VOLUME 30 MAY/JUNE 2015 It’s a BBA Churches Antioch Beach Road Bethel Beulah Boiling Spring Lakes Bolivia Bonaparte Boones Neck Bridge Brunswick Islands Calvary Community Chapel Elah Faith Farmers Chapel Friendship Goshen Gospel Center Grace Jennies Branch Lebanon Longwood Mill Creek Mt. Olive Mt. Pisgah New Beginnings New Ebenezer New Life Oak Grove Oak Island Ocean View Old Shallotte Peace Memorial Prospect River of Leland River of Life Sabbath Home Shallotte First Shell Point Shoreline Soldier Bay Southport South Brunswick* Sunset Harbor Supply Town Creek Trinity United in Christ Woodburn First Zion (*Watchcare) L NUMBER 05/06 DIAPER drive At the BBA I T M For the Diaper Bank of NC - Lower Cape Fear- May 2015 - Details Inside V S Have you heard?? The BBA is holding a diaper drive throughout the month of May to benefit the Diaper Bank of NC –Lower Cape Fear! This non-profit ministry is holding their first diaper distribution in June 2015 with a goal of 12,000 diapers! The Diaper Bank partners with local family advocacy groups like Brunswick Family Assistance Agency and domestic violence shelters for distribution of the diapers to families who need them. So, why diapers? - - 1 in 3 families in America struggle to afford diapers for their children. A local poverty rate of 26% reflects the same need here in our area Many of these families have to choose between buying food or diapers for their infant children Food Stamps, WIC and other Safety Net programs do not cover diapers Low-income families often have no choice but to reuse diapers or keep their children in the same diaper all day causing obvious health problems Donations of new diapers, full packs or unused partial/opened packs, and donations of funds can be brought to the resource center throughout the entire month of May. Please be sure and put “Diaper Bank” on the memo line of checks, made payable to the Brunswick Baptist Association, if your church is making a monetary donation. We encourage all of our churches to participate in this diaper drive, not only to help meet a great, local need but also because the church who donates the most diapers by May 28th will be awarded the prestigious Golden Diaper Award at our July Quarterly Meeting. This highly distinguished honor will only be bestowed on ONE of our BBA churches so start collecting diapers now! It is a great blessing to report that a final total of 15 churches chose to participate in our Scripture Distribution Campaign hand delivering almost 9,000 bibles to homes across the county! Each participating church placed in the homes a bag containing a bible, additional literature of their choosing, and an invitation to attend Easter worship services. We have been blessed to hear testimonies from many of our churches of how God has used this outreach ministry in their churches and communities. The following are a few of those testimonies we wanted to share with you. There will be more printed in the following newsletters as well. We gave out over 300 bibles and had many opportunities to personally invite folks to church, as well as pray for them also. We have seen the results of this ministry in our Church!! Three families are coming as a result of our visits, and eight individuals came the following week. When asked why they said it was because we had invited them. All of these were looking for a Church and our visit was the factor which brought them to Jennies Branch. We hope to continue seeing results as we continue to go out door to door and meet people. Find it Here (Scripture Distribution) started off with a rush of excitement. Every age group of our church got involved in packing bags and going door to door. Our GA's packed the bags to give out, each one having the Bible, a brochure about our church, a True Life card & full of goodies. The outreach team met and set a plan to go out into the neighborhoods that surrounded SHBC. For 2 Saturdays, the teams split up in 5 directions and handed out the bags, prayed with people over their needs and invited them to church. Over 360 bags were handed out! On Easter morning we anxiously awaited to see if anyone would come to church that we invited. We were overwhelmed to see that not only did some of those we invited come but we had many that we didn't even get to their doors come to service. SHBC had Easter service in our FLC because the sanctuary couldn't hold them. We had 267 in attendance. All in all, we were thrilled to participate in the scripture distribution and will be excited to do it again next year! We visited 858 homes and distributed 975 Bibles. There was no answer at 502 of the homes. We had conversations at 248 of the homes. There were 48 interested people who needed follow up visits as well. 20 people were saved! 2 couples visited were at church on Sunday. Thanks to the good number of church members involved in many different ways with this effort. To God be the Glory!! Antioch – Beulah – Farmers Chapel – Grace New Life – Sunset Harbor – Trinity – Zion Vacation Bible School is just around the corner and we are SO excited! Listed below you will find a schedule of all the VBS dates we’ve been made aware of throughout our association. Please plan to join one or more of these local VBS programs and Journey Off the Map together! Week of June 14 Beulah – Calabash – 14th-19th Supply – Supply – 15th-19th Week of June 21 River of Life – Sunset Beach – 22nd-26th Ocean View – Ocean Isle – 21st-26th Southport – Southport – 22nd-26th Mt Pisgah – Supply – 21st-26th Old Shallotte – OIB – 21st-26th Calvary – Shallotte – 22nd-26th Mill Creek – Winnabow – 21st-26th Town Creek – Leland – 22nd-26th Friendship – Ash – 22nd-26th Oak Island – Oak Island – 22nd-26th Week of June 28 FBC Shallotte – Shallotte – 28th-3rd Week of July 6 Elah – Leland – 6th-10th Week of July 12 Longwood – Ash – 15th-17th Week of July 19 Mt Olive – Bolivia – 20th-24th Week of July 26 Sunset Harbor – Sunset Harbor – 26th-31st Gospel Center – Varnamtown – 26th-30th Week of August 2 Antioch – Bolivia – 2nd-7th As we do each year, the associational VBS decorations are reserved in the order that churches register for the VBS Clinic. We will have 4 sets of decorations to share this year. As you can see, the week of June 21st currently has 10 bible schools scheduled. The first four churches listed that week, River of Life, Ocean View, Southport, and Mt Pisgah were the first to register and thus will have access to the decorations for that week. It is possible that a few posters may be available for some of the other churches the week of June 21st but those churches will largely need to prepare their own decorations if desired. If you have not given us your church’s VBS dates please send them to us so that we can share them on our website & as people call our office. VBS Directors and Secretaries, please remember to fill out the VBS Summary Report after your week is completed and send one copy to Lifeway and also a copy to the Resource Center. Reports sent to the Resource can be mailed to PO Box 80 Supply, NC 28462 or they can be faxed to 910-754-5734. These reports are very beneficial in the planning for following years. Please mark your calendars and save the date for an exciting conference coming to Brunswick County in the fall. Beginning the evening of October 9th and continuing the morning of October 10th, 2015 we are thrilled to welcome Dr. Darrell Robinson who will lead us in a time of training for all church leaders. Pastors, church staff, Sunday school teachers, men’s and women’s group leaders, children’s workers, deacons, and all other church leadership are encouraged to join us for a time of exploring the will and call of God for our churches. The Total Church Life Conference will allow us to explore together biblical, vital signs of a healthy church and the work that the Body of Christ should be about. Darrell Robinson’s biblical strategy will encourage and prepare the leaders of our congregations for church health and growth. Every leader in your church will benefit from being a part of this conference and we hope that you will make plans NOW to attend and begin encouraging your leadership teams to be a part as well. More specifics will be provided in the days to come but mark your calendars today for October 9th and 10th. In a 2014 study by the National Academy of Sciences researchers analyzed population reduction possibilities including decreased mortality and fertility, a worldwide one-child policy, or a catastrophic vent like another world war or a global pandemic. Daniel James Devine offered the following response published in the American Family Association Journal that our associational missionary desired to share with you: All Month Diaper Drive – Bring Diapers to Resource Center 4 Pastors’ Conf. – BBA Resource Center – 10:30am 7 National Day of Prayer 25 Resource Center Closed (Memorial Day) Carolina Women is a Women on Mission Retreat for WMU NC and SC ladies to come together in a beautiful beach setting to experience and celebrate missions. Leaders for this year’s retreat include Debby Akerman, Phyllis Elvington, Beth Greer and CrossWalk. This event is expected to fill up quickly so be sure and take advantage of early bird registration available until August 1, 2015. You can register online for this event by visiting www.wmunc.org. 1 Pastors’ Conf. – BBA Resource Center – 10:30am 21 Father’s Day All Month Begin praying for the many VBS programs in the Association Please remember to complete your VBS Reports and mail in Published Bi-Monthly by the BRUNSWICK BAPTIST ASSOCIATION, INC. P.O. Box 80 Supply, N.C. 28462 Brunswick Baptist Association, Inc. P.O. Box 80, Supply, N.C. 28462 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Non Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Supply, N.C. Permit No. 5 The next quarterly meeting of the Brunswick Baptist Association will be held on July 20, 2015 beginning at 7:00pm. Our meeting will be hosted by Beulah Baptist Church which is located at 670 Hickman Rd in Calabash. We hope to see all pastors and messengers in attendance for this meeting. anointed. transformed. redeemed. A Study of David Instructor Workbook Begins May 26th at 10am At the BBA Resource Center Register w/BBA Asap at 910.754.7979 The Network is published bi-monthly. The next Deadline for news and information is June 22nd.
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