OFFICIAL CALL OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: ELECTED OFFICERS, STANDING APPOINTEES, AREA REPRESENTATIVES, STANDING AND SPECIAL COMMITTEE CHAIRS, CLUB PRESIDENTS, NCFRW PAST PRESIDENTS, MEMBERS-AT-LARGE AND THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: ALL ELECTED OFFICERS FOR THE NCFRW EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING 49th CONVENTION, 14th BIENNIAL CONVENTION AND SPRING MEETING OF THE NCFRW BOARD OF DIRECTORS MAY 8-9, 2015 SHERATON RALEIGH RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: WILL MEET FROM 12:00-2:00 P.M., FRIDAY, MAY 8, 2015. SATURDAY, MAY 9, 2015. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING AT 9:30 A.M. TO APPROVE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING, RECEIVE THE TREASURER, OFFICER AND COMMITTEE REPORTS AND TO COMPLETE THE BUSINESS PENDING BEFORE THAT BODY THEN THE CONVENTION WILL BE HELD. INCLUDED IN THIS OFFICIAL NOTICE: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. REGISTRATION INFORMATION HOTEL INFORMATION SCHEDULE OF EVENTS 2015 CONVENTION RULES BYLAWS INFORMATION RELATING TO DELEGATE SELECTION NOMINATING COMMITTEE REPORT FOR 2015-2017 OFFICERS INFORMATION FOR RESOLUTIONS NFRW CONVENTION DELEGATE/ALTERNATES ELECTION INFORMATION **Special note: NCFRW is improving our offerings through preferred, online registration. Please observe the procedures and deadlines for registration and payment. If you choose to pay by personal check, you may do so before an early bird deadline.** FOR MINUTES OF THE WINTER BOARD MEETING, SEE OUR WEBSITE, IN THE MEMBERS ONLY SECTION. NORTH CAROLINA FEDERATION OF REPUBLICAN WOMEN SPRING BOARD MEETING & CONVENTION MAY 8-9, 2015 – SHERATON RALEIGH 421 S Salisbury St, Raleigh, NC 27601 NCFRW REGISTRATION FORM (Please complete one form for each person attending any or all functions. Copies may be made) ONLINE REGISTRATION WWW.NCFRW.COM IF YOU WISH TO PAY BY CHECK, YOU MUST REGISTER BEFORE 4/28/15 AFTER 4/28/15, REGISTRATION IS ONLY AVAILABLE ONLINE Please type or print: Name___________________________________________________________________ (Exactly as you want it to appear on name tag) Full Address: ______________________________________________________________________________ Telephone: (Home)_______________________________ (Work)_____________________________________ Email Address: _____________________________________________________________________________ Club Name: _______________________________________________________________________________ (Please write out club name you can abbreviate Co or RWC) Office held: ________________________________NCFRW Position__________________________________ Guest of (if applicable): ______________________________________________________________________ Employer: __________________________________ Occupation: ____________________________________ Check the events you plan to attend (and show # for each) Friday – Tour, NC General Assembly (optional) Friday Night – Spotlight Dinner Friday Night – Twilight Tour, Grounds of NC Capitol (optional) Saturday Board Meeting & Convention(materials/workshops) Saturday Lunch – Leading Ladies Luncheon Spring Board Meeting Sponsor (optional) Cost Free $38/person Free $15 $29/person $100 *AFTER 4/28/15 OR Walk-In $45/person $30 $39/person $100 Total enclosed (Your check is your receipt) Special note: NCFRW is improving our offerings through preferred, online registration. Please observe the procedures and deadlines for registration and payment. If you choose to pay by personal check, you must do so before an early bird deadline of 4/28/15. Thank you for your understanding! PLEASE CHECK WORKSHOP YOU WILL BE ATTENDING: ______ I will attend the NCFRW Workshop 2:15pm – 4:15pm ONLINE REGISTRATION WWW.NCFRW.COM If mailed, PAYMENT MUST BE ENCLOSED W/ REGISTRATION FORM & received before 4/28/15. Make check payable to NCFRW Mail to: Donna Averitt, NCFRW Treasurer, 4665 Greendale Way, Winston-Salem, NC 27103 336-575-9492 Registration times: Friday, 5:00-7:00 p.m., Saturday, 7:30 – 9:30 a.m. Note: If you are only attending a meal, registration will also be open 30 minutes before meal events. North Carolina Federation of Republican Women 49th Convention, 14th Biennial Convention and Spring Board of Directors Meeting May 8 & 9, 2015 SHERATON RALEIGH, RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA * Hotel Registration Information * Sheraton Raleigh Hotel 421 South Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC Special NCFRW Room Rate: $159.00 (plus tax) This rate applies for single and double guest rooms, king/queen accommodations. (Parking & internet included in special rate.) Deadline: You must make your reservation by Tuesday April 28, 2015 to get the guaranteed NCFRW rate. Rooms will be reserved at this rate, on a first come, first serve basis. You will need to call early to guarantee that rate. After that rooms will be available only as space is available and at prevailing rates. Please note that this is graduation weekend in the Triangle, and the accommodations availability will narrow as our meeting approaches Make your plans accordingly and promptly. To Make a Reservation: Call 919-834-9900 You may make your reservations directly with the hotel by calling the above number You must identify yourself as being with NCFRW to get the special rate (ask them to verify the rate you’re getting) To guarantee your room for late arrival, you will need a credit card. Verify the hotel’s cancellation policy when you call. Directions: Parking: North Carolina Federation of Republican Women 49th Convention, 14th Biennial Convention and Spring Board of Directors Meeting May 8 & 9, 2015 Sheraton Raleigh, Raleigh, North Carolina Schedule of Events Friday, May 8, 2015 10:00am – 12noon 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. 8:45pm 9:00pm Tour, NC General Assembly (optional) Executive Committee Meeting (this meeting is for the NCFRW Elected Officers) Registration & Credentials Spotlight Dinner Twilight Tour – Grounds of NC Capitol (optional) Hospitality Suite Saturday, May 9, 2015 7:30 a.m. – 9:15 a.m. 8:30 a.m. – 9:15 a.m. 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon 12:30 p.m.–2:00 p.m. 2:15 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Registration & Credentials President’s Meeting/Treasurer’s Roundtable Convention and Board of Directors Meeting Leading Ladies Luncheon Workshop North Carolina Federation of Republican Women 49th Convention, 14th Biennial Convention May 9, 2015 Sheraton Raleigh, Raleigh, North Carolina 2015 Convention Rules of Order The Convention shall be one session, recessing from meeting to meeting within the session. DELEGATES: Only delegates shall be allowed to vote and shall be seated in the section reserved for voting members. Delegates shall remain in their seats during business and while a speaker has the floor. In order to vote on any issue before the convention, a delegate must be seated in the reserved section at the time the meeting convenes. Alternates and guests shall be seated in the individual sections reserved for them. If it becomes necessary for a delegate to leave the convention hall during the session, she shall, upon clearance from the credentials committee, transfer her badge to her accredited alternate, or to the chairman of her delegation who shall designate an alternate to act as delegate. A delegate desiring to speak shall obtain the floor, address the chair as “Madam President” and give her name and the name of her club. No delegate shall speak more than twice to a question, the second opportunity being granted only after every other delegate desiring the floor for the first time has spoken. MOTIONS: Motions longer than a few words shall be made in writing, signed by the maker, and delivered to the secretary with a copy for the President. A motion shall be deemed carried by an affirmative vote of the majority of the delegates present and voting. Matters requiring a two-thirds vote shall be deemed carried by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the delegates present and voting. Voting procedure, motions, substitutes, etc. and the general business of the convention shall be governed by the NCFRW bylaws and Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, current edition. DEBATE: Discussion shall be limited to two minutes per speaker with a total of 10 minutes. Extension of time may be granted by the chair, or by a two-thirds vote of the delegates present and voting. The timekeeper will enforce the limit. The right of the floor in debate may be granted to a non-delegate by the chair with the consent of two-thirds of the delegates present and voting. PUBLICITY: Only the President of NCFRW, or the convention Publicity Chair, after conferring with the President, may release any convention discussion or decision to the news media. PARLIAMENTARIAN: The convention parliamentarian shall interpret these rules and advise the presiding officer of the parliamentary procedure. ADOPT/SUSPEND: These conventions rules may be adopted or suspended by a majority vote of those present and voting or rescinded by a two-thirds vote of same (a quorum being present). 49th Convention North Carolina Federation of Republican Women 14th Biennial Convention May 8 & 9, 2015 Sheraton Raleigh, Raleigh, North Carolina Official Call to Convention In compliance with the Bylaws of the North Carolina Federation of Republican Women, you are hereby notified that the convention of delegated representatives of the North Carolina Federation of Republican Women will be held at the Sheraton Raleigh, Raleigh, North Carolina, May 8-9, 2015 for the purpose of electing the following officers: President, five Regional Vice Presidents, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer, and for the transaction of such business as may properly come before it. The convention will be called to order at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, May 9, 2015. The following wording, from the North Carolina Federation of Republican Women bylaws, adopted February10, 2007, (Article IX, Section 1.B) governs the representation from clubs at our convention: B. Representation: 1. Only clubs in good standing* shall be entitled to representation. A new club must be in good standing at least 45 calendar days prior to the NCFRW Biennial Convention to be eligible for represent at i on. 2. The voting body of the convention : a. Each club with 10 to 24 members, inclusive. shall be entitled to three delegates; clubs with 25 or more members shall be entitled to additional delegates in accordance with the following table: Club Membership Total Delegates 10-24 -------------------------------------------------3 25-37 -------------------------------------------------4 38-62 -------------------------------------------------5 63-87 ---------------------------------------------------6 88-112 --------------------------------------------------7 113-137 --------------------------------------------------8 138-162 --------------------------------------------------9 163-187 -------------------------------------------------10 188-212 -------------------------------------------------11 213-237 -------------------------------------------------12 b. * Delegates-at-Large: All members of the NCFRW Board of Directors (Article V, Section 2A) 3. There shall be an equal number of alternates, who shall vote only in the absence of a delegate from the floor. A member shall be counted from one club only for the purpose of delegate representation to the convention. She may not serve as a delegate or alternate from any other club. 4. The delegates and alternates shall be active voting members of the club they represent and shall be selected in such manner as the club bylaws prescribe. 5. Each delegate shall be entitled to one vote. There shall be no proxy voting. Clubs are in “good standing” who have paid their 2015 service charge and dues for at least 10 members to the NCFRW Any member of the NCFRW, by virtue of her membership in a unit club, is encouraged and welcomed to attend this convention, regardless of delegate status. Members who are not credentialed as delegates or alternates or delegates-at-large must be seated in the guest section of the convention floor. Guests can attend and be full participants in all other activities during the weekend, including meals and workshops. North Carolina Federation of Republican Women 49th Convention, 14th Biennial Convention May 8 & 9, 2015 Sheraton Raleigh, Raleigh, North Carolina Convention Resolutions Committee Cheri Hardman Resolutions Deadline, April 15, 2015 Members or unit clubs desiring to offer resolutions must submit them to the Resolutions Committee Chairman no later than April 15, 2015. Resolutions can be mailed or e-mailed. Resolutions must be in the proper format, as illustrated by the “Resolutions Format” as adapted from the NFRW format below. All submissions must be typed or computer generated; no handwritten resolutions will be considered. Questions or requests for help regarding appropriate wording and syntax should be directed to the Resolutions Committee Chairman. Resolutions are for lengthy motions, and IMPORTANT items. They provide explanations with the “Whereas” paragraphs. The number of “Whereas” paragraphs should be kept to a minimum, as too many items will distract from the “Resolved” paragraph. Resolution Format PREAMBLE: Each explanation is a separate paragraph and contains NO periods. Each clause or paragraph begins with the word “Whereas” followed by a comma, and a capital letter for the next word. The paragraph ends with a semicolon. Example: Whereas, The ______________________; Whereas, It ________________________; and Whereas, The ______________________; NOTE: the word “and” appears only one time—directly before the final “Whereas”. RESOLVED: It is best to use only a few connecting words; “therefore be it” is not necessary. If they are used, they follow the final “Whereas clause. Example: “Resolved, that ______________________” (state action necessary to be taken). If there is more than one “Resolved” clause, each begins in the same way; only one “and” is used—prior to the final “Resolved”. SAMPLE FORMAT: Whereas, The _________________________________; Whereas, It ___________________________________; and Whereas, The _________________________________; Resolved, That the North Carolina Federation of Republican Women…… North Carolina Federation of Republican Women th th 49 Convention, 14 Biennial Convention May 8 & 9, 2015 Sheraton Raleigh, Raleigh, North Carolina *2015 National Federation of Republican Women Convention* Delegates-at-Large and Alternates-at-Large The NCFRW will elect delegates-at-large and alternates-at-large at our 2015 Biennial Convention, as representatives to the 2015 Convention of the National Federation of Republican Women to be held in Phoenix, Arizona, September 10-13, 2015. The number of delegates our state is allowed is described in Article IX, Conventions, Section 2B, of the NCFRW Bylaws. Briefly, North Carolina is allotted delegates, delegates-at-large and alternates-at-large as follows: One One One One Two Three Two Two One One Delegate per unit (*these will be elected by each club prior to August 13) Alternate per unit (who may vote if the unit’s delegate is not on the floor) Delegate-at-large position for the NCFRW President Delegate-at-large position for the NCFRW President-Elect Delegates-at-large from the NCFRW Executive Committee or Executive Committee-Elect (if NCFRW President-Elect slot is open, then three Delegates-at-large will be from this group) Alternates-at-large from the NCFRW Executive Committee or Executive Committee-Elect Delegates-at-Large Alternates-at-Large Additional Delegate-at-large per 500 members of NCFRW (or major fraction thereof, as certified to NFRW by June 13, 2015 Additional Alternate-at-large per 500 members of NCFRW (or major fraction thereof, as certified to NFRW by June 13, 2015 Any member who desires to attend the NFRW Convention as a Delegate-at-Large or Alternate-atLarge must be a member in “good standing” and must be elected by the NCFRW Convention Delegates. The total number of Delegates-at-Large and Alternates-at-Large that the NCFRW will have to the NFRW Convention will not be determined until all of our reports are submitted to National prior to the June 13, 2015 deadline. If we have the number of members we did at the end of 2014, we would have an additional 5, or a total of 10 Delegates-at-Large and 10 Alternates-at-Large. THIS IS IMPORTANT: In order for NCFRW to have the highest number of possible Delegates-at-Large and Alternates-at-Large, it is incumbent upon all of our units to send in your reports in a timely fashion, sending in dues for each member that you have collected from by June 1, 2015. If a club hasn’t sent in dues for a person elected to go as a Delegate from that club elected to go as a state Delegate-at-Large or Alternate-at Large, then that person will not be able to receive credentials at the NFRW Convention. NCFRW HAS BUDGETED FUNDS TO REIMBURSE DELEGATES-AT-LARGE FOR THE AMOUNT OF THE EARLY REGISTRATION FEE. IN ORDER FOR DELEGATES-AT-LARGE TO BE REIMBURSED FOR THIS FEE, THE DELEGATE-AT-LARGE WILL PRESENT TO THE NCFRW TREASURER THE REGISTRATION RECEIPT SHE WILL RECEIVE WHEN SHE COMPLETES REGISTRATION FOR THE NFRW CONVENTION IN PHOENIX. ALTERNATES-AT-LARGE WILL NOT BE COMPENSATED UNLESS THEY ARE ELEVATED TO FULL DELEGATE-AT-LARGE STATUS, AND ALL DELEGATES AT-LARGE AND ALTERNATES-AT-LARGE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN TRANSPORTATION, LODGING AND PERSONAL EXPENSES. North Carolina Federation of Republican Women 49th Convention, 14th Biennial Convention May 8 & 9, 2015 Sheraton Raleigh, Raleigh, North Carolina Report of Nominating Committee Mary Boughton, Chairman Diane Pomykacz Megan Kluttz Kathy Flett Kay Wildt 2015-2017 Nominees for NCFRW Officers President Zan Bunn Wake County Republican Women Coastal Region Vice President Kathryn Lawler Brunswick County Republican Women Capital Region Vice President Linda Arnold Republican Women of Chapel Hill Central Region Vice President Cornelia Groce Forsyth County Republican Women Foothills Region Vice President Sharon Cross Sweet Union Republican Women Mountain Region Vice President Betty Budd Buncombe County Republican Women Secretary Pat Smith Gaston County Republican Women Assistant Secretary Mariann Benway Moore County Republican Women Treasurer Donna Averitt Forsyth County Republican Women Assistant Treasurer Colleen Combs Brunswick County Republican Women North Carolina Federation of Republican Women MEMO TO: FROM: NCFRW Club Presidents Gloria Tadlock, Honorary Life Membership Chairman 3570 Courage Court, Concord, NC 28026 704-467-2629 If your club wishes to honor an individual member with an Honorary Life membership in the NCFRW please review the criteria below and submit a copy of the honoree’s biography to me by mail or email at the address above. Mail the original of the biography and a check for $75.00 per candidate payable to the NCFRW to NCFRW President Zan Bunn, 107 Esplanade Court, Cary, NC 27511. Both letters and the check need to be received no later than April 30, 2015. These honorees will be recognized at the NCFRW Convention in May 2015. To be chosen, an individual must meet the following criteria: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Be a dues-paying member of their NCFRW club for at least five years. Be dedicated to the principles of the Republican Party. Be an active participant in club activities. Must have served at least two years as a member of the NCFRW Board of Directors. (A club president is automatically a member of the NCFRW Board of Directors.) Have demonstrated an effective effort on behalf of the election of Republican candidates. (Monetary contributions alone are not a qualification) Must have attended at least one NCFRW Convention as a delegate. Her club shall maintain annual NCFRW dues for each NCFRW Honorary Life Member, but the Honorary Life Member will be exempt from annual NCFRW dues. If your club has not participated in the past, I hope you will make an effort to nominate a member from your club. When an individual becomes a NCFRW Honorary Life Member, she is not considered a member of a club unless her club dues are paid, however, a club may choose to pay the individual member’s dues. The Selection Process The selection process begins at the club level. Individual club members may nominate a candidate for Honorary Life Membership, but the decision to present an application to the NCFRW Honorary Life Chair is the privilege of the club’s board of directors (as determined by your club bylaws.) When a candidate or candidates have been selected, the club president must complete and submit the forms by April 30, 2015. The biography should list the past and present accomplishments of the candidate. Please call me if you have any questions. Gloria Tadlock For Consideration During the Spring 2015 Board Meeting Resolution Whereas North Carolina has a mandatory reporting law for suspected/known physical, sexual and or emotional abuses of children, special needs adults and the elderly whose care providers be family, private, county or state facilities; whereas the emotional/sexual abuse of Burt Powell has been documented and his story of what did and continues to happen when caretaker authority figures prey on those entrusted into their care by threatening and manipulating and whereas persons who report fear for their own jobs/safety when the known/suspected perpetrator faces no consequences for said immoral acts and agencies wish not to risk loss of state/federal or private funding due to “scandal”; therefore, be it resolved that the Catawba County League of Republican Women do support Laurie Powell in her quest for North Carolina Legislation to enhance mandatory reporting laws by establishing set punishments for said convicted perpetrators and further resolved that the -Catawba County League of Republican Women do encourage and support Laurie Powell in the pursuit of “Burt’s Law”. Adopted March 18, 2014 Brenda Rembert, President, Catawba League of Republican Women Joan Jackson, Secretary, Catawba League of Republican Women
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