QEEG, Brain Function, Neurotherapy and More: Let Master Clinicians Guide You From “A to Z-Score” MAY 13-17, 2015 ONLY $895 The Brownback, Mason and Associates Neurofeedback System (BMANS) Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Achieving excellence and expertise in neurofeedback The Comprehensive Neurodiagnostic Checklist (CNC 10-20) The Customized Tracking Checklist (CTC 10-20) Using multiple database and non-database procedures In-depth neurotherapy training, using Z-scores and more New BMANS Manual 5C for s-LORETA assessment and training S E S S I O N T O P I C S A N D I N S I G H T S DAY 1 Marketing Your Neurofeedback Practice Advance Workshop. Taught by: Joe Bavonese BrainMaster Atlantis and 3.0+ software (all features reviewed) workshop. Discovery reviewed. Taught by: Bill Mrklas Tom Brownback, M.Ed. Linda Brownback, MA DAY 2 Morning Session: Technical Foundations of Neurofeedback and Live Z-Score Introductory Course--Presented by Thomas F. Collura, Ph.D. Clinical masters, Tom Brownback and Linda Brownback, literally “wrote the book” on QEEG and brain function. Tom and Linda’s workshop runs from the afternoon of Day 2 (which is Thursday) until noon of Day 5 (which is Sunday). Joe Bavonese, Ph.D. Thomas Collura, Ph.D., QEEG-D Afternoon Session: , lead a session on neurophysiology. Day 2 includes EEG freiquencies and pathways through the brain. Tom and Linda Brownbacks’ presentation runs from Thursday afternoon through Sunday, noon. Bill Mrklas, LMT Workshop Location: Crowne Plaza Cleveland South Cleveland, Ohio REGISTER ONLINE: To register online, please visit www.StressTherapySolutions.com DAY 3 Neurophologies are covered in-depth, and the BMANS Neurodiagnostic procedure within a 10-20 system framework. Participate in hands-on demonstrations of the CNC 10-20 and CTC 1020, plus, motivating clients to stay in neurotherapy. DAY 4 In-depth analysis of the QEEG, using multiple database and nondatabase procedures, plus case history and hands-on demonstration. DAY 5 Understanding when to use different types of training programs. For the first time the use of s-LORETA assessment and training will be covered. The BMANS Basics, a biological, psychological, social and spiritual cognitive behavioral framework for client biochemical health. Finally, how-to on insurance reimbursements, and helping your clients get the highest reimbursement. WHAT RECENT ATTENDEES HAVE SAID ABOUT THE BMANS QEEG WORKSHOP: “It [the workshop] gave me the confidence needed to better interpret brainmaps. I did not realize how much I gained until I got home and absorbed it all.” --Bill Brubaker, attended November, 2012 “I would like to encourage any neurofeedback professional of any level to attend this seminar.” --Frank Morganiti, attended November 2012 Hosted by Stress Therapy Solutions • 3401 Enterprise Parkway, Suite 340, Beachwood, OH 44122 • (216) 766-5707
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