Treble Final Exam Study Guide

For the final exam, you should be able to:
-Label solfege syllables for all of the keys that we practiced for Contest. I will give you what DO is to start out.
* F Major
*G Major
*Bb Major
*D Major
*Eb Major
*A Major
*Ab Major
*E major
*C Major
- Label MAJOR key signatures.
*Keys with sharps:
1. The last showing sharp is TI
2. Find the last sharp and go up to the next line or space.
*Keys with flats:
1. The second to last flat is the key signature.
Send a recording of yourself singing the given melody to
1. Sing on solfege.
2. Sing the whole melody through once without stopping.
3. Send me your best attempt and make sure you attach the file to the email.
4. Put this in the subject line - First Name Last Name, Choir
For example: John Doe, Concert Choir
THIS IS DUE TO ME BY FRIDAY, MAY 22 and will be figured in with your exam grade.
For this portion, you will be evaluated by a rubric based on correct pitches, correct solfege, correct rhythm and vowel shape.
For the final exam, you should be able to:
-Label solfege syllables for all of the keys that we practiced for Contest. I will give you what DO is to start out.
* F Major
*G Major
*Bb Major
*D Major
*Eb Major
*A Major
*Ab Major
*E major
*C Major
- Label MAJOR key signatures.
*Keys with sharps:
1. The last showing sharp is TI
2. Find the last sharp and go up to the next line or space.
*Keys with flats:
1. The second to last flat is the key signature.
Send a recording of yourself singing the given melody to
1. Sing on solfege. Sing the part you sang at contest (sop. is the top treble clef and alto is the bottom)
2. Sing the whole melody through once without stopping.
3. Send me your best attempt and make sure you attach the file to the email.
4. Put this in the subject line - First Name Last Name, Choir, Voice part for sight reading example
For example: Jane Doe, Treble Choir, Alto
THIS IS DUE TO ME BY FRIDAY, MAY 22 and will be figured in with your exam grade.
For this portion, you will be evaluated by a rubric based on correct pitches, correct solfege, correct rhythm and vowel shape.
For the final exam, you should be able to:
-Label solfege syllables for all of the keys that we practiced for Contest. I will give you what DO is to start out.
* F Major
*G Major
*Bb Major
*D Major
*Eb Major
*A Major
*Ab Major
*E major
*C Major
- Label MAJOR key signatures.
*Keys with sharps:
1. The last showing sharp is TI
2. Find the last sharp and go up to the next line or space.
*Keys with flats:
1. The second to last flat is the key signature.
Send a recording of yourself singing the given melody to
1. Sing on solfege. Sing the part you sang at contest.
2. Sing the whole melody through once without stopping.
3. Send me your best attempt and make sure you attach the file to the email.
4. Put this in the subject line - First Name Last Name, Choir, Voice part
For example: John Doe, Concert Choir, Tenor
THIS IS DUE TO ME BY FRIDAY, MAY 22 and will be figured in with your exam grade.
For this portion, you will be evaluated by a rubric based on correct pitches, correct solfege, correct rhythm and vowel shape.