IT’S ALMOST GAME TIME! This Month at Broadway Church How Can We Help? Filipino Ministry Anniversary Sun, May 3 12:30pm Lower Auditorium Tickets available at the Automated Giving Centre iCamp iCamp iCamp iCamp Saturday, May 9 Broadway’s Baseball League Team registration deadline - May 21 Cost: 7 $350 per team. Starts June - Wesburn Park Games: Sundays at 2pm Cost: $350 per team Sign up: More Info: Pastor Paul Moores Broadway Kids Girls’ Day 10am to 2pm - Room 108 Sat. May 9 - 10am to 2pm Cost: $10 (pre-registration) Room $15 at the108. door Cost: $10 (pre-register) or $15 at the door. 2015 MAY Program.indd 1 More info: Kirsten Kong Bring your mother to our special Mother’s Day Breakfast Sunday, May 10 10:15 am - Gym Let’s celebrate Moms! Y O U T H C H U R C H 2015 Youth Church iCamp 2015 Aug 24-28 - Camp Luther, Mission BC - Cost: $300 (early bird by June 7), $330 after. Join us for our Youth Missions Fundraising Lunch Sunday, May 24 at 12:45 pm in the Gym. Tickets available at the Automated Giving Centre: $10 for adults, $5 for children 12 & under. Come on out and support and celebrate our youth! ........................... Pastor & Comedian 2700 East Broadway Vancouver, BC V5M 1Y8 (604)253-2700 Speaker Steve Geyer Sun. June 21 Father’s9am, Day 11:15am & 6pm Sunday June 21, 2015 Services at 9:00am, 11:15am, Main Auditorium and 6:00pm. Do you have questions about growing spiritually, upcoming courses or classes, starting a small group, or getting involved as a volunteer? Stop by the Next Step Desk in the main lobby or contact Pastor Mick Nelson at For further resources and downloadable forms visit We exist to produce fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. STEVE GEYER Broadway Church Father’s Day Service with Guest New to Broadway Church? Stop by our Guest Services Desk in the main lobby to receive your complimentary gift to say “Thank you” for visiting. Check out all the various ministries available to you and your family. Our Mission Statement: ........................... for girls ages 7-12 It will be all about hanging out with other girls, being pampered and enjoying delicious food. Coping with Mental Illness Guest Speaker Joanne Goodwin Mon, May 11 - 7pm Lower Auditorium Cost: Free! Mexico Short Term Missions Team Broadway is sending a team of 11 people to Baja, Mexico again this year to work at an orphanage run by Foundation for His Ministry. Foundation for His Ministry has served the poorest of the poor in Mexico for almost 50 years. Their mission is to make disciples of Jesus through rescuing children, restoring the needy, and reaching the lost. Please pray for the safety and effectiveness of our team as they travel May 2-9. For more information on the work in Mexico, go to Come and join your heart Comewith and join your hearts together together others andwithpray for others and pray for our church, city, nation and world. our church, city, nation & world. Wednesday, May 6 Wednesday, 7am - 8am & 7pmMay - 8pm 6 Lower& Auditorium 7am - 8am 7pm - 8pm Lower Auditorium Broadway Family Matters... • Congratulations to Pastor Paul & Wanda Moores on the arrival of their new daughter, a sister for Annalise. Our Core Values: Christ Centredness, Dynamic Spirituality, Safe Environments, Relevance, Generosity, Accountable Relationships Connect With Us GET OUR APP! @broadwaychurch Broadway Church 2700 East Broadway Vancouver, BC - V5M 1Y8 Phone: 604-253-2700 BroadwayChurchVancouver @broadwaychurch The Warehouse 2650 Slocan St. Vancouver, BC - V5M 4E9 Phone: 604-254.2489 Sunday Services: 9:00am: Classic Worship 11:15am: Contemporary Worship 1:30pm: Korean Worship 6:00pm: Emerging Worship MAY 2015 2015-04-27 1:46 PM Weekly Ministries... SUNDAY OPPORTUNITIES Adult Bible Class - 10:15am - Lower Auditorium 4:45pm - Chapel GriefShare - 9:30am - Chapel Cantonese Bible Class - 10:15am - Room 208 Mandarin Bible Class - 10:15am - Room 102 Youth Class - 10:15am - Room 300 Christian Women in the Marketplace May 3 & 17 - 10:05am - Room 202 Children’s Sunday School 10:15am Ages 2 - 5 Room 101 Grades 1 & 2 Room 106 Grades 3 & 4 Room 105 Grades 5 - 7 Room 110 4:45pm Ages 0 - 4 Nursery Ages 5 - 10 Room 108 Next Generation... MIDWEEK OPPORTUNITIES Ladies Morning Break: Bible study for women. Childcare available Tuesdays, 9:30am - Lower Auditorium Aerostars Kids Club: Fun kids program with creative elements to teach the Bible in a language children will recognize. Wednesdays, 7pm - Room 108 Celebrate Recovery: A safe place to begin healing from hurts, habits & Breath Of Life: hang ups. Tuesdays - 6:30pm - Lower Level A drop-in prayer ministry for those with needs. Celebration Place: A child friendly companion to Celebrate Thursdays - 9:30am - 11:30am Room 105 Recovery. Tuesdays - 6:30pm - Room 108 6:30pm - 8:30pm Room 105 Emotionally Healthy Spirituality: Wednesdays, 7pm - Room 105 Life Worth Living: Based on the book of Philippians Wednesdays, 7pm - Lower Auditorium Create, Coffee, Connect: Ladies bring your craft and create and connect together. Friday, May 8 - 6pm - Room 105 Communion (May 31) - 10:15am - Main Auditorium 4:45pm - Chapel Do you want to grow in a Group? Contact Pastor Mick Nelson - 2015 MAY Program.indd 2 2 Grades 8 - 1 BAPTISMAL CLASS Sunday, May 10 10:15am - Room 104 THIS MONTH AT YOUTH CHURCH 7:30PM @ THE WAREHOUSE May 1 - Service May 8 - Service May 15-17 - History Maker Conference (No Service) May 22 - Guest Speaker Sam Stanley May 29 - Service RUSH PRETEENS (GRADES 5, 6, 7) Join us every Sunday morning at 11:15 in Room 110 for interactive Bible lessons, worship and activities to integrate Biblical truths into our everyday lives plus fun events one Friday every month. BROADWAY KIDS Children’s programs for nursery to grade 7. Sunday morning classes take place on the lower level - room numbers are posted in the hallways. Parents are required to sign in your children before the service begins. ATTENTION ALL GRADE 12 GRADS: We have a Grad event on May 30th! Contact Pastor Lewis for info. SAVE THE DATE: August 24-28 is our Summer Camp called iCAMP! Pick up a brochure at the Youth Church table in the lobby. More info: Pastor Lewis Chifan - Download our app today! “YC Van” for iOS and Android May 22 - Destiny! A night of mystery and adventure. Cost: $2 7:30pm - 9pm in the Lower Auditorium More info: Kid’s Church - 9am, 11:15am & 6pm Sunday School - Sundays, 10:15am & 4:45pm Aerostars - Wednesdays, 7pm Mommies Group - Thursdays, 10am-2pm - Nursery For more info: SINGLE PARENTS LUNCH Sunday, May 17 12:30pm Lower Auditorium COMMUNITY CLOTHING SALE Saturday, May 23 11am - 1pm Warehouse BUILDING FUND OFFERING Sunday, May 31 COMMUNION SERVICE Sunday, May 31 10:15am Main Auditorium 4:45pm - Chapel Cultural Ministries CHINESE FELLOWSHIP Cantonese & Mandarin Thursdays - 7:30pm - Chapel For more information contact Pastor Corinna Ho Anniversary Celebration May 3 - 12:30pm Tickets available at the Automated Giving Centre “Life Worth Living” Course Sundays, 1:30pm - 3pm Gym For more information contact Carlo Rasing Curso “VIDA CON PROPOSITO” Sunday, May 10 & 24 12:45pm - 3pm Room 110 For more information contact Vincent or Samai Carrillo at INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS CLUB Mondays - 5:45pm - Lower Auditorium. Come join us for dinner, music, conversation club and more! All college-age International Students are welcome. More info: Ed Wilson-Liu 604-879-1124 or LUNCH Sundays, 12:30pm Warehouse SERVICE 1:30pm - Main Auditorium For more information contact Pastor Jonathan Kim 604-816-0691 TRANSLATION Headsets for Mandarin, Cantonese & Korean available Sunday Mornings at the Translation Desk in the lobby. 2015-04-27 1:46 PM
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