BROOKLYN NAVY YARD DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR PROFESSIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING SERVICES 1 BROOKLYN NAVY YARD DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR PROFESSIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING SERVICES I. INTRODUCTION A. Invitation The Brooklyn Navy Yard Development Corporation (BNYDC) is seeking to retain a consulting firm experienced in providing a full array of environmental planning, permitting, investigatory/remedial consulting and emergency management services including environmental fact finding, analysis, management and emergency management services, design and specifications development, capital and expense budgeting and management services, contract preparation and administration, capital management and reporting, program and construction management and other services related to BNYDC’s FEMA funded, Capital and Facilities Management Programs. The selected firm will be required to perform the requisite program development and emergency program response on an on-call basis including: planned and emergency remediation, investigations and remedial designs, emergency clean-up response, development of construction documents, preparation of related Permit Application(s), and participation in the Bid, Award, and Construction Phases of FEMA funded, Capital and Facilities Management Projects. The selected firm will be required to enter into three separate consulting contracts: one for FEMA funded environmental projects, a second for Capital projects, and a third for Facilities Management Expense projects. The scope of work of individual projects included within the consulting contracts will be structured to conform to the funding schedule for the respective Project. All work that is undertaken must be performed with minimal disruption to existing tenants and in a manner that minimizes the potential for damage within a specific Project area. Your firm is invited to submit a proposal for undertaking the services described in this Request for Proposal (RFP). Women and minority owned businesses (MWBE’s) are encouraged to respond. Proposers must identify in the Proposal whether any proposed sub-consultants are either LBE’s or MWBE’s. B. Background/Site Description The Brooklyn Navy Yard occupies Block 2023, Lots 1, 50 and 150. It is predominantly within a M3-1 zoning district that permits both heavy and light manufacturing. BNYDC is a not-forprofit corporation whose mission is to improve the economic potential of Brooklyn by developing and maintaining the former naval shipbuilding facility as a center for small and 2 medium sized businesses on behalf of its owner, the City of New York. The 300-acre site, bounded by the East River, Navy Street, Flushing Avenue, and Kent Avenue, includes six dry docks, five piers, and significant lengths of bulkhead. This RFP focuses on environmental services that may be needed for projects throughout all areas of the Yard. A site map of the yard is attached for your information. NAVY YARD MAP Figure 1 II. SCOPE OF WORK The Project will be divided into three components based on the type of work. Individual projects will require the consultant to secure sub-contracts with other service providers for laboratory testing, sampling and analysis, environmental clean-up services, transformer removal services, material identification and disposal, and etc. The basic components of the Project include: FEMA funded projects, NY City and BNYDC funded Capital Projects, Facilities Management Projects at BNYDC’s sole discretion: 3 A. Tasks that could be included in the contract as FEMA funded Projects include: • Assisting with design and specification development • Development of Environmental Assessments • Contract Administration Services • Construction Management Services • Emergency Services including responses to incidents such as: a. Fire b. Flood c. Pestilence d. Storage e. Spills and/or releases of hazardous materials and/or wastes f. Any other incidents deemed by the President to require emergency services • Voluntary Clean-up Agreement/Notifications • Preparation of individual Project Scopes • Engineering/Preparation of Construction Documents • Procurement and Project Management • Construction Supervision • Invoicing (NYCSBS/NYCDOS) • Response to Incidents during Building and/or Structural Rehabilitation Projects • Environmental Investigations • NY State DEC Coordination • Hazardous Waste Management (RCRA) a. Manifest Tracking b. Tax & Finance Reporting c. Annual Hazardous Waste Reporting d. Biannual Fee Reporting e. Quarterly Hazardous Waste Reporting • Hazardous Material Transportation (USDOT) a. Hazardous Material Transportation Reports b. Hazardous Material Program Fee(s) Annual/Triennial Reports • Emergency Planning Committee Right TO Know (SARA) 4 a. Material Safety Data Sheet preparation b. Tracking RTK Assessment Fee Program Reporting • PCB Transformer Management (TSCA) a. Disposal/Certificates of Destruction/Regulated Transformer & Oil Reports b. Spill Cleanup Documentation c. Disposal Reporting to NYCDEP (as needed) B. Tasks that could be included in the contract as BNYDC (or NYC) funded Capital Projects include: • Assisting with design and specification development • Development of Environmental Assessments and/or Environmental Impact Statements • Contract Administration Services • Construction Management Services • Emergency Services including responses to incidents such as: a. Fire b. Flood c. Pestilence d. Storage e. Spills and/or releases of hazardous materials and/or wastes f. Any other incidents deemed by the President to require emergency services • Voluntary Clean-up Agreement/Notifications • Preparation of individual Project Scopes • Engineering/Preparation of Construction Documents • Procurement and Project Management • Construction Supervision • Invoicing (NYCSBS/NYCDOS) • Response to Incidents during Building and/or Structural Rehabilitation Projects • Recycling Program Development • Environmental Investigations • Dredging/Planning, Investigation and Implementation • NY State DEC Coordination 5 • Hazardous Waste Management (RCRA) a. Manifest Tracking b. Tax & Finance Reporting c. Annual Hazardous Waste Reporting d. Biannual Fee Reporting e. Quarterly Hazardous Waste Reporting • Hazardous Material Transportation (USDOT) a. Hazardous Material Transportation Reports b. Hazardous Material Program Fee(s) Annual/Triennial Reports • Emergency Planning Committee Right TO Know (SARA) a. Material Safety Data Sheet preparation b. Tracking RTK Assessment Fee Program Reporting • Industrial Boiler Permitting (CAA) a. State Facility Permit for Small Industrial Boilers/Title V (CCA) b. Air Emissions Tracking Reports c. Oxides of Nitrogen Tracking Reports d. Emissions Tracking • PCB Transformer Management (TSCA) a. Disposal/Certificates of Destruction/Regulated Transformer & Oil Reports b. Spill Cleanup Documentation c. Disposal Reporting to NYCDEP (as needed) C. Tasks that could be included in the contract as Facilities Management Projects are: • • • • Acquisition and maintenance of environmental permits for air, water, sewer, underground and aboveground storage tanks for BNYDC. Provision of assistance to BNYDC with operations of existing or proposed tenants. Provision of assistance in maintaining existing permits and filings for air, water, sewer, hazardous materials and wastes. Emergency Services including responses to incidents such as: a. Fire b. Flood c. Pestilence d. Storage e. Spills and/or releases of hazardous materials and/or wastes f. Any other incidents deemed by the President to require emergency services • Bulk Petroleum Storage Management • Underground Storage Tank management a. Response to regulatory reporting requirements b. Building #74 – 1,200 and 2,000 gallons (Gasoline) c. Registration, Inventory record keeping, Corrosion Protection testing, Monitoring Equipment and Tightness Tests 6 d. Physical Inspection – Annual, 5-Years (Tightness Testing) • Aboveground Storage Tanks a. Response to regulatory reporting requirements b. Building #594 - 3 x 5.000 gallons (Diesel - Monthly - Inspection) c. Building #41A - 2 x 12.5000 gallons (No.2 Fuel Oil 1 x 15.000 gallons (No.2 Fuel Oil) d. Building #270 - 1 x 7,000 gallons (No. 2 Fuel Oil) • Review of Tenant Spill Prevention Countermeasure Control Plans (RCRA) • Inspections – Transformers, Underground Storage Tanks and Aboveground Storage Tanks, Inventory Control and Monitoring, Tracking • Voluntary Clean-up Agreement/Notifications • Environmental Impact Statements • Preparation of Individual Project Scopes • Engineering/Preparation of Construction Documents • Procurement and Project Management • Construction Supervision/Oversight • Buildings and Structural Rehabilitation Review • Hazardous Materials Management • Recycling Programs • Environmental Investigations (Property Management) • NY State DEC Coordination • Hazardous Waste Management (RCRA) a. Manifest Tracking b. Tax & Finance Reporting c. Annual Hazardous Waste Reporting d. Biannual Fee Reporting e. Quarterly Hazardous Waste Reporting • Hazardous Material Transportation (USDOT) a. Hazardous Material Transportation Reports b. Hazardous Material Program Fee(s) Annual/Triennial Reports • Emergency Planning Committee Right TO Know (SARA) a. Material Safety Data Sheet preparation b. Tracking RTK Assessment Fee Program Reporting c. Annual Reporting Requirements 7 • Industrial Boiler Permitting (CAA) a. State Facility Permit for Small Industrial Boilers/Title V (CCA) b. Air Emissions Tracking Reports c. Emissions Tracking d. Annual Reporting and Maintenance of Emission Statements • NYCDEP Bureau of Air Resources - Testing required of all boilers (DEP) Maintenance Logs/Certificate posting. a. Building 542/Substation C - Emergency Generators b. Building #234 Boiler c. Building #41A Boilers Triennial Inspections and Performance d. Building #270 Boiler Tri-annual Certification • PCB Transformer Management (TSCA) a. Rehabilitation/Repairs b. Disposal/Certificates of Destruction/Regulated Transformer & Oil Reports c. Spill Cleanup Documentation d. Disposal Reporting to NYCDEP (as needed) • New Permits a. SPEDES b. Air Permit Information Submission III COST A. Cost of Services BNYDC expects to award up to three contracts to the selected consultant(s) for the services, one for each of the funding sources as listed above. Each contract will be in an amount not to exceed $300,000 and will be valid for a period of three years. BNYDC expects to expend no more than $100,000 per year for each of the three contracts. At BNYDC’s discretion, the time of performance of each contract may be extended for one year to allow for the completion of projects assigned to the Contract or to allow funding allocation to be fully expended. The consultant shall submit a proposed staffing plan as a part of the Technical Proposal which lists all personnel that will be assigned to the project(s) and shall list their respective rates of pay. The staffing plan shall be submitted on the form attached hereto and filled out in its entirety. The staffing plan must be included in the firm’s fee for the services and will be evaluated with the Technical Proposal Evaluation as described in Subsection B. IV. Proposal Evaluation A. Selection Process 8 1. 2. Selection Process: A BNYDC evaluation committee, will review, evaluate and score all proposals. The selection of the consultant will be based upon an evaluation of the following: a. Familiarity with the proposed services; b. Related experience in providing environmental services on projects of similar scope, purpose, size and complexity; c. Management Plan and approach to providing services on the project; d. Firm's general organization and experience; specifically, prior experience with public sector clients; e. Qualifications and relevant experience of Principal and staff assigned to project; f. Experience of any sub-consultants; and g. References from Clients on completed projects of similar scope and complexity. Selection: Upon selection, the successful proposer shall execute a Consultant Services Contract substantially in the form as attached hereto. The contents of the selected proposal, together with this RFP and any formal questions and answers provided during the proposal process, will be incorporated into the final contract at BNYDC's discretion. A BNYDC Evaluation Committee will evaluate all proposals submitted in accordance with the requirements of this RFP. The Committee will review, evaluate and numerically score all Technical Proposals in accordance with established qualitative and quantitative criteria (see Subsection B below and Section V). This evaluation and scoring will determine the proposer’s Technical Rating. Some proposers may be invited for interviews for the purpose of clarifying their Technical Proposals, after which their Technical Ratings will be reviewed. Proposers will be ranked in accordance with the Total Evaluation Score. B. Technical Proposal Evaluation Criteria The Technical Proposal evaluation criteria will be as follows: 1. Proposed concept/approach for delivery of prescribed services; 9 2. Firm’s conceptual understanding of the proposed Project, adequacy of the technical proposal, and conveyed knowledge of the rules and regulations governing environmental investigations, design, and permitting in the City/State of New York and all other provisions of this RFP; 3. Project-related experience especially with environmental investigations and provision of environmental services; 4. Principal and Project Manager's Qualifications; 5. Firm's general organization, experience and staff to be assigned to the Project; 6. Experience of proposed staff that will be assigned the project; especially with providing on-call services. 7. Experience with MWBE contracting; 8. Staffing cost for the provision of the described environmental services. Each of the above evaluation criteria is weighted by a factor of importance that will remain confidential. C. Fee The Proposer determined by BNYDC to have the best combination of Total Technical Score and Fee will be offered the Project. D. Selection Upon selection, the successful proposer must execute a Contract for Consultant Services substantially in the form as attached hereto. The contents of the selected proposal, together with this RFP and any formal questions and answers provided during the proposal process, may be incorporated into the final contract at BNYDC's discretion. V. PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS A. Proposal Subdivisions Each consultant responding to this request shall submit by the submission deadline date two sealed packages containing the following items: 1. Technical Proposal: The Technical Proposal shall be submitted in a separate sealed package and shall include the information outlined in Subsection B below. The technical proposal shall not include any fee or other consultant costs required for the performance of the project. The 10 Technical Proposal shall also contain a Time Proposal for completion of discrete components of the Project. 2. B. Fee Proposal: The Fee Proposal, as described in Subsection C below, shall be submitted in a separate sealed package. Technical Proposal Each Technical Proposal must contain the following information: 1. Cover Letter The cover letter should summarize the respondent’s understanding of the Project, and ability to provide the services required for the Project. The cover letter must also include the company name and address, and the name, address telephone number and e-mail address of the person authorized to represent the responding firm. 2. 3. Previous Experience: a) The firm’s brochure; b) Documentation of the firm’s experience in providing consulting services to clients with projects similar in size, cost and/or type. For each project, identify the design duration and a client reference with phone numbers; c) Indication of the proposed Principal-in-Charge and the project manager for the subject project; d) Minimum of three client references for projects most relevant to this submission that were completed within the past five years. Provide name, telephone number and e-mail for each reference. Project Team: Provide an organizational chart and qualifications of the proposed project team including any sub-consultants. Include resumes for the proposed Principal-inCharge, Project Manager and key staff for the respondent’s firm as well as all sub-consultants, highlighting relevant qualifications. Any changes to the project team subsequent to the submittal of the Proposal must meet with BNYDC’s approval. 4. Schedule Provide a statement of availability of the proposed team that will be assigned to complete the services under this contract. 11 5. Additional Requirements a) b) c) C. Signed Declaration of Understanding; Confirmation of VENDEX Compliance Local Law 34 Doing Business Data Form Fee Proposal and Staffing Schedule Proposers must submit a fee for completion of this project in its entirety, including overhead and profit. A staffing schedule, including staff cost, overhead, and profit must also be presented along with the fee schedule. The consultants staffing schedule of hourly rates and the fee for work on the project must include: the hourly rate at each salary level, overhead and profit multiplier used and the product of Direct Total Labor (DTL) times the multiplier for each employee to be assigned to the project. Note: Principals are not entitled to a multiplier. All Subconsultants must also submit a complete fee and staffing schedule in the same form that is required of the prime consultant. VI. ADMINISTRATION AND CONDITIONS A. Administration 1. Submission Deadline: a) Proposers shall deliver six (6) hard copies of the Technical Proposal plus any attachments, exhibits or appendices, one (1) PDF version of the Proposal and one (1) hard copy of the Fee Proposal form on or before 12:00 noon, May 28, 2015. Any Proposal received after the deadline will be considered for evaluation solely at the discretion of BNYDC. b) The proposals shall be delivered to: James Corley Jr., Vice President Construction Management Brooklyn Navy Yard Development Corporation Building 292, 3rd Floor 63 Flushing Avenue, Unit 300 Brooklyn, N.Y. 11205 3. Inquiries: Any explanation desired by proposer regarding the meaning or interpretation of this RFP must be requested in writing and received by BNYDC no later than one week prior to submission date. BNYDC will evaluate the need to respond to inquiries, and, in general, no oral responses will be provided, and any information given to a prospective propose will be furnished to all prospective proposers as an addendum to the RFP. Except as provided below, all questions must be directed ONLY to: 12 James Corley Jr., Vice President Construction Management Brooklyn Navy Yard Development Corporation Brooklyn Navy Yard Development Corporation Building 292, 3rd Floor 63 Flushing Avenue, Unit 300 Brooklyn, N.Y. 11205 Tel: (718) 907-5942 e-mail: 3. Pre-Submission Conference: A MANDATORY Pre-Submission Conference will be held at 11:00 a.m. on May 7, 2015 at the above address. Any firm that fails to attend the conference will not be permitted to submit a Proposal. B. 4. Addenda: Receipt of an addendum to this RFP by a proposer must be acknowledged by attaching a signed copy of the addendum to the proposal. All addenda shall become a part of the requirements for this RFP. 5. RFP Schedule: The following is the estimated timetable for receipt, evaluation, and selection of proposals. This is only an estimate and is provided to assist responding firms in planning. a) Mandatory Pre-submission Conference: May 7, 2015, 11:00 a.m. b) Proposal Submission Deadline: May 28, 2015, 12:00 noon. c) Select Consultant within 4 weeks of Submission Deadline. d) Complete Contract processing within thirty (30) days from date of Consultant selection, pending VENDEX approval. e) Commence work immediately upon Contract signing. Conditions of Proposal Submissions 1. Non-binding Acceptance of Proposals: This RFP does not commit BNYDC to award a contract for any services. 2. Incurring Proposal Costs: BNYDC is not liable for any costs incurred in the preparation of a response to this RFP. 13 3. Modifications: Proposers may be asked to make such revisions, additions, or deletions to their proposals as may be required by BNYDC. 4. 5. Reserved Rights: All proposal material submitted becomes the property of BNYDC; BNYDC reserves the right at its sole discretion to: a) Reject any and all proposals received in response to this RFP at any time prior to signing of the Contract; b) Award a contract to other than the lowest fee proposer; c) Waive, modify or correct any irregularities in proposals received, after notification to the respondent; d) Change the structure of the proposed fee, if such is in the interest of BNYDC; e) Negotiate the final scope, staff participation, and fee before entering into contract with successful respondent; f) Revise the fee as BNYDC may require subsequent to receipt of a competitively bid proposal for the work of construction; g) Extend the time for submission of all proposals after notification to all prospective proposers; h) Terminate negotiations with a selected respondent and select the next most responsive respondent, or take such other action as deemed appropriate if negotiations fail to result in a signed contract within a reasonable amount of time from the commencement of negotiations; i) Terminate or modify the RFP process at any time and reissue the RFP; j) Approve or reject any sub-consultants proposed by the consultant; and k) Request a change of any sub-consultant at any time in the contract process. Contractual Requirements: a) Any firm awarded a contract as a result of this RFP will be required to sign a contract substantially in the form as attached hereto. 14 b) Any information which may have been released verbally or in writing prior to the issuance of the RFP shall be deemed preliminary in nature and bind neither BNYDC nor the respondent. c) Any firm awarded a contract as a result of this RFP will be required to obtain clearance through the City’s Vendor Information Exchange System (VENDEX). Since VENDEX clearance is a pre-requisite to BNYDC’s award of a contract, Proposers are urged to submit a completed VENDEX form to the Mayor’s Office of Contract Services prior to submitting their response to this RFP. d) Notice to Vendors: Pursuant to Local Law 34 of 2007, amending the City's Campaign Finance Law, the City is required to establish a computerized database containing the names of any "person" that has "business dealings with the city" as such terms are defined in the Local Law. In order for the City to obtain necessary information to establish the required database, vendors responding to this solicitation are required to complete the attached Doing Business Data Form and return it with this proposal. (If the responding vendor is a proposed joint venture, the entities that comprise the proposed joint venture must each complete a Data Form.) If the City determines that a vendor has failed to submit a Data Form or has submitted a Data Form that is not complete, the vendor will be notified by the agency and will be given four (4) calendar days from receipt of notification to cure the specified deficiencies and return a complete Data Form to the agency. Failure to do so will result in a determination that the proposal is non-responsive. Receipt of notification is defined as the day notice is e-mailed or faxed (if the vendor has provided an e-mail address or fax number), or no later than five (5) days from the date of mailing or upon delivery, if delivered. Required form attached hereto. 15 PROFESSIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING SERVICES TECHNICAL PROPOSAL - FORM FOR STAFFING PLAN Submission: The proposer shall submit this form as part of its Technical Proposal. Staffing Plan: The proposer shall submit a Staffing Plan for the Project. In the space provided below, the proposer shall identify the following: (1) Project Executive, (2) Key Management Personnel, and (3) other Project Management Personnel Engineering and Scientific Staff. The Staffing Plan shall only include personnel involved in the performance of environmental project management services. It shall not include home office personnel or personnel performing home office functions. Home office personnel and/or personnel performing home office functions shall be included as the proposer’s overhead portion of the fee. Transportation for all staff from a proposers home office to the Brooklyn Navy Yard shall also be included in proposer’s overhead portion of the fee. Resumes: For all personnel included in the Staffing Plan, the proposer shall submit resumes detailing managerial arid technical qualifications, as well as experience with similar projects. Project Executive: The proposer shall identify the Project Executive. The Project Executive shall serve as the Contractor’s principal representative with respect to its obligations under this contract. The Project Executive shall be responsible for providing, on an as needed basis, executive or management expertise and oversight with respect to the Project. Project Executive: ________________________ Key Project Management Personnel: The proposer shall identify Key Project Management (PM) Personnel for the Project. This means the team of specific PM personnel determined by the proposer to be necessary for successful completion of the Project. Key PM Personnel shall provide services for the entire duration of the Project (Investigatory and Management/Implementation Phases). The proposer may add additional lines if necessary. Key Project Management Personnel: Title: Name: Fringe/%: Rate/Hour: Project Manager _________________________ ________ ___________ Assistant Project Manager _________________________ ________ ___________ ______________________ _________________________ ________ ___________ ______________________ _________________________ ________ ___________ ______________________ _________________________ ________ ___________ ______________________ _________________________ ________ ___________ ______________________ _________________________ ________ ___________ ______________________ _________________________ ________ ___________ ______________________ _________________________ ________ ___________ 16 Other Project Management Personnel: The proposer shall identify other Project Management (PM) Personnel for the Project. This means PM personnel who will provide services that are supportive or ancillary to the services provided by the Key PM Personnel. The proposer may add additional lines if necessary. Other Project Management Personnel: Title: Name: Fringe/%: Rate/Hour: ______________________ _________________________ ________ ___________ ______________________ _________________________ ________ ___________ ______________________ _________________________ ________ ___________ ______________________ _________________________ ________ ___________ ______________________ _________________________ ________ ___________ ______________________ _________________________ ________ ___________ ______________________ _________________________ ________ ___________ Certification By signing in the space provided below, the proposer certifies that (1) the individuals proposed as Key PM Personnel are currently employed by the proposer and (2) if an award of contract is made to the proposer, it will assign such individuals to the Project as Key PM Personnel for the entire duration thereof. The proposer understands that if an award of contract is made, BNYDC was induced to make such award based upon the proposer’s certification that it will assign to the Project the individuals proposed as Key PM Personnel. The proposer further understands that failure to provide such individuals, as Key CM Personnel shall be considered a material breach of the Contract and grounds for termination for cause. If the proposer is unable to make the certification set forth above, it shall attach a signed statement indicating why it is unable to make the certification. Submitted by: Authorized Signature, Title Date Consultant Firm Business Address City State Telephone Number Zip Fax Number Federal Tax Identification Number 17 DECLARATION OF UNDERSTANDING By signing in the space provided below, the undersigned certifies that the respondent (i) has read and understands the scope and requirements of this project, as described in the RFP and all attachments; (ii) has the capacity to execute this project, (iii) agrees to accept payment in accordance with the requirements of this RFP and the standard Contract, attached hereto, and (iv) will, if its proposal is accepted, enter into the attached Contract with the Brooklyn Navy Yard Development Corporation. The undersigned further stipulates that the information in his Proposal is, to the best of his/her knowledge, true and accurate. Authorized Signature, Title Date Print Name, Title Consultant Firm Business Address City State Telephone Number Zip Fax Number Federal Tax Identification Number [ ] Corporation [ ] Partnership [ ] Individual [ ] Other (State) (Seal, if a Corporation) 18 CONFIRMATION OF VENDEX COMPLIANCE The Proposer shall submit this Confirmation of Vendex Compliance Name of Proposer: _______________________________________________ Proposer’s Address: ______________________________________________ Proposer’s Telephone Number: ____________________________________ Proposer’s Fax Number: __________________________________________ Date of Proposal Submission: _____________________________________ Project ID: ______________________________________________________ VENDEX Compliance: To demonstrate compliance with VENDEX requirements, the Proposer shall complete either Section (1) or Section (2) below, whichever applies. (1) Submission of Questionnaires to MOCS: By signing in the space provided below, the Proposer certifies that as of the date specified below, the Proposer has submitted VENDEX Questionnaires to the Mayor’s Office of Contract Services, Attn: VENDEX, 253 Broadway, 9th Floor, New York, New York 10007. Date of Submission: _______________________________________________ By: _____________________________________________________________ (Signature of Partner or corporate officer) Print Name: _____________________________________________________ (2) Submission of Certification of No Change to BNYDC: By signing in the space provided below, the Proposer certifies that they have read the instructions in a “Vendor’s Guide to VENDEX” and that such instructions do not require the Proposer to submit VENDEX Questionnaires. The Proposer has completed TWO ORIGINALS of the Certification of No Change. By: _____________________________________________________ (Signature of Partner or corporate officer) Print Name: ____________________________________________ 19 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR PROFESSIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING SERVICES FEE PROPOSAL FORM Environmental On-Call Services $______________ (______%) (Multiplier) $ ________________ (TOTAL COST) Submitted by: Authorized Signature, Title Date Consultant Firm Business Address City State Zip Telephone Number Fax Number Federal Tax Identification Number 20 APPENDIX B SCOPE OF SERVICES As manager and operator of the Brooklyn Navy Yard Industrial Park, BNYDC must be consistently prepared to provide a full array of environmental consulting and investigatory services including environmental fact finding, analysis, management and emergency management services, design and specifications development, capital and expense budgeting and management services, contract preparation and administration, capital management and reporting, program and construction management and other services related to BNYDC’s Capital, Facilities Management and FEMA funded Programs at all times. We will therefore enter into three contracts with an Environmental Consulting Firm to perform the requisite program management and development services on an on-call basis including: investigations and designs, development of construction documents, preparation of required Permit Application(s), and participation in the Bid, Award, and Construction Phases of Capital, Facilities Management and FEMA Projects. The scope of work of individual projects that will become subject within the consulting contract will be structured to conform to the funding schedule for the respective Project. All work that is undertaken must be performed with minimal disruption to existing tenants and in a manner that minimizes the potential for damage within a specific Project area. The individual assignments within the project work shall include the following phases: (1) Proposal (defining, identifying and quantifying the work), (2) Programming and Design (investigation, reporting and work plan preparation), (3) Permitting (negotiations with regulatory authorities), and (4) Construction (implementation and oversight of the work plan) for each component of the Project. I PROPOSAL PHASE A. Submission Requirements Each consultant shall submit his/her proposal indicating the approach to be followed in responding to the provision of environmental on-call services. The submission shall consider the objectives and conditions indicated in the RFP and the following Subsections and demonstrate an understanding of BNYDC’s Project objectives. The proposal shall be submitted in a descriptive manner and may include exhibits and examples describing the proposer’s successful approach to providing environmental services. B. Basic Objective 21 The basic objective of the Project is to achieve the most cost effective manner of providing the services under the above stipulations. While we are certain that this objective is achievable, we are looking to retain a firm with a proven track record of success that will complete the required tasks in the most efficient and economical means possible. BNYDC is seeking the services of an experienced environmental consulting firm with extensive experience with current state of the art processes for identifying and solving environmental problems in an active multi-tenanted industrial/office park, which includes any necessary sub-consultant(s) who represent excellence in design, state of the art engineering, technology and chemical/materials identification. The services needed for the Project will require consulting services that will extend from individual conceptual design and programming, through completion of construction for various Navy Yard Projects on an as needed basis. The Environmental Team shall be multi-disciplinary, as required to perform all of the scientific/engineering, programming, environmental, permitting, and other ancillary services necessary to complete individual Projects. Each Project will be broken into four major phases to conform to the timing of BNYDC’s budget allocation for the work. The contracts within each phase will be developed, packaged and bid to prevent disruption of tenant activities as much as possible during implementation of the Project. In each instance, BNYDC will work with the consultant to develop a program and work schedule that accomplishes this goal. C. Cost of the Project Work Costs of individual services to complete components within the Project shall be included in the proposal, which shall include all staff, overhead, and estimated reimbursable costs. The fee for provision of services shall be fully defined as required. D. Funding Project funding will be a combination of BNYDC operating and capital funding, and may include various New York City, New York State and Federal funding sources on a project-by-project basis. The budget for the Services is $300,000 per year; $100,000 for each of the three contracts. E. MWBE Participation Women and Minority Owned Businesses (MWBE’s) are encouraged to respond. Pursuant to Local Law 129, respondents must identify whether the proposer or any proposed sub-consultants are MWBE’s in the proposal. II. Definitions The following words shall have the following corresponding meanings: 22 “Agencies” means PDC, BBPO, DSBS, DCP, DEP, DPR, DOB, NYCDOT, NYSDOS, NYFD, DOS, NYSDEC, and any other Agencies, bureaus, departments, offices, or other discreet entities of the City, New York State or the United States which have jurisdiction over any activities carried out in respect of the Services and/or the Project and the Brooklyn Community Board #2 which has an advisory role “Borough” means The Borough of Brooklyn ”BBPO” means The Office of the Brooklyn Borough President “CEQR” means City Environmental Quality Review “DCP” means The New York City Department of City Planning “DEP” means The New York City Department of Environmental Protection “DOS” means The New York City Department of Sanitation “DPR” means The New York City Department of Parks and Recreation “DSBS” means The New York City Department of Small Business Services “EAS” means Environmental Assessment Survey “DOB” means The New York City Department of Buildings “DEIS and FEIS” means Draft and Final Environmental Impact Statement “FDNY” means Fire Department of New York “Notice to Proceed” means Notice from the BNYDC to the Consultant to proceed with the Services “NEPA” means National Environmental Protection Act 23 ”NYSDEC” means The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. “NYCDOT” means The Department of Transportation of the City of New York. “NYSDOS” means The New York State Department of State “The Project” means Environmental Consulting Services “PDC” means The Public Design Commission of the City of New York ”Reporting Period” means The thirty (30) day period following the Commencement Date and each thirty (30) day period thereafter during the term of the contract, for which period the Consultant shall report to the Corporation on the status of the Project “Schedule” means The detailed Project Schedule. “Utilities” means Any and all private or public utilities affected by, or otherwise interested in, the Project. “ULURP” III. means Uniform Land Use Review Procedure. General Administrative Requirements A. Meetings and Correspondence 1. The Consultant shall initiate, and function as coordinator for, all meetings required in the performance of the Services and shall provide necessary data and prepare appropriate presentations for these meetings. 2. The Consultant and design team shall be available to meet with BNYDC, DSBS, NYSDEC, USACE, NYSDOS, Community Board, PDC and other involved agencies as often as is necessary to effectively perform the Services. 3. The Consultant shall manage the consulting team and coordinate the activities of all engineers/scientists, technicians, experts or advisors (the “subconsultants”) engaged by the Consultant to perform some portion of the Services. 4. The Consultant shall provide continuous liaison with BNYDC and, at the direction of BNYDC, initiate and coordinate contacts among the various 24 City and other public Agencies, private utilities and other interested groups. The Consultant shall prepare, coordinate approval of and distribute all reports, minutes of meetings, correspondence, and related materials, as required in the performance of the Services or as directed by BNYDC. The minutes of meetings are to be formatted with the inclusion of columns labeled “Action Required by” and “Due Date,” noting the firm/agency and person required to perform an action and the date that the action must be performed by for each item listed. The minutes are to be forwarded to BNYDC for review no later than two (2) working days after the meeting. The BNYDC’s comments are to be incorporated and final minutes are to be distributed within two (2) working days to all meeting attendees. B. Scheduling and Project Management 1. 2. Upon receipt of the Notice to Proceed, the Consultant shall be prepared to submit to BNYDC, for approval, a detailed Work Plan (the “Work Plan”) for the identified component Services that are required in connection with the Project. The Work Plan shall include a bar chart schedule showing the planned progress of the project component. The Work Plan shall include, but not be limited to, the following: a. a detailed listing of all Tasks, sub-tasks, including approvals and submittals, and milestones required in connection with the Project; b. the time necessary to complete the various Tasks, sub-tasks, including approvals and submittals, and milestones; c. projected completion/target dates for all required Services; d. the interrelationship and dependency of the various elements of the Work Plan; and e. all Contract times. The Consultant shall submit monthly progress reports (the “Progress Report”) to BNYDC. On the date which is one month after the Commencement Date, and every month thereafter (each such month long period being a “Reporting Period”), the Consultant shall analyze the Project’s progress as it relates to the approved work plan and shall file with BNYDC a Progress Report based on this analysis. The Progress Report and documentation shall be submitted to BNYDC, for approval, no later than two (2) working days following the close of the Reporting Period. The report shall include, but not be limited to, the following: a. a narrative description of the Services performed during the Reporting Period; 25 3. b. the actual time used for each Task and sub-task of the work plan in relation to the Work Plan prepared as part of B. l. above; c. the reasons for any delays in the targeted completion dates; d. changes in completion/target dates for the required Services; e. the need and justification for any extensions of time; f. a narrative description of the Services projected for the next Reporting Period; g. a revised work plan which reflects the Project’s current status at the end of the Reporting Period; h. activities requiring decision or action by BNYDC and other Agencies or groups shall be clearly indicated; i. copies of Timesheets of all personnel billing time to this project during the Reporting Period shall be included. The Consultant shall obtain and compile all pertinent specifications, laws, rules, ordinances, standards and constraints mandated for the Project by any Agencies or Utilities. All plans and specifications shall conform to the standards and specifications of any such Agencies and Utilities. The Following Specific Requirements pertain to tasks that may be assigned within the Project Scope, especially when certain FEMA, Capital Improvement or Dredging Projects are assigned to the consultant. 4. The Consultant shall plan and design all aspects of the Project with reference to and in conformity with information and data as to existing site lines and grades (or approved changes in legal grade), approved drainage plans, sewers, subsurface structures and conditions and facilities, such as may be furnished by BNYDC or obtained from any Agencies, Utilities and other sources, as well as such information as may be obtained through site inspection of the Project Area and from the Topographical and Utility Surveys and Subsurface Investigation and all other relevant data. It shall be the Consultant’s responsibility to secure all such data as may be required for informed planning and proper coordination of the Project. 26 5. Drawings and specifications (if any) shall not violate Section 348 of the Charter of the City of New York or any provisions of the Administrative Code. In the event that the Consultant recommends a patented article, it shall notify BNYDC in writing of such designated article. 6. The Consultant shall revise and correct, without additional compensation therefore, any and all surveys, profiles, drawings, specifications, reports, documents and other materials prepared by the Consultant in connection with the Services, including the Final Design and all elements incorporated into the Final Design, until the same shall receive final approval by BNYDC and by all other Agencies and utilities whose approval is required. The Consultant shall initiate all actions for incremental review of proposed designs, including all follow-up meetings, as required, to expeditiously resolve all questions and concerns and to obtain required approvals. The Consultant shall not make any changes in the Scope of Services as outlined herein without prior written authorization from BNYDC. 7. The Consultant shall prepare, submit, assemble, and reproduce the documents required for construction portion of the Project (the “Contract Documents”) to the extent provided below. The Contract Documents include: (1) relevant and necessary plans and drawings; (2) relevant and necessary proposals for bids; (3) relevant and necessary specifications; (4) all addenda issued prior to the receipt of bids; (5) the form of service/construction contract; (6) all provisions required by law to be included in the service/construction contract; (7) payment and performance bonds; (8) the general provisions and conditions for the service/construction contracts; and (9) all other supplementary or special provisions or conditions. Items (1), (3) and (4) shall be prepared in the first instance by the Consultant. The standard form of items (2), (5), (6), (7), (8), and (9) shall be prepared in the first instance by BNYDC. The Consultant shall review all of the Contract Documents and make recommendations for any special conditions or other matters that it may be necessary or appropriate to include in the Contract Documents. Unless otherwise directed by BNYDC, the Consultant shall prepare separate bid packages for all services, and if required to perform the services for general construction. IV. Specific Requirements A. The Services that may be required within the overall project shall be organized into the following tasks (each “Task” and collectively the “Tasks”) as necessary: Task No. 1 Task No. 2 Survey of Existing Conditions & Program Requirements Subsurface Investigation 27 Task No. 3 Task No. 4 Task No. 5 Task No. 6 Task No. 7 Task No. 8 Task No. 9 B. Hydrographic Survey Topographic Survey Utility Survey Environmental Survey Contract Documents Review and Analysis of Bids Construction Management Services The Consultant shall comply with the following detailed requirements specified for Tasks 1-9: TASK NO. 1: SURVEY OF EXISTING CONDITIONS AND PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS A. The Consultant shall inspect the site and become familiar with its general condition. B. The Consultant shall collect, organize, verify and review all pertinent information necessary to prepare the design including, but not limited to: 1. Existing topographic and utility surveys, studies, reports and proposals for improvements in or adjacent to the Project Area. This shall include the any archival reports and drawings stored by BNYDC for the existing berths, subsurface utilities, duct banks, manholes and the site. 2. Specific information and data about the Project Area including: historic and archeological background, BNYDC’s projected plans for development of new buildings and parking areas, spatial quality, site relationships and linkages, and pedestrian/vehicular circulation. 3. The standards, guidelines, and requirements of community, governmental, public and private organizations with jurisdiction over various aspects of the Project Area including any DCP Waterfront Zoning. 4. NYSDEC requirements. C. The Consultant shall verify the accuracy of any existing survey information and provide any additional survey information required to prepare the designs. D. The Consultant shall obtain, and become familiar with and incorporate as appropriate, all applicable agency design directives, standard details, administrative procedural and guidelines for the prosecution of the work under the various elements of the Project. 28 E. The Consultant shall prepare and distribute a letter to all applicable Agencies and Utilities notifying them of the project intent and anticipated involvement required of that agency or utility. F. The Consultant shall note any conditions encountered at the site, which may impact on the successful completion of the Project. G. The Consultant shall review all documents assembled and shall note all data which will impact on the Project. H. The Consultant shall work with BNYDC to determine program requirements for the Project Area as necessary. This shall include meeting with members of BNYDC’s Planning, Operations, Utilities, Technology, Leasing, Security and Engineering staff and in addition with the current and future tenants of the sites if directed by BNYDC I. The Consultant shall thoroughly investigate the functional needs of the site and develop a program based on the Preliminary Program Requirements through interviews and other appropriate means with BNYDC, and other agencies and/or groups as directed by BNYDC. TASK NO. 2: A. SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION The Consultant shall provide all necessary subsurface exploration within the Project Area. The Consultant shall prepare and provide boring logs, technical reports, and drawings as may be required by BNYDC and shall assess the results of the subsurface exploration. In this respect, the Consultant shall: 1. Obtain any existing boring information, and determine the need, if any, for additional borings. 2. Prepare a boring plan for the purposes of coordination; the plan shall utilize the results of a plotted topographic survey as a base and shall indicate the required number and type of borings. The boring plan shall be presented to DSBS and other required Agencies, and BNYDC for approval as appropriate. The Consultant shall contact all appropriate Agencies, Utilities and BNYDC staff in order to determine that the boring plan does not interfere with any existing facilities, such as gas lines, telephone lines and other underground utility elements. 3. Obtain all approvals and make all necessary arrangements to retain a qualified Sub-consultant to obtain the required borings, all while complying with all applicable City, State and Federal regulations. This aspect of the Services shall include the following tasks: 29 a. preparation of appropriate contract documents for provision of the boring services by a Sub-consultant; print a minimum of six (6) copies of the contract documents for b. distribution to prospective bidders, and print two (2) additional copies for use by BNYDC; c. identify qualified prospective boring bidders, prepare and send a minimum of three (3) invitations to bid and, if at least three (3) bids to provide boring and/or pile testing services are not received, solicit additional qualified bidders in order to insure the receipt of at least three (3) responsible bids for the work unless otherwise approved by BNYDC; d. review and analyze bid proposals received for the boring services to determine adequacy of the equipment, technique and staffing proposed by each bid; award a contract, upon approval of BNYDC to lowest responsible bidder 4. The accepted bid price for a Sub-consultant to obtain the required borings, subject to the approval of BNYDC, be an Allowable Additional Cost under the Contract. 5. While complying with all applicable City, State and Federal regulations, retain the services of a qualified soils laboratory to classify the soil obtained from all soil samples in accordance with the unified soil classification system. 6. Obtain all Agency approvals. TASK NO. 3: HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEY A. The contractor shall prepare a hydrographic survey as required in order to establish existing water depths and mud-line conditions to the extent practical under the retaining structures. The hydrographic survey shall be directed by hydrographers certified by American Congress of Surveying and mapping (ACSM) in compliance with quality standards prescribed in the US Army Corps of Engineers hydrographic surveying manual. TASK NO. 4: TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY A. The Consultant shall prepare a topographic survey (the “Topographic Survey”) of the Project Area. The Topographic Survey shall be prepared within the framework of the following parameters: 30 1. The Consultant shall establish both vertical and horizontal controls through ground survey methods. The control survey shall be referenced to the Borough of Brooklyn with all elevations referenced to established borough benchmarks. 2. The survey shall be plotted at the scale of 1″ = 20′ or at a scale approved in advance by BNYDC. The topographical contour lines shall be plotted at intervals of one foot with sufficient spot elevations to accurately describe the terrain. 3. The Topographic Survey shall locate all physical features within the Project Area (or, where necessary, adjacent to the Project Area) needed to produce a comprehensive design, including, but not limited to, the following information: a. Established Bulkhead and Pier Line lengths, including interior angles. b. Established legal grades of adjoining upland areas and streets. c. Legal widths of all pavements, sidewalks and sidewalk areas. d. Actual widths of all pavements, sidewalks and sidewalk areas. e. Identification of all streets, including “paper” streets, by name. f. Identification of all parking and public areas. g. Location, by station and offset, of all roadways, edges of pavements, headers, curbs, drop curbs, pedestrian ramps, sidewalks, driveways, distinctive/special sidewalk areas, and traffic channelization (permanent and temporary), trees (including caliper and edge distance to existing curb), and etc. including the location of dry dock inlet, discharge, pump well or steam tunnel foundations. Existing roadways, curbs, sidewalks and pavements shall be identified by condition and type of materials. h. Location, by station and offset, and identification of all street hardware including, but not limited to, manhole cover castings, valve box cover castings, catch basins, inlets, utility chamber covers, gratings, headwalls and pump well accesses. i. Location, by station and offset, and identification of all sidewalk hardware including, but not limited to pump well or steam tunnel vent openings, pump well or steam tunnel access openings, 31 hydrants, street lights, structural columns, fences and railings. j. Location, by station and offset, of all street encroachments including, but not limited to, hedges, fences, grass areas, retaining walls, protective railings and etc. k. Location, by station and offset, of all surface drainage elements. 5. Horizontal locations shall be taken to the nearest tenth (1/10) of a foot. 6. Vertical locations (elevations) shall be taken to the nearest hundredth (1/100) of a foot (or as specified by BNYDC) longitudinally at fifty (50) foot stations, as measured along the centerline baseline, and at all street intersections, building lines at intersections, front and back edges or ribbon sidewalk, and at the edge of the property as appropriate. 7. Spot elevations shall be taken at all street surface hardware locations as otherwise required for design. 8. All BNYDC-owned street hardware, including manhole covers and frames, inlets, catch basins, gratings, frames, curb pieces, traffic signs, streetlights, meters and benches, shall be located by station and offset. The condition of each shall be noted and the results presented in a tabular format. 9. All trees located within the Project Area shall be located by station and offset. The size in caliper inches and condition if each shall be noted, and the results presented in a tabular format. 10. The Topographic Survey as herein stipulated shall include any relevant building elevations adjacent to the project’s boundaries. 11. All manholes and inlets/catch basin structures located within the Project Area shall be located by station and offset. Each shall be visually inspected. The condition of each shall be noted and the results presented in a tabular format. 12. Datum plane and coordinate system shall be that in use by the MBPO. 13. All measurements shall be in the United States Standard of Measurements except that legal mapped dimensions; base line dimensions and stationing shall include metric equivalents in parentheses. 14. All field notes shall be permanently bound, sharp, clear, crisp, cleaned and “fixed”, dated, signed and sealed, in a format approved by BNYDC. 32 15. The Consultant shall submit to BNYDC original survey notes, a summary of survey procedures/instruments employed, survey control data, discussion of survey accuracy, summary or survey control data, survey tieins, computer digitizer tapes and survey computations, which shall become the property of BNYDC. 16. The Consultant shall identify and provide BNYDC with copies of all survey source material. 17. All original Topographic Survey information shall be dated, signed and certified by a licensed surveyor. The license seal of the surveyor and/or registered professional engineer shall be shown on all plans, tracings and tabulation sheets. 18. The Consultant shall prepare a written summary concerning the Topographic Survey. The Topographic Survey summary shall include, but not be limited to, the following: a general description of the methods utilized for the survey(s), such as ground control, flight and camera information, all bench marks, monument lines, right-of-way lines and datums utilized; detailed description of the established base lines; discussion of the profiles; discussion of any/all topographic features which may affect the proposed Project; and all original survey notes, aerial manuscripts and computer tapes. In addition, it shall include the tabulated tree inventory, street hardware inventory, drainage structure inventory and vault/underground structures data. TASK NO. 5: UTILITY SURVEY A. The Consultant shall prepare and plot a utility survey (the “Utility Survey”) for the Project. The Utility Survey shall be prepared within the framework of the following parameters: 1. The Utility Survey shall locate all existing surface and subsurface utilities, facilities and systems within the Project Area, including the identification and location of: a. storm, sanitary, combined and interceptor sewers; b. water mains, gas mains and steam mains; c. electric and telephone conduits; d. utility chambers and vaults; 33 e. utility poles and overhead electric facilities; f. other surface and subsurface facilities and appurtenances, as required; and g. railroad and trolley tracks, rails, ties and foundations. 2. The Consultant shall review all data obtained from any Agencies, Utilities, governmental authorities and others, and shall coordinate/reconcile such data with the Topographic Survey. 3. The Consultant shall reconcile all discrepancies in the location and identification of all subsurface elements between the Topographic Survey and the utility records. 4. The Utility Survey shall extend to the same boundaries as the Topographic Survey. 5. All field notes shall be permanently bound, sharp, clear, crisp, clean and “fixed”, dated, signed and sealed, and in a format as approved by BNYDC. 6. The Consultant shall submit to BNYDC original survey notes and survey computations, together with all public and private utility drawings, plans and plates, which shall become the property of BNYDC. 7. The Consultant shall plot the Utility Survey within the framework of the following parameters: 7. a. The Utility Survey will be plotted on base maps, which have been photographically reproduced from the “clean” topographic base map. All Utilities shall be clearly delineated and identified. b. All plotting and drafting work shall conform to currently applicable NYCDOT standards. In general this shall include drawing in ink on an approved 24” x 36” reproducible drafting film, to a scale of 1” = 20’, unless otherwise specified by BNYDC c. All Utility drawings shall utilize standard NYCDOT format, notes and symbols. d. All printing and line work shall conform to current NYCDOT standards for the drafting of drawings. The Consultant shall prepare and submit a report concerning the Utility Survey. The Utility Survey report shall include, but not be limited to, the 34 following: a general description of major Utilities located within the Project Area; a description of proposed Utility improvements; description of any major Utility interference problems which can reasonably be expected based on existing data; and the impact that the Project will have on existing/proposed Utilities. TASK NO. 6: ENVIRONMENTAL SURVEY A. The Environmental Consultant shall perform Environmental tasks relative to the Navy Yard’s obligation to the NYSDEC with regard to testing and sampling of soils pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Voluntary Clean-up Agreement (VCA) between BNYDC and the State. B. The Consultant will be required to subcontract all other services that may be necessary to coordinate with the Environmental Consultant if and when such coordination is required in order to comply with requirements of the VCA. C. Such coordination will include keeping the Environmental consultant advised of all subsurface testing plans, specifications for the testing and the schedule for implementation of testing plans. D. The Consultant will be required to subcontract all other services that may be necessary to coordinate with the NYSDEC with regard to other Environmental reporting required by their regular waterfront permitting process. E. For Dredging Projects, the Environmental Survey shall evaluate the water and the sediment of the area to be dredged in order to determine the disposal options/beneficial uses in the most cost effective way for the BNYDC. The testing of sediment shall utilize both chemical and biological analyses as necessary, to provide effects-based conclusions with regard to the potential contaminantrelated water column, benthic toxicity and benthic bioaccumulation impacts. The testing and analyses of water and sediment samples shall intend to address: 1. Water and sediment chemical evaluation. a. To determine the chemical concentrations in the dredged material. b. To determine the contaminant concentrations in the discharge or reference sites. c. To determine compliance with Water Quality Standards (WQS). 2. Potential environmental Impact associated with dredging activity itself. a. To determine the water column effects during the dredging activities. b. To determine the benthic effects during the dredging activities. 3. To determine the management options including the disposal/beneficial use of the dredged material. 35 TASK NO. 7: CONTRACT DOCUMENTS A. Following approval by BNYDC and after the Consultant has acquired the required written approvals from all required Agencies and Utilities, the Consultant shall prepare all Contract Documents (“CD’s) that the Consultant is required to prepare in a manner and form that enables BNYDC to award the necessary contract(s) to execute the Project. The CD’s shall include final instructions, drawings and specifications. The final drawings and specifications shall include, but shall not be limited to, drawings and specifications for all elements of the Project including any necessary equipment. 1. The CD’s shall be coordinated so as to preclude, insofar as possible, the necessity for design changes, adjustments or change orders during construction. It shall be the responsibility of the Consultant to fully coordinate the work so that construction conflicts among and with adjacent the trades will be avoided. The coordination shall ensure the maintenance of the integrity of the project. 2. The work included in the CD’s shall include all necessary temporary fixtures or appurtenances, which may be necessary to successfully execute the project. The CD’s shall also include moveable equipment and all necessary connections thereto. These shall be fully scheduled in the drawings and specifications. B. The specifications shall include all addenda and bid sheets. C. Drawings and specifications for subsurface abatement will be provided by the Consultant and either incorporated by the Consultant into the Final Document Package or issued as a separate scope of work, as directed by BNYDC. Any required abatement work will be developed as a result of a coordinated effort between the Environmental consultant to ensure compliance with the requirements of the VCA and the Consultants Environmental Sub-consultants in the performance of any required subsurface abatement. D. The Consultant shall prepare and submit to BNYDC, for its acceptance, a prefinal and final estimate (hereinafter referred to as the (“Final Estimate of Costs”) of the total cost of the Project, based upon the final drawings and specifications for all work necessary for the complete construction of the Project. This shall include quantities, unit prices, and amounts for all items required for the Project in a format approved by BNYDC. The pre-final estimate shall include all elements included in the Final Estimate of Costs and shall represent a level of completion of the CD’s of approximately 95%. E. Upon completion of the CD’s, the Consultant shall prepare the Final estimate of Costs and shall submit (2) two copies of the CD’s and Final Estimate of Costs to 36 BNYDC for review and comment. F. Plans and drawings in final form shall be on 24” x 36” sheets, or such other size as may be approved by the BNYDC. The specifications and proposal for bids shall be on 8 1/2” x 11” sheets. G. Following BNYDC’s review of the submitted CD’s, the Consultant shall make all modifications required by BNYDC and shall submit the consolidated CD’s for approval in writing to all required Agencies, including DSBS/DOB, NYFD, DEP, NYSDEC, NYSDOS and any other applicable agencies H. The Consultant shall submit to all regulatory Agencies on a timely basis and at the proper time for such submissions, all materials necessary for any required permit applications. I. The Consultant shall then prepare, submit, assemble and reproduce the CD’s required for construction of the Project to the extent provided below. The CD’s include: the plans and drawings; the proposal for bids; the specifications; all addenda issued prior to the receipt of bids; the form of construction contracts; all provisions required by law to be included in the construction contract; forms for the notice of award, the bid and performance and payment bonds; the general conditions; and all other supplementary or special provisions or conditions. TASK NO. 8: REVIEW AND ANALYSIS OF BIDS A. The Consultant shall review and analyze the bids for the ensuing execution of the Project. In general, this will include answering questions from prospective bidders, preparing any required addenda to the construction contract, attending the bid opening, analyzing the received bids, and recommending the award of any contract and related matters. B. The Consultant shall provide, to the satisfaction of BNYDC, all services required during the bidding period in order to ensure that questions from prospective bidders are answered in a uniform/timely fashion. C. During the bidding period, BNYDC and the Consultant shall advise each other of any ambiguities or inconsistencies in the consolidated Contract Documents of which either BNYDC or the Consultant may become aware. The Consultant shall investigate all such problems, and shall deliver to BNYDC an analysis and/or recommendation concerning the resolution of all such problems. D. Where BNYDC deems that an addendum to the Contract Documents is necessary, the Consultant shall prepare and deliver said addendum within one business day of notification, unless otherwise approved by BNYDC. 37 E. The Consultant shall attend the opening of bids and immediately commence the review and analysis of the bids. In general, this shall include, but not be limited to, such elements as: preparing necessary memorandum of bid sheets, checking mathematical calculations, providing a breakdown of all items into proper Agency budget codes, analyzing unit prices to determine the appropriateness of costs with respect to the associated work items, determining apparent imbalances, and related matters. F. The Consultant shall formally inform BNYDC, within one business day of the opening of bids, if an acceptable low bidder has been identified. G. Within two business days of the opening of bids, the Consultant shall submit the completed memorandum of bids, in accordance with currently applicable procedures. H. In the event that the lowest bid by a contractor found qualified and responsible by BNYDC is in excess of 10% more than the approved final estimate cost prepared by the Consultant, the Consultant shall, to the extent necessary, as determined by BNYDC, assist BNYDC in bringing the total cost of the work within the approved final cost. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Contract, the Consultant without additional compensation shall provide the foregoing services. TASK NO. 9: CONSULTANT SERVICES FOR PROJECT EXECUTION PHASE A. CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 1. Contract Document Interpretation: It shall be the responsibility of the Environmental Consultant to interpret contract documents, and make recommendations by drawing or in writing when required by job conditions or when requested by BNYDC. 2. The Consultant shall: a. Attend the project kickoff meeting and establish job conferences as required by BNYDC on matters concerning project plans and specifications. b. Review and approve the project schedule with BNYDC and report any conditions that may cause delay in completion. c. Provide Construction Supervision Services throughout the duration of all phases of the project to ensure compliance with the Specifications and established work schedule for the Project. 38 d. Review field conditions and advise BNYDC by letter or supplementary specifications or drawings to resolve design omissions, design errors, and unforeseen field conditions. e. Review all project change orders when requested and verify description of work. Report any discrepancies. 3. In addition, the Consultant is to provide periodic progress and advisory reports, as a part of the job supervision services, by having an on-site project representative observe and report on the progress and quality of the work for adherence to the contract documents, and submit the advisory reports to BNYDC. 4. Provide final inspection and sign-off on submitted project manifests, documents and permits. 39 APPENDIX C PAYMENTS Consultant Contract Number: Consultant: Appendix C-1 APPENDIX C Interim payments shall be made to the Consultant at the negotiated flat rate of $________ per hour, no more frequently than monthly, based on the number of hours that members of the Consultant’s staff spent providing the Services. Emergency Services will also be billed at the rate of $______ per hour for consultant and consultant’s staff. The Consultant shall also be reimbursed for Allowable Additional Costs incurred. Costs for additional On Call Services by sub-consultants are found on attached Fee Proposal Form. Costs for On Call Spill Response Services by Miller’s launch, Inc. to be billed at labor rate in effect during billing period. (Revised rates as of January 2010 are attached.) On or before the Commencement Date, the Consultant shall provide to the President an estimate of the number of hours members of the Consultant’s staff, are anticipated to spend providing the Services. Such estimate shall be subject to the President’s approval. The Consultant shall submit to the President, not more than once per calendar month, a Requisition setting forth in detail, for the period for which partial payment is requested (i) Services performed by Consultant’s Principal and by its professional and technical staff; (ii) the number of hours worked by each such Principal and its professional and technical staff in connection with the Services performed during the billing period (iii) actual salaries incurred during such month; (iv) Allowable Additional Costs incurred; (v) Subcontractors’ Costs incurred during the billing period; and (viii) the amount of partial payment requested. No multiplier overhead, administrative fee or other mark up will be paid to Consultant for Consultant Staff or Subcontractors’ Costs or Allowable Additional Costs. In addition, the Consultant shall submit Progress Reports at least monthly or in accordance with any other schedule approved by the President, or at the President’s request. Such Progress Reports shall clearly state the reasons for any actual or anticipated delays in completion of the Services. A. "Reimbursable Costs" may include the cost of printing, special mailings (such as overnight delivery and messenger services), services-related long distance telephone and facsimile charges; subcontractor costs for spill response, material, testing, laboratory analysis, filing fees, abatement and removals, environmental systems upgrades and environmental construction; and any other out-of-pocket expenses, approved in advance by the President on a direct cost basis (with no additional provisions for overhead or fee). Reimbursable Costs shall not include travel to and from the project site, meals, and those costs considered to be overhead such as normal mailing, Consultant Contract Number: Consultant: Appendix C - 2 local telephone and facsimile charges, in-house copying, secretarial, clerical and typist time and the purchase of office or graphic supplies. Consultant Contract Number: Consultant: Appendix C - 3 APPENDIX D FORM OF CERTIFIED STATEMENT REGARDING USE OF NON-ORIGINAL MATERIALS Consultant Contract Number: Consultant: Appendix D - 1 APPENDIX D FORM OF CERTIFIED STATEMENT REGARDING USE OF NON-ORIGINAL MATERIALS STATE OF COUNTY OF ) ) ss.: ) The undersigned, being first duly sworn, deposes and states as follows: 1. I am the Principal of the Consultant named below in connection with the contract (the “Contract”) identified below between the Consultant and Brooklyn Navy Yard Development Corporation (“BNYDC”). 2. I make this affidavit pursuant to Section 5.2.6(iii) of the Contract to verify certain information regarding non-original materials included in the Work Product (as defined in the Contract) furnished by the Consultant to BNYDC pursuant to the Contract. 3. I hereby certify that the information set forth on the “List of Rights, Limitations and Requirements Regarding the Use and Display of Non-Original Materials Included in Consultant’s Work Product” (the “Non-Original Materials List”) annexed hereto and made a part hereof, and the licenses, releases, permissions, clearances and other documents (collectively, the “Licenses”) annexed thereto, are complete, true and accurate as of the date of this affidavit, and I acknowledge and understand that BNYDC shall rely thereon in connection with any use and display of such materials. 4. In particular, I hereby certify that the annexed Non-Original Materials List and Licenses set forth (i) all non-original materials included in Consultant’s Work Product; (ii) all information as to the source of such materials; (iii) all information as to any durational limitations on use of such materials; (iv) all requirements as to notices that must be displayed in connection with display, including the specific owner of the rights to be credited; and (v) all other limitations on the use and display under the Licenses. Consultant Contract Number: Consultant: Appendix D - 2 Dated: Consultant: Signature: Printed Name: BNYDC Contract No.: Title: Sworn to before me this day of , 20 Notary Public Consultant Contract Number: Consultant: Appendix D - 3 LIST OF RIGHTS, LIMITATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS REGARDING THE USE AND DISPLAY OF NON-ORIGINAL MATERIALS INCLUDED IN CONSULTANT’S WORK PRODUCT Non-Original Material * Source Rights/Limitations/Requirements * ATTACH COPIES OF ALL LICENSES, RELEASES, PERMISSIONS, CLEARANCES AND OTHER RELEVANT DOCUMENTS Consultant Contract Number: Consultant: Appendix D - 4 APPENDIX E INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. Required Policies and Amounts Additional Insureds Required Provisions Sample Form of Insurance Certificate Consultant Contract Number: Consultant: Appendix E - 1 APPENDIX E INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS 1. Required Policies and Amounts 1. Workers' Compensation In statutory amounts 2. Employer's Liability: $500,000 Per Occurrence 3. Commercial General Liability 4. Automobile Liability: $1,000,000 Combined Single Limit Per Occurrence 5. Umbrella/Excess Liability: $10,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence and in the aggregate excess of primary general, automobile and employer’s primary liability limits $1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence, but if an annual aggregate is applicable to the policy not less than $5,000,000 in the aggregate. If the Consultant or its Subcontractors use floating equipment, barges or floats, or performs marine-related construction, the Consultant and as applicable, its Subcontractors, shall purchase and maintain additional insurance of the following types and in the following amounts in connection with the performance of the Services: 6. 7. U.S. Harbor Workers' Long Shoremen’s Compensation Act: Marine Protection and Indemnity: In statutory amounts $25,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence, but if an annual aggregate is applicable to the policy not less than $25,000,000 in the aggregate per year Consultant Contract Number: Consultant: Appendix E - 2 To the extent applicable to the Services performed by the Consultant or its subcontractors: 8. Professional Liability Insurance: $5,000,000 per occurrence, but if an annual aggregate is applicable to the policy not less than $5,000,000 in the aggregate, on a “per project” basis If Consultant’s Professional Liability Insurance Policy is issued on a “Claims Made” basis then Consultant must provide BNYDC evidence that the “Tail” (Extended Reporting Period) period is at least three years (3) beyond the final performance of the Consultant Contract between BNYDC and the Consultant to which the Professional Liability Insurance requirement applies Consultant Contract Number: Consultant: Appendix E - 3 APPENDIX E INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS 2. Additional Insureds For the purposes of this Contract and the requirements of Article 6 thereof including, without limitation, Section 6.3.3 (3), the term “Additional Insureds” shall include the following individuals and entities: 1. Brooklyn Navy Yard Development Corporation 2. The City of New York 3. The City of New York Department of Small Business Services 4. Such other entities and/or individuals BNYDC may direct from time to time FOR EACH OF THE COVERAGES LISTED ABOVE CONSULTANT MUST FURNISH BNYDC BEFORE BEING ALLOWED TO ENTER THE PREMISES OF THE BROOKLYN NAVY YARD INDUSTRIAL PARK THREE (3) SEPARATE CERTIFICATES OF INSURANCE PREPARED EXACTLY AS FOLLOWS: Certificate Holder Brooklyn Navy Yard Development Corporation 63 Flushing Ave, Unit #300 Brooklyn, NY 11205 And as Additional Insureds Brooklyn Navy Yard Development Corporation City of New York City of New York Department of Small Business Services Certificate Holder City of New York 280 Broadway New York, NY 10007 And as Additional Insureds City of New York Brooklyn Navy Yard Development Corporation City of New York Department of Small Business Services Consultant Contract Number: Consultant: Appendix E - 4 Certificate Holder City of New York Department of Small Business Services 280 Broadway, Room 573 New York, NY 10007 And as Additional Insureds City of New York Department of Small Business Services Brooklyn Navy Yard Development Corporation City of New York Consultant Contract Number: Consultant: Appendix E - 5 APPENDIX E INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS 3. Required Provisions The policies required under Section 6.3.7(2) of the Contract shall contain the following provisions: “A. Notices from the insurer (the “Insurer”) to BNYDC (“BNYDC”) and the City of New York (the “City”), in connection with this policy, shall be addressed to the General Counsel, BNYDC, at 63 Flushing Avenue, Unit #300, Brooklyn, New York 11205 (with a copy to BNYDC’s Deputy General Counsel at the same address), B. The Insurer shall accept notice of accident from BNYDC or the City, within 120 days after receipt by an official of such Additional Insured (as identified in Appendix E of the Contract between BNYDC and the Consultant to which this policy applies) of notice of such accident as valid and timely notice under this policy; C. The Insurer shall accept notice of claim from the City within 120 days after such claim has been filed with the Comptroller of the City and notice of claim from BNYDC, within 120 days after receipt by such party as valid and timely notice under this policy; D. The Insurer understands and agrees that notice of accident or claim to such Insurer by any one of the following entities shall be deemed notice by all under the policy: i. The Consultant; or ii. BNYDC; or iii. The City of New York Department of Small Business Services; or iv. The City; or v. Any other Additional Insured. E. This policy shall not be canceled, terminated or modified by the Insurer or the Consultant unless 30 days prior written notice is sent by registered mail to BNYDC or the City, nor shall this policy be canceled, terminated or modified by the Contractor without prior written consent of BNYDC; F. The presence of engineers, inspectors or other employees or agents of the Consultant, BNYDC or the City at the site of the Services performed by the Consultant shall not invalidate this policy of insurance; and G. Violation of any of the terms of any other policy issued by the Insurer to the Consultant or a subcontractor of the Consultant shall not inviolate this policy; and Consultant Contract Number: Consultant: Appendix E - 6 H. Insurance, if any, carried by BNYDC, the City or the Additional Insureds will not be called upon to contribute to a loss that would otherwise be paid by the Insurer.” Consultant Contract Number: Consultant: Appendix E - 7 APPENDIX E INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS 4. Sample Form of Insurance Certificate Consultant Contract Number: Consultant: Appendix E - 8 Consultant Contract Number: Consultant: Appendix E - 9 APPENDIX F EQUAL EMPLOYMENT AND AFFIRMATIVE COMPLIANCE FOR NON-CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS ADDENDUM [E.O. 50 SUPPLY AND SERVICE RIDER] Consultant Contract Number: Consultant: Appendix F - 1 APPENDIX F E.O. 50 SUPPLY & SERVICE RIDER EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY [Note: for purposes of this rider, the “contractor” means the Consultant identified in this Contract] This Contract is subject to the requirements of Executive Order No. 50 (1980) as revised (“E.O.50”) and the Rules and Regulations promulgated thereunder. No contract will be awarded unless and until these requirements have been complied with in their entirety. By signing this Contract, the contractor agrees that: (1) it will not engage in any unlawful discrimination against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, marital status or sexual orientation with respect to all employment decisions including, but not limited to, recruitment, hiring, upgrading, demotion, downgrading, transfer, training, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, layoff, termination, and all other terms and conditions or employment; (2) when it subcontracts it will not engage in any unlawful discrimination in the selection of subcontractors on the basis of the race, color, creed, national origin, sex, age, disability, marital status or sexual orientation of the owner, manager or any officer, President, agent or employee of such subcontractors. (3) it will state in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the contractor that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without unlawful discrimination based on race, creed, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, marital status or sexual orientation, or that it is an equal employment opportunity employer; (4) it will send to each labor organization or representative of workers with which it has a collective bargaining agreement or other contract or memorandum of understanding, written notification of its equal employment opportunity commitments under E.O. 50 and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder; and (5) it will furnish all information and reports including an Employment Report before the award of the contract which are required by E.O. 50, the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, and orders of the Division of Labor Services of DSBS (the “Division”), and will permit access to its books, records and accounts by the Division for the purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance with such rules, regulations, and orders. Consultant Contract Number: Consultant: Appendix F - 2 The contractor understands that in the event of its noncompliance with the nondiscrimination clauses of this contract or with any of such rules, regulations, or orders, such noncompliance shall constitute a material breach of the contract and noncompliance with E.O. 50 and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder. After a hearing held pursuant to the rules of the Division, the President may direct the imposition upon the Contractor of any or all of the following sanctions: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) disapproval of the contractor; suspension or termination of the contract; declaring the contractor in default; or in lieu of any of the foregoing sanctions, the President may impose an employment program. The President of the Division may recommend to the contracting agency head that a Board of Responsibility be convened for purposes of declaring a contractor who has repeatedly failed to comply with E.O 50 and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder to be nonresponsible. The contractor agrees to include the provisions of the foregoing paragraphs in every subcontract or purchase order in excess of $50,000 to which it becomes a party unless exempted by E.O. 50 and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, so that such provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor. The contractor will take such action with respect to any subcontract or purchase order as may be directed by the Division as a means of enforcing such provisions including sanctions for noncompliance. The contractor further agrees that it will refrain from entering into any contract or contract modification subject to E.O. 50 and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder with a subcontractor who is not in compliance with the requirements of E.O. 50 and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder. Consultant Contract Number: Consultant: Appendix F - 3 APPENDIX G E.O. 50 EMPLOYMENT REPORT FORM Consultant Contract Number: Consultant: Appendix G - 1 APPENDIX H E.O. 50 PAYROLL REPORT FORM AND INSTRUCTIONS Consultant Contract Number: Consultant Appendix H - 1 Consultant Contract Number: Consultant Appendix H - 2 Consultant Contract Number: Consultant Appendix H - 3 APPENDIX I OUTSIDE FUNDING SOURCES “INTENTIONALLY DELETED” Consultant Contract Number: Consultant: Appendix I - 1 APPENDIX J STANDARD FEDERAL REQUIREMENTS “INTENTIONALLY DELETED” Consultant Contract Number: Consultant: Appendix J - 1 APPENDIX K STANDARD STATE CLAUSES “INTENTIONALLY DELETED” Consultant Contract Number: Consultant: Appendix K - 1
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