Brookings FC League Program: Brookings FC League offers programs for U5-High School age players. Brookings FC Leagues are designed to teach young players soccer by playing the game itself, which is widely regarded as "the best teacher". The number of players, size of fields, use of goalkeepers, and modification of other rules (e.g.Offsides Rule) is done at various groups to create a more conducive environment for player development. Brookings FC League programming adheres closely to the recommendations made by US Youth Soccer (USYSA), US Soccer Federation (USSF) and the National Soccer Coaches Association (NSCAA). Teams are coached by volunteer coaches and each age group is overseen by an Age Group Coordinator as well as the club's Technical Director. Teams do not travel and play in town once or twice a week depending on the age group. Fall League - U6-U12 and U13-14 (3v3) Winter League - High School players Spring League - U6-U12 players Summer League - U13-18 (3v3) players Brookings FC Competitive Program: Brookings FC Competitive offers programs for U9-High School age players. The focus of the Competitive program is creating a quality training environment where players are guided to learn and master the technical demands needed to play the game of soccer at a higher level. All players signing up for the Competitive program will receive: ·∙ Training sessions delivered by trained coaches. ·∙ Offered events (tournaments, Champions League, arranged friendlies, etc) to attend. ·∙ With the exception of our home tournaments, events are not included in the cost of the program and there will be an additional fee to attend each offered event. ·∙ Participation in the Competitive program does not require you to attend any tournaments or events. ·∙ Player development curriculum appropriate for each age group, developed by the BFC Technical Director and Age Group Coordinators. ·∙ Assuming that player participates in League programming, however, not required but highly recommended. The training sessions will be scheduled by the age group's team manager and will take place late Fall thru mid-July. The majority of the training sessions will be scheduled in the winter and the summer. Important Upcoming Dates: April - Registration going on NOW for 2015 Summer Competitive April 20 - Deadline to register for U13-U18 3v3 Summer League May - Look for U5-U8 Summer Skills Announcement June 14-July 30 - Register for the 2015 U5-U14 Fall League July 17-19, 2015 - Fishback Classic Soccer Tournament Register ONLINE at Our mission is to ensure that the youth of Brookings and surrounding areas are provided opportunities to develop and nurture soccer skills, as well as have an enjoyable and satisfying experience for all involved in the program. Brookings FC offers the U5/6 and U7/8 players the following programs: BFC League and BFC Skills School. Brookings FC offers the U9/10 and U11/12 players the following programs: BFC League, BFC Competitive, BFC Academy. BFC League The BFC League program holds games twice a week; once on a weeknight and once on Saturday mornings. We offer two League seasons; Fall and Spring. Fall League - The 2015 Fall League will run from September 8 - October 19th. The fee for the 2015 Fall League is $50 per player. Fall Registration dates run between June 14-July 31. Online registration is preferred. Spring League - Typically runs April - May. BFC League The BFC League program holds games twice a week; once on a weeknight and once on Saturday mornings. We offer two League seasons; Fall and Spring. Fall League - The 2015 Fall League will run from September 8 - October 19th. The fee for the 2015 Fall League is $50 per player. Fall Registration dates run between June 14-July 31. Online registration is preferred. Spring League - Typically runs April - May. BFC Skills School BFC Skills School offers two Skills School sessions; Winter and Summer Skills. Winter Skills - Typically runs for 6 weeks starting at the end of January. Summer Skills - Typically runs for 6 weeks starting in June. The purpose of the skills sessions is to engage players and develop a love and passion for the game of soccer. Skills taught will include: mastering the ball, dribbling, juggling, receiving, and striking the ball. Training sessions coordinated by Kelli Herman; current BFC Age Group Coordinator for U6, U8, and U10 boys and girls and former SDSU soccer player. BFC Competitive & U11/12 Academy The BFC Competitive program is broken into three sessions; Outdoor Only, Indoor/Outdoor, and Indoor Only. Competitive teams typically train once a week and travel to area tournaments. Outdoor Only - Runs April - July. Registration is still open for this summer! Indoor/Outdoor - Runs November - July. Indoor Only- Runs November - March. Please check out for the current Age Matrix to find out which age level your child falls under. You can also email our administrator ( to help you with our Age Matrix and with any other registration questions you may have. AGE GROUP COORDINATORS Age Group Coordinators are here to help answer any of your questions or concerns. U5-U10 Boys and Girls - Kelli Herman, U11-U18 Boys - Erin Kasmarik, U11-U18 Girls - Brock Thompson, Check out our website at for more details on everything bfc offers. U11/12 Academy Academy players will be selected from registered U11/12 players in the BFC Competitive teams. This group of players will have extra trainings and attend an extra tournament. Brookings FC offers U13/14 and High School aged players the following programs: BFC League, BFC Competitive, & Select. BFC League - offers players three seasons: Fall U13/14 3V3, High School Winter League, and Summer U13/18 3V3. BFC Competitive - offered to the U13/14 players. BFC/WYSA Select - offered to U15 and older and is a try-out based program combined with Watertown Youth Soccer Association. Follow Brookings Futbol Club on Facebook and Twitter.
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