Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst German Academic Exchange Service The potential of transferring “dual learning opportunities” to other countries European expert workshop “Dual Learning”. Combining Practice-Orientated and Theoretical Learning in Higher Education 20th April 2015 Katharina Maschke, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Bonn 1 Overview I. Introduction II. DAAD and Dual Study Programmes III. DAAD Study: Dual study programmes in a global context I. About the study II. Main results III. Summary and recommendations 2 I. Introduction Dual Study Programme Theory Vocational schools Universities of Applied Science & Universities of cooperation education Practice Training workplace & company Degree (Bachelor) + Work experience (in some cases: VET certificate) 3 II. DAAD and dual study programmes Number Number of students in dual study programmes 100000 90000 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Source: BIBB, Ausbildung Plus 4 II. DAAD and dual study programmes (2) Number of dual study programmes in Germany 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Source: BIBB, Ausbildung Plus 5 II. DAAD and dual study programmes (3) High interest from abroad: Obama applauses the German dual system: “So those German kids, they're ready for a job when they graduate high school.” Visits of delegations to DAAD However: level of knowledge about dual learning is quite low 6 II. DAAD and dual study programmes (4) 2012: internal document on dual study programmes January 2013/mai 2014: expert meetings with representatives from HEIs, scientific organisations and ministries 2014: DAAD study „Dual Study Programmes in Global Context: Internationalisation in Germany and Transfer to Brazil, France, Qatar, Mexico, and the United States“ 2015: DAAD position paper on transfer of dual and practice oriented-study programmes 7 II. DAAD Study: Dual study programmes in a global context – About the study 8 II. DAAD Study: Dual study programmes in a global context – About the study (2) Study was launched in fall 2013; published in December 2014 Study was undertaken by a research team led by Dr. Lukas Graf & Prof. Justin Powell (University of Luxembourg) Aim: gaining scientific knowledge about the topic Method: desk research, expert interviews (Universities, companies, chambers of trade & industry), comparative case studies 9 II. DAAD Study: Dual study programmes in a global context – About the study (3) Internationalisation • Incomings • Outgoings Which factors influence the internationalisation of dual study courses in Germany? Transfer • 5 Case Studies: F, BRA, MEX, USA, QA Which factors are conducive for the transfer of the dual study model to different countries? 10 II. DAAD Study: Dual study programmes in a global context – Main results Understanding of dual educational models Governance of education policy in the target country Economic structure Success Factors Interest of all involved actors Existing exchangeand partnership relations 11 II. DAAD Study: Dual study programmes in a global context – Main results (2) Case Study: France Dual logic • „Formation en alternance“ • e.g. Diplôme Universitaire de Technologie; Brevet de Technicien Supérieur or Brevet de Technicien Supérieur Agricole Governance of education • Increasing autonomy • Centralised state Economic structure Interest of all actors involved • Universitybusiness cooperation • Important internationally orientated companies (CAC 40) • High youth unemployment rate • Support by the state • Functional equivalents in the university sector GER-F • Intense relationship (DFH) • Common programme of BadenWürttemberg und and Alsace 12 II. DAAD Study: Dual study programmes in a global context – Main results (3) Case Study: Brazil Dual logic • No dual vocational training (low reputation) • Institutos Federais Governance of education • High fragmentation Economic structure • BRICS • High need of qualified workers Interest of all actors involved • Interest of industry as key pillar of dual learning system GER-BRA • High level of cooperation • Sciences without borders program Support of German companies to install practice-orientated programmes Regional approach: São Paulo 13 II. DAAD Study: Dual study programmes in a global context – Main results (4) Understanding of dual education al models Interest of actors involved General economic conditions Quantity and quality of existing exchange Governance of education policy +++ ++ +++ +++ ++ US + ++ +++ ++ ++ Mexico ++ +++ +++ + + Brazil ++ ++ +++ ++ ++ Quatar o + ++ o + France 14 II. DAAD Study: Dual study programmes in a global context – Summary & Recommendations Opportunities: Transfer of dual study programmes may be more plausible than that of traditional dual training: Higher education institutes often enjoy higher reputation than vocational training Higher education institutes have long experience and great interest in international cooperation Limits: Transferring dual study programmes is highly demanding „dual logic“ as a key factor for implementing dual study courses is often lacking Strong companies willing to invest in young academics are needed 15 Thank you for your interest! Katharina Maschke DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst German Academic Exchange Service S 11 – Strategic Development and Higher Education Policy E-Mail: 16
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