%\ ?k- gLriknkfndk% fØ;k% ds"kka u izorZUrs\ iz”u 4- iw.kZokD;su mÙkjr& d-[kju[kj% dq= izfrolfr Le\ [k-vL;ka dFkk;ka dL; pkrq;± fu:fira falagL; 'k`xkyL; ok\ [k- egrha xqgka n`"V~ok faalg% fde~ vfpUr;r~\ x- 'k`xky% fde~ vfpUr;r~\ ?k- 'k`xky% dq= iykf;r%\ ³- fd fopk;Z flg% 'k`xkyL; vkàkuedjksr~\ iz”u 5- mnkgj.kkuqlkja inkfu i`Fkd~ dq#r & ;Fkk & leqnzeklk| = leqnze~ $ vklk| ek/kq;Zeso = --------------- $ --------------- vYieso = --------------- $ --------------loZeso = --------------- $ ---------------lekuefi = --------------- $ --------------- egkReukeqfDr% = --------------- $ --------------iz”u 6- fuEufyf[kr dk fgUnh vuqokn dhft, & dfLef'pr~ ous [kju[kj% uke flg% izfrolfr LeA l% dnkfpr~ brLrr% ifjHkzeu~ {kq/krZ% u fdfpnfi vkgkja izkIroku~A rr% lw;kZLrle;s ,dka egrha xqgka n`"V~ok l% vfpUr;r~&uwue~ ,rL;ka xqgk;ka jk=kS dks·fi tho% vkxPNfrA vr% v=So fuxw<ks HkwRok fr"Bkfe bfrA ,rfLeu~ vUrjs xqgk;k% Lokeh nf/kiqPN% uke 'k`xky% lekxPNr~A l p ;kor~ i';fr rkor~ nflgini)fr% xqgk;ka izfo"Vk n`';rs] u p cfgjkxrkA 'k`xky% vfpUr;r~&vgks fou"Vks·fLeA uwue~ vfLeu~ fcys flg% vLrhfr rdZ;kfeA rr~ fd djokf.k\ ,oa fofpUR; nwjLFk% joa drqZekjC/k%&Hk ks fcy! Hkks fcy! fd u Lejfl] ;Ue;k Ro;k lg le;% Ñrks·fLr ;r~ ;nkga ckár% izR;kxfe";kfe rnk Roa eke~ vkdkjf;";fl\ ;fn Roa eka u vkà;fl rfgZ vga f}rh;a fcya ;kL;kfe bfrA vFk ,rPNqRzok flg% vfpUr;r&~ uuwes"k xqgk Lokfeu% lnk lekàkua djksfrA ijUrq en~Hk;kr~ u fdfpr~ onfrA vFkok lkfèone~ mP;rs& Hk;lU=Lreulka gLriknkfndk% fØ;k%A izorZUrs u p osiFkq'pkf/kdks HkosrA~ A rnge~ vL; vkàkua djksfeA ,oa l% fcys izfo'; es HkksT;a Hkfo";frA bRFka fopk;Z flg% lglk 'k`xkyL; vkàkuedjksr~A flgL; mPpxtZu& izfrèofuuk lk xqgk mPpS% 'k`xkye~ vkà;r~A vusu vU;s·fi i'ko% Hk;Hkhrk% vHkou~A 'k`xkyks·fi rr% nwja iyk;eku% beeiBr~& vukxra ;% dq#rs l 'kksHkrs l 'kksP;rs ;ks u djksR;ukxre~A ous·= laLFkL; lekxrk tjk fcyL; u dnkfi es JqrkAA st Note:- School will be reopen on 1 July, 2015
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