Bromley Canoe Club First Aid Course Now Available For Club Members To Book Club members are encouraged to take up the BCU 16 hour First Aid course, which is now running on Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th June. There are 12 spaces available on this course and priority will be given to club coaches and river leaders who are required to maintain their First Aid qualification every three years. The venue for the course is very likely to be in the Bromley area and all club members are encouraged to take up this course. As part of an active paddler, basic first aid skills are essential both on the water and in every day life. Throughout the course, the latest CRP procedures will be demonstrated and practiced and everyone will have a go using mannequins as demonstration dummies. To book onto this course, please follow the links on the BCC website and book your place on WebCollect. For any further details, please speak to Graham who is available at the pool most Monday nights or email Course fees are £50 for two full days of first aid training and certification. Club Members Gain New Qualifications! A massive well done to the following club members who have gained new qualifications over the last few mouths: Nicky Wade is now a qualified BCU Level 1 Coach gaining her qualifications to coach paddling in both opens and kayaks Nicky King has now completed her Level 2 training qualifications Rich Innes has passed his 3 Star Open award Continuous personal development is essential to all active paddlers as a way to develop their personal skills and maintain progression within the sport. Club members are encouraged to approach Graham who is the Training Lead for any training requests. Issue 5—May 2015 2nd Monday Of The Month Duties For The Next Four Weeks 4th May Bank Holiday—No Session! 11th May Reception—Bridget H 1st Yellow—Dave H 2nd Yellow—The Stig 18th May Reception—Ali W 1st Yellow—Ed S 2nd Yellow—Roger H 25th Bank Holiday—No May Session! Chipstead BBQ is now confirmed for Saturday 11th July. Book now on WebCollect to secure your place! Monday night pool fees are now £4 for club members and £6 for non club members! Please bring the correct change to help out the person on Sea Kayaking Trip (Second May Bank Holiday) Sat 23rd to Mon 25th May Organised by Cat and Book now on WebCollect to secure your place on this trip! Graham, this years Sea Kayaking Trip is taking participants must place in South be at a Two Star or Devon, near Kingsabove ability. bridge. The south Devon coast is varHowever, if you ied with small have any doubts, coves, sandy please speak beaches, boulder Sea Kayaking With The Sun directly to Cat or Out! gardens to practice Graham. For this rock hopping skills, trip, everyone will need a sea challenging headlands with kayak (with some boats availtidal races and sheltered able to borrow from the Den) estuaries. Therefore, it and the usual paddling kit makes the location a great (such as helmet, deck and place to build on existing waterproofs). Also, the kayaking skills. accommodation will be camping Due to the nature of the trip, for this trip and everyone will need to bring basic camping equipment such as tents, sleeping bags, mugs etc. The location for the campsite will be confirmed shortly. This camp site will be the base for the entire trip. If you would like to book up on this trip, please sign up on WebCollect so we know who is going. If you have any further questions, please email G r a h a m a Chipstead Club BBQ Saturday 11th July On Saturday 11th July, the newly established annual club BBQ at Chipstead Sailing Club has been moved from a Friday to Saturday to allow members and their friends and family the opportunity to come down for a paddle and social evening. Club members and their family are encouraged to come down Page 2 Book for the BBQ on WebCollect so we know who is coming and how much BBQ food to prepare! and take part in the pre-BBQ paddle and on-water activities followed by a fantastic feast from the BBQ and beer from the bar. Phil and “The Stig” are leading the way with the BBQ, but club members are needed to assist with cooking so please put yourself forwards to help out! There is also an opportunity to paddle in both open boats and kayaks before the BBQ takes place. If you can assist with moving boats to the Lake, please come forwards so we can organise the movement of boats and equipment! May 2015 t BCC Facilities and Equipment Officer Rob Harris—aka “The Stig” Last month, we found out about Chairman Phil. This week, it is the turn of Rob or as he is more widely known “The Stig”. Rob has been the Facilities and Equipment officer for a number of years and has been an active committee member. As an experienced and accomplished paddler, Rob is an expert kayaker and open boater taking on most river features at ease and never managing to leave his boat (well nearly never!). More recently, Rob is working on a project to re-organize and modernize the storage within The Den to make boats and kit more accessible and useable. With new racking systems soon to be installed, Rob will be keen for all club members to play an active role in keeping The Den clean, tidy and in a useable condition. When not watching Crystal Palace FC play on a weekend, Rob is a regular on club trips both in the UK and abroad and can be seen leading groups of club members down the river. When asking around for information about “The Stig”, some say that is favorite river is The Dee in North Wales. However, most who know him doubt this quote as we all know Rob would rather be in Scotland or France! London Youth Games Training Sessions at Chipstead Sailing Club Preparations are being made for this years London Youth Games kayak sprint and slalom events. The event is taking place on Saturday 6th June at The Regatta Centre in East London. To prepare for the event, youth members are encourage to take part in t h e training s e s sions t h a t a r e London Youth Game Team! taking place both at the pool on Monday nights and at Chipstead Sailing Club. Training at Chipstead Lake will take place on the following dates and times: Friday 8th May—6pm onwards Sunday 17th May—3:30pm onwards Friday 22nd onwards May—6pm Friday 29th onwards May—6pm Sunday 31st onwards May—3pm All youth members are welcome to come down and take part in the training sessions. Also, we are looking for volunteer coaches and drivers who are available to assist with the coaching and moving boats to and from the lake. When the training sessions are taking place, club members are also welcome to come down to Chipstead Sailing Club for general paddling on the lake. If you have never paddled at Chipstead lake, it is a fantastic venue for practicing skills and exploring the different areas of the lake. Also, at the end of the evening, the local pub serves a fantastic pint of Harveys Best bitter and a great pub dinner! Page 3 BCC and Chipstead Sailing Club “Vision” Bromley Canoe Club Meet at West Wickham Pools every Monday from 8 to 10pm (except Bank Holidays) For more information, check out the website and Facebook pages to keep update! www.bromleycanoe As part of the development of the relationship between Bromley Canoe Club and Chipstead Sailing Club, the Executive Committee has put together a “Vision” to identify what we as a club want to get out of the annual agreement with Chipstead SC. Tony Manning and other committee members have been the active link between the two clubs. However, as a club the following Vision has been proposed: BCC has aspirations for the use of Chipstead Lake and the facilities of Chipstead Sailing Club to increase the opportunities for training and social paddling to club members and new participants to the sport of canoeing and kayaking. BCC also has desire to have long term access to the lake, primarily on Friday evenings and weekends, but also with the option for the use throughout Friday’s especially during summer (June to September) for youth training and development opportunities. This is to further the usage of the lake as the Clubs base for Paddlepower, British Canoeing (BC) 1* and 2* training, Foundation Safety Rescue Training and assessment of each in both canoe and kayak disciplines. The use of the lake would also present opportunity to promote and develop Club Coaches in the provision of training courses and the personal development of Club Coaches. For experienced youth paddlers, the use of the lake would allow the personal development and improvement through training and assessment of kayak sprint and slalom teams for the London Youth Games event on behalf of the London Borough of Bromley. To facilitate BCC increase use of the Lake, the club has the wish to have adequate and appropriate storage for canoes and kayaks, together with ancillary equipment to meet with demand of foregoing objectives. Also, the club would see Chipstead Lake as a base that would provide alternative meeting point in event of the long term closure of West Wickham pools, which would necessitate the re-location of club activities. Also, the venue would serve as a possible alternative storage location in event of having to vacate Sparrows Den and/or the closure of West Wickham pool. In its present day, BCC is a vibrant paddle sports club that has both an active adult and youth membership. The clubs direction is now a multi-displine of white-water kayaking, open boat touring and continuous personal development of club coaches, river leaders and volunteers. Going forwards, BCC must support its volunteer coaches and river leaders and promote new qualifications to sustain its membership growth adult and youth membership and the safe development of the sport. North Wales Trip Report—By Ben Satchell On the 10th of April Bromley Canoe Club headed for North Wales. The majority of those going would be traveling in the evening after work however a small group decided to go up on the Friday morning to get an extra days paddling in. Michael and myself would form one section of this advance party with Roger, Caroline and Brian forming the rest. We set off early in the morning stopping only to pick up a guy named Alex who wanted to do some wild camping in Wales, and to get some breakfast of course. A check of Rainchaises showed that there was no water to be had anywhere but we were not deterred. Once we arrived in Wales we headed for the Tryweryn. Once we had all paid our fees (wink!) we got on the river. This was Michael’s first time down the Upper and I think it caught him a bit by surprise, possibly due to my vague description! However, the run went well and we all made it too the bottom in one piece. We had one more run and then headed to the pub for some excellent burgers. The next day the full group had joined us, however the water had still not turned up, so back to the Tryweryn. We decided to split the group according to what people wanted to do. Some of us would run the upper repeatedly the others would travel all the way down the Upper and the Lower. I was in the group that did the whole river. It was a pleasant paddle and we got to the bottom with no major incidents, though there may have been one or two OBE's. However, when we got to Balla —disaster—I received a message on my phone from Alex to say that his tent had collapsed in the night and all of his kit was wet he was therefore retreating to "the pub in Balla" a rescue mission was undertaken and Alex was found. The next day and the water was still conspicuous by its absence. Once again the group split, one group would head to the Tryweryn once more, the othe group at the insistence of “The Stig” would paddle the mighty Dee—his favorite river. When we got to the Chain Bridge car park there was a small amount of wind. In fact, some of the boats went for a tour of the car park! It was not the day to be in an open boat that's for sure! So, three people got in their opens while the rest of us used kayaks. The river was very low, so low that instead of stoppers there where rocks in serpents tail. They still managed to stop Nikki meaning that Tim Hampton had too do a David Hasselhoff style diving rescue! Alan also had a small bit of trouble on this feature so after two attempts we paddled on. The rest of the river was negotiated with no problems however at the end there wasn't enough water to run town falls - much to my disappointment. Once we were off the river, in true Bromley Canoe Club fashion, the rain finally came. We quickly changed and went to the cafe where we met up with Mr. and Mrs. Penguin, Alan's parents. We had some tea and cheese chips then headed for home.
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