April 2015 - Brown County

April 2015
Hello from Becca
First off, a big welcome to our new Brown County
Fair Manager Karla Pfeifer on behalf of all of our 4-H
members and families. We look forward to working
with you on this upcoming fair.
Over the past month we have had some big projects
take place in our county and I would like to thank all
of you for participating. The annual Fruit Sale and
Phonathon were again very well done and allowed
us to share 4-H with a much larger audience.
We also had a new livestock fitting clinic that took
place and was very well received. Congrats to you
all and thank you!
Some members of the executive committee have
been taking a closer look at our judging process for
the static exhibits. This group is working to make this
process more efficient and user friendly.
We have another busy month of activities so please
keep track of the calendar for what is taking place.
4-H Phonathon
Thanks to everyone for their
participation in the annual
Brown County 4-H Foundation
Look for final numbers on the
amount that was raised in the next
Newshound issue.
Inside This Issue
Special Foods
Fitting Clinic
Final Enrollment
Deadline is May 31, 2015.
New members can still join 4-H
up until that date. The Brown
County Fair Board offers a
“Night at the Fair” for the club
with the highest percent of new
club members.
Special Foods Contest
The annual Brown County 4-H Special Foods
Contest will be held on June 18, 2015 at
Simmons Middle School in Aberdeen.
The Special Food competition allows 4-H
members the chance to learn to prepare meals
and snacks that satisfy aesthetic, psychological,
nutritional, and individuals needs by choosing
and preparing a recipe from any of the five food
groups. The contest begins at 9 a.m. The
registration form is attached to this months
Newshound and is due to the 4-H office by
June 5, 2015.
4-H Public Presentation Days
Brown County’s Demonstration Days have been scheduled for Monday, April 6, 2015 from 3-6 p.m.
and Wednesday, July 8, 2015 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Brown County Wheat Growers Office
Building at 908 Lamont Street. The Demonstration Days preregistration forms are attached to this
months Newshound. Registration deadline is June 26, 2015. Additional information will be included
in future Newshounds.
Fashion Revue
Brown County’s Fashion Revue has been scheduled for Wednesday, July 15, 2015 at Primrose
from 12-4 p.m. The theme for this year is “Runway to Your Way”. The registration form is
attached to this month’s Newshound and is due to the SDSU Extension/Brown County 4-H Office
by July 1, 2015.
4-H Judging Qualifications Sessions
(Consumer Decision Making)
Below are the dates and times for the Judging Qualification Sessions. Judging takes about one to
one and a half hours.
Dates Announced:
April 6 from 3-6 p.m. at the SDSU Regional Extension Office (13 Second Avenue SE)
April 22 and 23 from 3 to 6 p.m. in the basement of the Brown County 4-H Office.
(The same class will be offered on each date.)
May 6 and 7 from 3 to 6 p.m. in the basement of the Brown County 4-H Office.
(The same class will be offered on each date.)
4-H Royalty Applications
All senior 4-H members are encouraged to apply for the 4-H Royalty Contest. The competition takes
place on Monday night of the Brown County Fair. Royalty will also receive a $50.00 gift certificate
from the First State Bank of Warner and Wells Fargo, a pen set from the Brown County Leader’s Association at Recognition, and a gift basket from the 4-H office. Individuals wishing to participate in
the 4-H Royalty Contest are encouraged to complete the enclosed application.
Completed applications are due to the 4-H office by Friday, May 8, 2015. Information provided by
the members will be used to write descriptions published in the local papers in late June and the
Brown County Fair Special in August.
Following are guidelines for the event:
Members must be senior members (age 14+).
Applicants must attend six meetings in the year applying for royalty.
Members must be recommended by two people.
(Please sign in appropriate location on application form.)
4-H Fruit Sale Update
4-H members and 4-H clubs that participated in this
year’s 4-H Fruit Sale! It was a great success!
Next month, look in the May Newshound for the final
numbers. Please discuss at your April club
meetings how your profits will be used. Again this
year all 4-H members across the state are being
asked to fundraise and donate money to build the
new Earl Nordby Exhibit Hall at the
State Fairgrounds. It is crucial that every 4-H family
and every 4-H club in our county do their part to
donate $100 for every 4-H member in each club
and each independent 4-H member. Club Leaders
are reminded to complete the pledge form which
was included with the March Fruit Sale mailing.
Please return the form by May 1 to the Brown
County 4-H office.
For more details on the new State Fair Exhibit Hall
contact the Brown County Capitol Campaign
4-H Committee Chairs: Kathy Sperry
at sperryscott@hotmail.com (229-4591) or Kristie
Erickson at ericksong@nrctv.com (229-4796).
Congratulations to the clubs and independents who have already made their $100 per member
donation to the new Earl Nordby Exhibit Hall.
Kathy Sperry
Brown County Fruit Sale Coordinator
AKSARBEN Sheep, Swine, Meat Goat Nomination
All 4-H market sheep, swine, and meat goats planning to show a the 2015 AKSARBEN Livestock
Exposition will need to have nomination forms and DNA samples to the 4-H office by June 8, 2015
and must be post marked to the AKSARBEN office by June 12, 2015. Contact the SDSU
Extension/Brown County 4-H office immediately if you plan to take market sheep, swine or meat
goats to AKSARBEN. Sufficient entry materials must be requested.
Poultry Fun Day
Poultry Fun Day is scheduled for June 6, 2015 at 9 a.m. at the Brown County Fairgrounds. There is
a minimum of 5 members for this event, so please contact Mike Hassebroek at 605-216-8952, or the
SDSU Extension/Brown County 4-H office at 605-626-7120 if you are interested in attending or have
any questions.
Rabbit Fun Day
Rabbit Fun Day is scheduled for June 6, 2015 at 1 p.m. at the Brown County Fairgrounds. There is a
minimum of five members for this event, so please contact Mike Hassebroek at 605-216-8952 or the
SDSU Extension/Brown County 4-H office at 605-626-7120 if you are interested in attending or have
any questions.
Dog Classes
There will be no dog classes in April due to a family illness. Stay tuned for more information about
upcoming classes.
Shop at TSC and Support 4-H
Your local Tractor Supply Store will be asking for $1 donations at the checkout April 22—May 3. Over
half of all proceeds raised at the Brown County store will stay in Brown County to help our local 4-H
program. 4-H county programs have the opportunity to raise an average of 40 percent more money
just by having 4-H clubs participating in store during this time. If your club is interested, please
Brown County Leader’s Meeting
The next 4-H Leader’s meeting will be April 27, 2015 at 7 p.m. at the
SDSU Regional Extension Office. Please make sure your club is represented.
Market Sheep and Meat Goat Weigh-in
Market sheep and meat goat weigh-in will take place May 28, 2015 from 3—6 p.m. at the beef barn
wash rack area at the Brown County Fairgrounds. In the event of bad weather the event will take
place at the Expo Building. There will be a $1.50 ear tag charge and $6 per DNA pulled. Please
have the correct amount for the number of animals you are having weighted and tagged. Anything
extra will be viewed as a donation towards Brown County 4-H. If your bring animals, please plan on
Prospect Calf Show
The Prospect Calf Show will be taking place on Saturday, August 15, 2015. It will be open to all
Brown County 4-H members enrolled in the beef project and is sponsored by Kippley Accounting
and Compton. The criteria for the show includes the following:
-Calves have to be born after January 1, 2015.
-Animals have to be owned or leased to the exhibitor by May 31, 2015.
-The calves will be judged as market animals and can be put in the Premium sale.
-They will be judged in classes of age and weight. Class and division will be determined
by the show supervisor.
-All calves must have proper health papers signed by a licensed vet.
-All calves must be weaned. No mother cows on the fair grounds.
-Calves must have an affidavit on file in the 4-H office and must be green tagged.
-Calves will be shown with rope halter or show halter.
-Exhibitors can have two calves per lot with a maximum of four per exhibitor.
Lot 1—Weanling calf: Heifer Weanling calf: Steer
Lot 2—Bucket calf: Heifer Bucket calf: Steer
Horse and Livestock Events
Rough Stock School—April 24-26, 2015
Horse Testing—May 18-22, 2015
Market Sheep and Goat Weigh-In—May 28, 2015
Brown County Horse Show—June 22, 2015
Hub Area 4-H Rodeo—July 4&5, 2015, Joe Akkerman Horse Arena, Brown County Fairgrounds
State 4-H Horse Show, Huron, SD July 21-23, 2015
State 4-H Livestock Judging Contest, Huron, SD July 24, 2015
South Dakota Summer Spotlight, Huron, SD July 24-26, 201
Brown County Fair—August 10-16., 2015
Veterinary help will be at Gate B on Wednesday, August 12, 2015 from 7—12 p.m.
First Annual Northeast Youth Beef Clinic a Success
New Year...New Calf…New Goals was the
theme of the first annual Northeast Youth
Beef Clinic held on March 20 at the Bret
and Raechel Fliehs farm near Groton.
Thirty young people from a 100 mile radius
of Groton
attended the day long event representing
five counties.
“We couldn’t have been more pleased with
this first annual event, said Sandy
Osterman, event organizer. “Thank you to
our volunteers, sponsors and the Fliehs
family for making this a possibility!
The educational day included a variety of
workshops and speakers including
BJ Hansen of Turton who is pictured.
Presenters at the event included Jeremy Skoglund, Casey Nilson, Jessica Osterman and Hailey
Hanson. Sponsors included: Dakota Livestock Supply, Skoglund Cattle Company, Krueger/Hanson
Show Cattle, Osterman Shorthorns, Fliehs Farms, Holt Cattle Company and Runnings.
Becca Tullar
4-H Youth Program Advisor
Brenda Dreyer
4-H Administrative Assistant
Brown County 4-H Office
400 24th Ave. NW
Aberdeen, SD 57401-4799
Phone: 605-626-7120
Email: brown.county@sdstate.edu
South Dakota State University, South Dakota
counties, and U.S. Department of Agriculture cooperating. South Dakota State
University is an Affirmative Action/Equal
Opportunity Employer and offers all benefits,
services, education, and employment
opportunities without regard for race, color,
creed, religion, national origin, ancestry,
citizenship, age, gender, sexual orientation,
disability or Vietnam Era Veteran Status.
Cooperative Extension Service
College of Agriculture & Biological Sciences
April 2015
Market Beef
Affidavits Due
to the State
BB Gun Practice
Demo Day
3-6 p.m.
Days 2 p.m.
Foote Creek
Brenda out of
office 12—5 p.m.
Becca Out
8—12 p.m.
Brenda out of
Becca out
8 to 12
BB Gun
BB Gun
6:30 p.m.
3-6 p.m.
Becca Out
8—12 p.m.
Becca out
1 to 5
3-6 p.m.
3-6 p.m.
Becca out of
office 8 to 10 a.m.
7 p.m.
Becca CC Lee Robotics
Becca out
8 to 12
State 4-H
Forms Due